Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 09, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The Logo That Took Down a DARPA Surveillance Project
This week the MIT technical review wrote about the new AI Agents deployed for Chat GPT. The conversation raised my eyebrows, since automated Agents have been referred to in the DARPA and military circles for a long time. DARPA had created the total information awareness office that fell out of favor as it used as a symbol the all seeing eye. The IAO was supposed to collect intelligence on terrorists, however that quickly expanded into much larger collaborations that were used by many branches of the military - and had the potential for total civilian surveillance too.
Here are a few interesting slides available on the internet.
Please note in the image below the complete tracking of all movement and data was intended.
Human identification at a distance and data mining was all done by AI software programs. Note that Ray Kurzweil, whom I have frequently mentioned - Author of the book “The Singularity is near” - is also a longtime Google engineer, scientific advisor to the Military and appears to be the preeminent technocratic transhumanist dreamer of the nanobot nightmare we are finding our selves in. I have written about his book here:
As a side note, his new book “ The Singularity is Nearer - When We Merge With AI” has been praised by Bill Gates, WEF spokesperson Yuval Noah Harrari, and other globalists. Even Tony Robbinson is praising the technocratic nightmare.
Kurzweil worked in the field if language recognition and AI development.
This is a slide from the Coalition Agents experiments where key players like DARPA, Boeing, universities collaborated more than 20 years ago.
In essence this Agent grid creates enormous amount of metadata for total surveillance. We of course know from Intelligence whistleblowers like Snowden that every civilian is illegally under surveillance… Big Brother is watching everyone.
Part of the metadata collection are from the intelligent AI controlled biosensors in human bodies.
I have shown you those in human COVID 19 unvaccinated blood:
DARPA - the agency that coincidentally was involved in developing the COVID 19 bioweapons of mass destruction has been working on AI Agents for a long time together with all branches of the military.
Please note Kurzweil is being quoted here by DARPA - he is the scientific advisory mastermind behind humanities enslavement and merging with AI.
This slide of 2001 announced the 2024 Agents of Chat GPT?
At that time they were just discussing how to surveil Intelink users.
But the goal was millions of Agents for surveillance of all metadata generated by humanity.
Now do you see what I see? The Agents are a d(a)emon??
These Agents would be managing and controlling all aspects of life… in service of humanity of course, not for their total surveillance and enslavement… sounds like “take a safe and effective bioweapon of mass destruction” to me - in other words propaganda.
These Agents would take over your day to day function. But wait, will they take over your intra body biosensor nanorobot management too?
Here are the sensors… do they mean the ones swimming in people’s blood and implanted in people’s brain by now as Ray Kurzweil predicted so long ago?
Now language analysis can also extract all information, has complex linguistic processing capabilities, can read emotions, predict and influence behavior - just as predicted in 2001:
And voila - 2024 MIT Technology review. Looks like lockstep planning of the next phase of enslavement.
When ChatGPT was first released, everyone in AI was talking about the new generation of AI assistants. But over the past year, that excitement has turned to a new target: AI agents.
Agents featured prominently in Google’s annual I/O conference in May, when the company unveiled its new AI agent called Astra, which allows users to interact with it using audio and video. OpenAI’s new GPT-4o model has also been called an AI agent.
And it’s not just hype, although there is definitely some of that too. Tech companies are plowing vast sums into creating AI agents, and their research efforts could usher in the kind of useful AI we have been dreaming about for decades. Many experts, including Sam Altman, say they are the next big thing. But what are they? And how can we use them?
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Lone Wanderer - Jul 9
Wasteland Survival Guide
Project Lavender and Project Nimbus are glimpses what the current technology is capable of, lots of good information here.
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Gas Axe - Jul 9
Gas’s Substack
Tic tock......
The day is coming when I will have to toss the smart brain sucker into the big blue ocean or perhaps crush is because there is enough shit in the ocean.
At some point I will disconnect.
1st, I want to learn all I can. Then 5lb beater comes out.
Thanks Dr. Ana M for confirming my suspension on who is actually stoking the trash fire we are watching burn.
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