I have been pushing Karl C. Substack ever since I saw his slides on his severely contaminated blood before ACTIVATED CHARCOAL and after. Amazing what the Activated Charcoal did. I immediately ordered a couple bottles. Karl C. Substack on Activated Charcoal is on Aug. 14. Sub and donate! Ty
You mean add it to your protocol ? I see no reason not to. Always take it on an empty stomach, and drink plenty of water afterwards. Mix the charcoal and the water with a wooden spoon.
Charcoal not only takes bad contaminates out but ALSO the good vitamins and minerals. I'd say it wise to stagger your charcoal protocol with all vitamins and supplements.
I also suggest you know what products you take are positive and Negative charged. Both NAC and C have Negative charge. Positive charged is basically negated when taken with Negative charged products.
Just FYI. And yes the information is legitimate. As a retired nurse and chemist I have known for many decades the supplement/vitamin industry was poisoning us. Get your 'vitamins' from nature if at all possible. This substack researcher has done the work and written in a manner which is very easy to digest (ahem).
Worth reading what they have found hiding and in plain sight
I wish so much I could help - even the $5 dollars at the end of the month was very concerning - can you believe it. its a hard time but an interesting time to be alive. I feel so united with the people whose substacks I read all day - ( I'm retired ) and yet I am so alone. I guess we all feel that way.
I've felt alone my entire life and had to make a relationship with aloneness. It can lead you into a deeper knowing of yourself, undistracted by others. We have a true nature which I write about in my poems. It isn't religious, but spontaneously, obviously true.
Thank you to Dr. Ana for your continued courage & hard work in presenting this. ππΌAbsolutely, I will help engineer friend Karl financially & also share his info. & findings so others can benefit. Research that benefits humanity must be such a shock to Big Pharma & their stockholders. If we get a chance to revamp ( implode) NIH, CDC, FDA, etc., that should be #1 mission statement.
And don’t pay attention to the haters & non-believers of your solid research findings. They HAVE to dispute it in order to receive their evil, blood money in grants. Sad existence to perpetuate lies & faulty science.
I agree that Karl C. is outstanding. Thanks to Matt I got his attention.
Besides mass spectroscopy and IR, I would like to add NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), which is one of the most important spectroscopic methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis in organic chemistry. A 600 MHz spectrometer for example costs a whopping 1 Million €. Operating a NMR spectrometer is also very expensive, since the superconductivity of the magnet is maintained with liquid He and N, which have to be refilled after certain time periods.
I've performed a qualitative analysis of quercetin and NAC with a 500 MHz NMR spectrometer, if they are contaminated with any impurities, but didn't find anything. See for yourself how powerful this spectroscopic method is:
Estimating Quantum Dot Size with Pulsed Field Gradient NMR
Thank you for being honest with humanity about the expectations of your research being free. Anyone who says this, while working to feed themselves and their family, for pay, is mercenary and narrow minded.
Thank you, it's time I supported this work financially too. Your unpaid time takes away from your paid time. Our part, it's the least we can do.
So much we will never understand, or maybe not even meant to understand. I know this.. God is in control & nothing that is happening is a surprise to Him. Jesus is coming back & He will right every wrong. Imagine being around to see that!
When I was small, about 5 years, I had started Sunday School. I had a terrible fear of Jesus coming back & I wouldn’t be home or around family. I didn’t tell anyone or ask for clarification. I was a kid. One night I had the most amazing dream. It was all about my “ greatest fear.” Jesus had come back & nothing was scary. I remember a big hand coming down, and watching people get on it, like an elevator. Everyone was laughing & happy- beautiful colors in my dream. It seems silly but I’m in my late 50’s & still remember every detail. From that night, I knew everything would be ok. ππ
Jesus loves you so much. If you could see yourself through His eyes, you would understand pure love. That’s why globalists hate God. They can’t capture our souls once we commit to God, and ask Jesus into our hearts. It’s so simple. It’s not about “ religion”, it’s about a relationship. We need God now more than ever.
Lots of good books but C.S. Lewis is my fav.
“ Mere Christianity”. Keep it simple. Love God & love others. Truth always wins! And God has never lost a battle. Don’t wait to choose a side. This is spiritual warfare. π His love is a gift we don’t deserve & can’t earn.
Fabulous. I spend most of my free time reading, researching, looking through my Microscope, and collecting thousands of pictures from specimens, and their different angles, filters, lighting, metamorphoses, and of course shape shifting. What a Bizarre world we exist in...
We are unaware of so much that is in existence in general but especially on a Microscopic level.
Becoming aware of things we can not easily see has made me even that much more open to the possibility of Anything and everything being possible but also unfortunately to how Deep the Evil and Cruelty of this world goes...
It is amazing that we are all still here on this planet after so many years of attacks at the microscopic level. It just shows me how geniously and wonderfully made we truly are.
God sits on His Throne and laughs at them for their foolish attempts to destroy. I cannot wait for Judgment Day, even if I, myself, am found not worthy of a single Crown.
Ana, I hope you read the comments.
I am a Morgellans sufferer and a Targeted Individual. I’ve found a substance that neutralizes these nanobots effects and maybe more. It must have some value because they steal my shipments and drug and manipulate my mind to get at the vials that get through. That substance is monatomic gold 24k. The powder, not the solutions, seems stronger. The best coming from blue emerald alchemy. I hope you give it a try.
I think it's important to look at what the cabal is trying to make us afraid of and keep us away from, and look at those as some possible answers and therapies. I think they know the answers, and they are rabidly trying to divert us from them. Why are they so opposed to us absorbing sunshine? Why toxic sunscreen being pushed as necessary when it's bad for you? Why is Gates trying to spray chemicals to block the sun? God has foreseen all of this. The solutions are there. I look at these people who are trying to hurt us as being the emotional equivalent of toddlers (except not cute, sweet or innocent). When my two- year-old was obviously trying to hide something, it gave me all of the information I needed to figure out what was going down at the moment. These people are not evil geniuses. They're selfish, evil narcissists. We've all been dealing with narcissistic abuse and it's thrown us off kilter for awhile. It's time to take our personal power back. They're losing and they know it.
The block the sun is BS! It's to poison and infect everyone of us. You should check out the link Agent Midnight Rider provided on this feed. That's just a little piece of what the Chems really do.
“Now literally the whole world has an accelerated version of this synthetic artificially intelligent nanotechnological self assembly life form in their blood.”
Natural biology is being corrupted by synthetic biology.
Have faith in the Creator of natural biology.
Endure in this faith until the end.
Can this synthetic biology be removed from our bodies? I don’t know. Additionally, I don’t know if those who are selling (so-called) “cures” are deceivers.
I have faith in this: “And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave to them authority over unclean spirits, so as to cast them out and to heal every disease and every sickness.”
I’m attempting radical understanding.
radical (adjective) “originating in the root or ground”; of body parts or fluids, “vital to life”, from Latin radicalis “of or having roots”, from Latin radix (genitive radicis) "root"
Its refreshing to see the good works of an honest man finally being recognized for the value of his contributions to the cause.
One of the few on the right side of history and worthy of any support given.
A big Thank You, Dr Anna.
Well, and not lowering this importance and thank you Dr Ana and all the rest of you,but maybe that's the thing maybe it's not man's thing to cure this maybe put this up to God???
I mean stop relying on our own works our abilities etc... Ever stop to think even if you've acknowledged it, that Revelations is coming up on us and there's not much man can do?
I mean stop relying on mans ability and rely on God that's what he wants to begin with...
I know my faith will carry me through even if I don't take another pill ever or any more EDTA stuff that's not really doing anything...
Go to your bible open it up read and pray then pray some more and pray some more and just give it to him he's the solution...
Pray these daily the lords prayer then psalms 31,52,58,94,109,120,140 then close with the lords prayer all out loud...
That said yes I want and believe through God you guys may find a way to turn this around for us who don't want it and then the rest will go to judgement... They wanted it so...
I find all throughout scripture God is saying they wanted their ways not mine. They relied on mans ability not mine etc... that's why these things are happening we have sold our souls not mine but most have to the world and man's ability...
If it's God's will you will get what you need if not, you wont...
So yeah I go to God all I have now it's all you have too so do so... Before it's too late... repent pray give it to God, rely on him....
I'm gonna Go with God helps those who help themselves and others. How would any of us unvaccinated even know we were infected without these doctors and scientists research and presentations. I know I'd still just be doing my regular ol vits and supplements. No, these poisons and contaminates need a true detox regularly in order to be expelled from blood and body. Wait for God while working to help humanity and save lives. Once the white rubber clots materialize and grow big enough, you dead! Take them clots to the grace. Oh, how about prevent them from ever materializing
Say why did you like my comment then berate me???
OR was that a berate? If not sorry for my comment then but I noticed later you did like the comment so???
Just cause you get a like doesn't mean your comment is actually liked. Heck, I just gave you likes on all your comments even tho I don't care for most. π Stop whining π
find that in scripture please for me... You wont find it there is no such statement anywhere in scripture...
But none of what I say or said negates what these Dr's have found out and glad they have.
I commend them and wish them all the luck and pray God is on their side...
But we are in his will not our own... Revelations is being done meaning prophecy the mark of the beast the antichrist the whole nine yards is what is happening. What they are doing is warning us of the danger that's coming and is here already I commend that its like what it says in Ezekiel 33 or 35 says the watcher if he sounds the alarm and no one acts on it they are absolved and our blood is not on their hands. But if he doesn't sound the alarm and we die the blood is on those that didn't sound the alarm...
But that's why I said a while back, this stuff cyborgs and whatnot matches exactly, what is says he God has to cut the time short of there would be no flesh left... If God doesn't cut these times short there will be no flesh left.
But yeah find that statement in the bible for me please!
Dude, you are all over the board. To emotional or Easily offended maybe. Simmer down. Likes, betrayal...goodness! Deep breath, Regroup. To each their own. Apparently you don't know how to be humble or graceful. So people have their own views. As for being in the Bible, I did not claimed any of my comment came from The Great Book. Take a chill pill π Mr Oh so Holy. Your comment screams TUDE!! Here is some love and you don't even need respond π
Lol! First, I am Not talking to anyone but typing and making a statement. And if the truth and being blunt is condescending, well so be it. I've reread the entire link and yes indeed, Doug's comments are nothing more than a child whining and taking things far beyond what need be. Nitpicking peoples comments is for a child. If Doug is an Adult he has some inner issues that don't need to be in comments. Normally I wouldn't respond yet his sissified retorts I felt needed a Stallion reply. But thank you for noticing and stating your view. My comments are differently intentionally as I find Dougs whining pathetic. I have no problem when people disagree with me, yet when someone thinks they are a "know it all" and wants me to VALIDATE someone I DID NOT state or claim, well you may get a virtual smackdown. If you reread the thread, and can't or don't comprehend what I just tried to explain, than you just don't get it. I don't believe we are on here to nitpick peoples comments and challenge them in a "prove" to me this or that. Doug wasn't helping anyone by challenging and "show me where it says that" crap". At 57 I'm far beyond that crap and gave a piece of my mind. Go beat Doug up for being an asshole, not the guy who called him out on it!
Your comment is what the shame is. Be gentle with others. Cease the ridicule. Allow others to believe as they choose without mocking them. This seems to be constant in your commentary.
dans ce cas, pourquoi votre prosélytisme religieux ? Je ne comprends pas cela. Ana, elle-même n'est pas chrétienne. I am french, and it is certainly a french habit, but faith and religion here are private, and for us it is unpolite to preach this way...
Not you, Doug. I fully agree with what you wrote. My comment was in reply to Ar Zano, a commenter I see here and on other substacks who constantly mocks those who profess their faith.
Oh ok good thanks for clearing that up.
Like I said I want all this to be gone and now I go through hell daily v2k that's just atrocious I can't hear even with hearing aids the AI attacking me sees to that. and I applaud all this work but we do need God in the fight... We win it's prophesied, but it's how and a matter of time...
Placing too much in out ability may be why we can't seem to get much done let go let God that's what I say and mean...
Again thanks I wasn't sure who you were talking to.
Reading comprehension will get you far. The mockery I referred to was directed at another commenter, not myself. The reason I spoke up, with my comment directed to the mock-er, is because throughout my daily visits to the substacks to which I subscribe, often in the comment sections, this particular commenter is constantly directing mockery to those whose comments are faith based. It's nasty. It's unnecessary.
Your erroneous and unsubstantiated point, that I "feel mocked", is as low brow as the mockery by the above referenced.
it's what's real and yes it does it should it's why all this is happening..
Who or what do you think is behind us being some sort of Cyborg? Satan that's who. Why? Because just like in the past for one he wants to taint the genetic line like the Angels who bred with women and birthed Giants and which is why Noah was picked he was the only one that the blood line wasn't tainted... Plus to put us in his image... He's creating his world that mimics God's true kingdom..
Your free to scoff and accept it or not but I have to warn people on what's happening.
Plus Dr Ana says she's seen the Devil in her interview with Dr Len Ber...
Watch it that's religion in what she said so...
But I have to as a watcher I have to I don't want peoples blood on my hands... If you want to repent do so if not don't...
But yes it does help the clarity because it's what and why it's happening.
If she the owner of the site wants to stop me that's fine BUT NO! to the HELL NO!
I am not trespassing all TI's are being hit and hurt by these illegal signals and I have as much right to say what I know is going on as you do. My first amendment right doesn't stop at the door just because your offended by truth...
Just like Orwell said the further from truth we go the more we will be hated for speaking it.
I follow God not man sorry... IF Dr Ana wants me gone let her do it not you!
As all of us I am affected by gangstalking and nano and illegal signals I have as much right here and am as unified against this shit as you are or supposed to be so....
I strongly suspect, Censoring at many levels, keeping the Sheep, unaware of what's being found, the "Chemtrails" were poo-pooed, with resulting Morgellions, Nano Technologies, at work in our bodies.
Dr Ana,
You mentioned needing access to expensive diagnostic equipment. Have you contacted Mike Adams, The Health Ranger about this subject? I know he maintains an extensive food testing lab that might be able to help. He was the first to analyze the white rubbery clots that embalmers continue to find since the jabs rolled out.
I want to thank you for all you are doing to discover new ways to combat these evils being forced on all of humanity. May God continue to bless and protect you.
The Spirit Ream Territory β I just finished listening to a message about "seated" places, on earth and the heavens; the battle and battles then, now, and next. The seen and the unseen. Recommended. M
β https://youtu.be/kjdsaiv8nRI?si=8YM5rCao5AYDdpuB
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
I have been pushing Karl C. Substack ever since I saw his slides on his severely contaminated blood before ACTIVATED CHARCOAL and after. Amazing what the Activated Charcoal did. I immediately ordered a couple bottles. Karl C. Substack on Activated Charcoal is on Aug. 14. Sub and donate! Ty
Marty - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Yes, activated charcoal is a life-saving supplement and medication !
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Do u thing I could add it to NAC, vit C ?
Marty - Oct 17, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
You mean add it to your protocol ? I see no reason not to. Always take it on an empty stomach, and drink plenty of water afterwards. Mix the charcoal and the water with a wooden spoon.
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Charcoal not only takes bad contaminates out but ALSO the good vitamins and minerals. I'd say it wise to stagger your charcoal protocol with all vitamins and supplements.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
All those mixures are a bit worrying. As I am very tired...noy vaxxed, but in 2021, dental work and lot of anesthesics !
Christian - Oct 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Comment removed.
Christian - Oct 18, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I do not see that product in France !
Oct 17, 2023
Comment removed.
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
Comment removed.
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
Exactly π―%π
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
I also suggest you know what products you take are positive and Negative charged. Both NAC and C have Negative charge. Positive charged is basically negated when taken with Negative charged products.
Denise Gardiner - Feb 16, 2024
Denise Gardiner
Just FYI. And yes the information is legitimate. As a retired nurse and chemist I have known for many decades the supplement/vitamin industry was poisoning us. Get your 'vitamins' from nature if at all possible. This substack researcher has done the work and written in a manner which is very easy to digest (ahem).
Worth reading what they have found hiding and in plain sight
Joe - Oct 18, 2023
Joe’s Substack
He states activated charcoal helps. Clear the blood?
electricrose22 - Oct 20, 2023
I saw that it also kills Candida which is weaponized these days.
ann watson - Oct 17, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I wish so much I could help - even the $5 dollars at the end of the month was very concerning - can you believe it. its a hard time but an interesting time to be alive. I feel so united with the people whose substacks I read all day - ( I'm retired ) and yet I am so alone. I guess we all feel that way.
KatS1A - Oct 17, 2023
I feel the same u have a friend here
Julie Stander - Oct 17, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I've felt alone my entire life and had to make a relationship with aloneness. It can lead you into a deeper knowing of yourself, undistracted by others. We have a true nature which I write about in my poems. It isn't religious, but spontaneously, obviously true.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Courage !
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Oct 17, 2023
Thank you to Dr. Ana for your continued courage & hard work in presenting this. ππΌAbsolutely, I will help engineer friend Karl financially & also share his info. & findings so others can benefit. Research that benefits humanity must be such a shock to Big Pharma & their stockholders. If we get a chance to revamp ( implode) NIH, CDC, FDA, etc., that should be #1 mission statement.
And don’t pay attention to the haters & non-believers of your solid research findings. They HAVE to dispute it in order to receive their evil, blood money in grants. Sad existence to perpetuate lies & faulty science.
Danna - Oct 17, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Thank you for funding these heros. There are so many of us that just can't and wish we could.
Okisuke - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
I agree that Karl C. is outstanding. Thanks to Matt I got his attention.
Besides mass spectroscopy and IR, I would like to add NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), which is one of the most important spectroscopic methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis in organic chemistry. A 600 MHz spectrometer for example costs a whopping 1 Million €. Operating a NMR spectrometer is also very expensive, since the superconductivity of the magnet is maintained with liquid He and N, which have to be refilled after certain time periods.
I've performed a qualitative analysis of quercetin and NAC with a 500 MHz NMR spectrometer, if they are contaminated with any impurities, but didn't find anything. See for yourself how powerful this spectroscopic method is:
Estimating Quantum Dot Size with Pulsed Field Gradient NMR
Leisa - Oct 17, 2023
Thank you for being honest with humanity about the expectations of your research being free. Anyone who says this, while working to feed themselves and their family, for pay, is mercenary and narrow minded.
Thank you, it's time I supported this work financially too. Your unpaid time takes away from your paid time. Our part, it's the least we can do.
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Oct 17, 2023
So much we will never understand, or maybe not even meant to understand. I know this.. God is in control & nothing that is happening is a surprise to Him. Jesus is coming back & He will right every wrong. Imagine being around to see that!
When I was small, about 5 years, I had started Sunday School. I had a terrible fear of Jesus coming back & I wouldn’t be home or around family. I didn’t tell anyone or ask for clarification. I was a kid. One night I had the most amazing dream. It was all about my “ greatest fear.” Jesus had come back & nothing was scary. I remember a big hand coming down, and watching people get on it, like an elevator. Everyone was laughing & happy- beautiful colors in my dream. It seems silly but I’m in my late 50’s & still remember every detail. From that night, I knew everything would be ok. ππ
Jesus loves you so much. If you could see yourself through His eyes, you would understand pure love. That’s why globalists hate God. They can’t capture our souls once we commit to God, and ask Jesus into our hearts. It’s so simple. It’s not about “ religion”, it’s about a relationship. We need God now more than ever.
Lots of good books but C.S. Lewis is my fav.
“ Mere Christianity”. Keep it simple. Love God & love others. Truth always wins! And God has never lost a battle. Don’t wait to choose a side. This is spiritual warfare. π His love is a gift we don’t deserve & can’t earn.
kaal - Oct 17, 2023
Lupette - Oct 17, 2023
Danna’s Substack
Fabulous. I spend most of my free time reading, researching, looking through my Microscope, and collecting thousands of pictures from specimens, and their different angles, filters, lighting, metamorphoses, and of course shape shifting. What a Bizarre world we exist in...
We are unaware of so much that is in existence in general but especially on a Microscopic level.
Becoming aware of things we can not easily see has made me even that much more open to the possibility of Anything and everything being possible but also unfortunately to how Deep the Evil and Cruelty of this world goes...
Danna - Oct 17, 2023
Danna’s Substack
It is amazing that we are all still here on this planet after so many years of attacks at the microscopic level. It just shows me how geniously and wonderfully made we truly are.
God sits on His Throne and laughs at them for their foolish attempts to destroy. I cannot wait for Judgment Day, even if I, myself, am found not worthy of a single Crown.
Stephen Wichman - Oct 17, 2023
Stephen’s Substack
Ana, I hope you read the comments.
I am a Morgellans sufferer and a Targeted Individual. I’ve found a substance that neutralizes these nanobots effects and maybe more. It must have some value because they steal my shipments and drug and manipulate my mind to get at the vials that get through. That substance is monatomic gold 24k. The powder, not the solutions, seems stronger. The best coming from blue emerald alchemy. I hope you give it a try.
BigBlueSky - Oct 17, 2023
I think it's important to look at what the cabal is trying to make us afraid of and keep us away from, and look at those as some possible answers and therapies. I think they know the answers, and they are rabidly trying to divert us from them. Why are they so opposed to us absorbing sunshine? Why toxic sunscreen being pushed as necessary when it's bad for you? Why is Gates trying to spray chemicals to block the sun? God has foreseen all of this. The solutions are there. I look at these people who are trying to hurt us as being the emotional equivalent of toddlers (except not cute, sweet or innocent). When my two- year-old was obviously trying to hide something, it gave me all of the information I needed to figure out what was going down at the moment. These people are not evil geniuses. They're selfish, evil narcissists. We've all been dealing with narcissistic abuse and it's thrown us off kilter for awhile. It's time to take our personal power back. They're losing and they know it.
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
The block the sun is BS! It's to poison and infect everyone of us. You should check out the link Agent Midnight Rider provided on this feed. That's just a little piece of what the Chems really do.
Gary’S - Oct 17, 2023
“Now literally the whole world has an accelerated version of this synthetic artificially intelligent nanotechnological self assembly life form in their blood.”
Natural biology is being corrupted by synthetic biology.
Have faith in the Creator of natural biology.
Endure in this faith until the end.
Can this synthetic biology be removed from our bodies? I don’t know. Additionally, I don’t know if those who are selling (so-called) “cures” are deceivers.
I have faith in this: “And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave to them authority over unclean spirits, so as to cast them out and to heal every disease and every sickness.”
Christian - Oct 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Sorry, I do not understand the american christians and the pentecotists... much too jewish for me...
Gary’S - Oct 17, 2023
I’m attempting radical understanding.
radical (adjective) “originating in the root or ground”; of body parts or fluids, “vital to life”, from Latin radicalis “of or having roots”, from Latin radix (genitive radicis) "root"
matt. j.a.o.b - Oct 17, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Its refreshing to see the good works of an honest man finally being recognized for the value of his contributions to the cause.
One of the few on the right side of history and worthy of any support given.
A big Thank You, Dr Anna.
Doug - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Doug’s Substack
Well, and not lowering this importance and thank you Dr Ana and all the rest of you,but maybe that's the thing maybe it's not man's thing to cure this maybe put this up to God???
I mean stop relying on our own works our abilities etc... Ever stop to think even if you've acknowledged it, that Revelations is coming up on us and there's not much man can do?
I mean stop relying on mans ability and rely on God that's what he wants to begin with...
I know my faith will carry me through even if I don't take another pill ever or any more EDTA stuff that's not really doing anything...
Go to your bible open it up read and pray then pray some more and pray some more and just give it to him he's the solution...
Pray these daily the lords prayer then psalms 31,52,58,94,109,120,140 then close with the lords prayer all out loud...
That said yes I want and believe through God you guys may find a way to turn this around for us who don't want it and then the rest will go to judgement... They wanted it so...
I find all throughout scripture God is saying they wanted their ways not mine. They relied on mans ability not mine etc... that's why these things are happening we have sold our souls not mine but most have to the world and man's ability...
If it's God's will you will get what you need if not, you wont...
So yeah I go to God all I have now it's all you have too so do so... Before it's too late... repent pray give it to God, rely on him....
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
I'm gonna Go with God helps those who help themselves and others. How would any of us unvaccinated even know we were infected without these doctors and scientists research and presentations. I know I'd still just be doing my regular ol vits and supplements. No, these poisons and contaminates need a true detox regularly in order to be expelled from blood and body. Wait for God while working to help humanity and save lives. Once the white rubber clots materialize and grow big enough, you dead! Take them clots to the grace. Oh, how about prevent them from ever materializing
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Say why did you like my comment then berate me???
OR was that a berate? If not sorry for my comment then but I noticed later you did like the comment so???
Stephan - Oct 18, 2023
Just cause you get a like doesn't mean your comment is actually liked. Heck, I just gave you likes on all your comments even tho I don't care for most. π Stop whining π
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
find that in scripture please for me... You wont find it there is no such statement anywhere in scripture...
But none of what I say or said negates what these Dr's have found out and glad they have.
I commend them and wish them all the luck and pray God is on their side...
But we are in his will not our own... Revelations is being done meaning prophecy the mark of the beast the antichrist the whole nine yards is what is happening. What they are doing is warning us of the danger that's coming and is here already I commend that its like what it says in Ezekiel 33 or 35 says the watcher if he sounds the alarm and no one acts on it they are absolved and our blood is not on their hands. But if he doesn't sound the alarm and we die the blood is on those that didn't sound the alarm...
But that's why I said a while back, this stuff cyborgs and whatnot matches exactly, what is says he God has to cut the time short of there would be no flesh left... If God doesn't cut these times short there will be no flesh left.
But yeah find that statement in the bible for me please!
Stephan - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Dude, you are all over the board. To emotional or Easily offended maybe. Simmer down. Likes, betrayal...goodness! Deep breath, Regroup. To each their own. Apparently you don't know how to be humble or graceful. So people have their own views. As for being in the Bible, I did not claimed any of my comment came from The Great Book. Take a chill pill π Mr Oh so Holy. Your comment screams TUDE!! Here is some love and you don't even need respond π
Katie Walker - Oct 22, 2023
Your communication is very condescending. I agree with some of your points but the way you talk to people won’t help anyone.
Stephan - Oct 22, 2023
Lol! First, I am Not talking to anyone but typing and making a statement. And if the truth and being blunt is condescending, well so be it. I've reread the entire link and yes indeed, Doug's comments are nothing more than a child whining and taking things far beyond what need be. Nitpicking peoples comments is for a child. If Doug is an Adult he has some inner issues that don't need to be in comments. Normally I wouldn't respond yet his sissified retorts I felt needed a Stallion reply. But thank you for noticing and stating your view. My comments are differently intentionally as I find Dougs whining pathetic. I have no problem when people disagree with me, yet when someone thinks they are a "know it all" and wants me to VALIDATE someone I DID NOT state or claim, well you may get a virtual smackdown. If you reread the thread, and can't or don't comprehend what I just tried to explain, than you just don't get it. I don't believe we are on here to nitpick peoples comments and challenge them in a "prove" to me this or that. Doug wasn't helping anyone by challenging and "show me where it says that" crap". At 57 I'm far beyond that crap and gave a piece of my mind. Go beat Doug up for being an asshole, not the guy who called him out on it!
Katie Walker - Oct 23, 2023
You sound like a 15 year old. I didn’t even bother reading your whole comment. Adios
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
OK well.. then sorry.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
c'est une honte ce type de discours.. Pourquoi tous ces gens qui viennent prêcher ici ?
Rust - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Your comment is what the shame is. Be gentle with others. Cease the ridicule. Allow others to believe as they choose without mocking them. This seems to be constant in your commentary.
Christian - Oct 22, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Except that they preach and condemn all the time !
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Quoi ? Oh la la ! et alors... ? Nous sommes là pour soutenir le travail de Ana, pas vos niaiseries religieuses !
Rust - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
By that token, we are here to support Ana's work and one another, not be opportunistic in mocking the faith of others.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
dans ce cas, pourquoi votre prosélytisme religieux ? Je ne comprends pas cela. Ana, elle-même n'est pas chrétienne. I am french, and it is certainly a french habit, but faith and religion here are private, and for us it is unpolite to preach this way...
Doug - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
same with you ridicule that's what you see??? unless its meant for the French guy then I apologize...
But ridicule was not what I wrote...
Rust - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Not you, Doug. I fully agree with what you wrote. My comment was in reply to Ar Zano, a commenter I see here and on other substacks who constantly mocks those who profess their faith.
Doug - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Oh ok good thanks for clearing that up.
Like I said I want all this to be gone and now I go through hell daily v2k that's just atrocious I can't hear even with hearing aids the AI attacking me sees to that. and I applaud all this work but we do need God in the fight... We win it's prophesied, but it's how and a matter of time...
Placing too much in out ability may be why we can't seem to get much done let go let God that's what I say and mean...
Again thanks I wasn't sure who you were talking to.
Christian - Oct 17, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Je vous attaque car vos prêches chrétiens sont insupportables...
Rust - Oct 19, 2023
Comment removed.
Rust - Oct 19, 2023
Reading comprehension will get you far. The mockery I referred to was directed at another commenter, not myself. The reason I spoke up, with my comment directed to the mock-er, is because throughout my daily visits to the substacks to which I subscribe, often in the comment sections, this particular commenter is constantly directing mockery to those whose comments are faith based. It's nasty. It's unnecessary.
Your erroneous and unsubstantiated point, that I "feel mocked", is as low brow as the mockery by the above referenced.
Doug - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
really ridicule that's what you got from my post??? wow...
Doug - Oct 17, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Comment removed.
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
snarky comment? or what???
but if so whatever if not then sorry for mine...
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Comment removed.
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
it's what's real and yes it does it should it's why all this is happening..
Who or what do you think is behind us being some sort of Cyborg? Satan that's who. Why? Because just like in the past for one he wants to taint the genetic line like the Angels who bred with women and birthed Giants and which is why Noah was picked he was the only one that the blood line wasn't tainted... Plus to put us in his image... He's creating his world that mimics God's true kingdom..
Your free to scoff and accept it or not but I have to warn people on what's happening.
Plus Dr Ana says she's seen the Devil in her interview with Dr Len Ber...
Watch it that's religion in what she said so...
But I have to as a watcher I have to I don't want peoples blood on my hands... If you want to repent do so if not don't...
But yes it does help the clarity because it's what and why it's happening.
John Vargo - Oct 19, 2023
John Vargo
I think Dr.Ana saw a Reptilian.They hate humanity,they're like a species of Satans.We are just food and mind controlled slave labor to them.
Doug - Oct 19, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Yeah maybe that's not what she said though, she happened to say she saw the Big guy Lucifer, but yeah possibly who know...
Doug - Oct 18, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Comment removed.
Doug - Oct 19, 2023
Doug’s Substack
If she the owner of the site wants to stop me that's fine BUT NO! to the HELL NO!
I am not trespassing all TI's are being hit and hurt by these illegal signals and I have as much right to say what I know is going on as you do. My first amendment right doesn't stop at the door just because your offended by truth...
Just like Orwell said the further from truth we go the more we will be hated for speaking it.
I follow God not man sorry... IF Dr Ana wants me gone let her do it not you!
As all of us I am affected by gangstalking and nano and illegal signals I have as much right here and am as unified against this shit as you are or supposed to be so....
Michael Folks - Oct 17, 2023
Michael’s Substack
I strongly suspect, Censoring at many levels, keeping the Sheep, unaware of what's being found, the "Chemtrails" were poo-pooed, with resulting Morgellions, Nano Technologies, at work in our bodies.
Barbara Parker - Oct 17, 2023
Dr Ana,
You mentioned needing access to expensive diagnostic equipment. Have you contacted Mike Adams, The Health Ranger about this subject? I know he maintains an extensive food testing lab that might be able to help. He was the first to analyze the white rubbery clots that embalmers continue to find since the jabs rolled out.
I want to thank you for all you are doing to discover new ways to combat these evils being forced on all of humanity. May God continue to bless and protect you.
Margie Chism - Oct 17, 2023
Margie Chism
The Spirit Ream Territory β I just finished listening to a message about "seated" places, on earth and the heavens; the battle and battles then, now, and next. The seen and the unseen. Recommended. M
β https://youtu.be/kjdsaiv8nRI?si=8YM5rCao5AYDdpuB
Stephan - Oct 17, 2023
Thanx for the share. Very informative! π
Susan sullivan - Oct 17, 2023
Susan’s Substack
Prayers for your continued research. Thank you so much for your work. I will continue to support you however, I can.
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