Dr. David Nixon on Stew Peters discussing his…

Nov 18, 2022

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Please watch this excellent Interview here:


Kathryn_M - Nov 20, 2022

Dr. Ana! Please review Dr. Joseph Lee's interview and his twit thread & interview him! 🙏🏻 For the sake of every child being injected with deadly poison! I beg you, at least speak to him. Please.
Also on bitchute. No one would allow him to speak. He has been cancelled and crushed by his own prof orgs. And he is a LASIC surgeon w/over 80,000 surgeries. Did you know the lung is dry with an air tight waterproof blood barrier?? I had NEVER been taught that medical fact. Please help.


Rachel - Nov 18, 2022


Thank you to Dr David Nixon, thank you to Stew Peters, thank you to you for spreaking up about this


bss.org - Nov 18, 2022

great, will watch and looking forward to your collaboration with another Queen.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Nov 19, 2022 - Edited

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

Ana, If I were you I wouldn't trust anything to do with Stew Peters as far as I could spit. He is controlled opposition. I hope you aren't but I'm new here and its too soon to tell yet. He has been clearly and unambiguously doing the peekaboo club, one eye symbolism/ hand gestures and has "Dr." Jane Ruby currently saying that "the vaccinated are now growing snake venom glands". She has totally jumped the shark with bullshit, controlled opposition narratives. Do you really want to be associated with this?


NerakN7 - Nov 20, 2022 - Edited

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

YOU are the controlled opposition - whether you know it or not. Post that video of Dr Jane Ruby saying that - I dare you.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Nov 22, 2022 - Edited

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

I'm not going to do your homework for you because you are lazy. She did an interview on or about Nov. 14th , which was posted on Red Voice, Stew Peter's site, with someone being referred to as "Dr. Tau Braun". The title of the interview said he was there to discuss the vaxxed growing venom glands and ducts. I found this again in about 2 seconds in a Bing search: "Dr. Jane Ruby snake venom glands." It's not hard to find. It is now posted in multiple locations on Rumble and elsewhere. I dare you to find it for yourself and see if you find it credible. I DO NOT. This is the second or third go around Ruby has had lately on the snake venom thing. She is a liar and so are all the rest of them. They very skillfully practice their craft by mixing lies with the truth. This is the foundation of controlled opposition, which in turn is foundational to Marxist revolutions. Step out of the kiddie pool.


Joseph Di Frances - Nov 18, 2022

I can't find a link to this show when I clicked on what I thought was the link. Any help out there? This happened that last time as well.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 19, 2022




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