Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 17, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Video: Beef sample 1- this was the same cow that I showed in my previous posts. Nano and microbots seen with extensive polymer self assembly
This is a continuation of a research project to correlate live blood findings with the blood of the meat consumed. My patient brought 3 different beef samples in, all grass fed, unvaccinated, homegrown. All samples had nanotechnology contamination, presumed to be from geoengineering. Please see my earlier two articles for context:
Here are more microscopic photos from the first sample:
Image: Beef Sample 1 - vesicular and micellar constructions sites just like we see in the blood
Image: Beef Sample 1 - vesicular and micellar constructions sites just like we see in the blood
Beef sample 2 ( different animal) - video of nano and microrobots ( look for spherical objects or blinking light emitting round spheres)
Beef sample 2 - polymer filaments like we see in the blood:
Beef sample 3 ( different animal) - nano and microrobots - look for blinking lights in the next 2 videos below:
If you are unsure of what you are looking at, look at this video of Lantus Insulin. It looks very similar in regards to the nano and microrobots so you can recognize them:
Unfortunately, this is not good news. I live in a community where many people are working to do the best they can to keep their blood clean - by drinking well water, growing their own food and having unvaccinated meat, being aware and taking precautions against C19 bioweapon shedding and additionally cleaning the blood with detoxification methods - as I have documented. We all have to breathe air, as do our animals. The nanotechnology is absorbed by the plants and grass. If the air is poisoned, everything gets poisoned. The original cow with the worst findings that made my patient feel sick ( sample 1) was the oldest, and maybe the self assembly nanotechnology had the greatest time to grow to large polymer structures. At this point, without mitigation strategies, its going to be very challenging to keep the blood in decent condition. I have confirmed these findings multiple times with beef from several different sources as well. I specifically looked at beef that was unvaccinated ( no vaccines whatsoever, not just no mRNA), grass fed and homegrown. In general, people on vegetarian diets seem to have less blood contamination. Intermittent fasting helps. I will be looking at other unvaccinated animal blood soon. Check the other linked articles for how we cleaned the blood from contamination and how the human blood looked while eating the sample 1 beef in the first post. Please share this research, so people are informed.
I have long said, what good is it to ban the poisenous c19 bioweapon if we do not win the fight against geoengineering - for the poisening and fusion with synthetic biology and technology of all life continues via these genocidal weather warfare operations.
I sadly seem to be right.
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Terry Adams - May 17
Terry’s Newsletter
The stratospheric aerosol injection program has been aerosoling smart dust and biological weapons on humanity for decades. The trees are chock full of nano-aluminum, which explains why "wild fires" are next to impossible to extinguish..(aluminum is an accelerant, long used in artillery shells - nano is a hundred fold more potent). EVERYTHING has been covered with this weird coating from the sky. My skin has grown a layer of bio-film over it which produces ultra thin (and chrome in color!!) fibers that appear to be sentient..(they can think). The war between good and evil does have rules - one being in the area of FREE WILL. The enemy MUST show us what we are in for if we follow along the path he has set for us. I believe he does so using what we refer to as "entertainment" . TV and movies. The year 2025 continues to show up in various movies - older ones and newer ones - as well as playing a prominent role in theDeagle.comfuture population forecast. For those who don't know, that intel sourced site has America's 2025 population at some 87% less than it is right now.. It also has North Korea without a 2025 population.. Hmmm. (John Carpenter's They Live movie has a scene where the two main characters have infiltrated an underground facility where non humans are thanking their human cohorts for facilitating what is about to happen - if you listen closely to the speech being given in the background of the audio you can clearly hear their operational date as 2025)
One last thing - the NASA War Document (STOPTHECRIME.NET) is a year 2000 USAF presentation about "future warfare" which details the aerosol distribution of smart dust swarms, APRE-PROGRAMMED FOR BIOLOGICAL MISSIONS... It must just be me because I found this astounding, yet no one seems to care. There is too much apathy these days, it will be the death of us yet -
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Bee Gee - May 17
Bee Gee
Great, now I have to research the possibilities of giving EDTA, ALA, bromelain, sodium citrate and Vitamin C to cows, pigs and chickens.
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