Halt Vaccine Passports and Stop Genocide 2030 - Every Human Being Must Fight For Freedom NOW

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 04, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I would like to draw attention to the website of Dr. Rima Laibow, who has been working with other activists to stop the Agenda 2030, and has been advocating leaving the WHO and UN. The recent G20 Summit pushes the Vaccine Passport for International Travel. The Digital ID, Vaccine Passport and Agenda 2030 all are issues we cannot afford to ignore.

The Agenda 2030 includes the plan of 500 vaccinations for each human being on Earth in the next 8 years. You read correctly. 500 vaccines per person in 8 years.

The Digital Identity must be stopped. The research work of Dr. David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, La Quinta Columna and many other scientists around the world clearly have shown that the C19 shots contain the technological infrastructure described in the Great Reset Agenda, of which the Digital ID and Vaccine Passport are the key component.

Image: Microchip growing in Pfizer Vial, courtesy Dr. David Nixon

You cannot deny our findings. This is not cholesterol, sugar or salt, but the microchipping of humanity for this Reset Agenda. Live blood analysis around the world shows alarming findings of self assembly structures. Humanity is being irreversibly altered and process of waking up is much too slow. People hope for change maybe by 2024 - waiting for another rigged election. But if the person in the White House pushes vaccines, the change is inconsequential. And it will be too late. For Millions will die suddenly by then, if this problem is not addressed now.

Every human being must fight for freedom. No one can afford to remain silent. APATHY KILLS.

Today many scientists participated in a live streaming event in New Zealand for the right of a baby named Will to get an unvaccinated blood transfusion. Why does one baby in New Zealand matter? Because worldwide we must fight for the right to get unadulterated blood. Worldwide we must fight for the preservation of human beings that have not been merged with technology. Your fate and the fate of a baby in New Zealand are tied together, for we all are part of the family of human beings. This is a war about the freedom to remain unadulterated humans, and not be transformed into genetically modified Cyborgs.

Many people believe that there is a plan by the military to save humanity. Fact is, it is the Department of Defense that has intentionally released this C19 injectable weapon upon the US population with the intent to harm. Please watch this important video by Sasha Latypova:


Each of us must take action. The concentration camps of China are a reminder what lies in our future if we do not resist this enslavement of Digital Identity, Vaccine Passports and Social Credit System.

The Documentary “Died Suddenly” shows that this C19 shot is a ticking time bomb. The longer it will be ignored in its true technological nature, the more people will succumb to the weapon. People must demand answers, analysis of the vials, information about antidotes and research must happen at accelerated speed. We are in the midst of Genocide.

Here is the message from Dr Rima Laibow:

This is a big one, folks.  If you live in the US, please take this Action Item to halt Vaccine Passports.  If you know anyone who lives in the US, send them this link and post it on all of your social media, newsletters, websites, etc:   https://preventgenocide2030.org/halt-vaccine-passports/  .

If you live outside of the US, keep reading because you will see how you can set up your own Action Item. Do it. I cannot urge you strongly enough to take this on now if you have been focused otherwise. If you are already on this one, great.  Add the Action Item to what you are doing.
This is a truly seminal issue, related to just about every aspect of the domination and destruction of our lives that the other side has in mind for us. For that reason, I urge everyone on this list to seriously consider how you can push this Action Item for the US, or its analogue in your country, forward.
There are an endless array of important issues. This one is absolutely central to all of the others.

If you are in the US, push this Action Item link as far and wide as you can:  https://preventgenocide2030.org/halt-vaccine-passports/ . It goes to National, State, Local and Municipal officials. The total reach for everyone in the US is over 91,000 people.

Each person who signs it will send their email to the officials to whom they are connected. For example, when Paul G took the action, his list of recipients was over 1000. When I took it, my list was 643 since Arizona has fewer political units, etc., than California.

But, between the two of us, Paul and I, with just a couple of mouse clicks, put more than 1600 people on notice that we want them to do everything possible to halt the imposition of the Vaccine Passport and everything associated with it. Once we mobilize a large number of people to do the simple thing that Paul and I have done, the avalanche of public opposition will become a real force. Some of our email recipients will be finding out that there is an issue for the first time.  Some will think it is a great idea, some will not. But we are not only stating our position in strong opposition to any type of vaccine passport, but opening up another level of discussion about its very existence and making it clear that there is powerful opposition to any such thing.

For that reason, we have chosen the widest possible target set.

In other countries, we do not have access to equivalent data sets. To remind you: the process for creating an Action Item is to write your text (use ours as a template if you like, or not - that is entirely up to you), then create the spreadsheet of targets (PM, President, Members of Parliament, etc.) and fill in the form at  https://preventgenocide2030.org/act/new/  .

All Action Items will be posted at www.PreventGenocide2030.org and wherever you want them to go: that is entirely up to you. Use whatever wording works for you, address it to whomever you feel is appropriate, but do it.  We cannot, absolutely cannot, lose this one.

If you have any questions, reach out to Paul G (whose email paul@wireamerica.org ).  He is the guy who goes under the hood and makes this all work.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to create your own national Action Item on this issue and help create a world wide push back that makes it clear to those who want this system that there is simply too much opposition to it for them to be able to impose it.

Please reach out to me if you have questions on this or if I can help in any way.

Yours in health and freedom,

  Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Telegram: OpenSourceTruth

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Andreas - Dec 4, 2022


Thanks Dr. Ana.
I'll have a thorough read tonight.
Something that leapt out at me with a quick skim was the 500 jabs per victim.
And it reminded me of the laser-like focus on jabbing the 3rd world by a certain software Psychopath.
He has spent Billions to jab unproven and dangerous poisons into nutritionally- and energy-insecure populations. All Before Covid.
No powerplants. No water treatment/distribution facilities. No agricultural support to build sustainability and self-sufficiency. Just vials and needles by the million.
And as with every other 'thing' they are doubling down on the approach with this 2030 BS.
And once again, it makes no objective sense. The cost:benefit ratio is adverse in every way. You could spend less and get so much more positive impact. It is not logical for the benefit of these populations.
The smokiest smoking gun that there is an Agenda behind the public front.
DeathVaxx in every arm.

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Fayanne - Dec 4, 2022 - Edited

I do not understand how these corporations feel they have a right to rule over us. If they are operating under assumption and presumption then we need to be crystal clear that WE DO NOT CONSENT there is NO CONTRACT nor any MEETING OF THE MINDS nor do they own us …so basically we need to make it abundantly clear to these entities that they must #FO
And be gone…. post haste (thank you for your work Ana❤️)

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