Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I was recently on the Whole Body detox Radio show and Podcast with David DeHaas. You can listen to our discussion at the link above.
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Irunthis1 - Aug 2
I wish these were transcribed. Sigh. I just can’t listen to these things but carve out time to read every day. My listening time is devoted to literature because I just can’t spend 15 hours a day listening to depressing information but would love to skim through and get this valuable information. Thank you.
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Jane Hoffman - Aug 2
Jane’s Substack
I put white light through my body daily to purge toxins. I can feel the nano either coming out of my I phone and pad or they are activating the nano in my wrists moving up my arm! Scary. I just bought two Lemurian plugs. If you put one near your computer it is supposed to mitigate EMF’s.
Thank you Dr. Ana for all your alerts to help us navigate these troubled waters. 🥰🔥
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