Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 18, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please watch this excellent Interview here:
Mark of the Beast: Toxic Graphene Oxide Nano Bots Self Assemble in Vaxxed blood
In this great interview, my friend Dr. David Nixon discusses his findings of self- assembly microstructures in vials and his findings in live blood of C19 injected people. He mentions that these microchips appear to be emitting MAC addresses.
I will be discussing this topic further with Maria Zeee and Karen Kingston this upcoming week. Dr. David Nixon and our team with Engineer Matt Taylor, Dr. Shimon Yanowitz will be furthering the discussion on the new experiments on the microchips with magnetic fields and MAC addresses in a couple weeks on my radio show. Stay tuned for further research updates.
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Kathryn_M - Nov 20, 2022
Dr. Ana! Please review Dr. Joseph Lee's interview and his twit thread & interview him! 🙏🏻 For the sake of every child being injected with deadly poison! I beg you, at least speak to him. Please.
Also on bitchute. No one would allow him to speak. He has been cancelled and crushed by his own prof orgs. And he is a LASIC surgeon w/over 80,000 surgeries. Did you know the lung is dry with an air tight waterproof blood barrier?? I had NEVER been taught that medical fact. Please help.
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Rachel - Nov 18, 2022
Thank you to Dr David Nixon, thank you to Stew Peters, thank you to you for spreaking up about this
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