Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 11, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Video: Bright lights involved in assembly of hydrogel structure. These are the size of chylomicrons ( a form of lipids in the blood) but they blink. Also round spheres are seen which is vesicular hydrogel self assembly - they are much smaller then cells and are visible on the outside of the structure that is being built.
There is so much disinformation out there from doctors and scientists regarding our findings of nanotechnology in the blood, medications, and food.
It ranges anywhere from people claiming these are holograms indicating the spiritual and emotional blocks of people, because filaments have been seen for 30 years - those individuals are completely uninformed about the fact that geoengineering spraying of nanotechnological Morgellons fibers has been going on for over three decades. Their theory falls apart immediately.
I was seeing some comments that talked about prominent physicians who continue to dismiss dark-field microscopy as “illegitimate”. These doctors literally do not know what they are talking about. This is not their field of specialty and how can a scientific tool be illegitimate? I heard that one such doctor recommend to evaluate dental anesthetics with brightfield microscopy only. You will see nothing, because what we are looking for is too small and you cannot capture the light emission of self assembled quantum dot like structures.
Look up the uses of this form of microscopy in the literature - it can see extremely small organisms NOT VISIBLE IN THE LIGHT MICROSCOPE - Dark-Field Microscopy
Specifically for nanomaterials and quantum dot visualization, dark-field microscopy is used, or it must be an electron microscope. Once it has self assembled, you can see it with dark-field microscope. Here is a scientific review of how nano objects are seen:
Optical absorption and scattering spectroscopies of single nano-objects
I have written more about Quantum Dots here and in other articles - quantum dot sensors in blood are evaluated with dark-field microscopy due to their light emitting nature.
We have seen the nonsense that prominent freedom doctors have put out, claiming what we see in the C19 shots are salt and sugar crystals, and there is no graphene oxide in the shots. They were embarrassingly disproven by Pfizer documents which clearly show the presence of graphene in the manufacturing process. Also, have you ever asked yourself, why that same person never investigated the rubbery clots and so vehemently suppressed any conversation about graphene?
Most people who demand public trust based on their credentials are not trustworthy. The scientific arrogance some portray, is the same cultish scientism attitude the transhumanist technocrats have. It is similar to “there is nothing new to be discovered in physics now ” or “the sun rotates around the earth”.
Knowledge is always evolving. Much of what we believe is true, is not true - as some who are beginning to awaken, are finding out. Keeping an open mind, investigating and researching further, allowing all prior assumptions to be questioned - is how we evolve.
I do not want you to trust me, because that puts you in a place of victimization and dependency to yet another scientist. We have all been betrayed by scientists and doctors - who are used in the psychological warfare operation literally as weapons against the people - by influencing public opinion. The Army document Cyborg 2050 told us that the healthcare system was going to get the population used to the concept of becoming Cyborgs. Please read what our own military has planned for us and please also read the Presidential Nanotechnology Budget, describing nanotechnology in EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES.
My approach and recommendation is: “Think for yourself.”
Look at the evidence, as I am doing, and do what you can to get to the bottom of it. I am not saying that I have all the answers, but I do not dismiss what I am seeing -because it is in absolute alignment with what we were told the military industrial complex and transhumanist agenda wants to do. I have moved to showing video footage of my microscopy work. You make up your own mind, if you think these structures belong in C19 unvaccinated blood. I do not believe that we can afford to dismiss these findings - as in my mind they are the harbinger of a human extinction level event happening now.
Video: Blinking technology structures and vesicles filled with building blocks for the filament construction as I have shown in previous posts. C19 unvaccinated blood
Video: Self assembly in C19 unvaccinated blood transforming blood over a hydrogel piece into clot like material as previously shown. Blinking lights clearly seen. Similar swarming activity as I recorded in Insulin medication ( this person does not take prescription drugs)
Video: Close up of blinking lights I call self assembled Quantum Dots in C19 Unvaccinated blood.
I see these in everyone - and I know they are contaminated with artificial intelligence nanotechnology and biosensing electronic devices, weather they have hydrogel filaments or not. Please do not ask me if my work was peer reviewed. I do not consider doctors who have not done research for thousands of hours into this nanotechnology phenomenon - “peers” that are qualified to comment on my work. They are not experts. Nobody that has not done the experiments themselves, can dismiss the totality of my work and observations with any credibility.
They can try, but if you think for yourself, you will make up your own mind.
And that is the most important thing you can do for yourself, your family and your life. I am not out there to convince other doctors who have not yet made it their focus to investigate for themselves and may actually be paid not to.
I recommend to people to find those healthcare providers who do see, rather then try to convince those who refuse to.
Here is a brief summary of the NASA future of warfare document you should familiarize yourself with - I have attached the full document. If you understand anything about technocratic satanism it is one thing - they tell you what they are going to do beforehand. If you do nothing against it, they believe their atrocities will carry no karma for them. They have long vision, ambition, are not lethargic like the masses. Their roadmap is public. Those who argue that this nanotechnology does not exist and refuse to discuss it, are not leaders that will take us to the future, because they are devoid of truth.
I believe this is what I am seeing already:
Here is the full document:
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Tfncrqk - Aug 11, 2023
Dr. Ana-I would like to see what effect the introduction of borax before and after on your dark field blood technique. We know EDTA and C remove filaments and normalizes RBC behavior. It would be a quick simple experiment that could potentially help millions of people.
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Thru The Veil - Aug 11, 2023
Thru’s Substack
Bravo Dr. Ana! Way to lay the gauntlet down and call out the pathetic, cowardly shills. Humans are being replaced but not all of us are unaware, unconcerned nor do we consent. My family, my children and myself do not consent to this satanic, NWO, technocratic, transhumanist take over.
They might have the technology to control our bodies, but our spirits are eternal and of divine origin.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I damn this bastardization of creation to the depths of hell. Good riddance.
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