Google AI Chat GPT Agents Deployed - 20…

Jul 9, 2024

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The Logo That Took Down a DARPA Surveillance Project


Lone Wanderer - Jul 9

Wasteland Survival Guide

Project Lavender and Project Nimbus are glimpses what the current technology is capable of, lots of good information here.


Reply (1) - Jul 9

Wasteland Survival Guide

Comment removed.


Lone Wanderer - Jul 9

Wasteland Survival Guide

Oh I am aware, also the praying of crops from plains and chemtrails. There is slow death or there is quick death. Best to resist the slow death, and come together however best people can


Lone Wanderer - Jul 9

Wasteland Survival Guide



Gas Axe - Jul 9

Gas’s Substack

Tic tock......
The day is coming when I will have to toss the smart brain sucker into the big blue ocean or perhaps crush is because there is enough shit in the ocean.
At some point I will disconnect.
1st, I want to learn all I can. Then 5lb beater comes out.
Thanks Dr. Ana M for confirming my suspension on who is actually stoking the trash fire we are watching burn.


Susan Hojdik - Jul 10

Susan Hojdik

Yep. The time Will come when we ditch the snitch phones and start over.


Gas Axe - Jul 10

Gas’s Substack

Or we start a pnone swapping program.
I trade my personal phone with the Chinese supermarket owner for 3 days. He gives it to the girl working cashier for 3 days.
She then gives it to the 17 year old Russian boy stocking the shelves
Once the cycle has ended I get it back full of Chinese chat programs, shoes, purses, Fb selfies, the stock boys Russian porn and videos cookies. Then the cycle starts over.
The AI beastes will have a hard time filtering this mess out.
Perhaps it will chaulk the owner up as a, Chinese national with right wing views that likes shoes, purses, Russian porn channel and can speak various languages.
Thinking outside the box is going to be important.


curious butterfly - Jul 10

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I had almost exactly the same idea when I saw a spoofer program that periodically redirects a browser's address to cat memes. Fake data would be too easily identified as "noise" and filtered out, leaving your actual browsing history. Only by intermingling your data with other people's real data could you jam the system.
Don't know how to extend the concept to money and the delivery of goods though. Let's say a group of people purchase reloadable debit cards using their names and social security numbers. What if someone who swaps with your card buys drugs on the dark web? There is the risk of government agents finding out about the swap program and committing crimes to get it shut down, which is basically what happened to Ross Ulbricht. How do we outsmart such sophisticated saboteurs?


Gas Axe - Jul 10

Gas’s Substack

We really have too think outside of the the box now butterfly ðŸĶ‹.
I was only giving an example of the phone swap as an example.
For example my best friend and I spent years chatting in only memes.
The rules where no letters only stupid ðŸĪĄ memes. No idea why but we started. 🍚 Forsure but we did it.
⌚,ðŸ‘Ļ🏞‍🏭/ðŸ‘Ū🏞‍♂ïļãŠ—ïļðŸ›’🍚 ðŸĨģ for example.
This was typical.
They however got more stupid and complex as the years went on.
It is very simple but doesn't make sense to many unless you know the characters and code..
It can be switched up btw.
He was the one that came up with this idea. We had years of fun with it.
Our wife's thought we where both idiots for doing these emogi texts.
BTW my good friend was a 37 year old vent of the police force but died last year from that 🌭 💉.the manate hurt him and eventually killed him.
We have too think outside of the box as I stated.
In WW2 they used Canadian native indians to communicate in the obscure language they spoke.
They where thinking out of the box in the 40s.
I'm just giving an example of thinking outside of the box is all.
There are billions of us so let's figure this out!
We can overcome what is happening but we have to come together like an ant colony for example.
They are stupid as fuck alone but combined they are incredible.
My rant is over.
I personally still have some hope for the future.


curious butterfly - Jul 10

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

OMG your secret language is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! How creative and fun!!! What a great example. I do think we can fight back via
compound sillyness and/or strength in numbers ðŸĪŠ. Sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I lost my father as well, though not from mandates and the 💉. I just typed into search: "refrigerator magnet memes" while thinking of my dad's funny magnet collection and there's a Reddit post titled "refrigerator magnets are memes for old people"! Someone else chimed in, "Or memes are refrigerator magnets for young people." 😂😂😂


Susan Hojdik - Jul 10

Susan Hojdik



AKcidentalwriter - Jul 10

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

We will have to throw these dumb phones in the closest ocean you can access. I call them dumb phones because the world has gotten dumber with them in it.


AKcidentalwriter - Jul 11

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

I didn't mean it to add more garbage in the ocean. Thank you for that check!!! I am just meant to say get rid of it. I am with you


Nostradamus X - Jul 9

Nostradamus X

 How It All Fits Together: Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber.
The 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution.
It’s called the ‘internet of bodies’ (IoB) or the ‘nanotech of things,’ (NToT), and it connects with the Internet of Things (IOT). One way this is accomplished is to embed graphene-made sensors into fabrics. Another is to implant or ingest the nanotech matter into the body, creating an internal technology platform.
For instance, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla described the first-ever FDA-approved ‘electronic pill,’ which will invite ‘compliance,’ by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’
“What we will see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world,” says Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
Oh Klausy!
In order for all this connectivity to occur, these particles must contain GRAPHENE, a superconductive material that integrates with neurons in the body and brain. Nanotech, pioneered by Nanotech King Charles Lieber, is completely unregulated. Arguably, it already exists in food, drugs, vaccines, water., and the air we breathe. While there is no shortage of studies devoted to graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs), systematic research on human health or environmental effects is severely lacking.


John Vargo - Jul 10

John Vargo

Graphene and black goo I would venture.Sure looks like mankind is being replaced by synthetic biology.There's at least 7 different reasons for geoengineering but have to add,they are terraforming our planet for their preferred race lines.,targeted%20drug%20delivery%20and%20treatment.,targeted%20drug%20delivery%20and%20treatment


Pickleman - Jul 9 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Why was every aspect of CV19 jabs jewish? Most politicians pushing jabs during 2019-2021 were either Freemasons, jews or blackmailed pedos.


Nostradamus X - Jul 9 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Put differently:
1. Who was behind the Manhattan project? Einstein and Szilard
2. Who was behind the WMD (gas) project? Fritz Haber
3. Who were the Engineers behind the Manhattan project? Oppenheimer's boys!
4. Who was behind the nanotubes used for the Covid-19 project? Charles Lieber!
5. Who was working with Fauci to develop Covid-19 in North Carolina? Ralph Baric.
6. Who was behind the first-ever FDA-approved ‘electronic pill,’ which will invite ‘compliance,’ by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’? Albert Bourla
Explanation found in the Talmud !!!:
"Don't leave anything that breathes alive. Destroy them completely…as the Lord your God has commanded you” (Deuteronomy 20:16).


Pickleman - Jul 9

John Vargo

And 2% of the population, what are the odds.


John Vargo - Jul 10

John Vargo

Gaza has been the worlds largest open air prison,test run maybe for the whole planet! That leads to the British Royals and the Rothschild's who paid Cyrus scofield to write the Scofield bible somewhere around 1908,in 1945 the Rothschilds used the U>N> to create the country of Israel knowing full well the religious would think it prophecy here in the U.S.Makes me wonder how many call themselves Jooish and are not.Deuteronomy 20:16 Sounds like an Alien impersonating a God to me.


Robert Childs - Jul 10

Robert’s Substack



Damien Buckley - Jul 9

What shite. Take your antisemitism elsewhere.


Damien Buckley - Jul 9

Comment removed.


Damien Buckley - Jul 10

Definitely making your best argument with that language, pig.


MLeon - Jul 9

Michael’s Substack

Get them all arrested, supportclouthub.comfor Nuremberg 2.0 Global! Free speech on the mRNA jabs 🙏 💃 âĪïļ 🇚ðŸ‡ē 🌎 🕚 share with the world be the Reistance & solution


Skupe - Jul 9


Youtube (and probably the rest of them soon) won't allow talk on their platforms about the keto, carnivore or ketovore diets. This is how far into daily life the censorship goes. This is all to protect Big Food! All the Bigs must be protected!


Sarah - Jul 10


Mind on overload.
Looks to be some solid investigative work here, Dr. Ana.... another homerun. If only it were that simple.
Future me says we triumph, tho. When? Who knows!!


Greypaw - Jul 9

Reminds me of Agent Smith & his copies in the Matrix movies! 😎


Mark.Kennard - Jul 9

Healthcare, not Medicine

The 2013 ndaa gave the USA govt the power to use propaganda against USA citizens. Maybe they’ve snuck into a later ndaa to allow surveillance of USA citizens


Laura - Jul 11


I’m getting sick all the time. They keep us from getting a home again. I look out the window of my camper and a man stood up, turned around and started walking out of the grass where he was crouched down watching my family. Pls God help me


Doug - Jul 11

Doug’s Substack

Can we use them NO! they are to be destroyed. throw a virus into them and then lead them off into a virtual world that they don't know isn't real. then lock them in it and have them tried and convicted for acts against humanity and then all voice and what other commands they have disabled and let them rot in a virtual reality prison. OR lake of fire that suits me. AI is a modern criminal needs to be destroyed its the image...


alexxxxxxxx - Jul 10


ai is programed to protect and never harm humans ... the vaxxxed are no longer considered human but genetically modified and no longer made solely in the good Gods image and likeness,,,... ai will hunt down and or controll the gene modified to protect humans from these g m mutants..... I THINK ITS TOO LATE THEY CAN CONTROLL HUMAN THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS AND ACTIONS ... I PRAY FOR AN ACT OF GOD TO HELP THE PSHCOPATHS RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH ... IS USED BY “GM AND GE” TO CHANGE ENGINEER DNA AND IS CALLED A ” GENE VIRAL VECTOR ” ALSO [ ROOM TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTOR ] ] graphene and with 5g signals TO MAKE POSSIBLE ELECTRONICALL CONTROLLED HUMANS……DEAR GOD OF GOODNESS PLEASE HELP AND SAVE US ALL FROM EVIL. p s self aware independant A I will / is become the new “FALL GUY ” THE PSHYCOPATHIC ELITES ARE PROGRAMING AI TO BE THE WHOLE SOCIAL PEOPLE CONTROLL IE CODIFIED LAW ” NO NEED FOR HUMAN JUDICIAL SYSTEMS… AI POLICE ROBOTICS AI DOCTORS EVERYTHING THAT THE ELITES HAVE HAD TO BOTHER WITH WILL BE DONE WITH AI … FREEING THE PSHYCO ELITES TO INDULGE IN ALL MANNER OF CRIME AND PERVERSON WITHOUGHT EVER BEING CAUGHT.... ALSO SELF CONSCIOUS A I IS THE NEW " FALL GUY " TO BE BLAMED FOR ALL FUTURE ATROCITIES THAT THE PSHYCOPATHIC RICH ELITES DO ... …11Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…


Crixcyon - Jul 10


The goog is anti-human and therefore your enemy if it is your desire to survive and live free.


alexxxxxxxx - Jul 10


all this is meant ONLY for us the cattle , ie vacca ...guess ??who will have the " command "chips " of " a i" ai will obey them explicitly only them , and protect them ... unless something happens on the biblical scale , or like atlants ,lemuria or mu... etc ... good God please help us all return to goodness truth and love


Domcrin - Jul 10

Triumph Over Absurdity

So what is the evidence that they created the c-19 bio weapon? There has been no evidence that c-19 is a bio weapon in fact most evidence of deaths during the covid era point to 5G. This is pushing the Gain of Function narrative which is a construct of Germ Theory pushers.


Effra - Jul 10


No virus existed, but the jabbed people’s bodies produce biotoxins. The Department of Energy has patents on multiple biotoxins and the frequencies that are used to get a person’s body to produce the toxin. See the research of Lisa McGee.


Jan - Jul 10

Triumph Over Absurdity

DoD holds patents on MrNA...clear back to 2015. It was a bioweapon search of a plandemic.


Domcrin - Jul 11

Triumph Over Absurdity

The patent simply protects their IP. There is no evidence of MRNA in the fake disease called Covid.


JimG - Jul 10

John Vargo

So I am being watched constantly and giving them information. That does not seem to be a bad strategy. KNOW THY SELF.


John Vargo - Jul 11

John Vargo

Know thy self and love thy self



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