Darkfield Microscopy C19 Unvaccinated Blood…

Jul 8, 2024

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Video: Close up of a micro robot inspecting a red blood cell


Andrejka - Jul 8 - Edited

Andrejka’s Substack

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Andrianna Love pushing disinfo for the globalists .. Recently I had tried following her substack just out of curiosity yet she is saying every single thing we know for a fact about alternative health the past 30 years is wrong and that we should just be ok with exposure to round up, inject babies with the entire array of shots including mrna self replicating nano tech and so forth and so on. She is ignoring how modern chemicals and emfs and chemtrails is debilitating mankind who then are kicked in the teeth by the medical system gaslighting patients. Nauseating.
It is good to periodically check and confirm our foundations in our healing modalities, yet she is just a troll that is willfully ignoring data.
Thank you for your work Dr Mihalicea.


Catheryn - Jul 8

crapshoot farmer

Andrianna is not Ariyana. What you are writing above would never be the views of Ariyana Love. You are pushing disinfo. I think you are following the wrong Substack and confusing two different people. Ariyana Love would never endorse injecting babies with mRNA shots, etc. This is a post that you would do well to delete as it is fake information and defaming.


Noisy Ocean Pundit - Jul 8



Lee - Jul 8

Wish it wasn’t about money. Fight the fight against this nanotechnology.


Reply (1) - Jul 11

crapshoot farmer

Comment removed.


crapshoot farmer - Jul 11

crapshoot farmer

SPAMMER AGAIN. ^ Lisa/Mary, whoever, go away.


Andrejka - Jul 8

Andrejka’s Substack

Greetings and blessings Dr Mihalicea,
Have you looked into the research by Sabrina Wallace? While she may appear to be eccentric she is a former telecom engineer that was born into a family that practiced some dark things. Sabrina explains that the internet of bodies already is using our biology, we already were installed in the 1970s and onward. Her lectures are high level and I cannot recall the quantity of nano tech: transcription may be easier to listen using the Bing read out loud feature:
Title: Electronic & Net-Centric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (88 Sabrina Wallace Videos w/ references, notes, comments) – Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults (gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com)https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/electronic-warfare-explained-sabrina-wallace-videos/
go to page 15 (it is p 13 of the report)


Cellularly Erased - Jul 8

TheElephantIsInsideYou’s Substa…

Sabrina has previously mentioned that she knows Dr Ana and likes her


Robert Westover - Jul 8

Greg’s Substack

If the nano bots final destination is through the blood brain barrier, it’s not hard to conceive that they attach to tissue in the brain and are able to fully connect to the brain circuits. We need to see cadaver autopsy to see! what you may find is entire brain area covered with nano bot circuits. The real
Nano bot hive mind.


Greg Eldefonso - Jul 8

Greg’s Substack

How do the nanobots determine which biological systems to target first, and what are the criteria for prioritization?


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

These nanobots are probably pretrained, preprogrammed by an AI model to perform specific tasks once inside the host (the human body), like spiders building their webs ... Carbon nanotubes in the brain. And then all these mesogens and nanoantennas in the vasculature. I think an autopsy done with the right equipment would find these carbon nanotubes in the brain.


John H. - Jul 9

John H.

Here's a couple of questions:
1) Would the alleged network be visible grossly, upon post-mortem inspection of the brain?
2) What kind of post-mortem imaging would be required to prove its presence, if you know or have an idea?


Steve - Jul 8

gunnersteve13’s Substack

So what specifically are these things made of? A simple EMP device, which anyone can make, will zap any and all electronics and electrical devices within a given area, depending on how powerful the EMP device is. After it’s zapped, it will still be there, until the body is able to discard it.


Gas Axe - Jul 8

Gas’s Substack

I have been thinking the same thing lately.
I have some plastic box with a device that curled my hair because it was set too high on my 1st attempt. It made me howl in fact and I can take a good zap.i got a good laugh from the power this 9v battery powered thing has in fact. Some good capacitors inside it because it hit worse than my sister's taser.
I bought it for $2 from an Amazon clearance store. The kid on the store warmed me. He obviously had the same setting on when he tested it. TIMS if I recall correctly is the sticker on the box.
These things / bots and crap work on milli amps and micro volts. How are they are effected with a high powered surge?
I know about the emp device you mentioned. I follow an Argentinian that make them to erase blue tooth mac codes.
I am thinking to really put the power to my blood cells with some high voltage and low amps pulses. Sort of like the modern Asian acupuncture doctor did to help the pain & tendons in my elbow many years ago.
Who knows what will happen?
The thing is, we really have to figure this out fast.
This could go all bad BTW and I end up with melted slag pumping around in my blood.
Hopefully the liver and kidneys filters it out.
Does this make any sense?


Steve - Jul 8

gunnersteve13’s Substack

I think. You want to kill the electronics, not totally melt them.


Gas Axe - Jul 8

Gas’s Substack

I have been using graphite gouging rods to melt steel for nearly 4 decades in welding, steel fabrication processes.
I only know that it reacts with a +/- charge and it is very violent.
Will turn steel to molten metal in seconds.
I highly doubt this nano tec has a built in fuse.
This tims thing probably couldn't get a spark out of it at the highest setting.
I will start with low power setting I promise and may turn it up depending on the reaction my body has.
Worth a try.
If it works I will let you know later in the week.


Andy Hens - Jul 8

Andy Hens

I guess if it doesn't work or works 'too good' and we won't hear from ye, we can assume you're a goner? :)


Christina - Jul 8

Once you re-enter the ambient EMF you don't think that they might Re-assemble?
A doc I worked with in Central America suggested that one would have to be away Feom all EMF, even trace amounts for 3 days.
I'm curious to hear more thoughts on this.


dyr - Jul 8

This is an interesting remark considering our own experience as uninjected, second-third hand affected. A primary injected carrier emits peculiar e-pollutants onto nearby stationary (as eg in basic social contact chatting for even a few seconds) secondaries (as Dr Ana has been describing, also loaded with some vax-like contents, eg airborne breathed) who then in turn have their own load activated and re-emit onto tertiaries who suffer consequences. What is interesting is that usually this last effect on the twice removed works for a few hours, but (very unusual) maximum from major exposure has been 4 days.
Now we have found, it seems, that in our generally relatively low ambient e-smoggy area, when injectee carries are away from eg their mob/kill phones, the effectiveness of their emissions, if any, is reduced. It seems there can be a fairly quick up and down to this perverse broadcast activity from carriers. Still while I myself may not feel telltale clot/throb symptoms, I seem to feel an effect no my head as if around a wlan (wifi). Might this indicate ongoing basal transmissions but minus extra-perverse content, ie unless "ping"-ed by ambient e-smog?
As for everyone's load, it is to be wondered at, for us anyway, why in the past few days despite these exposures to primary carriers that would normally provoke symptoms, there have been none. If this persists, can it be due to our gradually reducing load (eliminated through skin and otherwise, eg using edta cream and various other means/food supplementation) from a relatively lower starting load; or if this is going on more widely, has there been a change e.g. in satellite or other infrastructure emissions?


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

Exactly. Reminds me of the Matrix movie where they have do an EMP every time their ship is attacked by the machines. Obliterates everything around it. That's the most promosing "cure" for the quacksinated because you can't detox this stuff out, it will always come back, ultimately it's sucking the life force out of the host, and that's not a life anyone would want to live.


Eszter Szendrei - Jul 8

Eszter Szendrei

"German zoologist and bacteriologist Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein (1872-1968) is still considered by many as the father of pleomorphism. He based his work on that of Antoine Béchamp and conducted research for over 60 years, which led him to several remarkable discoveries.
He showed that the protit, not the cell, is the smallest biological unit of life. Protits (Béchamp’s microzymas) are small, living protein particles found in all the cells, blood and other fluids of all living organisms. They can not be destroyed and survives after the death of the organism, performing the function of decomposition."


Sanctify Holistic - Jul 9

Sanctify Holistic

Are you implying that people are mistaking protits for hydrogel spheres? I am trained in LBA btw so I’m familiar with them


Alivers8n - Jul 9

God is great 🙏🏼


Mike Hoehn - Jul 8

Mike Hoehn

I'm blown away by how many bad guys there are. Satanism and luciferianism is much bigger than I could imagine.


NB - Jul 8

Jessie’s Substack

“ As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24,37.
In the days of Noah, the fallen angels were procreating with humankind and polluting their gene pool.


OkayJess - Jul 8

Jessie’s Substack

“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men…” Daniel 2:43


Texas Cowgirl - Jul 8 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

I’m actually stunned that methylene blue is being touted as an effective treatment. I’ve been researching mb and I don’t like what I am seeing. It’s very toxic and I can’t imagine anyone knowingly putting this into their bodies. This is the most concise to get you thinking. There has to be a better way. MB is a hard pass.


Christina - Jul 8 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

I've been traveling across the county doing Live Blood Analysis for the past couple months. Experienced folks from all walks of life, vaxxed and unvaxxed. All have hydrogels but not all have well formed crystals.
The floating nano bot that look like floating lipid particals, I will have to study for this is new to me.
There are alternatives to talking MB or any other pharmaceutical.
There is a running list in my mind of folks with the cleanest blood I seen so far. 2 out 3 say they take Boron regularly to dissolve the hydrogels and do practices for heavy metal detox.
I also have been playing around with Rife technology using it to cancel out EMF from peoples bodies.
(Dear administrator, I'm new to substack so I'm not sure what is correct or incorrect to share in this forum. So please let me know if this is inappropriate indornation to share here)


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

Borax is supposed to only dissolve the nano in the digestive system but it's quite possible that it's having a broader impact.


Honeybee - Jul 8

Honeybee’s Substack

I began taking a pinch of Borax in water a few weeks ago as Terrell suggests. I had done this protocol years ago and stopped through simple laziness. The ejections from the bowels at this time are singularly interesting. In my last usage, I was undergoing extensive heavy metal detox so adding a pinch of Borax didn't cause any uptick in what I saw. Also had an herbalist making suggestions for parasite removal. At the end of that year, I felt so incredibly healthy and renewed. I promised myself to keep up the protocol but didn't.


Texas Cowgirl - Jul 8 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

“Heavy metal detox”, I pray you are not referring to zeolites. To see this touted as a detox is painful. Zeolites are extremely toxic and harmful to all organs.


Christina - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

No not zeolites. There are many many ways to heavy metal detox with plants. Currently I'm using homegrown wheatgrass. But if one doesn't have access to wheatgrass there are other way….and other kinds of plants.


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

Cilantro (coriander) and its seeds work pretty well, combined with a binder.


Caroline - Jul 11

What do you use for detox?


Alivers8n - Jul 9

Really ?? I’m oftenly taking it, zeolyte argile


Stella - Jul 8 - Edited

Honeybee’s Substack

I tend to agree Texas Cowgirl, after reading a number of Agent’s Substacks about what really vitamins and some supplements are made of actually, I’m just staying away from them for now. Though am always open to hearing more info both ways just in case. Also the MB recommended here has nano gold in it, something else I’m not comfortable with experimenting putting into my body for right now, as I’ve read it stays and accumulates, don’t know if that’s true or not, but just in case I stay away from it.


Texas Cowgirl - Jul 8

It is true, nano gold accumulates. All nano elements accumulate in the organs and also cross the blood brain barrier. Stay away from nano anything.


Honeybee - Jul 8

Honeybee’s Substack

Would you by any chance have a link to Agent's article on supplements? Thanks.


Stella - Jul 9

Honeybee’s Substack

Comment removed.


Stella - Jul 9

Honeybee’s Substack

Also, if you’re into reading something really long but very interesting (I skimmed a lot of it):


Honeybee - Jul 9

Honeybee’s Substack

Many thanks for all the links!


Carol Guajardo - Jul 8 - Edited

Carol Guajardo

All the stuff coming out now for health and detoxing still needs more research in my opinion. A lot of things people take and don't realize how those medications interact with others, what changes it can make in your body, or even how it interacts with certain foods. This is an interesting article.
The article you shared, I do like him. He did a series on Vitamins. Very good info.


Honeybee - Jul 8

Honeybee’s Substack

I did try MB on several occasions because so many people praised their renewed health ostensibly from the product. I had adverse reactions every time...notably gut troubles. The contraindications for me threw up huge red flags after trying several times.


Angela - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

I was prescribed Uribel (methylene blue) by a urologist for what he thought at the time was interstitial cystitis. I only took it when I had intense unbearable pain; it was the only thing that ever took away that pain. After a couple years I noticed that other doctors were unable to find medications that did not interact with the methylene blue, so I stopped taking it. I don’t know what to think about it. MB helped me at that time, so maybe there was some value but at the same time it was scary to think of the reactions with other medications.


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

If you ever suffer from interstitial cystitis again or UTI, the key is to change the acidity of the urine, things like bicarbonate soda and vinegar are excellent for that.


Texas Cowgirl - Jul 9

You can find a wealth of information regarding nano technology on this telegram Chanel.
Zac power of the pulse.


Haden - Jul 8


Like the link you provided: M.B is toxic waste. I will never take anything as long as I feel absolutely fine.


Christian - Aug 11

Ar’s Substack

why are you stunned ? So many doctor talk about it !


Alivers8n - Jul 9

There is differents type of méthylène blue… Industrial one and medical one


Texas Cowgirl - Jul 11

Where do you think the “medical” mb comes from?


Nostradamus X - Jul 8

Nostradamus X

“Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale. Everything is being digitalized. Everything is being monitored”.
-- Yuval Noah Harari, Advisor to the World Enslavement Forum (WEF)


NB - Jul 8

Also an atheist gay Jew who does not believe in Jesus Christ


Marty - Jul 8

Nano Ordo Mundi

Brought to you by Hararitler.


Joy Lucette Garner - Jul 8

Joy’s Newsletter

THANK YOU Ana, for this work you do.


NB - Jul 8 - Edited

Christine’s Newsletter

Do you know what predictive programming is? It’s like the body scanner that was in the Arnold Schwarzenegger Total Recall. It is also like the Borg injecting people with nanobots 30 years ago on Star Trek. It tricks your brain into thinking that it already exists so that when it actually occurs in real life, it’s just kind of like “whatever“


Christine - Jul 8

Christine’s Newsletter

Re: Arnold Schwarzenegger Total Recall - he was vaccinated and last I saw him, he was in a hospital bed sick and ill from the vaccines he volunteered to have - and in fact, most of the old actors have suffered the same fate or already died post vaccines, mainly because, like me, they are in their 70's and in the kill range age the vaccines so thoughtfully provide - I'm not vaccinated, which is why I'm still alive.
If natural mRNA DNA = Key to Heaven, then what door does the ModRNA DNA, synthetic, made in a laboratory, never existed in nature before and thus patented, door open instead - let me put that another way, we can't avoid death, sooner or later, so better a heads up on possibilities than go in blind and not prepared.
Thank your politicians for this who put in place the "Disinformation Laws" from early 2020 to mid 2023 to force many of you to "volunteer" for your vaccines for Moderna's Covid-19 Neucloids virus which they made with DARPA's help and patented in 2013 which I bet you never knew about. More on my free substack if you are brave enough to look.


dyr - Jul 8

Exactly. The effect is strongest on masses of unsuspecting viewers of moving pictures. Now idolatry was a central concern of some ancients whose ways and wisdom down to our day have influenced much. Yet idolatry as practised anciently had lapsed, by at least 2000 years ago, according to some early rabbinic opinion, surviving as mere ancestral practice. There nonetheless was important discussion of just what constituted this ultimate offence, being an affront against Heaven. Statuary - rather high/highest art that - was the focus, and not 2D representations of what was created, inducing worshipfulness (fyi only actionable offence if performed in certain ways) toward these 3D objects or what they misleadingly represented.
Idolatrous effect however never lapsed. In our own day, what 3D high art is out there able to be used to mislead unsuspecting masses, much as you put it? Moving pictures - the 3rd D being illusory sense of time passage. Even worse, deadlier, as I see it than 3 spatial dimensions played with alone. (Btw this all does not eliminate possibility of benign use of these otherwise idolatrous forms.)


Edward Bernaysauce - Jul 8

Edward Bernaysauce

the hive-mind, achieved by any other means- would smell as sweet...


Brian Christopher Locke - Jul 8

Brian’s Substack

Are we all going to get turned into the legal department for Free Speech.
What a bunch of fruit loops, because we believe in saving lives and safety.
Watch out for the thought police. lol. They have to be joking too for that stupid disclaimer.


Dana Mccubbin - Jul 8

Dana Mccubbin

I think Ana posted the disclaimer?


Brian Christopher Locke - Jul 8

Brian’s Substack

If she did, it is okay! I would have worded if differently.
Anyhow! Any disclaimer is better than none to protect her.
Nanotechnology and the arrows are crazy. 'Project Camelot Portal', she needs to be on with Kerry Cassidy.


Fulvic Acid Australia - Jul 8

Keep up the great work :-)


Ian - Jul 8


I've read that various acids and compounds in Kombucha and other (live) fermented foods can remove heavy metals and other toxins, can't hurt.


Lynette Devries - Jul 8

American Homesteader

I sure hope so as I am on a pension. There is an Australian company called NEXBA that sell KOMBJUCHA. I really love their Mixed Berry one. I usually buy it when it is half price a liter bottle. It can't hurt I agree.


AmericanVeteran - Jul 8

American Homesteader

I make homemade Kombucha weekly for my family.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM-kLacgrdI


dyr - Jul 8

American Homesteader

Am about to restart my own mainly on hibiscus and my own maple syrup (but using wife's ongoing tea-sugar-based scobies). Stopped a few times over past years due to suspected effect on teeth. Best of all has been if more expensive on fruit juice alone, eg apple-cranberry mix. Or pomegranate. What do you use?


AmericanVeteran - Jul 11

American Homesteader

My favorite is lemon and honey. but I also make some with raspberries, blueberries, cherries, mango & pineapple. Its delicious and I dont think it harms teeth.


Alivers8n - Jul 9

Please somebody could share his sources about zeolyte’s toxicity ? Thanks 🙏🏼


Nicole Burke - Jul 8

Nicole Burke

Should med give methblu and new restore all be taken together? I’m just trying to get this nanotechnology out of my blood and body as much as possible and become living proof that this is what is making us so sick and I didn’t even get vaccinated. I can only imagine the suffering in some of those who did


Mrnobody - Jul 9


I'm trying Paulette's methods, used my HSA card for the purchase. I'm unjabbed but with brain fog for years. I've never been this clear minded in over a decade. I didn't need blood work to know.


nobody's - Jul 11


I too am feeling so much better. I have a dozen of those generators going at the same time and each time I add another I feel even better. I got them on the opposite side of the wall as my computer screen. So when I'm viewing my computer I'm getting hit with the frequencies. Sort of like the theory behind those harmonizers. Overwelming the bad frequencies coming off the computer with better frequencies coming from my generator so my brain locks on to them instead. At least that's my understanding of harmonizers and how they work. I have two computers that have generators hooked up to them and I have Paulettes detox frequencies running on a generator hooked up to both computers.


Nicole Burke - Jul 9

Nicole Burke

Hi. With all due respect I am not a scientist. You probably did answer my question but can you please dumb it down for me? I’m just wondering if Med five clears the jab and Graphene oxide and plastics out or should I be taking the med five, methalyne blu and restore all together?



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