Hi Dr Ana, for many people edta chelation
Is not possible.
What are your thoughts on using chlorella and coriandolo alongside serrapeptase and nattokinase? This is what I have been doing for a year now and my memory is much better.
I have no idea about my blood though. I don’t even know where o could go to have it analysed using darkfield. Can you advise at all
Pls? Thanks π
Thanks for sharing. Even though unvaccinated, we should assume we have the same looking blood and work from there. What is your reason you cannot do edta chelation?
My research shows a great deal of potential from oral disodium EDTA. I don’t doubt Dr Ana’s findings but they injected over a billion ppl so introducing a rarely performed alternative treatment to a little-known but very real threat isn’t realistic. We need the full rundown of chelating minerals/foods and instructions. EDTA will also remove calcium, iron, and magnesium so balance of intake/outtake would benefit from supervision IMO. Here’s a physician that heralds the use and benefits of oral EDTA
Appreciate your taking the time to impart clear explanation AND a link! I believe I remember correctly that either/and/or Drs. Ana M. and Sherri T(enpenny) have indicated a cost of $5,000+ USD for intravenous(?) EDTA. Having an opinion, protocol and beneficial test results for oral EDTA is important arsenal for the medicine cabinet. Some, perhaps many, are in search of resolve for an unintended consequence of others' ill-advised actions -- along with demands of others to follow suit. Or, else.
A yet darker turn of events ensued. If this isn't original, please forgive but, it just popped into my head, #notwithoutmyconsent. I probably heard that somewhere and it stuck. There is much that is being directed on this planet I would never consent to supporting. Those elected and self-appointed are running slip-shod. ;-(0
Roughly 30 years ago, I underwent a series of IV EDTA. I was doing it for general health reasons and not anything specific. The doc gave me a high dose Vit D and then tested me for heavy metals. The idea is that vit D will pull out heavy metals into your bloodstream and then the metals will show up in the blood test. My blood test was positive for heavy metals outside normal range so my BC/BS health insurance covered the chelation therapy. It's little known but chelation is the accepted intervention for heavy metal poisoning. I don't remember what the cost was at the time but insurance covered it except for my deductable.
BTW, the doc was an Egyptian lady and she was getting quite a few patients in this town. Of course, the local AMA still frowns on such "alternative therapy" and they eventually were able to force her to relocate her practice. The medical community has always been anything but honest.
I had a series of 10 treatments at about $200/treatment through Christopher Lawinsky MD in Hawaii:https://www.vitalitymedicine.org
Gotcha. There is a website where you can search for a practitioner near you. It may involve only 1 or 2 IV sessions, to see results. Wishing you the very best.
You do Dr. Anna's topical EDTA cream, then get a mineral because it is chelation, it will take all the minerals out of your body. EDTA orally is a HUGE NO!! it is very hard on the stomach, you do not need leaky gut to go with all your issues. This is from my holistic M.D. I am not a dr. and I am not prescribing.
Thanks for your input. I’m still researching oral disodium EDTA and seeking medical guidance’s from Naturopathic and Osteopathic specialists. I won’t add anything to the antioxidant amino acid chelating mineral protocol that’s working so far unless my upcoming live blood analysis shows the structures seen by Dr Ana. I do know people that take a moderate EDTA dose 2x a month without negative side effect. We have to remember we’re all uniquely different but not one to jump into anything ππΌ
Have been following you and applaud all your work. Questions: Can meat thoroughly cooked kill or inactivate spikes and/or liposomal bodies?
Have you checked the blood of the unvaccinated you gave EDTA after about a month to see if they remain cleared? I am not counting those who had sex with the vaccinated.
You are passionate and brilliant. We are so grateful for all you do.
I’m very curious if anyone has answer to this question .....
If all cells communicate , inter species or trans species .... what are the means or mechanisms of communication . Is it frequency , enzymatic , hormonal , some other energetic exchange , a combination of multiple exchanges , ect ?
And is this means of communication responsible for the shedding effects ?
The best term I can think of to describe what you're referring to is “bio-resonance fields", subtle electromagnetic frequencies which all living things radiate and can be seen through techniques such as Kirlian photography and other very sensitive scientific instrumentation. I believe that this can be attributed to the liquid-crystalline, coiled helical, nature of DNA and RNA which allows these nucleic acids to function as molecular level transceivers. Living cells resonate with and transmit these subtle frequencies as a means of intercellular communication. Now, because the average human being has up to 100 trillion cells in the body, the additive effect of all that subtle energy literally produces an “aura” of energy which is heart-centered and extends from the body roughly six feet in all directions. Thus, two people’s energy fields can interact and influence each other without even touching one another. If someone’s energy field is adversely disrupted by something as damaging as these bioweapons (I refuse to call them “vaccines”), then it can adversely impact an unvaccinated person’s health at this subtle energetic level. The two fields will interact and seek a resonant balance, which may be good for the vaxxed individual but not so good for the unvaxxed person. “Biological entrainment” might be another useful description for this phenomenon. Of course, there’s also the physical shedding of vaccine components/mRNA gene products through the exchange of bodily fluids and even skin-to-skin contact. If you wish to explore this issue more, I highly recommend Dr. Richard Gerber’s book “Vibrational Medicine” and Christopher Bird’s book “The Secret Life of Plants”.
Read The Secret Life of Plants long ago and met the coauthor Peter Tompkins 31 years ago, so I agree with what you're saying. But it seems that neither bio-resonance fields or shedding of mRNA products explains why Ar. Ana is having so much success using the EDTA heavy metal detox protocol. Also, neither address the fact that these nanotech products that Dr. Ana, myself and others have been pointing to as the culprit, have been raining down on us from the sky for many years prior to covid.
The mechanism of action of EDTA chelation with respect to whatever materials are present in the jabs, or the air we're breathing, remains to be fully explained. But it's clearly good to know that something which we've known for many years will safely remove toxic heavy metals from our bodies is also effective at improving the blood health of people who've been vaxxed and the people who've been "shed upon". I've been routinely detoxing since I first became aware of the chemtrail spraying in 1996. I do intestinal cleanses, liver/gall bladder/kidney flushes, and epsom salt baths quite frequently. I also have a far-infrared sauna because sweating is a great way for the body to eliminate toxins. Foot baths and overnight foot patches are also effective. Nutritional supplements such as liposomal glutathione and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) will also boost the body's detoxification pathways. It's also important to realize that the high MHz and GHz frequencies of all wireless devices have been shown to accelerate the assembly and activity of whatever nano-tech is being used against us in this evil trans-humanist agenda. I've never owned a cell phone and my home in the country woods is entirely hard-wired. I even insisted that an analog electric meter be installed on my home when I was notified that the so-called "smart" meters were about to be rolled out. If things get much worse, I'll probably sell everything I own, purchase the largest and most seaworthy sailboat I can afford, and live at sea like Kevin Costner in "Waterworld". Hopefully, sanity will return to this planet before I have to make such a drastic decision............. Well, I just finished reading both of your substack articles and it appears that you and I have been on parallel tracks for some time. I've added "secularheretic" to my FTF (i.e. folks to follow) list. I guess I'll end this with the observation that I made well before the digitization of our world really began ramping up to warp speed. From the very beginning, I worried about it. I never trusted it because it was obvious to me that the Creator created an analog world; if it was good enough for Him, then it was good enough for me.
Look back at Dr Ana’s archive for the answers as well La Quinta Columna presentation in Seville late March. There’s video with english subtitles of the conference plus Elana Freedman website offers correlation.
It's important for people to see the before and after results of the therapeutic intervention. We found that when our patients saw the visual outcome and changes in their blood, their compliance with the therapeutic intervention increased remarkably. They subjectively knew they were feeling better, yet the objective proof of these changes in RBCs and WBCs made a huge difference.
Of course, you should’ve seen the look on three colleagues faces when I shared Dr Ana’s analysis in full color print out. And the flip side is her findings include re-contamination. This is the first hurdle - getting her work seen and heard. Let’s remember Western governments are not looking for any answers to millions dead from deregulated experimental injections…not at all. The first effort is to get where Senator Ron Johnson and his hearings filled with experts and injured couldn’t get to …the general public ππΌ
Our target audience is the public. The machine will come to an abrupt halt when people know and take action to regain their health and prevent recurrences.
Thank you for doing all you can do as we all need to try. The scale of this atrocity just in its history involving HAARP and global ionizing of the atmosphere alone is biblical. The psychos can’t wait to flip the switch on 5G, 6G ready to go, so I put my trust in God and His truth seeking army. A great deal of humanity was easily coerced by the fear porn and too many turned on their fellow man, no need to assess, it’s clear. The end of His age is upon us, and the battle of good vs evil will prevail πππΌπ
That looks very promising, I am not around "vaccinated" people so I believe Im fine. My health hasn't changed at all so I think I'll live awhile longer LOL
The "vaccinated"shed,and the shedding of those "vaccinated"with mRNA is worse than those who have not been. In my personal opinion,through experience. Each time new mRNA shots were distributed I have to go through a natural antibody surge in me.
I think everyone's blood looks like this. The reason I believe this is because this all began with morgellons,not the sapposed mRNA 'vaccine'.
Where is Dr. Ana's Practice Located and where is it possible to locate a Doctor in one's area providing this IV EDTA Treatment/Therapy? Would be highly interested in seeking this Treatment.
Yes, I would like to know also. It seems that these folks are under attack and don't always publicize the services they provide. It is for articles like this that I am a paid subscriber to Dr. Anna.
Had an uncle experiencing Myocardial Infarction in his 50's and probably attributed to heavy smoking. He found a Doctor to provide this Treatment as a Series of 6 Sessions and never had another attack though he never discontinued smoking and continued with 4 pkg per day until he died at age 78. IT OBVIOUSLY EXTENDED HIS LIFESPAN EVEN IN EXTRAORDINARILY NEGATIVE CONDITIONS.
It sounds as though it's simply an effective treatment where Big Pharma/Govt. Officials don't make any extreme Profit which is the ONLY factor now prioritized for all Treatment.
Good for him. It seems that most folks with effective treatments for a variety of conditions, including cancer, using frequencies, fasting, raw juices etc typically are raided by the FBI/FDA and forced to set up practice in Mexico and elsewhere, or worse, like Rife, Gerson and others. We have to support these health trail blazers.
My family doctor was treating Lyme successfully. He was bullied into submission after being threatened. (He’d be in court defending every Medicare bill until he was retired Or bankruptcy. )This was around the time we lost Dr Bradstreet & a dozen more researchers and dr.
I see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help, & my family doctor to appease disability.
Homeopathic Medicine was the method for healing throughout the millenia...Usually practiced by women as they were the gatherers in 'Hunter/Gatherer Traditions' and knew from primitive experimentation of the properties and influences of natural products and substances of plants, roots, leaves, barks, certain organic organs from different creatures. Health was eventually viewed by men as an area having too much POWER attached to it for women to have.
The answer was Alleopathy which involved invasive surgeries, alchemy, SADISTIC EXPERIMENTATION, etc. which has resulted in the therapy/treatment being primarily involved with profit and misery from Treatment being poisonous and often worse than the disease.
Listened to the Russell Brand Show with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. last night and was astounded at what he reported about the history of the Bioweapons used in the Biowarfare being a result of the Nazi Scientists in Germany and Japan before and during WW2 being stolen away from Nuremberg and brought to the States under a program called Operation Paperclip. The science HAD NO ETHICAL STANDARDS AND WAS BASED UPON TORTURE WITH CHEMICALS, ETC. I'm going to leave a Link...RFK Jr. has tons of History people really need information about to comprehend these last few years....WOW!
Through the David Knight Show on Bitchute I have come to learn that while great on vaccines, war, and corporate corruption in general, RKF Jr supports the Green Agenda lies and has supported jailing people for speech he disagrees with in the past. Hopefully we can move him on these platform flaws. In any event we need stop waiting for a political savior to fix everything from the city state extra judicial zone that is DC.
Watch the water part 2 by dr brian ardis on stew peters show. Its venom snake and other venoms. and its used in crispr gene editing. this coincides w Karen kingston saying there is reptile and insect dna in cv shots.
On the Soma Health site I only see the cream. Is this what you mean when you refer to transdermal and liposomal? Are they about the same thing? Thanks very much. π
EDTA providers are hard to find, very expensive and not covered by medical insurance. You should post where to get it administered at a reasonable price.
I have AH floater and been thinking of trying EDTA oral supplements for them. Unvaxad. Had covid for the first time this Feb. my from my vaxxed and boosted grandchild. Yes, shedding seems to be a real thing. Was so sick. Devastated as all 3 of my children and most, if not all, of their children took it. All my sibling took it. One only took it unwilling for their job. One sibling took it 7x. They needed to have a emergency surgery since then.
I was shed on and got very sick for about 2 weeks. It resulted in blurry vision for about 8 months, then it self/corrected, now it’s back so I’m ordering oral EDTA to try. Several ppl I interviewed in my research had clearer vision after a few months as well as improved memory, oxygenation, cardiovascular health, and overall energy.
Sorry to hear that about your vision but good to hear it self/corrected. I was pretty sick for about the same. The first two days I had the worst headache and I could barely get out of bed. Still have brain fog but this was only in Feb.. The eye floaters started within wks after I was hit at the side of the head 4yr ago. t's a worry as drs say it's calcium phosphate, which have been linked to the development of age-related macular degeneration. Yet no dr told me I had them till after I started complaining about them. Ugh. Why. Maybe not a big deal to them but then maybe a big deal when they started affecting my vision. Or when they suddenly get worst. They can't say if they're connect or something else is causing my spotting vision. And they won't connect them to the head injury. Anything but. It was a workplace accident so no surprise. Good to hear ppl are getting good results from it. Hope the side effects are not too bad. Thank you for your reply.
Dr. Ana, are there any adverse events common to EDTA chelation therapy or certain people that are not good candidates for EDTA chelation? I'm a nurse and I have access to chelation therapy along with other vitamins but have been hesitant to use chelation, I'm not sure why except that I'm not familiar with it like I am the vitamins. Any articles you can recommend so I have a better knowledge base on EDTA, it sounds like it can help all sorts of things!
Why attribute this to 'exposure to vax shedding' when it's been going on for decades? People called it 'morgellons disease' or 'fibers disease', combined with 'bottlecap blood' and 'rouleau blood formation', both from 5G microwave exposure. You can see examples at youtube channel, SkizitGesture, or atwww.citizensAHT.org.
imagine how bad a lot of these people fill when there blood & cells look like this. it's Truly mind blowing to see all the death & destruction just in πΊπΈ i fill most people have Not a clue about the Bio Weapons. & thats with people like me showing anyone that will listen. i sound like a broken record player everywhere I go. i have every Kingston interview since the 1st one on Doug billings show saved on my phone to show people all laws patent's recipes documents research studies etc. i get up everyday thinking today it will end just so more baby's & kid's want die or be harmed anymore
Beth - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Hi Dr Ana, for many people edta chelation
Is not possible.
What are your thoughts on using chlorella and coriandolo alongside serrapeptase and nattokinase? This is what I have been doing for a year now and my memory is much better.
I have no idea about my blood though. I don’t even know where o could go to have it analysed using darkfield. Can you advise at all
Pls? Thanks π
Lisa - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Thanks for sharing. Even though unvaccinated, we should assume we have the same looking blood and work from there. What is your reason you cannot do edta chelation?
Beth - May 13, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
Well I don’t know anyone who does it where I am...and also it sounds expensive
JMarie.58 - May 13, 2023 - Edited
JMarie.58’s Substack
My research shows a great deal of potential from oral disodium EDTA. I don’t doubt Dr Ana’s findings but they injected over a billion ppl so introducing a rarely performed alternative treatment to a little-known but very real threat isn’t realistic. We need the full rundown of chelating minerals/foods and instructions. EDTA will also remove calcium, iron, and magnesium so balance of intake/outtake would benefit from supervision IMO. Here’s a physician that heralds the use and benefits of oral EDTA
JAired - May 13, 2023
Appreciate your taking the time to impart clear explanation AND a link! I believe I remember correctly that either/and/or Drs. Ana M. and Sherri T(enpenny) have indicated a cost of $5,000+ USD for intravenous(?) EDTA. Having an opinion, protocol and beneficial test results for oral EDTA is important arsenal for the medicine cabinet. Some, perhaps many, are in search of resolve for an unintended consequence of others' ill-advised actions -- along with demands of others to follow suit. Or, else.
A yet darker turn of events ensued. If this isn't original, please forgive but, it just popped into my head, #notwithoutmyconsent. I probably heard that somewhere and it stuck. There is much that is being directed on this planet I would never consent to supporting. Those elected and self-appointed are running slip-shod. ;-(0
Politico Phil - May 14, 2023
Politico Phil
Roughly 30 years ago, I underwent a series of IV EDTA. I was doing it for general health reasons and not anything specific. The doc gave me a high dose Vit D and then tested me for heavy metals. The idea is that vit D will pull out heavy metals into your bloodstream and then the metals will show up in the blood test. My blood test was positive for heavy metals outside normal range so my BC/BS health insurance covered the chelation therapy. It's little known but chelation is the accepted intervention for heavy metal poisoning. I don't remember what the cost was at the time but insurance covered it except for my deductable.
Politico Phil - May 14, 2023
Politico Phil
BTW, the doc was an Egyptian lady and she was getting quite a few patients in this town. Of course, the local AMA still frowns on such "alternative therapy" and they eventually were able to force her to relocate her practice. The medical community has always been anything but honest.
Vitor Gabriel - Apr 1
Please, how much does this cost?
Thank you for the informations!
Lucy - May 29, 2023
So vit D pull out metals to bloodstream and then? Does vit D take away heavy metals?
KundaliniAndCellTowers - Apr 7
I had a series of 10 treatments at about $200/treatment through Christopher Lawinsky MD in Hawaii:https://www.vitalitymedicine.org
Vitor Gabriel - Apr 8
Thank you!
Beth - May 14, 2023
Hi,’thanks so much for sharing. Will have a read and look into this x
Lisa - May 13, 2023
Gotcha. There is a website where you can search for a practitioner near you. It may involve only 1 or 2 IV sessions, to see results. Wishing you the very best.
RandD - May 14, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
You do Dr. Anna's topical EDTA cream, then get a mineral because it is chelation, it will take all the minerals out of your body. EDTA orally is a HUGE NO!! it is very hard on the stomach, you do not need leaky gut to go with all your issues. This is from my holistic M.D. I am not a dr. and I am not prescribing.
JMarie.58 - May 14, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Thanks for your input. I’m still researching oral disodium EDTA and seeking medical guidance’s from Naturopathic and Osteopathic specialists. I won’t add anything to the antioxidant amino acid chelating mineral protocol that’s working so far unless my upcoming live blood analysis shows the structures seen by Dr Ana. I do know people that take a moderate EDTA dose 2x a month without negative side effect. We have to remember we’re all uniquely different but not one to jump into anything ππΌ
DBArizona - May 14, 2023
DBArizona’s Newsletter
Irish sea moss, NAC,Lumbrokinase these can help detox also.
Beth - May 14, 2023
Thank you π I’m
Already taking NAC but will defo look into sea miss too π
Lucy - May 29, 2023
If you do not have any symptoms like chronic tiredness or headaches, your blood is alright.
Beth - May 29, 2023
I’m always tired but that was from way back before covid, but no other Symptoms. Fingers crossed in that case.thanks
Grace - May 13, 2023
Have been following you and applaud all your work. Questions: Can meat thoroughly cooked kill or inactivate spikes and/or liposomal bodies?
Have you checked the blood of the unvaccinated you gave EDTA after about a month to see if they remain cleared? I am not counting those who had sex with the vaccinated.
You are passionate and brilliant. We are so grateful for all you do.
WildernessofZin - May 13, 2023
the secular heretic
I’m very curious if anyone has answer to this question .....
If all cells communicate , inter species or trans species .... what are the means or mechanisms of communication . Is it frequency , enzymatic , hormonal , some other energetic exchange , a combination of multiple exchanges , ect ?
And is this means of communication responsible for the shedding effects ?
Phil Welsh - May 13, 2023
the secular heretic
The best term I can think of to describe what you're referring to is “bio-resonance fields", subtle electromagnetic frequencies which all living things radiate and can be seen through techniques such as Kirlian photography and other very sensitive scientific instrumentation. I believe that this can be attributed to the liquid-crystalline, coiled helical, nature of DNA and RNA which allows these nucleic acids to function as molecular level transceivers. Living cells resonate with and transmit these subtle frequencies as a means of intercellular communication. Now, because the average human being has up to 100 trillion cells in the body, the additive effect of all that subtle energy literally produces an “aura” of energy which is heart-centered and extends from the body roughly six feet in all directions. Thus, two people’s energy fields can interact and influence each other without even touching one another. If someone’s energy field is adversely disrupted by something as damaging as these bioweapons (I refuse to call them “vaccines”), then it can adversely impact an unvaccinated person’s health at this subtle energetic level. The two fields will interact and seek a resonant balance, which may be good for the vaxxed individual but not so good for the unvaxxed person. “Biological entrainment” might be another useful description for this phenomenon. Of course, there’s also the physical shedding of vaccine components/mRNA gene products through the exchange of bodily fluids and even skin-to-skin contact. If you wish to explore this issue more, I highly recommend Dr. Richard Gerber’s book “Vibrational Medicine” and Christopher Bird’s book “The Secret Life of Plants”.
Kyle Young - May 13, 2023
the secular heretic
Read The Secret Life of Plants long ago and met the coauthor Peter Tompkins 31 years ago, so I agree with what you're saying. But it seems that neither bio-resonance fields or shedding of mRNA products explains why Ar. Ana is having so much success using the EDTA heavy metal detox protocol. Also, neither address the fact that these nanotech products that Dr. Ana, myself and others have been pointing to as the culprit, have been raining down on us from the sky for many years prior to covid.
Phil Welsh - May 13, 2023
The mechanism of action of EDTA chelation with respect to whatever materials are present in the jabs, or the air we're breathing, remains to be fully explained. But it's clearly good to know that something which we've known for many years will safely remove toxic heavy metals from our bodies is also effective at improving the blood health of people who've been vaxxed and the people who've been "shed upon". I've been routinely detoxing since I first became aware of the chemtrail spraying in 1996. I do intestinal cleanses, liver/gall bladder/kidney flushes, and epsom salt baths quite frequently. I also have a far-infrared sauna because sweating is a great way for the body to eliminate toxins. Foot baths and overnight foot patches are also effective. Nutritional supplements such as liposomal glutathione and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) will also boost the body's detoxification pathways. It's also important to realize that the high MHz and GHz frequencies of all wireless devices have been shown to accelerate the assembly and activity of whatever nano-tech is being used against us in this evil trans-humanist agenda. I've never owned a cell phone and my home in the country woods is entirely hard-wired. I even insisted that an analog electric meter be installed on my home when I was notified that the so-called "smart" meters were about to be rolled out. If things get much worse, I'll probably sell everything I own, purchase the largest and most seaworthy sailboat I can afford, and live at sea like Kevin Costner in "Waterworld". Hopefully, sanity will return to this planet before I have to make such a drastic decision............. Well, I just finished reading both of your substack articles and it appears that you and I have been on parallel tracks for some time. I've added "secularheretic" to my FTF (i.e. folks to follow) list. I guess I'll end this with the observation that I made well before the digitization of our world really began ramping up to warp speed. From the very beginning, I worried about it. I never trusted it because it was obvious to me that the Creator created an analog world; if it was good enough for Him, then it was good enough for me.
WildernessofZin - May 13, 2023
Thank you Phil . I will definitely check those books out .
Rosalind McGill - May 13, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I know there are vaccines given to animals that spread through the group by design.
JMarie.58 - May 13, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Look back at Dr Ana’s archive for the answers as well La Quinta Columna presentation in Seville late March. There’s video with english subtitles of the conference plus Elana Freedman website offers correlation.
Lynn Ferguson - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
It's important for people to see the before and after results of the therapeutic intervention. We found that when our patients saw the visual outcome and changes in their blood, their compliance with the therapeutic intervention increased remarkably. They subjectively knew they were feeling better, yet the objective proof of these changes in RBCs and WBCs made a huge difference.
JMarie.58 - May 13, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Of course, you should’ve seen the look on three colleagues faces when I shared Dr Ana’s analysis in full color print out. And the flip side is her findings include re-contamination. This is the first hurdle - getting her work seen and heard. Let’s remember Western governments are not looking for any answers to millions dead from deregulated experimental injections…not at all. The first effort is to get where Senator Ron Johnson and his hearings filled with experts and injured couldn’t get to …the general public ππΌ
Lynn Ferguson - May 13, 2023
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
Our target audience is the public. The machine will come to an abrupt halt when people know and take action to regain their health and prevent recurrences.
JMarie.58 - May 13, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
Thank you for doing all you can do as we all need to try. The scale of this atrocity just in its history involving HAARP and global ionizing of the atmosphere alone is biblical. The psychos can’t wait to flip the switch on 5G, 6G ready to go, so I put my trust in God and His truth seeking army. A great deal of humanity was easily coerced by the fear porn and too many turned on their fellow man, no need to assess, it’s clear. The end of His age is upon us, and the battle of good vs evil will prevail πππΌπ
Hannahlehigh - May 13, 2023 - Edited
That looks very promising, I am not around "vaccinated" people so I believe Im fine. My health hasn't changed at all so I think I'll live awhile longer LOL
WildernessofZin - May 13, 2023
Not trying to freak you out . But this stuff is in our food and the air we breathe now . Detox should be an everyday consideration ... imo .
MayFlower2 Matters - May 13, 2023 - Edited
Heather L. Merrell
The "vaccinated"shed,and the shedding of those "vaccinated"with mRNA is worse than those who have not been. In my personal opinion,through experience. Each time new mRNA shots were distributed I have to go through a natural antibody surge in me.
I think everyone's blood looks like this. The reason I believe this is because this all began with morgellons,not the sapposed mRNA 'vaccine'.
BlazeCloude3 - May 13, 2023
Where is Dr. Ana's Practice Located and where is it possible to locate a Doctor in one's area providing this IV EDTA Treatment/Therapy? Would be highly interested in seeking this Treatment.
KundaliniAndCellTowers - May 13, 2023
Yes, I would like to know also. It seems that these folks are under attack and don't always publicize the services they provide. It is for articles like this that I am a paid subscriber to Dr. Anna.
BlazeCloude3 - May 13, 2023
Had an uncle experiencing Myocardial Infarction in his 50's and probably attributed to heavy smoking. He found a Doctor to provide this Treatment as a Series of 6 Sessions and never had another attack though he never discontinued smoking and continued with 4 pkg per day until he died at age 78. IT OBVIOUSLY EXTENDED HIS LIFESPAN EVEN IN EXTRAORDINARILY NEGATIVE CONDITIONS.
It sounds as though it's simply an effective treatment where Big Pharma/Govt. Officials don't make any extreme Profit which is the ONLY factor now prioritized for all Treatment.
KundaliniAndCellTowers - May 13, 2023
Good for him. It seems that most folks with effective treatments for a variety of conditions, including cancer, using frequencies, fasting, raw juices etc typically are raided by the FBI/FDA and forced to set up practice in Mexico and elsewhere, or worse, like Rife, Gerson and others. We have to support these health trail blazers.
Rosalind McGill - May 13, 2023
Rosalind McGill
My family doctor was treating Lyme successfully. He was bullied into submission after being threatened. (He’d be in court defending every Medicare bill until he was retired Or bankruptcy. )This was around the time we lost Dr Bradstreet & a dozen more researchers and dr.
I see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help, & my family doctor to appease disability.
BlazeCloude3 - May 13, 2023
Homeopathic Medicine was the method for healing throughout the millenia...Usually practiced by women as they were the gatherers in 'Hunter/Gatherer Traditions' and knew from primitive experimentation of the properties and influences of natural products and substances of plants, roots, leaves, barks, certain organic organs from different creatures. Health was eventually viewed by men as an area having too much POWER attached to it for women to have.
The answer was Alleopathy which involved invasive surgeries, alchemy, SADISTIC EXPERIMENTATION, etc. which has resulted in the therapy/treatment being primarily involved with profit and misery from Treatment being poisonous and often worse than the disease.
Listened to the Russell Brand Show with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. last night and was astounded at what he reported about the history of the Bioweapons used in the Biowarfare being a result of the Nazi Scientists in Germany and Japan before and during WW2 being stolen away from Nuremberg and brought to the States under a program called Operation Paperclip. The science HAD NO ETHICAL STANDARDS AND WAS BASED UPON TORTURE WITH CHEMICALS, ETC. I'm going to leave a Link...RFK Jr. has tons of History people really need information about to comprehend these last few years....WOW!
KundaliniAndCellTowers - May 13, 2023
Through the David Knight Show on Bitchute I have come to learn that while great on vaccines, war, and corporate corruption in general, RKF Jr supports the Green Agenda lies and has supported jailing people for speech he disagrees with in the past. Hopefully we can move him on these platform flaws. In any event we need stop waiting for a political savior to fix everything from the city state extra judicial zone that is DC.
kaal - May 13, 2023
Watch the water part 2 by dr brian ardis on stew peters show. Its venom snake and other venoms. and its used in crispr gene editing. this coincides w Karen kingston saying there is reptile and insect dna in cv shots.
kaal - May 13, 2023
Perhaps solutions are temporary because the TOTALITY of the problem has not been addressed.
Jenna Hojnicki - May 13, 2023
What about edta suppositories? Detoxamin?
Mr. C - May 13, 2023
Where can this procedure be done? How much does it cost? I’m in central California I have loved ones in Southern California. Please help
Astrid Maria R - May 13, 2023
On the Soma Health site I only see the cream. Is this what you mean when you refer to transdermal and liposomal? Are they about the same thing? Thanks very much. π
Phil Welsh - May 13, 2023
I use a liposonmal EDTA product from the following website. It's taken by mouth and the taste is actually quite pleasant.
Astrid Maria R - May 16, 2023
Buzz - May 14, 2023
EDTA providers are hard to find, very expensive and not covered by medical insurance. You should post where to get it administered at a reasonable price.
Rosalind McGill - May 13, 2023
Rosalind McGill
So important, thank you both
(& God bless & protect the truth tellers, in Jesus Holy name, Amen)
Rosalind McGill - May 13, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I’m unjabbed and had bleeding in menopause. Helping boosted elderly family.
jo - May 13, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
I have AH floater and been thinking of trying EDTA oral supplements for them. Unvaxad. Had covid for the first time this Feb. my from my vaxxed and boosted grandchild. Yes, shedding seems to be a real thing. Was so sick. Devastated as all 3 of my children and most, if not all, of their children took it. All my sibling took it. One only took it unwilling for their job. One sibling took it 7x. They needed to have a emergency surgery since then.
JMarie.58 - May 13, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
I was shed on and got very sick for about 2 weeks. It resulted in blurry vision for about 8 months, then it self/corrected, now it’s back so I’m ordering oral EDTA to try. Several ppl I interviewed in my research had clearer vision after a few months as well as improved memory, oxygenation, cardiovascular health, and overall energy.
jo - May 13, 2023
Sorry to hear that about your vision but good to hear it self/corrected. I was pretty sick for about the same. The first two days I had the worst headache and I could barely get out of bed. Still have brain fog but this was only in Feb.. The eye floaters started within wks after I was hit at the side of the head 4yr ago. t's a worry as drs say it's calcium phosphate, which have been linked to the development of age-related macular degeneration. Yet no dr told me I had them till after I started complaining about them. Ugh. Why. Maybe not a big deal to them but then maybe a big deal when they started affecting my vision. Or when they suddenly get worst. They can't say if they're connect or something else is causing my spotting vision. And they won't connect them to the head injury. Anything but. It was a workplace accident so no surprise. Good to hear ppl are getting good results from it. Hope the side effects are not too bad. Thank you for your reply.
Janet Newman - May 15, 2023
Janet’s Substack
Dr. Ana, are there any adverse events common to EDTA chelation therapy or certain people that are not good candidates for EDTA chelation? I'm a nurse and I have access to chelation therapy along with other vitamins but have been hesitant to use chelation, I'm not sure why except that I'm not familiar with it like I am the vitamins. Any articles you can recommend so I have a better knowledge base on EDTA, it sounds like it can help all sorts of things!
Zev Levin - May 18, 2023
alpha bet - May 15, 2023
alpha’s Substack
Why attribute this to 'exposure to vax shedding' when it's been going on for decades? People called it 'morgellons disease' or 'fibers disease', combined with 'bottlecap blood' and 'rouleau blood formation', both from 5G microwave exposure. You can see examples at youtube channel, SkizitGesture, or atwww.citizensAHT.org.
John Thomas - May 14, 2023
imagine how bad a lot of these people fill when there blood & cells look like this. it's Truly mind blowing to see all the death & destruction just in πΊπΈ i fill most people have Not a clue about the Bio Weapons. & thats with people like me showing anyone that will listen. i sound like a broken record player everywhere I go. i have every Kingston interview since the 1st one on Doug billings show saved on my phone to show people all laws patent's recipes documents research studies etc. i get up everyday thinking today it will end just so more baby's & kid's want die or be harmed anymore
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