Cyrus Parsa From The AI Organization Found Dead

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 22, 2025 ∙ Source

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From Project Camelot:


Another brilliant whistleblower, Cyrus Parsa from the AI Organization was found dead by gunshot wound to the head. He had a lot of spiritual training and would not have taken his life since he knew that that meant the moment he left his body. He likely was suicided since he also mentioned to not take him out in his tweet from January 2025.

This is a great loss for humanity. Just like Dr Robert Duncan who was found dead last year and knew that he would be taken out 2 weeks before it happened - Cyrus gave information to humanity of tremendous importance about the Artificial Intelligence takeover of humanity. Please note the recurrent deaths of AI whistleblowers within the last year - with recent Open AI whistleblower murdered after police called it suicide:

Open AI Whistleblower Suicided - The Common Terminal Method To Get Rid Of Truth

Dr Robert Duncan, PhD, DARPA, CIA, Targeted Individual Government Program Whistleblower - Found Dead.

This murdering of AI whistleblowers does tell us something big about the importance of the threat of AI to humanity. Anybody who brings attention to this is on the hit list.

Cyrus was one of the few people who discussed the Alien connection to the COVID19 bioweapon and he explained in his books and videos the Alien connection to the AI takeover as well. The self assembly nanotechnology is the interface to the Artificial Intelligence platform. This AI is the Demi Urge AI Supercomputer that the elites worship as God.

This should alert the public to request Disclosure of the Alien Agenda - this connection is intimately linked with this technocratic transhumanist takeover. If you watch the twitter video which is a bit disjointed and cryptic, he clearly states that the US military has weapons we cannot even imagine, that hyperdimensional beings are coming in and out of our reality manipulating our timelines and that of course we have a lot of very sophisticated reverse engineered craft. That technology in people’s blood is not from here as I have said from the beginning.

Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 bioweapon examined by me 2024. Magnification 2000x


02.20.25 From Project Camelot:

About CYRUS PARSA – Posted to Telegram

It was a hit… he was super paranoid with good reason…What is strange is that he had been out of the public eye for years… sick and hiding out.

He knew a lot even everything.

Re Covid: The aliens gave the scientists at Fort Derrick the formula…via computer. Grey aliens.

Cyrus Parsa's Lawsuit from 2019 - Excellent Summary of The Dangers Of AI And Big Tech Mind Control

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Prayer Warrior Paisley - 6d

Prayer Warrior Paisley

Alien=Demon. No such thing as Aliens(from outer space)only Demons from the Spiritual realm. Demons exist, Satan exists & GOD exists.
Satan is hard at work giving witless and sometimes willing humans the implements of their own destruction and obviously willing to silence his opposition.
Revelation is unrolling like a giant scroll before us...lift up your heads for your REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR.

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Super Spreader - 6d


Remember all the mysterious deaths of doctors and researchers before "covid" really took off?

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