Doctor recommends EDTA chelation for the vaccine-injured AND everyone else - "Watch The End Of Covid" Now

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 21, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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July 21, 2023 – A board-certified internist, who has treated more than 800 patients for illnesses that she attributes to nanotechnology hydrogel found in COVID vaccines, now says that virtually everyone needs EDTA chelation to protect themselves from this hydrogel. 

“My unvaccinated patients used to be consistently free of hydrogel contamination, but now virtually all of them have about the same level of contamination as vaccinated people,” said Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD.

Unvaccinated people may have become contaminated from contact with vaccinated people via shedding or from the constant spraying of nanobots in chemtrails, Dr. Mihalcea said. “This synthetic biology and nanotechnology hydrogel has been found in our food, air, water and medicines,” she added.

Sharing Dr. Mihalcea’s warning about chemtrails is Dane Wigington, executive producer for the climate engineering documentary "The Dimming." “We are inhaling up to 20 million nanoparticles per breath,” Wigington said.

Dr. Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom, President of the Carnicom Institute, are consistently finding blood samples contaminated with synthetic filaments that are an evolved form of Morgellons disease or cross-domain bacteria. “This synthetic biology self-assembles into rubbery blood clots that can cause debilitating or fatal heart issues,” Dr. Mihalcea explained. “It also can fuse with cells or organs in the body and replace them with synthetic substitutes.”

Dr. Mihalcea also has found self-assembly quantum dot structures that can operate as biosensors. “Left unchecked, all this nanotechnology is turning humans into cyborgs,” she said.

Dr. Mihalcea said her most effective remedy for this nanotechnology weapon is EDTA chelation, combined with other nutritional supplements that enhance electrical conductivity in the blood. EDTA chelation has been used for decades to remove heavy metals from the bloodstream, she said. It has also been mentioned in patents to be a hydrogel antidote, according to pharma industry insider Karen Kingston.

“In my clinical practice, two EDTA chelation sessions with follow-up decontamination maintenance often dramatically reduce the blood clumping and the visible nanotechnology,” Dr. Mihalcea noted, “and patients do feel much better.”

Dr. Mihalcea discusses EDTA chelation and other helpful remedies in the video “Detoxifying From the Shots,” released today as part of the series of educational videos known as “The End of Covid.” The video can be watched for free at The End Of Covid Link until August 1.  

Dr. Mihalcea’s Substack is Humanity United Now Substack

Humanity United Now website will launch August 5th, 2023.

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Rosalind McGill - Jul 21, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks from someone who has had lab created Lyme and morgellons. I had bleeding in menopause from shedding.
My biotoxin mold treatment is so $ draining, I can’t afford chelation therapy or the cream. It’s important to know we have a way to mitigate the damage. I lean on Jesus and take my supplements. (God bless & protect our truth tellers, in Jesus Holy name, Amen)

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ENCmd - Jul 21, 2023

ENCmd’s Substack

Thank you Dr Ana for documenting what is occurring and a way out. Th early treatment COVID docs offered gloriously safe, effective, inexpensive supplements and generic meds as hope in COVID. Andmyfreedoctor.comfor scrips for free. The expense of your treatment is understandable given the documented threats but discouraging, as it seems unaffordable except to the wealthy which then engenders discouragement if not despair and anger, as seen in comments here. Hoping you will discover an affordable solution for all! Thx for your compassion and good intent!

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