Now I understand why the Liberal Government in Canada is giving FREE DENTAL CARE to children and seniors.
I will bet dollars to donut holes that those dentists who use any products that are confirmed free of poisoned adjuvants that cause disease will be refused payment by insurance and government.
Do a search for 'Live Blood Analysis + your state'.
Then call them to make sure they do darkfield, some only do brightfield.
Or you can buy your own microscope for around $300.
Dear Dr Ana, I was on to the tainted dental anesthetics in mid-2018. I alerted several world renowned dentists, including my longtime good friend Dr Eric Shapira, DDS, MAGD, MA, MHA and the founder of Geriatric Dentistry (see his well received book "Geriatric Dentistry: Gateway to Longevity and Life-Long Health" looks at dentistry in holistically), and several other well known MD's (e.g., Dr Paul Alexander Dr Karen Kingston, Dr Jane Ruby, etc., etal.). My very first alert originated from the reluctance of five out of the six implant dental surgeons I contacted who outright refused to inform or even verify anesthetic ingredients or even where their anesthetics came from. My research confirmed the majority (85-90%) of All dental anesthetics came from NYSE company Henry Schein (HSIC) who is just a distributor not a manufacturer. Bottom line is not one dental doc would sign an agreement by which their injection was free of nano-technology and this was in 2018!
The Gila Monster venom injections, like Ozempic, for weight loss, 30-50 % of weight loss is muscle mass. They slow down the digestive muscles to near paralysis meaning food sits inside rotting. Creating toxins. This is a slow moving sickness time bomb being set up by Pharma.
Hmmm that's ODD. Dr. Deagle said Morgellons are Alien life forms with the intelligence of ants or bees and if they are inside the human body that would make them PARASITES!!!!.. So somebody is LYING I wonder which one???? Listen for your self..........>>>>>
I believe Morgellons can have varying components. I had it back in 2005 when I went to a clinic for a vaccine before starting work in a hospital. it was a very virulent form that moved fast like worms under the skin creating a pimple with a long black fiber coming out of my leg. I wrapped my leg in Clorox towel, squeezed lemon juice and essential oils and every thing I could throw at it. Finally I went to urgent care and she thought the fibers were strange. She did skin scrapping and determined not bacterial, fungal or scabies or any parasite she tested for. I told her to give me scabies cream anyway. That plus my unusual self treatment stopped it in a few months. It happened in the waiting room of a vaccine clinic by airport. A man had a very angry look in his eye and was reading a science magazine. I wondered what made him so mad. When he left, I picked it up and sand fell on my left leg and started to itch like a parasite fell on it. It was extremely intense like poison oak. I tried every cream, lotion-and then started researching about rashes and found morgellons. I was putting the scabies cream on every time I started to itch and lemon oil, Clorox constantly- it did go away. I met a friend years later who had morgellons and said look at my face and kept scrstching the flsky skin. I told him to stop scratching it as it could be contagious. I got a much milder version when I leaned in. It landed on my pants on my other leg. I put iodine liquid on it night and day and a natural powerful fungal spray that penetrates deep. That took about a year. Not nearly as intense as the first time but had to destroy it naturally. I can tell you with firsthand experience this technology has gotten more sophisticated than when Dr. Bill Desgle talked about it.
They have been using this technology and parasites for THOUSANDS of years, whatever you can imagine they can do it or already have. They edited human DNA thousands of years ago and made us into hybrids. Let that sink in.
so found the so called spike protein was done in silk worms called transgenic. researches say the gene sequence is spider. i will have 2 find my notes. the plasmid dna is from cobra biologics. wasnt there something bout green monkeys? evolution??? they use what they call chimeric proteins. so- is this all synthetic? i dont know. also heard someone say its synthetic parasite.
Dr Jeffrey dach- r spider silk gene sequences in the vax- causing fibrous blood clots. Dr ulrike kammerer- genetic code 4 spider silk protein. amyloidogenic nature of spider silk. there is something called spider silk nano wires.
Synthetic life forms and Green Monkey DNA are all covers for ALIEN PARASITE EGGS. How do we know they are ALIEN because there are NO ALUMINUM BASED life forms from Earth. Here is an EASY WAY to prove it. Go to Google and Search [Aluminum Based Life Forms]. Now do the same inYandex.comBelieve me when I tell you as one of the top SEO experts on the planet the only way that could happen if Google Manually removed those links. Now WHY would they want to do that???? .... Another PROOF of Agent Girly Mans LIES about their not being parasites in the vaccine........The MORE YOU KNOW..............>>> Agent Midnight Rider
That was true in 1995 but it's 2024 now.
So articles and videos and protocols from years ago are not always accurate today, as they have made changes in the years since.
And there is no 'chemtrail' that can do all the things the jabs can do, otherwise they would have just put it into the air and infected everyone that way.
For example no one exposed to chemtrails or nanotech in coca-cola or municipal water supplies emits a Bluetooth MAC address like the covid vaxxed and those things have been happening for years.
So even though the shedding goes through the air and the self-replicating hydrogels/filaments are everyone right now, Today, not everything can be transmitted through the air.
Or they would.
Sorry for the injected, but thank God that the shed upon aren't as transfected as we thought.
I still have vascular and cardiac reactions to my jabbed husband after he's spent time with a group of his jabbed friends.
I am learning.
Thanks Dr mihalcea.
Smart Dust emerged from workshop at RAND in 1992 and DARPA!
Is system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, that can detect, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism. They are operated on computer network wirelessly!
According to Dr Hildegarde when the morgs reaches PH of 10-11 it creates Gel. You can watch this take place before your eyes when you capture the fibers and let them sit in water.
In my experience high acid (low PH) activates the first stage, (after swallowing Phlegm), then high PH activates the next stage of Gel creation, so stable correct PH somewhere where in the middle may manage it to a degree.
Just from my research.
It only makes sense that specific PH levels are the catalyst and control mechanism.
Sodium Bicarbonate certainly helps my situation, albeit I may get close to Gel forming within, if over doing it.
Sodium Citrate as Bee Gee mentioned below also helps me a lot, being a more passive form of Sodium Bi.
It might also explain why Borax has been helpful, being higher PH, but not too high? the 15 minute onwards. This is back in 2006.
Many people have already tried that and baking soda doesnt help much, if at all.
What works Much Much Much better is to covert that baking soda into sodium citrate. And Sodium Citrate works Great, although it takes a multi-prong approach, there is no one-shot cure. Its a good one though, and it does multiple things like dissolve alginate hydrogels.
There are a lot of recipes for it online since they use it in cheese sauces, its just water and pure citric acid and baking soda but you have to measure them by weight, not volume.
That makes the baking soda into the salt of Vitamin C, which does things normal vitamin C or baking soda do not.
Some people by it premade but I never have, premade products just seem like another avenue for potential contamination so I avoid them whenever possible.
And its literally one of the simplest recipes on Planet Earth, just don't heat it up too fast to evaporate out the water or it will get baked to the pan. Not the end of the world, its water soluble but still a pain.
It also does not bind with EDTA, so it works well to stack with EDTA or during an EDTA fast, for people who want to get their blood as clean as possible as fast as possible.
hydrogel is gooey right? carnicom said its cross domain bacteria and a xenobiotic organism- meaning alien 'life' so what if the 'black goo' is this hydrogel life combined with graphene? an article on spider silk said they fed the spiders graphene. to make the silk 'stronger' not sure. but this ties into what Harold Kautz Vella- said about alien/ black goo/ graphene/ spider . what would spider silk nano wires do? like connect/ transfer electricity or something? I don't know basic biology. world wide web within.
I'm not to keep on the exact science but Black Goo Is a conscious living entity and be programed with DNA to create WHATEVER creature you want be it Alien NANO EGGS or a Penguin. There are too types of black goo, one native to planet earth that is loving and provides all the instincts for all the creatures of the planet. And the other type is EVIL that came to earth from a planet of ancient spiders and snakes that lost control of their AI. No real way to prove any of that shit unless you go to the Lake in IRAN made out of black goo and stand at the edge. according to Harold Vella it will seep out and form your body shape and start talking to you. WEIRD SCIENCE listen for yourself.......>>>>>
aliens did not do it. scientists did. vella talks bout spider beings - etc. if it was a meteorite there was 1 I posted began with an m that had silica or something cant remember. maybe the source of this alternative light.
and if all those other transgenic things- silk worm/ spider/ cobra biologics and whatever else r in hydrogel they may b in a sense synthetic parasites/ life. ok done. forget this.
hydrogel xenobiotic life means it can GROW. its already artificial blood and tissue replacing blood and tissue. it can not only grow but b programmed and used 4 much more. developed.
I am learning!
Thanks Dr mihalcea!
Smart Dust emerged from workshop at RAND in 1992 and DARPA!
Is system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, that can detect, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism. They are operated on computer network wirelessly!
😉 i would be looking at the instances of silica deficiency in humans, in various countries globally, since the 1960s. A silica based nanotech, would be using up silica resources in its host faster than most would aquire via diet, soil, or weather modification therapies would provide.😐
Would go along way in describing a lot of modern day disease states, especially when looked at in context of the chelatory effects from glysophate exposure and deteurium depletion.
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
We just did a study on Septocaine at Utah State University just before Thanksgiving. Ana, would someone please contact me
Thank you. This matter is of immediate concern.
She is too busy to respond to comments so I would not hold out hope she will email you.
Someone here might have helpful information though.
What did your study find?
Do you have any documentation links for it?
DAVY Udal - Dec 16
DAVY’s Substack
Now I understand why the Liberal Government in Canada is giving FREE DENTAL CARE to children and seniors.
I will bet dollars to donut holes that those dentists who use any products that are confirmed free of poisoned adjuvants that cause disease will be refused payment by insurance and government.
CoS - Dec 16
Evil has no bounds.
It appears just like the Dr's who administer the shots, the are temp employees of DoD, to deal with the enemy. Watts article from 22min mark.
Jean Restayn - Dec 16
Nothing is free, especially not what Trudos offers you.
Aunt Ohm - Dec 16
Aunt Ohm
How and where do we go to have our blood analyzed to see if we have nanobots, etc in our body?
AmericanMichelle - Dec 16
You do. Period.
Bee Gee - Dec 16
Bee Gee
Do a search for 'Live Blood Analysis + your state'.
Then call them to make sure they do darkfield, some only do brightfield.
Or you can buy your own microscope for around $300.
Aminata Diouf - Dec 29
Aminata Diouf
Hallo Bee Gee,
wich kind of microscope cost 300 Dollar,a darkfield?
Gwendolyn Jones - Dec 16
Gwendolyn’s Substack
Dr. Mihalcea, I am praying you win any lawsuits that might come your way 🙏🏽
David Pfaff - Dec 16
David Pfaff
Dear Dr Ana, I was on to the tainted dental anesthetics in mid-2018. I alerted several world renowned dentists, including my longtime good friend Dr Eric Shapira, DDS, MAGD, MA, MHA and the founder of Geriatric Dentistry (see his well received book "Geriatric Dentistry: Gateway to Longevity and Life-Long Health" looks at dentistry in holistically), and several other well known MD's (e.g., Dr Paul Alexander Dr Karen Kingston, Dr Jane Ruby, etc., etal.). My very first alert originated from the reluctance of five out of the six implant dental surgeons I contacted who outright refused to inform or even verify anesthetic ingredients or even where their anesthetics came from. My research confirmed the majority (85-90%) of All dental anesthetics came from NYSE company Henry Schein (HSIC) who is just a distributor not a manufacturer. Bottom line is not one dental doc would sign an agreement by which their injection was free of nano-technology and this was in 2018!
Alamo Dude - Dec 16
Alamo Dude
The Gila Monster venom injections, like Ozempic, for weight loss, 30-50 % of weight loss is muscle mass. They slow down the digestive muscles to near paralysis meaning food sits inside rotting. Creating toxins. This is a slow moving sickness time bomb being set up by Pharma.
Mike Hoehn - Dec 16
Mike Hoehn
Thank you Dr Ana
james - Dec 16
Ban Neuroweapons
Hmmm that's ODD. Dr. Deagle said Morgellons are Alien life forms with the intelligence of ants or bees and if they are inside the human body that would make them PARASITES!!!!.. So somebody is LYING I wonder which one???? Listen for your self..........>>>>>
Ban Neuroweapons - Dec 17
Ban Neuroweapons
I believe Morgellons can have varying components. I had it back in 2005 when I went to a clinic for a vaccine before starting work in a hospital. it was a very virulent form that moved fast like worms under the skin creating a pimple with a long black fiber coming out of my leg. I wrapped my leg in Clorox towel, squeezed lemon juice and essential oils and every thing I could throw at it. Finally I went to urgent care and she thought the fibers were strange. She did skin scrapping and determined not bacterial, fungal or scabies or any parasite she tested for. I told her to give me scabies cream anyway. That plus my unusual self treatment stopped it in a few months. It happened in the waiting room of a vaccine clinic by airport. A man had a very angry look in his eye and was reading a science magazine. I wondered what made him so mad. When he left, I picked it up and sand fell on my left leg and started to itch like a parasite fell on it. It was extremely intense like poison oak. I tried every cream, lotion-and then started researching about rashes and found morgellons. I was putting the scabies cream on every time I started to itch and lemon oil, Clorox constantly- it did go away. I met a friend years later who had morgellons and said look at my face and kept scrstching the flsky skin. I told him to stop scratching it as it could be contagious. I got a much milder version when I leaned in. It landed on my pants on my other leg. I put iodine liquid on it night and day and a natural powerful fungal spray that penetrates deep. That took about a year. Not nearly as intense as the first time but had to destroy it naturally. I can tell you with firsthand experience this technology has gotten more sophisticated than when Dr. Bill Desgle talked about it.
james - Dec 17
They have been using this technology and parasites for THOUSANDS of years, whatever you can imagine they can do it or already have. They edited human DNA thousands of years ago and made us into hybrids. Let that sink in.
kaal - Dec 18
so found the so called spike protein was done in silk worms called transgenic. researches say the gene sequence is spider. i will have 2 find my notes. the plasmid dna is from cobra biologics. wasnt there something bout green monkeys? evolution??? they use what they call chimeric proteins. so- is this all synthetic? i dont know. also heard someone say its synthetic parasite.
kaal - Dec 18
kaal - Dec 18
Dr Jeffrey dach- r spider silk gene sequences in the vax- causing fibrous blood clots. Dr ulrike kammerer- genetic code 4 spider silk protein. amyloidogenic nature of spider silk. there is something called spider silk nano wires.
kaal - Dec 18
made from spider silk protein.
james - Dec 18
Synthetic life forms and Green Monkey DNA are all covers for ALIEN PARASITE EGGS. How do we know they are ALIEN because there are NO ALUMINUM BASED life forms from Earth. Here is an EASY WAY to prove it. Go to Google and Search [Aluminum Based Life Forms]. Now do the same inYandex.comBelieve me when I tell you as one of the top SEO experts on the planet the only way that could happen if Google Manually removed those links. Now WHY would they want to do that???? .... Another PROOF of Agent Girly Mans LIES about their not being parasites in the vaccine........The MORE YOU KNOW..............>>> Agent Midnight Rider
kaal - Dec 18
typed aluminum based life forms into duck duck go- silicon aluminum sulfur- if u read u may be able 2 figure it out. but at this point.....
Bee Gee - Dec 16
Bee Gee
That was true in 1995 but it's 2024 now.
So articles and videos and protocols from years ago are not always accurate today, as they have made changes in the years since.
And there is no 'chemtrail' that can do all the things the jabs can do, otherwise they would have just put it into the air and infected everyone that way.
For example no one exposed to chemtrails or nanotech in coca-cola or municipal water supplies emits a Bluetooth MAC address like the covid vaxxed and those things have been happening for years.
So even though the shedding goes through the air and the self-replicating hydrogels/filaments are everyone right now, Today, not everything can be transmitted through the air.
Or they would.
Miss Parker - Dec 16
Miss’s Substack
Sorry for the injected, but thank God that the shed upon aren't as transfected as we thought.
I still have vascular and cardiac reactions to my jabbed husband after he's spent time with a group of his jabbed friends.
Robert Sun - Dec 17
Robert Sun
I am learning.
Thanks Dr mihalcea.
Smart Dust emerged from workshop at RAND in 1992 and DARPA!
Is system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, that can detect, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism. They are operated on computer network wirelessly!
Bard Joseph - Dec 16 - Edited
Joseph’s Substack
It requires a certain ph?
They must be acidic.
Sodium Bicarbonate may be the antidote and cheap too.
Use it all of the time.
Bot free!
rockpicker - Dec 16
On the contrary, the nanotech requires a highly alkaline environment, around ten or so on the ph scale.
CoS - Dec 16 - Edited
According to Dr Hildegarde when the morgs reaches PH of 10-11 it creates Gel. You can watch this take place before your eyes when you capture the fibers and let them sit in water.
In my experience high acid (low PH) activates the first stage, (after swallowing Phlegm), then high PH activates the next stage of Gel creation, so stable correct PH somewhere where in the middle may manage it to a degree.
Just from my research.
It only makes sense that specific PH levels are the catalyst and control mechanism.
Sodium Bicarbonate certainly helps my situation, albeit I may get close to Gel forming within, if over doing it.
Sodium Citrate as Bee Gee mentioned below also helps me a lot, being a more passive form of Sodium Bi.
It might also explain why Borax has been helpful, being higher PH, but not too high? the 15 minute onwards. This is back in 2006.
Bard Joseph - Dec 16
Joseph’s Substack
Bee Gee - Dec 16
Bee Gee
Many people have already tried that and baking soda doesnt help much, if at all.
What works Much Much Much better is to covert that baking soda into sodium citrate. And Sodium Citrate works Great, although it takes a multi-prong approach, there is no one-shot cure. Its a good one though, and it does multiple things like dissolve alginate hydrogels.
There are a lot of recipes for it online since they use it in cheese sauces, its just water and pure citric acid and baking soda but you have to measure them by weight, not volume.
That makes the baking soda into the salt of Vitamin C, which does things normal vitamin C or baking soda do not.
Some people by it premade but I never have, premade products just seem like another avenue for potential contamination so I avoid them whenever possible.
And its literally one of the simplest recipes on Planet Earth, just don't heat it up too fast to evaporate out the water or it will get baked to the pan. Not the end of the world, its water soluble but still a pain.
It also does not bind with EDTA, so it works well to stack with EDTA or during an EDTA fast, for people who want to get their blood as clean as possible as fast as possible.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Dec 16
Ray’s Newsletter
That's good news about ivermectin as a bait-and switch operation:
kaal - Dec 18 - Edited
hydrogel is gooey right? carnicom said its cross domain bacteria and a xenobiotic organism- meaning alien 'life' so what if the 'black goo' is this hydrogel life combined with graphene? an article on spider silk said they fed the spiders graphene. to make the silk 'stronger' not sure. but this ties into what Harold Kautz Vella- said about alien/ black goo/ graphene/ spider . what would spider silk nano wires do? like connect/ transfer electricity or something? I don't know basic biology. world wide web within.
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 18
Agent’s Substack
I'm not to keep on the exact science but Black Goo Is a conscious living entity and be programed with DNA to create WHATEVER creature you want be it Alien NANO EGGS or a Penguin. There are too types of black goo, one native to planet earth that is loving and provides all the instincts for all the creatures of the planet. And the other type is EVIL that came to earth from a planet of ancient spiders and snakes that lost control of their AI. No real way to prove any of that shit unless you go to the Lake in IRAN made out of black goo and stand at the edge. according to Harold Vella it will seep out and form your body shape and start talking to you. WEIRD SCIENCE listen for yourself.......>>>>>
kaal - Dec 19
aliens did not do it. scientists did. vella talks bout spider beings - etc. if it was a meteorite there was 1 I posted began with an m that had silica or something cant remember. maybe the source of this alternative light.
Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 19
Agent’s Substack
Time to WAKE up friend, this world has been run by Reptilians since Egyptian times and beyond.
Educate yourself by the scientist of La Quinta Columna ....... Agent Midnight Rider
kaal - Dec 19
bit rude
kaal - Dec 19
I know about the hieroglyph also but if I post gets more 'problems'
kaal - Dec 19
Murchison meteorite.
kaal - Dec 18
and if all those other transgenic things- silk worm/ spider/ cobra biologics and whatever else r in hydrogel they may b in a sense synthetic parasites/ life. ok done. forget this.
kaal - Dec 18 - Edited
hydrogel xenobiotic life means it can GROW. its already artificial blood and tissue replacing blood and tissue. it can not only grow but b programmed and used 4 much more. developed.
kaal - Dec 18
for synthetic being
Robert Sun - Dec 17
Robert Sun
I am learning!
Thanks Dr mihalcea!
Smart Dust emerged from workshop at RAND in 1992 and DARPA!
Is system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, that can detect, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism. They are operated on computer network wirelessly!
The BarefootHealer - Dec 16
😉 i would be looking at the instances of silica deficiency in humans, in various countries globally, since the 1960s. A silica based nanotech, would be using up silica resources in its host faster than most would aquire via diet, soil, or weather modification therapies would provide.😐
Would go along way in describing a lot of modern day disease states, especially when looked at in context of the chelatory effects from glysophate exposure and deteurium depletion.
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Johney Clearwater - Dec 16
Liberty Needs No Rulers; Yellow…
We just did a study on Septocaine at Utah State University just before Thanksgiving. Ana, would someone please contact me
Thank you. This matter is of immediate concern.
Bee Gee - Dec 16
Bee Gee
She is too busy to respond to comments so I would not hold out hope she will email you.
Someone here might have helpful information though.
What did your study find?
Do you have any documentation links for it?
Robert Sun - Dec 24
Robert Sun
Robert Sun - Dec 24
Robert Sun
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