Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Dr Robert Duncan, World Mind control Grid CIA AI System
Some of the things I have been speaking about is very far out for people. The understanding that this is first and foremost a spiritual war fought with nanotechnological and electromagnetic weapons to control humanity also seems too much. But reality is very strange, and sometimes it takes people like me who would be labelled “strange” based on my experiences to explain some of the things that are going on. People ask me why I am not more careful about my “scientific reputation”. The answer is - humanity is running out of time. We need knowledge fast if we want to survive, and only a few will have the mind to even comprehend what is coming.
The paradigms of old will crumble, the science and education system as it is in its deception will eventually fall away. We are walking the razors edge RIGHT NOW. Humanity will either rise, awaken and survive, or be enslaved and fall into darkness. We create the outcome of the future, we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Imagine if the mission is to save a species, that does not know they have been attacked by a very advanced technology - and if you had to alert them that something they never even heard of is about to extinguish their planetary biosphere - HOW WOULD YOU COMMUNICATE THAT?
I am talking to those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. Reality is about to get a lot stranger. Many talk about Alien invasion, thinking that UFO’s will populate the sky. That will be true to, and not just via project Blue Beam - it is already happening and not all will be a false flag. But there is another realm of “alien invasion” that is happening at a nano scale. What does alien mean? Foreign to this biosphere.
A conscious life form that is silicon based, synthetic, artificial intelligence powered, operates on the quantum realm, hence does not abide in our current paradigm of physics, is self replicating, self learning, parasitic in that it lives of the energy field of the host, controlling in that it changes the host organism mentally, emotionally and spiritually via remote artificial intelligence frequency signals. It can excrete toxic protein substances that poison the host as Clifford Carnicom has shown. As I have shown also that the Carbon Nanotubes used in hydrogel can create plasmons and demons. This can affect and influence people with very dark thoughts.
You have seen the video by Dana Ashley on High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. That is part of the mental world control grid that Robert Duncan has shown.
My spiritual healing background has given me a unique perspective in this war. I understood the spiritual nature of how it impacts people not just medically but I could SEE it spiritually. Most people would find this journey strange and ridicule it, but you must understand that one of our greatest enemies in this war, the dark military and CIA, has been actively working on the rise of the “demi urge” - as James Giordano has said. What do you think that means?
Quantum and biophysics can brilliantly explain all phenomena people call supernatural. I am very grateful for everything I know, because it has prepared me for this end times spiritual warfare in a unique way, and I am able to help people on many levels, not just physically.
The first time I looked at the Nanotechnology in the C19 Pfizer Vials, I knew this technology was not from here and that its essence was demonic - capable of hijacking the soul. If you read my book, even in my twenties I would ask myself if I needed to learn how to reverse black magic to heal people, who seemingly found no answers to their suffering anywhere. I kid you not if I tell you that prophetic question has come true now.
I began speaking in many interviews about the spiritual warfare connection of this technology, by accessing dimensions via the quantum realms.
When I myself became a target in 2021, I rapidly understood how advanced their skill set in remote brain manipulation and remote assassination really was. In a near death experience due to the targeting, saw a Red Dragon, clearly satanic, manipulating the world from another dimension. It wanted me not only dead, but wanted to capture my soul forever. I experienced being trapped in a time loop for what seemed millions of years reliving a captured thought over and over. My body and soul was saved by the grace of God. I realized that what I had seen would happen to people who were successfully taken over spiritually by this demonic parasite. Is it just a coincidence that there is a Dragon Society? Who REALLY controls the world? Are Dragons human or something else?
In the first image above image from Dr Robert Duncan’s book “Soul Catcher” he describes the worldwide operation of World Mind Control via ELF Human Control and Surveillance Grid. Your brainwaves are being interrogated and if you start to use more than 10% of your brain capacity you may get on the targeted individual list. I have met and treated some brilliant people who literally are being remote tortured. It is known in intelligence circles that demonic attachments can be weaponized.
Dissociated personalities as we know in MKULTRA and MONARCH program use demonic attachments attached to certain personality subsets, and the same can be done with sleeper cells and Manchurian Candidate Assassins. The dark side of neural link technologies are its capabilities for remote control.
If you have not yet read Cathy O’Brians book Tranceformation of America, you should. She is a former governmental MKULTRA sex slave survivor who has seen first hand the demonic entities that are being evoked by the satanic rituals of the elites. If you look at General Thomas Aquino, who was part of the Army psychological operations warfare program - you wonder where exactly some of this technology for mind control came from. What dimensions and information can you access in satanic rituals?
In taking care of and reversing long Covid and C19 vax shedding, I began to see odd coincidences that unvaccinated people who have a C19 vaccinated partner were getting extreme vax injury symptoms while the vaccinated partner was fine. I found that very curious. Many people who come to me for treatment of those two conditions have experienced not just extreme physical symptoms like brain fog, memory decline, palpitations, shortness of breath, autonomic neuropathy and other symptoms, but also anxiety, depression and a spiritual disconnect. When I look at them, I see classic picture of demonic possession. Someone who cannot sit still, is aggressive, has extreme anxiety and sensation of impending doom or fear of death, chest pressure, feeling of heaviness on their entire being and soul, headaches, ringing in the ears. They feel like they are not themselves, have negative and destructive thoughts that are not in their nature, and they feel a darkness about them. If they have a religious background they explain a sense of disconnect from God and concern about irreparably having sinned. The more spiritual individuals feel they cannot find comfort even in their meditation practice, they wake up anxious for no reason and once again - I hear the words “disconnected from spirit” a lot lately.
If you look up those symptoms, you can elicit those with microwave radiation directed energy weapons or AI automated remote neuro virus infection. Mind is the new battlespace as Dr. James Giordiano from Georgetown University states. All patients who have these symptoms have highly contaminated blood filled with CDB/ Hydrogel filaments. As I have written in many substacks, the hydrogel is a programmable matter that can make biosensors and other artificially intelligent equipment that can program the human biology as well as send all its data. It became evident to me that this synthetic biology is an antenna to lower frequency realms.
I have shown how this technology continues to self replicate even in embalmed blood of an individual who has been dead for over 8 months:
I am not superstitious, and I am not afraid of demons or fallen angels. I simply get them out of my space.
I have seen many, many cases of the same thing happening. I decided to write about this topic as I see it very prevalent, and many people feel their doctor could never address this dimension of their suffering - even the functional and naturopathic ones.
A case discussion
A lady in her 40’s was exposed to C19 vaccinated individual last year. Had a progressive decline since, including fatigue and brain fog. Long time meditator, connected to the divine essence within her. After that shedding contact she experienced a progressive disconnect and shadow like feeling of darkness. Experienced thoughts even of self destruction and suicidality when that has never been the case before.
The original live blood analysis looked like this:
Within 20 minutes of getting the first EDTA IV Chelation there was a relief and a lifting of the shadow. I have seen this over and over again. It is as if the antenna to the darkness is cut. After 3 days of treatment EDTA Chelation alternating with high dose Vitamin C and then repeat EDTA Chelation, all symptoms of darkness and doom had been lifted. The blood looks normal without hydrogel filaments.
I followed up with the patient a couple weeks later and she was still feeling excellent. Aware people notice how the shadow comes back when they get re- contaminated.
I wanted to write about this because it is affecting many and they do not know how to get help. The darkness is not their own, it is a shadow feeding on them.
Again, I speak for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I am not conventional in any way, because the brainwashing of that convention has no solutions to the problem at hand. Things will still get worse and we need to equip ourselves with the tools to face the black awakening, the rise of the demi urge. There are way more tools necessary to face that than natto kinase for a presumed spike protein.
Lift your spirits. We are divine beings. The kingdom of heaven is within us. Nothing can hurt us. We must stand on the bridge and say: “You shall not pass! “
Image courtesy:
I send you my love and comfort to where ever you are. You who suffer, understand what I said here. Where people around you do not understand, I do. I have seen it and survived it. We can do it together.
God wins. Love is stronger than all darkness. Truth is incorruptible and survives all tribulations.
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Joseph Robinson - Jun 16, 2023
Thank God for “strange” people like you, Dr Ana, with the religious, ethical, and moral courage to take this evil to task. Not to mention the free-thinking highly-trained intellect that enables you to do what you do. Your contributions are not just important, they’re cornerstone. Thank you.
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jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 16, 2023 - Edited
When I was about 40 ago I was prescribed strong antibiotics for a bladder infection, Cipro. I had never taken antibiotics in my life before that. When the damn stuff took hold, I felt a horrid darkness and an inability to think, a feeling of being lost in my soul and body. It was because the Cipro was 'working', killing off all beneficial bacteria and microbes in my gut, in order to clear the bladder infection. I would never take it again, it was the darkest worst feeling I have ever experienced, and I think it's the demonic force you speak of in the jabs, the killing of our microbiome. Most of us know our gut is completely tied to our thoughts and brains and what makes us living creatures. Pharma meds create death. I will never take any again. Once was enough. A qualified herbalist could have healed me with much less damage. LATE EDIT--SEARCH American Herbalists Guild (AHG), or become one yourself (start with what grows nearest you and work outward for best results)
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