Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Confirms Clifford Carnicom And My Discovery Of ELF Fields Mind Controlling C19 Injected Turning Them Into Zombies. Confirms Contamination Of Mankind's Blood With Nanotechnology

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 25, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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(1995) Dr. Pierre Gilbert Says Mandatory Vaccines Containing Liquid Crystals Will Turn Recipients Into Zombies

I follow Greg Reese’s work and I highly recommend it. I recently re listened to this lecture and it confirms what Clifford and I have found. Here is the transcription of what he said:

Gilbert says: “In the biological destruction there are the organized tempest on the magnetic field. What will follow is the contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws, that will make vaccinations mandatory. These vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals ( my comment aka quantum dots ) that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very very low frequency will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a Zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis… it has been done. Think of Ruanda.”

This is our original article that proves extremely low frequency sensitivity of C19 vaccinated blood manipulated by HAARP.

Prospective Difference Between C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood: Electromagnetic Observations, ELF Response And Potassium Metabolism - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Clifford Carnicom

In this interview with Maria Zeee I explain in detail how the 4 HZ ELF frequency can mind control the C19 injected. It is not 5G that is controlling them, it is HAARP.

Discussion Of New Research Findings: Nanotechnology in C19 Shots, HAARP, DARPA, Big Pharma Collaborating With Nanotech Company, Insulin & Mind Control: Interview With Maria Zeee

These liquid crystals is what I am finding in the human blood which is exactly what Dr. Gilbert said - the blood of mankind is contaminated. Infections can be induced via frequency fields that are externally manipulated. There is no virus or pathogen. There is technology that can be remote controlled and sicken the host, as well as control them.

Polymer Coated Quantum Dots - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis, Insulin Analysis And C19 Bioweapon Patents All Shows Nanotechnology Biosensors That Can Be Used For Surveillance And Mind Control

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Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 25, 2023

Research Your World

Hello Dr. Mihalcea.
I'm an RN. I have been working withReact19.orgto help the vaccine-injured and have been researching everything I can to find out what all was in the vaccines, why they are killing people, and to find solutions to the myriad of health problems they cause.
I made a critical discovery, thanks to an interview you did with Maria Zee that I saw a few days ago.
This Maria Zee interview is one everyone should watch. You showed us that the nanotechnology inside the COVID19 vaccines do a few different things, and that it was magnetic. Also, you showed that it is the nanotechnology that builds the rubbery blood clots which are causing all the sudden deaths. You were theorizing how it is getting into unvaccinated blood for people who are not vaccinated or on the injectable medications you have found the nanotech in. I think I know how.
I saw a few days ago that graphene oxide, a building block of the nanotechnology, was found in San Pellegrino bottled water. So, I'm assuming the nanotechnology is in many or all bottled water and beverages. I also have seen videos circulating showing that meat in the grocery stores is now magnetic. Do you remember all the clips with vaccinated people showing that keys stick to their foreheads? That was because of the magnetic nanotechnology in the vaccines. The pieces need the magnetism in order to self-assemble once they get to body temperature to form into nanobots. I'm pretty sure it is in the food supply, and that is why the meat is magnetic and why you are seeing increasing nanotechnology fibers in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated blood. In addition, I suspect it is in the tap water.
In addition, about 6-7 months ago, the water in my house suddenly had a weird flavor. The same day, my dog refused to drink it, which totally freaked me out. I bought a Berkey water filter and have been pouring all water through it thankfully for this reason, but I didn't know what was wrong with it until now. Berkey's remove heavy metals, so I am hopeful that it will remove this crap and make your water safe to drink. I will bet you the nanotechnology is in many more things, or everything we ingest that the elites can control. Would you be able to look at the beverages, and tap water under electron microscopy, please?
It is not paranoia when I tell you that the food and water supply are being poisoned. They are! The mRNA which weakens your immune system and organs is also in the proteins in all the grocery stores. I saw an interview with Bill Gates about 7 months ago explaining that they had changed all of the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platform. There were studies coming out of China about a year ago where they were showing that the mRNA can be transferred to humans via eating the animals and that it passes through the intestines and infects your cells. they were also trying to pass it through milk and lettuce. The mRNA hijacks your cells and causes them to begin making the spike protein. The spike protein is a foreign protein which your body recognizes as non-self, so when your body begins manufacturing it, it travels all over your body, attaches to your organs, and then your immune system begins to attack your organs, causing autoimmune problems, organ failure, and myocarditis sudden deaths. Dr. Ryan Cole has been sharing that the turbo cancers are showing that the spike protein, created by the mRNA, can be found in every single cancer cell, so, this is a big deal.
Secondly, I wanted to share a theory that I formed after seeing some other interviews and reading your Substack.
My theory: There is no virus. Please allow me to explain.
I'm sure you know the COVID19 vaccines have been proven to be contagious via respiratory exosomes and body fluids. Well, you found that the PCR swabs, have the clot-building nanotechnology that was inside the vaccines too, and I'll bet, they had many or all of the contagious vaccine components and are also contagious. I had 2 TIAs within hours of my 2nd PCR swab, so I already was concerned that they were another vaccine method.
John's Hopkins came out with a study a few weeks ago showing the PCR swabs can be used as a vaccination method. When the NIH told us to "test, test, test," this was desired to spread the bioweapon among the world populations, which is contagious, to convince the world we had a real pandemic. I submit to you that Sars-Co-V 2 may be a real virus, but that there was no Sars-CoV-2 virus that was actually circulating outside of the normal circulation of coronaviruses. The PCR cannot diagnose infection, so they used a test that cannot diagnose (It used to say, "not a diagnostic tool" on the inside of the test kits) to diagnose the supposed viral infection. Because the test cannot diagnose infection, it must have had other purposes. Also, the supposed COVID19 viral symptoms match exactly, the symptom profile for the bioweapon vaccines, as does supposed "long-COVID." They vary in severity, but they are all the exact same symptoms. If the medical community can explain the symptoms of the supposed virus via re-exposure to the supposed COVID virus or via long-COVID, then they are far less likely to be concerned about the vaccines, which keeps the medical providers bickering and confused about if there are possible vaccine dangers. This confusion, allows doctors to believe that they understand the symptoms of the supposed COVID and long-COVID and the causes of those symptoms, thereby enabling the bioweapon vaccines to stay on the market and continue to be given to more people.
Can I ask for your help in testing the food, beverage and water supply please? I saw that you and another doctor tested meat and milk and it was found there. I will pay for all expenses and your time, but I am truly very concerned that this is how the globalists plan to bring about their UN2030 plans to decrease the global depopulation by 90% by 2030. Is there a way for you to test the PCR swabs further to see if my theory is true - that they are being used as the spreading mechanism because they also contain contagious components like the "vaccines?"
My encouragement to you and your readers:
Please get the word out so we can help save lives. Buy everything possible from small local organic farms and farmers markets, because that is the only way I can think of to try to protect yourselves and your families. Buy a Berkey, or other water filtration system, for your water and don't drink anything that comes in a bottle without running it through the filtration system.
Finally, if you are struggling to believe that you could organize this many people and companies willing to murder billions of people, I get it. It is hard to believe or comprehend. Here is their 2015 World Economic Forum/UN/globalist convention from. Please make time to watch the first 30 minutes. You will hear that they own Western governments and intelligence agencies and you will hear the 2nd speaker, the president of Malaysia, say "we will have to kill billions of people," and that those who survive will be "stomped and starved" if they will not obey and submit to their New World Order one world government.
If anyone needs to speak with me about any of this, here is my phone number: 214-929-9218 and my email isjesse2emma@gmail.comorprincipledpractice@gmail.com.
Stay safe and thank you so much for all of your brilliant work!
Sarah Lawton, RN, BSN, CCM

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Chris Horvath - Aug 25, 2023

Is that what they used on Mitch McConnell when he froze? Looked like they touched him and he shut down? Was it a magnet in her hand?

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