Evidence Of Crimes Against Humanity …

Jul 4, 2023

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Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity


Crippsy1969 - Jul 4, 2023


Dr Ana, yesterday Epoch Times “CrossRoads” did a segment on the US Congress indicating it’s tentative support for “dimming the sun” type of tech. As you probably know this is also a WEF/Gates objective also. I was reading up on Karen Kingston’s nanotechnology stack & found Roman S Shapoval’s (The Power Couple) research on EMF/sunlight & nanotechnology detox possibilities. I had also seen a video on YT by another Dr talking about the connection between melatonin/sunlight & mitochondrial DNA impacts. I’m confident there’s more to this than “climate”. I’m adding this comment here so ppl can look into this & raise hell over the whole “sun dimming” BS. We know they’re geo engineering weather, using “climate” as cover for implementation of their Agenda etc. But also so ppl are aware of possible nanotechnology detox info etc. Roman Shapoval has also commented under Karen’s stacks as well. Thx for all you do🙏. Can you please advise Karen of the Congress/sun dimming aspects also. I can’t afford to be a paid subscription to all that I research source so I’ve not been able to comment yet on her stacks . Thx in advance & In solidarity KC.


FREED0ML0VER - Jul 5, 2023


Raises hand slowly: Um, how are the solar panels supposed to work if the sunlight is being dimmed?


Sandra --- - Jul 5, 2023

Sandra ---

Yeah, so they are telling the sheep that we must go solar, while at the same time saying we have to dim the sun. LOL!!!


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Yes, they’ll profit off our demise no matter what. Part of the intent with the 💉’s imo. Also, look into the Baby Boomer/Silent Gen wealth inheritance transfers through 2045. $84T & $11.5 T. No coincidence they’re bringing in CBDC’s, Smart Cities, population drop etc now imo. The other agenda timelines just magically seem to overlap.


Stephan - Jul 5, 2023

Good point


Reply (1) - Jul 5, 2023

Comment removed.


Stephan - Jul 5, 2023



TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

LOL! I was literally talking to my wife about this not more than 10 minutes ago because I was wanting to pick up 6 more panels. Doesn't make sense. I agree with Crippsy that there is something more to this climate change than meets the eye. The sun does a lot for us and we get sick due to deficiencies. What if the sun deters their goals. On the same token, they may have something to protect themselves.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

I can tell you i tried about 2 dozen/more different ways to post on YT yesterday about the possible connection between nanoTek/sunlight/dimming or Roman Shapoval etc & no matter what I tried, they shut me down completely. I’ve never been that hard censored there ever before. And didn’t matter who’s channel I tried raising it under either. I even switched gears & tried later. Same results.Different topic, no issues. Was wild.


420MedicineMan - Jul 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

The Ai algorithm YT uses picks up words in comments and YT creator vids. TPTB are trying extremely hard from letting this information from getting out. It will be game over for all the dark ones.


Stephan - Jul 5, 2023

It's all about the algorithms. They got the words down pack so we can't make comments to warn others. PHKN evil bastards in all public agencies


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

YouTube is bad with deleting comments . I can’t leave links in their comments section. Instantly deleted


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Yes for sure. They’ve become far worse for censorship in general last while. I’ve absolutely noticed that. Only started using YT for comments after booted off Twit permanently lol. Like rumble but needs to work on format more.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Rumble is good but awkward to use . I got on twit when Elon showed up.


kaal - Jul 5, 2023


Certain wave lengths from the sun?


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

The truth about Genetic Vaccine…

Yes as I understand it. Infrared. Here’s a link to the nanoTek/sunlight I was trying to even just mention on YT that wouldn’t go.https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/can-we-detox-nanotech-with-sunlight


Kjell Tore Kalleli - Jul 5, 2023

The truth about Genetic Vaccine…



Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Absolutely - the Sun has more power and is higher in the chain than they are, so they despise it (my theory at least). Wind may be a better option.


Reply (2) - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

I get all my meat from local farmers out here in rural TX. Believe it or not, they all know about this MRNA/Graphene Oxide being put in food. I also get my veggies and dairy (milk, eggs, and butter) from them. And we grow our own garden. The farmers markets have become very crowded with vendors selling many things. I also get my unprocessed honey to take every day. They are staying away from pesticides and the animals are grass fed throughout their lives. I recommend everyone getting away from the grocery stores and making connections with their local farmers. I just had a head start since my dad has farmed his whole life and I got back out here in 2015. I can't stand the cities anymore after 30 years of dealing with it.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’ve seen this comment everywhere today. Please stop advertising.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

Never mind, I see who you were replying to. LOL I've seen this many times myself on Ana's substack.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jul 5, 2023

joe’s Substack

Once Bill Gates is the regulator and owner of sunlight ,he may sell you some sunlight for the panels .All plants relying on sunlight to grow and strive ,are out of luck .They are involved in the carbon creation and must be destroyed .The inhaling of oxigen will be regulated and can be used only by permit ,if you pay your monthly fee .


TheRealLisa - Jul 5, 2023

That's how you know it's a fucking scam.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Rex, they were hoping the folks wouldn’t catch onto this little gem.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023


Trust me, tons were asking the same question under the video. The elitist cucks don’t care if we the useless eaters are cast back to Stone Age. One guy said he just spent $50K on system.


FREED0ML0VER - Jul 5, 2023


Much of it subsidized, no doubt.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Oh for sure. Our tax dollars at work. On Truth there was a vid that in the UK, it got so hot the panels reduced output & they had to fire up 2 coal plants for emergency boost to system. Why they’ve been looking at white panels instead of black etc.


Ann Marie - Jul 14, 2023



Dr Kay - Jul 5, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

Tell you what, I've been sungazing in earnest for about the last month......and my horrendous nearsightedness has begun improving incrementally but noticeably over the last couple of weeks. Sungazing is something that the yogi's have been doing for thousands of years, to great benefit....there is a whole lot here that people in this day and age are only just beginning to figure out and start practicing.
-There's something else, too; the last two weeks here in the northeast, it's been nonstop rain and cloudy, crappy every single day per the weather reports....however, I went out four different times with my lawn chair, determined to bolster my already dark tan, and as I lay out under the clouds and pointed my Vogel crystal at the spot where the sun was located behind the clouds....each time after about ten minutes, the clouds had gone and I had blue sky and bright sunlight. And at least two hours of tanning each day. Humans really are powerful manifestors, and the regressive-consciousness entities, the powers-that-were have nothing on a self-actualized human being with focused intention. The worst that those clowns can throw at us, we can turn around by being heart-centered and feeling through our connection to the Divine Most High. They cannot win, no matter what they do.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

According to the reply I just got from Roman Shapoval, earlier morning in best for infrared absorption but absolutely sunshine always a great thing. One reason they wanted us locked up in winter I think, decrease VitD uptake etc.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Glad I invested in that Vitamin D lamp now. It has been horrible here in Ohio lately. I may lose my golden glow but my body will still be healthy. Well, healthy as can be under today’s bioweapons onslaught.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I used a lamp for a decade every winter in upstate New York, really helpful. My cat liked sitting near it too .


Stephan - Jul 5, 2023

Columbus. Ohio here. Weather sucks!!!


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Link to my article here, although it's only a working theory for now:


stardot - Jul 5, 2023

stardot’s Substack



Crippsy1969 - Jul 4, 2023

I’ll go through my saved links for the Dr’s video on melatonin/sunlight & post here also when I find.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

I would be interested if you could link them here. TIA


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

If you look into low grade radiation symptoms from 5G, sleep issues are associated from what I’m seeing. Preface this with I’m not a Dr but here’s one on melatonin reportedly being an excellent anti-oxidant/mitochondrial DNA etc.https://youtube.com/watch?v=sNklS0lzlgA&feature=sharec


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

Thank you. I'm watching it later this evening. I do like to go outside in the morning and evenings to work in the garden. I'm in a rural area so when I'm out, I could be out for a few hours. I see them blocking the sun.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Welcome. There’s a reason or multiple reasons for why they’re doing things for sure. Multipronged/purposed attacks. Same with me re; rural etc.


Ann Marie - Jul 14, 2023

Excellent post. Thank you very much. I will research your suggestions and pass your post along. Thank you very much.


Larry Druhall - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Thank you for this valuable information. My hope is that some will read this comment and learn about the science of system analysis that our enemy knows and uses against us with tremendous success. Far too many efforts to solve the problems we face have failed. We need future efforts to succeed.
Our root cause enemy excels at using several strategies against us. Much of our enemy's success comes from its knowledge of systems science. This knowledge allows our enemy to rig many aspects of society against any opposition. The following might be the best introduction into systems theory from the perspective of the opposition. My hope is that some people will look at this with an open mind and learn how the few control the many. If more people understand this kind of thing, it might lead to the development of innovative new strategies that might turn the tide.


Michael L Kahn - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

I am aware of Dr Shiva. MIT, where he graduated and worked, is a secret headquarters for intelligence, Noam Chomsky works there also. I at first loved Chomsky, especially for his work telling us how corporate deception is the source of propaganda. Later in my research, I found that the news is dominated by the CIA, and that the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS supervises the news media. The CFR was formed and its 300 members were appointed by David Rockefeller. In other words, Chomsky is a shill and supports the democrat party. I am an independent and see that both parties refuse to support the campaign of any righteous candidate and that politicians hold absolutely no clout. We have been deceived on all aspects of society, and shills like Chomsky and Shiva, who I have seen giving faulty information are misleading. Be careful who you learn from.


Larry Druhall - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

Thank you for this insightful comment and the link. I have added the link to the pinned comment in the latest Solution Seeking Web Links of Interest and will publish it soon.
I am not explicitly advocating for or against Shiva. What I am requesting is that people learn about Systems Analysis and apply it to the world's problems. At this time I think Shiva's system analysis video is the best representation of how the enemy controls the world available. If you know of a better systems analysis explanation of how the enemy controls the world please let me know. I have several reservations about Shiva. If one goes through the Shiva video, perhaps one can spot the point where Shiva can and should be questioned about his motivations and integrity? And perhaps that point and those questions should be applied to all leaders to asses the degree that they are controlled opposition?
Perhaps we need a less hierarchical leader-follower structure in the opposition and something more like the Occupy leaderless structure? The enemy excels at installing or coercing leaders of all sides to do its bidding. I myself have learned to question all leaders and be skeptical of those who do not embrace those questions as opportunities to reveal more about themselves. I myself will never lead or follow again,.
The enemy has succeeded in making this about Shiva, and not about the systems analysis diagrams he introduces? If so, the enemy has been very successful. Shiva has said he will sue anybody who dares to use his system analysis diagrams. That alone is of questionable merit and integrity. But Shiva does not own the rights to system analysis anymore than he owns email.
My system analysis diagram of how the enemy operates would be somewhat similar to Shiva's, but quite different. But I really wonder if it is worthwhile to create this in today's world where almost everybody appears to be too busy to look at it and understand it.
I wish I could estimate how many people looked at my comment and actually went through the video and understood the concepts of system analysis described there. My guess is that a lot of people saw Shiva, made it about Shiva, and rejected the entire thing. The enemy is very good at how it conditions people. Now maybe people will reject system analysis approaches because they will associate them with Shiva?
I invite you to consider creating your own system analysis explanation for how the enemy operates and share it, or direct us to another better source that uses root cause analysis and system analysis to represent how our enemy controls us.
Thanks again.


Michael L Kahn - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

I admit to not even watching this video in its entirety. I have seen other videos of Shiva's and they were mistaken. He has no clue as to who really runs the establishment, and yet claims to have that knowledge. I apologize if I Have misled people. However, I am also a self-taught world systems analyst of sorts, and have perceived who the powers are in reality, and have submitted a new concept for a whole different kind of civilization that would solve literally (this is very real) every world problem, and keep mankind in the good natural realm for countless centuries. It is in the conclusion of my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, which can be had by signing up for my free newsletter, it is attached to it. Or if you are generous, you can buy it for $3. I do not write for profit, but to save humanity. My thinking is outside the boxes and is authentic and original. That book also lays out clearly and simply how the Vatican conquered the world and is the secret big power.


Larry Druhall - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

Thanks. We are both trying to save humanity. I do not profess to have the answers and would prefer that groups of equal participants work together to gain the required understandings and derive the solutions together as equal partners. It looks like the enemy has succeeded in using Shiva to condition people to reject System Analysis applied to the world's problems because they associate it with Shiva. If that is indeed the case, I don't like our chances in what lies ahead. The enemy is using system analysis to play chess looking at every possibility several moves ahead and what are we doing to counter that? Who wins? Because of severe time challenges, I need to structure my time, and I avoid most of Shiva's videos, it is the techniques I am more interested in these days.
I invite you to consider contributing your ideas to the following plea as an equal partner, not as a leader or follower.
An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems
Thanks again. It is frustrating, but we go on in our own best ways.


Michael L Kahn - Jul 5, 2023

Consider my replies. My solution of a perfect civilization has no leaders, it includes rotating jobs and tasks, all issues on problems or gripes to be aired by the whole community (the proposed civilization is agricultural communities of 150 people each) and one vote for each person. Not representatives. The work is shared, there are no currencies, and the produce is also distributed fairly. I have the rest of the details, many of them, in the conclusion of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH


Michael L Kahn - Jul 5, 2023

I thought again. I will accept criticism and challenging, and be willing to change if I find that i am in the wrong. As a former bible teacher and activist before that, I have found that it is not uncommon for people with limited thinking or creative abilities to want to participate, and it is a waste of time to listen to them thoughtfully, to debate all, to take all the fools accounts and weigh them all out. I work 80+ hours a week researching and writing. furthermore, I find no value in stories or fiction. IF you want to change the world, don't do it by writing children's stories. The people are not children, though many are indeed gullible and lack cognitive adeptness. Few are resilient. I don't have time to write story-time tales. I have researched thousands of hours, have uncovered the secret rulers and their strategies, have looked at successful civilizations and concepts held by few, and have come up with amazing content. I will not see beginners and story-tellers as my equals. My work is not private, I hold no patents, I make it available for free, but will not let just anybody debate and haggle with me over issues that are well-thought out and not in need of correction. You, sir, are not on the right path.


Michael L Kahn - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

Obviously you know nothing of me. I have often told people to not walk behind me or call me "sir" - I am "brother"-- and I follow nobody. I am indeed an author and revolutionist, and while I have full confidence in my conclusions, I am at the same time open to criticism and the possibility that I am wrong on many things. I have been wrong regarding God, politics, and other areas where I have changed my position upon finding fault with what I had previously believed. so, yes, thank you.


Larry Druhall - Jul 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

Likewise. We are all far too busy. The enemy has planned it that way. When we cannot take the time to learn about each other, the enemy wins and we lose. Each wants to direct the effort, time, and discussions to their own platform. I understand. We do our best, brother. Solution Seeking concluded that the best path forward at this time is probably for people to really think about this and have many different solutions proceeding at the same time, not following one leader, one solution, or one idea. If a critical mass does that, we win. We need not attempt to coerce others to support us, read our work, or contribute to our work, as long as they are working on it. We share a mutual enemy and should support each other while continuing to do our best? Onward!!


Ronald D Norris - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I have had the 30 ml whole blood clotting test performed and it had showed a 4 fold decrease in gel/plastic after my 2nd IV EDTA(dec. from 1.1 to 0.25 ml). Six days after my last IV EDTA the 30 ml whole blood test showed no gel/plastic present. I am un-v and have been on NAC, vit c and d, liposomal EDTA, topical EDTA, and recently added nattokinase and serrapeptase. I can't say what was item(s) that brought it to negative but is hopeful info. I agree with Dr Ana that most likely the nano nasty is still present. Keep the faith in Jesus.


Leon - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Hi, Ronald;
Thank you for your post. Can you mention how much EDTA you get in each IV & what other ingredients IV has? Thanks


Ronald D Norris - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I asked my IV therapist and she uses calcium EDTA and dosage depends on patient weight (suspect 1 to 1.5k). She adds vit c and b vits as well as glutathione.


David - Jul 5, 2023


Ronald, where did you source serrapeptase from?


Ronald D Norris - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I use Zazzee 120k spu from Amazon. It is slow release so may avoid gastric digestion.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Curious as to what your protocol is for all the different supplements. How often and dosage? I have all of them except for EDTA. NAC was hard to find and I think there is something to this one since Amazon removed them during the "so called" pandemic. Finally found some and bought I think 10 bottles.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I use Dr Mercola ‘s NAC . Glad you found some.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks! I heard Dr. Mercola took down all his vitamin C, D, and Zinc studies during covid. Any truth to this?


Rosalind McGill - Jul 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Don’t know, hadn’t heard that. He’s been censored for years now.


Ronald D Norris - Jul 7, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I take NAC 500mg, vit D 5k, vit C 2k, and vit K2 100 mcq and multi vit and mineral supplement because evidence supports that these aid the immune system. It is interesting but not seen evidence for boron,ACV, H2O2, CLO2. I saw my gel/plastic be dessolved with serrapeptase 120k spu ( slow release) and natto 2k FU, in a test tube but only EDTA has been shown to rid blood of gel/plastic as far as I've seen.


Tammi - Jul 7, 2023


Thanks! Who prescribed the edta therapy? Where do you go for therapy? I’d go to dr Ana if she wasn’t literally on the opposite side of the country from me.


Ronald D Norris - Jul 7, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I find that doing a search for heavy metal toxicity treatment may show providers that offer IV EDTA.


Tammi - Jul 9, 2023




MK ULTRA - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

What about high doses of iodine and/or boron? Iodine is an "antidote" to the pre chemtrail assault together with borax/boron - what if it helps? EDTA is good but i posted here about it that ppl with high mercury have redistribution issues with EDTA.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

That’s the thing, there HAS to be something that works as I cannot see the “parasitic class” being openly exposed to chemtrails & all the other crap & them not having any sort of detox or remedy for them should a negative reaction occur to any of them or their precious chosen ones. There has to be an answer. Obviously I don’t believe any of them intentionally took “hot shots” but with all their meeting’s, jet setting etc they had to be potentially exposed to shedding etc. So what are we missing. To me there has to be something of a more easy application technique for them to protect themselves from this all. Thinking out loud lol.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Crippsy, did it ever occur to you that these evil ones are Not human? That just maybe they are Terraforming the earth to suit them and Not humans?
Something to ponder.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

I know who they are but many don't like to hear it. I did mention it on another substack that Ana posted and to my surprise a few people knew without me saying out outright. The danger in saying it is I don't want Ana's substack to get banned. You could say they are not human which is why they are destined to eternal destruction.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Not sure I understand where your coming from on getting the doc banned on your comment?
Stop falling into their hands, Speak up and out! Who gives a crap what “ they” think.
Do you not think what Dr. Ana is posting is not controversial? Your post or my posts are nothing compared to her bombshell analysis.
The powers that be want you Afraid to think or speak your mind, me I say hit em both barrels!
These WEF’ ER’S are freaking LIZARD PEOPLE! They are Not human!


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Research who owns all the federal reserves around the world, banking, media, Disney, big pharma, Hollywood, many in governments around the world, lawyers, professors, planned parenthood, feminism, abortion, NAACP, SPLC, porn industry, all the wars since the French Revolution, etc. and you'll have your answer. All have one thing in common. Rather you except the answer or not is up to you and your research. It's taken me over a decade to figure it out. Maybe you already know. They been booted out of 109 nations. Go look at what the leaders stated about them. They owned 95% of the slave ships. You have to trace their lineage because they are not who they say they are. They usurped an identity and made others believe it. When you understand Gen 3:15 and Gen 6, you'll get they are not human in a sense. Look like us. They are related to Cain aka Canaanites aka Edomites aka modern-day Jewry. God stated they think evil continually. They admit it in their own writings. Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Vol. 6, p. 378 "They [Edomites] were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…. "EDOM, IDUMEA," The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Vol. V, p. 41 "…from then on they [Edomites] constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants. "EDOM (Idumea)," The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589 "They [Edomites] were hereafter no other than [non-Israelite] Jews. Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of the Jews (Grand Rapids, MI: Dregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279. So Jewish scholars themselves admit that Jews are the modern-day descendants of the Edomites. One has to have a very good understanding of biblical scripture. God hated Esau before he was born. His posterity became the Edomites. Now, read Obidiah to understand what happens to them. Also, Christ, Paul, and Mathhew tell you who is Mystery Babylon. And that is Jerusalem. Christ makes it very clear who they are and who THEIR father was. It's hard for many people to except this because they have been brainwashed by their churches. I was one of them. Most don't research or read the bible anymore. This is what a lot of people are waking up to right now. Millions now know who they are and it's spreading like fire. One of the reasons for all the censorship and anti-semitic laws being signed in some states. They did the same thing during the Bolsheviks Revolution. For example, you know who Karl Marx is but that's not his real name. His real name is Moses Mordecai Marx Levy. I can give you a face and name and every aspect of Covid and it's Jewish from top to bottom. Research thishttps://imgur.com/a/Caja4jyand prove me wrong. Just look at their surnames. When in doubt, google them and many admit it. This has been an ongoing war for thousands of years. I see the finish line.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Yes, have read some on that but not sure what to believe when it comes to that yet haha. But I don’t believe we’re alone in the entire universe though.


Lisa@eatrealfood - Jul 4, 2023


My same thoughts,. Ghates lack of fear during cv made me think they have "protection" not just ivm or hcq. Likewise your thoughts about CMeasures for geoengineering chemicals.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023


Yes exactly, even with the discussions on the upcoming plans also. I just cannot see now with all that know what the real goals are, aren’t worried for their own; unless there’s a definitive CM available to them. It keeps nagging at me.


wilson - Jul 5, 2023


if the parasites manage to kill western civilization, who is going to build and maintain their mansions, private jets, supply their food, power, etc? I just don't see their endgame, unless they want a dystopian hell.


bss.org - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited

It would appear to me that EMR protection and internal ph levels are highly germane to creating an environment that counters self assembly.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

I take 3mg of boron every day. We have been taking it for a long time. The farmers use to replenish the soil but haven't done this in years. Plants easily uptake boron leaving the soil deficient. It's good at keeping the body PH neutral.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Awesome thx for that. I’ve also looked into chlorine oxide as another option but haven’t done anything with that info yet. I only mention it for anyones feedback/input etc. Thx again.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

There was a surgeon in Australia who was no longer able to perform surgeries due to crippling arthritis. Through is research, he found that taking 9mg of Boron a day ridded him of arthritis. He wrote a book about it. Not long after, Australia banned Boron as a supplement. It's still banned to this day.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Did you mean Chlorine Dioxide? I know a person who knows all about it if this is what you meant. I have it along with the activator. I also have the chemicals and protocols for taking it. Plus, I have DMSO.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Yes sorry, was autocorrect error. Thx. I also have some info on the “no mRNA” that I will come back tomorrow & post. Starting to go cross eyed lol. Thx for link on CD & pointing that out. Enough misinfo out in the world without adding to accidentally lol. Thx


CB - Jul 5, 2023

Here's good info on Chlorine Dioxide


Crippsy1969 - Jul 5, 2023

Perfect thx also. I’ve also looked into C60 (anti-oxi)but waiting to hear if they ship to 🇨🇦 Apparently knock off brands on Amazon etc not as pure etc.


Crippsy1969 - Jul 4, 2023

I also read last week via the “Real Anthony Fauci” links that they bumped up the 5G (C band I think they said) signal strength effective July 1. Will be interesting to see if any correlation & impacts on pop.


Lioness3* - Jul 4, 2023


Not to mention access concerns for a treatment that will need to be repeated over time.


David - Jul 6, 2023


MK, consider dmso as an alternative, it may have a more moderate way of detoxing mercury


Kjell Tore Kalleli - Jul 4, 2023 - Edited

The truth about Genetic Vaccine…

found this thru the other patent searching for vaccine.. this is curevac - BOOSTERS where planned from the beginning
Exemplary doses for mRNAs encoding at least one antigen as defined herein may range, without being limited thereto, from about 10 ng to 1 g, 100 ng to 100 mg, 1 pg to 10 pg, or 30-300 pg mRNA per patient. Preferably, the inventive vaccine is formulated accordingly to comprise one dose, two doses, three or even more doses.
one dose, 2 , 3 or even more...
and this is 10 years ago
filed 2011


MK ULTRA - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

no one has ever found mRNA in these shots... its a psyop.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

I've also heard this too but I haven't heard any researcher state it for the record.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

Ya don’t say? Uh huh.... troll much?


David - Jul 6, 2023


Nanc, watch this:


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

Not trolling. I've also heard it. As I stated, I've never heard any researcher state it so this isn't something I know. If I can't prove it, I just wait it out.


MK ULTRA - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

la quinta said it, dr.ana and several others.


David - Jul 6, 2023


To underscore MK, here is the La Quinta Columna link:


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Thanks! I will go look through Ana's posts. I haven't read all of them. Also, I have seen all of La Quinta's videos yet but I just downloaded some publications from them. I appreciate the reply.


James Mangano - Jul 4, 2023

Common Sense Thinking / Thought…

Dear Dr. Ana, Thank you for the great work you are doing to expose these crimes against humanity. This news is devastating. Sad to say only a few are taking notice of what you are saying. These criminals are actively changing the human genome in broad daylight, all the while most people are sleeping right through it.


Ronald D Norris - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

As far as actual evidence of an effective therapy to rid body of gel/plastic, I think it is EDTA. Dr Anna states vit c is also a chelator (liposomal better and up to 10k mg) and NAC is good around 500 mg/d. In the book Detox with Oral Chlelation 2009 by Brown and Gordon he states IV EDTA is far superior to oral EDTA. I will do oral liposomal EDTA and topical EDTA (I make my own using DMSO with aloe and EDTA powder) daily and monthly IV EDTA. I have taken my plastic from my blood and placed in test tubes containing various compounds and saw it dissolve using nattokinase (100 mg/d usual oral dose) and serrapeptase (120k spu usual oral dose) in 48 hrs. Who knows if it can dissolve gel/plastic in the body. God Bless


David - Jul 6, 2023


Ronald, that is fantastic information! Thank you!


Jane Huber - Jul 5, 2023

Hi Anna
I’m one of the Producers at TNTRADIO and I’d be delighted to have you on our radio.
My email isjane@tntradio.live


kaal - Jul 5, 2023


Watched the video. Is Dr Ana saying the spheres replace blood and hydrogel replaces tissue? Meaning the technology is being integrated- like iron/ tech overcoming clay/ flesh on course to becoming cyborgs rather than dying?


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023


The iron will not mix with clay.


kaal - Jul 5, 2023


What is Dr Ana's answer? Is there an assimilation?


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023


Not sure on her take. I believe Daniel 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.


kaal - Jul 5, 2023


maybe meaning NOT SMOOTHLY!!!


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

That's also one way to look at it. Whatever they have in store, I believe it will fail but unfortunately this doesn't mean many won't die from their choice. The deception and fear got to them. I actually moved along as normal when all this was happening but I do live in a rural area. Yes, we all got sick. I was really sick for about 6 weeks. I couldn't shake it but I ended up nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide which knocked it out. We all had a choice even though many lost jobs, careers, families, etc. Everything here is a choice. I will never take what they have to offer. I don't trust any of them. All we can do is educate ourselves and others. Now, we need to be helping our family, friends, and neighbors. I've seen some worried commenters from people after learning the truth after taking the jab.


David - Jul 6, 2023


Replacement, yes; it's in the patents covered by Karen Kingston.


Elizabeth Faraone - Jul 4, 2023

Thank you Ana, for your tireless and brave efforts. I’ve shared to Twitter. Every action you take is meaningful and you are reaching people. Goodness will prevail and you are an important part of this story. I can only imagine how much time and energy you are putting into this. Thank you so much.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

I’m well aware of this. And I don’t google anything.
Yes, the satanic jews are behind everything. Always have been. They will not be happy until we’re gone.
Funny thing is I was taught this at a very young age.
Thanks for the info.


TimeIsNear - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Great! You know and that's the best response I can see from someone. You're exactly right. They have always been behind everything. Their days are coming to an end. I wish I had been taught the truth from an earlier age but many were duped like myself.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Yes, their days are coming to an end, but they will fight tooth and nail and nothing is off limits to these bastards. So things are only going to get more interesting.
God bless and batten down the hatches!


The Watchman - Jul 5, 2023

The Watchman's Substack

You seem to be about the only one covering this. Thanks for all you do. Have been linking most of your research @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/


Steve - Jul 5, 2023


Thanks for all you do Dr Ana, very much appreciated.
At this stage if someone told me aliens had invaded and were wiping out the human race from positions of power (disguised as humans) I'd believe it... Project bluebeam priming? Who knows?
What you are presenting, while many may be in disbelief, seems very much backed up by patents and lectures... You are very brave to push this information out there, no matter how it may be received in some circles, there's definitely evidence of work in this field (much more advanced than we ever realised?) and it looks like this grand experiment on the human race is a many pronged attack...


Celeste Landgrebe - Jul 5, 2023

I don’t know what we would do without you. Thank you for your tireless service to all of humanity.


Kjell Tore Kalleli - Jul 4, 2023

The truth about Genetic Vaccine…

embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity
reverse transcription? mitochondrial damage? DNA plasmids?
Cytotoxicity ?
Genomic Medicine
= Unlawful Experimentation -> Bio Terrorisme
UN Security Resolution 1373 & Others


Mike Gollins, PE - Jul 4, 2023

AGENDA 2030: poisoned injections, air, food, to modify genes and behavior, destroy sperm and ovaries with spike protein, to cause cause cancer & death. Jabbed or unjabbed, protect your immune system from mRNA poisoned hospital blood if in an accident and need a transfusion.UnjectedBlood.com.‬



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