Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Confirms Clifford…

Aug 25, 2023

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(1995) Dr.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Research Your World

Hello Dr. Mihalcea.
I'm an RN. I have been working withReact19.orgto help the vaccine-injured and have been researching everything I can to find out what all was in the vaccines, why they are killing people, and to find solutions to the myriad of health problems they cause.
I made a critical discovery, thanks to an interview you did with Maria Zee that I saw a few days ago.
This Maria Zee interview is one everyone should watch. You showed us that the nanotechnology inside the COVID19 vaccines do a few different things, and that it was magnetic. Also, you showed that it is the nanotechnology that builds the rubbery blood clots which are causing all the sudden deaths. You were theorizing how it is getting into unvaccinated blood for people who are not vaccinated or on the injectable medications you have found the nanotech in. I think I know how.
I saw a few days ago that graphene oxide, a building block of the nanotechnology, was found in San Pellegrino bottled water. So, I'm assuming the nanotechnology is in many or all bottled water and beverages. I also have seen videos circulating showing that meat in the grocery stores is now magnetic. Do you remember all the clips with vaccinated people showing that keys stick to their foreheads? That was because of the magnetic nanotechnology in the vaccines. The pieces need the magnetism in order to self-assemble once they get to body temperature to form into nanobots. I'm pretty sure it is in the food supply, and that is why the meat is magnetic and why you are seeing increasing nanotechnology fibers in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated blood. In addition, I suspect it is in the tap water.
In addition, about 6-7 months ago, the water in my house suddenly had a weird flavor. The same day, my dog refused to drink it, which totally freaked me out. I bought a Berkey water filter and have been pouring all water through it thankfully for this reason, but I didn't know what was wrong with it until now. Berkey's remove heavy metals, so I am hopeful that it will remove this crap and make your water safe to drink. I will bet you the nanotechnology is in many more things, or everything we ingest that the elites can control. Would you be able to look at the beverages, and tap water under electron microscopy, please?
It is not paranoia when I tell you that the food and water supply are being poisoned. They are! The mRNA which weakens your immune system and organs is also in the proteins in all the grocery stores. I saw an interview with Bill Gates about 7 months ago explaining that they had changed all of the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platform. There were studies coming out of China about a year ago where they were showing that the mRNA can be transferred to humans via eating the animals and that it passes through the intestines and infects your cells. they were also trying to pass it through milk and lettuce. The mRNA hijacks your cells and causes them to begin making the spike protein. The spike protein is a foreign protein which your body recognizes as non-self, so when your body begins manufacturing it, it travels all over your body, attaches to your organs, and then your immune system begins to attack your organs, causing autoimmune problems, organ failure, and myocarditis sudden deaths. Dr. Ryan Cole has been sharing that the turbo cancers are showing that the spike protein, created by the mRNA, can be found in every single cancer cell, so, this is a big deal.
Secondly, I wanted to share a theory that I formed after seeing some other interviews and reading your Substack.
My theory: There is no virus. Please allow me to explain.
I'm sure you know the COVID19 vaccines have been proven to be contagious via respiratory exosomes and body fluids. Well, you found that the PCR swabs, have the clot-building nanotechnology that was inside the vaccines too, and I'll bet, they had many or all of the contagious vaccine components and are also contagious. I had 2 TIAs within hours of my 2nd PCR swab, so I already was concerned that they were another vaccine method.
John's Hopkins came out with a study a few weeks ago showing the PCR swabs can be used as a vaccination method. When the NIH told us to "test, test, test," this was desired to spread the bioweapon among the world populations, which is contagious, to convince the world we had a real pandemic. I submit to you that Sars-Co-V 2 may be a real virus, but that there was no Sars-CoV-2 virus that was actually circulating outside of the normal circulation of coronaviruses. The PCR cannot diagnose infection, so they used a test that cannot diagnose (It used to say, "not a diagnostic tool" on the inside of the test kits) to diagnose the supposed viral infection. Because the test cannot diagnose infection, it must have had other purposes. Also, the supposed COVID19 viral symptoms match exactly, the symptom profile for the bioweapon vaccines, as does supposed "long-COVID." They vary in severity, but they are all the exact same symptoms. If the medical community can explain the symptoms of the supposed virus via re-exposure to the supposed COVID virus or via long-COVID, then they are far less likely to be concerned about the vaccines, which keeps the medical providers bickering and confused about if there are possible vaccine dangers. This confusion, allows doctors to believe that they understand the symptoms of the supposed COVID and long-COVID and the causes of those symptoms, thereby enabling the bioweapon vaccines to stay on the market and continue to be given to more people.
Can I ask for your help in testing the food, beverage and water supply please? I saw that you and another doctor tested meat and milk and it was found there. I will pay for all expenses and your time, but I am truly very concerned that this is how the globalists plan to bring about their UN2030 plans to decrease the global depopulation by 90% by 2030. Is there a way for you to test the PCR swabs further to see if my theory is true - that they are being used as the spreading mechanism because they also contain contagious components like the "vaccines?"
My encouragement to you and your readers:
Please get the word out so we can help save lives. Buy everything possible from small local organic farms and farmers markets, because that is the only way I can think of to try to protect yourselves and your families. Buy a Berkey, or other water filtration system, for your water and don't drink anything that comes in a bottle without running it through the filtration system.
Finally, if you are struggling to believe that you could organize this many people and companies willing to murder billions of people, I get it. It is hard to believe or comprehend. Here is their 2015 World Economic Forum/UN/globalist convention from. Please make time to watch the first 30 minutes. You will hear that they own Western governments and intelligence agencies and you will hear the 2nd speaker, the president of Malaysia, say "we will have to kill billions of people," and that those who survive will be "stomped and starved" if they will not obey and submit to their New World Order one world government.
If anyone needs to speak with me about any of this, here is my phone number: 214-929-9218 and my email isjesse2emma@gmail.comorprincipledpractice@gmail.com.
Stay safe and thank you so much for all of your brilliant work!
Sarah Lawton, RN, BSN, CCM


Citizen Seer - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Citizen’s Substack

Sarah, thank you for that summary. Imo, based on the information I've considered over the past few years, I feel you are spot on. And I think it matches up well with the research and investigations that Dr. Ana and others have provided. And continue to provide.
My question to you is, given that the scenario you describe is accurate, aren't more " significant" preparations/ changes warranted? In other words, filter your water, yes, but how about making a home where you are on well water, and not on a municipal water supply? Just one example, and there are many others.
You are seeing alot. Make sure you use the information to help you and your family first. Blessings to you.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Research Your World

Hello Citizen.
Thank you for the response, and yes, you are right that getting a well would be a better long term solution over the filtration system. It wasn't meant to be an exhaustive list for options, but rather to provide some suggestions that are relatively inexpensive and could work for people who do not have a home where they can put in their own well, or people who cannot afford to make that change right away. The Berkey system is about $350. I was recently told that Berkey systems cause alumina to be in your water, so even the Berkey may not be a perfect solution. This is all very challenging, so anyone who has othe suggestions, please share so we can all learn from them. If you have other suggestions, I would love to hear them. Thank you for caring! -Sarah


Citizen Seer - Aug 25, 2023

Citizen’s Substack

Hi again Sarah, there is so much that could be said. Far more than would be appropriate here.
But, At the risk of being misunderstood, I'll share a few thoughts. But know that I think you are correct, sincere, astute, even heroic for what it is I think you do.
(Sidenote: don't post your personal info on the Web)
Getting the Word out needs to happen. It's been happening, and will continue as time allows.
That said, sharing info is necessary, but not sufficient. I say that in light of the phrase, " when all is said and done, more is said than done".
In other words, many have heard this information and done little in their own lives to address it.
That has to be foremost. Doing.
Nobody owes anyone anything. People will make their way, with assistance from good hearted people like you, mostly through the strength of their own Will. If they lack the resources to enact changes they want, they need to get it in gear and make it happen. That's not cold hearted when considering that a strong Will, is in itself, a greater prize than every physical preparation inagineable.
So what suggestions would I make to help people? Find your weaknesses and vulnerabilities and begin to systematically eliminate them.
And as always, " clothe yourself with the full armour of God".


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Your last word is the only Word. We can all share info and talk, talk, talk, take the next supplement, scramble for the next post…but after my recent experience with this I’m of one mind only, the spiritual one. I’m a logical person and more profoundly a child of God through the sacrifice and blood of his son Jesus Christ. Only one entity wields a dark force powerful enough to have directed mass members of the human race to injure and kill millions or billions of their own, knowingly or not, to destroy the Lord’s creation whether plant, animal, or those made in His image. It is written. The ultimate battle between good and evil is upon the earth with all signs of it ablaze in convergence against the glory of God. The Father of lies is the also the Father of technology and has ushered in the abomination as was written. This atrocity, this long prophesied battle is not a war we can fight on the ground, but, as you say, wearing the full armor of God and carrying the sword of the spirit. We are living in the age of deception these past 50+ years. Each individual will have to look inward to their own heart, accept divine will. Look up, plead for His return as we are promised for such a time as this. Unless one thinks there’s a method for removing many 1000’s or more of the evil or zombified persons that have been directed under darkness to attack humanity, which I don’t believe is possible, look to the good news of the gospel. As global summits roll out this fall/winter to launch the final attack, take heart, God wins. Not the next US President or the Green New Deal or AI/UAF or Amazon’s bio-metric scanners aka the great deception…but the Word of our Creator. Maranatha!


Reply (1) - Aug 26, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Comment removed.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack



Lorrie Crismon - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

Lorrie Crismon

A Multipure water filtration system (Multipure.com), is more effective than Berkey. It removes forever chemicals, all heavy metals, microplastics, Chlorine, Trihalomethanes, Arsenic, & more.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Thank you!!!
How long have you been using yours?
have you ever sent the filtered (and pre filtered) water away for a test?
Also curious about seeing the filtered one under microscope to see if tiny nano tech makes it through the filter.
Does it have a membrane to filter out really small particles like an RO does?
Thanks again.


Lorrie Crismon - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

Lorrie Crismon

I’ve been using a Multipure system for 6 months. The filter should be changed yrly. I have not had my filtered water tested. My best friend sells them; & my neighbor who is a stem cell Dr & plastic surgeon has one. I’m pretty sure they have šŸ’Æ guarantee if you’re not satisfied. Check out their website if interested. I trust this company. I live in the country & have a well.


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

If only it was the water. Test your blood through live analysis or the bandaid test at home. It reveals all.
I’ve now shared my results on my page.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Ohhh you are so fortunate to have your own well. šŸ‘šŸ˜Š AND live in the countryside.
If I could leave the city I would, but work keeps my husband here for now.
I’d be gone from California in a sec if i could.
Please let me know what your microscope shows -SpiritLedPower@Protonmail.com


Lorrie Crismon - Aug 26, 2023

Lorrie Crismon

I have a compound microscope, so I’ll pull it out & take a lšŸ‘€k.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 26, 2023

Research Your World

Awesome! Thank you!!


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

I wonder if we can create our own Berkey type system using real stainless steel tall pots? Gravity based method with some sort of universal filter material.
I definitely don’t want anything with Aluminum - only SS.
It seems like the globalists and their minions have declared war on the world.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 26, 2023

Research Your World

Yes, they really have.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Comment removed.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

I no longer eat in restaurants. i don’t trust where they source their food from.
Becoming like a hermit is not a great life - but I’d rather have all my faculties and health.
We tried Mountain water and started feeling unwell too.
I think it’s from arkansas. And i recall reading after some research that their water is contaminated , like most states. Perhaps they have farming nearby and runoff has happened to local water..
I have cases of it in my garage and won’t drink it due to it making us feel ill.
I switched to a European water in glass bottles.


Christian - Sep 18, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Do not trust any water suppplied by big companies ! San Pellegrino owned by Nestle is full ofsh.it...


Alison H. - Aug 28, 2023

I heard that Pellegrino water is contaminated with the stuff.


Aug 29, 2023

Comment removed.


Alison H. - Aug 25, 2023

Sandy K

One could distill the water after filtration.


Pwnda - Aug 25, 2023

Sandy K

Yes, distillation is the only way.


Sandy K - Aug 25, 2023

Sandy K

Not sure that distilled water removes fluoride...we've been poisoned for many decades.


Reply (1) - Aug 25, 2023

Comment removed.


Alison H. - Aug 28, 2023

Apparently the video has been removed. :-(


wand - Aug 25, 2023


this won't help anyone but in a pinch, perhaps. i bought a couple dehumidifiers and discovered that plants appear to love the water. thought occurred that i could drink it if i could find a way to throughly clean the bucket (power washing?) the collected water should still be filtered for contaminants. i have a berkey, too. i'd like to see independent testing results on berkey filters. seems my plants do not like water that has been filtered with a berkey.


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

Chemtrails will get into ground water (retired biologist here). Just a matter of time. Detox daily into eternity is our only chance, and it may fail.


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

what about distilled water? Make your own perhaps?


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

what do you suggest for detox?


Alison H. - Aug 25, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Dr. Ana does EDTA and high-dose Vitamin C intravenously. Dr. Peter McCullough has a protocol. Seewww.deeprootsathome.comfor an article. Dana Ashlie has a video on Bitchute, "A Solution They Don't Want You to Know" (Borax) which is about chemtrails, the same stuff as in the jabbie. Also go towww.earthclinic.comand look up borax or boron there.


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

I’ve done both EDTA and Borax/Silver water, EMF protection et al. Just posted my results


Joe - Aug 25, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Also colloidal gold supposedly if you can’t take boron


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

Dr McCollough’s detox is for spike tho- right?


Joe - Aug 25, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Dr Ana also said if u. Any take edta in IV to take it by cream with vitamin C in high does through IV 50mg biweekly


Joe - Aug 25, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Filter it


Pwnda - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

JMarie.58’s Substack

Hello Sarah,
The nanotech is in our food, air, and water supplies, and it has been for years now.
I think you may find the work and research of Dr. Bryan Ardis interesting. He discusses the spike protein and how they put it into the water. He suggests nicotine as a way to protect yourself.
Water distillation is the only way to truly purify your water from pharmaceuticals and all other toxins.
You suggested research into finding nanotechnology in foods--please go to Telegram and look into the works of La Quinta Columna, who have a channel that is doing exactly this.
Dr. Ana recently did a post on where to get a dark field microscope--perhaps it is time that we all invest in one.
Boron/borax is truly healing. Celery is helpful as well. Nanozeolite spray works to help remove the technology. As for the quantum dot, colloidal gold works. Dr. Ana has gone over some of these in her substacks.
We have noticed when foods make us bad because of the nanotechnology. For example, don’t drink Starbucks nitro brews, because you will get sick from it. Be careful about buying certain organic food that have been modified with Gate’s Apeel. Avoid masks and swabs (duh, they come from China), avoid the vaccinated (they shed spike proteins), avoid any medications if possible.
Look into orgone energy and grid work. Wishing you the best of health.


bastringue - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

JMarie.58’s Substack

You can't say what work or does not work unless it has been proven (live blood before and live blood after). So far, we know that IV EDTA helps to some extend. We need PROOF that other things work.


Pwnda - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

JMarie.58’s Substack

I can say whatever I want. I’ve healed a lot of people with this protocol. Buy me a microscope and I’ll prove it.


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited

JMarie.58’s Substack

I’ve done everything you’ve stated as “healing,” here’s where’s it’s at for me today via microscopy:


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

What great information! Thanks so much for the recommendations!! Wishing you the best. :)


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

where does one get nanozeolite spray?


Pwnda - Aug 25, 2023

Touchstone Essentials have a Purebody nanozeolite spray. This combination of their detox sprays, boron (at least 6mg daily), apple cider vinegar (do not use Bragg’s due to parasites), celery (at least three stalks per day), cilantro (which you could use the micro greens and make a yummy tea out of), beets for their nitric oxide, and a high quality chlorella (I like the blue e3live algae as well) is great for detox. Don’t forget to support your liver with beets, fresh lemon juice under the tongue for your gallbladder, and a good liver detox supplement like the one Global Health (Dr. Ed Group) makes. Dandelion tea and milk thistle are great for the liver as well. Global Health also has a great nascent iodine for detox too, as well as a great magnesium to help with removing toxins from your body via stool.


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

What is La Quinta Columba ?


Pwnda - Aug 25, 2023

Sorry, typo. La Quinta Columna.https://t.me/laquintacolumnainternational
They are scientists in Spain, and they were the first ones globally to bring international attention to what were in the vials and identified graphene oxide. They have a few channels, and one of them is mira al microscopio in telegram, and you can submit your findings. They have found it in water, different medications (even atropine), and anesthesia.https://t.me/miraalmicroscopio


Okisuke - Aug 25, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Thank you for this useful additional information for all vax damaged folks. However, it seems that almost none of the protocols you can find online really address the root issue. Some people (not mention his network) even claim that there's no way to deactivate the nanobots yet, which I refuse to believe.
Regarding the swabs: Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz provided an excellent hazard analysis of the antigen and PCR swabs.
Quick summary: He found residual ethylene oxide, which is used to sterilize the swabs. Any chemist can tell you why 3-membered rings are so dangerous (keyword: cancerogenic).
And gold nanoparticles are irritant and cross the brain-blood barrier.
I recommend you to use a translator such as DeepL
A quote from the hazard analysis:
I) The rapid antigen tests contain gold nanoparticles and in at least one case a chemical that has not been approved in Europe and has now received an exemption. All of these substances are harmful to health and the environment. All package inserts for rapid tests that have been examined to date contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. A spit test is based on carbon nanotubes, also a nanomaterial that is fundamentally subject to the European REACH chemicals regulation.
II) According to scientific studies, it can be assumed that the swabs for both the rapid antigen tests and the PCR tests from ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization contain 50 times as much EO on the surfaces as the daily permitted amount for occupationally exposed persons. Food must not contain any EO at all, as it is extremely carcinogenic and mutagenic. Sterilization with gamma rays (R), which is sometimes indicated on the packaging, would be harmless, but sterilization of several million pieces a day seems unrealistic due to the high costs and limited radiation capacities and therefore implausible without a certificate confirming the radiation.
III) Additional damage is caused by the abrasive swabs
because these injure the mucous membranes, often lead to nosebleeds, leave foreign bodies on the mucous membranes and, in extreme cases, have led to the escape of cerebrospinal fluid in nasal swabs.


dyr - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

There is research attesting to the general absence of deleterious reported effects in around 1/3 of injection lots. Perhaps these do in fact contain the touted mrna atrocity and none of the rest of the nano-atrocity. It has been theorized that these are placebos (certainly politicians would have largely received these so as not to put a crimp on their compliance, this already occurred I believe re h1n1 shots in EU some years back). What is missing, understandably so as not to self-impugn or impugn assistants in quietly obtaining vials to examine, has been details on how and which lots of which type have been examined by those who found what they found (unless I have missed something, please someone do correct as it is an important item in trying to piece things together). Now there is a paper referred to by Bhakdi I think - but by people who acknowledge association with the dna testing industry, thus suspicious - who found plasmids in much of what they were testing. I think there may be some confusion about there being 1/3 or so of all tested, or 1/3 of each vial contents. I did not read the paper, but if true (by possibly either way if all participating vials were mushed together e.g.) this is suggestive of some basis to continued talk of mrna & spikes. It does not excuse however the turning away from the critical info presented by our host et al. Cole you mention is one who apperars to be acting as wrongful gatekeeper, see eg his exclusion of Stuckelberger's attempt at testimony at some conference, hers re graphene. Sadly the dissident of longer reach, Mercola, rests content with reference to Cole still, and it is unlikely as i see it he will relent, or anytime soon.
As for wide testing of food etc elements, one place to look is the substack of matt's microscopy et al, and he refers to others in turn. I think the ingestion method is less "succesful" than injection and maybe swabbing head orifices.
". I submit to you that Sars-Co-V 2 may be a real virus, but that there was no Sars-CoV-2 virus that was actually circulating outside of the normal circulation of coronaviruses."
This is a very good point, as when people discover fraud and manipulation they often fail to get that something real and touted can be out there as cover for the deeper intent and perpetration. This applies as well to things like "climate change" - there is no need to decry as fraud findings & theorizing plausibly attesting to anthropogenic atmospheric
disruption, indeed it has been predicted for a century-plus. But a kidnapper, back-rider, hijacker must needs ride or take something of value, otherwise what is the point? It can be exceedingly difficult to disentangle from perpetrator glomming on to good cause. But it must be done. In the case of these two topics that have become intertwined in dissidence, re climate and "covid", it is regrettable that those i call "gasoline libertarians" are at the public forefront - this not at all to diminish accurate perceptions and calling out very bad stuff. But policy prescription is often absoltuely wrong or neglectful. (I call this age, tho', not the 'anthropocene', but the Misanthropocene...)Thus I go on at length because I am glad to see someone say that "both and" may be involved, in some way. "No virus" should not mean no virus of necessity, if you know what I mean.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

FBI is building a DNA bank. So are a few private companies…


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Research Your World

Hello Dyr. Thank you for your comment and sharing other Substacks which discuss more research regarding the food supply. You can go tofindmybatch.comto learn about the various batches. My understanding is that 1/3 of the shots were not full placebos because they glow and still have the luciferase - the article I read suggested that they may also have the DARPA hydrogels. I don't know if this is true since it came from one source and I don't remember where I read it to share that information with you. Stay safe! -Sarah


Seeking Truth - Aug 25, 2023

Seeking Truth

I think Dr . Anna has said this


dyr - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Myself as resolutely uninjected (something of a headstart in dissidence here: raised all children since early 80s off vax regime, after albeit lay research,) i suffer clot-throbs after exposure to injectees, but not all. This suggests corroboration to me that at least some lots, perhaps up to the est. 1/3, do not contain certain, how shall I say, active ingredients. This signal of mine has been very reliable as identifier of injectees. The link you offer would not to relate to the research i am asking about.
I should add as might not have been clear, that in my example of hijacking a just cause or credibly serious issue, re climate volatility, what better way to hide e.g. deliberate fire-setting and other manipulations than to actually be riding the back of actual disturbance. A principal goal is chaos, as I am pleased to find Monsieur Gilbert make mention of (if in my so far only cursory skipping through his talk). Thus the most depended on layer in the effective hierarchy are those i refer to as subelite, in academe, bureaucracy, medicine, and so on, some of whom might try to get a whole picture of goings on but are apt to fail, at least without some advance acquaintance in dissentdom...unlikely among professinals in their required speciialization, taken full advantage of by perps who are the ones who hold the overview and means to act on it.


dyr - Aug 25, 2023

I also humbly suggest abandoning the perp-pushed slogan about personal safety.


Sandy K - Aug 25, 2023

Sandy K

Thank you, Sarah; my conclusions are the same. I saw Dr Gilbert's video a long time ago and have been trying to warn people NOT to allow anyone to stick anything into your body (nose, arm, stomach...). Also, note that ANYTHING that is manufactured using the poisoned water also contains the poisons...so not just the junk food people are addicted to, but everything. Be conscious of the stuff in your organic non-GMO foods, too; the definitions of organic have also been changed to accommodate the agenda. I use a Zero water filter AFTER my Aquatru filter. Ask your local water company what they are putting into your water! You'll be appalled.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

Hi Sandy. Thanks for your comment and for trying to warn people. That's all most of us can try to do, and the people who need warning tend to be the people who are the least willing to listen. You're right regarding organic foods, and my recommendation is more about shopping safer options by not buying food in the grocery stores, but instead getting it directly from the farmers. Take care!


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

thank you Sarah. I am an RN also( for 55 years) and totally agree. I would love to throw some funding toward that testing as well. I thought I had figured out a lot of the agenda but i will say the BRICS thing has thrown me. How do they fit into the 2030 agenda? Because that seems to be booking toward a MULTIPOLAR world . Any thoughts?


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023 - Edited

Research Your World

Hi Victoria. Nice to meet you. That's a tough question, but I'll share my thoughts. 1. The WEF are using China to fulfill their plans but I do not believe that Chinese government has given their allegiance to the WEF, but rather, they are using the WEF to ascend to a higher place in the global order. I have no doubt that at some point, China will turn on the WEF or the WEF will turn on China. They are mutually using one another to accomplish their goals for now. 2. Putin is a WEF Young Leader per Klaus Schwab. I heard him say this on an interview. This made me think that the China/Russia alliance was just another part of the WEF plan. However, Putin has done a few things over the past few months that has caused me to rethink Putin being a part of the plan. The biggest thing that got my attention was Putin destroyed all the 5G towers they had put up in Moscow during the plandemic a couple of weeks ago. It happened after 26 elementary school children died related to the 5G towers' radiation poisoning. I don't think he destroyed the 5G towers only because of the dead kids, but maybe he wasn't privy to the details of how the WEF plans to use the 5G towers as weapons and for mind control, and he may have found out. 3. The war over The Ukraine helps the WEF. That war is allowing the US to launder massive numbers of weapons and money through the Ukraine into Zelensky's pockets, which goes to the WEF ultimately, since Zelensky is a WEF puppet. It is helping bankrupt the US too, which is desired to bring down the country as desired by the Elites. That said, I see how Putin could be using the laundering efforts in the Ukraine to strengthen his own country and to destroy the US, rather than just doing so as part of the WEF's plan. 4. The BRICS gold-backed currency is planned to be the new global currency. I don't think that is a plan belonging to the BRICS nations alone. I think it is a plan of the WEF bankers, given to the BRICS nations, to bring down the dollar and to change the global order of who will be the new global leadership away from the West. China is the model the WEF want to see all over the world, so to me, it makes sense that they are giving China/Russia similar control regarding global wealth. Also, it allows the US financial system to crash, which will enable the US to be destroyed by the countries we owe money to, because with the coming crash, the US won't be able to pay back the trillions we have borrowed and it will further incite wars because of the unpaid debt. Part of the WEF's plan includes WW3, with a war with the East against the West. These bastards are behind the previous 2 world wars and it's how they will help their depopulation plan and their destruction of the US and the other Western nations. These people only plan to allow the Chinese to survive. There are 1 billion Chinese and they want to reduce the global population to 500,000,000 people. That means they are fine with half the country of China dying in a war where they know the US and other western powers will be annihilated. I may be wrong, but those are my thoughts.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Mao who the current president of China greatly admires, allowed millions of his own people to die.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

I think you are right.


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Putin is nowhere near what the world thinks he is. I do believe their country now is more religious than the USA! Don't be brainwashed.


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Religion and faith are two separate things, the first is manmade. The second is divine will.


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023 - Edited

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

Brics is being used to crash the dollar and bring in CBDC’s. Africa is in debt to USA and China….they will obey. And the presidents who won’t they will replace!
Look at what happened to the presidents who refused the covid vaccinations and broadcast the fraud of the PCR tests by showing fruit tests showed positive for covid….they died suddenly.


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

It’s pretty simple actually. BRICS is a critical step towards destroying the US economy. There’s 5 now and 5 more countries joining soon, all dropping bonds backed by US currency for gold. First time in history of US, last generation to know the value of the US dollar.


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

The Briics are going to be the good guys before this is over. They are trying to ruin the dollar with will reduce/eliminate the control of the evil ones!


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 25, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Sarah Lawton: I know you mean well, and are curious as to how this technology might be deployed. I've been following medical nano-technology and other bio-warfare initiatives for nearly two decades. That said:
The extent of reader curiosity regarding these "processes" has done more to obscure and negate legal actions against bio-warfare operations, than any other factor.
We can order test kits, stare into microscopes, filter our water, grow organic, and on and on. None of which will provide long term results, nor rid the planet of overpaid assholes who believe the Earth is their personal laboratory. We're not here to just suck on it. These persons need to be arrested and executed. There is no other way. That is the issue.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

I agree that they all need to be arrested. Take care.


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

Only fruits/vegs grown in a greenhouse have any chance of being clean (chemtrails). At this stage of the game, air can still get in your greenhouse to contaminate.


Stephanie - Aug 25, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack

Oh how I hope she reads this comment


Christian - Sep 18, 2023

Ar’s Substack



Sarah E. Lawton - Sep 18, 2023

Research Your World

I saw an interview where Cole was saying that the nanotechnology wasn't real. I didn't know if he just hasn't looked under electron or darkfield microscopy, or why he acted so sure and dismissed it as untrue.


Christian - Sep 18, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Believe me he is a Liar, and belongs to the false opposition... There is no ARN m, only GO Hydrogel and nanotech.


Andreas - Sep 2, 2023

Research Your World

Viruses don't exist. Nanotech does.


Sarah E. Lawton - Sep 2, 2023

Research Your World

Jello. I've learned quite a bit about so-called viruses over the past 3yrs, and my conclusion also is that viruses are all engineered biological weapons. They are introduced into the population via vaccines and have been since at least the Spanish "flu."


Sarah E. Lawton - Sep 2, 2023

Research Your World

Lol, hello, not jello


FJGI - Aug 25, 2023



FJGI - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

You may be interested in this work, observing similarities between structures in water and in Covid vaccines.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

Hello FJGI. Great, thank you for sharing this! I will check it out. -Sarah


Dog - Aug 25, 2023


Some flaws in your analysis:
Keys and coins DO NOT contain Fe (iron) and only ferrous materials can be pulled towards a magnetic. All those videos with nonferrous materials sticking to people are completely bogus.
We have a Berkey. It can't filter at a nano level or it would remove minerals in the water. Berkey claims minerals are not removed.
Where is the proof that nanotechnology, was found in San Pellegrino bottled water or that meat is magnetic?


JMarie.58 - Aug 27, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Dr Ana in US and Dr Nixon in AU tested supermarket meat and organic dairy months ago. Matt’s microscopy page tested raw honey and I just did the same, all contaminated. Matt’s archives also include tests from another source that tested cough syrup, OTC nasal spray etc…same. Check all their archives from this summer.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

Hello. I only have seen clips circulating on social media showing the meat being magnetic, specifically hamburger meat and chicken, and saw a clip where a gentleman tested the San Pellegrino for the graphene oxide using some sort of instrument. Graphene oxide is a building block of the nanotechnology according to Dr. Mihalcea, which she explained in another interview with Maria Zee This is why I asked Dr. Mihalcea to evaluate the truth of it in the food and beverage supply - it was a theory; however, Dr. Mihalcea published an article yesterday or the day before showing that yes, the nanotechnology is in meat and milk, both organic and non-organic. The clot-building nanotechnology uses magnetism to come together and form the nanobots. How are you so sure that the magnetism people were saying was present in their bodies post COVID19 vaccine, and showing via videos was "bogus?"


Dog - Aug 25, 2023


First, I appreciate your wanting to get to the bottom of things.
I previously explained about iron (Fe) being the only metal that is attracted to a magnet. Technically nickel or cobalt can be magnetic and there are conditions where carbon can be magnetic such as graphene nanoparticles/nanotubes. Keys and coins are made of copper, brass, aluminum, zinc - but nothing magnetic. And the amount of graphene to generate magnetism to hold a coin sized piece of iron/steel to someone's head would probably mean they are already dead. That's why watching half-ass youtube videos is not science.
Again, until I see a proper evaluation, I don't believe a random youtube video.
I haven't wasted my time looking for meat videos for the same reason. The people that make these videos usually have no basic understanding of physics/chemistry.
That doesn't for a second mean I doubt what's in the vaxx. It means that there's a big hype cycle that often by intentional psy-ops, has everyone panicked, confused and going in circles. Falling prey to that is as much of the cabal's plan as poison vaxxes, lockdowns, etc.
FYI - cheerios are responsive to magnetism due to the high amount of iron supplement added.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

I haven't searched social media for the clips of magnetized meat, I just happened to come across a few in the last year. I didn't know what to think of it, and didn't think much until I watched the interview where Dr. Mihalcea explained that the nanotechnology uses magnetism to form the nanobots. Now, in my mind, it makes sense why people were magnetic. It further explains why the meat is now magnetic, since she has already evaluated meat with a 2nd scientist/doctor and found the nanotechnology there. Take care.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

Comment removed.


Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

It was my pleasure Jo!


Chris Horvath - Aug 25, 2023

Is that what they used on Mitch McConnell when he froze? Looked like they touched him and he shut down? Was it a magnet in her hand?


Margie Chism - Aug 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Day 9 of 40 ā–  Teshuvah; Happy Sabbath. A season of return/repentance. I was handed a coat by some leaders and knew that when putting this lambskin riding jacket together that it would not cover me, until a [h]em of another's garment (handed/given to me) held it in a 'broken yoke'. Thirty years I have filled that garment, yet it covers me. M


TheNarrowPathway - Aug 26, 2023

HeavensNarrowRoad Substack

VERY interesting and frightening articles


Athena - Aug 26, 2023


Dr. Ana, I really appreciate your work and applaud your courage!
I just listened to Mike Adam's interview with naturopath Dr. Wil Spencer. He has been looking into these bioweapons and technologies for decades, and he has remedies that seem to work. In case you don't know him, I think you two and your research - as well as your audience - would benefit from comparing notes!


Morris M Watson - Aug 26, 2023

Morris’s Substack

A big part of the solution will be found in GROUNDING!


Nostradamus X - Aug 25, 2023

Nostradamus X

Carcinogenic ‘Forever’ Chemicals Found in Feminine Hygiene Products


Paula Knapp - Aug 25, 2023

Paula Knapp

Dr. Mihalcea,
Ironically I heard a podcast today in which Terral Croft was interviewed by Tina Griffin on this very topic. He has some deeper insight into this and I think it would help flesh out Dr. Pierre Gilberts findings. Here is his Substack link:https://open.substack.com/pub/terral/p/tina-at-counterculturemomcom-interviews?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


bio terry - Aug 25, 2023

I always knew rwamda was remote.controlled.violence and propaganda combined, operation crimson mist. Just before the rwanda genocide massacre, the people were also vaccinated against a fictitious illness... these were some of the testing grounds of cia and the un .and france also held back in helping the french genl in making the dfference he wanted to be. After the fact usa wanted to help, d..uh. like in so many instances, pseudo help, the fires in hawai, d...uhhh, deliberate with helding urgent help. Rotsack cia.


Frances Lynch - Aug 25, 2023

Frances Lynch

Long tinfoil.


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

Frances Lynch

You'll be dead soon with that attitude.


Frances Lynch - Aug 25, 2023

Frances Lynch

You misinterpret my post.
I am referring to the efficacy of using tinfoil to block the signals. In the event they go full on with this program, tinfoil will be a valuable resource, hence go long :)


Jeb - Aug 25, 2023

Frances Lynch

Sorry! I stand corrected.


Frances Lynch - Aug 25, 2023

Frances Lynch

No worries!


Margie Chism - Aug 25, 2023

Margie Chism

Psychotonic weapon ā–  don"t be [t]heir target; hell no.


Timothy Winey - Aug 25, 2023

Timothy’s Newsletter



http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Aug 27, 2023


This is a really shocking article.


R!CKYRANTS - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

But was Dr. Gilbert part of a predictive programming operation or was he really warning us? How did he know this information? Where did it come from?


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 25, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Erm... Much of this information was researched, documented, and included for potential military use long before 1995. Readers would do well to read and comprehend this more recent publication. > Electromagnetic fields, the modulation of brain tissue functions — A possible paradigm shift in biology >>> Author: W. Ross Adey >>> Distinguished Professor of Physiology >>> Loma Linda University School of Medicine >>>
Or perhaps this publication: #018: Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System 1965 – German translation >>>https://magdahavas.com/from-zorys-archive/pick-of-the-week-18-effect-of-microwaves-on-the-central-nervous-system-1965-german-translation/


Paul Vonharnish - Aug 25, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Also available in original copy .pdfhttps://www.magdahavas.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/German_Ford_Motor_company_The_Effect_of_Microwaves_on_The_Central_Nervous_System.pdf


R!CKYRANTS - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

I just want to know exactly what he is referencing. I see this lecture circulating fairly often with no citations. I'm not disputing this kind of technology and understanding of biology. I just don't think we should assume what he is talking about when it's not really explored in great detail.


dyr - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

I had a quick browse jumping around the video (I have French) to find the spot where he mentions as quoted, view from around 51 min. I did catch a glimpse of his holding a book earlier on by I think it was a Gary Cake, which I think was where much of what he offered was derived, some fellow with sufficient connections to warn.


R!CKYRANTS - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

Thank you!


Markker - Aug 25, 2023


You may find the recordings of "the Day Tapes" on Sage Hana substack worth listening to.


R!CKYRANTS - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

Yes, those are good. I would still like to know what science in particular he is referencing if he even knows.


R!CKYRANTS - Aug 25, 2023

The Arts™ & The Science™

Those are good links, though. Thanks.


karen - Sep 3, 2023

Hi Dr ana
So what can we do to protect ourselves and out babies fr spike protein. Edta, c,licorice root, and nac and nicotine gum is all good dr arsis says.
Thanks for all u do


Haden - Aug 28, 2023


I saw this video of Gilberts 1995 speech not long after the Covid project was rolled out. So it would appear that the Hutus were bombarded with EMF from low flying planes that made them massacre their Tutsi neighbours, terrible.


Psalms91 - Aug 28, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack




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