Dissolving The C19 Technological Weapon - Detoxifying Graphene and Heavy Metals Components

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 22, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image courtesy Dr. David Nixon

Many people talk about the C19 injectables as a bioweapon. It has been shown that it is also a technological weapon with self assembly structures. We call it Nanotechnology but that is a bit of a misnomer from what we can really document. We can see these undeniable structures with an optical microscope. This means the Nano size ( Nano = one billionth of a meter) has assembled itself to a size that is now micrometers (micro= one millionth of a meter). We know the shots contain toxic metals like Aluminum, Cesium, Cobalt, Titanium, Gadolinium, Iron Oxide, Carbon Species and more. For those researchers who are evaluating the C19 ingredients and Live Blood Analysis of injected people, we are only able to see micro scale - and we see huge structures and ribbons. We are not able to analyze them chemically because we do not have such sophisticated equipment, but they appear to be made from Graphene and possibly are Artificial Intelligence Synthetic Parasitic Organisms.

Self Assembly has clearly been documented by my colleagues:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Self-Assembly Nanostructures in C19 vials - Documented Growth and Self Assembly out of Liposomes From Thawing at Room Temperature to Incubation at Body Temperature for 7 days
Please see our video link here: Self Assembly Nanostructures Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr. Shimon Yanowitz Dr Shimon Yanowitz is an independent scientist and researcher with background in electrical engineering and computer science from Israel. Shimon analyzed Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zeneca vials and incubated them at body temperature finding e…
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Dr. David Nixon and I have many images in this video to document growth of complex microstructures:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
New Images of Self-Assembly Structures in Pfizer Vials and Live Blood Analysis
In this new episode of Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Show I interview Dr. David Nixon from Australia. Dr. Nixon graduated from Otago University in 1992. He has spent 25 years in General Practice, both in New Zealand and in Australia. He has written and published several papers and reports on the Management of Long-Term conditions in Primary Care with a foc…
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We really do not know what is happening on a Nano scale, either in the vials or in people. Research has shown that Nano size metals are more toxic then micro size metals. Most researchers focus on the Carbon based toxicity of Graphene and other Carbon Species, but you can see that Aluminum was MUCH MORE TOXIC then Carbon species.

Here is a study on Aluminum toxicity micro vs Nano scale:

Lysosomes involved in the cellular toxicity of Nano-alumina: combined effects of particle size and chemical composition

The aim of this study was to compare the toxicity of nano- and micro- particles of alumina for detecting particle size related toxicity, and to compare the toxicity of nano-alumina and nano-carbon with the same particle size for determining chemical composition related toxicity. The present study revealed that nano-particles of alumina were much toxic than micro-alumina particles, indicating a particle size related toxicity; and were much more toxic than nano-carbon particles as well, manifesting a chemical related toxicity. The mechanism might be concerned with the involvement of the lysosomes. In conclusion, toxicity of nano-alumina is a combination of the toxic effects of its particle size and chemical composition.

I have written in previous articles that I recommend EDTA Chelation for both heavy metals and Graphene detoxification:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Is EDTA Chelation and Intravenous Vitamin C An Additional Hopeful Medical Treatment For C19 Vax Injury? How Can Toxic Metals Found in C19 Shots Synergistically Harm The Body?
There has been much discussion recently regarding the toxic metal self-assembly nanoparticles in the C19 shots and their evidence in Live blood analysis of the C19 injected. The recent German Vaccine Workgroup report found extensive metals. Italian researchers found these self-assembly nanoparticles in the Live blood analysis of C19 injected people…
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Further Treatment considerations

I recently posted on Humic Acid as an easy treatment modality that has been shown to dissolve Graphene and helps mitigate embryonic toxicity. I routinely recommend Humic and Fulvic Acid to my patients. I like the Mother Earth Labs products.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Humic Acid as a Natural Antidote for Graphene and Mitigatior of Graphene Induced Embryonic Toxicity - Study review
Image: Dissolution of Graphene Oxide by Humic Acid under electron microscope Humic acid contains about 50% carbon and 40% oxygen. Other compositions include hydrogen (5%), nitrogen (3%), phosphorus, and sulfur (both at 1%). Humic acid is a very complex amalgamation of closely-related macromolecules and is developed in the process of decomposition of orga…
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Nutritional and mineral supplements that support enhancement of immune function and increase mitochondrial function are helpful to improve the bodies ability to detoxify Graphene and heavy metals. N Acetylcysteine and Glutathione are important ways for the body to detoxify, in addition to other modalities like Sauna, ionized footbaths, sweating etc. The microbiome is our first line of defense against many toxins, including heavy metals, pesticides like Glyphosate and Graphene. Enhancing Microbiome support via pre and probiotics and other adaptogens should be considered in every detox protocol.

This following article explains the role of Nitric Oxide in the process of Graphene degradation in the intestines.

Nitric oxide-dependent biodegradation of graphene oxide reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract

Understanding the biological fate of graphene-based materials such as graphene oxide (GO) is crucial to assess adverse effects following intentional or inadvertent exposure. Here we provide first evidence of biodegradation of GO in the gastrointestinal tract using zebrafish as a model. Raman mapping was deployed to assess biodegradation. The degradation was blocked upon knockdown of nos2a encoding the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) or by pharmacological inhibition of NOS using L-NAME, demonstrating that the process was nitric oxide (NO)-dependent. NO-dependent degradation of GO was further confirmed in vitro by combining a superoxide-generating system, xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XO), with an NO donor (PAPA NONOate), or by simultaneously producing superoxide and NO by decomposition of SIN-1. Finally, by using the transgenic strain Tg ( mpx :eGFP) to visualize the movement of neutrophils, we could show that inhibition of the degradation of GO resulted in increased neutrophil infiltration into the gastrointestinal tract, indicative of inflammation.

Clearly Nitric Oxide is needed for the degradation of Graphene in the intestine. Most people that I test for Nitric Oxide in my office are deficient, because heavy metals inhibit Nitric Oxide production. This causes many abnormal symptoms, including high blood pressure, brain fog, fatigue - to name a few. In my experience most beet products who proclaim to increase Nitric Oxide levels do not work well. Neo 40 Professional does, and I use this in my office. Saliva testing for Nitric oxide is available via Human N Nitric Oxide Indicator test strips, so you can verify your product effectiveness for yourself.

Previous studies on single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have revealed the propensity of these materials to undergo peroxidase-mediated biodegradation.

Below the Nitric oxide dependent degradation is shown from the above cited article:

Karen Kingston has done excellent research and is rightfully asking why there are Quantum Dots in the C19 injectables.

The Kingston Report
Part 5: Dismantling the COVID-19 Deceptions. Why are Quantum Dots in the COVID-19 Injections?
Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade…
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We want to degrade not just microscopically visible Graphene but also Graphene Quantum Dots on a Nano scale. Thus, the enhancement of the natural Human peroxidase enzyme system in our white blood cells is an important treatment target.

Enzymatic Degradation of Graphene Quantum Dots by Human Peroxidases

Recently, graphene quantum dots (GQDs) have emerged as an attractive tool for bioimaging, biosensing, and therapy. Hence, studying their biodegradability in living systems is essential to speed up the translation toward real clinical innovations. Here, the enzymatic degradation of GQDs using human myeloperoxidase and eosinophil peroxidase is investigated. Transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy are used to evaluate the biodegradation of GQDs. Signs of degradation by both enzymes are observed already after a few hours of incubation with each enzyme, being more evident after a couple of days of treatment.

This article also discusses the biodegradation of carbon nanotubes via peroxidase enzymes.

Biodegradation of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: The Importance of “Biomolecular Corona” Consideration

Horseradish is a plant that increases peroxidase production and has been suggested as a degradation possibility. Maybe all of us should add this to our diet.

Hydrogen Peroxide also degrades Carbon species. Here is the link:

Degradation of Graphene by Hydrogen Peroxide .

Hypochlorite also has been shown to degrade Graphene Oxide.

Hypochlorite degrades 2D graphene oxide sheets faster than 1D oxidised carbon nanotubes and nanohorns

The aim of the present study was to assess the potential of hypochlorite, a naturally occurring and industrially used ion, to degrade oxidised carbon nanomaterials within a week. Our main focus was to characterise the physical and chemical changes that occur during degradation of graphene oxide compared to two other oxidised carbon nanomaterials, namely carbon nanotubes and carbon nanohorns. The kinetics of degradation were closely monitored over a week using a battery of techniques including visual observation, UV–Vis spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Graphene oxide was rapidly degraded into a dominantly amorphous structure lacking the characteristic Raman signature and microscopic morphology.

Hypochlorite is a degradation product of Chlorine Dioxide. Here is an article written by MIT PhD Stephanie Seneff:

The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy

Hypochlorite (one of CD’s breakdown prod­ucts) reacts with the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine to produce taurine chloramine. Taurine is generally considered to be inert, but taurine chloramine is capable of getting oxi­dized to sulfate, particularly with the help of gut microbes. Thus, it is possible that CD enhances the bioavailability of sulfate to the body through this mechanism. I have written several papers arguing that sulfate deficiency is a common problem associated with many diseases, most notably with autism. I have proposed that tau­rine, which is stored in large quantities in the brain, heart and liver, may be serving as a buffer for supplying sulfate, mediated by hypochlorite, when sulfate levels drop too low. Both hypochlorite and superoxide (another CD breakdown product) are common oxidizing agents naturally produced by immune cells in their fight against pathogens.


We have many different pathways and modalities to aid the human body to degrade poisons like heavy metals and Graphene. I discussed some additional solutions in this article. Additionally, minimizing EMF radiation and magnetic fields, that enhance the rate of self assembly of C19 induces structures needs to be considered.

Due to time constraints, I am not able to answer emails on more treatment recommendations, which is why I include this information for your own further research.

NOTE: This information is not intended to diagnose or treat. Contact your healthcare provider for further information.

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Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Oct 23, 2022

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

We all thought the first robots would be in our homes to help us, not grown in our bodies to destroy us.

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Joseph Kerner - Oct 23, 2022

Create Your Ideal Life

Love your newsletters, And the hard information you provide. Thank you for all your work and postings.

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