The stratospheric aerosol injection program has been aerosoling smart dust and biological weapons on humanity for decades. The trees are chock full of nano-aluminum, which explains why "wild fires" are next to impossible to extinguish..(aluminum is an accelerant, long used in artillery shells - nano is a hundred fold more potent). EVERYTHING has been covered with this weird coating from the sky. My skin has grown a layer of bio-film over it which produces ultra thin (and chrome in color!!) fibers that appear to be sentient..(they can think). The war between good and evil does have rules - one being in the area of FREE WILL. The enemy MUST show us what we are in for if we follow along the path he has set for us. I believe he does so using what we refer to as "entertainment" . TV and movies. The year 2025 continues to show up in various movies - older ones and newer ones - as well as playing a prominent role in theDeagle.comfuture population forecast. For those who don't know, that intel sourced site has America's 2025 population at some 87% less than it is right now.. It also has North Korea without a 2025 population.. Hmmm. (John Carpenter's They Live movie has a scene where the two main characters have infiltrated an underground facility where non humans are thanking their human cohorts for facilitating what is about to happen - if you listen closely to the speech being given in the background of the audio you can clearly hear their operational date as 2025)
One last thing - the NASA War Document (STOPTHECRIME.NET) is a year 2000 USAF presentation about "future warfare" which details the aerosol distribution of smart dust swarms, APRE-PROGRAMMED FOR BIOLOGICAL MISSIONS... It must just be me because I found this astounding, yet no one seems to care. There is too much apathy these days, it will be the death of us yet -
Right on target. I gave up attempting to educate the public regarding geoengineering over a decade ago. This crap has been ongoing for over 70 years, and people just ignore the facts. They will ignore it until they are quite dead...
Cows, pigs, and chickens all make their own vitamin C in high doses, converting glucose to ascorbic acid all day. The amount they make is based on the stress they are under and the health of the animal. Humans are missing the 4th enzyme required to make vitamin C internally.
Every cow, sheep ,pig chicken and fish would have to be chelated before slaughter and consumption . If it's in the air ,water soil ,how can anyone chelate poison out ,that goes back in again faster than we can get it out . ? Besides that everything gets radiated with the EMF radiation .
I think if the same tests were done 10 yrs ago the results would be similar but good idea-) Someone else said stick it into the microwave for ten seconds first,worth a try but never use them myself.
Because in an age of targeted individuals and censorship and suppression we have to be wise about what we do and how we do it . go listen to the interview with Dr. Ana M . M. what happened to her, for being a world class mind , telling the truth about all this .
I think putting your email address out there puts you at greater risk than you saying something here.
Just the crawler bots than home in on emails guarantee you spam or worse.
Better to leave out the @ and just write it out...(at)
Maybe but when sincere people contact then I have a more secure way to communicate not with that email everything is monitored anyway F _ _ _ them confuse them with massive diversions and massive non compliance which we must have comms to facilitate
I also wonder if this guy has a pressure cooker or instant pot... would that break up the nanotech in the meat? And how long would it take?
Maybe he could cook some of that meat under pressure and take some for Dr Ana to analyze.
I guess we just have to continue to detox. We grow our own meat etc... but they continue to spray their poisons about every day. My question is “ Can not we stop this Death Cult”? Yes we can!!!
Tennessee did!
add a generous amount of acidity to the slow cooker, perhaps, and then call Timothy Leary... ;)
your daily dose of (vintage) MK...
(are we so f*cked or what ?)
It’s in the global water supply and the earth will never be the same. Maybe eventually the ecosystem will clean itself out, but probably not in our lifetimes. I don’t think anyone really understands the magnitude of what’s happened yet. It may result in mass extinctions.
Not to ruin your evening, but the red wine probably has it as well. Grapes are already one of the most heavily-sprayed (pesticides) fruits, and I'm sure the geoengineering nanotech crap is also sprayed on the grapes. European wines might not be quite as bad as they outlaw many of the pesticides used in the USA. I am primarily speaking about glyphosate/Roundup.
The only way to avoid it is for humanity (or a significant percentage) to organize and Nuremberg trial the arses of the homicidal maniacs organizing all this.
I fear that humanity is too slovenly and stupid to even realize the peril they face, and their imminent death sentences. I fear those of us able to understand the threat are too few in numbers.
100% Richard, but regarding ANY trials, my thoughts are they will only be selective, and evils lives on.
I realized some time back, this one needs to run it's course, which relates more to your second paragraph. People need to fall off their bikes and get bloody, in this case it is their demise. Why are they so ignorant and brainwashed? Well blame 'the system' they cannot part with.
Regarding to the study on the carnivore diet. I would like to challenge that and say 6 weeks isn't enough for a study. You need to be at least 90 days to see a minimum improvement. After all think about the number of years we have been exposed to environmental toxins, indoor toxins, things that we eat, and drink are also poison. Going on a plant-based diet not only isn't bioavaillable like animal-based foods, but also lacks minerals because they have been depleted from our soils from the pesticides/herbicides. Plant-based you are exposed to GMO/BioEngineered, pesticides/herbicides, Apeel coatings, oxalates, etc which lead to inflammation. No wonder people are sick and/or dying. Our bodies were meant to eat a fully nutrient diet and that's meat. We have been doing that for thousands of years. It hasn't changed until the Industrial Revolution then later introducing seed oils which is terrible for you. The misinformation on LDL cholestrerol, salt and carbs have now been debunked. Organizations like the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and the CDC tell you that carbs are a good thing. You can live without carbs & sugar, but you cannot live without Protein & Fats. You stick with carbs you will eventually be insulin resistant hence metabolic syndrome. I don't believe when they say its genetic. Its because we are being poisoned, that's the difference. Look at the amount of required vaccinations otherwise you cannot enroll into schools. Fluoride is another issue. As with a carnivore diet preferably grass fed grass finished, you are eating only meat which is usually clean if from a farm, not corporate giants like Target. I don't see how a plant-based diet is better than a carnivore diet when they consume more toxins. Just because a cow eats grass doesn't necessarily mean it goes into the meat. If the farm is privately owned and they do not spray/treat their property which usually they don't if its only livestock, then how could you say that your studies show the carnivore diet having more toxins? What I can say is if the study person and/or group by their meat from Big Food corp like Wholefoods, they import their beef from another country and still gets stamped USDA grade. Who knows if they mRNA their cattle. Now hogs have been green lighted for mRNA. So what I am saying is if you want meat that hasn't been tampered with you really need to do your research. Make sure to reach out to local farmers, not corporations. Ask them where they stand on the mRNA vaccines. Usually they post it on their site because its a big issue. Also, ask them where they get their cattle from? Do they breed or purchase from other farms? They might not vaccinate, but prior to purchasing the prior owner might have. I make sure to stay away from partner farmers. Just try to find a farm that doesn't partner with other farms because traceability becomes difficult. As for pork, make sure their feed is non-GMO, corn & soy free. As for the micro/nano particles, they are in our water. Really doesn't matter where you go because micro/nano particles are everywhere including your sea salt however you can minimize that with getting a good water filtration system for the whole house and your drinking water (2 separate systems). So regardless if you are on a plant-diet or a carnivore diet, depending on that person's water treatment they are both being exposed to micro/nano particles. I would like to see a better test group on the carnivore diet because there are so many variables that could change the outcome.
Cows make vitamin C internally, circulating large amounts of ascorbic acid in their blood constantly. Generally, ruminants (animals with rumens) are great at detoxing what they eat, based on the microbiome in their rumen. Also, something as simple as Dr. Bronner's soap added to their diet periodically (or shaklee basic H) is great at stripping parasites of their protective coating (similar to hydrogel?). So I'm wondering if a cattle nano-detox protocol could be developed, a mineral/supplement powder added to their feed or water to help clear their blood. We butcher our pharma-free cows, hogs, and chickens in our on-farm butchery. We had a couple odd clotting instances in our dairy cows when the quaxene was launched, but in general don't see anything like unusual clotting (yellow caps). We don't have a darkfield microscope. That would be nice.
Hi Theo,
Interesting comment and I have been a Bronners fan for a long time. Just wondering if a tiny amount ingested by us is practical for the same purpose. Any opinions?
Thanks, m
Good question. It works well for our herd of cows, but their digestive systems are reversed from humans, with the fermentation happening first in cows.
Saw lots of countries like Asia and Mexico eat all kinds of bugs. I saw a well known chef go to Mexico to try their cuisine. A guy who was assisting him brought a big ( Wait for it ). The biggest tarantula I ever saw on a plate. Bugs are not that new. Some though have Chitosan in their skeletons that cause humans cancer.
Why not stop worrying about the meat if its ALL poisoned then oh well, lets just eat drink and be merrily poisoned together. Oh and don't go get your teeth fixed either because that shits poisoned too. Ffs people, stop dwelling on so much doom and gloom when you can't change it. Where I live I get meat that hasn't hurt me yet and Ive had my blood tested twice now. Maybe God's making sure Im safe, I don't know.
I agree that while the vaccines are extremely damaging, it's obvious that something is damaging everyone, universally. THAT is what needs to be stopped. We need a united focus to stop whatever is poisoning the air, water and soil. There will be nothing safe to consume.
Wow. Check out my lonely one-and-only stack for what I found in some frozen berries. This should be easy to reproduce for anyone with a microwave and $4.
In the meantime my mitigation strategy if going to be spicy hot tacos. I'm unvaXXXed but they got me anyway (likely) via dental anesthetics. The nanotech is inside my eyes. I can see it in detail when looking through a microscope. I am the sample. Yippee.
To buy regenerative unvaccinated grass fed meat costs so much more, maybe it's not worth it.
I thought that i would be safe purchasing this type of meat, but apparently not.
It's in the air, soil and water. The cows are eating grass loaded with contaminants. It's a new world. Throw out the old rules. Regenerative, grass-fed, organic -- these no longer matter.
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for these food findings, even if preliminary, though likely true and sickening, in both senses.
Do you or any reader here know of anyone or lab that is analyzing supplements for graphene, PEG, nanoparticles, and other toxic ingredients? Are there brands that stand out as safer to take?
Also, does anyone here know of grocery store available organic produce that isn't contaminated with shelf-life "extension" treatments via coatings and gas infusions? Labels don't seem to be required, even on "organic" produce, and, if Gates is pushing this exciting tech to keep old food looking fresher through a little explained treatment, then no thank you.
Collectively, we could compile lists of water and food testing facilities, and form a group of shareholders who would pay to defray the costs of getting results and keeping them updated. Dr. Ana graciously shares her live blood analyses and suggested strategies for combatting the current poison-and-purge de-pop agenda. Perhaps many of us could all pitch in on the other fronts.
This "stuff" is in the air, water, soil, food, and medications. I have been thinking about special house and greenhouse filters for air and water, but haven't had the time to chase down the details to workable concepts. Still think many of us could join together and have water, food, medical, and supplement products tested on an ongoing basis.
Of course, to overcome the unremitting onslaught of poisonous evil, we are all looking for detoxifiers for our bodies and souls with, perhaps, only limited success, but the search goes on. I believe that amping up the best of our consciousness, spirit, and souls, should be the ultimate goal, but it's difficult to focus on positive, loving potential in the midst of attack, even to save ourselves, the children, animals, and planet. Though try we must.
Meanwhile. we could design Earthnaut suits that ward off nanotech, toxins, and artificial emf to wear outside protected environments and using mini O2 concentrators with nano filters and nose cannula! In other words, not likely to happen anytime soon, so we could at least get together and share our ideas and source materials for taking more realistic concrete steps.
Yes I agree.
Do you recall when the plandemic was in full swing, people were distancing, and wearing plastic head suites? Well, as it is known now, 'they' have to tell us before hand what 'they' are doing. Except for the masks, all the measures and crazy concepts might apply now.
I like your forward thinking.
Yes, revelation of the method. The irony of shielding and distancing hasn't been lost on me, either.
In the case of the targeted population, we might improve upon the paradigm of plastic shielding and 6 foot distancing by incorporating emf and nano blocking materials in what we wear, along with O2 filtration of toxic particulates.
Architectural technology can certainly be improved upon with limited exposure to electro-magnetic fields and healthier whole house air and water systems.
Protected greenhouses for plants might do. Still, accommodating animals in protected environments is a bit trickier but not impossible.
It seems to have come down to this kind of comprehensive protection of our personal bio-bubbles and of the living elements around us. Still, there is positive potential in harnessing the less visible beneficial frequencies of the Earth and Sun and reducing the detrimental ones of modern life. Moving closer to our plant and animal sources of sustenance and nurturing them might prove to be life-enhancing for many of us who can adapt.
Anyway, do you vote for a new Earthnaut fashion first, or for discreet and effective water and air filters first? Or, better ideas are most welcome!
"It seems to have come down to this kind of comprehensive protection of our personal bio-bubbles and of the living elements around us. Still, there is positive potential in harnessing the less visible beneficial frequencies of the Earth and Sun and reducing the detrimental ones of modern life. Moving closer to our plant and animal sources of sustenance and nurturing them might prove to be life-enhancing for many of us who can adapt"
This is a huge topic, but personally I think you have summed it up very nicely with this statement and all it encompasses. I wondered whether I could even respectfully reply as there is just so much to consider.
Where is a dome when you need one, right?
You can capture it simply by collecting the runoff at the drain of your AC condenser. After approximately a week you find get to see a gel forming in the bottom which doesn't poor out with the water. You need a good eye as it is completely clear until you disturb it, then it turns black.
Here is a sample of what I have captured
There is a different method for capturing it indoors.
Agreed. I also think they are trying so hard to reduce our intake of meat that the reality is, everything is affected, vegetables, meat, water, etc but the meat will help to keep us strong and they don't want that.
I was thinking that too. I've started choosing food that is younger. Eggs are from chickens only up to 2 or 3 years old. And I switched from pastured (our own chickens) to store bought organic because at least they live under cover. It's sad, but we have to create new rules.
A couple years back I started emailing the farms providing the eggs I was sourcing, and asking them if they vax their chickens. One out of seven replied and told me they don't, so now you know where I source my eggs. They other six did not reply.
I should have my own chickens, maybe soon.
Terry Adams - May 17
Terry’s Newsletter
The stratospheric aerosol injection program has been aerosoling smart dust and biological weapons on humanity for decades. The trees are chock full of nano-aluminum, which explains why "wild fires" are next to impossible to extinguish..(aluminum is an accelerant, long used in artillery shells - nano is a hundred fold more potent). EVERYTHING has been covered with this weird coating from the sky. My skin has grown a layer of bio-film over it which produces ultra thin (and chrome in color!!) fibers that appear to be sentient..(they can think). The war between good and evil does have rules - one being in the area of FREE WILL. The enemy MUST show us what we are in for if we follow along the path he has set for us. I believe he does so using what we refer to as "entertainment" . TV and movies. The year 2025 continues to show up in various movies - older ones and newer ones - as well as playing a prominent role in theDeagle.comfuture population forecast. For those who don't know, that intel sourced site has America's 2025 population at some 87% less than it is right now.. It also has North Korea without a 2025 population.. Hmmm. (John Carpenter's They Live movie has a scene where the two main characters have infiltrated an underground facility where non humans are thanking their human cohorts for facilitating what is about to happen - if you listen closely to the speech being given in the background of the audio you can clearly hear their operational date as 2025)
One last thing - the NASA War Document (STOPTHECRIME.NET) is a year 2000 USAF presentation about "future warfare" which details the aerosol distribution of smart dust swarms, APRE-PROGRAMMED FOR BIOLOGICAL MISSIONS... It must just be me because I found this astounding, yet no one seems to care. There is too much apathy these days, it will be the death of us yet -
Paul Vonharnish - May 18
Paul Vonharnish
Right on target. I gave up attempting to educate the public regarding geoengineering over a decade ago. This crap has been ongoing for over 70 years, and people just ignore the facts. They will ignore it until they are quite dead...
Lisa - May 17
You are right on all accounts.
Mrnobody - May 20
This may help with removing the biofilm from your body.
Kathleen Pimentel - May 20
Kathleen Pimentel
Take a look. I Am Legend. 2007 Film. Two scenes. Comparisons.
Bee Gee - May 17
Bee Gee
Great, now I have to research the possibilities of giving EDTA, ALA, bromelain, sodium citrate and Vitamin C to cows, pigs and chickens.
Theo Farmer - May 17
Orthomolecular Restorative Farm…
Cows, pigs, and chickens all make their own vitamin C in high doses, converting glucose to ascorbic acid all day. The amount they make is based on the stress they are under and the health of the animal. Humans are missing the 4th enzyme required to make vitamin C internally.
William Moss - May 17
I was just wondering about that myself...
Kathy M. - May 17
Kathy M.
Who knew what the future was coming to?
joe stuerzl 85 - May 17
joe’s Substack
Every cow, sheep ,pig chicken and fish would have to be chelated before slaughter and consumption . If it's in the air ,water soil ,how can anyone chelate poison out ,that goes back in again faster than we can get it out . ? Besides that everything gets radiated with the EMF radiation .
John Vargo - May 18
John Vargo
I think if the same tests were done 10 yrs ago the results would be similar but good idea-) Someone else said stick it into the microwave for ten seconds first,worth a try but never use them myself.
Thomas Guitarman - May 17
Thomas’s Substack
Interesting idea email me and Ill tell of another possibility that may work
Harvey Cheyne Jr - May 18
Thomas’s Substack
Why don't you just tell us now, why do we have to email you
Thomas Guitarman - May 18
Thomas’s Substack
Because in an age of targeted individuals and censorship and suppression we have to be wise about what we do and how we do it . go listen to the interview with Dr. Ana M . M. what happened to her, for being a world class mind , telling the truth about all this .
crapshoot farmer - May 18
crapshoot farmer
I think putting your email address out there puts you at greater risk than you saying something here.
Just the crawler bots than home in on emails guarantee you spam or worse.
Better to leave out the @ and just write it out...(at)
Thomas Guitarman - May 18
Thomas’s Substack
Maybe but when sincere people contact then I have a more secure way to communicate not with that email everything is monitored anyway F _ _ _ them confuse them with massive diversions and massive non compliance which we must have comms to facilitate
Bee Gee - May 17
Bee Gee
Comment removed.
Bee Gee - May 17
Bee Gee
I also wonder if this guy has a pressure cooker or instant pot... would that break up the nanotech in the meat? And how long would it take?
Maybe he could cook some of that meat under pressure and take some for Dr Ana to analyze.
Red Hawk - May 18
I guess we just have to continue to detox. We grow our own meat etc... but they continue to spray their poisons about every day. My question is “ Can not we stop this Death Cult”? Yes we can!!!
Tennessee did!
Edward Bernaysauce - May 17
Edward Bernaysauce
Comment removed.
Edward Bernaysauce - May 18
Edward Bernaysauce
add a generous amount of acidity to the slow cooker, perhaps, and then call Timothy Leary... ;)
your daily dose of (vintage) MK...
(are we so f*cked or what ?)
Clot Shot Lab - May 17
michelle.w’s Substack
It’s in the global water supply and the earth will never be the same. Maybe eventually the ecosystem will clean itself out, but probably not in our lifetimes. I don’t think anyone really understands the magnitude of what’s happened yet. It may result in mass extinctions.
Cos - May 18
Already has, it's just not being shared. I was going to say 'broadcast' but I am not into casting spells.
Roman S Shapoval - May 17 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Just as I was going to have some grassfed beef and red wine....I guess I'll just have the wine instead.
Charlene Jones - May 17
Giulia filippelli loewy
Not to ruin your evening, but the red wine probably has it as well. Grapes are already one of the most heavily-sprayed (pesticides) fruits, and I'm sure the geoengineering nanotech crap is also sprayed on the grapes. European wines might not be quite as bad as they outlaw many of the pesticides used in the USA. I am primarily speaking about glyphosate/Roundup.
BubbaMac - May 17
Giulia filippelli loewy
Glyphosate is still used in Europe unfortunately
Giulia filippelli loewy - May 18
Giulia filippelli loewy
Not on grapes ..and not in all EU countries
Charlene Jones - May 17 - Edited
Richard’s Substack
There's no way to avoid it. The Geoengineering is sprayed on everything including all of our plants, vegetables, etc.
Richard Leger - May 17 - Edited
Richard’s Substack
The only way to avoid it is for humanity (or a significant percentage) to organize and Nuremberg trial the arses of the homicidal maniacs organizing all this.
I fear that humanity is too slovenly and stupid to even realize the peril they face, and their imminent death sentences. I fear those of us able to understand the threat are too few in numbers.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 17
joe’s Substack
This time the whole Nuremberg concept is turned on its head .At Nuremberg the criminals got hanged ,this time the criminals are hanging us .
Cos - May 18 - Edited
Joe’s Substack
100% Richard, but regarding ANY trials, my thoughts are they will only be selective, and evils lives on.
I realized some time back, this one needs to run it's course, which relates more to your second paragraph. People need to fall off their bikes and get bloody, in this case it is their demise. Why are they so ignorant and brainwashed? Well blame 'the system' they cannot part with.
Joe - May 18
Joe’s Substack
We have many special forces who did not get vaccinated and other none feared citizen who will fight bk eventually
Joe - May 18
Joe’s Substack
Detox and when u can grow it
joe stuerzl 85 - May 18
joe’s Substack
Lucky Roman S Shapoval . My wife is hiding my wine barrel again .
Roman S Shapoval - May 18
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Maybe a blessing in disguise, eh?
SIRIUS - May 18
SIRIUS ispod struje
Please, become a VEGAN ... based on pictures of "samples" and claims by people in white fucking coats that you will never even see!
SIRIUS - May 19
SIRIUS ispod struje
Comment removed.
SIRIUS - May 19
SIRIUS ispod struje
Ignorance is the cunning thief of an individual’s free will and right to choose something better, and if prolonged, becomes the mark of every slave.
4d592050524956414359 - May 17
Regarding to the study on the carnivore diet. I would like to challenge that and say 6 weeks isn't enough for a study. You need to be at least 90 days to see a minimum improvement. After all think about the number of years we have been exposed to environmental toxins, indoor toxins, things that we eat, and drink are also poison. Going on a plant-based diet not only isn't bioavaillable like animal-based foods, but also lacks minerals because they have been depleted from our soils from the pesticides/herbicides. Plant-based you are exposed to GMO/BioEngineered, pesticides/herbicides, Apeel coatings, oxalates, etc which lead to inflammation. No wonder people are sick and/or dying. Our bodies were meant to eat a fully nutrient diet and that's meat. We have been doing that for thousands of years. It hasn't changed until the Industrial Revolution then later introducing seed oils which is terrible for you. The misinformation on LDL cholestrerol, salt and carbs have now been debunked. Organizations like the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and the CDC tell you that carbs are a good thing. You can live without carbs & sugar, but you cannot live without Protein & Fats. You stick with carbs you will eventually be insulin resistant hence metabolic syndrome. I don't believe when they say its genetic. Its because we are being poisoned, that's the difference. Look at the amount of required vaccinations otherwise you cannot enroll into schools. Fluoride is another issue. As with a carnivore diet preferably grass fed grass finished, you are eating only meat which is usually clean if from a farm, not corporate giants like Target. I don't see how a plant-based diet is better than a carnivore diet when they consume more toxins. Just because a cow eats grass doesn't necessarily mean it goes into the meat. If the farm is privately owned and they do not spray/treat their property which usually they don't if its only livestock, then how could you say that your studies show the carnivore diet having more toxins? What I can say is if the study person and/or group by their meat from Big Food corp like Wholefoods, they import their beef from another country and still gets stamped USDA grade. Who knows if they mRNA their cattle. Now hogs have been green lighted for mRNA. So what I am saying is if you want meat that hasn't been tampered with you really need to do your research. Make sure to reach out to local farmers, not corporations. Ask them where they stand on the mRNA vaccines. Usually they post it on their site because its a big issue. Also, ask them where they get their cattle from? Do they breed or purchase from other farms? They might not vaccinate, but prior to purchasing the prior owner might have. I make sure to stay away from partner farmers. Just try to find a farm that doesn't partner with other farms because traceability becomes difficult. As for pork, make sure their feed is non-GMO, corn & soy free. As for the micro/nano particles, they are in our water. Really doesn't matter where you go because micro/nano particles are everywhere including your sea salt however you can minimize that with getting a good water filtration system for the whole house and your drinking water (2 separate systems). So regardless if you are on a plant-diet or a carnivore diet, depending on that person's water treatment they are both being exposed to micro/nano particles. I would like to see a better test group on the carnivore diet because there are so many variables that could change the outcome.
Theo Farmer - May 17 - Edited
Orthomolecular Restorative Farm…
Cows make vitamin C internally, circulating large amounts of ascorbic acid in their blood constantly. Generally, ruminants (animals with rumens) are great at detoxing what they eat, based on the microbiome in their rumen. Also, something as simple as Dr. Bronner's soap added to their diet periodically (or shaklee basic H) is great at stripping parasites of their protective coating (similar to hydrogel?). So I'm wondering if a cattle nano-detox protocol could be developed, a mineral/supplement powder added to their feed or water to help clear their blood. We butcher our pharma-free cows, hogs, and chickens in our on-farm butchery. We had a couple odd clotting instances in our dairy cows when the quaxene was launched, but in general don't see anything like unusual clotting (yellow caps). We don't have a darkfield microscope. That would be nice.
matt. j.a.o.b - May 17
matt’s microscopy
Hi Theo,
Interesting comment and I have been a Bronners fan for a long time. Just wondering if a tiny amount ingested by us is practical for the same purpose. Any opinions?
Thanks, m
Stella - May 18
I use Dr. Bronner’s soaps, but not internally!
Theo Farmer - May 17
Orthomolecular Restorative Farm…
Good question. It works well for our herd of cows, but their digestive systems are reversed from humans, with the fermentation happening first in cows.
crapshoot farmer - May 18
crapshoot farmer
I read quite a few years ago that cattle farmers were adding cement powder to the animal's feed to increase their weight.
Hannahlehigh - May 17 - Edited
What do they expect people to eat, bugs?
Charlene Jones - May 17
Tzila’s Substack
TXR - May 17
Tzila’s Substack
I'm sure the bugs are also geoaltered...
Alan Tan - May 18
Alan’s Substack
I don't think Gates will give us 'organic' bugs but gmo bugs?
Lynette Devries - May 18
Saw lots of countries like Asia and Mexico eat all kinds of bugs. I saw a well known chef go to Mexico to try their cuisine. A guy who was assisting him brought a big ( Wait for it ). The biggest tarantula I ever saw on a plate. Bugs are not that new. Some though have Chitosan in their skeletons that cause humans cancer.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 17
joe’s Substack
So now does eating mean suicide for us ? What is the elite eating ? Is Bill Gates eating his own bugs ? He claims it's the best there is .
Hannahlehigh - May 17
You can be sure they're eating clean meat.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 18
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
DEMONS EAT NEGATIVE ENERGY... in other words THEY THRIVE ON YOUR SUFFERING. There is no "clean meat"!
joe stuerzl 85 - May 18
joe’s Substack
Hannahlehigh ,Where do they find clean meat ? I would also like to shop there .
Hannahlehigh - May 18
Why not stop worrying about the meat if its ALL poisoned then oh well, lets just eat drink and be merrily poisoned together. Oh and don't go get your teeth fixed either because that shits poisoned too. Ffs people, stop dwelling on so much doom and gloom when you can't change it. Where I live I get meat that hasn't hurt me yet and Ive had my blood tested twice now. Maybe God's making sure Im safe, I don't know.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 18
joe’s Substack
Oh dear, I had my blood tested and it turned out to be mostly red wine .
Hannahlehigh - May 18
are you high???
SIRIUS - May 18
SIRIUS ispod struje
That is why this stack exists! To make you fearfull af and retard-vegan ...
David Bakovic - May 17
David Bakovic
Zap that meat in a microwave for 10 seconds or so and then test it?
joe stuerzl 85 - May 17
joe’s Substack
Comment removed.
joe stuerzl 85 - May 18
joe’s Substack
In my last holiday vacation to a romantic country ,they had missionaries for dinner .
Lisa - May 17
I agree that while the vaccines are extremely damaging, it's obvious that something is damaging everyone, universally. THAT is what needs to be stopped. We need a united focus to stop whatever is poisoning the air, water and soil. There will be nothing safe to consume.
Grasshopper Kaplan - May 17
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I have been vegan for decades, but I do like to breathe
Yowza - May 17
Yowza’s Substack
Wow. Check out my lonely one-and-only stack for what I found in some frozen berries. This should be easy to reproduce for anyone with a microwave and $4.
In the meantime my mitigation strategy if going to be spicy hot tacos. I'm unvaXXXed but they got me anyway (likely) via dental anesthetics. The nanotech is inside my eyes. I can see it in detail when looking through a microscope. I am the sample. Yippee.
Nakita - May 17
Same here.
anna burns - May 17
To buy regenerative unvaccinated grass fed meat costs so much more, maybe it's not worth it.
I thought that i would be safe purchasing this type of meat, but apparently not.
Lisa - May 17
It's in the air, soil and water. The cows are eating grass loaded with contaminants. It's a new world. Throw out the old rules. Regenerative, grass-fed, organic -- these no longer matter.
Seeking Truth - May 17
Seeking Truth
me too.
Rob - May 18
100% plant based for years now, can’t even look at anything meat anymore
Miss Parker - May 17 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for these food findings, even if preliminary, though likely true and sickening, in both senses.
Do you or any reader here know of anyone or lab that is analyzing supplements for graphene, PEG, nanoparticles, and other toxic ingredients? Are there brands that stand out as safer to take?
Also, does anyone here know of grocery store available organic produce that isn't contaminated with shelf-life "extension" treatments via coatings and gas infusions? Labels don't seem to be required, even on "organic" produce, and, if Gates is pushing this exciting tech to keep old food looking fresher through a little explained treatment, then no thank you.
Collectively, we could compile lists of water and food testing facilities, and form a group of shareholders who would pay to defray the costs of getting results and keeping them updated. Dr. Ana graciously shares her live blood analyses and suggested strategies for combatting the current poison-and-purge de-pop agenda. Perhaps many of us could all pitch in on the other fronts.
Cos - May 18 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
A very noble suggestion Miss Parker, and eventually may be the way to go, BUT this 'stuff' is in the air, I capture small cup fulls every day.
Miss Parker - May 18 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
This "stuff" is in the air, water, soil, food, and medications. I have been thinking about special house and greenhouse filters for air and water, but haven't had the time to chase down the details to workable concepts. Still think many of us could join together and have water, food, medical, and supplement products tested on an ongoing basis.
Of course, to overcome the unremitting onslaught of poisonous evil, we are all looking for detoxifiers for our bodies and souls with, perhaps, only limited success, but the search goes on. I believe that amping up the best of our consciousness, spirit, and souls, should be the ultimate goal, but it's difficult to focus on positive, loving potential in the midst of attack, even to save ourselves, the children, animals, and planet. Though try we must.
Meanwhile. we could design Earthnaut suits that ward off nanotech, toxins, and artificial emf to wear outside protected environments and using mini O2 concentrators with nano filters and nose cannula! In other words, not likely to happen anytime soon, so we could at least get together and share our ideas and source materials for taking more realistic concrete steps.
Cos - May 18 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
Yes I agree.
Do you recall when the plandemic was in full swing, people were distancing, and wearing plastic head suites? Well, as it is known now, 'they' have to tell us before hand what 'they' are doing. Except for the masks, all the measures and crazy concepts might apply now.
I like your forward thinking.
Miss Parker - May 19 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
Yes, revelation of the method. The irony of shielding and distancing hasn't been lost on me, either.
In the case of the targeted population, we might improve upon the paradigm of plastic shielding and 6 foot distancing by incorporating emf and nano blocking materials in what we wear, along with O2 filtration of toxic particulates.
Architectural technology can certainly be improved upon with limited exposure to electro-magnetic fields and healthier whole house air and water systems.
Protected greenhouses for plants might do. Still, accommodating animals in protected environments is a bit trickier but not impossible.
It seems to have come down to this kind of comprehensive protection of our personal bio-bubbles and of the living elements around us. Still, there is positive potential in harnessing the less visible beneficial frequencies of the Earth and Sun and reducing the detrimental ones of modern life. Moving closer to our plant and animal sources of sustenance and nurturing them might prove to be life-enhancing for many of us who can adapt.
Anyway, do you vote for a new Earthnaut fashion first, or for discreet and effective water and air filters first? Or, better ideas are most welcome!
Cos - May 19 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
"It seems to have come down to this kind of comprehensive protection of our personal bio-bubbles and of the living elements around us. Still, there is positive potential in harnessing the less visible beneficial frequencies of the Earth and Sun and reducing the detrimental ones of modern life. Moving closer to our plant and animal sources of sustenance and nurturing them might prove to be life-enhancing for many of us who can adapt"
This is a huge topic, but personally I think you have summed it up very nicely with this statement and all it encompasses. I wondered whether I could even respectfully reply as there is just so much to consider.
Where is a dome when you need one, right?
Miss Parker - May 19
Miss’s Substack
The Astrodome may still be for sale!
Harvey Cheyne Jr - May 18 - Edited
What is your technique/ process / equipment for capturing nanoparticles from the air ?
Cos - May 18 - Edited
You can capture it simply by collecting the runoff at the drain of your AC condenser. After approximately a week you find get to see a gel forming in the bottom which doesn't poor out with the water. You need a good eye as it is completely clear until you disturb it, then it turns black.
Here is a sample of what I have captured
There is a different method for capturing it indoors.
matt. j.a.o.b - May 17
matt’s microscopy
Lamb is safer as its not around for long. Veges have it too but we have to eat.
Cellularly Erased - May 17
TheElephantIsInsideYou’s Substa…
Agreed. I also think they are trying so hard to reduce our intake of meat that the reality is, everything is affected, vegetables, meat, water, etc but the meat will help to keep us strong and they don't want that.
Lisa - May 17
I was thinking that too. I've started choosing food that is younger. Eggs are from chickens only up to 2 or 3 years old. And I switched from pastured (our own chickens) to store bought organic because at least they live under cover. It's sad, but we have to create new rules.
Cos - May 18
A couple years back I started emailing the farms providing the eggs I was sourcing, and asking them if they vax their chickens. One out of seven replied and told me they don't, so now you know where I source my eggs. They other six did not reply.
I should have my own chickens, maybe soon.
Betty Jackson - May 17
Betty’s Substack
Sadly, we are all being poisioned by a slow kill method. Seems they will get us one way or another.
Lisa - May 17
Or not so slow.
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