Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 01, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Recently my brilliant friend and colleague Dr. James Thorpe spoke to us at Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics. Dr. James Thorp is a physician MD board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as maternal-fetal medicine. Dr. Thorp has practiced obstetrics for over 42 years and sees 6,000–7,000 high-risk pregnant patients a year.
Here is the link to his presentation of his research findings:
After our Sunday meeting I just sat on my couch and cried. We hear daily of so many injuries, debilitation and death from these C19 injectables. It is difficult to witness, but for me it is mainly a motivator to keep going, and do my part to bring change to this humanitarian disaster and genocide.
But this knowledge that he presented, about how the next generation of humanity is affected, the little babies injured and how much long term damage is caused, is absolutely heartbreaking.
Even more unfathomable is the criminality of the medical boards - in Dr. Thorpe’s case the Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology - who threaten his license because he is speaking out about the danger of the C19 injectables in pregnancy. They have NO SAFETY DATA. It is unheard of that toxic poisons are allowed to be injected into pregnant women. Yet they continue and refuse to look at the horrific data of injury and death. Just like all the other medical boards who are complicit with the government for one of the largest humanitarian catastrophes we have seen in modern times.
Recently the Epoch Times covered Dr. Thorpe’s shocking data:
New disturbing pharmacovigilance signals from VAERS surrounding the use of the COVID vaccines on women of reproductive age prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on the gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines.
Over the past two weeks, Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine expert, painstakingly analyzed and verified the most recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data related to COVID-19 vaccines and compared them to the influenza vaccines.
"COVID-19 vaccines compared to the influenza vaccines are associated with increases in menstrual disorders, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal cystic hygroma, fetal malformations, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal cardiac arrhythmias, fetal cardiac disorders, fetal vascular mal-perfusion abnormalities, abnormal fetal surveillance testing, abnormal fetal growth patterns, placental thrombosis, and fetal death," Thorp told The Epoch Times last week.
His findings are listed below:
• Abnormal uterine bleeding (menstrual irregularity) is 1000-fold greater
• Miscarriages are 50-fold greater
• Fetal chromosomal abnormalities are 100-fold greater
• Fetal malformation is 50-fold greater
• Fetal cystic hygroma (a major malformation) is 90-fold greater
• Fetal cardiac disorders are 40-fold greater
• Fetal arrhythmia is 50-fold greater
• Fetal cardiac arrest is 200-fold greater
• Fetal vascular mal-perfusion is a 100-fold greater
• Fetal growth abnormalities are 40-fold greater
• Fetal abnormal surveillance tests are 20-fold greater
• Fetal placental thrombosis is 70-fold greater
Thorp said that he verified his analysis with a DOD (Department of Defense) statistical consultant that agreed to help him on the condition of anonymity.
Most recently, much information has surfaced about the private organization Federation of State Medical Boards, that has threatened physicians who speak out about the dangers of the C19 injection. They also threatened physicians who prescribed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and through that action caused the United States to have the highest Covid mortality rate in the world.
This is an excellent review about the FSMB:
The Dark Truth of America's Federation Of State Medical Boards
Tessa Lena also wrote an excellent article about the subject:
The Children’s Health Defense also wrote this expose:
Federation of State Medical Boards Attacks Physicians Over COVID ‘Misinformation’ — Who’s Behind It?
The article asks this excellent question - the FSMB is a private organization - just like the Federal Reserve in banking - that controls the licensing of physicians.
Commenting on the FSMB’s July 2021 statement, “ Spreading COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation May Put Medical License at Risk ,” Garcia said, “The outstanding question remains: Where does the FSMB derive its authority to regulate United States medical boards and, through its apparent international partner, the IAMRA, direct medical councils around the world to discipline doctors?”
Let me ask - if these corrupt Medical Boards endeavor to punish a stellar physician like Dr. James Thorpe for warning about danger to humanities most precious gift ever, our babies - do you trust anything that comes from this “ Mafia” as Tessa Lena so appropriately called them?
I would not. And make no mistake, the contribution of the Medical Boards to the injury and death of untold Americans cannot be forgotten or go unpunished.
Dr. Thorpe gave this excellent recommendation that I absolutely agree with:
"Any of your patients out there who have had a complication, sue your doctors. Sue them! If any doctor talked you into getting the vaccine, and you had any injury, obviously they didn't give you informed consent. So I would strongly recommend that you sue them!"
-- Dr. James Thorp
I do think the only way we will have justice is if millions of injured people sue their doctor for millions of dollars in damages for not providing informed consent. Then the doctors can sue the Medical Boards who threatened them into giving these injections. We can never trust these Medical Boards, or scientific Medical Journals like the New England Journal of Medicine or Lancet again, just like we cannot ever trust the corrupt FDA, CDC, NIH, or hospital systems who would kill patients with Remdesivir protocols. All of them need to be prosecuted, dismantled and an alternative health system needs to be created. The corruption is too deep, too established, too irreparable and too evil.
Unfortunately, we are just at the beginning of realizing the catastrophic consequences of this evil, corrupt medical system and its contribution to depopulation.
Many more tears will be shed for those who have the eyes to see what is happening.
If you have not yet seen the new documentary “Safe and Effective - A second opinion” - please do so and share.
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) Oracle Films | News Uncut
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Tessa Lena - Oct 1, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Dear Ana, thank you for mentioning my article!! Importantly, also thank you for your work and your excellent Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics presentation a couple of weeks ago!!
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mejbcart - Oct 1, 2022 - Edited
mejbcart’s Newsletter
Thank you Dr. Ana for this link! It is very hard to watch all this. Everything literally, with every institution, including all the boards, have most probably their answer, they go with CDC/FDA/NIH 'directives'. That's always the answer..
With these literal annihilation of humanity I'd have one question, did Walensky injected her 3 children?? Given that her husband, working for DANA Farber CANCER Inst. shares this 2016 patent for 2 almost identical pieces of SARS-CoV-2 SPike protein, one would need to ask, are they actually getting money for their sequences?The patents title is about corona viruses, BUT The content constantly speaks about HIV-1... I'm writing about this all from the begin of the PLAN-demic, the SPike is the new disease generator. When comparing Walenskies sequences with human patented proteins one gets lot of hits for proteins related to chromosomes segregation proteins, cell cycle control and cell division. Isn't that exactly to what terminates fetus growth once disturbed???
Great to hear Dr. Thorp touches exactly what I'm writing about for long time, the synthetic mRNA production deprives the bodies of energy in the first place..:
Just saw that the Walensky's patent is actuaslly from 2009!!!! WITH 2 almost completely embedded pieces into the SARS-CoV-2 Spike, and the rest of 12 other construct sequally inserted with a possible functionality given the requirement of 'just' 30% ID's!!!
Today: 10/5/2022 a new HORROR MESSAGE:
"Scientists Have Discovered a New Set of Blood Groups
The ‘Er’ grouping could help doctors identify and treat some rare cases of blood incompatibility, including between pregnant mothers and fetuses."
Everyone in the 'covid' business must be LOCKED UP in GUNATANAMO, NOW! With links to more details:
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