Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 13, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Before IV EDTA
I received permission to share these images. Very young C19 unvaccinated individual ( 20’s) affected by shedding with significant adverse effects. Without any other intervention, right after initial live blood analysis showing abnormal Rouleaux and CDB/ Hydrogel/ Graphene filaments seen from shedding - exposed to a C19 vaccinated partner. No other intervention was done, no other supplements orally were taken.
Image: Before IV EDTA
For better visualization here is a larger image. I have circled in red what I call micro clotting:
Image: Before IV EDTA
Immediately after EDTA IV infusion given over 90 minutes a repeat Live Blood Analysis was done. Symptomatically the patient felt better.
Image: After IV EDTA
Image: After IV EDTA
Symptoms may not be completely resolved in one intravenous infusion, however it is important to document that the rouleaux formation and the micro clotting improved significantly. EDTA is in the body for 24 hours after infusion, so 90 minutes is a very rapid check, and improvements in blood quality do continue. I have seen many patients who improved significantly after 2-3 Chelation’s and I have had patients who within 2 weeks had complete resolution of symptoms with 8 IV treatments. I will post that documentation soon.
EDTA is also an anticoagulant. Here is a literature review of its benefits:
I do recommend EDTA as a detox strategy and I also recommend transdermal or liposomal EDTA.
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Beth - May 13, 2023
Hi Dr Ana, for many people edta chelation
Is not possible.
What are your thoughts on using chlorella and coriandolo alongside serrapeptase and nattokinase? This is what I have been doing for a year now and my memory is much better.
I have no idea about my blood though. I don’t even know where o could go to have it analysed using darkfield. Can you advise at all
Pls? Thanks 🙏
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Grace - May 13, 2023
Have been following you and applaud all your work. Questions: Can meat thoroughly cooked kill or inactivate spikes and/or liposomal bodies?
Have you checked the blood of the unvaccinated you gave EDTA after about a month to see if they remain cleared? I am not counting those who had sex with the vaccinated.
You are passionate and brilliant. We are so grateful for all you do.
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