HAPPY EASTER SWITZERLAND, TO SWITZERLAND'S AMAZING PASCAL NAJADI and hope to world nations, provided MSM does not continue to censor this news. Thousands of lives will be saved, chronic debilitating vaccination injuries eliminated, this thanks to God's wisdom and success applied in Najadi's lawsuits.
For some background information to this unprecedented event achieved in a very short time:
Feb 17 2023 - 1 hr - Pascal interviewed by Maria Zeee -
March 29 2023 - 9 min. - Recommendations by Pascal to all of us in English, German and French - Najadi states that "because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.
Let me know when the "good bankster" gets them to take down the 5G, Nexrad, and Haarp. That's the real agenda.
All the banksters' wars have been brought to you by the neutral swiss. Not to mention the "red cross".
And the State Dept,NIH, DoD, Education Dept,DoE,CIA, DHS, Fed Treasury,FTC,FISA, CFIUS,USAID, NGOs,,ACLU, CAIR,, CDC, HHS,FDA,NIAID, SPLC, NAACP, ADL,Congressional Black Caucus, Government Unions,Congressional Qualified Immunity, Public/Private Partnerships,Insider Trading, foreign and corporate lobbying,, OSHA,Congressional slush funds,IRS,withdraw from the UN, WHO,WEF,WTO,replace the FBI with something akin to federal Marshals and break it up into smaller entries removed from DC and scattered across flyover country, audit EVERY agency and cut the number of bureaucrats by half.Especially the Pentagon.Remove Silicon Valley/Tech/Social Media’s anticompetitive monopoly and non-media editor exemption, eviscerate the DOJ , shut down every US funded biomedical foreign research lab, the DNC, RNC, impose term limits, forced retirement, extreme vetting by third party, extemely vetted outsiders, form a vetted Church Commitee, extricate any and all “ think tanks” from government affiliation, defund NPR, demand transparency, remove all political perks( no more extras funded by the taxpayer) and prosecute every bad actor for sedition…. For starters.And no more secret Bilderberg Group or Trilateral Commission!
BEST video interview ! Thankyou Dr Ana Milhacea and Dr Faiez Kirsten for this very important, big picture interview. Keeping us HUMAN in this Holistic War xo
I just realized....they have two trans agendas discourses going at once...curioser and curioser.
There's the bad twin, messy embodied leaking trans sexual agenda; and the shiny good twin, the clean sharp metal precise oh so scientistic trans human agenda discourse.
Hmmmmm.........smoke pouring out of ears.....
Dr Ana, thanks is not sufficient for what you are doing for humanity. You are one of the few true heroes of humanity itself. Keep dropping these bombshells, I am continuing to listen closely and learn every time you do an interview.
My main takeaway from this video that rocked me back on my heels was that these carbon nanotubes are producing synthetic blood cells. If you wanted to reach every cell or organ in the body with some sort of takeover transformative cell, this would be the way to do it; they get released into the blood and then travel wherever. The brain for example
Thanks Drs Ana and Kirsten Faiez, to remember once again that we are in the middle of an open/secret/full spectrum dominance war. Time is ticking and so many people still sleeping....
I agree with Dr. Kirsten. The alternative world they strive to create cannot ultimately replace the biological. They themselves are operating in human bodies that need food, deep sleep, have bowel movements and so on. Their desired triumph over God still exists in the Absolute, nowhere else.
Very interesting content. Thanks again, Dr Ana. I like all the details with dosage etc. The more details, the better. I love it and I love you. You are a beautiful person.
What to become even better?
- Then read this:
Repetitions of what you already have said before is ok, but not every time! Better to give a reference to that topic! Better to dive into details more! Why not have a different detailed topic each time?
I believe I know how you feel. Your voice is getting tense and high pitch at the end. It is urgent, but if you want more people to listen closely, then put on a headset or get a better microphone, also ask this of everyone you talk to, and try to talk from the stomach, as if the person has perfect hearing and the ear is where the microphone is situated!
If you really want someone to listen, speak lower, almost whisper!
A better question is why the Conservative Religious Right is ignoring the transhumanist agenda? I’m stunned that the supposed “ pro-life”, abortion ban obsessed zealots who continue banging the drum “ all lives matter”, “ the lives being saved” are okay with said” lives” transitioning into genetically and technologically manipulated subhuman, sterile slaves.Certainly not every single pundit or politician is. completely unaware of the reality unfolding before their eyes. Fox has become a pseudo 700 Club minus the fact Pat Robertson and guest have been all over the Great Reset and evil end game. Ironically, Pat Robertson also hosts canceled, not particularly religious liberals and people of faith who aren’t Christian.There is a new formed alliance among Americans who are not ideologically aligned, but share concern for human existentialism. Willing to put aside grievances realizing the greater issue at stake.
And the No longer liberal , unrecognizable Democrat Party, now a Cult of Death.
But the single issue the Dems and Republicans share in lockstep solidarity is the devastating war lauding Zelensky the Nazi enthusiast Ukrainian despot, the NATO buildup provocation and constant Russophobic obsession. “ We must support Ukraine’s democracy”. Ukraine is a vassal state of the US/UK and not a democracy. We ignited a false flag color revolution in 2014, armed the very real Nazi contingency in 2014 and illegally ousted the Russia friendly lawfully elected President, spurred a massacre, voided the Minsk Agreement and Russia retaliated, annexing Crimea. What receives zero coverage is Crimea’s largely ethnic Russian populace wanted to join Russia. They were persecuted for decades by the Ukrainian Nazis.Ditto Dombass.
The current Ukraine/Russia conflict was predicated as distraction from Covid and the US biolabs in Ukraine funding and performing Gain of Function research.
Yet the only elected politician daring to call out the WEF Great Reset, Fauci, BlackRockSSG,,Schwab, Soros, klepto-corporporate multinationalism, the poison death jabs, Bill Gates and tying together the Marxist propaganda of DEI, Trans and alphabet sexual atom education agenda is Ron DeSantis. And who started the anti-DeSantis defamation campaign? Donald Trump.
I don't disagree with what you are saying generally but this is off topic discussion for deep dive scientific introspection regarding synthetic blood and carbon nanotubes. If the evidence presented is not observed respected or discussed, off topic discussion just adds insult to injury.
10,000 mg of vit c - for how long ? Yeah - I can't even tolerate any - I have all these supplements and can only take about 2 pills total a day of any of it. I like the nitric oxide because its beet crystals - I just add a spoonful to my tea - its great - but the rest - omg.
You do not have to take C by capsule. Just about all capsule forms of the important supplements can be purchased in bulk powder and dissolved into fruit juice. Capsule forms of supplements are much more expensive than buying in bulk; it's essentially a way to get more money from you for less supplement quantity. In the case of vitamin C, ascorbic acid is not the preferred form of this, the better bio available form is sodium ascorbate. A bulk powder of this could be dissolved into a drink. Same thing for n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), bromelain (synergistic with NAC), or edta powder. Same principle for other supplements. Just be sure to separate your mineral supplementation from your drink supplementation to avoid absorption collisions; for example, the efficacy of zinc absorption can be negatively affected if vitamin C is in the stomach at the same time. This problem vanishes if the timing between the two is one or two hours apart. To be safe don't take your multi mineral at the same time as other non mineral supplements. An exception to this is calcium; if vitamin D is present with a calcium supplement, it enhances bio absorption. So in this one case, it is good to take a mega vitamin D supplement with your multi minerals.
This is why it is wise to separate your vitamins and minerals into separate supplements. This gives you the flexibility of timing and separation for sake of possible collision. Simplification is one way to maximize bio absorption. For minerals, non-chelated minerals are generally worthless and a total waste of money. Calcium carbonate comes to mind; it's a complete rip off. Best thing is to examine the labels for the chelated form of all minerals. This is about the only way to transfer minerals biologically unless you are getting them from organic plants and vegetables. The problem with organic plants and vegetables is that they do not come with a content label; you happen to be slaved to the quality of the soil, which also does not come with a content label. Without a lab test it's a crap shoot.
Misha - Apr 10, 2023
Misha’s Substack
HAPPY EASTER SWITZERLAND, TO SWITZERLAND'S AMAZING PASCAL NAJADI and hope to world nations, provided MSM does not continue to censor this news. Thousands of lives will be saved, chronic debilitating vaccination injuries eliminated, this thanks to God's wisdom and success applied in Najadi's lawsuits.
For some background information to this unprecedented event achieved in a very short time:
Feb 17 2023 - 1 hr - Pascal interviewed by Maria Zeee -
March 29 2023 - 9 min. - Recommendations by Pascal to all of us in English, German and French - Najadi states that "because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Let me know when the "good bankster" gets them to take down the 5G, Nexrad, and Haarp. That's the real agenda.
All the banksters' wars have been brought to you by the neutral swiss. Not to mention the "red cross".
Gail - Apr 10, 2023
Gail’s Newsletter
And the State Dept,NIH, DoD, Education Dept,DoE,CIA, DHS, Fed Treasury,FTC,FISA, CFIUS,USAID, NGOs,,ACLU, CAIR,, CDC, HHS,FDA,NIAID, SPLC, NAACP, ADL,Congressional Black Caucus, Government Unions,Congressional Qualified Immunity, Public/Private Partnerships,Insider Trading, foreign and corporate lobbying,, OSHA,Congressional slush funds,IRS,withdraw from the UN, WHO,WEF,WTO,replace the FBI with something akin to federal Marshals and break it up into smaller entries removed from DC and scattered across flyover country, audit EVERY agency and cut the number of bureaucrats by half.Especially the Pentagon.Remove Silicon Valley/Tech/Social Media’s anticompetitive monopoly and non-media editor exemption, eviscerate the DOJ , shut down every US funded biomedical foreign research lab, the DNC, RNC, impose term limits, forced retirement, extreme vetting by third party, extemely vetted outsiders, form a vetted Church Commitee, extricate any and all “ think tanks” from government affiliation, defund NPR, demand transparency, remove all political perks( no more extras funded by the taxpayer) and prosecute every bad actor for sedition…. For starters.And no more secret Bilderberg Group or Trilateral Commission!
Mitch - Apr 10, 2023
It’s a bit late......
Rose Desjarlais - Apr 10, 2023
Thank you...
Marty - Apr 11, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Good news, but this should have happened about 2 months after the poison rollout, with the rate of adverse events going through the roof.
donna lilly - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
donna lilly
BEST video interview ! Thankyou Dr Ana Milhacea and Dr Faiez Kirsten for this very important, big picture interview. Keeping us HUMAN in this Holistic War xo
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
I just realized....they have two trans agendas discourses going at once...curioser and curioser.
There's the bad twin, messy embodied leaking trans sexual agenda; and the shiny good twin, the clean sharp metal precise oh so scientistic trans human agenda discourse.
Hmmmmm.........smoke pouring out of ears.....
Edward Bernaysauce - Apr 10, 2023
Edward Bernaysauce
taking down two trans with one rant...?
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
heehee..".if you want to tell the truth, make it funny, or they'll kill you"
David - Apr 10, 2023
Dr Ana, thanks is not sufficient for what you are doing for humanity. You are one of the few true heroes of humanity itself. Keep dropping these bombshells, I am continuing to listen closely and learn every time you do an interview.
My main takeaway from this video that rocked me back on my heels was that these carbon nanotubes are producing synthetic blood cells. If you wanted to reach every cell or organ in the body with some sort of takeover transformative cell, this would be the way to do it; they get released into the blood and then travel wherever. The brain for example
Carlé Costa - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
Carlé’s Substack
Thanks Drs Ana and Kirsten Faiez, to remember once again that we are in the middle of an open/secret/full spectrum dominance war. Time is ticking and so many people still sleeping....
Art Costa - Apr 10, 2023
Julie Stander - Apr 11, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I agree with Dr. Kirsten. The alternative world they strive to create cannot ultimately replace the biological. They themselves are operating in human bodies that need food, deep sleep, have bowel movements and so on. Their desired triumph over God still exists in the Absolute, nowhere else.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Apr 12, 2023
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Very interesting content. Thanks again, Dr Ana. I like all the details with dosage etc. The more details, the better. I love it and I love you. You are a beautiful person.
What to become even better?
- Then read this:
Repetitions of what you already have said before is ok, but not every time! Better to give a reference to that topic! Better to dive into details more! Why not have a different detailed topic each time?
I believe I know how you feel. Your voice is getting tense and high pitch at the end. It is urgent, but if you want more people to listen closely, then put on a headset or get a better microphone, also ask this of everyone you talk to, and try to talk from the stomach, as if the person has perfect hearing and the ear is where the microphone is situated!
If you really want someone to listen, speak lower, almost whisper!
Joanna Gear - Apr 11, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Perhaps not the place to say it, but he has such a beautiful face…
ann watson - Apr 10, 2023
thanks for all the info but I would never do that
Gail - Apr 10, 2023
Gail’s Newsletter
A better question is why the Conservative Religious Right is ignoring the transhumanist agenda? I’m stunned that the supposed “ pro-life”, abortion ban obsessed zealots who continue banging the drum “ all lives matter”, “ the lives being saved” are okay with said” lives” transitioning into genetically and technologically manipulated subhuman, sterile slaves.Certainly not every single pundit or politician is. completely unaware of the reality unfolding before their eyes. Fox has become a pseudo 700 Club minus the fact Pat Robertson and guest have been all over the Great Reset and evil end game. Ironically, Pat Robertson also hosts canceled, not particularly religious liberals and people of faith who aren’t Christian.There is a new formed alliance among Americans who are not ideologically aligned, but share concern for human existentialism. Willing to put aside grievances realizing the greater issue at stake.
And the No longer liberal , unrecognizable Democrat Party, now a Cult of Death.
But the single issue the Dems and Republicans share in lockstep solidarity is the devastating war lauding Zelensky the Nazi enthusiast Ukrainian despot, the NATO buildup provocation and constant Russophobic obsession. “ We must support Ukraine’s democracy”. Ukraine is a vassal state of the US/UK and not a democracy. We ignited a false flag color revolution in 2014, armed the very real Nazi contingency in 2014 and illegally ousted the Russia friendly lawfully elected President, spurred a massacre, voided the Minsk Agreement and Russia retaliated, annexing Crimea. What receives zero coverage is Crimea’s largely ethnic Russian populace wanted to join Russia. They were persecuted for decades by the Ukrainian Nazis.Ditto Dombass.
The current Ukraine/Russia conflict was predicated as distraction from Covid and the US biolabs in Ukraine funding and performing Gain of Function research.
Yet the only elected politician daring to call out the WEF Great Reset, Fauci, BlackRockSSG,,Schwab, Soros, klepto-corporporate multinationalism, the poison death jabs, Bill Gates and tying together the Marxist propaganda of DEI, Trans and alphabet sexual atom education agenda is Ron DeSantis. And who started the anti-DeSantis defamation campaign? Donald Trump.
David - Apr 10, 2023
I don't disagree with what you are saying generally but this is off topic discussion for deep dive scientific introspection regarding synthetic blood and carbon nanotubes. If the evidence presented is not observed respected or discussed, off topic discussion just adds insult to injury.
ann watson - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
10,000 mg of vit c - for how long ? Yeah - I can't even tolerate any - I have all these supplements and can only take about 2 pills total a day of any of it. I like the nitric oxide because its beet crystals - I just add a spoonful to my tea - its great - but the rest - omg.
David - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
You do not have to take C by capsule. Just about all capsule forms of the important supplements can be purchased in bulk powder and dissolved into fruit juice. Capsule forms of supplements are much more expensive than buying in bulk; it's essentially a way to get more money from you for less supplement quantity. In the case of vitamin C, ascorbic acid is not the preferred form of this, the better bio available form is sodium ascorbate. A bulk powder of this could be dissolved into a drink. Same thing for n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), bromelain (synergistic with NAC), or edta powder. Same principle for other supplements. Just be sure to separate your mineral supplementation from your drink supplementation to avoid absorption collisions; for example, the efficacy of zinc absorption can be negatively affected if vitamin C is in the stomach at the same time. This problem vanishes if the timing between the two is one or two hours apart. To be safe don't take your multi mineral at the same time as other non mineral supplements. An exception to this is calcium; if vitamin D is present with a calcium supplement, it enhances bio absorption. So in this one case, it is good to take a mega vitamin D supplement with your multi minerals.
This is why it is wise to separate your vitamins and minerals into separate supplements. This gives you the flexibility of timing and separation for sake of possible collision. Simplification is one way to maximize bio absorption. For minerals, non-chelated minerals are generally worthless and a total waste of money. Calcium carbonate comes to mind; it's a complete rip off. Best thing is to examine the labels for the chelated form of all minerals. This is about the only way to transfer minerals biologically unless you are getting them from organic plants and vegetables. The problem with organic plants and vegetables is that they do not come with a content label; you happen to be slaved to the quality of the soil, which also does not come with a content label. Without a lab test it's a crap shoot.
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