Dr. Ana-I would like to see what effect the introduction of borax before and after on your dark field blood technique. We know EDTA and C remove filaments and normalizes RBC behavior. It would be a quick simple experiment that could potentially help millions of people.
There are so many experiments to do and we would need 100's of us with scopes to get the most urgent and basic ones done. Luckily this is happening. In the USA alone Eric at FM8 (telegram) now has 100 private people with microscopes to help.
I too have put the call out and have some well qualified retired professionals getting scopes.
Aside from these types of experiments , there is a huge need for examination of meds, foods, water, air, clothing, soap etc ,etc, etc.
This is where the general public can step up and actually help. No one else is going to do it.
It doesn't have to cost thousands to set up a basic dark field scope. The adaptors themselves like the one I bought only cost $US 80. for instance. I have recently bought a bio scope that will do the job required 2nd hand for $US100. You can then add a phone mount $ 20 and a 2nd hand phone with a good camera for $50 to $100. Anyone can do this at a good enough scale to help and make a difference. I will be posting examples of this soon.
Have a look at my images to see.
Thanks in advance to all those willing to take up the challenge.
I have already done one on starting out and have another in depth one underway now. If people realised how cheaply this can be achieved many more would step up. Perhaps so many that its no longer worth taking out the few.
While we may not a achieve the absolute perfection of clarity and resolution that you see with the pics and videos done on $10k units , its more than enough to identify how widespread this is.
Hi Rodney,
Yes, if you sub to my posts and tell me the first 3 letters of your email address i will contact you direct.
There needs to be a private site so those who want to retain privacy can do so. There are many reasons why some need to. All findings can then be put out through more public channels.
Thanks for stepping up.
Personally I would go for the best new or second hand celestron hand held scope with a stand, as you can use it to follow the progress of the fibres leaving your lower legs as well as putting things on slides to inspect. There is an example of one on my substack that i bought for $us 25 second hand. for 300 I think i'd get a very good one.
There is also an example of a korean biological scope I got for US 100. And pics from same.
This is worrying as I still have one small amalgam filling left and have done the IV EDTA three times now - should I be worried? The catch is having the filling removed will require a fair bit of work as tooth not in great state - and now I can't have an anesthetic injection either!! Had Scandonest in the last few months only to find out it is contaminated...
I'm using it for footbaths, pre-soaking clothes in it and inventoried a farmer water tub to cool off in and add some as well as chlorine/salt/baking soda to keep it clean. Got dirty after a week or so just like the footbath. With 100-115 degF temperatures it helps to cool off in cold water 65 to 80 degF or so in the shade during the summer.
Bravo Dr. Ana! Way to lay the gauntlet down and call out the pathetic, cowardly shills. Humans are being replaced but not all of us are unaware, unconcerned nor do we consent. My family, my children and myself do not consent to this satanic, NWO, technocratic, transhumanist take over.
They might have the technology to control our bodies, but our spirits are eternal and of divine origin.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I damn this bastardization of creation to the depths of hell. Good riddance.
"Please do not ask me if my work was peer reviewed."
Do you still use that jargon? I used to say "pal reviewed" 30 years ago!!!
People believe that the system just suddenly collapsed in 2020 - nope, it was dead decades ago for those who wanted to see.
Agreed. IMO "peer reviewed" is the most annoying statement along with "anti-vaxxer". It's so childish and ridiculous I can't believe it's repeated. But alas, there are legions of sheep with soft minds.
The Covid-19 hoax was another serious eye opener for me.
I watched the interview of 6 "experts" in Immunology, Vaccinology, Pharmacotherapy, Cardiology and Microbiology about Covid-19.
I realized why the planet is doomed because none of them had what is called critical thinking skills. Worse of all, they were repeating the 95% Safe & Effective mantra even after Pfizer had released documents proving that it was all marketing lies....
These "experts" don't think for themselves and don't even bother reading just because they believe in their "Credentials".
Of those 6 "experts", one died suddenly after her second jab, one was vaccine injured and one had a "turbo cancer".
I work with Ph.D.'s. I'm the one who voiced to 2 of them, "The vaccines scare the hell out of me. Professional athletes have died!" One responded, "Only the men..." At this point, the news had reached about 1,000 deaths of athletes. I just looked at her. Then I changed tactics, said I had been vaccine injured in the Army. Then she wanted to know what vaccine injured me. I said, "who knows? They give a lot all at once." She wanted to know if there was a way to find out what chemicals were in them. Again, I just looked at her. They knew I had already had 2 heart attacks (EMF related). I had read the research by Charles Richet for his Nobel Prize regarding anaphylaxis. Basically, shoot any mammal with non-self proteins (antigens, aka poisons) once, wait 28 days, do it again, and anaphylaxis of some degree will be guaranteed. I own a small library of medical reference books and natural therapy books. I've read Dr. Westin Price's book on nutrition and degeneration, Eleanor McBean's book The Poisoned Needle, and Dr. Jennifer Daniel's book Lethal Dose, on top of several other books. I have free access to medical journals. I don't have credentials for medical care, but I'm not going to let someone tell me that a google degree is worthless.
I am my personal Mad Doctor (MD) with no right to practice medicine. I have developed "black box" therapies against Alzheimer, cancer, etc... that cost less than $200 and work because they address the cause of the disease instead of treating the symptoms.
Why would a sane person spend $500K to get killed by a cancer therapy (credentialed oncologist) when using a natural metabolic regulator can fix the mitochondria problem with 0 side effects? This is an insane society.
When in 2020 I told people that they could cure their Covid-19 flu without leaving their kitchen I was ridiculed because they had been told that a very dangerous killer virus was in the air. There was none, just using kitchen salt is enough to kill any pathogen in your airways - I've been using it for years. The CDC preferred to put patients on a ventilator and hospital were paid $400-500K per patient they killed. My salt osmotic pressure solution cost is less than $5 and nobody believes me - go figure!
Absolutely right, all you need to treat any respiratory infection is spring water, salt, and a Neti pot. Neutralize the pathogens before they spread from the sinuses to the lungs. If you do it regularly you'll just never get sick.
I have credentials, and I can tell you that there is absolutely no safe level of aluminum or mercury to inject into a human being. Zero. Zip. None.
I have lied about being vxxd in order to work for years.
Exactly. No one is asking what Tesla, Einstein etc's "credentials" were. Apparently if you don't go into unpayable debt to receive your information via an indoctrination center, your information isn't self evident.
I get very frustrated with how completely stupid, apathetic and self absorbed our society has become. What happened to the humans? Oh wait....never mind....
I was injured by shedding. My sincere question is why this vaxxed person looks perfectly healthy two years after vaccination. Are they just dying at a slower pace, or does their body simply not react to the vax? EDTA is working on me, would they also need chelation?
There have been analyses of rates of injury and worse reported nationally based on injection lots. Eg the US and Danish graphs I saw are similar: a small % accounts for a disproportionately high seriously negative outcome (suggestive of direct intent), maybe 1/3 (I forget actual numbers just now) register little or no deleterious effect per national reporting (suggestive of placebo, ie further suggestion of mass experimentation), and around double the latter accounting for the remainder of very bad result (which may suggest with different formula slower-acting harm).
I have suffered as resolutely uninjected, from injies and even 2nd hand from non-injies who've been around injies for long enough, clot/throb symptoms, as I've reported here repeatedly. (I've also offered attenuator suggestions.) Some - few - seem to have no such effect on me. This suggests for me the possible null or nearer to null formula shot up in those people.
The %s esp if consistent nation to nation, indicate to me careful research as to effect on public attitude. A low enough % in anything, say a dissident political party, say 5%, and there is some influence but no decisive effect. Around 1/3 support in some polities is enough to form a government, albeit needing support from others. A slower/lesser acting effect on the even slight majority, is not enough to raise eyebrows enough which could have consequences perpetrators do not desire. At least this it how things seem to work in our societies where what I call the "senility of affluence" is operative.
Oral(liposomal) only for now and it’s working. IV is very pricey. Combining with oral and IV vitamins. Sadly it does seem like I have to do this for life.
I just love you Ana - the world is tasked with overcoming the lethargy you speak of - we in for a long
haul. Like the Revelation said - Only the endurance of those who are devoted to the spirit will stand the test.
Dr. Ana. Please be advised and aware they are attempting to shadow ban / block the links to the videos and articles embedded in your emails to subscribers. Every link I attempt in todays email returns a message from my MalWareBytes malware application that these are " dangerous and nefarious " websites and "strongly advises" that I do not continue to the websites......given the content of which I am very familiar, I can understand why they are doing this to you.
Thank you for time & effort to share the DATA OF MILLENNIUM. Nobody has better data except the perpetrators. Thank you for being on the side of humanity.
This technology connects to Wi-Fi by DNA and the biolfield/aura/soul. There are videos by nonvaxxer420 that have good information for us medical nontechnical people that connects the dots. There is a couple from Morroco on Maria Zee’s channel that has good info.
I do wonder at what point the masses will collectively see it
a growing number do now but the race is on now to save the future for our children from these demons, this satanic evil
i will keep trying
John OLooney
Yes it is me
you are most welcome and thank you
once I realised what was happening, it became very obvious very quickly that this is a numbers game, and if my family is to survive, I have to save everyone’s family by furnishing them with the truth.
Your family is just as important as mine I want to save it, as much as I do my own.
Sadly, that seems to be a quality humanity has lost they just don’t care about each other anymore.
Valuable post by our host.
Re peer review: One should not dismiss, however, comment based even on what laypeople's eyes see, from at least philosophical angles, questions that arise. At a minimum due to the use of everyday language to communicate findings, there is always the possibility of need for clarification or better expression. This counts for much esp. if the outreach is to non-experts ultimately, for eg political policy change.
I have been involved with scientific writers, as lay reader, have found things that more expert-in-the-field readers missed (perhaps lazily). Then there is the travesty of ulterior motive or political interference in peer review. The very big problem for Western "science" and aims at rationality, is the insistence on impossible utter objectivity. There is no human contributor without influential context. Further, a display of passion by a researcher in this Western-dominated philosophical/scientific context, leads to discounting legitimate and important findings and analysis.
Dr Ana Mihalcea is to be highly commended for her valiant, passionate work.
Dr. Ana, hello i am the patient that gave you the NNI presidential budget doc. Very happy it has gotten so much traction, thank you!...anyway found a great information source on the quantum dot tech that may helphttps://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1601852113
If I hadn't had a near death experience, and if I wasn't an Orthodox Christian, this would scare me. But I know that we are eternal beings created by God almighty.
The Creator will handle this and we will live forever in spirit. Fear not, and see that you are not deceived. 🙏☦️🙏
Thank you, Dr. Ana. I wish I could work with you. 💖
Thanks, Dr. Ana you are helping me remember some love for the sacred science of Medicine. Think for yourself was never a popular business model, but we could use a population explosion of scientific free-thinkers. My Dad was a research scientist in vision and he taught me to identify the difference between scientists, and scientistics. The later love the pay scale and authority trappings, but are horrified by the scientific method.
Does the Oral EDTA work as well as IV Chelation therapy? Does the vascular presentation of EDTA
get into other body fluids, like Lymph, extracellular fluid, CSF, Semen, or saliva? I have found that EDTA in saliva is a biofilm breaker and gets into surface capillaries well. However, I have been unable to organize human studies of this. This is just clinical observation of wound management. If your teams would like to study these other applications, I will donate a dozen 60 gram bottles of our EDTA powder.
All the best. Dr. Thomas Lee naturodocedta(dot) com
As testimony to the proof that dark field has superior ability in Some cases is the fact that spirochets as one example can often only be spotted by dark field microscopy. Lyme is the gold of many live blood microscopists income for this reason. These same organisms bug me and I have been watching them for some time. Dark field is the key method here for sure. Western trained doctors have literally become text book regurgitators here and only thinking critically will do. Their ignorance is showing of their programming. The very science papers their work is based on is selectively observed, doctors are so ignorant that they do not read the rest of their papers. It's amazing what's their if you do not take the snippets your educators fed you. These people will lead their own demise while taking their bribes and leading with ignorance. They can be wrong, see where it lands them. Love the work, please check out my substack on the swab gel robots, cloning material and more.
The comments, questions and concerns about treatments to eliminate the nano-bioweapons being put in our food, medicine and bodies are not just being expressed in this chat, but in many chats across several platforms, worldwide, then wiped out, with creators being disappeared almost as fast as their followers post their concerns. After just three months, I was “permanently” banned on TikTok, just for asking questions and stating my honest opinions. And the speed “they’ are banning people who complain across most platforms has been picking up, week after week.
The media and government just keep railroading the public, repeating over and over that it’s all made up conspiracy theory (code for lies or mental illness), in spite of these weapons proven true, plus the devastating effects these self-assembling O.S. Nanoparticle have on our bodies; turbo-cancers, clots and heart disease (Sudden Death Syndrome) are the three most common, all confirmed, and escalating in frequency and numbers. And if you read my substack, you will be even better educated than most as to the true origin and dates of these weapons original developments (no, not China), as well as those who are most responsible for this genocide. No Bullshit—just the truth.https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
So, what about treatment options for those with little or no options, which include the vast majority? Even if you have insurance or money, you cannot get properly diagnosed, because “they” insist the problem does not exists—because they will not properly check for it (intentional ignorance/plausible deniability), and if you do have proof via proper diagnostics, you will NOT be able to get proper treatment—unless you are rich—because treatment is as methodical, changing and reoccurring as those poisoning the world; weekly, and some requiring daily treatments, indefinitely, for as long as the genocide continues and evolves.
And then there’s the added problem of doctors being punished for offering the correct treatment: any doctor who admits what Dr, Ana, Karen Kingston and many others have reported (thousands now reporting the truths), they are punished, and not just by their corrupt medical boards, like Dr. Nass, but consider what they just did to Dr. Joe Mercola—who just had his JPMorganChase bank account closed. Wait and see how they, both the Republicans and Democrats who are protecting the private company calling itself the Federal Reserve, will start punishing “truthers” after these monsters fully install CBDC (digital currency). Do you believe things will improve?
I, too, have these same concerns, not just because I must use EDTA, and then suffer the consequences of kidney failure due to mercury fillings, but I also do not have options for intelligent diagnostics and choice of treatments, especially considering those who control health care in this country. I’m a veteran, with full access to the Veterans Administration, which is a Satanic organization run by monsters, so I go without. However, some brainwashed vets just love it. Go figure.
It’s terrifying, and the whores of media and the bought politicians and doctors who known that Dr. Ana and others are correct, continue to overwhelm the public, shadowing her findings with their controls over media, and the CIA is right in the middle of it. I know this to be true. The Justice Department knows this to be true. The FBI and their laboratory technicians know this to be true. They all know we are being systematically murdered, and I believe they are all desperate to start a World War to redirect our thinking so they can complete the destruction of humanity—which is NOT conspiracy theory, but pure fact.
I’m not an emotional nut. I have no desire to be emotionally correct. I change my mind all the time, if the science is true and allows for an honest, logical change in my “understanding.” Right after 911, I almost believed Muslim evil-doers did it…almost. By the time I began listening to the logic of James Corbett, I was convinced I was being lied to, and from that moment on I’ve done my own research, including my understanding of the one billion years of virus evolution along with the last one million years of human evolution right along with viruses. If viruses were meant to rule the world growing into an overwhelming deadly threat, humans would NOT have evolved, whatsoever. The vaccine industry developed by Rockefeller, taking off mid-1800’s, is a bloody fraud.
Tfncrqk - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
Dr. Ana-I would like to see what effect the introduction of borax before and after on your dark field blood technique. We know EDTA and C remove filaments and normalizes RBC behavior. It would be a quick simple experiment that could potentially help millions of people.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
There are so many experiments to do and we would need 100's of us with scopes to get the most urgent and basic ones done. Luckily this is happening. In the USA alone Eric at FM8 (telegram) now has 100 private people with microscopes to help.
I too have put the call out and have some well qualified retired professionals getting scopes.
Aside from these types of experiments , there is a huge need for examination of meds, foods, water, air, clothing, soap etc ,etc, etc.
This is where the general public can step up and actually help. No one else is going to do it.
It doesn't have to cost thousands to set up a basic dark field scope. The adaptors themselves like the one I bought only cost $US 80. for instance. I have recently bought a bio scope that will do the job required 2nd hand for $US100. You can then add a phone mount $ 20 and a 2nd hand phone with a good camera for $50 to $100. Anyone can do this at a good enough scale to help and make a difference. I will be posting examples of this soon.
Have a look at my images to see.
Thanks in advance to all those willing to take up the challenge.
Leon - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi, Matt; it would be very helpful if you create the post on your Substack with detailed description how to set up 'a basic dark field scope'. Thanks
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I have already done one on starting out and have another in depth one underway now. If people realised how cheaply this can be achieved many more would step up. Perhaps so many that its no longer worth taking out the few.
While we may not a achieve the absolute perfection of clarity and resolution that you see with the pics and videos done on $10k units , its more than enough to identify how widespread this is.
Rodney Wade - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
Rodney Wade
Hi Matt,
I am planning to purchase a darkfield microscope. Do you have a group I could join to share what I find? Thank you.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
Hi Rodney,
Yes, if you sub to my posts and tell me the first 3 letters of your email address i will contact you direct.
There needs to be a private site so those who want to retain privacy can do so. There are many reasons why some need to. All findings can then be put out through more public channels.
Thanks for stepping up.
Kelly Downs - Aug 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I am looking into purchasing a microscope. What's the best set up to buy, with a $300 budget?
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 16, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Personally I would go for the best new or second hand celestron hand held scope with a stand, as you can use it to follow the progress of the fibres leaving your lower legs as well as putting things on slides to inspect. There is an example of one on my substack that i bought for $us 25 second hand. for 300 I think i'd get a very good one.
There is also an example of a korean biological scope I got for US 100. And pics from same.
Seeking Truth - Aug 11, 2023
Seeking Truth
Right because not everyone can use EDTA- ie, mercury fillings. What about chelator OSR?
Phillipa Holden - Aug 28, 2023
Phillipa Holden
This is worrying as I still have one small amalgam filling left and have done the IV EDTA three times now - should I be worried? The catch is having the filling removed will require a fair bit of work as tooth not in great state - and now I can't have an anesthetic injection either!! Had Scandonest in the last few months only to find out it is contaminated...
Seeking Truth - Aug 28, 2023
Seeking Truth
If you had no ill effects from the EDTA you should be ok. I’m not a medical professional; just my opinion.
Phillipa Holden - Aug 28, 2023
Phillipa Holden
much appreciated
Reply (1) - Aug 12, 2023
Comment removed.
philalethes - Aug 12, 2023
this link is for an ad to sell a book. hm is a troll
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 14, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Boron (in borax) disrupts synthetic biology materials.
Suzanne Seloover - Aug 20, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
Like bathing in it?!
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 20, 2023
Brandon’s Substack
I'm using it for footbaths, pre-soaking clothes in it and inventoried a farmer water tub to cool off in and add some as well as chlorine/salt/baking soda to keep it clean. Got dirty after a week or so just like the footbath. With 100-115 degF temperatures it helps to cool off in cold water 65 to 80 degF or so in the shade during the summer.
Thru The Veil - Aug 11, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Bravo Dr. Ana! Way to lay the gauntlet down and call out the pathetic, cowardly shills. Humans are being replaced but not all of us are unaware, unconcerned nor do we consent. My family, my children and myself do not consent to this satanic, NWO, technocratic, transhumanist take over.
They might have the technology to control our bodies, but our spirits are eternal and of divine origin.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I damn this bastardization of creation to the depths of hell. Good riddance.
Nostradamus X - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
"Please do not ask me if my work was peer reviewed."
Do you still use that jargon? I used to say "pal reviewed" 30 years ago!!!
People believe that the system just suddenly collapsed in 2020 - nope, it was dead decades ago for those who wanted to see.
Thru The Veil - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
Thru’s Substack
Agreed. IMO "peer reviewed" is the most annoying statement along with "anti-vaxxer". It's so childish and ridiculous I can't believe it's repeated. But alas, there are legions of sheep with soft minds.
Laura - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
Rates right up there with 'what are your credentials..."
Nostradamus X - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
The Covid-19 hoax was another serious eye opener for me.
I watched the interview of 6 "experts" in Immunology, Vaccinology, Pharmacotherapy, Cardiology and Microbiology about Covid-19.
I realized why the planet is doomed because none of them had what is called critical thinking skills. Worse of all, they were repeating the 95% Safe & Effective mantra even after Pfizer had released documents proving that it was all marketing lies....
These "experts" don't think for themselves and don't even bother reading just because they believe in their "Credentials".
Of those 6 "experts", one died suddenly after her second jab, one was vaccine injured and one had a "turbo cancer".
Laura - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
I work with Ph.D.'s. I'm the one who voiced to 2 of them, "The vaccines scare the hell out of me. Professional athletes have died!" One responded, "Only the men..." At this point, the news had reached about 1,000 deaths of athletes. I just looked at her. Then I changed tactics, said I had been vaccine injured in the Army. Then she wanted to know what vaccine injured me. I said, "who knows? They give a lot all at once." She wanted to know if there was a way to find out what chemicals were in them. Again, I just looked at her. They knew I had already had 2 heart attacks (EMF related). I had read the research by Charles Richet for his Nobel Prize regarding anaphylaxis. Basically, shoot any mammal with non-self proteins (antigens, aka poisons) once, wait 28 days, do it again, and anaphylaxis of some degree will be guaranteed. I own a small library of medical reference books and natural therapy books. I've read Dr. Westin Price's book on nutrition and degeneration, Eleanor McBean's book The Poisoned Needle, and Dr. Jennifer Daniel's book Lethal Dose, on top of several other books. I have free access to medical journals. I don't have credentials for medical care, but I'm not going to let someone tell me that a google degree is worthless.
Nostradamus X - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
I am my personal Mad Doctor (MD) with no right to practice medicine. I have developed "black box" therapies against Alzheimer, cancer, etc... that cost less than $200 and work because they address the cause of the disease instead of treating the symptoms.
Why would a sane person spend $500K to get killed by a cancer therapy (credentialed oncologist) when using a natural metabolic regulator can fix the mitochondria problem with 0 side effects? This is an insane society.
When in 2020 I told people that they could cure their Covid-19 flu without leaving their kitchen I was ridiculed because they had been told that a very dangerous killer virus was in the air. There was none, just using kitchen salt is enough to kill any pathogen in your airways - I've been using it for years. The CDC preferred to put patients on a ventilator and hospital were paid $400-500K per patient they killed. My salt osmotic pressure solution cost is less than $5 and nobody believes me - go figure!
Marty - Aug 12, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Absolutely right, all you need to treat any respiratory infection is spring water, salt, and a Neti pot. Neutralize the pathogens before they spread from the sinuses to the lungs. If you do it regularly you'll just never get sick.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 11, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Not nobody, I do!. Thanks.
Chip Johnson - Aug 11, 2023
Salt huh? I haven't heard about that one yet.
Catherine☦️ - Aug 12, 2023
I have credentials, and I can tell you that there is absolutely no safe level of aluminum or mercury to inject into a human being. Zero. Zip. None.
I have lied about being vxxd in order to work for years.
Thru The Veil - Aug 11, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Exactly. No one is asking what Tesla, Einstein etc's "credentials" were. Apparently if you don't go into unpayable debt to receive your information via an indoctrination center, your information isn't self evident.
I get very frustrated with how completely stupid, apathetic and self absorbed our society has become. What happened to the humans? Oh wait....never mind....
Nostradamus X - Aug 11, 2023
Nostradamus X
Follow the Science™.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 11, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I heard it described recently as a mutual masturbation exercise once. I now agree with that .
Nostradamus X - Aug 11, 2023
Nostradamus X
“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962
HAARP geoengineering (Climate Change) in Action:
Tony J - Aug 11, 2023
Seeking Truth
I was injured by shedding. My sincere question is why this vaxxed person looks perfectly healthy two years after vaccination. Are they just dying at a slower pace, or does their body simply not react to the vax? EDTA is working on me, would they also need chelation?
dyr - Aug 11, 2023
There have been analyses of rates of injury and worse reported nationally based on injection lots. Eg the US and Danish graphs I saw are similar: a small % accounts for a disproportionately high seriously negative outcome (suggestive of direct intent), maybe 1/3 (I forget actual numbers just now) register little or no deleterious effect per national reporting (suggestive of placebo, ie further suggestion of mass experimentation), and around double the latter accounting for the remainder of very bad result (which may suggest with different formula slower-acting harm).
I have suffered as resolutely uninjected, from injies and even 2nd hand from non-injies who've been around injies for long enough, clot/throb symptoms, as I've reported here repeatedly. (I've also offered attenuator suggestions.) Some - few - seem to have no such effect on me. This suggests for me the possible null or nearer to null formula shot up in those people.
The %s esp if consistent nation to nation, indicate to me careful research as to effect on public attitude. A low enough % in anything, say a dissident political party, say 5%, and there is some influence but no decisive effect. Around 1/3 support in some polities is enough to form a government, albeit needing support from others. A slower/lesser acting effect on the even slight majority, is not enough to raise eyebrows enough which could have consequences perpetrators do not desire. At least this it how things seem to work in our societies where what I call the "senility of affluence" is operative.
Seeking Truth - Aug 11, 2023
Seeking Truth
Do you take oral or IV? Or suppository? Im assuming you’d need to take it for life??
I have amalgams & cant use EDTA.
Tony J - Aug 11, 2023
Seeking Truth
Oral(liposomal) only for now and it’s working. IV is very pricey. Combining with oral and IV vitamins. Sadly it does seem like I have to do this for life.
ann watson - Aug 11, 2023
are you taking chlorine dioxide ? Its hailed as the best overall to take. Aside from
Ana's chelation by IV
Tony J - Aug 11, 2023
Thx for pointing me to a new direction, looking into it!
ann watson - Aug 11, 2023
Getting Jim Humble's book is the first step - MMS - Health Recovery Program -https://jimhumble.com/bookstore
ann watson - Aug 11, 2023
here -https://www.heartmindhealing.org/mms-jim-humbles-protocol-for-safe-use-of-chlorine-dioxide-to-aid-health-recovery/
and -https://mms-supplement.com/buy-cds
Seeking Truth - Aug 11, 2023
Seeking Truth
Thats good it’s working. I need to find a replacement. Or get my amalgams out but Ana has said there is nano tech in dental injections.
Tony J - Aug 11, 2023
Good luck! I’d say go with vitamins/nattokinase etc for the time being
ann watson - Aug 11, 2023
I just love you Ana - the world is tasked with overcoming the lethargy you speak of - we in for a long
haul. Like the Revelation said - Only the endurance of those who are devoted to the spirit will stand the test.
William Mark Spann - Aug 11, 2023
Dr. Ana. Please be advised and aware they are attempting to shadow ban / block the links to the videos and articles embedded in your emails to subscribers. Every link I attempt in todays email returns a message from my MalWareBytes malware application that these are " dangerous and nefarious " websites and "strongly advises" that I do not continue to the websites......given the content of which I am very familiar, I can understand why they are doing this to you.
Laura - Aug 11, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Thank you for time & effort to share the DATA OF MILLENNIUM. Nobody has better data except the perpetrators. Thank you for being on the side of humanity.
This technology connects to Wi-Fi by DNA and the biolfield/aura/soul. There are videos by nonvaxxer420 that have good information for us medical nontechnical people that connects the dots. There is a couple from Morroco on Maria Zee’s channel that has good info.
john olooney - Aug 12, 2023
john olooney
I do wonder at what point the masses will collectively see it
a growing number do now but the race is on now to save the future for our children from these demons, this satanic evil
i will keep trying
John OLooney
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
The undertaker John? if so, Thanks.
john olooney - Aug 12, 2023
john olooney
Yes it is me
you are most welcome and thank you
once I realised what was happening, it became very obvious very quickly that this is a numbers game, and if my family is to survive, I have to save everyone’s family by furnishing them with the truth.
Your family is just as important as mine I want to save it, as much as I do my own.
Sadly, that seems to be a quality humanity has lost they just don’t care about each other anymore.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi John,
I took a lot from your philosophy about this event and its partly why I am speaking up.
Thanks and massive Respect, matt.
john olooney - Aug 12, 2023
john olooney
thank you also for what you do - brother.
We will prevail, trust me
philalethes - Aug 12, 2023
When will the masses? NEVER. That is why they are "the masses." Masses go along. Individuals think...some anyway.
dyr - Aug 11, 2023
Valuable post by our host.
Re peer review: One should not dismiss, however, comment based even on what laypeople's eyes see, from at least philosophical angles, questions that arise. At a minimum due to the use of everyday language to communicate findings, there is always the possibility of need for clarification or better expression. This counts for much esp. if the outreach is to non-experts ultimately, for eg political policy change.
I have been involved with scientific writers, as lay reader, have found things that more expert-in-the-field readers missed (perhaps lazily). Then there is the travesty of ulterior motive or political interference in peer review. The very big problem for Western "science" and aims at rationality, is the insistence on impossible utter objectivity. There is no human contributor without influential context. Further, a display of passion by a researcher in this Western-dominated philosophical/scientific context, leads to discounting legitimate and important findings and analysis.
Dr Ana Mihalcea is to be highly commended for her valiant, passionate work.
Richard - Aug 11, 2023
Dr. Ana, hello i am the patient that gave you the NNI presidential budget doc. Very happy it has gotten so much traction, thank you!...anyway found a great information source on the quantum dot tech that may helphttps://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1601852113
Glenn - Aug 11, 2023
Excellent work, Ana. God bless you with health and good works.
Catherine☦️ - Aug 12, 2023
If I hadn't had a near death experience, and if I wasn't an Orthodox Christian, this would scare me. But I know that we are eternal beings created by God almighty.
The Creator will handle this and we will live forever in spirit. Fear not, and see that you are not deceived. 🙏☦️🙏
Thank you, Dr. Ana. I wish I could work with you. 💖
Dr. Thomas S. Lee - Aug 12, 2023
Dr. Tom's Substack
Thanks, Dr. Ana you are helping me remember some love for the sacred science of Medicine. Think for yourself was never a popular business model, but we could use a population explosion of scientific free-thinkers. My Dad was a research scientist in vision and he taught me to identify the difference between scientists, and scientistics. The later love the pay scale and authority trappings, but are horrified by the scientific method.
Does the Oral EDTA work as well as IV Chelation therapy? Does the vascular presentation of EDTA
get into other body fluids, like Lymph, extracellular fluid, CSF, Semen, or saliva? I have found that EDTA in saliva is a biofilm breaker and gets into surface capillaries well. However, I have been unable to organize human studies of this. This is just clinical observation of wound management. If your teams would like to study these other applications, I will donate a dozen 60 gram bottles of our EDTA powder.
All the best. Dr. Thomas Lee naturodocedta(dot) com
Suzanne Seloover - Aug 20, 2023
Please consider sending a bottle to me!
Karl.C - Aug 11, 2023
Karl.C’s Substack
As testimony to the proof that dark field has superior ability in Some cases is the fact that spirochets as one example can often only be spotted by dark field microscopy. Lyme is the gold of many live blood microscopists income for this reason. These same organisms bug me and I have been watching them for some time. Dark field is the key method here for sure. Western trained doctors have literally become text book regurgitators here and only thinking critically will do. Their ignorance is showing of their programming. The very science papers their work is based on is selectively observed, doctors are so ignorant that they do not read the rest of their papers. It's amazing what's their if you do not take the snippets your educators fed you. These people will lead their own demise while taking their bribes and leading with ignorance. They can be wrong, see where it lands them. Love the work, please check out my substack on the swab gel robots, cloning material and more.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 12, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Agree fully.
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 11, 2023 - Edited
jeffrey p lubina
The comments, questions and concerns about treatments to eliminate the nano-bioweapons being put in our food, medicine and bodies are not just being expressed in this chat, but in many chats across several platforms, worldwide, then wiped out, with creators being disappeared almost as fast as their followers post their concerns. After just three months, I was “permanently” banned on TikTok, just for asking questions and stating my honest opinions. And the speed “they’ are banning people who complain across most platforms has been picking up, week after week.
The media and government just keep railroading the public, repeating over and over that it’s all made up conspiracy theory (code for lies or mental illness), in spite of these weapons proven true, plus the devastating effects these self-assembling O.S. Nanoparticle have on our bodies; turbo-cancers, clots and heart disease (Sudden Death Syndrome) are the three most common, all confirmed, and escalating in frequency and numbers. And if you read my substack, you will be even better educated than most as to the true origin and dates of these weapons original developments (no, not China), as well as those who are most responsible for this genocide. No Bullshit—just the truth.https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
So, what about treatment options for those with little or no options, which include the vast majority? Even if you have insurance or money, you cannot get properly diagnosed, because “they” insist the problem does not exists—because they will not properly check for it (intentional ignorance/plausible deniability), and if you do have proof via proper diagnostics, you will NOT be able to get proper treatment—unless you are rich—because treatment is as methodical, changing and reoccurring as those poisoning the world; weekly, and some requiring daily treatments, indefinitely, for as long as the genocide continues and evolves.
And then there’s the added problem of doctors being punished for offering the correct treatment: any doctor who admits what Dr, Ana, Karen Kingston and many others have reported (thousands now reporting the truths), they are punished, and not just by their corrupt medical boards, like Dr. Nass, but consider what they just did to Dr. Joe Mercola—who just had his JPMorganChase bank account closed. Wait and see how they, both the Republicans and Democrats who are protecting the private company calling itself the Federal Reserve, will start punishing “truthers” after these monsters fully install CBDC (digital currency). Do you believe things will improve?
I, too, have these same concerns, not just because I must use EDTA, and then suffer the consequences of kidney failure due to mercury fillings, but I also do not have options for intelligent diagnostics and choice of treatments, especially considering those who control health care in this country. I’m a veteran, with full access to the Veterans Administration, which is a Satanic organization run by monsters, so I go without. However, some brainwashed vets just love it. Go figure.
It’s terrifying, and the whores of media and the bought politicians and doctors who known that Dr. Ana and others are correct, continue to overwhelm the public, shadowing her findings with their controls over media, and the CIA is right in the middle of it. I know this to be true. The Justice Department knows this to be true. The FBI and their laboratory technicians know this to be true. They all know we are being systematically murdered, and I believe they are all desperate to start a World War to redirect our thinking so they can complete the destruction of humanity—which is NOT conspiracy theory, but pure fact.
I’m not an emotional nut. I have no desire to be emotionally correct. I change my mind all the time, if the science is true and allows for an honest, logical change in my “understanding.” Right after 911, I almost believed Muslim evil-doers did it…almost. By the time I began listening to the logic of James Corbett, I was convinced I was being lied to, and from that moment on I’ve done my own research, including my understanding of the one billion years of virus evolution along with the last one million years of human evolution right along with viruses. If viruses were meant to rule the world growing into an overwhelming deadly threat, humans would NOT have evolved, whatsoever. The vaccine industry developed by Rockefeller, taking off mid-1800’s, is a bloody fraud.
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