I wish these were transcribed. Sigh. I just can’t listen to these things but carve out time to read every day. My listening time is devoted to literature because I just can’t spend 15 hours a day listening to depressing information but would love to skim through and get this valuable information. Thank you.
I put white light through my body daily to purge toxins. I can feel the nano either coming out of my I phone and pad or they are activating the nano in my wrists moving up my arm! Scary. I just bought two Lemurian plugs. If you put one near your computer it is supposed to mitigate EMF’s.
Thank you Dr. Ana for all your alerts to help us navigate these troubled waters. š„°š„
I'd like to know about the White Light too and Lemurian plugs. I know Shungite is supposed to protect one from 5G. I'd love to live in the country on a few acres growing my own produce. Are you sure it is not Morgelians you are feeling going up your arm? Think about it.
Visualize white light coming from Source into your crown chakra and move it through your body. You might feel a tingling.
Could be Morgellons. Anything possible in this day and age but I do not consent! I have shungite on my phone etc. Too. Find the plugs on the net.
It is so inconcrivable after all that we are discussing all this shit put into us in secrecy. This hidden genocide goes on and on with constant more victims or maimed, without most people knowing a thing. Some nerve! And some stupidity in evil..
For trouble listening at the link here, I went to the Rumble Page and was able to view the Video Interviewā£It's amazing to see Dr. Ana being Interviewed by New Heros who are wonderful Truthers living Godly principled lives in Care for Othersā£Hopefully one day our Race will be Healed and Human Dignity will spread across the world. For if one brother or sister is left in the dust then we have missed the point of being Humanā£š
Im not sure why you keep repeating that over and over and over again, neither THC nor CBD are the cure to any of this.
Although one might think 3+ years later, you might have figured that out by now but Nope... you just keep slanging those spam links to your substack.
Those links don't say CBD or THC is the cure but of course you didn't read it. HCQ is the ANTIDOTE and that's verified for Dr. Simone, are you a doctor? No??? Then SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE ...............>>>>>https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abi6110
Oh, I must have missed that in your methramblings.
So No, last-in-the-class, HCQ is Also not the 'antidote'.
Also proven a long time ago but of course you missed that too.
I took two full human scripts of it, how many did you take? And I realized shedding was real in early June 2021, when did you figure it out?
Have you Yet? Its unclear from your ramblings.
I would bet money I also took more CBD than you, more nicotine than you, more THC than you, I took more ivermectin than you, I took more hydroxychloroquine than you and guess what deep thoughts, none of those are the 'antidote' either.
The shedding has spread their infection to the unvaxxed, who now have the nanotech self-replicating in their bodies too... like you do, and like the hundreds and Hundreds of pictures and words Dr Ana has written about this very subject.
You do have internet right? And you can read words?
Everybody wants to pretend they are somehow special and they did something no one else did so they were able to avoid getting it. They Didnt, and Everyone has it now but no one wants to just say that.
Maybe you should stop rambling about things that are not the 'antidote' and start focusing on the things that do help, as proven by people right in front of your face like Dr Ana.
Good luck to you in any case, your heart is in the right place, maybe a few courses of EDTA chelation and your mind might come back too.
Here is some advice NEVER TRUST anybody who POPS OUT OF NOWHERE during a crisis and has all the attention focused on them
And here is my MIKE DROP.
This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine, and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”
Ok I'm done with my rambling for now. You are out of your league son. sit back and let the pros handle it. ......>>>>>#AgentMidnightrider
Believe whatever you want, and no you have not taken more CBD or THC than me I am a Master Grower, dispensary owner for 5 years, and have worked with some of the world's top scientist in CBD Research. Like Dr. Jane Smith and Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Ana wouldn't know SHIT about what the antidote because, she ONLY TREATS unvaccinated patients. Isn't THAT ODD.???? She shows NO PROOF of her detox procedures and just tells you yeah bye this, and make sure you buy it from me. The only thing I can verify that she is correct about is vitamin C infusion works, and she probably got that idea fromhttp://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n24.shtml
CBD is 70 percent stronger than Vitamin C as an antioxidant.
Everybody cannot afford EDTA and Vitamin C infusions, but EVERYBODY can afford HCQ, CBD Ivermectin and Azithromycin.
Want to know why all PLANT BASED Parasite detoxes work?? Because that's what they injected people with, PARASITE EGGS. But not just any type of parasite eggs, they injected them with aluminum-based life forms. Do you know what that means???..... Let La Quinta Columna School you ......>>>>https://rumble.com/v4wyojl-la-quinta-columna-red-pills-the-world-that-they-were-injected-by-an-alien-s.html
I've done detox test with CBD have you???? ..... Take a Gander.
You're amusing, your supposed knowledge that you think no one else could have possibly read makes me literally laugh out loud.
That oldass 2005 info also came up again recently in Faucis FOIA'd emails but meh, keep repeating old shit like you discovered it, Son.
Too bad you cant Read, Son or you would realize that they were talking about preventing severe disease, not the nanotech proliferation everyone has now.
Ana Does see vaxxed people but I guess you are Too smart to figure that out too, its only right there in black and white words on multiple pages and articles and videos... with color pictures and videos. Werds Hard!
She is not Selling the MedFive, she doest sell anything but again, you are Soooooo smart that you somehow missed that little fact.
"Duh, her website sez EDTA, so she must be selling it because I dont know how the internet works!"
Oral EDTA is $25, and vitamin C is like $10, not as good but its a lot less than all your By Prescription Only Theories that have already been disproven anyway. Cheaper though? Of course not, thats Stupid.
Yes, you have discovered LA Quinta Columna, Kudos, you're like a genius now. They figured out what is going on around the same time I did, funny they never replied to any of my emails about it, although some of my theories did end up in their later work but maybe they never even saw them... so Slow Golf Clap.
You Da Smartist!
And the CBD detox is fake, Robert Young isnt even a real doctor, plus he is a proven Liar and scammer but again, you are too dumb to recognize that.
It so funny watching these people that Think they are clever when they regurgitate other peoples flawed opinions but as usual they dont even know what they don't know.
I just wish I could ever find anyone who had discovered something I had not... its so rare.
I will keep holding my breath though, but you still havent figured out shit, as proven by your own words. I would eat your ass alive in a 3 hour debate about it and I don't even need my phone.
Haha, thanks for that though, I will be laughing about that one all day long.
"Pro"... As If.
The only thing you can eat alive is Dr. Anas twat which CLEARER you have your nose way up in them rafters BOY... Keep Telling yourself you're winning you COOL GUY................If you say it enough times maybe it will come true... .Well until next time friends ... Zippy De Doo Daa!!!!!
One more thing, you let your lady friend to watch her P's and Q's The Chocolate NSA is watching. You wouldn't want us to give her a special place on our Magically Delicious sub stack channel like we did Dr. Jane Ruby would you????...........AgentFreaknasty@NSA.GOVhttps://agentmidnightrider.substack.com/p/dr-jane-ruby-gets-pawned-by-agent?r=1ockm0M00sad #AgentUNJane
NSA.GOVCounter PSY-OPS Division
The Jokers
just reading some of these comments, it seems like these people don't work . 30% of the Population get up and work 10-12 hours a day out doors, fight traffic to get home and make supper, shower and go to bed. Do most people have time to cook and prepare healthy , organic meals for them no less their children.. . Fasting or drinking water at levels that you need to monitor or watching one's time, in which medicine to take and at one time is almost incompatible for current working men /women . Is taking the Med5 supplements that Dr. Anna recommends really a benefit to people who dont have the time to properly eat healthy ( because of time).
Dr Ana never told us not to take MedFive anymore. She lately presents other new options, including creams, suppositories, etc like alternatives.
My personal conclusion about some people not liking MedFive is this: comparing to other EDTA products, this one acts on a much wider time frame in the body, enhancing the efficacy of chelation in the intestinal tract by a galvanic current, requiring great discipline with high quality minerals and literally daily intermittent fasting, not compatible with general opinions about nutrition and our spoiled, hedonistic societal habits.
At this moment, that’s for is not so popular, my guess.
Dr Ana does her best to inform us what works, sometimes getting scolded by doctors who should shut this one up and sell what they understand and know best, if they really care about humanity! We are at war and every doctor should step up and work like Anna, to clean the mess their medical boards inflicted in people worldwide, with their ignorance, greed and criminal cooperation!
MedFive system -to read the brevet - is far more potent than any EDTA form I’ve used before. Intermittent fasting is essential. Great mineral supplement is key.
Reading Dr Garry Gordon interviews about EDTA would be of great help for everyone who wants to know more and understand exactly its mechanisms.
Thank you so much for responding with such good information. I have 3 bottles of Medfive. I started it for 3 days and felt really tired. Heart rate a little higher. Do you take it daily and then intermittent fasting the next day?
Again, I’m so grateful for your response.
First time when took it, also had higher heart rate. Wrote to MedFive to ask if half of a pill will still get the same particular results and 3 minutes later they said yes.
I am a long time intermittent fast-er, 18/6 and low carb-er.
I’ve stayed with half a pill for a whole week, once a day. Took it in the morning, after 14 h of fast, with 300ml distilled water made at home, from osmosis water. I then continue to fast 4 more hours. The first meal is savory-I am also a glucose flattener-see Glucose Goddess on instagram and her book ‘Glucose Revolution’. There are simple, smart rules, for great outcomes, in there.
Also, Dr Gordon said in an interview that 50 % of his daily meals are fats… which suits me well.
After 1 hour, I drink another 300 ml distilled water and if thirsty, in these 4 hours after swallowing EDTA, drink just distilled… after breaking my fast I drink osmosis water AND home made organic bone broth-the best electrolytes God gave us. If glass bottled, some mineral waters.
I use AOR ortho minerals, everything from them and some other supplements.
Observing and writing down the slightest symptoms during edta cycle, for everyone in the house- we are all different with different needs.
I do 6 weeks edta, two weeks off. One of these off weeks is carnivore-eggs, kefir and meats- cleaning the liver.
To see more on this ‘scandalous’ claim, see Dr Anthony Martin’s book and go at martinclinic website for podcasts. I apply his advice and get some supplements from there since years. He knows what he does and a lot of doctors should listen to his physiology lessons…he has the luxury to probe his methods and conclusions , backed by tones of bloodwork in his clinic. The fifth generation of doctors.
For instance, my body weight is ok with one pill of MedFive, daily. Vit C liposomal , 2000mg , ascorbic acid from bulk supplements, a few times a day too. I don’t live on fads, some fruits and veggies but carb restricted. Eggs, meats and fats, raw cheeses and home made kefir, all organic are dominant.Fermented beets, cabbage, home made black garlic and more. Simple foods, some naturally formulated digestive enzymes, with an emphasis on proteases, sometimes .Correct intake of good water and one daily pill with the three essential oils to help get the plastics out.
Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for that Garry Gordon link, I had not heard of him, but I ordered his book from 1982.
I have been thinking myself for a while now that taking EDTA every day might be a good idea but as always, the issue is with timing of the dosage.
If you dont have several hours of not eating before and after you take it, its a waste. I only eat once a day anyway, so easier for me than many but most people on a SAD never stop eating long enough for the EDTA to work.
I have even seen on some chelation forums where some people have been taking oral EDTA for Years, Never bothered to read the instructions, Never took it properly Once and have been wasting every single molecule of EDTA they ate for ever how many years now.
Sad, but I do what I can... thanks again for the info.
With great pleasure, you are always so generous to share your experience and protocols with us, here!
Dr Gordon used to take 1 gram of EDTA daily, but this was before the DARPA’s assault on us, so I think that your daily intake is more realistic, for the time being.
I aim to build up your dose and protocol ,gradually but soon enough.
For those with pulse rising, particularly because medfive, they recommend starting small and no problems to go at twice full pills, once the body adapts.
People should ask MedFive any questions, they’ve answered mine in minutes! This is the most powerful chelation I’ve tried and I did a few.
There is also this Dr Robert Cassar, who used his own edta creams formulations for many years on his patients…he teaches how to make your own edta creams and solutions, for different applications, which is great.
I wonder why no holistic veterinarian is interested to join Dr Ana and and try to find a way to detox our pets and other species?
Dr Gordon literally disappeared from medias, 6 y ago… Lots of questions about what he would become… Great soul , visionary doctor!
Did you read the MedFive instructions?
EDTA binds with almost everything you eat or drink.
Which is why the Medfive guy says to take it at night before bed and then in the morning, to minimize the other things you intake that it will bind with and be wasted.
This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT TAKING ORAL EDTA, if it binds with something else you just or drank, it was fully and totally Wasted and you got literally Zero Benefit... you might as well not even take it, it would be cheaper and work just as well.
This is why MedFive with its enteric coating is actually much harder to time effectively than just regular EDTA pills, like Arizona Naturals.
Standard oral EDTA gets into your system immediately, but MedFive takes 2 hours.
Trust me, I just completed a 5 day EDTA fast, taking EDTA and the other best things that work best, because then you Know the EDTA is working.
EDTA (7 grams per day, Arizona and MedFive), ALA, Bromelain, sodium/natural citrate, NAC and Vitamins C, D and E for anyone who cares... all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier.
Research them if you want and you will see why they are the best combination to remove metals and hydrogels that use metals as a catalyst to start polymerization...
If you are going to take oral EDTA though, I say might as well take it right.
Irunthis1 - Aug 2
I wish these were transcribed. Sigh. I just can’t listen to these things but carve out time to read every day. My listening time is devoted to literature because I just can’t spend 15 hours a day listening to depressing information but would love to skim through and get this valuable information. Thank you.
Jane Hoffman - Aug 2
Jane’s Substack
I put white light through my body daily to purge toxins. I can feel the nano either coming out of my I phone and pad or they are activating the nano in my wrists moving up my arm! Scary. I just bought two Lemurian plugs. If you put one near your computer it is supposed to mitigate EMF’s.
Thank you Dr. Ana for all your alerts to help us navigate these troubled waters. š„°š„
Lynette Devries - Aug 2
Jane’s Substack
I'd like to know about the White Light too and Lemurian plugs. I know Shungite is supposed to protect one from 5G. I'd love to live in the country on a few acres growing my own produce. Are you sure it is not Morgelians you are feeling going up your arm? Think about it.
Jane Hoffman - Aug 3
Jane’s Substack
Visualize white light coming from Source into your crown chakra and move it through your body. You might feel a tingling.
Could be Morgellons. Anything possible in this day and age but I do not consent! I have shungite on my phone etc. Too. Find the plugs on the net.
Winona - Aug 2
Jane Hoffman, How do you "put white light through your body"? I'd like to read more about it - and the "Lemurian Plugs". Thank you!
Reply (1) - Aug 3
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 3
crapshoot farmer
Anita Söderman - Aug 3
Anita’s Substack
It is so inconcrivable after all that we are discussing all this shit put into us in secrecy. This hidden genocide goes on and on with constant more victims or maimed, without most people knowing a thing. Some nerve! And some stupidity in evil..
kaal - Aug 3
endure until the end yt channel genuine TI channel and guy, info, prayers-
Canadian Apple Pie - Aug 3
Canadian Apple Pie
For trouble listening at the link here, I went to the Rumble Page and was able to view the Video Interviewā£It's amazing to see Dr. Ana being Interviewed by New Heros who are wonderful Truthers living Godly principled lives in Care for Othersā£Hopefully one day our Race will be Healed and Human Dignity will spread across the world. For if one brother or sister is left in the dust then we have missed the point of being Humanā£š
Joe - Aug 7
Joe’s Substack
Awesome stuff but very concerning on what to do if you have polymers already, do you then need an opperation ??
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 4 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
What if the GUY who created the Vaccine created an ANTIDOTE for his FRIENDS???? Zippy De Do Daaaa!!!!!........#AgentMidnightRider
United States Navy Intelligence
Bee Gee - Aug 5 - Edited
Bee Gee
Im not sure why you keep repeating that over and over and over again, neither THC nor CBD are the cure to any of this.
Although one might think 3+ years later, you might have figured that out by now but Nope... you just keep slanging those spam links to your substack.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 6 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Those links don't say CBD or THC is the cure but of course you didn't read it. HCQ is the ANTIDOTE and that's verified for Dr. Simone, are you a doctor? No??? Then SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE ...............>>>>>https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abi6110
Bee Gee - Aug 6 - Edited
Bee Gee
Oh, I must have missed that in your methramblings.
So No, last-in-the-class, HCQ is Also not the 'antidote'.
Also proven a long time ago but of course you missed that too.
I took two full human scripts of it, how many did you take? And I realized shedding was real in early June 2021, when did you figure it out?
Have you Yet? Its unclear from your ramblings.
I would bet money I also took more CBD than you, more nicotine than you, more THC than you, I took more ivermectin than you, I took more hydroxychloroquine than you and guess what deep thoughts, none of those are the 'antidote' either.
The shedding has spread their infection to the unvaxxed, who now have the nanotech self-replicating in their bodies too... like you do, and like the hundreds and Hundreds of pictures and words Dr Ana has written about this very subject.
You do have internet right? And you can read words?
Everybody wants to pretend they are somehow special and they did something no one else did so they were able to avoid getting it. They Didnt, and Everyone has it now but no one wants to just say that.
Maybe you should stop rambling about things that are not the 'antidote' and start focusing on the things that do help, as proven by people right in front of your face like Dr Ana.
Good luck to you in any case, your heart is in the right place, maybe a few courses of EDTA chelation and your mind might come back too.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 6
Agent’s Substack
Here is some advice NEVER TRUST anybody who POPS OUT OF NOWHERE during a crisis and has all the attention focused on them
And here is my MIKE DROP.
This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine, and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”
Ok I'm done with my rambling for now. You are out of your league son. sit back and let the pros handle it. ......>>>>>#AgentMidnightrider
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 6 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Believe whatever you want, and no you have not taken more CBD or THC than me I am a Master Grower, dispensary owner for 5 years, and have worked with some of the world's top scientist in CBD Research. Like Dr. Jane Smith and Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Ana wouldn't know SHIT about what the antidote because, she ONLY TREATS unvaccinated patients. Isn't THAT ODD.???? She shows NO PROOF of her detox procedures and just tells you yeah bye this, and make sure you buy it from me. The only thing I can verify that she is correct about is vitamin C infusion works, and she probably got that idea fromhttp://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n24.shtml
CBD is 70 percent stronger than Vitamin C as an antioxidant.
Everybody cannot afford EDTA and Vitamin C infusions, but EVERYBODY can afford HCQ, CBD Ivermectin and Azithromycin.
Want to know why all PLANT BASED Parasite detoxes work?? Because that's what they injected people with, PARASITE EGGS. But not just any type of parasite eggs, they injected them with aluminum-based life forms. Do you know what that means???..... Let La Quinta Columna School you ......>>>>https://rumble.com/v4wyojl-la-quinta-columna-red-pills-the-world-that-they-were-injected-by-an-alien-s.html
I've done detox test with CBD have you???? ..... Take a Gander.
Bee Gee - Aug 6 - Edited
Bee Gee
You're amusing, your supposed knowledge that you think no one else could have possibly read makes me literally laugh out loud.
That oldass 2005 info also came up again recently in Faucis FOIA'd emails but meh, keep repeating old shit like you discovered it, Son.
Too bad you cant Read, Son or you would realize that they were talking about preventing severe disease, not the nanotech proliferation everyone has now.
Ana Does see vaxxed people but I guess you are Too smart to figure that out too, its only right there in black and white words on multiple pages and articles and videos... with color pictures and videos. Werds Hard!
She is not Selling the MedFive, she doest sell anything but again, you are Soooooo smart that you somehow missed that little fact.
"Duh, her website sez EDTA, so she must be selling it because I dont know how the internet works!"
Oral EDTA is $25, and vitamin C is like $10, not as good but its a lot less than all your By Prescription Only Theories that have already been disproven anyway. Cheaper though? Of course not, thats Stupid.
Yes, you have discovered LA Quinta Columna, Kudos, you're like a genius now. They figured out what is going on around the same time I did, funny they never replied to any of my emails about it, although some of my theories did end up in their later work but maybe they never even saw them... so Slow Golf Clap.
You Da Smartist!
And the CBD detox is fake, Robert Young isnt even a real doctor, plus he is a proven Liar and scammer but again, you are too dumb to recognize that.
It so funny watching these people that Think they are clever when they regurgitate other peoples flawed opinions but as usual they dont even know what they don't know.
I just wish I could ever find anyone who had discovered something I had not... its so rare.
I will keep holding my breath though, but you still havent figured out shit, as proven by your own words. I would eat your ass alive in a 3 hour debate about it and I don't even need my phone.
Haha, thanks for that though, I will be laughing about that one all day long.
"Pro"... As If.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 6
Agent’s Substack
The only thing you can eat alive is Dr. Anas twat which CLEARER you have your nose way up in them rafters BOY... Keep Telling yourself you're winning you COOL GUY................If you say it enough times maybe it will come true... .Well until next time friends ... Zippy De Doo Daa!!!!!
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 7 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
One more thing, you let your lady friend to watch her P's and Q's The Chocolate NSA is watching. You wouldn't want us to give her a special place on our Magically Delicious sub stack channel like we did Dr. Jane Ruby would you????...........AgentFreaknasty@NSA.GOVhttps://agentmidnightrider.substack.com/p/dr-jane-ruby-gets-pawned-by-agent?r=1ockm0M00sad #AgentUNJane
NSA.GOVCounter PSY-OPS Division
The Jokers
SEPT - Aug 4
just reading some of these comments, it seems like these people don't work . 30% of the Population get up and work 10-12 hours a day out doors, fight traffic to get home and make supper, shower and go to bed. Do most people have time to cook and prepare healthy , organic meals for them no less their children.. . Fasting or drinking water at levels that you need to monitor or watching one's time, in which medicine to take and at one time is almost incompatible for current working men /women . Is taking the Med5 supplements that Dr. Anna recommends really a benefit to people who dont have the time to properly eat healthy ( because of time).
kaal - Aug 4
joseph aquaviva2222 yt channel= prophecy unfolding!!!
Bernie_miltenberger - Aug 3
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Great interview!
Intellect - Aug 2
Monica Onit
Does Dr. Anna still recommend Medfive EDTA?
Monica Onit - Aug 3
Monica Onit
Dr Ana never told us not to take MedFive anymore. She lately presents other new options, including creams, suppositories, etc like alternatives.
My personal conclusion about some people not liking MedFive is this: comparing to other EDTA products, this one acts on a much wider time frame in the body, enhancing the efficacy of chelation in the intestinal tract by a galvanic current, requiring great discipline with high quality minerals and literally daily intermittent fasting, not compatible with general opinions about nutrition and our spoiled, hedonistic societal habits.
At this moment, that’s for is not so popular, my guess.
Dr Ana does her best to inform us what works, sometimes getting scolded by doctors who should shut this one up and sell what they understand and know best, if they really care about humanity! We are at war and every doctor should step up and work like Anna, to clean the mess their medical boards inflicted in people worldwide, with their ignorance, greed and criminal cooperation!
MedFive system -to read the brevet - is far more potent than any EDTA form I’ve used before. Intermittent fasting is essential. Great mineral supplement is key.
Reading Dr Garry Gordon interviews about EDTA would be of great help for everyone who wants to know more and understand exactly its mechanisms.
Intellect - Aug 3
Monica Onit
Thank you so much for responding with such good information. I have 3 bottles of Medfive. I started it for 3 days and felt really tired. Heart rate a little higher. Do you take it daily and then intermittent fasting the next day?
Again, I’m so grateful for your response.
Monica Onit - Aug 3
Monica Onit
First time when took it, also had higher heart rate. Wrote to MedFive to ask if half of a pill will still get the same particular results and 3 minutes later they said yes.
I am a long time intermittent fast-er, 18/6 and low carb-er.
I’ve stayed with half a pill for a whole week, once a day. Took it in the morning, after 14 h of fast, with 300ml distilled water made at home, from osmosis water. I then continue to fast 4 more hours. The first meal is savory-I am also a glucose flattener-see Glucose Goddess on instagram and her book ‘Glucose Revolution’. There are simple, smart rules, for great outcomes, in there.
Also, Dr Gordon said in an interview that 50 % of his daily meals are fats… which suits me well.
After 1 hour, I drink another 300 ml distilled water and if thirsty, in these 4 hours after swallowing EDTA, drink just distilled… after breaking my fast I drink osmosis water AND home made organic bone broth-the best electrolytes God gave us. If glass bottled, some mineral waters.
I use AOR ortho minerals, everything from them and some other supplements.
Observing and writing down the slightest symptoms during edta cycle, for everyone in the house- we are all different with different needs.
I do 6 weeks edta, two weeks off. One of these off weeks is carnivore-eggs, kefir and meats- cleaning the liver.
To see more on this ‘scandalous’ claim, see Dr Anthony Martin’s book and go at martinclinic website for podcasts. I apply his advice and get some supplements from there since years. He knows what he does and a lot of doctors should listen to his physiology lessons…he has the luxury to probe his methods and conclusions , backed by tones of bloodwork in his clinic. The fifth generation of doctors.
For instance, my body weight is ok with one pill of MedFive, daily. Vit C liposomal , 2000mg , ascorbic acid from bulk supplements, a few times a day too. I don’t live on fads, some fruits and veggies but carb restricted. Eggs, meats and fats, raw cheeses and home made kefir, all organic are dominant.Fermented beets, cabbage, home made black garlic and more. Simple foods, some naturally formulated digestive enzymes, with an emphasis on proteases, sometimes .Correct intake of good water and one daily pill with the three essential oils to help get the plastics out.
Hope this helps a little.
Monica Onit - Aug 3
Monica Onit
I’ve forgot something very important, first few weeks I’ve exercised much less and walked in the forest a lot.
Best wishes of health!
Bee Gee - Aug 5
Bee Gee
Thanks for that Garry Gordon link, I had not heard of him, but I ordered his book from 1982.
I have been thinking myself for a while now that taking EDTA every day might be a good idea but as always, the issue is with timing of the dosage.
If you dont have several hours of not eating before and after you take it, its a waste. I only eat once a day anyway, so easier for me than many but most people on a SAD never stop eating long enough for the EDTA to work.
I have even seen on some chelation forums where some people have been taking oral EDTA for Years, Never bothered to read the instructions, Never took it properly Once and have been wasting every single molecule of EDTA they ate for ever how many years now.
Sad, but I do what I can... thanks again for the info.
Monica Onit - Aug 6
Monica Onit
With great pleasure, you are always so generous to share your experience and protocols with us, here!
Dr Gordon used to take 1 gram of EDTA daily, but this was before the DARPA’s assault on us, so I think that your daily intake is more realistic, for the time being.
I aim to build up your dose and protocol ,gradually but soon enough.
For those with pulse rising, particularly because medfive, they recommend starting small and no problems to go at twice full pills, once the body adapts.
People should ask MedFive any questions, they’ve answered mine in minutes! This is the most powerful chelation I’ve tried and I did a few.
There is also this Dr Robert Cassar, who used his own edta creams formulations for many years on his patients…he teaches how to make your own edta creams and solutions, for different applications, which is great.
I wonder why no holistic veterinarian is interested to join Dr Ana and and try to find a way to detox our pets and other species?
Dr Gordon literally disappeared from medias, 6 y ago… Lots of questions about what he would become… Great soul , visionary doctor!
Bee Gee - Aug 5
Bee Gee
Did you read the MedFive instructions?
EDTA binds with almost everything you eat or drink.
Which is why the Medfive guy says to take it at night before bed and then in the morning, to minimize the other things you intake that it will bind with and be wasted.
This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT TAKING ORAL EDTA, if it binds with something else you just or drank, it was fully and totally Wasted and you got literally Zero Benefit... you might as well not even take it, it would be cheaper and work just as well.
This is why MedFive with its enteric coating is actually much harder to time effectively than just regular EDTA pills, like Arizona Naturals.
Standard oral EDTA gets into your system immediately, but MedFive takes 2 hours.
Trust me, I just completed a 5 day EDTA fast, taking EDTA and the other best things that work best, because then you Know the EDTA is working.
EDTA (7 grams per day, Arizona and MedFive), ALA, Bromelain, sodium/natural citrate, NAC and Vitamins C, D and E for anyone who cares... all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier.
Research them if you want and you will see why they are the best combination to remove metals and hydrogels that use metals as a catalyst to start polymerization...
If you are going to take oral EDTA though, I say might as well take it right.
Rick Zammuto - Aug 2
Rick Zammuto
Ana, great interview! Very comprehensive and explained very well of your leading-edge work!
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crapshoot farmer
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crapshoot farmer - Aug 3
crapshoot farmer
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