Extraordinary Microscopy Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology - A Request For Funding Help For Karl C

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 17, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Karl C recently has joined substack. I had a video conference call today with him to figure out how to support his remarkable work. Karl is a self learned engineer and has had disabling Morgellon’s himself, hence has done enormous research into the phenomenon. His novel optical evaluations has brought us a whole new dimension of understanding the filament structures. His new laser scanning technique and UV light microscopy are all remarkable. He also has used many different stains. The reason why this is important is because many traditionally trained scientists simply dismiss our findings. They dismiss Darkfield microscopy. Imagine after over two years of presenting our findings, of giving hundreds of interviews, no research lab or reputable research department will even look into what we have found in humanities blood. Even the so called mainstream freedom advocates and doctors ignore everything we are finding. They do not care about the human blood and stay with the exclusive - and politically self serving - spike protein story.

It is up to us to work to understand it and how to treat it… us means a handful of citizen researchers and a couple doctors - to figure out what now affects every single human being on this planet.

Staining techniques can give better information if for example different chemical components are present, like proteins. The different light microscopy or laser techniques can help further characterize the materials. Responsiveness to different light frequencies might narrow down what the materials we are dealing with are made of. This kind of work takes expertise and time.

Morgellon’s polymer filaments have been sprayed on people for 40 years via geoengineering weather warfare programs. Nobody has a cure. It has been developed as biological warfare upon the population just like Lyme disease. Similar to long Covid, people live miserable lives of debility, chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction in addition to the skin manifestation. Every organ system can be affected. Many have died from Morgellon’s after terrible suffering. There was a huge propaganda machine deployed by the fake media and government and adopted by the corrupt healthcare system to marginalize these people as delusional.

Now literally the whole world has an accelerated version of this synthetic artificially intelligent nanotechnological self assembly life form in their blood.

Karl and I agree that the optical properties of these materials are key to their communication patterns and self assembly coordination.

The reason I am writing about Karl on my substack is that here is someone who has the engineering background that allows him to experiment and give us new ideas on what we are dealing with. Equipment is expensive. A Mass Spectrometer - which would be great to have for chemical analysis - is over 100K used on ebay ( new around half a million dollars). That gives you some idea how much even used equipment of the caliber we could use costs.

I have substack followers whining that they want all of us to provide our research and time for free, otherwise we are “selling our souls”. What fools people are! Equipment costs money. Our research is extremely time consuming.

Think about this - we are up against 40 years of research, development and continued deployment of a clandestine nanotechnological government projects that has likely had billions, if not trillions of dollars of funding and you want a handful of people in the world to do research without funding on their little microscopes. And figure out what we are dealing with and then what the antidotes are.

If you want that, and you want humanity to survive, I recommend financially supporting those people who have the capacity to make a difference. Because help isn’t coming from the scientific community or the mainstream physicians. They are too busy ignoring that the world is dying.

I believe Karl is such a notable citizen researcher who can help further our understanding. He uses Ko-Fi to raise funds and I hope you will donate. If you click on the link to his substack, you will find it at the bottom of the page.

If any one of us finds out more and provides a solution or inspires the others with a new idea that might propel us forward, it will help the whole world.

Thank you for your support for Karl.

Dr Ana

Different perspectives of microscopy exploit possible details of interest.

Click here for Karl’s Substack:


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Stephan - Oct 17, 2023

I have been pushing Karl C. Substack ever since I saw his slides on his severely contaminated blood before ACTIVATED CHARCOAL and after. Amazing what the Activated Charcoal did. I immediately ordered a couple bottles. Karl C. Substack on Activated Charcoal is on Aug. 14. Sub and donate! Ty

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ann watson - Oct 17, 2023

I wish so much I could help - even the $5 dollars at the end of the month was very concerning - can you believe it. its a hard time but an interesting time to be alive. I feel so united with the people whose substacks I read all day - ( I'm retired ) and yet I am so alone. I guess we all feel that way.

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