Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 12, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dr. Ana Mihalcea - NEW EVIDENCE - Uninjected Unable to be Mind Controlled?
I am grateful to be invited back by Maria Zeee to discuss my most recent research findings. It is always challenging to explain very complex technical and scientific information in a way that does not loose the average person in the discussion. I explained in this video in a bit of a Sherlock Holmes approach some very interesting findings. I explained the significant ELF sensitivity possibly influenced by HAARP in C19 vaccinated blood that Clifford Carnicom and I found - and what that might mean. It might be just a coincidence that DARPA invested in HAARP. I also discuss some interesting connections between DARPA and the Pharma Industry - with particular interest in a company called In-Cell- Art, who collaborated with Curevac and Sanofi on mRNA vaccine platform delivery development in 2011 - funded by DARPA. Curiously, In-Cell-Art happens to specialize in nanotechnology and polymers. Of course, Sanofi also manufactures Lantus Insulin and happens to have produced 100 Million Doses of C19 bioweapon for Pfizer BioNTech.
I also discuss the 2011 toxicology findings of an implanted brain chip and nanotechnology found in a human ear investigated via mass spectroscopy and other sophisticated means- showing the same chemical composition of what Clifford and I have found in the blood of C19 injected and un-injected people. These findings are consistent with Morgellons/ CDB/ nanotechnology and synthetic biology - and I show the ties to the military operations developing this technology around 1995.
Again, an open mind is required. Here are some of the slides discussed.
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Adrian - Aug 12, 2023
TARGETEDJUSTICE.COM👈Richard Lighthouse is ACTIVELY sueing the DOD,FBI,CIA,USSF. They have the proof 5g6g cell towers are weaponized to TARGET CIVILIANS and they know WHO is doing it. Please join and support them/us in this massive fight for JUSTICE.
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Adrian - Aug 12, 2023
A whole hearted THANK YOU DR. ANA❤
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