Discussion on Transhumanism with Dr. Faiez Kirsten from South Africa

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link to our interview on HWP Report


It is exceedingly rare to meet physicians who understand the topic of Transhumanism, and even rarer are those who openly speak and warn about it.

In this conversation, Dr. Kirsten provides some of the historical background and we dive deep into the discussion of the nanotechnological artificial intelligence and synthetic biological transformation of humans and our biosphere.

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Misha - Apr 10, 2023

Misha’s Substack

BREAKING! SWITZERLAND STOPS/WITHDRAWS ALL COVID VACCINATION RECOMMENDATIONS.https://metatron.substack.com/p/switzerland-withdraws-all-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=113465152&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
HAPPY EASTER SWITZERLAND, TO SWITZERLAND'S AMAZING PASCAL NAJADI and hope to world nations, provided MSM does not continue to censor this news. Thousands of lives will be saved, chronic debilitating vaccination injuries eliminated, this thanks to God's wisdom and success applied in Najadi's lawsuits.
For some background information to this unprecedented event achieved in a very short time:
Feb 17 2023 - 1 hr - Pascal interviewed by Maria Zeee -https://rumble.com/v29vlue-pascal-najadi-worlds-first-criminal-case-lodged-in-switzerland-for-covid-an.html
March 29 2023 - 9 min. - Recommendations by Pascal to all of us in English, German and French -https://www.bitchute.com/video/KnMMfQORO9IB/- Najadi states that "because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.

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donna lilly - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited

donna lilly

BEST video interview ! Thankyou Dr Ana Milhacea and Dr Faiez Kirsten for this very important, big picture interview. Keeping us HUMAN in this Holistic War xo

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