Dr. James Thorp Presentation to Medical…

Oct 1, 2022

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And A Discussion About The Corrupt Medical Boards Who Would Threaten A Physician For Doing The Right Thing


Tessa Lena - Oct 1, 2022

Tessa Fights Robots

Dear Ana, thank you for mentioning my article!! Importantly, also thank you for your work and your excellent Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics presentation a couple of weeks ago!!


mejbcart - Oct 1, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank you Dr. Ana for this link! It is very hard to watch all this. Everything literally, with every institution, including all the boards, have most probably their answer, they go with CDC/FDA/NIH 'directives'. That's always the answer..
With these literal annihilation of humanity I'd have one question, did Walensky injected her 3 children?? Given that her husband, working for DANA Farber CANCER Inst. shares this 2016 patent for 2 almost identical pieces of SARS-CoV-2 SPike protein, one would need to ask, are they actually getting money for their sequences?The patents title is about corona viruses, BUT The content constantly speaks about HIV-1... I'm writing about this all from the begin of the PLAN-demic, the SPike is the new disease generator. When comparing Walenskies sequences with human patented proteins one gets lot of hits for proteins related to chromosomes segregation proteins, cell cycle control and cell division. Isn't that exactly to what terminates fetus growth once disturbed???
Great to hear Dr. Thorp touches exactly what I'm writing about for long time, the synthetic mRNA production deprives the bodies of energy in the first place..:
Just saw that the Walensky's patent is actuaslly from 2009!!!! WITH 2 almost completely embedded pieces into the SARS-CoV-2 Spike, and the rest of 12 other construct sequally inserted with a possible functionality given the requirement of 'just' 30% ID's!!!
Today: 10/5/2022 a new HORROR MESSAGE:
"Scientists Have Discovered a New Set of Blood Groups
The ‘Er’ grouping could help doctors identify and treat some rare cases of blood incompatibility, including between pregnant mothers and fetuses."
Everyone in the 'covid' business must be LOCKED UP in GUNATANAMO, NOW! With links to more details:


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 13, 2022

Thank you for your knowledge and expertise... there is so much to analyze and verify!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 13, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Have you seen how many vials do not contain mRNA? No mRNA, no spike.
Check out vial analysis Steve Kirsch, European regulatory agency, Kevin McCairn, Daniel Nagase and others. No Phosphorus ,No Nitrogen, No mRNA or only mRNA fragments.


mejbcart - Nov 13, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

I went through lot of these, but wonder just one, how comes, that the production of Spike via immunohistological staining is being detected around the blood vessel walls in a huge amount of covid injected deceased victims, for example by the german pathologists....The very first data which came out from the polish researcher, showed that indeed only ~1/3 of vials he got, had the genetic material. In my opinion, everything what is being said and researched around the injection vials, need to fit the reality, the deaths, the symptoms, the facts we know already.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 13, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Are they really facts? Unquestionably?
Here are some interesting findings on the lack of spike protein synthesis


mejbcart - Nov 13, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

The joomi post points to that: "In vitro Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Protein Translated from the Moderna mRNA-1273 Vaccine" which states, quote:
"Vaccine uptake was tested in the normal mouse embryonic fibroblast NIH 3T3 adherent cell line (ATCC, Manassas, VA) and human monocytic U937 cells grown in suspension. At confluence, cells were placed in DMEM or RPMI serum-free media (10 mL/100 cm dish). Two hundred microliters of room temperature Spikevax vaccine (Moderna, Cambridge, MA) was added to the cells, which were then incubated for 30 minutes with slow rocking at room temperature."
My question: is ANY of the tested cells completely void of proteases, nucleases, RNA'ases, DNA'ases??? NO, they must be at work at every second in order to perform a continuous regeneration, cell growth, I do believe. Thus in principle, looking for that ONE product, perfect Spike or even its synthetic complete gene, is futile. That's why I'm just analyzing the OFFICIAL Spike sequence in all my posts, the sequence we've been told is delivered in all the covid injections, and that is already enough to see the crime.


mejbcart - Nov 13, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Do not know what do you actually want to say by questioning what I just wrote, which is partly overlapping with your statements...
Thanks for the last link, a good article, new to me.
Oh, after going over that post, I'd just want to note one: a biologist who knows what synthetic genetic material is and hopefully how it works, should question the 'vaccine' name in the first place. By analyzing details of the human REPROGRAMMING via that synthetic genetic code, and making the statements of questioning 'what you got' BUT NOT 'how you were changed' is by far NOT ENOUGH to inform people of dangers of that lethal 'therapy'. Part of it all certainly is poisoning with other chemicals and 5G on top of it all,. that's why it is so DIFFICULT to untangle all the overlapping final toxic outcome.. The more people work on it, the better.
Thank you again for the response.


Sally Gould - Oct 1, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

Thank you!
Plus, if you have not seen it, here is a Dr. Seneff presentation on glyphosate.


mejbcart - Oct 1, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank you, I know Dr. Seneffs presentations since ~2013....


Tess - Oct 1, 2022


This all seems so surreal. It’s like I went to sleep and woke up in an alternate universe. The very face that you and other truth seekers snd tellers are being silenced speaks to truth being suppressed in the name of genocide.


Doug Cragoe - Oct 1, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

I'm also reading a very pro COVID shot epidemiologist on sub stack who says there is plenty of evidence the shots are safe and effective, and provides links to studies. She says pregnant women should get them, and everybody else too. She gave the shots to her daughters. Pretty much the complete opposite of this writer.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Oct 1, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Sue her


Tess - Oct 1, 2022


And who sponsors those studies? That is the question. You can fabricate any “supportive” documentation when you suppress the opposing sides studies.


Shirlock Homes - Oct 4, 2022

They don't work - there is so much evidence proving this and so many hospitalisations of the vaccinated (versus unvaccinated). And there are an alarming amount of injuries and deaths from these jabs. Watch the documentary just released 'Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion' and then please explain in detail just how good these vaccines really are.



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