EDTA Chelation Helps Lift The Darkness …

Jun 16, 2023

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Image: Dr Robert Duncan, World Mind control Grid CIA AI System


Joseph Robinson - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Jay’s Substack

Thank God for “strange” people like you, Dr Ana, with the religious, ethical, and moral courage to take this evil to task. Not to mention the free-thinking highly-trained intellect that enables you to do what you do. Your contributions are not just important, they’re cornerstone. Thank you.


Veronica Evans - Jun 20, 2023

Jay’s Substack

Everyone if you’re not familiar with Dr. Robert Duncan then I highly recommend this video I found after Dr. Ana made mention of him in her post.
(DR. ANA, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS VIDEO OF DR. DUNCAN? Disturbing but very educational about how advance the technology is. We’re more vulnerable than we can imagine!)
Date of presentation is unknown but took place sometime during Obama’s presidency.
Dr. Duncan comes off as a guilt-ridden atheist. He embarrassingly chuckles/laughs regarding some very dark outcomes of the research that has been done.
A prime example, before the 10 min. mark in the video, Dr. Duncan relates a story about an ape brain being connected to the brain of a little girl. Scientists thought the ape world recognize the girl as a kindred species but instead the ape killed the girl! Horrid situation which doesn’t elicit any real sympathy on Dr. Duncan’s part.
So the millions of children who are being kidnapped all over the world -- are they just the sex objects of pedophiles & satanic sacrifices or are they also the victims of ungodly & sadistic experimentation by our DoD (DARPA), military industrial complex, & even universities?
Whose to say that all the organ harvesting that’s going on in China is not being used to build an army of man-machines? Movie “Boys of Brazil” doesn’t seem so far-fetched after all.
For those who discount the existence of DUMBS, Dr. Duncan admits (near end of video) that they do indeed exist. God knows what evil is being concocted in the subterranean bowls of our earth!
Here’s another video link that’s 3 hrs long but we’ll worth it. Whistleblower goes much further than Dr. Duncan about mind control & what ppl can do to offset being targeted by AI - super computer & the CIA.


Jay Skywatcher - Jan 31, 2024

Jay’s Substack

Where I live one can hear the low frequency tunnel boring machines at work building tunnels between DUMBs. They are louder inside a building because the foundation acts as a reverse megaphone.
They called it the Taos Hum near Taos NM some years back.


Lizzy McMAGA - Jun 20, 2023

I absolutely agree. She and others like her are doctors with integrity. We love and appreciate them.


solutions - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

This zombification process, is what the book of prophet Daniel says about the transgression of the temple. An important symptom for us to identify a zombi person (ex.human) is that they are losing cognitive capacity of about 10%/year of what I have detected talking with different persons.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Joanna’s Newsletter

When I was about 40 ago I was prescribed strong antibiotics for a bladder infection, Cipro. I had never taken antibiotics in my life before that. When the damn stuff took hold, I felt a horrid darkness and an inability to think, a feeling of being lost in my soul and body. It was because the Cipro was 'working', killing off all beneficial bacteria and microbes in my gut, in order to clear the bladder infection. I would never take it again, it was the darkest worst feeling I have ever experienced, and I think it's the demonic force you speak of in the jabs, the killing of our microbiome. Most of us know our gut is completely tied to our thoughts and brains and what makes us living creatures. Pharma meds create death. I will never take any again. Once was enough. A qualified herbalist could have healed me with much less damage. LATE EDIT--SEARCH American Herbalists Guild (AHG), or become one yourself (start with what grows nearest you and work outward for best results)


Joanna Gear - Jun 17, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

Jacquelyn: I replied to you at another post recently, so hello again. During the several years when I was confronted by knowledge of the whole truth of what was/is coming for humanity and our beautiful planet — it broke me apart. That was around 2015. Now I am standing and fighting every bit of it. Anyway, around 2016 I saw a doctor about my increasing MS-like symptoms. He was arrogant so I only saw him briefly twice. Weeks after the second visit (when I argued with him and stopped being a patient) I had a call from the pharmacy that “my prescription was ready”. I had no prescriptions nor did I need any. It was for “Levaquin” — another Black Box drug like Cipro. I yelled over the phone that “this stuff will kill you! Get lost!” And after a sleepless night of fear and anger I filed a complaint with the California Medical Board. They investigated him and of course exonerated the bastard. I wrote him 2 scathing letters that accused him of trying to kill or cripple me.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 17, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

Thanks Joanna, most doc's routinely get away with murder and never get truly educated as to what their role is in patient deaths. After my Mom passed away, some doc prescribed my Dad tranquilizers when he was actually had thyroid issues. He dutifully and trustingly took them until he was a zombie, at which point one of my siblings read the prescription and figured out what was up. They flushed them and when my Dad finally eased out of his stupor boy did he give that doctor a thrashing, though of course it went to the wind as they say. 99.9% of doctors should have to become grave diggers, for how many they kill with pharma meds and bad interventions. The profession deserves this current take down fully, and the .1% of the decent doc's can see it too. Same for nurses/clinicians, its just business to them. They don't call it the Medical Industry for nothin. Best from Oregon


Lizzy McMAGA - Jun 20, 2023

People don't believe me when I tell people that there re studies that show when doctors go on strike at a hospital, deaths go down. I also know there are many good, ethical doctors and researchers. Many like Ana, we've heard from now.


Joanna Gear - Jun 17, 2023

Joanna’s Newsletter

I used to live in Portland, love Oregon


Kari - Jun 17, 2023

I had a similar bad reaction to levoquin (same class antibiotic). It caused such horrible, grotesque nightmares, it was as if I literally went to hell while I was sleeping. I stopped taking it immediately.


In Love with a Dead Man - Jul 14, 2023

H_Fizz’s Substack

As a teen, I was plied with antibiotics for years by a creepy dermatologist. I had acne. By the time I was 18, I was falling into depression. 40 years later, thanks to several wonderful alternative practitioners, I am finally able to experience love and joy in this life πŸ’–


jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 14, 2023

H_Fizz’s Substack

aH, this is good to hear Fizz huzzah!


In Love with a Dead Man - Jul 14, 2023

H_Fizz’s Substack

It has been wonderful (and the much-improved digestion hasn't hurt either). I am so grateful πŸ’–


Un-silent - Jun 17, 2023


My daughter had a similar episode from taking the antibiotic Minocycline. She came to me crying and saying it was affecting her thoughts. I immediately stopped the treatment and her symptoms improved. Big pharma is simply wicked.


Andy Bunting - Jun 16, 2023

Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…



NJ Election Advisor - Oct 30, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Cipro, pure evil, they pushed it like candy on Halloween after 9/11.
Tons of downsides to it, except the manufacturer and distributors.


Whole Mommy - Sep 16, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Do you have any go to probiotic recommendations for rehabbing gut after cipro?
My child has been on it twice for recurrent impetigo spreading rampant in schools.


Transcriber B - Feb 1, 2024

Transcriber B’s Substack

A few spoonfuls of of yoghurt and/or keffir mixed with raw honey taken every day. Not a doctor, just saying what works well in my experience. (Raw honey because if pasteurized a lot of the benefits are lost. You can find raw honey in your local farmer's market usually.) If cannot take dairy, then probiotic pills sold in the local health food store should work well. Also spend a lot of time in nature, in the sun. Hope this helps.


NJ Election Advisor - Oct 30, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Some folks think this is great:https://www.livingstreamsmission.com
We've used it and found it to be nothing special, but it's supposed to be good.


Christian - Nov 25, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Oui mais l'EDTA est aussi un produit de Big Pharma, aussi que faire ?


solutions - Jun 16, 2023

solutions’s Substack

Comment removed.


solutions - Jun 16, 2023

solutions’s Substack

or even free drugs. What is free and instantaneous is probably a trap.


Lizzy McMAGA - Jun 20, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Absolutely. Big Pharma doesn't think about we the people's welfare, it looks to keep investors stocks going up.


Christian - Nov 25, 2023

Ar’s Substack

The goal is darker !


Claudia - Jun 16, 2023


I began to have an inkling of this dimension of evil about six months into 2020. Although I once considered myself an agnostic, and in my college days an existentialist, I began to connect spiritually. I started by saying The Lord’s Prayer every night before going to sleep. I then began to pray/meditate to beings of light, to help me, to help others in pain, to help our planet, to protect those trying to protect us. Since then, I have had so many unbelievable inexplicable experiences, most beautiful and good. I’ve also had some that were out of the blue sudden and disturbing. I started to realize these were counterforces to the good, trying to set me off balance. It doesn’t work anymore. I would take up too much space to go into detail here but, suffice it to say, the past three years have been enlightening to the oddest degree. I do believe we are now going through The Great Awakening, and I am certain that Truth and Goodness will prevail. Thank you, Dr. Mihalcea, for so bravely standing for both.


Scot Darby - Jun 16, 2023

Bible Commentary by Scot Darby

The Apostle Paul gives us insight on this topic of spiritual warfare:
Ephesians 6:10-12 KJV
[10] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [11] Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 16, 2023

Exactly, amen.


Lisa - Jun 16, 2023




Tonya McKinney - Jun 16, 2023

Tonya’s Newsletter

I feel like he was talking about our time now. This is happening. Where can we get chelation IV and high dose vitamin c?


Joseph Robinson - Jun 17, 2023

From Mo’s comment below, I wanted to make sure you saw it...
The naturopath (ND) use same needle to do first the EDTA, then Vit C infusion. Ask about glutathione.


Michelle - Feb 2, 2024



Christa Ford - Jun 16, 2023

Christa Ford

Thank you so much for this, Dr. Ana! I'm a Believer in Jesus Christ and the night before I came down with the horrific bio-weapon on June 13, 2023 ( because of my first (and last) ever teaching a jabbed very talkative piano student in our home, 2 feet away the whole time,, breathing in her breath for 2 hours where I also started feeling intense burning in my nasal passages throat and lungs while I was teaching her up close because I did teach her the piano. A couple days later I then had a dream that I was in sleep paralysis by a demon and the demon was trying to stop me from calling out the name of Jesus! It was then the next day that this horrific illness overtook me and my husband! We have 6 chiland they need use! We have not been sick for a year and a half and that was when we were exposed to boosted people at our small Church where we had this huge outbreak from the boosted people and several of us almost died. After I got exposed to the student this Jine, 2023, I started having unrelenting thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness, then the demonic attack dream, next day hit with the horrible illness.. I because of your emails had already bought an EDTA low dose chelation from Peak pure and natural , 400 MG calcium Dosodium EDTA. I just now saw today that you put out how much this is a spiritual attack, these bio weapons and I'm taking this chelation on faith and I pray my body will be able to tolerate it and I believe that it will and I believe that the fog will lift and that I will fight this horrible illness and recover in Jesus name


Sharon Lynn - Jun 16, 2023



sunshine - Jun 16, 2023

Larry’s Substack

I have found listening to the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic very useful. The sound and vibration from that language is very unique. I've even had it stopped on my bluetooth speaker. I deliberately bought one that wasn't wifi capable. I particularly like the words of this version. I haven't found it sung on yt yet.
I know from experience how powerful the Lord's Prayer is with Intention. I have been researching a long time and everything that Dr Ana writes about is well known. The burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral, was to prevent a massive planned Satanic ritual of children. I would encourage all to listen to the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic daily in your homes. To send that vibration to the ether. such a simple thing to do but with millions listening so powerful .It sends a clear message to the Dark also.
I would love to hear the following words sung in Aramaic.
Lord’s Prayer
Translated from Aramaic
A Translation of “Our Father” directly from Aramaic into English
O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration. Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space
within us where your Presence can abide.
Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission.
Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.
Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.
Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.
Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.
For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.


Larry - Jun 24, 2023

Larry’s Substack

Stellar sings it brilliantly.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUhIjTALROk


sunshine - Jun 25, 2023

Thank you SO much. namaste I know of John's work too. At Sakkara, Egypt there is an ancient stone circular sound healing chamber.


Elizabeth Faraone - Jun 16, 2023

You are such a source of light. Thank you, Ana.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

The shoes we're in (anyone who gets privy to unspeakable horrifying unbelievable surreal scenarios that are real, from first hand experience, such as getting effected by the release on the population of biohacking-mutanting-exotic-demon-franken-nanotech, or first hand discovery that well-respected, renowned and beloved pillars of the community are participating in an organized monstrous sadistic torture and rape of children in your town) always makes me think to what some of the Franklin Scandal abused/trafficked young slaves said, essentially, that their traffickers (such as Lawrence King) would tell them: "If you tell anyone about this, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU / will believe the story...". And sadly, unfortunately, on the whole, it's typically the case with the vast majority of people. I value so much, Dr Ana, that you have a visionary ilk and that you comprehend /perceive exactly what's going on with the demon-guided-franken-synbionanoelectronics-intrabodynanonetwork-operation, and did not cower from going on record /being public with it, on the most dangerous forefront frontlines, along with Karen Kingston, of exposing it. And that you treat patients, and that you continue to research and test out solutions for us. Two thumbs up on this post, and may the Creator continue to help you and watch over you.


Mo - Jun 16, 2023



Catherine - Jun 16, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Dr. Ana-- You are the only physician that I follow 100% because I believe you truly are the only one that is honest and knows what is going on with long covid and the vaxx injured. Not to mention you are sincerely trying to help all of us and I cannot thank you enough!!! Many times I have told numerous physicians about the disconnection and “soul-less” feeling I have during my 22 months of long covid (unvaxxed)- they look at me like I am crazy! You are the only one that knows what I am going through. It is extremely difficult to find care and the treatment that I am finally receiving I had to fight extremely hard for. EDTA IV, peptides, IV NAD and other IV nutrients. Looking to start EBOO soon as well. I still struggle with many symptoms however I would not be getting the care today if it were not for you , your videos and the Substack. THANK YOU and BLESS YOU for your dedication, knowledge and time to help all long covid and vaxx injured-- we are blessed to have you. Keep the info coming!! We need you and you are helping so many people. With gratitude πŸ™


Swan - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Anyone who has not yet been poisoned with this technology and had his or her brain hacked cannot possibly imagine how sinister it is. Please be hyper-aware of your thoughts and put on the Full Armor every day and pray for God's protection. Because of what happened to me my heart is broken and my soul is crushed, which I suspect was the precise goal of those orchestrating this agenda. I don't even really want to live anymore. COVID backwards is DIVOC, which means possession by an evil spirit in Hebrew. Hebrew is read right-to-left. I don't believe any of this is a coincidence.


Michelle - Feb 2, 2024

Swan, stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ - DO NOT GIVE-UP, even though it doesn't feel like it, Jesus has you under the cover or his wing!


Blue Zebra - Jun 16, 2023

Imago Indie Research and Relear…

Can someone please provide contact info of medical providers who: (1) test for the presence of the Rouleaux formations in blood and/or other markers that show whether chelation is necessary, and (2) for providers who prescribe/perform EDTA chelation based on bloodwork results?


JZ - Jun 16, 2023

American College for the Advancement of Medicine has certified chelation practitioners, Dr Ana has recommended this org in the past.


Soul Warrior - Jun 16, 2023

This was I was going to inquire as well. How do we find such providers?


JZ - Jun 16, 2023

A4m dot com lists some chelators


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

I agree how can I be tested and get this chelation treatment.
I am in Washington DC


dana ciancimino - Jun 16, 2023

I am in Texas and would like to know this info also.
Dr Ana, have you thought of bringing other likeminded doctors together as a group, to brainstorm treating those around the country?


JZ - Jun 16, 2023

Imago Indie Research and Relear…

People are saying you can see rouleaux with ordinary microscopes


Blue Zebra - Jun 16, 2023

Imago Indie Research and Relear…

What magnification? What kind? How to prepare the blood / sample for viewing, for those of us who have not done medicine? How much blood to extract?


Monnaie - Jun 16, 2023

Imago Indie Research and Relear…

I just ordered a blood viewing microscope from amazon i believe the brand is vabiooth. i had the same questions but once i saw someone review of this microscope on amz and they posted pictures of ribbons they found in their blood and masks I figured this would suffice! It hasn't arrived yet so I'll come back and report. It is not a darkfield microscope, however.


Mark Thompson - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

As always, excellent information. My question(s) are practical. How can one become disconnected from H-A-A-R-P and/or other tentacles that the satanists are attempting to connect to our mind/bodies? Or is it impossible? How can I confirm that I am (or am not) connected? I have run a bluetooth scan and am not registering a MAC address (sadly my wife is). I have been taking EDTA cream for the last 3 months and have noticed mental and physical improvements. EDTA chelation sites are too far away. I am also considering an additional regimen of Boron/ACV. Thoughts on the above?


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

I am with you on the Boron/ACV regimen Mark, just started it yesterday. The ACV in water tastes quite good to me. Re the harp tentacles, I would add that I ditched the cell phone last year and have a land line that costs under 15 bucks a month. It's still 4G but at least I don't carry it around. Nothing in my car 'receives' info, it's an old Volvo. One funny trick to increase personal vibration is to sing any high note with your voice, or hum it. You may notice that after it becomes a habit, the note you can sing actually becomes higher. If you voice breaks, try a slightly lower note until you can hum it comfortably without your voice cracking. It's fun. best


Swan - Jun 16, 2023

What do you mean your landline is 4G? Cordless phones?


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 16, 2023

It is an Ooma brand stationary phone.
It costs about 90 dollars and service is less than 15 a month.
I am happy with it, but cannot speak to it's privacy being any
better than cellphones it is cheaper at least.
thanks Swan from Oregon


Mark Thompson - Jun 16, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Thanks for comments. Sadly, I need to work and my company issued iphone is required...put it in airplane mode whenever possible. But I feel like I'm chasing the wind.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 16, 2023

I am likely relocating out of Portland OR after 30 years, and have considered what work I will do in a new location (somewhere in NW die-ag-o-lon)...(I do drafting and am 7 years from retirement, not that I think thats a thing still). But I do know one thing, which is that if I were to apply for a job that insisted I carry a cellphone, it would be a deal breaker. I will bet you a dolla that in 10 years, if we are still walking and talking, there will be no cellphone users left. Best of luck to you in all of it!


Whole Mommy - Sep 16, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

There's a device called R2Light sticker on your phone- it lights up to disperse radiation. I like it!


Citizen Seer - Jun 16, 2023

Citizen’s Substack

Mark, I truly do not mean to sound flippant, but can you work at something else? Be bold. Make changes. See what happens....


Whole Mommy - Sep 16, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

You may like to check out the most recent article fromwww.energeticsynthesis.com
Best wishes


Whole Mommy - Sep 16, 2023

Whole Mommy’s Newsletter

Also a prayer book by praying medic called defeating your adversary in the courts of heaven.
And a prayer called "pleading the blood of Jesus" on YouTube have been helpful tools worth considering


Catherine - Jun 16, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Are you using the EDTA cream Dr Ana recommended? Is it a once a day use?


Mark Thompson - Jun 17, 2023

Yes, same cream she recommends. Once a day for 6/7 days a week.


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Suzi Smith

Where can I seek this chelation Treatment being though the incident happened in area local hospitals.Already I believe that this information is great.
Please help
Please help I need treatment I been going through this for some months now


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 16, 2023

Suzi Smith

Phillips-- Indigo in Georgetown does heavy metal chelation / EDTA chelation. I had called them last week and asked them about it. The cons though: They're extremely pricey-- for example, they quoted me that it could be $300-$450 per chelation session. In addition to several hundred (maybe $500 - $800 if I recall correctly) for the initial consult, and then in addition the costs for the pre-testing-- heavy metal lab tests. Another con is that they seem to be "conventional narrative" in their mindset / worldview scope, bec when the receptionist asked me the reason why I was seeking EDTA chelation, I told her the truth (in my case, I'm biohacked with the nano and it manifests as graphic pattern manifestations in my skin that behave as if they're sensor-activated) and her reaction was "Do you realize how crazy that sounds??" and her tone vibe became skeptical mood. lol. (which I can understand, and dont fault her for. But just mentioning it so that you're aware that they seem conventional narrative worldview bubble scenario). Here is their website nonetheless:https://www.indigohealthclinic.com/services/


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

I appreciate you very much and your response this is bizarre to me as well but it still doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or isn't happening to certain people.
Ok I'm in Washington DC where it all began right here in the Nation's Capitol (very disgusted by all of this) and the monitoring that's been going on along with the assassination attempts as if I was a terrorist.
Ok Georgetown there's a hospital and University called Georgetown is that what you're referring to ?


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 16, 2023

Phillips, hi, sure thing! Phillips, yes, Georgetown, home of THE EXORCIST steps, yup. That Indigo practice's address is on their website. It's off Wisconsin Ave, near the canal.


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Exactly you got it thank you what's crazy is I feel movement that my body isn't causing on its own..SMH


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 16, 2023

Phillips-- I absolutely believe it / believe you, regarding the bizarro phenomena you're experiencing. I have a list of my own! oy!. The way the 'black goo' nano behaves IS truly "Spooky", if I had to pick only one adjective. Like a morpho "Ghost in the Machine". (and its no coincidence, to my mind, that xenobot 3.0 implementer -- although it was TRULY designed by demonic A.I. supercomputer "DEEP GREEN"-- Michael Levin, named his company "MORPHOCEUTICALS")


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Key Word #demonic


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Then to have choppers following you too..🚁 WHAT ON THE WORLD IS THIS ALL ABOUT?!


JZ - Jun 16, 2023



Suzi Smith - Sep 16, 2023

Suzi Smith

Hi. I am just seeing this article now and I’m wondering if you have gone to the indigo clinic. I live in Mclean and I am very, very sick. I have been to a dozen doctors and no one can help me. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Comment removed.


Phillips - Jun 16, 2023

Thank you so much ❀️


Unapologetically Me - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

I just paid this forward, with the headline:
"Kinda new-agey, kinda weird, kinda interesting nonetheless..."
Added this link, with a note to recipient:
"You know me. I look at everything. Especially blood these days."
This person might recall that I was a guinea pig nearly 30 years ago. I volunteered to have a live blood analysis performed by a mutual friend of ours who was training at a clinic in Winnipeg.
Thanks Dr. Ana. You're a fascinating person and I, for one, appreciate your honesty. ❀
Live long and prosper. ❀


Citizen Seer - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Citizen’s Substack

Hey there, if this post qualifies as "kinda interesting" for you, I'd like to see what you consider " very interesting".πŸ™‚ I mean, she's basically referencing the greatest esoteric knowledge and hidden mysteries of our existence. THIS is "waking up". Realizing that our politicians are forc the most part, corrupt, ignorant and fearful, would be a very low level form of " waking up". Peace


Unapologetically Me - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

I consider many medical Substack posts kinda interesting but then again, I've been at this for over 35 years so... πŸ˜‰


Wei (Ray) Chang, Ph.D. - Jun 17, 2023

Wei’s Substack

We humans are IS (immortal spiritual) beings. The evil can only entrap us. Thank you for providing tools to fight off those demons. God bless you, Dr. Ana.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 19, 2023

Yes we are Divine and Immortal. God bless you too



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