Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic…

Apr 4, 2023

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Image courtesy: Case 6.


Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Dear Dr. Ana. This might be useful for you, therefore I wanna keep myself short. I'm a chemist who has working experience in the pharmaceutical industry. After receiving two doses of Spikevax Moderna in 2021 I quickly developed piercing chest pain, my worst and still ongoing "side effect". The cardiologist couldn't find anything using only echocardiography and ECG. Luckily I didn't do an MRI (gadolinium!).
Treatments I tried: 1. ozone infusion (10 sessions), 2. Calcium disodium edetate (CaNa2EDTA) infusion (3 sessions), 3. Acetylglutathione+vit. C infusion (1000 mg only).
Beside ozone infusion, CaNa2EDTA was the best way to clear out these foreign graphene ribbons. I still found one under dark field microscopy that literally bursted one of my erythrocytes, but I felt an immediate mental clarity after the first EDTA infusion session! The chest pain still remains, but was lowered by approx. 10 %. Before I got my first EDTA infusion, the membranes of my erythrocytes were very thin and barely visible. Huge graphene ribbons were clearly visible.
But the craziest part were my results for the heavy metals measured via IPC-MS. I had 4 times higher value of gadolinium even though I never received an MRI!?! Gadolinium was also found in these shots.
I can share some screenshots of my blood analysis as well as the results of my heavy metal test after the first EDTA infusion. Edit: Click on my profile to see the pictures of my live blood analysis.
Toxicity of graphene oxide depends on the following factors: dose, lateral size, and surface charge.
An article named "Endoperoxides Revealed as Origin of the Toxicity of Graphene Oxide" stated that EDTA does not influence the endoperoxides induced by GO, but an oligonucleotide linked with a fluorescein derivative significantly decreased the reactivity. Edit (@readers): You can find the full article I'm referencing if you paste this DOI (without") "DOI: 10.1002/anie.201507070" into Sci-Hub.
I was also found 2 papers that use kaolin as an "antidote" for GO.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00135
DOI: 10.1039/C8MD00633D
For your readers: Regarding supplements I take NAC, quercetine, Zn, nattokinase, serrapeptase, cats claw, vit. C, vit. D3 and bunch of others occasionally.


Linda - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Wow. Priceless info in addition at Dr. Ana’s priceless info. Could you share the papers you found on kaolin clay clearing GO? As much as I admire the otherworldly brilliance of Dr.Ana’s EDTA discoveries, I wonder if there are enough clinics/trained professionals/familiarity to rely on that as the world’s main solution to this widespread (air, water, animal food supply, etc) contamination problem. If something as cheap and simple as kaolin can provide any amount of clearing - even if it is slower - there are about 200 million + people around the globe that can get their hands on it more easily than they’ll be able to get EDTA. It is naturally occurring on every continent but the Arctic, is not expensive and is already available as a consumer product rather than requiring a doctor/prescription.
Worth looking into further...


Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Dear Linda. I added the DOIs to the initial post. I haven't tried kaolin by myself. Rather than clearing the body from GO, it coagulates with GO, reducing it's toxicity by 20 %.
Initially, ozone therapy helped me massively. It lowered my chest pain by approx. 25 % and reduced blood clotting. After the 3rd session the color of my blood changed from almost black to reddish. It was used in conjunction with a Korean skin care infusion which contains 3 different antioxidants. EDTA infusion on the other hand helped me more with neurological issues. This is just my experience. It highly depends on the specific chelating agent, the skills of your practicioner, the method he/she's using, etc. Chelation therapy by itself deserves it's own substack. It's way too complex. Chemistry of metals (HSAB concept), factors for metal toxicity, dose-effect and dose-response relationships, exposure patterns, properties of chelating agents such as stability, selectivity, kinetic behavior etc.


Linda - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Thank-you! It is amazing that subject specifically has been researched and published! Hopefully there will be more studies like this coming soon!!
I think that 20% reduction will definitely go up with increased dose and continued use. It is a slower option than EDTA, but I believe the clearance could get closer to 90-100% over a longer period of time and higher amount. There are also slightly better clays for detoxification such as sodium bentonite that would get even more complete clearance in a shorter time.
Sounds like if paired w/ozone (how tough is this treatment to come by outside the US?) many could be greatly helped even if they can’t find, afford or wrap their heads around EDTA treatments.
Thank-you for sharing your insights!


Okisuke - Apr 7, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I just posted the pictures of my live blood analysis in my profile.


David - Apr 12, 2023


I checked it out, very incredible timeline. What is your current status after chelation therapy?


Okisuke - Apr 12, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Still chest pain, but no brain fog and no vertigo. Those symptoms are completely gone.


Tricia C - Aug 6

Tricia’s Substack

Thank you for your excellent info!


dana ciancimino - Apr 10, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Did you do MAH or ten pass?


G(I) - Apr 11, 2023

What is MAH & TEN PASS? please explain


dana ciancimino - Apr 11, 2023

Mah is major autohemotherapy. It is a process where they remove a small amount of blood, infuse it with ozone and then resupply it to the body. Ten pass is this same thing, but the blood is drawn, infused and resupplied 10 times in one sitting.


Okisuke - Apr 10, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Both, but MAH gave me better results. I did 5 pass and it was too aggressive. Will post about my experience of both treatments in detail, soon.


dana ciancimino - Apr 10, 2023

Thank you. Disregard my last question. I'd heard 10 pass was rough. Looking forward to your post. I have heard it takes 6-10 mah treatments, so wondering if this sounds right. Also wondering if I should go one child at a time and assess the results.


John Vargo - Apr 6, 2023

John Vargo

Comment removed.


John Vargo - May 9, 2023

John Vargo

Yeah food grade DE,you know Elana Freeland does not take any supplements,she's friends with Tony at the herbs and beadworks channel.She takes salt baths often,that's one cup of each,mule team borax,epsom salts,baking soda and dead seasalt.Youcan get a exfoliating towel with anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid if you're ambitious.I've read the archons hate essential oils so I make sure to drink some at least once a month.Favorite tea tree with a half shot of brandy and thieves oil with about everything else.Once a month because our lungs expel it by clearing our throat,think of how many times you swallow everyday so there's a cycle i've read.I take supplements also.Mule team borax ingested kills nano,there are people that drink it like you drink DE 60 Gigahertz.I ve been adding a small pinch of baking soda to coffee with honey morningsJust aquired a bag of calcium Disodium EDTA from bulksupplements.Onething about drinking the tea tree,you likely will see the bio-film when nature calls.Fits perfectly,haha.


Ann - Apr 4

Ann’s Substack

do u drink tea tree oil


John Vargo - Apr 4

John Vargo

yes,Tea tree will remove some of the biofilm,fav way is with a half shot ofbrandy.Dothat at least once a month


John Vargo - May 9, 2023

John Vargo

Comment removed.


John Vargo - May 10, 2023

John Vargo

Hey 60,Are we experimenting to survive or what:))?Fully 5 G in Fort Myers? Wuhan went full retard and it only took a couple months to start the scamdemic.The 1918 spanish flu coincided with the global rollout of electricity and radio.The dark floaters in my eyes increase in visibility anytime I'm near 5G and or smart meters.Just did two bottles nano zeolite hoping it would cross the barrier but's all expensive,have been at it quite awhile.youcan get boron at Hakala labs in a high dose.There's also purebulk supplements,got NAC and Glutathione from them.I completely agree with Steve Rambam brother.I'm subscribed to Dana's channel,have not been there for a while.The suggested use of the calcium EDTA is 500 mgs or 1/5 teaspoon daily.Injestable is why I bought it plus 200 servings for about 20 bucks.If and when zeolite happens again then trying Karen Kingstons advice, is a must now.I made the mistake of installing wireless in my bedroom,have not corrected it yet but since getting EMR protection I can take naps again.I turn the wireless off when not in use and for a long time turned the phone off and 5 or 6 wraps of heavy tin foil.don't do it as much but know I should,Learning more about that weapon and how it invades.If you do the salt bath(Strongly Recommend) get the water as hot as you can stand and stay in for as long as you can except the first time.I made it 20 minutes and could of walked thru a snowstorm.Good Luck


David - Apr 12, 2023


How do you go about consuming this stuff?


David - Apr 12, 2023


Comment removed.


David - Apr 12, 2023


This is great advice! Thank you! I am going to work St Gabriel's into my system.
I buy NAC bulk powder plus a precursor (DMG HCI), both in bulk, and flood my system with that on a daily basis via drink formulas. I survived two bioweapon death injections and have been remediating since that time. One takeaway from your comment is the connection between spots and morgellons; I never made that connection! It is perfectly obvious in hindsight tho because I noticed some spots that only appeared after the injections. This is great insight, thank you


Susannah - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Hello, thanks for sharing your experience, strength and hope. I am wondering, after you did the EDTA therapy, did you find that once you interacted with the population at large, that these metals/structures/formations returned to your blood as before? Or has the clearance remained stable after those 3 treatments of EDTA?


G(I) - Apr 11, 2023

I did feel sick from being 15 mins in the home with 2 ppl who were vac-ed


Susannah - Apr 11, 2023

Did you have EDTA chelation therapy done before that?


Okisuke - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

I don't know. For dark field microscopy I've to go to another practicioner. The price for the live blood analysis is as almost as expensive as the chelation! The last time I did it right after the 3rd one. I may have to do it again after my 4th or 5th session to be clear about this. I might post some of my screenshots of the results as a proof. Some of the metals like mercury can't be removed by EDTA, but via DMSA.


Bodhimom - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I understand mercury can be removed with chlorella. I take about a tablespoon of powdered chlorella with water on an empty stomach in the morning.


G(I) - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Late Dr. Cutler ( not MD) wrote that chlorella only circulates mercury in the body. His protocol is based on dmsa. No chelation should be done if there's even a speck of amalgam in the tooth or after removal of it from teeth ( sometimes a speak is stacked in gum tissue)


Susannah - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Is dmsa the same as dmso?


Okisuke - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

This question deserves it's own thread. Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a complexing agent, commonly used for intoxication of mercury, arsenic and lead. The affinity of DMSA towards mercury can be explained by the thiol groups. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organic solvent with a variety of uses. It's anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant and is also uses as a "carrier" for some APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients). Very common is deuterated DMSO (DMSO-d6) as a solvent for NMR spectroscopy.


Moss M Bioletti - Apr 4, 2023

Moss’s Newsletter

good comment, take care!! dealing with similar symptoms from pfizer


Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Thank you! Treating the root cause seems almost impossible. With our current knowledge we can only alleviate the symptoms to some degree, hence I don't know anyone who is "cured". It's definitely necessary to think outside the box. Dr. Ana provided the results and I second this from my own experience.


John Vargo - May 9, 2023

John Vargo

This guy died a few yrs ago but he built a full body EMP


John Vargo - May 9, 2023

John Vargo There it is,keep forgetting to space


Marcia K. - May 9, 2023

Marcia K.

Since he is dead, are his products still available by someone else?


John Vargo - May 10, 2023

John Vargo

I think unfortunately not.His family did not want to continue and I read his stuff was stolen.


G(I) - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Dr. Ana wrote her pts symptoms went away ( which we don't have proof of) but your chest pain is still on, yes? So why you didn't try her protocol? I have symptoms after long CV illness but we all continue getting poison from sun dimming sprayings daily which means detox is needed for ever.
I don't like anything artificial not from nature. Is EDTA a synthetic artificial substance?


Okisuke - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I haven't seen a specific protocol, yet. Afaik she mentioned epitalon, methylene blue, humic acid which I haven't tried so far. Yes it's synthesized via strecker synthesis. Regarding toxicity it has a whopping Ld50 value of 4500 mg·kg−1 . That means that it's relatively safe. As you know the dosage makes the poison.


Jon Grah - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Hmmm. As a chemist that follows the scientific method when evaluating products, I'm surprised that you didnt first obtain a few vials of the mystery potion and analyze its contents under some microscope to see how it would interact with some plant/animal tissue cells. Or even just try to ascertain the contents of the vial.


Okisuke - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

We already analyzed some vials via 1H-NMR after more and more people started getting sick in early 2022. First of all obtaining them is very hard and requires some good connections. Sample preparation is another challenge. If not done correctly you may not be able to see anything relevant. Unfortunately, I was dissmissed by my own colleagues about the existence of graphene oxide. So they didn't look for it. But most importantly we were really unsure about the existence of mRNA. That should tell you a lot! Raman spectroscopy would have been the ideal method, but we don't own a Raman spectrometer. 13C-NMR ( with reduced relaxation time) is probably the only method where you can quantitatively tell how much GO is in these vials. Afaik no one has done this publicly. It also can takes everal hours just to obtain a spectrum.


Jon Grah - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Ok. So may I ask what made you inject this unknown substance into your body?
"...After receiving two doses of Spikevax Moderna in 2021 I quickly developed piercing chest pain, my worst and still ongoing "side effect"...."


Okisuke - Apr 6, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

It was a 60/40 % decision. If you would have told me in 2021 that these regulations will be for ongoing years, I would have believed you.
I still see people who got 3 shots or more and are doing totally fine, yet. Time will tell when they experience the long-term effects. I may have received one of the bad batches.


Christian - Jan 3, 2024

Ar’s Substack

according to dr poormiba Wagh, there are 35 levels of toxicity... but imagine 3 shots of mildly toxic vials must not be good !!!


David - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


This is fantastic information. Where are you getting serrapeptase? It is as rare as hen's teeth


Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

I already bought it in 2020 for a parasite treatment. I'm just using leftovers. You are right, the demand seems to exceed the supply. I'm not a MD, but from my experience nattokinase (200 mg daily as capsules) gave me better results to reduce the clotting and getting rid of excess fibrin. The vertigo I had before disappeared, but the chest pain still remains.


David - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


More great information! Thank you! I'm hitting the nattokinase pretty strong so this is real cool data. Also I wasn't even aware that serrapeptase was effective against parasites. This makes me wonder about nattokinase as well.
Are you going to post some pictures of blood analysis?


Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Serrapeptase is an enzyme that is highly effective to dissolve the biofilm in your gut. Maybe I should log my own journey regarding the treatment of these side effects here on substack. I just do stuff that works, even if I don't fully understand the mechanism behind it.


Tricia C - Aug 6

Tricia’s Substack

Any side effects?


G(I) - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

There are herbals for parasites. And homeopathy.


Okisuke - Apr 11, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I will also write a report about my experience with a 6 week parasite cleanse.


Susannah - Aug 23

Methylene Blue is probably the best anti-parasitic - especially for malaria. They used to give MB to the troops in malaria prone locations. Very effective. It is basically a redox agent.


Reply (1) - Apr 4, 2023

Comment removed.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 4, 2023

will only help with micro clots, not these filaments


Okisuke - Apr 7, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I just posted the pictures of my live blood analysis in my profile.


David - Apr 10, 2023


Thank you Okisuke!


dana ciancimino - Apr 10, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

So, was ozone better or the edta?


Okisuke - Apr 10, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

In my case and for my symptoms, ozone was giving me better results, but only initially. When I did it the 2nd time at another medical practice it didn't help at all. Most likely it was the different method of application.


dana ciancimino - Apr 10, 2023

Mah or ten pass? Trying to heal myself, and very sick kids.


LCE - Apr 4, 2023

Citizen’s Substack

God bless you, Dr. Ana. Ever since the start of the pandemic, I have stopped going to hospitals. I don't trust hospitals anymore. I want to help my family members who are vaccinated. Where can people get EDTA Chelation, Vitamin C infusions, and where can people purchase Epithalon? God bless you!!!


Citizen Seer - Apr 4, 2023

Citizen’s Substack

Hi. Use a browser to search for EDTA chelation therapy. There are clinics out there. I'm just answering because I know Dr. Ana gets so many questions. And check out her substack. She's posted so many articles which provide a wealth of information. All the best, you can do it....


Christian - Oct 19, 2023

Ar’s Substack

There is no clinic here (France) I use EDTA suppos + Vit C... and Nac... no other way is possible.


LCE - Apr 4, 2023

Thank you, Citizen Seer!


Timo - Jan 2, 2024

So, can you just take those cure chemicals, EDTA and so on, by yourself and trust that they are okey when bought at nature healing shops (I live in Finland)?


Prof. Fred Nazar - Apr 4, 2023

Scientific Progress

Look for vaccine injured groups in Telegram: lot's of successful treatments and scientific links.
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:


D. M. Brackett - Apr 4, 2023

D.’s Substack

Dr Ana, I have forwarded this to everyone i know . Not a lot of places offer EDTA Chelation.
I have seen it work for many other things.
Keep up the beautiful work you are doing.
Thank you.


SuperbuggG - Apr 4, 2023

Twenty years ago I booked my diabetic dad in for IV chelation yet his doctor convinced him otherwise to have 'angioplasty'. The errr... 'medical professional' performing the op. went into the arteries of his legs not once but three times... tragic Papa survived the barbarism just ten days! His GP actually said '...if I could cure you that easily, I wouldn't be sat here' and '...if you want that, you'll probably have to fly to Melbourne' - from Sydney, NSW.
Like many other comments here, I try to take responsibility for my own health, and I have entirely disconnected myself from all doctor$ and hospital$!


Ernest D. Lieberman - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

The Menelaus Gambit

Dr. Ana, I realize you are rapidly evolving your therapy.
Just to be clear, in an earlier post you wrote that one day after clearing people's blood with EDTA, it was contaminated again.
Does this post today mean that the second EDTA chelation (along with 20,000 mg. vitamin C) worked well enough that only monthly EDTA treatments were necessary? And what then is the role of daily EDTA cream?
In a post later than the first mentioned post above, you mentioned IV vitamin C, IV glutathione, NAC, humic and fulvic acid, and a host of other supplements. Do you use those too or have you found them unnecessary? I am asking for everyone who can't get your treatments or can't get to someone who can give similar treatments and want to do what we can for ourselves. Thank you!


Christine Mealer - Apr 4, 2023

Christine Mealer

Thank you for these AMAZING before and after pictures!! You are a true hero. Thank you for helping so many people!!


jacquelyn sauriol - Apr 4, 2023

Dr. Ana, seems you work hella hard. And your work is helping me sort this out, seeing all this damage and repair, and sorting out my own previous confusions as to the cause of disease. You might try Burdock root tea as an adjunct food, I think it (with inulin and quercitin) cleaned up my blood back in late 2019, and got me right again. Thanks so


Daniel Miller - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Daniel Miller

Amazing work!! 💯
I am confused.
You know you have detractors, one Substack has research showing EDTA IV Chelation causes death, yet you haven't seen that in thousands of cases, in fact just the opposite!
Geoff Paine PhD is highly critical and is another researcher who denies what you have documented (and I have seen!) so convincingly:


David - Apr 4, 2023


Any articles like that tend to peg my bull shit o-meter.


Reply (1) - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Geoff Pain PhD

Expand full comment


David - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited


Hello Pain With No E. Here's an article with a forward by Linus Pauling, you may not have heard of him but check him out.
Journal of Advancement in Medicine
Volume 2, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Summer 1989
Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality after Chelation Therapy With EDTA
Walter Blumer, M.D. and Elmer Cranton, M.D.
Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with Calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7%) died of cancer while 30 of 172 non treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P=0.002). Death from atherosclerosis was also reduced. Treated patients had no evidence of cancer at the time of entry into this study. Observations relate only to long-term prevention of death from malignant disease, if chelation therapy is begun before clinical evidence of cancer occurs. Control and treated patients lived in the same neighborhood, adjacent to a heavily traveled highway in a small Swiss city. Both groups were exposed to the same amount of lead from automobile exhaust, industrial pollution and other carcinogens. Exposure to carcinogens was no greater for the studied population than exists in most other metropolitan areas throughout the world. Statistical analysis showed EDTA chelation therapy to be the only significant difference between controls and treated patients to explain the marked reduction in cancer mortality.
-- The article ends with this:
"EDTA is an inexpensive and relatively safe substance to administer but the patent has expired and pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to fund such research."


Celeste Landgrebe - Apr 4, 2023

Please be safe. I’m worried for your safety because you are into something so monumental it will screw up their plans.


Tess - Apr 4, 2023


Dr. Ana, you are a blessing to these people that have damage to their blood from whatever source and are unable to function at an acceptable level.
I think we are all carrying this type of damage within us because that is part of the global plan. The problem I see is that it is not sustainable to have treatments monthly for the remainder of our lives. We have the cost and the distance to travel to obtain them. It is criminal of these people to put us in this position.


Tricia C - Aug 7

Tricia’s Substack

Yes! They all need to have their pockets emptied for the pain, suffering loss they caused and locked up ASAP!!and


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 4, 2023

Diva Drops

Fantastic work...we thank you. Difficult to find this treatment and very pricey when you do...but yes, let's visualize these clinics on every street...


Gerald Shantz - Apr 4, 2023

For all of those doing these treatments, you should know that you are flying in the face of those who want to reduce the world population by 95%! I trust we can all do this under the radar, and support anyone providing these services.


Stephanie - Apr 4, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack

I desperately wish I could be your patient. Been struggling so bad for 28 months now after my illness Dec 2020. I am not vaxxed for C19. Went to a Long Haul clinic in San Antonio TX, they were useless. Unintentional weight loss 60+ lbs. Chronic fatigue and brain fog. This has caused me severe depression and anxiety. I look like I have aged 10 yrs in 28 months. I’m only 53 and feel like I will never feel better. Some days I barely hang on.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 4, 2023


Caleb - Apr 6, 2023

Hey Dr Ana! Have you done much research on MMS / CDS? Just read a testimony on the universal antidote telegram channel the other day of someone who was going blind from the shot and can now see again! Anyhow I know people who mention it will go to jail so people are cautious to write articles on it so i understand if its not mentioned. Just curious if you've done any blood tests with it


Caleb - Apr 6, 2023

Check out theuniversalantidote . Com and telegram channel


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


How long does the clean blood last for?


Michelle - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


I’d like to know this, as well. Unvaxxed here, but shedding injured. Hopefully after many of your patients go through this, and knowing that we live among the vaxxed, there will be some determination re: will we have to do this monthly, yearly, etc.?


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


I am unvaxxed as well. Debilitated for 3 years and losing hope.


Michelle - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


Have you tried intermittent fasting? That’s pretty much the only thing that’s helped me lessen my joint pain, and sometimes it almost seems like my menses will restart again. (Was put into premature menopause after bleeding profusely for almost three weeks, then it shut off like a light switch.)


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


If I don't intermittent fast, I am much worse, with extreme bloating and general aggravation of all ever changing issues. My first covid infection had me hemorrhaging for weeks. I knew from the very beginning by what was happening to my body, that this was no normal virus. It took months for my bleeding and cycle to return to normal (with clots now). I did also skip a month, but I started nattokinase and things started back up as if I'd never missed. Joint pain has suddenly returned for me. I've tried lots to regain health. I'm most worried about irregularities in my ekg now. I have an 11 year old daughter and special needs twins that I just can't leave.


Caleb - Apr 6, 2023

Check out
theuniversalantidote . Com as well as the Telegram channel


dana ciancimino - Apr 6, 2023

Thank you. Have you tried it?


David - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


You need to do a live blood analysis and find someone that can do EDTA blood chelation. Also you need to be using the EDTA cream Dr Ana is recommending.
What you are dealing with will not be stopped by conventional means.


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023

I don't believe we dont have anyone within my area that does live blood analysis. In calling and searching, the majority of labs and drs seem they've no idea what it is.


Castigator - Apr 5, 2023


Re: recurrent joint paint
Could be worth checking for borrelia burgdorferi. Just an idea, and you are right: no normal virus.


Jlbcreation65 - Apr 4, 2023


Can you clarify? You skipped a month of intermittent fasting and it isn't working any more? The nattokinase isn't working either? You are unjabbed and post covid?


David - Apr 4, 2023


No, she skipped a menstral cycle and nattokinase brought her back to normal.


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023

Skipped a menstrual cycle for a month. Have never had that happen before. Nattokinase combined with lumbrokinase completely resolved the clots I was passing with menstruation, and returned my periods to normal.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’m so glad you find fasting helpful.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Im unjabbed, had bleeding in menopause, my elderly family member fell down 2 days after his second shot. Still get headaches around him & my mom ( boosted).


Rosalind McGill - Apr 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Don’t give up hope.
I have an integrative medicine doctor helping me , after years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors.


Michelle - Apr 4, 2023


Yes, my naturopath-functional med Dr has been a godsend.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 4, 2023

Rosalind McGill



Tricia C - Aug 7 - Edited

Tricia’s Substack

So sorry to hear that. I wound up with a tumor on leg . Assumed iit was a spider bite but it was "buzzing"! and grew rapidly and large. Derm drs were all full up! Finally got in and it was injected with lidocaine and removed. Was walking 10 miles daily and very fit up til that day. Woke up with bad brain fog to say the least and neuro effects of wobbling and impaired walking
Read that lidocaine has cesium 137 in it. Neuologist dismissed that. I am skeptical to see him now or to be involved in their "system" at all now. Six months later neuro and mental effects are still here. Need to find out about methyline blue.


David - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


It will last until you touch or come within the air gap range of a contaminated person. For protection against that, follow Dr Ana's advice on EDTA cream and have that on your skin before you leave the house. I would cover all exposed skin.


dana ciancimino - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited


But...they're about to poison our food with mrna. Why can't they just be kind and nuke us all


David - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited


Good question. Short answer, they need the souls. Long answer, they need the souls plus your consent.


dana ciancimino - Apr 5, 2023 - Edited


Is it consent if our food is poisoned? If the mrna vegetables are labeled, I certainly wouldn't be consuming them. Where is the choice? Starve?


David - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited


The only way out is to grow your own or buy from local growers that you get to know personally. Same for meat sources. Growing your own isn't as hard as you might think, this was the norm back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s (and before) when people were self sufficient. Dependence on grocery stores is a relatively recent phenomenon which could be thought of as a channeling strategy to control food sources for the masses. I would contact locals who are growers first and then for long term solution, I'd go to Mike Adam's store and get his Kratky gardening starter solutions, which are not expensive at all. He includes instructional videos with just about everything. See:
Kratky solutions can grow food fast in a very small space.
Mike Adams example:


dana ciancimino - Apr 10, 2023

That would be wonderfully do-able if my family wasn't debilitated by covid (or whatever you want to call it). Always knew it was a toxin. Stories from people coming in from Russia in the's just the same sort of thing they used to quietly take out people one at a time there. Same untracable debilitating illness that ends in death.
My grandfather had a wonderful garden. Brought the family out of facisim to America's "safety."


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Apr 4, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

This is the 64,000$ question.


Colleen - Apr 4, 2023

Hi Dr. Ana, I was wondering if the oral form of EDTA is effective as well, for those who may not be able to get to an IV clinic? Thank you so much!


Toni - Apr 4, 2023

Tricia’s Substack

For everyone looking for somewhere to get EDTA chelation - check out your local Naturopathic Doctor! They will be able to point you in the right direction - your MD will likely be clueless to this type of treatment.


dana ciancimino - Apr 5, 2023

Tricia’s Substack

Our local naturopathic dr walked out of his office and closed the door permanently 3 years ago.


Tricia C - Aug 7

Tricia’s Substack




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