Dr. David Nixon Discusses Meat Contamination…

Apr 21, 2023

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Here is the link to this interview:


Blaise - Apr 21, 2023 - Edited

Att Viska

I hope folks can "steal" this for their own use. Edit, add, whatever. Here is what I sent to Whole Foods. Full letter is on my substackhttps://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/are-there-mrna-vaccines-in-your-meatBelow is the first part (I can't post more than the first part per substack limits)
Chief Executive, Whole Foods
Jason Buechel, CEO
550 Bowie Street
Austin, TX 78703-4644
(512) 542-0215
A number of your customers are concerned about mRNA vaccines being put into the meat we consume from your store. We spend many thousands of dollars per year in your store, and do not wish to have these vaccines, or mRNA agents, in either our meat, or our vegetables, without our legal, informed consent, which is the law – laws dating back to the Nuremberg trials, including the subsequent lesser known “Doctors’ Trials” in 1946, Nuremberg, Germany. Yes, I am aware that there is no mandate to vaccinate livestock, per this AP article,https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-mrna-vaccine-livestock-mandate-covid-564035224253No, farmers aren’t required to vaccinate livestock with mRNA vaccines, but that, of course, is not the question as AP disingenuously reports; rather, the question is, is this being done anyway? Do you do it with your products, and if so, are we consumers being notified? (Basically, as far as I’m concerned, AP article outright lies, writing that mRNA is “typically gone within days of receipt”; as a matter of fact, we know a fact that the mRNA from the Covid shot remains at least 60 days, if not longer – much longer To wit: Per Dr. Peter McCullough in his March 17, 2023 article, Critical Role of Pseudouridine in Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines “Fertig et al found lipid nanoparticles with mRNA were measurable in plasma for—15 days. Recently, Castruita et al demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Roltgen et al have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection. None of these studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from a group of patients. This is worrisome since injections are recommended in some populations just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination.” In PubMed, the Annual Revue of Animal Bioscience has the 2017 article Veterinary Replicon Vaccines. Former science editor for the NY Times Alex Berenson wrote, wrote about a little-noticed report in the highly respected, peer-reviewed journal Cell reveals that mRNA materials from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines remain in lymph nodes for at least 60 days, while “free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.’ That’s not what the info-gatekeepers have been telling us. The famed journal Cell, itself, writes in Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination genetic materials actually remain in the body for up to two months; here, in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, the mRNA lasts for at least a month. The man who invented the mRNA platform, Dr. Robert Malone, says “When a vaccine is injected into a patient’s arm, the RNA from the vaccine, which is a modified RNA, is supposed to last for only a couple of hours, but a study from Stanford University shows that “the RNA sticks around for at least 60 days.” Malone also says using needle biopsies, these have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn't test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. Japanese doctors reported summer, 2022 that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. See Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology andAllergy.byMayuko Yamamoto MD, PhD and Shigetoshi Sano, MD, PhD, out of Kochi Medical School, Kochi University, Japan...
There's more. Go to my substack and copy/paste for your own use!


Kristen Moore - Apr 21, 2023

Att Viska

Whole Foods top executives are a part of this nightmare. Hopefully your letter will wake up enough of the mid level to wake them up and unite. 🙏🏻 Won’t hold my breath. People care more about self than others.


Blaise - Apr 21, 2023

Att Viska

So true. That's why I am asking for a formal, legal response.
Make 'em sweat a bit. Go ahead, Mr. Grocer... lie to us. Only thing is, you grocery CEOs don't have the immunity the the Phizer Phrauds do. My next step is to send a registered letter.


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023 - Edited

Dee’s Meow

I made a comment about what Dovers wrote concerning sequivity. Here;
I made the comment on chd, childrens health defense. About mrna in our food supply. My comment was deleated. I was very surprised. Anyway, no meat co will be getting my business unless they can state grass fed, non gmo, no mrna v*x, and the usual, ie; sans growth hormones.


kaal - Apr 21, 2023




Kristen Moore - Apr 21, 2023

Dee’s Meow

So appreciate the information BUT NOW WHAT? We are living in a toxic soup. EDTA chelation isn’t a solution. Roulette comes back again and again!
We need help for human kind. How do we reinforce our God given immunity? Copper, magnesium, whole C, Cod liver oil, sunlight, movement, EMF mitigation, prayer.
There has to be a way out of this insanity created by Satan. God always wins!


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Prayer and lots of it.


420MedicineMan - Apr 21, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

I posted this on the interview on Rumble last night. Thought I'd post it here for consideration note the communication band widths!! (1460–1625 nm) Cheers.
Bio-synthetic photon optical networks and how they work. They're very complicated. So they're photonic Graphene chips, with photon optical network, the Antennae chips the big cross ones are the ones that convert bi-optical photons into Radio Frequency, 2.4GHertz for the blue tooth devices.
Waveguide efficient directional coupling and decoupling via an integrated plasmonic nanoantenna
Bright Quantum Dot Single-Photon Emitters at Telecom Bands Heterogeneously Integrated on Si
"Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) efficiently emit photons in the telecom bands (1460–1625 nm) and allow for heterogeneous integration with Si."
Look at the band widths above... Dr Ana might want to know about that...Same wavelengths her friends family member got sick off the beef...
Coupling Single Photons from Discrete Quantum Emitters in WSe2 to Lithographically Defined Plasmonic Slot Waveguides
"Measurement of the point spread function of five quantum emitters relative to the waveguide with <50 nm precision is compared with numerical simulations to demonstrate the potential for greater increases in the coupling efficiency for ideally positioned emitters."
Deterministic Coupling of Quantum Emitters in 2D Materials to Plasmonic Nanocavity Arrays
"Quantum emitters in two-dimensional materials are promising candidates for studies of light-matter interaction and next generation, integrated on-chip quantum nanophotonics. However, the realization of integrated nanophotonic systems requires the coupling of emitters to optical cavities and resonators."
Comprehensive analysis of the optical Kerr coefficient of graphene
"The four identified mechanisms are two-photon absorption, Raman transition, self-coupling, and quadratic ac Stark effect.".


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Apr 21, 2023

420MedicineMan-- really appreciate this info. Grateful to you for posting it. Two thumbs up.


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023

Dee’s Meow

And that is what they are injecting into everything they can get their evil, criminal clutches on.


Okisuke - Apr 21, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

I recently ate wild deer meat for the first time in my life. The taste was amazing and the first thing that came to my mind was: "To which degree is this meat contaminated with these ribbons compared to convential meat?" => I would like to see some analysis on wild animal meat.
In weird times like this, eating less or even intermittent fasting is perhaps the best solution to minimize the exposure to any toxin and also to detox.
Did you notice the difference between organic minced meat and convential one? The convential meat has a unnatural reddish color, smells very bad when fried and loses approx. 20 % more water than organic meat.
I also acknowledge that not everyone has access to pasture-raised meat, which I honestly eat only once a year at best.


dar - Apr 21, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Dear O, can you say, 'CJD'? ...old news like this alert doesn't get better with age...foodsafetynews.com/2019/02/fatal-brain-disease-in-deer-elk-moose-spreading-danger-for-humans/
Fatal brain disease in deer, elk, moose spreading; Danger for humans?By Cookson Beecher on February 4, 2019
Just as hunters have been stalking deer and elk, so, too, has a deadly brain disease been stalking their four-legged quarry.
Known as a chronic wasting disease (CWD), it infects deer, elk, and moose. It was first confirmed in Colorado in the 1970s. Back then, wildlife officials thought it would take more than 100 years to find its way east. They were confident that the Mississippi River would serve as a natural border.
But since being confirmed in Wisconsin in 2002, it has made its way to 25 states, most recently into Mississippi and Tennessee, and two Canadian provinces.
News headlines warn that it’s now within miles of the Alabama state line, approaching Indiana, and looking like it might get into Idaho.
“It continues to spread,” said Kip Adams, the conservation director for the Quality Deer Management Association.
The affected states are Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Mississipi, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The two Canadian provinces are Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Lou Cornicelli, Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resource wildlife research manager, said that managing CWD is challenging because of how it spreads and persists in the deer population.
For example, males are much more likely to have CWD than females; male deer also move the disease farther on the landscape because they typically travel longer distances, especially in the fall, when hunting season is on.
...Also according to CDC, once it is established in an area, the risk can remain for a long time in the environment. The affected areas are likely to continue to expand...


Okisuke - Apr 21, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Ok, I see that's it's mainly prevalent in the USA, not so much here in Europe. When I talk to biochemists about prions disease, they mention that the mechanism is not fully understand yet. If you mention that vaccines caused for example BSE to any natural scientist, close to no one would believe you. We all learned it wrong and it's a tough one to swallow once you awaken.


JC - Sep 16, 2023


Of course. We can't have the populace having access to food . . .
Or water. And definitely not a garden, especially not a powerful one.


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Beware, they are v*xng wild deer.
Venisen is amazing.


kaal - Apr 21, 2023


If I end up having to see a "DR" and am asked if i took the stabbie in order to get a code I plan to tell whomever asks me "there is AI CIRCUITRY in these stabbies and then proceed to hand them a photograph of it. Im going to the library to photocopy these images. Hopefully the computers at the library are not blocked. PPL need to speak up. We have the proof. Id also confront ppl w mac addresses. Flood social media. really tired of this shame and inaction. !!!!


Thomas Lewis - Apr 21, 2023

Useless Liberal

Wait. Wait. Wait.
I Know.
We'll Tell Them It's In The Air.
- They'll Believe Us?
Seriously. Watch.


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Maybe they will believe aliens or the yeti did it.


Thomas Lewis - Apr 22, 2023

Useless Liberal

Love ‘Ya


Dee's meow - Apr 22, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Thank you : )


JohnDH - Apr 21, 2023


Dr. Ana, would be most grateful if you could provide your answer to this when you have a moment: if nanotech & graphene & hydrogel & lipid nanoparticles are being found in the unvaccinated's blood - because it is being sprayed via geoengineering, and in food, water, etc, then why did the scumbag elite feel the desperate need to physically inject these poisons into so much of the world's population (if they are/were achieving this already before injections)?
Obviously there is the shedding potentially as the primary driver into the unvaccinated, but could they not have achieved their transhumanist nanotech agenda without these injections, given all the other methods they are using? What is the main pay-off of the physical injections for them? I guess it comes down to, what is the main driver of how these poisons are getting into the unvaccinated - shedding or geoengineering/food/water? Thanks so much, Dr. Ana (or anyone who has insight here).


JC - Sep 16, 2023


I think it's about cumulative effects. Fluoride came pretty early on. By then, TV had created easy hypnosis. TV + Fluoride, what do you want to do next? Prozac generation. Chipping away at our neurology and health. Why do you think so many boosters are needed? How else do you get the latest upgrade? The beast must be fed - inside and out.


Johan Martin - Apr 23, 2023 - Edited

Might some of those 'fibres' actually be amyloid fibrils? If not, why not?
Electron microscopic examination of Alzheimer's amyloid fibrils
Cryo-EM structure and polymorphism of Aβ amyloid fibrils purified from Alzheimer’s brain tissue
If they are amyloid fibrils, might nattonkinase help against them?
Amyloid-Degrading Ability of Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis Natto



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