TARGETEDJUSTICE.COM👈Richard Lighthouse is ACTIVELY sueing the DOD,FBI,CIA,USSF. They have the proof 5g6g cell towers are weaponized to TARGET CIVILIANS and they know WHO is doing it. Please join and support them/us in this massive fight for JUSTICE.
They changed the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platforms at least 6 months ago. I saw an interview with Bill Gates where he explained they were now mRNA vaccinating the chickens, the livestock, and the bees. Hi Apeel product is coating all fruits and vegetables and I am pretty sure they are putting the self-assembling nanotechnology into it all. Meat is suddenly magnetic and graphene oxide has been found in bottled water, so, I'd strongly encourage you to stay away from all food and drinks inside stores, and to buy all food from small organic farms and farmers markets. Also, consider getting a Berkey water filtration system since they pull out heavy metals and bacteria. I'm sure it is even in the tap water. Hang in there. This all sucks.
While I no longer Harp on about Haarp, I know this is having huge effects on us all at present.
Along with the towers and other frequencies I think it is what is making our schumann so radically unstable. All living creatures are effected by the Schumann frequency of mother earth and not many are even noticing the strange happenings there.
Thank you for being honest enough to bring this up.
Hello Matt. j.a.o.b: Yes. HAARP is generally the system most persons focus on, but there are other systems in use. > This is a rather pedestrian explanation of low frequency modulations utilized in (Naval) communications. >>> Excerpted from: Communication with submarines - Wikipedia >>> Under: Extremely low frequency >>>
’’ Electromagnetic waves in the ELF and SLF frequency ranges (3–300 Hz) can penetrate seawater to depths of hundreds of meters, allowing signals to be sent to submarines at their operating depths. Building an ELF transmitter is a formidable challenge, as they have to work at incredibly long wavelengths:
The U.S. Navy's Project ELF system, which was a variant of a larger system proposed under codename Project Sanguine,[2] operated at 76 Hertz,[3] the Soviet/Russian system (called ZEVS) at 82 Hertz.[4] The latter corresponds to a wavelength of 3,656.0 kilometers. That is more than a quarter of the Earth's diameter. Obviously, the usual half-wavelength dipole antenna cannot be feasibly constructed, as that would require a 1,800 km (1,100 mi) long
antenna.” [End quote] These systems have been in clandestine use for decades. >>>
Complete text:
Also see: Super low frequency - Wikipedia >>>
Yeah,but I would like to see scientific proof about BORAX.Many people believeBorax.Onething for sure,Boron is a arthritis cure or at least an inhibitor.Israel has a lot of boron in the land they live on and arthritis virtually does not exist in the Israeli people.
Trust your intuition,have known about this for 5-6-7-yrs.Have a wide list but expensive so I cycle.Dr merrick takes chlorine dioxide and nitazoxanide.Says the latter goes thru the blood brain barrier.I still have half a bottle left of the mms or chlorine dioxide but about 4-5 yrsold.It's a big electron donor and has worked everytime I usedit.Itmay not dissolve the hydrogel as Dr.Ana said but it's not called mms for no reason.I'm getting new in a few days, Just started taking Lecithin again for the nervous system plus calcium disodium EDTA hoping it works for hydrogel.Nothing I've done is clearing the nano in my eyes,the floaters and nanotubes.I can see them but you have to look out of the side of youreyes.Itis so truly outrageous.I am an outraged human but we have to control ouremotions.It's hard not to swear.Last 3 or 4 yrs I just like wow,millions of doctors and none of them are aware of it.Then I stumbled upon Dr Anas substack,Hallelujah-)
I have those too. For many years now. But got worse since Covid, even tho I AM NOT JABBED and took / take IVM regular. Plus other supplements. I use borax water that does seem to help. But not get rid of.
The more emf,emr in your environment the easier they are to see but I can also see the ionized sky and the nano tubes.I had 100 towers and 120 antennas within a 3 mile radius.
If she's smart, cunning and mobile; we won't be hearing from her or about her for a while; when this abomination of the Banker's Mafia is Ka-Put. The time is coming when this will be DONE and the CORRUPT Demons Wearing Human Being Suits will be tried, family will lose all assets, and the guilty executed.
Look at LA MARZULLI's latest YT video. A woman is being interviewed by him how she was bred by hybrids. She says greys and tall whites are body suits for demons. Very interesting video and it tell you how the woman saw fallen angels.
Sorry wrong YouTube channel. I can't make a link but the correct channel is David Heavener - Last Evangelist. The title of the video is Hybrids Forced Me To BREED, Alien Seeds, Nordic Eyes IN UFO Froze Me. I hope you find it.
Not certain what to think about David Heavener...Was a 'Prayer Interventionist' during Exorcisms for an Exorcist while in Grad School before finishing my Grad-Level work. The angels ARE NOT CORPOREAL; and that includes both the Demons in hell and God's angels in virtually all God's creation.
Demons are spread as infestation via choice at some level of the functioning level of human beings...To claim the soul by baby-steps until the whole soul is CLAIMED BY THE DEMONIC AS SQUATTERS. DEMONS DO NOT AND CANNOT OWN HUMAN SOULS until after death when no option to choose God remains for a soul. IT IS HUMAN CHOICE. As death would result were a soul taken in its entirety by either evil or good when demonized. Going in either direction is such a traumatic event on the human body...It can only be done in stages until it is accomplished. The Demonic does not wish to kill until it can use a host to maximum advantage to corrupt as many souls as possible.
This is a very complex topic not appropriate for this dimension. I don't fall into a category to believe David Heavener and La Marzulli; but nothing in God's creation is impossible if God allows it.
Who am I to second guess God? Won't do that.
Both Demons and higher vibrational angels are in our blood,God is within us,at least those who still have their souls.Christ consciousness is within us.Jesus taught these things but of course the church's have corrupted that information.The Archons created organized religion for divide andconquer.ReadWilliam Bramleys book,The Gods of Eden. All these beliefs that humans have all around the world guarantees that we will never join together against these demonic powers that should not be!!!!!!!!!
She's just put out a video that Mike has on Brighteon. I think there might actually be two. She's pretty shaken up but alive. Mike is trying to get her to come back to the states but she feels less safe here
Could be,thought that for awhile but I think not now.His main focus is to survive and you have to ask yourself,what's the dollar going to be worth 6 months from now?
Mike is a really intelligent guy about a lot of things, but his whole paradigm revolves around the fallaciously absurd idea that when this collapse is over he and some others are going to still be around to rebuild the culture. That is the silliest, most insane idea in the world. I don't impute the dictate of charity which thinketh no evil to Mike any longer at all whatsoever because of that. I vet people and companies professionally for a living, and I've had the opportunity to vet Mike for probably 12 years. I'm familiar with what Mike is selling, ideas, supplements and foods. I asked him a lot of questions over onBrighteon.socialand he does not answer questions. I quite the site more than 2 years ago.
He's following the same script as Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Viva Frei, Robert Barnes and a majority of the rest of social media personalities. Jeff Rense thinks very much the same way I do, that's why he has a dismissive meme on his website that pictures Alex Jones and Mike Adams.
Mike is worth listening to about survival, supplements and healthy food products, without question, but beyond that and his businesses he's as clueless as a blind goat in a snow storm. Unfortunately, people can't make distinctions like that like I can.
Mike knows nothing about how to possibly save our Republic, all our rights and freedoms, and doesn't listen nor care in the slightest. And I don't personally believe he's the slightest bit interested in saving our Republic. I will be happy to discuss it with him in a public forum any time! He and the others all stubbornly resist the legal strategic offense, and there's simply no excuse for a 50-something grown man Mike who represents himself to be a patriot and Christian doing that.
They're efforts all boil down to doing "Nothing Meaningful" to save our Republic, though much of what he teaches is very useful for other reasons. One of the biggest problems with the products Mike offers is that 98% of Americans can't or aren't willing to afford his food and supplements. Me, I can't imagine who buys all his products they are so expensive, and I'm in the 2% who spends money on products like those Mike makes. He's not even a source I consider his prices are so high. For instance, Mike sells curcumin products but they don't hold a candle to the nano curcumin product I take and I just bought a couple of pound bag for almost $400. And of a rarity, I don't believe his curcumin is as high a quality as the One Planet nutrition product I use. Nano is probably 10X the level of strength to non-nano curcumin.
As an example, in the last 2 years Mike's preached the imminent collapse of the economy, US Dollar and/or our Republic, yet of his own words he's stated he's been spending millions of dollars on new commercial buildings and infrastructure, and I immediately wanted to ask Mike why he would be spending millions in the face of the collapses he preached; makes no sense at all.
Mike's like Alex, Robert Barnes and a whole lot of other social media personalities. In person they need me to ask them "What do you know that you are not permitted to tell all of us? What's the rest of your story?"
Be charitable all you want, I'm just judging fruit.
What republic? The act of 1871 took that away.We became the military arm of the empire of 3 cities.That's most likely why the pledge was taken out of the schools and all the politicians are democracy,democracy.China is the NWO role model,Digital currency tied to your social credit score.Your social credit score being how much and how well you obey.The chinese gov't puts the dissenter photos up on the billboard and the chinese people ridicule them(IDIOTS)The collapse is coming andsoon.Youshould check out Ken Rojas but you think Mike is expensive!I've never bought thru Mike but I'm sure his hands are tied,at least to a certain degree.A democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what's for dinner,a republic is a well armed lamb contesting that vote.Whether someone is controlled opposition or not we can still take what resonates with us and throw the rest away.# or 4 yrs ago Anna Von Reitz wrote an article accusing the CFR of making a deal with ET to replace mankind with syntheticbiology.Isthat not what's happening?At least he's in the game.I will give him credit
John, With all due respect, if you have not adopted and are actively engaged in the Legal and Strategic Offense, you are wasting time.
Also, your firearms, and I have ones in .223, .308, 6.5 Grendel, .45 and .338 Lapua, will do you no good at all in what is coming, other than against your neighbors who are trying to break in and steal your stuff.
Ask Richard if the technology in cellphone towers can kill people? I think he alluded to a disc-shaped device on the roofs of Threat Fusion Centers that can kill folks up to 100 miles away.
How do you fight a tech that can kill you from 5-6 or 100 miles away.
The only effective means you have for engaging the Globalists right now is to get the 79 million grown adults who reelected Trump in '20 to, in unison, start boycotting 100 of the biggest Woke corporations.
When a personal has the link to a boycott petition, it takes fewer than 30 of the 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour day to electronically sign the petition. No money and 30 seconds.
Now, anybody who can reject that idea isn't somebody I'm going to listen to very long at all.
I've referred to it as the Legal, Strategic Offense for upwards of 20 years. You have to do this. It doesn't matter what your opinion is. We need 79 million people to decide further the $150 Billion success achieved by an unknown number of Americans since the Disney boycott started in Feb, 2022, and which since then cost Disney, Target and Budweiser something like $150 billion.
Legal, Strategic boycotts is the battlefield we can all engage in right now. Anybody not engaged in that battlefield legally is just wasting time they cannot afford to waste.
I'm sure you're right Clique,I've been boycotting big corporations whenever I can for at least the last 5 yrs.Look up DeniseHearn.It's complicated but as Tod Callender said 500,000 soldiers refused the Jab.If the dark ones are this powerful then just think how powerful the light is.We are not alone,
One of my favorite quotes,Motivating words from a powerful speech by the Rough Rider: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Does no one on Substack know the difference between tenants and tenets?
The only way there can be a religious tenant is if a religious person rents a space.
Philosophies have tenets.
When mainstream folk see a post like this, they think "Idiot Conspiracy Theorist"
and keep on truckin'.
I have never seen a single Substack get this right. It should be mentioned in the intro when people sign up, this embarrassment has popped up on well over a dozen sites and that is ridiculous.
Well... Erm... These operations are not designed for "cash cow" results. These systems are intended to be long term deadly... >>> HAARP and SBX radar are modulated with grid based ground planes. Low frequency carrier waves are perturbing ALL natural resonance frequencies necessary to bodily function. This includes disturbance and/or hijacking of resonances from Alpha (6-12Hz) to Gamma (30-70Hz) frequencies. >>>see: Neural oscillation >>>
Many persons have focused on 4G LTE and 5G high frequency affects in recent years. Although these frequencies are resulting in massive neurological and cognitive damage, lower frequency emissions are decimating ALL life forms on the planet. Are your ears "ringing"???
Hello Clique777: There are hundreds of low frequency (less than 450Hz) being utilized as carrier waves. These are typically square wave magnitudes which carry multiple high frequency information and data packets. The environment is saturated with these technologies.
These broadcasts are disorientating and killing whales, dolphins, porpoise, eel, and many other sea and land based species. It is mass ecocide and suicide...
Thank you so very much. Know that you, Karen, Maria and so many others risking your lives in this fight to save humanity, are very loved and appreciated by all of us who take in this information and share it with others. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.
I’d like to add:
It’s all so much worse than most will or can comprehend, usually because of mind controlling methods just using an explosive event, spreading disease, plus the use of words and “their” controls over media, news, textbooks and schools going back prior to the 1800’s. In conjunction to the 1800’s evolution of pathogens, controls via fear, vaccines, war, pharmaceuticals…they have about 100 years of secret developments in electronic energy weapons, electro-chemical methods, and within the past 50 years—quantum dot technology. You know, for your security. And because it’s “top secret,” for your security, they have in the past and continue to call people who came out as whistleblowers conspiracy theorists (code for loons), then mix in mezzed insiders who witnessed “holographic images” and other deceptive fake science to muddy the waters, so to speak, to really get the public confused, especially if they come out to tell what they know, which of course is made up nonsense to, again, pollute the legitimate punch bowl of conspiracy with one or two bloody turds. Then truth plus nonsense will always equal total bullshit, dismissing any or all parts of truth.
To this day, look how they call engineers of 911 unpatriotic nuts. But those within or in private working for “them,” the government, who speak up have all been completely discredited and destroyed. It’s so easy to do when these individuals have been compartmentalized within small groups to work on these weapons—who later came out as whistleblowers—and then physiological professionals within the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad, MI6… and “their” operatives within the media can and do totally skull-screw you and the public about what is real. All of it combined with trained terrorists, or a real frightening train wreck carrying deadly chemicals, forest fires, or the release of a militarized targeting virus, as well as psychological-weapons—using just words—all used together to totally drive society completely insane. So insane you will believe it’s all caused by too much freedom of an overpopulated world, which is complete nonsense. Or you will be punished to believe people are just born sinners—the Good v. Evil nonsense—when in really it’s just a matter of honest, homeopathic brain-gut care to overcome all of these militarized psyc-driving methods they have been using to work us over for absolute, total control. And it’s working, still, for several centuries now, with the aid of secretly developing technologies. Everything I’ve just said is the reality we’ve been trained to deny, and it’s killing humanity.
I believe humanity is smart enough to build a fair-trade infrastructure, paid by fair-trade taxes (no income tax) that would allow each individual to “save themselves,” and have such a cheaply-obtained fair-tax surplus from fair-trading to pay for all the emergency services we need to then help those who cannot help themselves. I’ve done the math, and the physics, and the engineering…plus studied history enough to know this truth; there has NEVER been scarcity, and there has NEVER been too many people. Overpopulation, electric and clean water scarcity is a lie. We have an abundance, and we have the brains, and we have all the technology we need, without using nuclear power, or needing a new energy source or miracle to save us. The problem is that we have been “denied the right” to build and save ourselves. Cheaper than prisons and war, we can build a competent utility infrastructure for free electricity, clean water, communications and interest-free currency to save every living soul, plus ten billion more people added to our small 8 billion population every ten years, forever.👍🏽
I have no reason to disbelieve or even doubt anything you present. I’ve been following you since I first came to Substack which is briefly, but intently. SO FEW PEOPLE HAVE a modicum of knowledge about what you’re doing. Everyone SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOU and your findings!! You are doing necessary, almost prescient work and you should be lauded and rewarded for it
~ Sage Hana & Diva Share
~ Diva Drops
Many Good Links.
Check out AF Plane with front hub. Possible downward-directing laser pointer (of sorts).
Then...check out video of its largesse upon arrival.
Buckle up.
What part of ALIEN life form with the intelligence of ANTS or BEES, don't you understand????....................................>
MORGELLONS. A reverse engineered ALIEN bioweapon may require a reverse engineered ALIEN antidote. Welcome to humanities first advance ALIEN Bio-Warfare Division courtesy of Agent Freak Nasty ................,.>
Boi, oh, boi! You just sent me down a HUGE rabbit hole! That Robert O. Young interview was AMAZING. And disturbing of course. Yikes.
For myself, this is all confirmation that we need a terrain vs virus/germ approach to our continued good health and sur-THRIVAL. Being that Humanity and Earth are occupied by off world beings of ill intent, where my mind is starting to go is the place of making our bodies as temples, and blessing our inner waters and terrains like they are holy water!
Low-vibrational entities, creatures, bots, parasites can't thrive in such a high-frequency environment. Toning, meditating, etc. What if by gnashing our teeth about the f-wittery only FEEDS the f-wits, inside and out?
Glad you like the Dr. Young interview, that was me doing the interviewing *Wink*, and you are correct, the cure is the environment. Just like saltwater fish cannot live in fresh water neither can nano tech live in a PH balanced blood system, that's why they go through so much trouble to poison us. and drop are PH to acidic levels where the nano tech and organisms can thrive. My theory anyway cheers.....Agent Midnight Rider
Remember that 1 time #Agent Midnight Rider showed you CLASSIFED PICTURE of a POPULATION WIDE HARRP mind control and influencing weapon released by former Darpa Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan in 2019???? That was awesome!!!!
Question: Is there any way to test for ELF or shield oneself from it? Lead? Maybe we need lead paint safely brought back? Also, does Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz qualify as ELF? Is it ok to ground?
Hello Lisa: Low frequency waves are extremely hard to block. MuMetal shields are about the only adequate blocking material available. An average room would require many tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars to design and install . I don't recommend "grounding" in high density urban areas. There are enormous stray ground fields running throughout most large urban centers. You don't want to make yourself part of the circuit... "Ground" yourself in rural or low population areas. Natural lakes, rivers, or oceans are excellent ground planes.
Schumann resonance is the basis for all life on planet Earth, and is extremely low amplitude and frequency. ELF is generally considered as 3 to 30 cycles per second. (Hz)
Thanks for answering my question, Paul. I had read that ELF is in the range of 1 Hz to 300 Hz, and I knew that Schumann Resonance was in that range. Intersesting that the most evil of minds would use a frequency range that is nearly impossible to block.
I ground throughout the day and night and love it (we live in the country with woods all around us). We have many pine trees and a whole pine forest, so ions abound. Except of course when they are poisoning the air, which is sadly, most of the time.
I ground all throughout the day and night currently and take boron daily. My question is surrounding ELF. Schumann Resonance is in the range of extremely low frequency, which is defined as 1 Hz to 300 Hz. I wanted any experts in that field to respond.
Great. I also wonder if HAARP, DEWs may have been used in the recent fires in Hawaii.
One of the more interesting videos, within the essay, is “Yes, People Were Forced To Get The Vaxx!” where Australian politicians insist that no one was forced to get the injection. This is juxtaposed with videos, from the Plandemic, where the same officials basically said "get the jab or lose you job. No one, including Biden, has admitted to all the deaths and injuries resulting from the forced vaccination. More important is the fact that Biden want to continue forced vaccination by signing on to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, allowing the WHO to dictate what shots will be mandatory in the future. Bodily autonomy is a basic inalienable right. We must all have the right to say no. Yet despite the fact that the mRNA injection does not prevent infection/transmission they are still pushing the jab and won't reinstate workers that refuse it.
Biden and other Globalist Leaders are committing treason on multiple levels
Without immediate resistance the globalists will soon relegate the entire planet to the status of slavery
Adrian - Aug 12, 2023
TARGETEDJUSTICE.COM👈Richard Lighthouse is ACTIVELY sueing the DOD,FBI,CIA,USSF. They have the proof 5g6g cell towers are weaponized to TARGET CIVILIANS and they know WHO is doing it. Please join and support them/us in this massive fight for JUSTICE.
Everything Voluntary Jack - Aug 12, 2023
Jack’s Responsibly Free News Le…
Yes, thanks Adrian, new to me, will flag it, stay free and safe.
Reply (2) - Aug 12, 2023
Research Your World
Comment removed.
Sky - Aug 13, 2023
Research Your World
That link takes you to a website where you can buy food. It doesn’t say anything about putting mRNA in your food.
Sarah E. Lawton - Aug 18, 2023
Research Your World
They changed the animal vaccines over to the mRNA platforms at least 6 months ago. I saw an interview with Bill Gates where he explained they were now mRNA vaccinating the chickens, the livestock, and the bees. Hi Apeel product is coating all fruits and vegetables and I am pretty sure they are putting the self-assembling nanotechnology into it all. Meat is suddenly magnetic and graphene oxide has been found in bottled water, so, I'd strongly encourage you to stay away from all food and drinks inside stores, and to buy all food from small organic farms and farmers markets. Also, consider getting a Berkey water filtration system since they pull out heavy metals and bacteria. I'm sure it is even in the tap water. Hang in there. This all sucks.
Reply (1) - Aug 14, 2023
Comment removed.
Sky - Aug 14, 2023
I know our food is under attack, that’s why I grow my own trees, plants and animals. So I know exactly what I’m eating.
James Freeland - Aug 13, 2023
Sells pitchers
Anita Söderman - Aug 18, 2023
Anita’s Substack
Civilians yes, but collateral damage to birds et al as well. Apparently the silent spring might not be so far away in these satanic times.
Adrian - Aug 12, 2023
A whole hearted THANK YOU DR. ANA❤
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
While I no longer Harp on about Haarp, I know this is having huge effects on us all at present.
Along with the towers and other frequencies I think it is what is making our schumann so radically unstable. All living creatures are effected by the Schumann frequency of mother earth and not many are even noticing the strange happenings there.
Thank you for being honest enough to bring this up.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 12, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Matt. j.a.o.b: Yes. HAARP is generally the system most persons focus on, but there are other systems in use. > This is a rather pedestrian explanation of low frequency modulations utilized in (Naval) communications. >>> Excerpted from: Communication with submarines - Wikipedia >>> Under: Extremely low frequency >>>
’’ Electromagnetic waves in the ELF and SLF frequency ranges (3–300 Hz) can penetrate seawater to depths of hundreds of meters, allowing signals to be sent to submarines at their operating depths. Building an ELF transmitter is a formidable challenge, as they have to work at incredibly long wavelengths:
The U.S. Navy's Project ELF system, which was a variant of a larger system proposed under codename Project Sanguine,[2] operated at 76 Hertz,[3] the Soviet/Russian system (called ZEVS) at 82 Hertz.[4] The latter corresponds to a wavelength of 3,656.0 kilometers. That is more than a quarter of the Earth's diameter. Obviously, the usual half-wavelength dipole antenna cannot be feasibly constructed, as that would require a 1,800 km (1,100 mi) long
antenna.” [End quote] These systems have been in clandestine use for decades. >>>
Complete text:
Also see: Super low frequency - Wikipedia >>>
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
Why wouldn't you harp on Haarp, with 105 degrees in the Houston area today? HaHaHa.
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Comment removed.
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Yeah,but I would like to see scientific proof about BORAX.Many people believeBorax.Onething for sure,Boron is a arthritis cure or at least an inhibitor.Israel has a lot of boron in the land they live on and arthritis virtually does not exist in the Israeli people.
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Comment removed.
John Vargo - Aug 14, 2023
John Vargo
Trust your intuition,have known about this for 5-6-7-yrs.Have a wide list but expensive so I cycle.Dr merrick takes chlorine dioxide and nitazoxanide.Says the latter goes thru the blood brain barrier.I still have half a bottle left of the mms or chlorine dioxide but about 4-5 yrsold.It's a big electron donor and has worked everytime I usedit.Itmay not dissolve the hydrogel as Dr.Ana said but it's not called mms for no reason.I'm getting new in a few days, Just started taking Lecithin again for the nervous system plus calcium disodium EDTA hoping it works for hydrogel.Nothing I've done is clearing the nano in my eyes,the floaters and nanotubes.I can see them but you have to look out of the side of youreyes.Itis so truly outrageous.I am an outraged human but we have to control ouremotions.It's hard not to swear.Last 3 or 4 yrs I just like wow,millions of doctors and none of them are aware of it.Then I stumbled upon Dr Anas substack,Hallelujah-)
Unagnu - Nov 22, 2023
I have those too. For many years now. But got worse since Covid, even tho I AM NOT JABBED and took / take IVM regular. Plus other supplements. I use borax water that does seem to help. But not get rid of.
John Vargo - Nov 22, 2023
John Vargo
The more emf,emr in your environment the easier they are to see but I can also see the ionized sky and the nano tubes.I had 100 towers and 120 antennas within a 3 mile radius.
Elizabeth Sarah - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Does anyone know what has happened to Karen Kingston? Brighteon and Mike Adams says she has fled to Mexico as she believes the CIA wants to kill her.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
If she's smart, cunning and mobile; we won't be hearing from her or about her for a while; when this abomination of the Banker's Mafia is Ka-Put. The time is coming when this will be DONE and the CORRUPT Demons Wearing Human Being Suits will be tried, family will lose all assets, and the guilty executed.
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
They can track everybody, 24/7, right now.
Lynette Devries - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Look at LA MARZULLI's latest YT video. A woman is being interviewed by him how she was bred by hybrids. She says greys and tall whites are body suits for demons. Very interesting video and it tell you how the woman saw fallen angels.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Have no idea what or who 'La Marzulli' is. Tried to find in in YT and while there are Posts, not certain which you're referencing. Do you have a link?
Lynette Devries - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Sorry wrong YouTube channel. I can't make a link but the correct channel is David Heavener - Last Evangelist. The title of the video is Hybrids Forced Me To BREED, Alien Seeds, Nordic Eyes IN UFO Froze Me. I hope you find it.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Not certain what to think about David Heavener...Was a 'Prayer Interventionist' during Exorcisms for an Exorcist while in Grad School before finishing my Grad-Level work. The angels ARE NOT CORPOREAL; and that includes both the Demons in hell and God's angels in virtually all God's creation.
Demons are spread as infestation via choice at some level of the functioning level of human beings...To claim the soul by baby-steps until the whole soul is CLAIMED BY THE DEMONIC AS SQUATTERS. DEMONS DO NOT AND CANNOT OWN HUMAN SOULS until after death when no option to choose God remains for a soul. IT IS HUMAN CHOICE. As death would result were a soul taken in its entirety by either evil or good when demonized. Going in either direction is such a traumatic event on the human body...It can only be done in stages until it is accomplished. The Demonic does not wish to kill until it can use a host to maximum advantage to corrupt as many souls as possible.
This is a very complex topic not appropriate for this dimension. I don't fall into a category to believe David Heavener and La Marzulli; but nothing in God's creation is impossible if God allows it.
Who am I to second guess God? Won't do that.
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Both Demons and higher vibrational angels are in our blood,God is within us,at least those who still have their souls.Christ consciousness is within us.Jesus taught these things but of course the church's have corrupted that information.The Archons created organized religion for divide andconquer.ReadWilliam Bramleys book,The Gods of Eden. All these beliefs that humans have all around the world guarantees that we will never join together against these demonic powers that should not be!!!!!!!!!
Derek - Aug 12, 2023
She's just put out a video that Mike has on Brighteon. I think there might actually be two. She's pretty shaken up but alive. Mike is trying to get her to come back to the states but she feels less safe here
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 12, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I just wrote an update on my notes.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Aug 12, 2023
Elizabeth Sarah-- Hi. This was the most recent video I saw of her this past week:
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
Don't listen to Mike Adams, he's controlled opposition just like his mentor, Alex Jones.
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Could be,thought that for awhile but I think not now.His main focus is to survive and you have to ask yourself,what's the dollar going to be worth 6 months from now?
Clique777 - Aug 14, 2023
Mike is a really intelligent guy about a lot of things, but his whole paradigm revolves around the fallaciously absurd idea that when this collapse is over he and some others are going to still be around to rebuild the culture. That is the silliest, most insane idea in the world. I don't impute the dictate of charity which thinketh no evil to Mike any longer at all whatsoever because of that. I vet people and companies professionally for a living, and I've had the opportunity to vet Mike for probably 12 years. I'm familiar with what Mike is selling, ideas, supplements and foods. I asked him a lot of questions over onBrighteon.socialand he does not answer questions. I quite the site more than 2 years ago.
He's following the same script as Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Viva Frei, Robert Barnes and a majority of the rest of social media personalities. Jeff Rense thinks very much the same way I do, that's why he has a dismissive meme on his website that pictures Alex Jones and Mike Adams.
Mike is worth listening to about survival, supplements and healthy food products, without question, but beyond that and his businesses he's as clueless as a blind goat in a snow storm. Unfortunately, people can't make distinctions like that like I can.
Mike knows nothing about how to possibly save our Republic, all our rights and freedoms, and doesn't listen nor care in the slightest. And I don't personally believe he's the slightest bit interested in saving our Republic. I will be happy to discuss it with him in a public forum any time! He and the others all stubbornly resist the legal strategic offense, and there's simply no excuse for a 50-something grown man Mike who represents himself to be a patriot and Christian doing that.
They're efforts all boil down to doing "Nothing Meaningful" to save our Republic, though much of what he teaches is very useful for other reasons. One of the biggest problems with the products Mike offers is that 98% of Americans can't or aren't willing to afford his food and supplements. Me, I can't imagine who buys all his products they are so expensive, and I'm in the 2% who spends money on products like those Mike makes. He's not even a source I consider his prices are so high. For instance, Mike sells curcumin products but they don't hold a candle to the nano curcumin product I take and I just bought a couple of pound bag for almost $400. And of a rarity, I don't believe his curcumin is as high a quality as the One Planet nutrition product I use. Nano is probably 10X the level of strength to non-nano curcumin.
As an example, in the last 2 years Mike's preached the imminent collapse of the economy, US Dollar and/or our Republic, yet of his own words he's stated he's been spending millions of dollars on new commercial buildings and infrastructure, and I immediately wanted to ask Mike why he would be spending millions in the face of the collapses he preached; makes no sense at all.
Mike's like Alex, Robert Barnes and a whole lot of other social media personalities. In person they need me to ask them "What do you know that you are not permitted to tell all of us? What's the rest of your story?"
Be charitable all you want, I'm just judging fruit.
John Vargo - Aug 14, 2023
John Vargo
What republic? The act of 1871 took that away.We became the military arm of the empire of 3 cities.That's most likely why the pledge was taken out of the schools and all the politicians are democracy,democracy.China is the NWO role model,Digital currency tied to your social credit score.Your social credit score being how much and how well you obey.The chinese gov't puts the dissenter photos up on the billboard and the chinese people ridicule them(IDIOTS)The collapse is coming andsoon.Youshould check out Ken Rojas but you think Mike is expensive!I've never bought thru Mike but I'm sure his hands are tied,at least to a certain degree.A democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what's for dinner,a republic is a well armed lamb contesting that vote.Whether someone is controlled opposition or not we can still take what resonates with us and throw the rest away.# or 4 yrs ago Anna Von Reitz wrote an article accusing the CFR of making a deal with ET to replace mankind with syntheticbiology.Isthat not what's happening?At least he's in the game.I will give him credit
Clique777 - Aug 14, 2023
John, With all due respect, if you have not adopted and are actively engaged in the Legal and Strategic Offense, you are wasting time.
Also, your firearms, and I have ones in .223, .308, 6.5 Grendel, .45 and .338 Lapua, will do you no good at all in what is coming, other than against your neighbors who are trying to break in and steal your stuff.
Ask Richard if the technology in cellphone towers can kill people? I think he alluded to a disc-shaped device on the roofs of Threat Fusion Centers that can kill folks up to 100 miles away.
How do you fight a tech that can kill you from 5-6 or 100 miles away.
The only effective means you have for engaging the Globalists right now is to get the 79 million grown adults who reelected Trump in '20 to, in unison, start boycotting 100 of the biggest Woke corporations.
When a personal has the link to a boycott petition, it takes fewer than 30 of the 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour day to electronically sign the petition. No money and 30 seconds.
Now, anybody who can reject that idea isn't somebody I'm going to listen to very long at all.
I've referred to it as the Legal, Strategic Offense for upwards of 20 years. You have to do this. It doesn't matter what your opinion is. We need 79 million people to decide further the $150 Billion success achieved by an unknown number of Americans since the Disney boycott started in Feb, 2022, and which since then cost Disney, Target and Budweiser something like $150 billion.
Legal, Strategic boycotts is the battlefield we can all engage in right now. Anybody not engaged in that battlefield legally is just wasting time they cannot afford to waste.
John Vargo - Aug 16, 2023
John Vargo
I'm sure you're right Clique,I've been boycotting big corporations whenever I can for at least the last 5 yrs.Look up DeniseHearn.It's complicated but as Tod Callender said 500,000 soldiers refused the Jab.If the dark ones are this powerful then just think how powerful the light is.We are not alone,
John Vargo - Aug 14, 2023
John Vargo
One of my favorite quotes,Motivating words from a powerful speech by the Rough Rider: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Kathleen Pimentel - Aug 12, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I just wrote an important update on my notes.
Franklin O'Kanu - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Between NASA and Medicine, these industries are trying to make us into cash cows for them. We need to make sure we’re aware and can fight back
John - Aug 12, 2023
Does no one on Substack know the difference between tenants and tenets?
The only way there can be a religious tenant is if a religious person rents a space.
Philosophies have tenets.
When mainstream folk see a post like this, they think "Idiot Conspiracy Theorist"
and keep on truckin'.
I have never seen a single Substack get this right. It should be mentioned in the intro when people sign up, this embarrassment has popped up on well over a dozen sites and that is ridiculous.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Well... Erm... These operations are not designed for "cash cow" results. These systems are intended to be long term deadly... >>> HAARP and SBX radar are modulated with grid based ground planes. Low frequency carrier waves are perturbing ALL natural resonance frequencies necessary to bodily function. This includes disturbance and/or hijacking of resonances from Alpha (6-12Hz) to Gamma (30-70Hz) frequencies. >>>see: Neural oscillation >>>
Many persons have focused on 4G LTE and 5G high frequency affects in recent years. Although these frequencies are resulting in massive neurological and cognitive damage, lower frequency emissions are decimating ALL life forms on the planet. Are your ears "ringing"???
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
I've been trying to decide how many ELF and ULF frequencies are being used against us.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 12, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Clique777: There are hundreds of low frequency (less than 450Hz) being utilized as carrier waves. These are typically square wave magnitudes which carry multiple high frequency information and data packets. The environment is saturated with these technologies.
These broadcasts are disorientating and killing whales, dolphins, porpoise, eel, and many other sea and land based species. It is mass ecocide and suicide...
Derek - Aug 12, 2023
Thank you so very much. Know that you, Karen, Maria and so many others risking your lives in this fight to save humanity, are very loved and appreciated by all of us who take in this information and share it with others. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.
Miss Pat - Aug 12, 2023
Can you share info from sun.stack to Twitter? Or will they ban you??
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
jeffrey p lubina
I’d like to add:
It’s all so much worse than most will or can comprehend, usually because of mind controlling methods just using an explosive event, spreading disease, plus the use of words and “their” controls over media, news, textbooks and schools going back prior to the 1800’s. In conjunction to the 1800’s evolution of pathogens, controls via fear, vaccines, war, pharmaceuticals…they have about 100 years of secret developments in electronic energy weapons, electro-chemical methods, and within the past 50 years—quantum dot technology. You know, for your security. And because it’s “top secret,” for your security, they have in the past and continue to call people who came out as whistleblowers conspiracy theorists (code for loons), then mix in mezzed insiders who witnessed “holographic images” and other deceptive fake science to muddy the waters, so to speak, to really get the public confused, especially if they come out to tell what they know, which of course is made up nonsense to, again, pollute the legitimate punch bowl of conspiracy with one or two bloody turds. Then truth plus nonsense will always equal total bullshit, dismissing any or all parts of truth.
To this day, look how they call engineers of 911 unpatriotic nuts. But those within or in private working for “them,” the government, who speak up have all been completely discredited and destroyed. It’s so easy to do when these individuals have been compartmentalized within small groups to work on these weapons—who later came out as whistleblowers—and then physiological professionals within the CIA, FBI, NSA, Mossad, MI6… and “their” operatives within the media can and do totally skull-screw you and the public about what is real. All of it combined with trained terrorists, or a real frightening train wreck carrying deadly chemicals, forest fires, or the release of a militarized targeting virus, as well as psychological-weapons—using just words—all used together to totally drive society completely insane. So insane you will believe it’s all caused by too much freedom of an overpopulated world, which is complete nonsense. Or you will be punished to believe people are just born sinners—the Good v. Evil nonsense—when in really it’s just a matter of honest, homeopathic brain-gut care to overcome all of these militarized psyc-driving methods they have been using to work us over for absolute, total control. And it’s working, still, for several centuries now, with the aid of secretly developing technologies. Everything I’ve just said is the reality we’ve been trained to deny, and it’s killing humanity.
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
That's what Jesus prophesied some about and what he came to fix for those you will allow him to do so, save them.
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 12, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
I believe humanity is smart enough to build a fair-trade infrastructure, paid by fair-trade taxes (no income tax) that would allow each individual to “save themselves,” and have such a cheaply-obtained fair-tax surplus from fair-trading to pay for all the emergency services we need to then help those who cannot help themselves. I’ve done the math, and the physics, and the engineering…plus studied history enough to know this truth; there has NEVER been scarcity, and there has NEVER been too many people. Overpopulation, electric and clean water scarcity is a lie. We have an abundance, and we have the brains, and we have all the technology we need, without using nuclear power, or needing a new energy source or miracle to save us. The problem is that we have been “denied the right” to build and save ourselves. Cheaper than prisons and war, we can build a competent utility infrastructure for free electricity, clean water, communications and interest-free currency to save every living soul, plus ten billion more people added to our small 8 billion population every ten years, forever.👍🏽
John Vargo - Aug 13, 2023
John Vargo
Natalie Joy - Aug 12, 2023
Keep up the good work Dr. Anna, your research is so very important.
JRCCreasey - Aug 12, 2023
JRCCreasey’s Substack
I have no reason to disbelieve or even doubt anything you present. I’ve been following you since I first came to Substack which is briefly, but intently. SO FEW PEOPLE HAVE a modicum of knowledge about what you’re doing. Everyone SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOU and your findings!! You are doing necessary, almost prescient work and you should be lauded and rewarded for it
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Aug 12, 2023
Hitting it out of the park, as ever, Dr Ana. Look forward to watching this latest Zee appearance.
Paul - Aug 12, 2023
~ Sage Hana & Diva Share
~ Diva Drops
Many Good Links.
Check out AF Plane with front hub. Possible downward-directing laser pointer (of sorts).
Then...check out video of its largesse upon arrival.
Buckle up.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 12, 2023
Agent’s Substack
What part of ALIEN life form with the intelligence of ANTS or BEES, don't you understand????....................................>
MORGELLONS. A reverse engineered ALIEN bioweapon may require a reverse engineered ALIEN antidote. Welcome to humanities first advance ALIEN Bio-Warfare Division courtesy of Agent Freak Nasty ................,.>
AncientHeart369 - Nov 12, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Please expound! I have been thinking the very same. An off-world malady requires an off-world solution!
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 12, 2023
Agent’s Substack
AncientHeart369 - Nov 13, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Boi, oh, boi! You just sent me down a HUGE rabbit hole! That Robert O. Young interview was AMAZING. And disturbing of course. Yikes.
For myself, this is all confirmation that we need a terrain vs virus/germ approach to our continued good health and sur-THRIVAL. Being that Humanity and Earth are occupied by off world beings of ill intent, where my mind is starting to go is the place of making our bodies as temples, and blessing our inner waters and terrains like they are holy water!
Low-vibrational entities, creatures, bots, parasites can't thrive in such a high-frequency environment. Toning, meditating, etc. What if by gnashing our teeth about the f-wittery only FEEDS the f-wits, inside and out?
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 13, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Glad you like the Dr. Young interview, that was me doing the interviewing *Wink*, and you are correct, the cure is the environment. Just like saltwater fish cannot live in fresh water neither can nano tech live in a PH balanced blood system, that's why they go through so much trouble to poison us. and drop are PH to acidic levels where the nano tech and organisms can thrive. My theory anyway cheers.....Agent Midnight Rider
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 12, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Remember that 1 time #Agent Midnight Rider showed you CLASSIFED PICTURE of a POPULATION WIDE HARRP mind control and influencing weapon released by former Darpa Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan in 2019???? That was awesome!!!!
Robert - Aug 12, 2023
Robert’s Substack
anyone know liposomal edta quality brand. Also is oral esta calcium or diaosium
Psyche - Aug 12, 2023
Pine Street clinic in San Anselmo has what you are looking for 😰
Catherine - Aug 13, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
I am also looking for liposomal edta-- need a brand name that I can research and purchase.
Lisa - Aug 12, 2023
Question: Is there any way to test for ELF or shield oneself from it? Lead? Maybe we need lead paint safely brought back? Also, does Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz qualify as ELF? Is it ok to ground?
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 13, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Lisa: Low frequency waves are extremely hard to block. MuMetal shields are about the only adequate blocking material available. An average room would require many tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars to design and install . I don't recommend "grounding" in high density urban areas. There are enormous stray ground fields running throughout most large urban centers. You don't want to make yourself part of the circuit... "Ground" yourself in rural or low population areas. Natural lakes, rivers, or oceans are excellent ground planes.
Schumann resonance is the basis for all life on planet Earth, and is extremely low amplitude and frequency. ELF is generally considered as 3 to 30 cycles per second. (Hz)
Lisa - Aug 13, 2023
Thanks for answering my question, Paul. I had read that ELF is in the range of 1 Hz to 300 Hz, and I knew that Schumann Resonance was in that range. Intersesting that the most evil of minds would use a frequency range that is nearly impossible to block.
I ground throughout the day and night and love it (we live in the country with woods all around us). We have many pine trees and a whole pine forest, so ions abound. Except of course when they are poisoning the air, which is sadly, most of the time.
Lisa - Aug 13, 2023
Comment removed.
Lisa - Aug 13, 2023
I ground all throughout the day and night currently and take boron daily. My question is surrounding ELF. Schumann Resonance is in the range of extremely low frequency, which is defined as 1 Hz to 300 Hz. I wanted any experts in that field to respond.
Bruce Cain - Aug 12, 2023
Bruce’s Newsletter
Great. I also wonder if HAARP, DEWs may have been used in the recent fires in Hawaii.
One of the more interesting videos, within the essay, is “Yes, People Were Forced To Get The Vaxx!” where Australian politicians insist that no one was forced to get the injection. This is juxtaposed with videos, from the Plandemic, where the same officials basically said "get the jab or lose you job. No one, including Biden, has admitted to all the deaths and injuries resulting from the forced vaccination. More important is the fact that Biden want to continue forced vaccination by signing on to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, allowing the WHO to dictate what shots will be mandatory in the future. Bodily autonomy is a basic inalienable right. We must all have the right to say no. Yet despite the fact that the mRNA injection does not prevent infection/transmission they are still pushing the jab and won't reinstate workers that refuse it.
Biden and other Globalist Leaders are committing treason on multiple levels
Without immediate resistance the globalists will soon relegate the entire planet to the status of slavery
Clique777 - Aug 12, 2023
I think Bill Gates and George Soros have their own ET space ships and fly around at Warp speed doing things like that.
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