Doctor recommends EDTA chelation for the…

Jul 21, 2023

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July 21, 2023 –A board-certified internist, who has treated more than 800 patients for illnesses that she attributes to nanotechnology hydrogel found in COVID vaccines, now says that virtually everyone needs EDTA chelation to protect themselves from this hydrogel.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks from someone who has had lab created Lyme and morgellons. I had bleeding in menopause from shedding.
My biotoxin mold treatment is so $ draining, I can’t afford chelation therapy or the cream. It’s important to know we have a way to mitigate the damage. I lean on Jesus and take my supplements. (God bless & protect our truth tellers, in Jesus Holy name, Amen)


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

I have lyme too , & mold. We can try EDTA suppositories, not sure though if you have amalgams, like I do.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m doing vip ( peptide) spray the last few months. I have a mouthful of amalgam s. I foolishly went to a clinic for poor people years ago and they exaggerated the need for fillings, I was too sick at the time to realize what was going on & regret it.


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

Is the peptide spray helping?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

At first it really did. Then it slowed down. Something has been causing cytokines storms lately,based on latest blood work. I just did a home test to check for biotoxins in the house. Envirobiomics company.


Seeking Truth - Feb 12, 2024

Seeking Truth

Do you have mold illness? CIRS?


Rosalind McGill - Feb 12, 2024

Rosalind McGill

Yes. & a laundry list of other things. Thankful to be slow & steady improving. Or holding my own at the least.


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

I have 5. An oral surgeon told me if I start getting these amalgams out ny the time they drill everything out, I might need a root canal. So Idk what to do. Also I believe Ana said they found hydrogel in dental injections so Im scared to do anything!
And no EDTA with amalgams. Im screwed.


Maryann - Feb 12, 2024

... continued... something I find important and relevant to mention... again, at 13 when I had the 8 filled in just 3 weeks, next day I began experiencing a nerve pain from a good molar adjacent to one recently filled. The pain went twisting up like a lightening bolt through my eye to my brain. The pain was so excruciating that all I can do was hold my head and jump around until it subsided.. I could not even bear to talk or scream. The the pain never lasted more than about 20 seconds and TG because the only possible relief was to unlive or cut off my head. I lived with this for 10 years but it was a bit rare and no dentist I went to wanted to extract the molar because there was nothing wrong with it. I lived petrified of when would it strike. The last time it happened I went running to a nearby dentist and threatened him to extract it or will unlive myself. He suggested to drill a hole in it to see if a “trapped gas” would be freed and be the cause. I was like -what gas??! I relented. After that I never experienced the lightening pain again!!!. 20 years later I find the “Smoking Tooth” video that was KNOWN at that time he drilled. So some dentists knew about the ethylmercury gas produced by mercury amalgams!! What other pain or migraines is this producing in people and how is it damaging our pineal and pituitary glands that can also be associated with so many conditions like thyroids or adrenal exhaustion to name just 2 ???? And likewise... how is the mercury and metal content in vaccines (which they still have) affecting all these children with neurological issues they now want to normalize as “neurodiversity”??!! The most bizarre symptom I experienced was being out of my body in a constant state, periodically!! A few inches forward or behind and a few above me. Accounting for drinking from a glass and wondering why no liquid poured in my mouth and then wondering why my blouse was wet!! Also missing door frames as I passed (many bruises!), falling down or UP stairs, missing grabbing objects. We know now that out of body is very common experiences. Many Autistic children have bizarre symptoms and are accident prone and are “in their own world” .... could they NOT be wholly IN their bodies too?? ... “disconnected” from the nervous and endocrine System?? In the Andy Cutler Safe Mercury Detox FB group there have been people with schizophrenia who have completely reversed it with Andys detox protocol. Bipolar as well. Even people with a lack of empathy have regained empathy. Hundreds of Autistic children have also reversed the label with it. Lack of empathy is one symptom in Autism/Asperger. And schizophrenia and mental illness and rage and violence and even insanity in those workers 1700-1900s working with MERCURY producing the Top Hats of their day!!! “Mad hatters” they were mocked! People having been damaged further with EDTA from other doctors have recuperated with his protocol. .... but I want to know how I detoxed in 4 months with protomorphogens . I’m guessing that reestablishing nervous And hormonal systems and pathways to do their jobs may have caused the natural detoxing of mercury - and I had no detox symptoms whatsoever just steady relief and reversal. I was definitely poisoned given all the ever progressive conditions I experience which disappeared with the therapy quickly ! And I was NOT in positive thinking either .. nor even in belief or in hope!!. I was IN RAGE and raging against the medical system and god for allowing this. I lost my belief in god at the time. So it was not a placebo effect!!! I was just throwing myself into something in search of relief!! Being disappointment time and again. Adding to my RAGE. 4 months it all took - for 14 YEARS OF TORTUROUS BIZARRENESS TAKING MY LIFE AWAY. So I believe I’m going to find myself a doctor who knows how to use protomorphogens. I haven’t yet due to many Financial issues . Always the issue - isn’t it! Hope any of this helps!!


Maryann - Feb 12, 2024

... continuing... like I said my mercury removal did not damage my 2 molars. One other mercury molar was extracted due to bone impacted. I never removed the remaining 5 for terrifying fear of regressing, although I knew of biological dentists. but some have broken since, spilling mercury. You must watch though the YouTube video “Smoking Tooth.” Amalgams spew ethylmercury vapors, that have affinity to pineal and pituitary glands, from simple friction like chewing or hot liquids. I have been with broken amalgams for some 13 years and experiencing some old symptoms and brain fog. So... if I had to do it over again I would risk having teeth removed if filling removal damaged them. Bridges are a bit more safe than root canals. I had once a root canal and removed the tooth due to body swelling infection. If you are feeling so sick from them it might be worth it - but there is never a guarantee. Even with chelation the proper way. Everyone is different. It’s all a leap of faith in my observation opinion. Biological dentists are the ones using masks, dental dams, vacuums, oxygen, body protection... in removal of mercury amalgams. The latest protocol is SMART. But even when you find such dentist you must inquire that they are using the whole SMART protocol . I went to a well known dentist to repair a mercury amalgam molar infection. He found he didn’t have to do root canal or extract, so he extracted amalgam and filled it with white resin. Ok good. BUT BUT BUT... he did not use the dam or oxygen or mask ... and the drilling spewed liquid all over my cheeks ... and the assistant did not do a good job with the saliva aspirator where I was then swallowing it all with no dental dam. My face was swollen after. The next night I experienced a hell of sneezing NON STOP ALL NIGHT one after the other and my sciatica of 7 years dormant came suddenly back and I was bedridden for a week. Sneezing the whole time. Then all subsided. As the 13 year old girl back then, it all started with immense production of saliva and mucous and sinus problems and colds every month after the dentist, then various types of horrendous hives and “hey fever” with itching everywhere fir years... then progressed to body parts swelling, then to whole body swelling and all sorts of neurological issues, burning, muscle spasms, bizarre pains and bone n joint pains and energy waves through my joints and body, and brain fog and memory loss (I had way above average memory and recall) , loss of bladder control, balance, vision issues , complete sensitivity to ANY light sunglasses did not help I had to walk with hands on face peeking through a crack... so many more bizarre issues. Today I have a few of those issues but very vague. I wish I had done something 30 years ago about removing them. Point is .... obviously the exposure to mercury with that dentist caused my subsequent symptoms those days. (I resolved the sciatica with castor oil packs all night on my whole back and over my liver- to detox liver ). So select your biological dentist by carefully making sure they follow the SMART protocol which you can find in the Biological Dentist website. And has dentist directory.


Maryann - Feb 12, 2024

I have had 2 molar amalgam fillingS removed and I did not need root canals. And they were heavily applied taking up much of the molars. I too had been taken to a public health dept to fill them. I stepped off the dentist‘s chair with them PILED HIGH and breaking off, chewing on them and spitting them out - I was 13. A tortured hell of 14 years ensued. In 4 months of holistic therapy and Chiropractic ALL my 40+ symptoms were gone and my swelling of size 12 back down to size designer 2 !! I have never experienced that illness since in 35 years. But the strange thing is that I received no chelation per se. I believe the supplements more powerful were the protomorphogens I was given (desiccated glandular organs by the original company Standard Process). The moment I started them I saw results. The first to go were muscle spasms, bone/joint pain, exhaustion, vision problems (electrical stuff and light sensitivity and night blindness and double vision - whew!), and body swelling. I was young and naive so I never asked questions and he passed away so I can’t ask. I’ve been in groups and have never found anyone having used protomorphogens. Only a Veterinarian I found used them for his pet patients experiencing neurological symptoms and seizures with immediate results. I had all kinds of neurological issues that included electrical shocks and vibrations. No seizures though. I found a chemist Dr Andy Hall Cutler, who helped hundreds of autistic children (and mercury tortured adults) reverse their symptoms with a specific protocol of chelation with specific Chela tors. But he vehemently advised against the use of EDTA (or any natural detoxing supplement because they are not true Chelators chemically). EDTA causes people with mercury poisoning to get worse. Many come to him with that issue from other doctors. He passed but members still keep his work and group on FB going n coaching for free. You can read peoples experiences before and after.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’ve done nothing yet for my mouth. My dr sent a friend to a Texas dentist who does removal work for cirs& mold patients. My dr warned me that I should not trust standard dentist, they don’t understand how the toxins affect us once they start doing the removal. My friend said it cost 10,000$ not including travel costs. Of course insurance didn’t pay .


Seeking Truth - Feb 12, 2024

Seeking Truth

Removal of what? Extractions are not that expensive.


Rosalind McGill - Feb 12, 2024

Rosalind McGill

I need a dentist who can remove them without causing an inflammatory reaction. A friend had it done successfully. Costs more than average.


Seeking Truth - Feb 25, 2024

Seeking Truth

Have you looked into Dr. Campbell's protocol for mycotoxins?


Rosalind McGill - Feb 25, 2024

Rosalind McGill

No. My dr uses Ritchie Shoemaker protocol.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 22, 2023

Rosalind McGill

When I was struggling with morgellons, eventually I found an integrative medicine doctor. However, a couple years before him, I had repented from doing new age stuff like reiki, looking for relief. I called in to a ministry , miracle internet radio with dr pat holiday and Sabrina sessions. They prayed with me and did deliverance prayers. ( it was on my birthday, best gift ever) I have no proof other than my word, but it helped my symptoms. Once I started working with my doctor, I did a very painful heavy metal detox and it helped my parasitic & heavy metal overload.


Connie Wilson - Nov 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I think I got morgellons. Where to get it diagnosed and dotoxicated?


Rosalind McGill - Nov 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I am not aware of any doctors in particular that acknowledge it. My dr cut me off mid sentence when I mentioned it. He said you had heavy metal and parasites overload & my Metagenics clear renew detox helped. It was very painful but helped. My dr didn’t want me focusing on the parasites and more on changing my diet and starting supplements based on blood work.
Luckily before I met him I had slowly weaned off 8 prescriptions ( kept thyroid meds) so I was ready to start working with him for my CIRS and biotoxin mold illness.
I’m still on pure resin cholystramine, helps break down the bio films . It’s better but still not completely healed. I wonder how possible complete healing is in these days of nano everywhere


Rosalind McGill - Nov 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Sorry for my tangent


Rosalind McGill - Nov 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& I haven’t tried edta because I’m in the middle of Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold/ cirs . Got rid of the MARCONS and now using the vip peptide spray.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 30, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I have heard precovid that the Boston area doctors acknowledge it.
I’d just read Clifford Carnicom and dr Anna Mihalecea and fm8 ( fire medic 8) there are others I can’t think of right now. The nano bucket may help but I have not tried that myself.


Connie Wilson - Dec 31, 2023

Rosalind McGill

What's nano bucket? I am trying EDTA. I have taken a week and feel the tingling and tremors are less frequent.


Rosalind McGill - Dec 31, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Glad you are seeing improvement! It’s a triangle you put in water and soak your feet, it knocks junk out. I have yet to try it. (Plan on it though.)


ENCmd - Jul 21, 2023

ENCmd’s Substack

Thank you Dr Ana for documenting what is occurring and a way out. Th early treatment COVID docs offered gloriously safe, effective, inexpensive supplements and generic meds as hope in COVID. Andmyfreedoctor.comfor scrips for free. The expense of your treatment is understandable given the documented threats but discouraging, as it seems unaffordable except to the wealthy which then engenders discouragement if not despair and anger, as seen in comments here. Hoping you will discover an affordable solution for all! Thx for your compassion and good intent!


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

EDTA suppositories is another way to go


OzChic - Oct 9, 2023

Any suppliers you can suggest?


Lewis Barham - Oct 9, 2023

I've been using Oradix but Detoxamin ones look more powerful and effective at 1500mg instead of 700mg.


ENCmd - Aug 6, 2023

ENCmd’s Substack

Interesting thx!


EYE4Truth - Oct 8, 2023


I must say that this website my free doctor is very vague and I do not feel comfortable with it. The Wellness Company is much more transparent with their site if at all interested, if anyone else feels the same as I do. Yes I am an affiliate but it is not about the money for me it is to help those seeking good and trust worthy info. If I was money hungry I would charge a bit for my own substack that provides lots of great helpful info and that is free over at EYE4Truth - The link to take a further look is here:
Love & Prayer for all


ENCmd - Oct 18, 2023

ENCmd’s Substack

My free doctor meets an important need by being FREE, especially important as finances are hard hit by many. They helped many get helpful early treatment and prevention meds who would not have been able to afford out of network physicians. TWC is a company with a business model which many cannot afford. For those who can TWC is great. But no need to diss myfreedoctor imo.


JP - Jul 22, 2023


Speaking from my own experiences in hopes to help anyone out there. With 2 years of trying most of the detox protocols and supplements (which are expensive for sure), it helped create an overall baseline or balance. They also helped with mold and/or fungus, sleep, digestive...BUT with morgellons and heavy metals, these protocols just couldn't do the job. The EDTA cream and orals daily helped a little, but after 6 EDTA IV's in 6 weeks, I don't see the morgellons fibers (for now anyway), don't have the electrical attacks or brain swelling, and don't see as many shiny metal fragments coming out of skin. Will be retested for the metals after 10 sessions.
How do you know what to treat if you don't know what you have in your body? We're guessing most of the time: Spike proteins? Spike protein shedding? nanotech? hydrogel? EMF affects? fungal contamination? parasites? venom? morgellons? lyme? autoimmune? If you are reading this, then you are looking for answers. You may be experiencing issues you cant find answers to solve. You may be suffering. Someone you love may be suffering. You may be healthy but being proactive to make sure none of this damn stuff happens to you. In any of these cases, you are not alone.
1) Checking for magnetism may be a good idea using the small neodymium magnet sold at hardware stores/check for magnetism on chest. As I have said before, MOST people are magnetic now.
2) Getting a 20X or 30X handheld microscope may be something to shed light/check your finger pads and nails (for morgellons fibers or fungus/mold). You can find out if you have morgellons easily by holding your pointer finger pad on a neodymium magnet for 3-5 minutes. Then check fingerpad with handheld microscope. If bright red, green, blue, black fibers are present...then you know. If nothing shows up....well, sigh of relief!
3) Heavy metal test- after 1st EDTA IV, sending fluid sample in to lab. is not a bad idea. This will give concrete data on which metals are present and at what levels. This is crucial because many of us are heavy metal poisoned and don't even know it. Heavy metals provide breeding grounds for parasites and fungus and weaken your immune system. PLUS EMF excites ALL of these and cause a whole other set of problems.
If your eyes are affected negatively by blue light, this is a red flag. They will not be selling incandescent light bulbs after August. Only LED bulbs will be available which in my belief, are the worst for morgellons sufferers, heavy metal sufferers, and eyes in general. Either stock up by the end of August if you can find any left or (a tip) you will still be able to buy appliance light bulbs that are incandescent. The only reason they are called appliance light bulbs is because they are more sturdy (and a bit more....$ of course). Blue light glasses are a must. For driving as well. All car lights are now LED. All streetlights are now LED.
Hopefully Dr. Ana will touch base on the different types of EDTA at some point (and there may be more than the 2 below):
Calcium EDTA-which doesn't strip the calcium from body. this one is more inexpensive and more widely used for chelation. May be around 150 bucks per session and the sessions aren't that long
Disodium EDTA- which is more used for heart-calcium buildup, cleaning arteries, as well as metal chelation. This one is more expensive and the sessions may be around 3 hours or so.
I have done both and with the horror I've been through, I didn't care about the money. Gotta find a way.
Chelation comes from the greek word chelos meaning claw. Chelation works for what is intended. Yes, it can be expensive but "their" plan is in full swing. Some call it genocide or depopulation, transhumanism or global social control but again, if you are reading this, you simply know something is terribly wrong. It doesn't matter if you are red pilled, blue billed, black pilled, or white pilled, it's in everyone's best interest to protect themselves at this point, and try to help others who are seeking answers or suffering. Dr. Ana, in my belief, has given us honest, valid, and beneficial tools to work with. The holistic practices I deal with say the holistic community is working relentlessly together on other treatments and/or preventatives but keep in mind that this evil agenda has been decades in the making. The battle continues....


koppykat - Jul 22, 2023


thankyou.. what a breath of fresh air you are, and thank YOU for building my knowledge even higher. Yours is the healthy, solid, constructive and informative gift we should all be practising!
I find knowledge is the most overlooked vitamin overall.


Dawn O - Jul 21, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Please tell us how we can get EDTA chelation? Like Mike Adams, please teach us what it is and how we can make a homemade remedy. We heard a lot about it, but have never been told exactly how we can go about getting it, especially if we are on the poorer side


WrittenintheStars - Jul 21, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Just eat well. Get outside and Excercise…and take chloride dioxide . Cheap and gets the job done.


Cormack - Jul 21, 2023

Katie’s Substack

I do all but What is chloride dioxide? I see chlorine dioxide online but not chloride- TIA


WrittenintheStars - Jul 22, 2023

Katie’s Substack

Here is the link to it:


Gerald Shantz - Jul 22, 2023

ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) is like a disinfectant that is so successful at healing miladies in Africa and South America, like malaria and ebola, etc., the "powers that be" think it should be BANNED. So much so that anyone caught selling the product could be imprisoned. But I found a website that sells pills that store well, and can make up a solution for ingestion. Try "" After this company was discovered by Mike Adams, the company has been so overwhelmed with requests, they apologetically put up a warning that it may take several weeks for them to fulfill your order. (I'm still waiting for mine.)


Gerald Shantz - Jul 22, 2023

Seeking Truth

I agree with all that, but am curious as to whether or not the ClO2 helped YOU. Did you suffer any long term covid, and did the ClO2 clear the symptoms? I have an order of ClO2 tablets coming but am unsure of the dosage for me.


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

What is CIO2?


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

What is CO


Gerald Shantz - Aug 7, 2023

CLO2 is chlorine dioxide. The government wants you to think it is a bleach, when in reality, it is well known super disinfectant that can clean and heal the worst diseases known to man.
CO is carbon monoxide. Commonly known as partially burned carbon and a deadly gas. That's a very short version of a description.


Rosalind McGill - Jul 22, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I have a leaky gut and simply can’t do that one. Not with biotoxin mold illness and chronic inflammatory response syndrome. I’ve heard great things about it though.


Dawn O - Aug 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

What greatly helps for leaky gut is plantain. It’s grows everywhere, make sure u pick it where there is no pesticides sprayed. I put it in my smoothies every morning, and soak it in a 1 to 10 ratio of vinegar to water for 5 min. Very mineral rich and excellent for leaky gut, I also include perslaine which is also more mineral Rich than spinach and full of omega 3s


Rosalind McGill - Aug 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thank you very much for the tip!
( I lik a little aloe too in my smoothie, I’ll look into this)


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

Why not? Why cant you do CD?


Rosalind McGill - Aug 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

My leaky gut is also leaky skin and leaky brain. Everything is porous, many types of detox are going to do more harm than good until my immune system is stronger.
Know how fasting is so beneficial? A friend with biotoxin mold illness fasted and ended up in the emergency room, damaged her kidneys.


wilson - Jul 21, 2023


you can buy oral EDTA, it has some good effect, perhaps not as much as intravenous though.


Lisa - Jul 21, 2023


Thank you, Dr. Ana! I'll share this with my integrative medicine doctor. God bless you for all that you are doing for us!


psychoNWO - Jul 25, 2023


EDTA suppositories are also an option. They have a much higher absorption rate than oral tablets, they are substantially cheaper, they act a lot slower than intravenous applications so they don't put the same burden on your organs as the IV method, and they can be applied at home...
Some manufacturers offer combinations of ingredients, like with glutathione.
Essential oils also remove bio-film...
Knocking Out BioFilm From Your Body...
Make Your Own Chelator: EDTA, MSM, Ascorbic Acid, Baking Soda - Tony Pantalleresco...


Smurf - Oct 8, 2023

This was great!


Healingroze Earthwise - Jul 21, 2023


I see the haters have descended on you Dr. Ana. Keep up the good work! ❤️


koppykat - Jul 21, 2023


Comment removed.


koppykat - Jul 22, 2023


the lick of disrespect is that you asserted Dr Ana is offering remedy just for high $profits.
Dr Ana's integrity is blindingly clear, as well as her motives in devotion to saving humanity.
Perhaps you could research a way to offer more affordable chelation IV services. In Australia, we have no options open to us, nor anyone who would provide this treatment, or any others. think about that reality worldwide.


koppykat - Jul 22, 2023


apology, it was writteninthestars who asserted this


Kent - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited


i'll wait and see if Dr Mercola does an article on this EDTA stuff. I trust Mihalcea but I haven't followed her for YEARS like I have Mercola.


Susannah - Oct 9, 2023 - Edited


From what I've seen of Mercola in the recent past, he was still talking about C-19 as a virus. In other words, he's behind the 8-ball, as it were. Best to go with those in the know, who haven't succumbed to political pressure. The times they are a-changing.


Kent - Oct 9, 2023


I erred, i wrote the wrong website for Dr should be


Kent - Oct 9, 2023 - Edited


I still read Mercola's website but I don't think he is behind the 'eight ball' like Dr Bryan Ardis is. Not that long ago Joe was commiserating that he and his staff got jettisoned from CHASE bank, one of the most corrupt members of the big banks: If Mercola was on top of things, he wouldnt have been dealing with a bank with such a criminal record. Dr Ardis has done immense research on NIH, CDC and FDA websites to back up his positions that the "viruses" are disguised snake venom or replicas that have been aerosoled, and disbursed into our environment via chemtrails, city water systems and sprayed pesticides. I'll takewww.thedrardisshow.comany day


Rosalind McGill - Jul 22, 2023

Rosalind McGill

She was in retirement until the plandemic .


Diana D. - Jul 21, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

There doesn't seem to be any way to contact this sender. I was able to 'pause' my paid subscription for 6 months, but I want to CANCEL FOREVER! No More Charges!!!!! How to do that?


FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 21, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Go to the orange Subscribed Button at the top, then on that page, scroll to the bottom and click Cancel Subscription.


Seeking Truth - Aug 6, 2023

Seeking Truth

please stop


Matias - Oct 10, 2023

Papaya Positive Animations

Looks like there are varying views on EDTA:🤷‍♂️


Catherine - Jul 21, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

What I dont understand is how is Cowan in this documentary series-- he doesn’t believe any of this?! He also doesn’t believe the findings of Dr Ardis or Dr Chetty-- why? He is adamant on refusing to look or accept any data of the bioweapon that this is!


Leisa - Jul 25, 2023

Dr Chetty is brilliant, and his protocol stopped all the rot. To my knowlege not one of his severe covid patients progressed to needing ICU.


WrittenintheStars - Jul 21, 2023

Katie’s Substack

I look at it as he exposed all the rot by keeping them front and center.


jeffrey p lubina - Jul 21, 2023

jeffrey p lubina



Michael Vert - Oct 10, 2023

Michael’s Substack

Nobody here ever is diligent enough to spell out what the the acronym EDTA stands for. Sloppy writing.


Lupette - Oct 10, 2023



Lewis Barham - Oct 9, 2023

The question is are IV EDTA sessions more effective than Detoman suppositories at getting to all parts of the body? I've been taking Oradix 700mg suppositories with good effect. Next round I will try Detoxamin 1500mg. After living in a mouldy damp house for years and accumulating heavy metals I am determined to get rid of it all and recover from chronic fatigue syndrome.



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