Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 21, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Here is the link to this interview:
LIVE: Uncensored: Major Chain NANOTECH MEAT - Dr. Nixon Investigates & Brings SOME Good News!
Dr. David Nixon confirms my findings of Hydrogel fibers in the meat supply. He elaborates on our historical research of the nanotechnology \ and the finding of the hydrogel fibers in the food supply, rain water, and human blood. Dr. Nixon found the same filaments in different meats. Non processed meat and local grass fed farmers meat had less filaments than store bought meat. He also shows that the same filaments found in meats were found in the C19 vials and live blood - both C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Dr. Nixon’s original images that I presented previously of a filament found by him in Australian beef (above) and a filament in C19 Pfizer vial (below)
Microchips and optical communication hydrogel cables C19 Pfizer vial
Hydrogel Ribbon C19 Pfizer vial
Live Blood Analysis Hydrogel Filament
Live Blood Analysis Hydrogel Filaments
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Blaise - Apr 21, 2023
Att Viska
I hope folks can "steal" this for their own use. Edit, add, whatever. Here is what I sent to Whole Foods. Full letter is on my substack is the first part (I can't post more than the first part per substack limits)
Chief Executive, Whole Foods
Jason Buechel, CEO
550 Bowie Street
Austin, TX 78703-4644
(512) 542-0215,
A number of your customers are concerned about mRNA vaccines being put into the meat we consume from your store. We spend many thousands of dollars per year in your store, and do not wish to have these vaccines, or mRNA agents, in either our meat, or our vegetables, without our legal, informed consent, which is the law – laws dating back to the Nuremberg trials, including the subsequent lesser known “Doctors’ Trials” in 1946, Nuremberg, Germany. Yes, I am aware that there is no mandate to vaccinate livestock, per this AP article,, farmers aren’t required to vaccinate livestock with mRNA vaccines, but that, of course, is not the question as AP disingenuously reports; rather, the question is, is this being done anyway? Do you do it with your products, and if so, are we consumers being notified? (Basically, as far as I’m concerned, AP article outright lies, writing that mRNA is “typically gone within days of receipt”; as a matter of fact, we know a fact that the mRNA from the Covid shot remains at least 60 days, if not longer – much longer To wit: Per Dr. Peter McCullough in his March 17, 2023 article, Critical Role of Pseudouridine in Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines “Fertig et al found lipid nanoparticles with mRNA were measurable in plasma for—15 days. Recently, Castruita et al demonstrated mRNA in blood out to 28 days. Roltgen et al have found mRNA in lymph nodes 60 days after injection. None of these studies demonstrated complete clearance of mRNA from a group of patients. This is worrisome since injections are recommended in some populations just a few months apart implying there will be stacking of long-lasting mRNA in the body without adequate opportunity for clearance and elimination.” In PubMed, the Annual Revue of Animal Bioscience has the 2017 article Veterinary Replicon Vaccines. Former science editor for the NY Times Alex Berenson wrote, wrote about a little-noticed report in the highly respected, peer-reviewed journal Cell reveals that mRNA materials from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines remain in lymph nodes for at least 60 days, while “free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination.’ That’s not what the info-gatekeepers have been telling us. The famed journal Cell, itself, writes in Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination genetic materials actually remain in the body for up to two months; here, in the Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, the mRNA lasts for at least a month. The man who invented the mRNA platform, Dr. Robert Malone, says “When a vaccine is injected into a patient’s arm, the RNA from the vaccine, which is a modified RNA, is supposed to last for only a couple of hours, but a study from Stanford University shows that “the RNA sticks around for at least 60 days.” Malone also says using needle biopsies, these have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn't test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. Japanese doctors reported summer, 2022 that mRNA-induced spike proteins from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do persist in the body for at least several months post-injection. See Persistent varicella zoster virus infection following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the presence of encoded spike protein in the lesion in the Journal of Cutaneous Immunology andAllergy.byMayuko Yamamoto MD, PhD and Shigetoshi Sano, MD, PhD, out of Kochi Medical School, Kochi University, Japan...
There's more. Go to my substack and copy/paste for your own use!
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Kristen Moore - Apr 21, 2023
So appreciate the information BUT NOW WHAT? We are living in a toxic soup. EDTA chelation isn’t a solution. Roulette comes back again and again!
We need help for human kind. How do we reinforce our God given immunity? Copper, magnesium, whole C, Cod liver oil, sunlight, movement, EMF mitigation, prayer.
There has to be a way out of this insanity created by Satan. God always wins!
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