Darkfield Microscopy C19 Unvaccinated Blood. Nano and Microrobot Self Assembly Of Mesogen Microchips. How Many Nanorobots Can Someone Have In Their Body And Not Know About It?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Video: Close up of a micro robot inspecting a red blood cell

I am posting some further video footage of C19 unvaccinated blood with nano and micro robotic swarming. My question is where are these robots going and how many can one human being have in their blood?

I take 1 drop of blood, and there are countless of them swimming in the blood. All these videos come from the same patient, who has some symptoms of fatigue and brainfog, but overall is feeling fine. The patient had come in more for preventative care to check if the blood is contaminated. This illustrates, that people can be loaded with self assembly nanotechnology and have no symptoms or knowledge of their contamination status. This is what I as a medical practitioner find alarming. This is a stealth attack on people, and as I said I see this in everyone now. I don’t film self assembly in every patient, but it is quite common, sometimes 1-2 per clinic day. If you extrapolate the density of this technology to see this with such commonality and even begin to calculate the statistical likelihood of this happening, the numbers are staggering.

There are 15.4 drops in 1 ml. A human has on average 5 liters ( 5000ml) of blood. There would be 77.000 drops in the body. Let’s say 1 drop has 2000 nanobots. That is a low figure, because it seems in some I see many tens of thousands or even millions in a swarm - but lets just assume.

77000drops x 2000 nanobots = 154.000.000 nanobots.

I find that staggering. Don’t you?

Look at this video - magnification 200x - enlarge it so you can see all the blinking lights:


Here is a closer view - magnification 400x of the mesogen micro chip that is being built:


Here is another video of the blood flowing from the same individual and seeing how these micro robots travel in the blood stream:


Could it be that by now humans are infected with Billions of these nano and micro robots? My concern is that they are, I would not be able to see what I see in simple statistical probability if they were not. I am only able to see down to maybe 500 nanometers, so I do not know how many trillions are self assembling on the nanometer level.

I continue to recommend pulling the semiconducting metals and Graphene used to assemble Quantum Dot nano and micro robots out and stop the polymerization. I have discussed the mechanism of action for the molecules below. That seems to be the best strategy to date to mitigate this threat based on my research.

Methylene Blue

And full nutritional support

Dr Tennants Restore

You can support my work at Ko-fi . All support is greatly appreciated, especially for the editing of my new book. Thank you!

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Andrejka - Jul 8 - Edited

Andrejka’s Substack

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Andrianna Love pushing disinfo for the globalists .. Recently I had tried following her substack just out of curiosity yet she is saying every single thing we know for a fact about alternative health the past 30 years is wrong and that we should just be ok with exposure to round up, inject babies with the entire array of shots including mrna self replicating nano tech and so forth and so on. She is ignoring how modern chemicals and emfs and chemtrails is debilitating mankind who then are kicked in the teeth by the medical system gaslighting patients. Nauseating.
It is good to periodically check and confirm our foundations in our healing modalities, yet she is just a troll that is willfully ignoring data.
Thank you for your work Dr Mihalicea.

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Andrejka - Jul 8

Andrejka’s Substack

Greetings and blessings Dr Mihalicea,
Have you looked into the research by Sabrina Wallace? While she may appear to be eccentric she is a former telecom engineer that was born into a family that practiced some dark things. Sabrina explains that the internet of bodies already is using our biology, we already were installed in the 1970s and onward. Her lectures are high level and I cannot recall the quantity of nano tech: transcription may be easier to listen using the Bing read out loud feature:
Title: Electronic & Net-Centric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (88 Sabrina Wallace Videos w/ references, notes, comments) – Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults (gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com)https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/electronic-warfare-explained-sabrina-wallace-videos/
go to page 15 (it is p 13 of the report)

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