Absolutely, I didn't have any, jab, PCR, wear a mask or close encounters with anyone that is jabbed. In my opinion according to Dr Anna we're all doomed unless we have EDTA treatment and vitamin C Injections on a monthly basis, people can't afford this. I suspect if my blood is infected it's Chemtrails that have been seen in my country for many years and myself and my family are just fine.
Quantum dots are BIOSENSORS. Gates patent WO[prob world order} 060606 note the triple 6xs AI[prob artificial intell} is for body data mined during performance of task to b sent to server for reward with CRYPT o currency. ok So the Central Banks now say they want implantable RFID digital ID CHIP. Can these bioluminescent quantum dots{that contain luciferse} be programmed to that implantable digital CHIP? Hence your BODY data is hooked up to the financial system. Cyborg slaves with bodies hooked up to the financial quantum beast system. Please answer. As this may be the Mark of the Beast!
I know all about that but in my opinion all that beast system hook up control is yet to come. The whole point in my opinion of these injections was to kill thus massively reducing the world population by 2030. Once they're all dead then I suspect we will be forced into this beast system. Yes, there's MAC address being emitted, I pick up a neighbour walking up and down, it's a test for the cabal to see if it works, an experiment BUT the main goal here is Depopulation then once that's complete they can move on to full transhumanist beast type systems.
infosecurity.magazine .com Dec 22 biden signed quantum computing cybersecurity preparedness act which sets obligations on fed agencies to prepare their migration to quantum secure cryptography. - transition to post quantum cybersecurity july 17 2023 eu urged 2 prepare for quantum cyber attacks. what is this? Is this the planned cyber attack? which then creates transition to quantum realm? hope someone can answer.
No credible evidence of chemtrails. Del Bigtree recently interviewed Dale Wingington on the Highwire. Dale didn't have much to say. I've been studying this controversy for years. My personal opinion is that Dale is still on the Bechtel payroll and that chemtrails are a cover story created by Industry to divert scrutiny away from contrails, which show evidence of widespread air pollution from aeronautical sources. My real point of confusion is: why would ANYONE believe some guy whose entire career up to that point was working for this company with such a controversial history? They were in Iraq, they were in Bolivia... Casper Weinberger and George Schultz.... Do your own research!
I fully disagree, as for Del Bigtree, he is controlled opposition, remember what LENIN said, in order to control the opposition we must lead it ourselves. Bigtree tried to say and probably still does that he believes there's no Graphene Oxide in these jabs, forget the video evidence from Dr Robert O Young, Dr Ricardo Delgado and Dr Pablo Campra and many more scientists showing Graphene Ferrous Oxide. I've been studying Chemtrails for years too, seeing military planes taking off at airbases that are the same captured on my telescope. Some days I see lots of planes and no trails at all,but must days I see if I watch far too much the military plane going around again, creating that line to block out the sun, it's so obvious. I don't know much about Dane or Dale or whatever his name is but I have seen his long documentary The Dimming which I didn't learn anything from as everything he said I already knew. Lastly, you have a right to your opinion.
far too cynical and you lack discernment.
it is good to be a critical thinker and healthy skeptic, but you are wrongfully judging Dr Ana's motives/heart, and that is wrong. besides, nobody is getting rich off of vit c & edta, 2 very very inexpensive substances. and an IV setup.
Dr Ana is truly a hero of humanity.
Turtle of Tobruk, you sound like the WEF and cabal, with this post.
Dr. Ana is doing research to try to tell us the truth, and find answers for this travesty. She and some few others are telling us they are finding the same stuff is now in many things--most injections, foods, water, chemtrail sprays, even rainwater is affected via chemtrails.
Fyi, I have not had any of the jabs, nor any pcr tests, nor has my husband...but I have had symptoms I've never had before, two different times, first last year which I felt I overcame, and again not long ago, have worked hard with many supplements, EDTA pills, etc. These things do help, but have to really work at it.
You could buy a few hundred dollars microscope and take a look at your own blood for yourself to see if you're still a pure blood.
We need to be mature enough to consider what may be uncomfortable truths a have some strong beliefs tested or shattered.. ...I agree Ana's certainly forefront in her pursuit of clues treatment and answers. .is she genuine? I hope so.. Promoting cures she has found that WORK... Is fine........t.until cheap alternative that's our choice.
Turtle, you might want to pull your head out of your shell & see what's really happening in the REAL world.
SQUID CLOT -- real, verified by multiple research scientists & many embalmers.
BILL GATES -- eugenics is his goal, he has stated it many times, depopulation is real.
TRANSHUMANISM -- Yuval Noah Harari, WEF w/ KLAUS SCWHAB preaches this.
NANOTUBES -- graphine oxide & various abnoral metals found in vaccines / blood.
RADIO BEACON - self assembling (circuit-boards?) in vax & blood of vaxxed.
MORTALITY rates for 20 to 60 year olds up 40% since 01/01/2021 (vax???)
When your blood goes bad you'll hope someone has found protochols, treatments, or cures to save your life. Are you too cynical, no, you're just being narrow minded.
A bit thin shelled there turtle.
The post I replied to said nothing good about the research Dr Ana was doing and seemed to be ridiculing & attacking the research, research that very few scientists seem to be doing.
I applaud her, and anyone else who is at least trying to identify the problems and find treatments or cures.
It would better if well funded "trusted" research was being done but I don't know of any doing it. Then we might have larger samplings, beter tracking, follow up, results, etc.
Until then, I see no need to stomp on, or stamp out anyone trying to do what they can. I don't know if all unvaccinated are vaccinated by default, but I do know first hand unvaccinated are harmed by the vaccinated, or at least the recently vaccinated.
So if chelation works, or colloidal gold, or vitamin-D, or anything else I want to hear about it.
I accused you of no (zero) crimes.
I don't care that you know what the BIS/WEF/UN/IMFWHO/unicef are, that was not at issue.
Hi..ana gives claimed evidence and solutions ..if you can do this yourself good..many doctors want us dead..pretending to care deeply for our welfare...so with discernment we need to choose
Right? The clean white lab coat, with the embroidered names and bona fides over the heart, no longer is reason enough to believe what is coming out of the wearers mouth. In fact the lab coat now tends to warn the discerning viewer to an increased level of skepticism.
I envision a time when doctors, like police officers, will have a weapon at their side, to enforce compliance. As it is, the Quislings, in uniform, have already assumed the role of enforcing this tyranny, without questioning the constitutional basis therein.
There has never been a shortage of those wiling to exercise moral authority over others. Look at all the 'Karens' that decried those of us who refused to wear a mask.
It was always females, since the risk of getting knocked out, was slim.
Where has she claimed that the unvaxxed are vaxxed? I haven't seen such a claim? Shedding does not equal vaccination. Shedding does not necessarily involve any sort of DNA uptake into cell nuclei. A few people out there are claiming such but I have seen no solid evidence to date.
My man, you need a little time at the council fire, to give those diatribes some time off. If there is one thing about substack that is heads above ALL other media apps, is that people here talk to each other.
No personal attack ever brings clarity, nor understanding. The fact that you are being 'spit roasted' by the people you insulting refer to as 'fan boys and girls', narrows the attack to a personal level.
You surely are used to having people misread your intent, so it is surprising that you desire to throw rocks, creating a hornets nest where there was before a hive of honey bees.
Practitioners who do live blood analysis are everywhere. The only way to know for sure what is going on in your own blood is go see someone who is offering this service and see for yourself. Just make sure they are using a dark field microscope with sufficient magnification power to see nanotech. I went to see someone locally and I did not find this to be happening for me but I was shown other samples of previous clients with some very obvious indications that surfaced during the covid period according to the Practioner. So this confirmed to me it is real. In Canada, a number of projects have been approved to explore all of this in terms of medicine.
I don't agree. My experience is that most people are experiencing subclinical effects from the shedding. If you feel 'fine,' it's simply because your body has been able to keep pace and detox as fast as it is coming in. Or alternately you're not in touch with subtle cues. For women, it has been easier to see, because our menstrual cycle has been giving us a window into the condition of our blood. We bleed monthly (or in my case right now, twice monthly). Not all people's bodies are responding similarly. But if you refuse to have your blood examined and yet continue to broadcast your POV loudly, that tells me you need to be right more than to see what is the truth in your own body.
I bought a digital 2000x a year ago, I'm in Florida, no vax, no shedders around, still I saw a ribbon in my blood. Only once. Haven't looked in 3 months. $89. but you need slides and eye droppers. Dilute with sterile water. Look up instructions on how to prepare.
I’m in her state and tried to make an appointment with her this week but the receptionist said they were booked for months so I couldn’t get in.
If she’s desperate to sell her niche services, they did a great job hiding that from me.
Hahaha. Yes, of course you are, but who wouldn't be?
David Icke said, awhile back "Waking up in a sleeping world will present challenges."
Since there is so much psyopery (pronounced sigh-op-er-eee) afoot, why wouldn't you be paranoid and, at times, lack proper discernment?
That is why you are here. As iron sharpeneth iron...right? Who minds a rebuke when among friends?
"The kiss of an enemy is sweet, but the rebuke of a friend is true."
I am non-v and never had pcr testing. I assume I had covid ( had sinus infection) and developed natural immunity. I do my own live blood analysis and see rouleaux and fibers prior to getting IVEDTA. I did the 30 ml whole blood clotting test and saw 1.1 ml of gel/plastic even after my first IVEDTA. After further IV and topical EDTAwith liposomal my blood is neg. for gel/plastic. So as Dr Ana states it seems to be in the un-v too even if no pcr ever.
None of that explains this global phenom. It's quite simple and is a known fact that mRNA gene therapy products 'shed.' The FDA issued study protocol guidance on managing this side effect back in 2015. The document is easy to find.
That is very impressive information. Did you see fibers before and or after the IV EDTA? I was wondering whether the fibers if present, disappeared when the gel/plastic/rubber clots did.
I always see rouleaux (stacking of red cells) that improves temporarily after IV EDTA and for me fibers are present off and on. To me it is more of a sure indication to see the rubber clot in the test tube that the process is still ongoing. If the day comes where the rubber clot is gone on testing blood in a tube then I will confirm with live blood analysis on a slide.
It sounds like the rouleaux never really goes away completely. Maybe the best that can be achieved is a kind of holding action where the tech is kept at bay for a while. Do you have a plan for how often you will undergo IV EDTA or will it be based on further testing on some kind of schedule?
If you don't mind, what microscope set up do you use?
Apparently, blood is kept in blood banks for 42 days after which it is considered to be damaged. I wonder if anyone knows what blood looked like prior to December 2020 when subjected to the same tests that Dr. Ana is conducting. In other words, was there no yellowish rubbery clot component then? The reason I ask is because it would be nice to know for sure that the rubbery clots that are being demonstrated by Dr. Ana and others really are new and correspond with the rollout. I realize that a majority of embalmers who answered a recent questionnaire said they began seeing the rubbery clots after December 2020.
I did culdocentesis procedure (needle into abdomen to collect free blood to make diagnosis of internal bleeding ) 40 yrs ago before ultrasounds were available and no reports of rubber clots then. Here is a link to a vid that John Campbell translated from a talk by Dr Burkhardt a German pathologist from Sept 2022 and says this is a new phenomenon (rubber clot).https://youtu.be/kEE5OfiVS7o?si=IOW6rAqLcV4w8qR2
She will be soon, as I will be a new patient in her office in the coming month. That said, there's no credible evidence that the PCR swab tests themselves contained anything unusual (and other methods of collection were available, such as the saliva test). Evidence instead points to the PCR test being a point of genetic data collection for Big Pharma/Gates databases. And to drive the narrative of course, with the employ of batch analysis early on, and high cycle thresholds being utilized to trigger a higher percentage of false positives.
Actually? Tests / microscopy vids show not only are the swabs loaded with the junk. But if i saw / heard it aright, the new swabs nano is nano-on-crack. Very fast, very mobile. Double-plus ungood, to my mind.
I have autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness, leaky gut. I had bleeding in menopause around injuried jabbed elderly family members. I’ve been gentle detoxing for a few years before lockdown. When I was pressured into a useless/ harmful PCR test, I refused to put it in my nose and blew snot into a Kleenex. It’s hard to not be afraid sometimes. But I know fear hurts my immune system. I worry about my elderly mom. She got the boosters & flu, shingles jabs.
In 2018 I did a heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor. It really helped my morgellons symptoms improve.
Well, it’s very painful. Weird sensation under the skin, odd fibers come out of the skin and little black dot things, exhaustion, brain fog. I’d try switching around different supplements, and lots of borax baths. I weaned off a lot of prescriptions very slowly, seemed to help, started eating clean food and distilled water.
The hardest part was being mocked by the doctors, they called it delusional parasitosis. Sometimes I would touch my shoulder and could feel a sensation so very fast in my toes, it made no sense.
Clifford Carnicom’s research helped me stay calm- many people have committed suicide over this problem. The fibers were so varied and strange, not like anything I’d seen before.
I have a bunch of autoimmune issues and had Lyme , maybe these things made me more susceptible.
I notice, too, a lot of older people aren't as affected as the younger people. I am thinking it could be because the younger people have taken many more childhood vaccines then the older folks and somehow those vaccines of which the requirements to take before going to school has gone up over the years has something to do with it. Perhaps there was priming in those vaccines so that eventually the bio-weapon shot would be able to kill them faster. As we know now, vaccines don't protect in any way but cause damage and kill people. I believe, at least, in my opinion, all vaccines are now bio-weapons and have been for a very long time.
If your cook tried to poison your lunch, would you return for dinner? I don't trust any of the global pharma depopulators.
I am also aware that there is a God and He has amazing plans for eternity. This place is so amazing, I can't wait to see what He has next...
The entire human race,all UN countries yet the vast majority of people revel in the glory of their willful ignorance.Getting out of the UN and the WHO should be a campaign issue along with breaking up all the soulless big corporations starting with big pharma.Their TV commercials are enough to make me sick.Careful,perhaps continuing my FU better.The mind control programming of people is just incredible.And they have been spraying us heavily the last 10 yrs.From these photos,looked like the nano photos from yrs ago.I think Dr.Anas post about voltage means all those supplements taken for yrs was not in vain but there are absorption concerns.I sleep with a Reich like orgone pyramid close,maybe it cleans the blood?
Even low-level magnetic fields can disrupt how our cells divide. Why it's important to power off devices and unplug them when not in use:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/acmagnetic
A little story; I grew up near the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. School field trips were commonly there. When I think about the exhibits, and the information about Thomas Edison, I can see it all in my head. (They brought Edisons work buildings from the lower states to Detroit)
So I think about images of cities in say 1910 or so, and the myriad electrical lines strung up all over the place, and very low to the street.http://www.loper-os.org/?p=38alsohttps://www.alamy.com/title-cables-and-power-lines-form-intricate-pattern-in-sky-at-broadway-near-pine-street-1910-image178667935.html
Seems like this (1910 or so) is when the health of people in the cities and elsewhere, really took a dive.....even as a kid, the images of Thomas Edison seemed a bit demonic, and now I do have to wonder about how things played out then, Tesla being the main player who was thwarted. Direct current was, as Tesla reasoned, a very bad idea. And here we are.https://youtu.be/PRJpn02crbIMary had a little lamb Thomas Edison, on a wax cylinder
Yes, we see it...
Are these people dying?
How are these persons blood so contaminated and thick able to come to you are they at deaths door?
How are they alive if such gross contamination?
What is their physical condition when they come to you?
How do I know my relative who took jabs is suffering with this ailment?
The assumption is EVERYONE has these substances organizing in the blood 24/7...
What symptoms do these present?
If a person has been continually taking the suggested supplements, minerals, foods...
Is that controlling or flushing the system?
Not being presumptuous...
Would honestly appreciate information...
We get that the majority of blood in mammals is contaminated at this point...
How to resolve if EDTA is unaffordable?
Vinnie, very good questions that I suspect Dr Ana will not answer. I'm not saying she's wrong but I'm skeptical about her work meaning that some things she may be right on but not everything in my opinion. If sh is right, was wa sthr point in deploying a pLandemic when we're all infected. Yes some people can argue that we're all infected from Shedding but I don't agree with that as I'm not close to anyone that's jabbed. My opinion is that shedding is EMF radiation exposure or if someone had a jab that contains Thullium which Dr Daniel Negassa found then the jabbed victim would be emitting lethal Gamma Rays.
You're absolutely correct Kaal, Todd Callander did indeed mention Cesium 137, which has a very high shelf live so it would be detectable if you know what you're looking for. Thullium doesn't have a long shelf life.
Agree with your resoning above - why a jab if everyone is infected. One point I can think of is control via lockdowns and the subsequent economic impacts to people and economies and perhaps to inject folks with some new toxin to speed up depop agenda. If we hand over our national sovereignty to the WHO and UN, then they can, at will, decide to control nations via pandemic style false flag threats. There may also be differences in the types of infections and substances introduced in our bodies ie inhalation vs direct injection. I think Dr. Ana mentioned a few additional molecular funtionalities observed in vaxed vs unvaxed. As we know anything injected bypasses our immune system in our gut etc and may preserve certain types of substances.
I think it was mike Adams? who stated that taking nascent iodine was only helpful for the Cesium 137 isotope. It has a half life of just over 30 years and decays by beta emissions. The CDC mentions beta and gamma emssions. What context was Todd Callendar mentioning it?
do you believe you have national sovereignty... the only sovereignty we have is what we were born with. the land masses have been claimed along with the people on it. the US never won independence, after the civil war Spain and France thought they owned the territory... not to be, it was claimed by England and it's rulers. In Oz we do not have sovereignty over ourselves let alone our property, all registered, which means owned by the same corporation.
the transference/shedding, nano particle issue is real, i have symptoms and they began after my, now deceased husband, went and contracted to the 'experiment'. the nano particles and radiation are factored in also, i would feel the effects after being out for long periods on heavy chemtrail days. the itchy skin issue is worsened with elevated use of electronic equipment, even though it is all hard wired.
Thanks for the good reply, Sam and agreed. Todd has mentioned Cesium quite a few times, some of which I don't really agree with in that he said Cesium is needed to hook people up to the internet of things and that people he knows have found it in the vials, he didn't even name them or show video evidence. I'm sure some vials contain this radioactive substance however In my opinion I don't think this yet is about hooking people up, I believe they want extermination first and then hit us with this transhumanist nonsense but I could be wrong, it's just my opinion for what's it's worth.
Some blood samples before / after EDTA show cleaner blood after tx... then right back up again after being in public areas around vaxxed one evening only.
The fact that herd, game, poultry are all being aggressively vaxxed was a warning data point for me. Then when scientists started seeing it in dental and other vaccines?
TDD is not just for propaganda.
Hi Vinnie,
All very good and relevant questions.
The depopulation appears to be on a schedule approximately fitting the deagel forcasts.
Many People are dying early - that's unquestionable now.
Its a mystery as to how people are still active with so much goo inside them but it appears that we can function while the polymers are unassembled or in small blobs.
Many appear to be suffering minor side effects that slowly get worse.
To tell if relatives are contaminated put a band aid with cds on the calf muscle for one day then inspect it with a $20 digital scope. You will see the fibres.
We mass tested approx 200 people a week ago and 3 didnt have it with a quick inspection. If I looked deeper i believe i would have found it in them too.
symptoms? that list of 1195 side effects from the fizzavak is a good indicator.
We done know everything yet.
edta suppositories are shown to be nearly as effective as chelation and are very available and affordable for most.
Thanks, matt
Hi John,
I am not associated with anyone and i am seeing the same results. There are many good questions that are put up here that do not get a reply that they are worthy of.
For me it was the posts regarding serreptase and natto dissolving the clots in vitro by someone who tested their blood as requested by dr Anna,
and the post by tannic acid regarding oleic, lactic and tannic acid as well as venus flytrap.
If you look at Carnicoms research from the last 2 decades on this you will see how we are all contaminated , just to different degrees. Cliffs research cannot be faulted.
i have been looking at cheap ways to see how contaminated we are on an individual basis.
you can buy a digital skin scope for approx $25 to $50.
the body appears to push them in a more concentrated form into the legs. i only use from the knees down.
first try cds on a band aid on your calf muscle. leave on for 24 hours. pull off and see how many fibres there are.
as the fibres dont melt at a low temperature i tried carbonising some hair. very interesting results. a lot of white material that doesnt burn, plus you can see the fibres left.
with the skin scope if you look at the dead skin around the heel you will see them all, many inside the skin.
them ,is cbd's which are the same as morgellons as per carnicom. they come in many forms but for me include the gel, fibres, colored crystals , black specks, eggs etc.
I inhale and snort staright peroxide and also now use it from the kness down. it sure shows where they are and also removes the bio film so that your own skin can replace it.
Matt! I do when I feel a cold coming on also! WOW the BURN baby the burn but hey it's killin' whatever is in there...I also nebulize H2O2 in saline solution with 2 drops of Lugol's Iodine after exposure with jabbed. I posted the protocol a little further down in these conversations... but for me anyhow... it has worked like a charm! All the best to you.
no vax, no tests, took ivermectin ,hydroxy, c ,d, zinc, cds, dmso, nac, quercertin etc etc but still have it in my blood, sputum, hair, semen and skin.
i live by myself.
SIMPLE ANSWER. this substack is prob monitored and since ivermectin was sabotaged and acv i bet any product that helps will be. where is that guy Terrel i think was his name who claimed nano silver and borax WORK. but he did not show proof. sounds simple. can Dr ana TEST that? i really dont care myself unless i see disgusting symptoms like someone just reported.
Hi Kaal,
Yes, about half the supplements i have looked at appear contaminated. i stopped taking them all except vit c as i never found one of them contaminated.
The bigger problem is that was only looking up for fibres etc. really it would need culturing to be sure.
I was making and taking colloidal silver as well as cds using my own distilled water. After reading that silver repelled them i tested 2 spoons left out to gather dust and morgs, one silver and one stainless steel. the surprise was that the silver one had more morgs and they were well attached - i coudnt blow them off like dust. i see the borax, cds and vitamin c as 3 cheap things that can help mitigate this until more is known.
It was interesting to me to see who the first "truth" dr would be to link Carnicoms research to the vak and results of same. i hold Dr Anna in high regard for this brave act.
So far, we have anecdotal partial patient reports only. It would be wonderful if we had detailed information on each of these unjabbed patients which are being presented and in whom markedly contaminated blood is being depicted. The alleged improvement in the blood after Dr. Ana's protocol is remarkable. How long it lasts must be determined and publicly disclosed in the interest of humanity.
Dr. Nixon collaborates with Dr. Ana on a regular basis. Does anyone know of a live blood microscopist/practitioner who is reporting the same findings (unjabbed people with massively contaminated blood) that is not affiliated in any way with Dr. Ana? Someone mentioned that Dr Young reported the same findings in unjabbed patients. Has that been verified? Apparently, Dr. Welbergen reported on a child who presumably became contaminated by living with jabbed parents. Images of the blood were on-line.
Nothing at all. The stream includes the implicit question of whether anyone independent of Dr. Ana and her associates have reported similar blood findings in unjabbed people. I mentioned Dr. Young and Dr. Welbergen because as far as I am aware, they are not in any way affiliated with Dr. Ana. Given that science calls for duplication of experiments and reports using identical materials and methods, it would be best to find another one or more people who are now documenting the same things in the blood of unjabbed people as Dr. Ana does. Maybe it has already happened and not all of us are aware of it or where to review the report/findings.
Yes. Dr Robert O Young shows same findings. If someone is interested research him and his protocols and if/ or how successrul. Personally I think this is prophecy. And judgement on USA Mystery Babylon.
This is the best work I am aware of on this planet, so many thanks Ana.
Excuse our impatience but, so many want to know what constitutes cross-infection to unvaxxed. Can somebody please survey for specific means of transmission? I woul dhappily do this myself but I live in an outback wilderness situation with additional complexities.
My question is what good is this, if once the patient goes back out among the vaxed and the blood becomes contaminated again? It’s an endless cycle. This is time and cost prohibitive to many. I hoping and praying for more user friendly blood detox solutions.
Thank you Doc Ana for your unending tireless research, hopefully others will join you and can come up with solutions for everybody.
This "vitamin C causes kidney stones" bullshit. It's been proven a thousand times over that it's a massive lie.
You can safely take ascorbic acid in gram quantities. You can't take as much as you want anyway, because for many people, more can cause diarrhoea. There are also vitamin C capsules available that cause levels as high as intravenous vitamin C. The technology is called "Hybrid-FenuMat".
Thanks for the reply. It never made sense why they say this when high doses are given via IV. I just didn't know if there was a difference in the way it's absorbed orally versus IV. This sounds like another lie pushed by the propaganda machine to keep us from taking high doses of vitamin C. I only take 1000mg daily. I will look into "Hybrid-FenuMat".
I've heard this too which is why I asked the question. That's a good way to become dehydrated. I've taken 2 grams without any issues but have been sticking with 1g.
There is a brilliant company in my country that produces cutting edge vitamin products. I take their multivitamin, which contains, among other things, 2000 mg of vitamin C, but I also take a capsule a day of Fenu-C, a product made with Hybrid-FenuMat technology from the same company. There is also a pretty good description of this Fenu-C on their site.https://www.gal.hu/en/GAL-C-complex
What is the bio polymer? In the hybrid vitamin C, you are suggesting is it a safe polymer to have in your blood system especially if you’re mixing it with other man-made polymers.
This was going to be my question as well, but Mr. Baird asked it. I was given one Pfizer injection, but also received PCR tests. My nose has been bleeding for two years, have had clotting from my sinus, they have sores, I've used saline rinse, with antibiotic ointments for the tissue, steroids, antibiotics, but it continues to be an issue. The other symptoms I'm having is excessive bloating and weight gain but only around my kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach. I say that because some of the areas are tender and I'm concerned about blood clotting, and toxicity.
Very nice work Ana. Thank you very much for all your hard work.
I would like to narrow down what people have in common with these hydrogel clots. I can believe that tests are part of the contamination, I just believe it's too much hydrogel for it to only come from the tests. Therefore I believe there must be other factors in the contamination and from where it largely comes. I understand it's near impossible to completely avoid, but if we could narrow down where the largest part of this comes from, it might be easier to survive in the long run. Personally I've had close to no problems during all this, and am double moderna jabbed (was a sheep a few years ago). Every single one I know, even a few un-jabbed are doing worse every day, and the biggest difference is what we eat. I'm fasting at least a few days a week, I have a high fat/low carb diet, not quite ketogenic, never really reach full ketosis, but am in the low end at least a few days a week. I make sure to take supplements (high D, high C, Mg, Zn and rest needed in normal amounts). I avoid as many food additives as absolutely possible, all synthetic really.
For those of you that like to do your own research, read up on ketosis studies on pubmed back to 1980'ies. It changes the basic functionality of our immune system, functions that turn out to be a problem (Cytokine storm, over regulation of interleukins, the constant inflammatory state and more) are all down regulated while in ketosis, and from what I've understood. The cleaning function for oxidative stress is also changed, and judging from how it's worked for me, it seems to work.
Personally, I believe it's in our food, that's what I would do if I wanted to kill everyone off. I'd make them look east and approach from the west. I have already noticed a great difference in the health decline of people I know and interact with, depending on their lifestyle in general, but a general line of decline can be observed by what they eat, usually too high carbs or too far from ketogenic. Essentially, the further they get from natural food, the worse they are off.
My hypthesis as of this moment isn't that all food is contaminated, only from a handful of larger manufacturers. Biggest problem is, these manufacturers, are also the ones that produce ingredients used in food production by many of the smaller manufacturers, and this is how they do it. For instance, loaf of bread from local producer should be fine, but they use oil from one of the big ones, bread is now contaminated, you catch my drift.
Dont forget they are immortalized too, to make them better. Also, to add to what I wrote above. Ketosis is very efficient at cleaning up cancerous cells, requires medium level ketosis, so would have to be maintained for best effect. At high ketosis it's even stopped epilepsy and alleviated fibromyalgia to a degree it was maintainable without medicine.
Out of all the cells they could use, they chose cancer cells. No thanks. I don't like fake meat. I'll stick with buy grassfed beef and free range chicken meat from my neighbors. Why the hell can't people see what the hell is going on now. It's in their face.
He needs to be given death sentence he has been killing billions with 'vaccines' in Africa, India and more for 3 or more decades now the whole planet. I dont usually support this punishment but do for Genocide amd theur planned destruction of 99% of humans & animals.
They all do, to set an example for future groups wanting to do things like this. The list is easy to make. Just take all members and attendees of Bilderberg, WEF, Security Conferences, Council of 300, Club of Rome, and the remaining groups.
There are plenty of people wanting to make this happen, they are just waiting for everything to go tits up, so they can hide in the mayhem.
These genocidal psychopaths need to be got rid of now. Everythibg has been 'tits up' since 'Covid' but started over 100 years ago with Rockefeller Eugenics ie all but the suoer rich/ certain bloodlines must die. 'Natural Disasters' are manmade oftten from unnecessary wars, to Pandemics', 'viruses', destructive weather such as Hurricane Katrina which just happened to destroy mainly black peoples lives, Pakistan floods, thousands of chemical 'accidents' poiso ing water, crops, air, animals, humans, poisons in food, 'vaccines' that are in fact Biological Weapons. Distirbing violence, sexual violence shown in tv and film 24/7. Whst more dp you want?
Oh I hear you, and I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, it's not bad enough for the majority yet, and chaos has to be on a greater level for anyone to be able to take them out and at the same time survive to take out one more.
Yesterday I watched an older interview with the ex Japanese finance minister. He was asked why he "gave over" Japans economy to western oligarchs, he answered that if he wouldn't Japan would be struck by a massive earthquake. Day after, the journalist was contacted by someone from current Japanese government, where they informed he'd screwed them over with his questions. Two days later two earthquakes hit the same place, both magnitude 6.4.
Until we get rid of the parasites running the countries, that refuse to take down ALL HAARP facilities, this blackmail will continue.
Also, even with a global blackout, they are still able to track every individual on the planet, now even more so with what was injected or sprayed, we all have a unique signature which can be read as soon as we're hit with a certain radio frequency. So until we get rid of satellites, that too is a problem, which is also stopped by these parasites we "elect".
The biggest hope I have at the moment, and no, I don't support either, is if Putin will kick the shit out of them, he and Xi are the only ones with the power and resources to do so. It wouldn't be the first time Russia kicked the Khazars teeth in, and I do doubt he would ever give Russia to them.
I found some organic apples that had it on the shipping box, not on the fruit. I’ve grilled the manager at “ whole “ foods and get the run around there. & on their website, in the customer service question section. I told them Thank you for your non answer. They sounded like Kamala Harris, word salad, no substance.
That's hilarious. My wife for some odd reason also says the same thing about Kamel Toe Harris. LOL Luckily, we have HEB. Some veggies and fruit we can't get like nectarines, peaches, mangos, oranges, apples, kiwi, avocados, etc. I'm now growing raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries and finally got my first harvest and what a difference in taste. We have so many tomatoes, we have to give them away. Back to HEB, all the items I mentioned above will go bad within a week if not eaten. This tells me that Apeel isn't being used yet. I think they're targeting the bigger cities rather than focusing a lot of their time and money on rural areas. More people in the cities. Some people said their fruits and veggies will last a month before going bad. I started microgreens for the first time this year and bought over a million seeds. LOL We just had some radishes, broccoli sprouts, and I have 2 salad mixes going. We mix some of it in our morning smoothies. I'm waiting for the Cilantro to finish. I'm going to keep it going because it detoxes heavy metals. Garlic, Ginger, Yellow Sweet Clover, Horse Chestnut, and Cayenne peppers are some natural anti-clotting foods. We have bags of Turmeric and Cassia cinnamon and mix into out smoothies. Supplements like Bromelain and NAC are on hand. We grow Aloe plants and it thins like aspirin and helps diabetics. There so many plants that do so much for us. I guess there's a reason we were never taught about them.
The HEB's we have out here are very small but carry a lot of organic non GMO if that means anything anymore. I figured Aldi's would be using it but the nearest one is over an hour away. I say they are in on it since they're making people in the UK access the store via a QR code. The person filming how to use the system to get in and the signs on the wall. He said he wasn't shopping there anymore. I don't trust Kroger's due to their involvement with politics. Way left leaning. I haven't shopped there in about 6 years. The garden, microgreens, sprouts, farmers markets, meat and dairy farms are working out great. Soon I won't be shopping at HEB as I get closer to getting off grid. I don't trust any food in the stores. We're even making our own bread and tortillas from scratch. The ingredients list on these alone is crazy when all I need is just 4 ingredients.
ALDI just pulled out of Denmark, so at least that. Thanks for the info, good to know. The chains locations here were sold to Rema, so maybe they are in on it all too.
That's good to know because I'm starting it after doing a lot of research in it. It cheap and I know where it's coming from. We have been looking into a dehydrator not sure which one to get. We also looked into the Harvest right Freeze Dryer and they are costly. We've been either hang it out in the sun since it's over a 100 everyday or using a convection oven. Both seem to work really well.
They do not have to label any food that has been sprayed with Apeel. You do not know if it's been done unless you know where it came from and the farmer who produced it.
This is genocide; Gates has UK Gov permission to 'alter' all food and Gates has boadted that he will ske sure tgev'vaccones' are in all food eve fruit & veg, to mzke sure those who avoided the injections get 'vaxxed' ie killed. Agenda is Drpopulation of billions ie most people and even animals.
Glad fasting is helping you. If I fast I will injure my kidneys and liver ( a bunch of autoimmune issues , biotoxin mold illness, chronic inflammatory response syndrome) . A friend with similar issues ended up in the hospital from fasting, but it CAN help many people.
Sorry to hear about your situation.
If you do have the time, I'd suggest you look into the ketogenic side of what I wrote on pubmed. Functions in our bodies change radically, recent studies have even shown mitochondrial repairing, got that from a 2022 study out of California where it's been shown it can cure even autism, I've also read several other studies that mention this.
Thanks. I’ve been 90% keto just listening to my body. I’m chemically sensitive and gluten free, try to do non gmo or organic. It makes a huge difference. It’s improved my health. Thank you for sharing & writing about it.
I learned today that people who are lactose intolerant are able to reverse it by drinking raw unpasteurized milk. Funny, how that works. I remember reading an article about how pasteurized milk is bad for us and thought they were crazy. Seems like I was wrong.
I still get it raw milk at the dairy farm. The difference between the two is amazing. I tend to grab the chocolate ones. lol All those good live organisms in real milk has to be good for you. We also get real cheese and butter while were there. It's also costly but worth it. You can't put a price on your health.
Thank you for doing this! There is hope even us sensitive ones who may not be able to tolerate the regular edta IV chelation therapy! Bless you, Dr Ana!
We got our microscope and yes, found rouleaux formation. We are unvaxxed and never took pcr test, eat organic, work from home and have limited exposure to shedding. IT'S NOT SHEDDING. The unvaxxed need to understand that this is everywhere --in our environment, food and water. Everyone is getting this.
Also, I had emailed you, Dr. Ana, about other findings and grave concerns I have. Will follow up with you.
Seriously what did you think the end of the world would look like, yep just like it says in scripture.
Thank you for what you are sharing, I believe you are a blessing to many.
He is coming wait for Him even though He seems unlikely or slow its coming. His timing is prefect for His purposes so hold fast to His plan no matter the cost.
Ephesians 2:7,8
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus…
While I see the treatment will help thousands, the expense, adequate facilities and maintenance will hinder the mass's so I see little Hope that is the way for me and most of the world.
This was all planned for evil by evil but also revealed in advance in the holy scriptures for good. Not sure when Yeshua/Jesus will and when arrive but may He find faith on the earth when He does.
My Hope is in the Lord and His Justice and Salvation. While I see this a positive proof of the campaign against the world population I expect to see something more powerful come to our aid.
At best this can keep some folks going forward and expose the enemies of our souls. That is very good and a gift from above. But some of us must stand on the promises as we will not have the funds to spend on costly treatments.
Romans 5:4
And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
I tend to agree. The most important truth people need to understand is the Gospel. In the end, Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us.
Reading the book of John in the Bible is a good place to start to understand that truth.
I hope you don't mind my posting this but for those people needing more information regarding shedding, environmental contamination of graphene oxide which is causing the sludge in unvaxed.
about blood clotting with emfs In Australia we have a EMF company called Orgone Effects which sell emf products all over the world they would be good for the nano tech in our bodies as well i highly recomend them
I am very concerned as an unjabbed person that there is nothing I can do to stop being shed up. My husband & daughter have all had three shots ( I tried everything possible to stop them )and I mix/ work with people the majority who have also been jabbed.
Once you have had the chelation therapy, wouldn’t you be getting shed on again and again?
Is there anything else that could stop the self assembling nano technology. I know it’s in our food, water and air. If there something we could inhale or drink or use as a barrier cream?
Is nano silver one solution plus mega doses of vitamin C. I am thinking of buying a caravan to out in my garden so I can be away from the WiFi.
Just dreaded the great switch on of 5G not currently in my area…
Any advice gratefully recieved.
since terrel said nano silver and borax WORK but does not give proof and dr ana said vit c does and since most cannot afford edta how bout trying the other 3?? Im going to leave this because im concerned with how this has set up our body for the rfid motb .
I also wonder about taking colloidal silver or gold as they are metals - if that's what you were referring to? If something "works" I like to know why and what the benefits are. Does it address the rouleaux, the nanotubes, the quantum dots? Do people feel better? Does colloidal gold interfere with the nano or help the blood look better? Hopefully more people will be investigating this issue.
I too worry about the colloidal silver or gold because they are metals. I saw a video one time that said they tend to stay in the body, which is not healthy over time. Maybe that’s correct, or maybe not.
In general, I try to take a lot of vitamin/mineral supplements and zinc and NAC, then very few other types that aren’t as natural, just personal preference as I’ve always been sensitive to everything. I am taking EDTA pills. Dr. Ardis says then if taking EDTA to move that stuff out of the body take Apple Pectin pills or Bentonite Clay (so I take Dr. Ardis Apple Pectin pills).
When I developed some symptoms last year I’d never had before (after having a dental anesthetic), I had some success adding Oregano Oil as well (have to be careful how much as it’s very potent!). I now use four drops at a time mixed with a little coconut oil applied on several areas of skin. Also, it could be helpful breathing right from the bottle into the nose. I use doTerra brand.
Here are a few other things I take, again personal preference I tend to try more natural less chemical stuff as much as possible—
1/2 teaspoon of organic baking soda in a glass of water (to alkalize)
Chew 2 mg nicotine gum occasionally not every day
A parasite cleanse pill for three months (herbal) I use Life Tree Purify
L’Oreal Professional Metal Detox shampoo and conditioner
About six weeks ago I again was infected big time when I dyed my hair at home, something in it or the conditioner they included with it caused a CDB/Morgellons type reaction in me, extreme itching on my scalp, crawling sensations, insomnia. With these things I’m taking for the most part those symptoms are mostly gone. I also do ascribe to placing a magnet on a spot for about 30 seconds if feeling an itching or crawling feeling, it’s worked for me as has been reported by some others.
I am unjabbed and had no PCR tests, nor my husband. This is an ongoing process, as I know from my own experiences they ARE putting this bioweapon crap in most everything. Many things to use I’ve picked up in here from others, grateful hearing the suggestions.
God bless Dr. Ana for all her dedicated work to help humanity overcome this.
I know Dana was "hinting" at Borax in an older video. I try to take a bit each day in my RO water. I imagine nano silver may penetrate cells more easily and the BBB (blood brain barrier), but true colloidal silver may not be what was referenced by Terrel? Look up my comment below in reply to Helen for a weblink tosilver-colloids.comfor more info on that. Most colloidal silver products are ionic and much less effective.
terrel worked with dana ashlie and i think he was involved w haarp. he said borax and nano silver work but did not prove it. dr ana said vit c works. so maybe someone can test those 3.
Hi Helen, I have previously commented on this before but there are always new folks that are not aware that there is possibly a 5G signal coming from your home modem/router. I went into the Century Link router I have ( about a year old), and discovered it was putting out 5G. I disabled it. My router address I used was similar to which you would type into a search browser. You may find the address on the router or you can look it up for the one you have.
You can also set the power output lower. If you set it too low, like maybe below 50%, you could lose the regular Wi-Fi signal and would then have to access it using an ethernet hardwire cable.
As far as shedding and exposure to nanotech, if it is "everywhere" which it may be, then taking precautions is a good idea on any account. I would agree that if you did chelation, it would make sense that you would become "reinfected" again later. I think the elites are as exposed as everyone else and they must have something to protect themselves. I don't think they are going to be taking IV chelation every two weeks, having their blood checked all the time or going through any arduous hassles to stay healthy. There must be something that is much more simple. It makes me wonder how people like Gates or Schwab or any of the other high level low lifes etc stay healthy. Certainly they are as exposed as the rest of the planet.
As for me, I do try to eat only VERY healthy food and stay away from fast food, grocery store brands and anything farm raised. I drink RO water and take EDTA orally (calcium disodium form called Cardio Chelate from MRM), NAC, Quercetin, Vit C 2-6gr/day, Methylene Blue 4 drops w/Ascorbic acid crystals, Vit B-complex with P5P, Vit D 7000IU/day, Vit K2 (MK-7 version 180mcg), Vit E 400 IU, Milk Thistle, chelated Zinc 50mg, Magnesium Glycinate 400mg gel caps with no magnesium stearate or stearic acid, Krill oil and Chlorine Dioxide (separated from food and anti-oxidants by at least 2 hours). I also take nascent iodine and boron (as borax) but not every day. I take a few other thing but that's my basic no-nanotech diet. My currently diet includes a lot of wild caught salmon since it's in season.
I am also unjabbed but do interact with the general public every day. I did get covid over a year ago but got better naturally over 2-3 weeks. Had loss of smell and tatse which caused me to lose about 15 pounds and I'm not over weight.
Never had any other issues and I would have to be on fire to go to a mainstream Doc.
As far as nano silver, I do have true colloidal silver, not nano which I don't trust as it is not natural to take in nano particles that do not otherwise possibly exist in nature. I get the true colloidal silver from Purest Colloids out of New Jersey. For info on colloidal silver look upsilver-colloids.com(https://www.silver-colloids.com/silver-colloids/) for a very comprehensive source about it. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look through all the topics there. It is the best site I have found on this topic. Dr. Nixon recommends colloidal gold but I do not know why or how it might work. I would think the colloidal silver could have a similar mechanism. They also sell colloidal gold at Purest Colloids.
If you use EDTA orally or the cream etc, make sure to replace the minerals like zinc and magnesium. I think you need to increase certain B vitamins as well. Also, I don't take everything every day. I do rest periods of a few days on the chlorine dioxide and M Blue.
Hope this helps a little.
5G = Fifth Generation. Frequency from 6 Ghz up to 100+ Ghz.
5G (router) = 5 Ghz frequency. It is one of 2 frequency bands the router is capable of. This is not the 5 G everyone is concerned about.
Thanks for the clarification. I think it's the 30 and 60Ghz frequencies that concern folks. I will look at my router again since I want to see ecatly how it is named. I did find some info on HowtoGeek site that stated: "A 5G router has a built-in cellular modem that connects to 5G cellular service. It creates a Wi-Fi network in your home or place of business, relying on a 5G signal rather than a wired internet connection. You'll get one if you sign up for 5G home internet.
You can now buy a 5G router, which is different from a 5GHz router or a Wi-Fi 5 router. But while 5G might sound great, it's not necessarily the best idea for your router. Here's what you need to know.
What Is a 5G Router?
A 5G router is a 5G modem and router. In other words, it's a cellular modem that happens to provide Wi-Fi. It's not a standard Wi-Fi router. Think of it like a more powerful mobile hotspot that isn't mobile. You'll plug it in at home and connect it to a cellular carrier like AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon. The router will then broadcast Wi-Fi in your home, and everything on your home Wi-Fi connection will be connecting to the internet through a 5G connection.
You can only use this if you have 5G internet in your area.
Unfortunately, the naming for Wi-Fi and cellular protocols is often similar and confusing. A 5G modem connects via 5G cellular signals; it has nothing to do with Wi-Fi 5 or 5GHz Wi-Fi, which are separate things---although a 5G modem probably supports both.
The first 5G router we heard of was the D-Link 5G NR Enhanced Gateway, announced at CES 2019. In an earlier version of this article we published in 2019, we recommended against buying a 5G router, largely because you likely didn't have 5G in your area yet. 5G is now much more widely available, so the calculus has changed, and you might want a 5G router---but, if you do, you should start by picking a 5G home internet service."
I think my moden/router is a 5Ghz not 5G since I don't have a 5G cell service or internet provider. However, it is still an additional frquency just 1 Ghz short of the 5G bandwidth which may pose additional concerns. In any event, my PC's seem to work just fine without it.
It would be interesting to see tests of live blood analysis done exposing the samples to each of these frequencies and also one done in a farraday cage.
My old cell phone had an app that put out a power eading on standard Wi-Fi signals in microwatts/sq meter. Supposedly anything over 0.00### microwatts/sq meter is not healthy. I walked into the boss's office one day and took a reading close to his moden/router and got a reading of 13500 uW/sq mtr. The highest reading I had ever seen. My old Xfinity router put out around 15-25 uW/sq mtr about 8 feet away. I put a sheet of al foil in front of it and cut that reading in half.
Irrespective of nano interaction with RF/EMF/ simple magnetic fields or even dirty electricity, I try to mitigate exposure as the raditation itself is not good and can interfere with microcurrents in the body at the cellular level such as VGCC's (voltage gated calcium channels). Even Dr. Ana's experiment with very low voltage tests on blood analysis showed adverse reactions.
Sorry for the long winded reply.
Thanks I wasn't aware that 5G wireless internet was a thing until recently. I will stick with cable and connect my devices with ethernet instead of wifi in any case.
Routers are more powerful than in years past. I stayed in a local motel and my cell phone Wifi had max signal from 6 wifi routers and I didn't check the 5G band. I couldn't be comfortable there. I don't anticipate travelling much any more.
Good idea. It was your comment that prompted me to look it up. To be sure you have only ethernet connections, you might want to check to see if you need to enable bridge mode in the router to make sure that even though you're using hardwire that you still don't have Wi-Fi as well. My old Xfinity router was that way.
I wish I could do ethernet but have 4 PC's in the house. That's one reason I cut the power output to 50%. If you can't verify no Wi-Fi, then changing power output to zero might be an alternate solution. When you can't eliminate, you mitigate.
Thanks for the tip about bridge mode- which i don't understand Sam,
I buy my own modems and routers instead of using those from Xfiinity ( which I believe can be disabled ) for the reasons you mentioned. I hope to eventually run my ethernet over existing coax cable with MoCA connections. You might try that. It has good bandwidth also.
Hello Sam, lots of interesting things there, appreciate hearing about lots of different things to take, I'm trying to figure out what else might work. As I said in my last post above, I like to move cautiously when adding things to help get over this mess. I looked into colloidal silver, not everyone thinks it's a good idea to ingest. I don't know which side is right about that. Here's one video that expresses the negative side views on taking it. Yes, this is from a Dermatologist, but she goes through some cautions:
URGENT CALL TO ACTION...TYRANNY WINS THRU MICROWAVE RADIATION MIND CONTROL CELL TOWER PROLIFERATION...STOP THIS BILL FROM HAPPENING OR WE ARE ALL TOAST. Take Action to Prevent the Next Wireless Invasion – Stop the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023 from Being Enacted • Children's Health Defense
Yes, Adrian, this is the number one threat to humanity and mother nature. Without strong RF (5G / CellTowers) it is harder to activate their plan. I did read somewhere that self-assembling nanoparticles can be triggered by light also.
This is how TYRANNY WINS 👉HR3557👈 IT MUST BE STOPPED. SHARE WIDELY. This bill is a federal takeover of all cell tower infrastructure, it completely robs the power to stop cell tower harms away from state and local authorities. The feds will ramp up and spread more towers anywhere they choose. We will be cooked from the inside out...A URGENT call to action by everyone, CALL YOUR REPS TO STRONGLY OPPOSE THIS BILLhttps://mailchi.mp/americansforresponsibletech.org/wireless-update-from-art?e=001e05df0a
i am unvakd and untested and know that i do. as we walk around we shed epithelial cells and these contain cbd's that we breath in. i believe we all are. you only have to look at the % of cbd's in the house dust to see.
It seems possible that active menstration would shed more due to the heightened blood flow and excessive hormones being excreted, possibly during the ovulation cycle as well...
Michael Baird - Jul 19, 2023 - Edited
Michael Baird
Have you tested any unvaccinated individuals that did not submit to the pcr testing?
Haden - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Absolutely, I didn't have any, jab, PCR, wear a mask or close encounters with anyone that is jabbed. In my opinion according to Dr Anna we're all doomed unless we have EDTA treatment and vitamin C Injections on a monthly basis, people can't afford this. I suspect if my blood is infected it's Chemtrails that have been seen in my country for many years and myself and my family are just fine.
kaal - Jul 20, 2023
Quantum dots are BIOSENSORS. Gates patent WO[prob world order} 060606 note the triple 6xs AI[prob artificial intell} is for body data mined during performance of task to b sent to server for reward with CRYPT o currency. ok So the Central Banks now say they want implantable RFID digital ID CHIP. Can these bioluminescent quantum dots{that contain luciferse} be programmed to that implantable digital CHIP? Hence your BODY data is hooked up to the financial system. Cyborg slaves with bodies hooked up to the financial quantum beast system. Please answer. As this may be the Mark of the Beast!
Haden - Jul 21, 2023
I know all about that but in my opinion all that beast system hook up control is yet to come. The whole point in my opinion of these injections was to kill thus massively reducing the world population by 2030. Once they're all dead then I suspect we will be forced into this beast system. Yes, there's MAC address being emitted, I pick up a neighbour walking up and down, it's a test for the cabal to see if it works, an experiment BUT the main goal here is Depopulation then once that's complete they can move on to full transhumanist beast type systems.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023
infosecurity.magazine .com Dec 22 biden signed quantum computing cybersecurity preparedness act which sets obligations on fed agencies to prepare their migration to quantum secure cryptography. - transition to post quantum cybersecurity july 17 2023 eu urged 2 prepare for quantum cyber attacks. what is this? Is this the planned cyber attack? which then creates transition to quantum realm? hope someone can answer.
SegFish - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited
No credible evidence of chemtrails. Del Bigtree recently interviewed Dale Wingington on the Highwire. Dale didn't have much to say. I've been studying this controversy for years. My personal opinion is that Dale is still on the Bechtel payroll and that chemtrails are a cover story created by Industry to divert scrutiny away from contrails, which show evidence of widespread air pollution from aeronautical sources. My real point of confusion is: why would ANYONE believe some guy whose entire career up to that point was working for this company with such a controversial history? They were in Iraq, they were in Bolivia... Casper Weinberger and George Schultz.... Do your own research!
Haden - Jul 31, 2023
I fully disagree, as for Del Bigtree, he is controlled opposition, remember what LENIN said, in order to control the opposition we must lead it ourselves. Bigtree tried to say and probably still does that he believes there's no Graphene Oxide in these jabs, forget the video evidence from Dr Robert O Young, Dr Ricardo Delgado and Dr Pablo Campra and many more scientists showing Graphene Ferrous Oxide. I've been studying Chemtrails for years too, seeing military planes taking off at airbases that are the same captured on my telescope. Some days I see lots of planes and no trails at all,but must days I see if I watch far too much the military plane going around again, creating that line to block out the sun, it's so obvious. I don't know much about Dane or Dale or whatever his name is but I have seen his long documentary The Dimming which I didn't learn anything from as everything he said I already knew. Lastly, you have a right to your opinion.
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
Who is Dale? Who are you alleging worked or works for Bechtel besides Weinberger and Schultz?
JohnDH - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
GQ4U’s Substack
Comment removed.
JohnDH - Jul 20, 2023
far too cynical and you lack discernment.
it is good to be a critical thinker and healthy skeptic, but you are wrongfully judging Dr Ana's motives/heart, and that is wrong. besides, nobody is getting rich off of vit c & edta, 2 very very inexpensive substances. and an IV setup.
Dr Ana is truly a hero of humanity.
Stella - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Turtle of Tobruk, you sound like the WEF and cabal, with this post.
Dr. Ana is doing research to try to tell us the truth, and find answers for this travesty. She and some few others are telling us they are finding the same stuff is now in many things--most injections, foods, water, chemtrail sprays, even rainwater is affected via chemtrails.
Fyi, I have not had any of the jabs, nor any pcr tests, nor has my husband...but I have had symptoms I've never had before, two different times, first last year which I felt I overcame, and again not long ago, have worked hard with many supplements, EDTA pills, etc. These things do help, but have to really work at it.
You could buy a few hundred dollars microscope and take a look at your own blood for yourself to see if you're still a pure blood.
John Biggins - Jul 25, 2023
We need to be mature enough to consider what may be uncomfortable truths a have some strong beliefs tested or shattered.. ...I agree Ana's certainly forefront in her pursuit of clues treatment and answers. .is she genuine? I hope so.. Promoting cures she has found that WORK... Is fine........t.until cheap alternative that's our choice.
Stella - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
Stella - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
You continue to attack Dr. Mihalcea's incredible work, over and over…over many posts.
Jul 21, 2023
Comment removed.
GQ4U - Jul 21, 2023
GQ4U’s Substack
Turtle, you might want to pull your head out of your shell & see what's really happening in the REAL world.
SQUID CLOT -- real, verified by multiple research scientists & many embalmers.
BILL GATES -- eugenics is his goal, he has stated it many times, depopulation is real.
TRANSHUMANISM -- Yuval Noah Harari, WEF w/ KLAUS SCWHAB preaches this.
NANOTUBES -- graphine oxide & various abnoral metals found in vaccines / blood.
RADIO BEACON - self assembling (circuit-boards?) in vax & blood of vaxxed.
MORTALITY rates for 20 to 60 year olds up 40% since 01/01/2021 (vax???)
When your blood goes bad you'll hope someone has found protochols, treatments, or cures to save your life. Are you too cynical, no, you're just being narrow minded.
GQ4U - Jul 21, 2023
GQ4U’s Substack
Comment removed.
GQ4U - Jul 22, 2023
GQ4U’s Substack
A bit thin shelled there turtle.
The post I replied to said nothing good about the research Dr Ana was doing and seemed to be ridiculing & attacking the research, research that very few scientists seem to be doing.
I applaud her, and anyone else who is at least trying to identify the problems and find treatments or cures.
It would better if well funded "trusted" research was being done but I don't know of any doing it. Then we might have larger samplings, beter tracking, follow up, results, etc.
Until then, I see no need to stomp on, or stamp out anyone trying to do what they can. I don't know if all unvaccinated are vaccinated by default, but I do know first hand unvaccinated are harmed by the vaccinated, or at least the recently vaccinated.
So if chelation works, or colloidal gold, or vitamin-D, or anything else I want to hear about it.
I accused you of no (zero) crimes.
I don't care that you know what the BIS/WEF/UN/IMFWHO/unicef are, that was not at issue.
John Biggins - Jul 24, 2023
Hi..ana seems to be in the right place offering /providing some ideas for the situation....I agree with her analysis
John Biggins - Jul 24, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
Hi..ana gives claimed evidence and solutions ..if you can do this yourself good..many doctors want us dead..pretending to care deeply for our welfare...so with discernment we need to choose
DougBTaylor - Aug 5, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
Right? The clean white lab coat, with the embroidered names and bona fides over the heart, no longer is reason enough to believe what is coming out of the wearers mouth. In fact the lab coat now tends to warn the discerning viewer to an increased level of skepticism.
I envision a time when doctors, like police officers, will have a weapon at their side, to enforce compliance. As it is, the Quislings, in uniform, have already assumed the role of enforcing this tyranny, without questioning the constitutional basis therein.
There has never been a shortage of those wiling to exercise moral authority over others. Look at all the 'Karens' that decried those of us who refused to wear a mask.
It was always females, since the risk of getting knocked out, was slim.
SegFish - Jul 29, 2023
Where has she claimed that the unvaxxed are vaxxed? I haven't seen such a claim? Shedding does not equal vaccination. Shedding does not necessarily involve any sort of DNA uptake into cell nuclei. A few people out there are claiming such but I have seen no solid evidence to date.
DougBTaylor - Aug 5, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
My man, you need a little time at the council fire, to give those diatribes some time off. If there is one thing about substack that is heads above ALL other media apps, is that people here talk to each other.
No personal attack ever brings clarity, nor understanding. The fact that you are being 'spit roasted' by the people you insulting refer to as 'fan boys and girls', narrows the attack to a personal level.
You surely are used to having people misread your intent, so it is surprising that you desire to throw rocks, creating a hornets nest where there was before a hive of honey bees.
Sisu - Jul 21, 2023
Practitioners who do live blood analysis are everywhere. The only way to know for sure what is going on in your own blood is go see someone who is offering this service and see for yourself. Just make sure they are using a dark field microscope with sufficient magnification power to see nanotech. I went to see someone locally and I did not find this to be happening for me but I was shown other samples of previous clients with some very obvious indications that surfaced during the covid period according to the Practioner. So this confirmed to me it is real. In Canada, a number of projects have been approved to explore all of this in terms of medicine.
SegFish - Jul 21, 2023
Comment removed.
SegFish - Jul 29, 2023
I don't agree. My experience is that most people are experiencing subclinical effects from the shedding. If you feel 'fine,' it's simply because your body has been able to keep pace and detox as fast as it is coming in. Or alternately you're not in touch with subtle cues. For women, it has been easier to see, because our menstrual cycle has been giving us a window into the condition of our blood. We bleed monthly (or in my case right now, twice monthly). Not all people's bodies are responding similarly. But if you refuse to have your blood examined and yet continue to broadcast your POV loudly, that tells me you need to be right more than to see what is the truth in your own body.
Jul 29, 2023
Comment removed.
Xenia - Jul 21, 2023
Ignorance is dangerous!
ann gautier - Jul 21, 2023
I found her office online. She isn't taking new patients.
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Buy a decent microscope. You can prove it to yourself true or false.
Crosby Guy - Jul 21, 2023
I bought a digital 2000x a year ago, I'm in Florida, no vax, no shedders around, still I saw a ribbon in my blood. Only once. Haven't looked in 3 months. $89. but you need slides and eye droppers. Dilute with sterile water. Look up instructions on how to prepare.
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Tiptriptrap - Jul 21, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Booster up buddy
Adriana - Jul 20, 2023
The Emissary - Jul 20, 2023
The Emissary of the People
I’m in her state and tried to make an appointment with her this week but the receptionist said they were booked for months so I couldn’t get in.
If she’s desperate to sell her niche services, they did a great job hiding that from me.
Crosby Guy - Jul 20, 2023
Comment removed.
Crosby Guy - Jul 21, 2023
We remembered a doctor who was like you, then he died suddenly. Are you planning the same? It's not new, we're getting used to it,
Crosby Guy - Aug 5, 2023
I've been hacked, I did NOT post this comment.
Crosby Guy - Jul 21, 2023
Comment removed.
Crosby Guy - Aug 7, 2023
I was hacked, I did NOT post that comment
DougBTaylor - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited
DougBTaylor’s Substack
Hahaha. Yes, of course you are, but who wouldn't be?
David Icke said, awhile back "Waking up in a sleeping world will present challenges."
Since there is so much psyopery (pronounced sigh-op-er-eee) afoot, why wouldn't you be paranoid and, at times, lack proper discernment?
That is why you are here. As iron sharpeneth iron...right? Who minds a rebuke when among friends?
"The kiss of an enemy is sweet, but the rebuke of a friend is true."
Ronald D Norris - Jul 24, 2023 - Edited
Ronald’s Substack
I am non-v and never had pcr testing. I assume I had covid ( had sinus infection) and developed natural immunity. I do my own live blood analysis and see rouleaux and fibers prior to getting IVEDTA. I did the 30 ml whole blood clotting test and saw 1.1 ml of gel/plastic even after my first IVEDTA. After further IV and topical EDTAwith liposomal my blood is neg. for gel/plastic. So as Dr Ana states it seems to be in the un-v too even if no pcr ever.
John Biggins - Jul 25, 2023
.how unvxxd are being contaminated?.. dental anaesthetic..foods water air...nano is everywhere
SegFish - Jul 29, 2023
None of that explains this global phenom. It's quite simple and is a known fact that mRNA gene therapy products 'shed.' The FDA issued study protocol guidance on managing this side effect back in 2015. The document is easy to find.
Tony - Sep 25, 2023
I tend to agree. After testing 3 unvaxxed family members, results don't look good, tho experience in reading is limited.
John H. - Sep 22, 2023
John H.
Great, very specific information, thanks.
John H. - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited
John H.
That is very impressive information. Did you see fibers before and or after the IV EDTA? I was wondering whether the fibers if present, disappeared when the gel/plastic/rubber clots did.
Ronald D Norris - Sep 21, 2023
Ronald’s Substack
I always see rouleaux (stacking of red cells) that improves temporarily after IV EDTA and for me fibers are present off and on. To me it is more of a sure indication to see the rubber clot in the test tube that the process is still ongoing. If the day comes where the rubber clot is gone on testing blood in a tube then I will confirm with live blood analysis on a slide.
John H. - Sep 22, 2023
John H.
It sounds like the rouleaux never really goes away completely. Maybe the best that can be achieved is a kind of holding action where the tech is kept at bay for a while. Do you have a plan for how often you will undergo IV EDTA or will it be based on further testing on some kind of schedule?
If you don't mind, what microscope set up do you use?
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
Apparently, blood is kept in blood banks for 42 days after which it is considered to be damaged. I wonder if anyone knows what blood looked like prior to December 2020 when subjected to the same tests that Dr. Ana is conducting. In other words, was there no yellowish rubbery clot component then? The reason I ask is because it would be nice to know for sure that the rubbery clots that are being demonstrated by Dr. Ana and others really are new and correspond with the rollout. I realize that a majority of embalmers who answered a recent questionnaire said they began seeing the rubbery clots after December 2020.
Ronald D Norris - Sep 21, 2023
Ronald’s Substack
I did culdocentesis procedure (needle into abdomen to collect free blood to make diagnosis of internal bleeding ) 40 yrs ago before ultrasounds were available and no reports of rubber clots then. Here is a link to a vid that John Campbell translated from a talk by Dr Burkhardt a German pathologist from Sept 2022 and says this is a new phenomenon (rubber clot).https://youtu.be/kEE5OfiVS7o?si=IOW6rAqLcV4w8qR2
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
Thanks for the link.
SegFish - Jul 29, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
She will be soon, as I will be a new patient in her office in the coming month. That said, there's no credible evidence that the PCR swab tests themselves contained anything unusual (and other methods of collection were available, such as the saliva test). Evidence instead points to the PCR test being a point of genetic data collection for Big Pharma/Gates databases. And to drive the narrative of course, with the employ of batch analysis early on, and high cycle thresholds being utilized to trigger a higher percentage of false positives.
DougBTaylor - Aug 5, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
Then you never looked at one under a microscope. I did, and the PCR swab was bristling with particulate that it shed upon contacting any wet mucosa.
Grandpa Castorini - Nov 13, 2023
Actually? Tests / microscopy vids show not only are the swabs loaded with the junk. But if i saw / heard it aright, the new swabs nano is nano-on-crack. Very fast, very mobile. Double-plus ungood, to my mind.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 19, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Comment removed.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I have autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness, leaky gut. I had bleeding in menopause around injuried jabbed elderly family members. I’ve been gentle detoxing for a few years before lockdown. When I was pressured into a useless/ harmful PCR test, I refused to put it in my nose and blew snot into a Kleenex. It’s hard to not be afraid sometimes. But I know fear hurts my immune system. I worry about my elderly mom. She got the boosters & flu, shingles jabs.
In 2018 I did a heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor. It really helped my morgellons symptoms improve.
Ani - Jul 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
What are the symptoms of morgellons?
Rosalind McGill - Jul 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Well, it’s very painful. Weird sensation under the skin, odd fibers come out of the skin and little black dot things, exhaustion, brain fog. I’d try switching around different supplements, and lots of borax baths. I weaned off a lot of prescriptions very slowly, seemed to help, started eating clean food and distilled water.
The hardest part was being mocked by the doctors, they called it delusional parasitosis. Sometimes I would touch my shoulder and could feel a sensation so very fast in my toes, it made no sense.
Clifford Carnicom’s research helped me stay calm- many people have committed suicide over this problem. The fibers were so varied and strange, not like anything I’d seen before.
I have a bunch of autoimmune issues and had Lyme , maybe these things made me more susceptible.
Nancy Rose - Jul 20, 2023
Nancy’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Nancy Rose - Jul 30, 2023
Nancy’s Newsletter
I notice, too, a lot of older people aren't as affected as the younger people. I am thinking it could be because the younger people have taken many more childhood vaccines then the older folks and somehow those vaccines of which the requirements to take before going to school has gone up over the years has something to do with it. Perhaps there was priming in those vaccines so that eventually the bio-weapon shot would be able to kill them faster. As we know now, vaccines don't protect in any way but cause damage and kill people. I believe, at least, in my opinion, all vaccines are now bio-weapons and have been for a very long time.
DougBTaylor - Aug 5, 2023
DougBTaylor’s Substack
If your cook tried to poison your lunch, would you return for dinner? I don't trust any of the global pharma depopulators.
I am also aware that there is a God and He has amazing plans for eternity. This place is so amazing, I can't wait to see what He has next...
John Vargo - Jul 20, 2023
John Vargo
The entire human race,all UN countries yet the vast majority of people revel in the glory of their willful ignorance.Getting out of the UN and the WHO should be a campaign issue along with breaking up all the soulless big corporations starting with big pharma.Their TV commercials are enough to make me sick.Careful,perhaps continuing my FU better.The mind control programming of people is just incredible.And they have been spraying us heavily the last 10 yrs.From these photos,looked like the nano photos from yrs ago.I think Dr.Anas post about voltage means all those supplements taken for yrs was not in vain but there are absorption concerns.I sleep with a Reich like orgone pyramid close,maybe it cleans the blood?
Roman S Shapoval - Jul 19, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Even low-level magnetic fields can disrupt how our cells divide. Why it's important to power off devices and unplug them when not in use:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/acmagnetic
jacquelyn sauriol - Jul 20, 2023
A little story; I grew up near the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. School field trips were commonly there. When I think about the exhibits, and the information about Thomas Edison, I can see it all in my head. (They brought Edisons work buildings from the lower states to Detroit)
So I think about images of cities in say 1910 or so, and the myriad electrical lines strung up all over the place, and very low to the street.http://www.loper-os.org/?p=38alsohttps://www.alamy.com/title-cables-and-power-lines-form-intricate-pattern-in-sky-at-broadway-near-pine-street-1910-image178667935.html
Seems like this (1910 or so) is when the health of people in the cities and elsewhere, really took a dive.....even as a kid, the images of Thomas Edison seemed a bit demonic, and now I do have to wonder about how things played out then, Tesla being the main player who was thwarted. Direct current was, as Tesla reasoned, a very bad idea. And here we are.https://youtu.be/PRJpn02crbIMary had a little lamb Thomas Edison, on a wax cylinder
Vinnie - Jul 19, 2023 - Edited
Yes, we see it...
Are these people dying?
How are these persons blood so contaminated and thick able to come to you are they at deaths door?
How are they alive if such gross contamination?
What is their physical condition when they come to you?
How do I know my relative who took jabs is suffering with this ailment?
The assumption is EVERYONE has these substances organizing in the blood 24/7...
What symptoms do these present?
If a person has been continually taking the suggested supplements, minerals, foods...
Is that controlling or flushing the system?
Not being presumptuous...
Would honestly appreciate information...
We get that the majority of blood in mammals is contaminated at this point...
How to resolve if EDTA is unaffordable?
Haden - Jul 20, 2023
Vinnie, very good questions that I suspect Dr Ana will not answer. I'm not saying she's wrong but I'm skeptical about her work meaning that some things she may be right on but not everything in my opinion. If sh is right, was wa sthr point in deploying a pLandemic when we're all infected. Yes some people can argue that we're all infected from Shedding but I don't agree with that as I'm not close to anyone that's jabbed. My opinion is that shedding is EMF radiation exposure or if someone had a jab that contains Thullium which Dr Daniel Negassa found then the jabbed victim would be emitting lethal Gamma Rays.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023
i think todd callender said something about cesium
Haden - Jul 21, 2023
You're absolutely correct Kaal, Todd Callander did indeed mention Cesium 137, which has a very high shelf live so it would be detectable if you know what you're looking for. Thullium doesn't have a long shelf life.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023
Agree with your resoning above - why a jab if everyone is infected. One point I can think of is control via lockdowns and the subsequent economic impacts to people and economies and perhaps to inject folks with some new toxin to speed up depop agenda. If we hand over our national sovereignty to the WHO and UN, then they can, at will, decide to control nations via pandemic style false flag threats. There may also be differences in the types of infections and substances introduced in our bodies ie inhalation vs direct injection. I think Dr. Ana mentioned a few additional molecular funtionalities observed in vaxed vs unvaxed. As we know anything injected bypasses our immune system in our gut etc and may preserve certain types of substances.
I think it was mike Adams? who stated that taking nascent iodine was only helpful for the Cesium 137 isotope. It has a half life of just over 30 years and decays by beta emissions. The CDC mentions beta and gamma emssions. What context was Todd Callendar mentioning it?
Soultruthseeker - Jul 24, 2023
do you believe you have national sovereignty... the only sovereignty we have is what we were born with. the land masses have been claimed along with the people on it. the US never won independence, after the civil war Spain and France thought they owned the territory... not to be, it was claimed by England and it's rulers. In Oz we do not have sovereignty over ourselves let alone our property, all registered, which means owned by the same corporation.
the transference/shedding, nano particle issue is real, i have symptoms and they began after my, now deceased husband, went and contracted to the 'experiment'. the nano particles and radiation are factored in also, i would feel the effects after being out for long periods on heavy chemtrail days. the itchy skin issue is worsened with elevated use of electronic equipment, even though it is all hard wired.
Haden - Jul 22, 2023
Thanks for the good reply, Sam and agreed. Todd has mentioned Cesium quite a few times, some of which I don't really agree with in that he said Cesium is needed to hook people up to the internet of things and that people he knows have found it in the vials, he didn't even name them or show video evidence. I'm sure some vials contain this radioactive substance however In my opinion I don't think this yet is about hooking people up, I believe they want extermination first and then hit us with this transhumanist nonsense but I could be wrong, it's just my opinion for what's it's worth.
Grandpa Castorini - Nov 13, 2023
Some blood samples before / after EDTA show cleaner blood after tx... then right back up again after being in public areas around vaxxed one evening only.
The fact that herd, game, poultry are all being aggressively vaxxed was a warning data point for me. Then when scientists started seeing it in dental and other vaccines?
TDD is not just for propaganda.
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 22, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Vinnie,
All very good and relevant questions.
The depopulation appears to be on a schedule approximately fitting the deagel forcasts.
Many People are dying early - that's unquestionable now.
Its a mystery as to how people are still active with so much goo inside them but it appears that we can function while the polymers are unassembled or in small blobs.
Many appear to be suffering minor side effects that slowly get worse.
To tell if relatives are contaminated put a band aid with cds on the calf muscle for one day then inspect it with a $20 digital scope. You will see the fibres.
We mass tested approx 200 people a week ago and 3 didnt have it with a quick inspection. If I looked deeper i believe i would have found it in them too.
symptoms? that list of 1195 side effects from the fizzavak is a good indicator.
We done know everything yet.
edta suppositories are shown to be nearly as effective as chelation and are very available and affordable for most.
Thanks, matt
Vinnie - Sep 27, 2023
Thank you Matt!
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
Excellent questions.
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi John,
I am not associated with anyone and i am seeing the same results. There are many good questions that are put up here that do not get a reply that they are worthy of.
For me it was the posts regarding serreptase and natto dissolving the clots in vitro by someone who tested their blood as requested by dr Anna,
and the post by tannic acid regarding oleic, lactic and tannic acid as well as venus flytrap.
If you look at Carnicoms research from the last 2 decades on this you will see how we are all contaminated , just to different degrees. Cliffs research cannot be faulted.
John H. - Jul 21, 2023
John H.
Can you give me more information about the in-vitro blood tests with serreptase and nattokinase? Were they in jabbed or unjabbed patients?
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 22, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I cant recall. you would have to search previous posts here for it.
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 20, 2023
matt’s microscopy
i have been looking at cheap ways to see how contaminated we are on an individual basis.
you can buy a digital skin scope for approx $25 to $50.
the body appears to push them in a more concentrated form into the legs. i only use from the knees down.
first try cds on a band aid on your calf muscle. leave on for 24 hours. pull off and see how many fibres there are.
as the fibres dont melt at a low temperature i tried carbonising some hair. very interesting results. a lot of white material that doesnt burn, plus you can see the fibres left.
with the skin scope if you look at the dead skin around the heel you will see them all, many inside the skin.
Vinnie - Jul 20, 2023
matt’s microscopy
What is "THEM", what is being pushed into the legs? The Morgellans or the nano-particles please? Are you suffering, symptoms?
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
them ,is cbd's which are the same as morgellons as per carnicom. they come in many forms but for me include the gel, fibres, colored crystals , black specks, eggs etc.
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
You mean cdb's (what Carnicom calls cross domain bacteria and what some others call KAMS [kinetically active microstructures], correct?
Vinnie - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hey! Thank Matt...gosh sorry to hear... had a few painful fibers in the nasal passages...at first thought they were ingrown hairs...
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I inhale and snort staright peroxide and also now use it from the kness down. it sure shows where they are and also removes the bio film so that your own skin can replace it.
Vinnie - Jul 21, 2023
Matt! I do when I feel a cold coming on also! WOW the BURN baby the burn but hey it's killin' whatever is in there...I also nebulize H2O2 in saline solution with 2 drops of Lugol's Iodine after exposure with jabbed. I posted the protocol a little further down in these conversations... but for me anyhow... it has worked like a charm! All the best to you.
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
Are you jabbed? Did you have any PCR nasal swab tests? Do you live with jabbed persons?
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
no vax, no tests, took ivermectin ,hydroxy, c ,d, zinc, cds, dmso, nac, quercertin etc etc but still have it in my blood, sputum, hair, semen and skin.
i live by myself.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023
SIMPLE ANSWER. this substack is prob monitored and since ivermectin was sabotaged and acv i bet any product that helps will be. where is that guy Terrel i think was his name who claimed nano silver and borax WORK. but he did not show proof. sounds simple. can Dr ana TEST that? i really dont care myself unless i see disgusting symptoms like someone just reported.
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Kaal,
Yes, about half the supplements i have looked at appear contaminated. i stopped taking them all except vit c as i never found one of them contaminated.
The bigger problem is that was only looking up for fibres etc. really it would need culturing to be sure.
I was making and taking colloidal silver as well as cds using my own distilled water. After reading that silver repelled them i tested 2 spoons left out to gather dust and morgs, one silver and one stainless steel. the surprise was that the silver one had more morgs and they were well attached - i coudnt blow them off like dust. i see the borax, cds and vitamin c as 3 cheap things that can help mitigate this until more is known.
It was interesting to me to see who the first "truth" dr would be to link Carnicoms research to the vak and results of same. i hold Dr Anna in high regard for this brave act.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023
yes agree. terrel said nano silver not colloidal.
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
Where can one obtain cds without making it yourself, if possible?
John H. - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Comment removed.
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
So far, we have anecdotal partial patient reports only. It would be wonderful if we had detailed information on each of these unjabbed patients which are being presented and in whom markedly contaminated blood is being depicted. The alleged improvement in the blood after Dr. Ana's protocol is remarkable. How long it lasts must be determined and publicly disclosed in the interest of humanity.
anna burns - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
John H.
I recently heard another practitioner have very similar findings as Dr. Ana. She is not the only one making these claims. His name is Dr. David Nixon.https://zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-david-nixon-the-cure-nanotech-inside-injected-and-uninjected-disappears-with-colloidal-gold/
John H. - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Dr. Nixon collaborates with Dr. Ana on a regular basis. Does anyone know of a live blood microscopist/practitioner who is reporting the same findings (unjabbed people with massively contaminated blood) that is not affiliated in any way with Dr. Ana? Someone mentioned that Dr Young reported the same findings in unjabbed patients. Has that been verified? Apparently, Dr. Welbergen reported on a child who presumably became contaminated by living with jabbed parents. Images of the blood were on-line.
anna burns - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
John H.
What is wrong with collaboration?
John H. - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Nothing at all. The stream includes the implicit question of whether anyone independent of Dr. Ana and her associates have reported similar blood findings in unjabbed people. I mentioned Dr. Young and Dr. Welbergen because as far as I am aware, they are not in any way affiliated with Dr. Ana. Given that science calls for duplication of experiments and reports using identical materials and methods, it would be best to find another one or more people who are now documenting the same things in the blood of unjabbed people as Dr. Ana does. Maybe it has already happened and not all of us are aware of it or where to review the report/findings.
kaal - Jul 20, 2023
Yes. Dr Robert O Young shows same findings. If someone is interested research him and his protocols and if/ or how successrul. Personally I think this is prophecy. And judgement on USA Mystery Babylon.
Jul 20, 2023
Comment removed.
Tony Ryan - Jul 19, 2023
oziz4oziz’s Newsletter
This is the best work I am aware of on this planet, so many thanks Ana.
Excuse our impatience but, so many want to know what constitutes cross-infection to unvaxxed. Can somebody please survey for specific means of transmission? I woul dhappily do this myself but I live in an outback wilderness situation with additional complexities.
Tracy C - Jul 19, 2023
Amazing research and PROOF of the poisoning
Nanc - Jul 19, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
My question is what good is this, if once the patient goes back out among the vaxed and the blood becomes contaminated again? It’s an endless cycle. This is time and cost prohibitive to many. I hoping and praying for more user friendly blood detox solutions.
Thank you Doc Ana for your unending tireless research, hopefully others will join you and can come up with solutions for everybody.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Meanwhile: supplement heavily with ascorbic acid.
Catherine - Jul 20, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Orally supplement with Vitamin C?
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
István’s Newsletter
But will too much vitamin C increase the risk of kidney stones? Just how much is good? No one wants to end up in a hospital with kidney stones.
István - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
István’s Newsletter
This "vitamin C causes kidney stones" bullshit. It's been proven a thousand times over that it's a massive lie.
You can safely take ascorbic acid in gram quantities. You can't take as much as you want anyway, because for many people, more can cause diarrhoea. There are also vitamin C capsules available that cause levels as high as intravenous vitamin C. The technology is called "Hybrid-FenuMat".
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
Thanks for the reply. It never made sense why they say this when high doses are given via IV. I just didn't know if there was a difference in the way it's absorbed orally versus IV. This sounds like another lie pushed by the propaganda machine to keep us from taking high doses of vitamin C. I only take 1000mg daily. I will look into "Hybrid-FenuMat".
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
I got diarrhea from roughly 5 grams of vitamin C orally per day but not 1.6 grams orally.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
I've heard this too which is why I asked the question. That's a good way to become dehydrated. I've taken 2 grams without any issues but have been sticking with 1g.
István - Jul 20, 2023
István’s Newsletter
There is a brilliant company in my country that produces cutting edge vitamin products. I take their multivitamin, which contains, among other things, 2000 mg of vitamin C, but I also take a capsule a day of Fenu-C, a product made with Hybrid-FenuMat technology from the same company. There is also a pretty good description of this Fenu-C on their site.https://www.gal.hu/en/GAL-C-complex
Catherine - Jul 20, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Do they deliver to US?
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
What is the bio polymer? In the hybrid vitamin C, you are suggesting is it a safe polymer to have in your blood system especially if you’re mixing it with other man-made polymers.
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Hybrid Fenumat contains HYDROGEL.https://www.nutraceuticalbusinessreview.com/news/article_page/FENU-C_Setting_up_a_new_benchmark_in_vitamin_C_delivery/178835
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Is it OK to put/mix the biopolymer in the hybrid Vit C with other problem polymers in your blood ..As the Fenu-C uses of bio polymer delivery system.
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Sounds like bio protein encapsulated, vitamin C. Wasn’t that the delivery system for the spike (protein). encapsulated in protein
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Fenumat contains Hydrogel.https://www.nutraceuticalbusinessreview.com/news/article_page/FENU-C_Setting_up_a_new_benchmark_in_vitamin_C_delivery/178835
Rachel - Jul 19, 2023
This was going to be my question as well, but Mr. Baird asked it. I was given one Pfizer injection, but also received PCR tests. My nose has been bleeding for two years, have had clotting from my sinus, they have sores, I've used saline rinse, with antibiotic ointments for the tissue, steroids, antibiotics, but it continues to be an issue. The other symptoms I'm having is excessive bloating and weight gain but only around my kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach. I say that because some of the areas are tender and I'm concerned about blood clotting, and toxicity.
Henrik - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Very nice work Ana. Thank you very much for all your hard work.
I would like to narrow down what people have in common with these hydrogel clots. I can believe that tests are part of the contamination, I just believe it's too much hydrogel for it to only come from the tests. Therefore I believe there must be other factors in the contamination and from where it largely comes. I understand it's near impossible to completely avoid, but if we could narrow down where the largest part of this comes from, it might be easier to survive in the long run. Personally I've had close to no problems during all this, and am double moderna jabbed (was a sheep a few years ago). Every single one I know, even a few un-jabbed are doing worse every day, and the biggest difference is what we eat. I'm fasting at least a few days a week, I have a high fat/low carb diet, not quite ketogenic, never really reach full ketosis, but am in the low end at least a few days a week. I make sure to take supplements (high D, high C, Mg, Zn and rest needed in normal amounts). I avoid as many food additives as absolutely possible, all synthetic really.
For those of you that like to do your own research, read up on ketosis studies on pubmed back to 1980'ies. It changes the basic functionality of our immune system, functions that turn out to be a problem (Cytokine storm, over regulation of interleukins, the constant inflammatory state and more) are all down regulated while in ketosis, and from what I've understood. The cleaning function for oxidative stress is also changed, and judging from how it's worked for me, it seems to work.
Personally, I believe it's in our food, that's what I would do if I wanted to kill everyone off. I'd make them look east and approach from the west. I have already noticed a great difference in the health decline of people I know and interact with, depending on their lifestyle in general, but a general line of decline can be observed by what they eat, usually too high carbs or too far from ketogenic. Essentially, the further they get from natural food, the worse they are off.
My hypthesis as of this moment isn't that all food is contaminated, only from a handful of larger manufacturers. Biggest problem is, these manufacturers, are also the ones that produce ingredients used in food production by many of the smaller manufacturers, and this is how they do it. For instance, loaf of bread from local producer should be fine, but they use oil from one of the big ones, bread is now contaminated, you catch my drift.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Have you heard about Apeel?
The company received a grant from the bill & Melinda gates of hell foundation.
dana ciancimino - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
His lab grown meat (grown from cancer cells) has also been given approval.
Henrik - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Dont forget they are immortalized too, to make them better. Also, to add to what I wrote above. Ketosis is very efficient at cleaning up cancerous cells, requires medium level ketosis, so would have to be maintained for best effect. At high ketosis it's even stopped epilepsy and alleviated fibromyalgia to a degree it was maintainable without medicine.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
Out of all the cells they could use, they chose cancer cells. No thanks. I don't like fake meat. I'll stick with buy grassfed beef and free range chicken meat from my neighbors. Why the hell can't people see what the hell is going on now. It's in their face.
Henrik - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Just checked it out, now there's even more to stay away from. Sigh. I am so tired of that man, and I wish him all the worst that he can possibly get.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Ugh, I know. He’s got his grubby hands in everything!
Noren O Drisc - Jul 21, 2023
He needs to be given death sentence he has been killing billions with 'vaccines' in Africa, India and more for 3 or more decades now the whole planet. I dont usually support this punishment but do for Genocide amd theur planned destruction of 99% of humans & animals.
Henrik - Jul 21, 2023
They all do, to set an example for future groups wanting to do things like this. The list is easy to make. Just take all members and attendees of Bilderberg, WEF, Security Conferences, Council of 300, Club of Rome, and the remaining groups.
There are plenty of people wanting to make this happen, they are just waiting for everything to go tits up, so they can hide in the mayhem.
Noren O Drisc - Jul 22, 2023
These genocidal psychopaths need to be got rid of now. Everythibg has been 'tits up' since 'Covid' but started over 100 years ago with Rockefeller Eugenics ie all but the suoer rich/ certain bloodlines must die. 'Natural Disasters' are manmade oftten from unnecessary wars, to Pandemics', 'viruses', destructive weather such as Hurricane Katrina which just happened to destroy mainly black peoples lives, Pakistan floods, thousands of chemical 'accidents' poiso ing water, crops, air, animals, humans, poisons in food, 'vaccines' that are in fact Biological Weapons. Distirbing violence, sexual violence shown in tv and film 24/7. Whst more dp you want?
Henrik - Jul 22, 2023
Oh I hear you, and I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, it's not bad enough for the majority yet, and chaos has to be on a greater level for anyone to be able to take them out and at the same time survive to take out one more.
Yesterday I watched an older interview with the ex Japanese finance minister. He was asked why he "gave over" Japans economy to western oligarchs, he answered that if he wouldn't Japan would be struck by a massive earthquake. Day after, the journalist was contacted by someone from current Japanese government, where they informed he'd screwed them over with his questions. Two days later two earthquakes hit the same place, both magnitude 6.4.
Until we get rid of the parasites running the countries, that refuse to take down ALL HAARP facilities, this blackmail will continue.
Also, even with a global blackout, they are still able to track every individual on the planet, now even more so with what was injected or sprayed, we all have a unique signature which can be read as soon as we're hit with a certain radio frequency. So until we get rid of satellites, that too is a problem, which is also stopped by these parasites we "elect".
The biggest hope I have at the moment, and no, I don't support either, is if Putin will kick the shit out of them, he and Xi are the only ones with the power and resources to do so. It wouldn't be the first time Russia kicked the Khazars teeth in, and I do doubt he would ever give Russia to them.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Yeah, their happy about this one. Just look at the labels because they usually states Apeel on it.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I found some organic apples that had it on the shipping box, not on the fruit. I’ve grilled the manager at “ whole “ foods and get the run around there. & on their website, in the customer service question section. I told them Thank you for your non answer. They sounded like Kamala Harris, word salad, no substance.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
That's hilarious. My wife for some odd reason also says the same thing about Kamel Toe Harris. LOL Luckily, we have HEB. Some veggies and fruit we can't get like nectarines, peaches, mangos, oranges, apples, kiwi, avocados, etc. I'm now growing raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries and finally got my first harvest and what a difference in taste. We have so many tomatoes, we have to give them away. Back to HEB, all the items I mentioned above will go bad within a week if not eaten. This tells me that Apeel isn't being used yet. I think they're targeting the bigger cities rather than focusing a lot of their time and money on rural areas. More people in the cities. Some people said their fruits and veggies will last a month before going bad. I started microgreens for the first time this year and bought over a million seeds. LOL We just had some radishes, broccoli sprouts, and I have 2 salad mixes going. We mix some of it in our morning smoothies. I'm waiting for the Cilantro to finish. I'm going to keep it going because it detoxes heavy metals. Garlic, Ginger, Yellow Sweet Clover, Horse Chestnut, and Cayenne peppers are some natural anti-clotting foods. We have bags of Turmeric and Cassia cinnamon and mix into out smoothies. Supplements like Bromelain and NAC are on hand. We grow Aloe plants and it thins like aspirin and helps diabetics. There so many plants that do so much for us. I guess there's a reason we were never taught about them.
dana ciancimino - Jul 20, 2023
Aldis is using Apeel, and Aldis is in rural areas too. Glad HEB is safe. I'm not sure about Krogers
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
The HEB's we have out here are very small but carry a lot of organic non GMO if that means anything anymore. I figured Aldi's would be using it but the nearest one is over an hour away. I say they are in on it since they're making people in the UK access the store via a QR code. The person filming how to use the system to get in and the signs on the wall. He said he wasn't shopping there anymore. I don't trust Kroger's due to their involvement with politics. Way left leaning. I haven't shopped there in about 6 years. The garden, microgreens, sprouts, farmers markets, meat and dairy farms are working out great. Soon I won't be shopping at HEB as I get closer to getting off grid. I don't trust any food in the stores. We're even making our own bread and tortillas from scratch. The ingredients list on these alone is crazy when all I need is just 4 ingredients.
Henrik - Jul 20, 2023
ALDI just pulled out of Denmark, so at least that. Thanks for the info, good to know. The chains locations here were sold to Rema, so maybe they are in on it all too.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Cilantro is a great detox, I do a bunch periodically in a smoothie & a little on a regular basis.
& I just bought a dehydrator.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
That's good to know because I'm starting it after doing a lot of research in it. It cheap and I know where it's coming from. We have been looking into a dehydrator not sure which one to get. We also looked into the Harvest right Freeze Dryer and they are costly. We've been either hang it out in the sun since it's over a 100 everyday or using a convection oven. Both seem to work really well.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Keep going! That’s exciting to hear about your growing success!
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
Forgot to mention, look into cilantro chelation. There is a lot of information out there on it.
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
They do not have to label any food that has been sprayed with Apeel. You do not know if it's been done unless you know where it came from and the farmer who produced it.
Noren O Drisc - Jul 23, 2023
This is genocide; Gates has UK Gov permission to 'alter' all food and Gates has boadted that he will ske sure tgev'vaccones' are in all food eve fruit & veg, to mzke sure those who avoided the injections get 'vaxxed' ie killed. Agenda is Drpopulation of billions ie most people and even animals.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Glad fasting is helping you. If I fast I will injure my kidneys and liver ( a bunch of autoimmune issues , biotoxin mold illness, chronic inflammatory response syndrome) . A friend with similar issues ended up in the hospital from fasting, but it CAN help many people.
Henrik - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Sorry to hear about your situation.
If you do have the time, I'd suggest you look into the ketogenic side of what I wrote on pubmed. Functions in our bodies change radically, recent studies have even shown mitochondrial repairing, got that from a 2022 study out of California where it's been shown it can cure even autism, I've also read several other studies that mention this.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks. I’ve been 90% keto just listening to my body. I’m chemically sensitive and gluten free, try to do non gmo or organic. It makes a huge difference. It’s improved my health. Thank you for sharing & writing about it.
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I learned today that people who are lactose intolerant are able to reverse it by drinking raw unpasteurized milk. Funny, how that works. I remember reading an article about how pasteurized milk is bad for us and thought they were crazy. Seems like I was wrong.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I had raw milk as a kid and I’m not lactose intolerant but I don’t drink milk anymore, lots of cheese and butter,
TimeIsNear - Jul 20, 2023
I still get it raw milk at the dairy farm. The difference between the two is amazing. I tend to grab the chocolate ones. lol All those good live organisms in real milk has to be good for you. We also get real cheese and butter while were there. It's also costly but worth it. You can't put a price on your health.
Lisa - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
Thank you for doing this! There is hope even us sensitive ones who may not be able to tolerate the regular edta IV chelation therapy! Bless you, Dr Ana!
We got our microscope and yes, found rouleaux formation. We are unvaxxed and never took pcr test, eat organic, work from home and have limited exposure to shedding. IT'S NOT SHEDDING. The unvaxxed need to understand that this is everywhere --in our environment, food and water. Everyone is getting this.
Also, I had emailed you, Dr. Ana, about other findings and grave concerns I have. Will follow up with you.
John H. - Jul 20, 2023
John H.
Did you find any filaments, fibers, spheres etc.?
Lisa - Jul 20, 2023
Sadly yes. In a tiny drop of blood from my finger, there were a few filaments.
DEC - Jul 20, 2023
John Roberts
Seriously what did you think the end of the world would look like, yep just like it says in scripture.
Thank you for what you are sharing, I believe you are a blessing to many.
He is coming wait for Him even though He seems unlikely or slow its coming. His timing is prefect for His purposes so hold fast to His plan no matter the cost.
Ephesians 2:7,8
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus…
While I see the treatment will help thousands, the expense, adequate facilities and maintenance will hinder the mass's so I see little Hope that is the way for me and most of the world.
This was all planned for evil by evil but also revealed in advance in the holy scriptures for good. Not sure when Yeshua/Jesus will and when arrive but may He find faith on the earth when He does.
My Hope is in the Lord and His Justice and Salvation. While I see this a positive proof of the campaign against the world population I expect to see something more powerful come to our aid.
At best this can keep some folks going forward and expose the enemies of our souls. That is very good and a gift from above. But some of us must stand on the promises as we will not have the funds to spend on costly treatments.
Romans 5:4
And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
John Roberts - Jul 20, 2023
John Roberts
I tend to agree. The most important truth people need to understand is the Gospel. In the end, Jesus Christ is the only one who can save us.
Reading the book of John in the Bible is a good place to start to understand that truth.
DEC - Jul 20, 2023
Can't help but Love John after all Yeshua/Jesus did! Lol...
Rachel - Jul 19, 2023
I hope you don't mind my posting this but for those people needing more information regarding shedding, environmental contamination of graphene oxide which is causing the sludge in unvaxed.
gary graham - Jul 19, 2023
about blood clotting with emfs In Australia we have a EMF company called Orgone Effects which sell emf products all over the world they would be good for the nano tech in our bodies as well i highly recomend them
Helen P - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
I am very concerned as an unjabbed person that there is nothing I can do to stop being shed up. My husband & daughter have all had three shots ( I tried everything possible to stop them )and I mix/ work with people the majority who have also been jabbed.
Once you have had the chelation therapy, wouldn’t you be getting shed on again and again?
Is there anything else that could stop the self assembling nano technology. I know it’s in our food, water and air. If there something we could inhale or drink or use as a barrier cream?
Is nano silver one solution plus mega doses of vitamin C. I am thinking of buying a caravan to out in my garden so I can be away from the WiFi.
Just dreaded the great switch on of 5G not currently in my area…
Any advice gratefully recieved.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
since terrel said nano silver and borax WORK but does not give proof and dr ana said vit c does and since most cannot afford edta how bout trying the other 3?? Im going to leave this because im concerned with how this has set up our body for the rfid motb .
kaal - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
i mean can dr ana try to see if nano silver borax and vit c work
John H. - Sep 21, 2023
John H.
I don't think she's ever tested borax or boron. Dr. Nixon has used gold I believe, but not sure about either of them testing colloidal or nano-silver.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
John H.
I also wonder about taking colloidal silver or gold as they are metals - if that's what you were referring to? If something "works" I like to know why and what the benefits are. Does it address the rouleaux, the nanotubes, the quantum dots? Do people feel better? Does colloidal gold interfere with the nano or help the blood look better? Hopefully more people will be investigating this issue.
Stella - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
John H.
I too worry about the colloidal silver or gold because they are metals. I saw a video one time that said they tend to stay in the body, which is not healthy over time. Maybe that’s correct, or maybe not.
In general, I try to take a lot of vitamin/mineral supplements and zinc and NAC, then very few other types that aren’t as natural, just personal preference as I’ve always been sensitive to everything. I am taking EDTA pills. Dr. Ardis says then if taking EDTA to move that stuff out of the body take Apple Pectin pills or Bentonite Clay (so I take Dr. Ardis Apple Pectin pills).
When I developed some symptoms last year I’d never had before (after having a dental anesthetic), I had some success adding Oregano Oil as well (have to be careful how much as it’s very potent!). I now use four drops at a time mixed with a little coconut oil applied on several areas of skin. Also, it could be helpful breathing right from the bottle into the nose. I use doTerra brand.
Here are a few other things I take, again personal preference I tend to try more natural less chemical stuff as much as possible—
1/2 teaspoon of organic baking soda in a glass of water (to alkalize)
Chew 2 mg nicotine gum occasionally not every day
A parasite cleanse pill for three months (herbal) I use Life Tree Purify
L’Oreal Professional Metal Detox shampoo and conditioner
About six weeks ago I again was infected big time when I dyed my hair at home, something in it or the conditioner they included with it caused a CDB/Morgellons type reaction in me, extreme itching on my scalp, crawling sensations, insomnia. With these things I’m taking for the most part those symptoms are mostly gone. I also do ascribe to placing a magnet on a spot for about 30 seconds if feeling an itching or crawling feeling, it’s worked for me as has been reported by some others.
I am unjabbed and had no PCR tests, nor my husband. This is an ongoing process, as I know from my own experiences they ARE putting this bioweapon crap in most everything. Many things to use I’ve picked up in here from others, grateful hearing the suggestions.
God bless Dr. Ana for all her dedicated work to help humanity overcome this.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023
John H.
I know Dana was "hinting" at Borax in an older video. I try to take a bit each day in my RO water. I imagine nano silver may penetrate cells more easily and the BBB (blood brain barrier), but true colloidal silver may not be what was referenced by Terrel? Look up my comment below in reply to Helen for a weblink tosilver-colloids.comfor more info on that. Most colloidal silver products are ionic and much less effective.
John H. - Jul 21, 2023
John H.
What happened to Dana? It seems she has not put up anything new for several years.
kaal - Jul 21, 2023
terrel worked with dana ashlie and i think he was involved w haarp. he said borax and nano silver work but did not prove it. dr ana said vit c works. so maybe someone can test those 3.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023
John C's Substack
Hi Helen, I have previously commented on this before but there are always new folks that are not aware that there is possibly a 5G signal coming from your home modem/router. I went into the Century Link router I have ( about a year old), and discovered it was putting out 5G. I disabled it. My router address I used was similar to which you would type into a search browser. You may find the address on the router or you can look it up for the one you have.
You can also set the power output lower. If you set it too low, like maybe below 50%, you could lose the regular Wi-Fi signal and would then have to access it using an ethernet hardwire cable.
As far as shedding and exposure to nanotech, if it is "everywhere" which it may be, then taking precautions is a good idea on any account. I would agree that if you did chelation, it would make sense that you would become "reinfected" again later. I think the elites are as exposed as everyone else and they must have something to protect themselves. I don't think they are going to be taking IV chelation every two weeks, having their blood checked all the time or going through any arduous hassles to stay healthy. There must be something that is much more simple. It makes me wonder how people like Gates or Schwab or any of the other high level low lifes etc stay healthy. Certainly they are as exposed as the rest of the planet.
As for me, I do try to eat only VERY healthy food and stay away from fast food, grocery store brands and anything farm raised. I drink RO water and take EDTA orally (calcium disodium form called Cardio Chelate from MRM), NAC, Quercetin, Vit C 2-6gr/day, Methylene Blue 4 drops w/Ascorbic acid crystals, Vit B-complex with P5P, Vit D 7000IU/day, Vit K2 (MK-7 version 180mcg), Vit E 400 IU, Milk Thistle, chelated Zinc 50mg, Magnesium Glycinate 400mg gel caps with no magnesium stearate or stearic acid, Krill oil and Chlorine Dioxide (separated from food and anti-oxidants by at least 2 hours). I also take nascent iodine and boron (as borax) but not every day. I take a few other thing but that's my basic no-nanotech diet. My currently diet includes a lot of wild caught salmon since it's in season.
I am also unjabbed but do interact with the general public every day. I did get covid over a year ago but got better naturally over 2-3 weeks. Had loss of smell and tatse which caused me to lose about 15 pounds and I'm not over weight.
Never had any other issues and I would have to be on fire to go to a mainstream Doc.
As far as nano silver, I do have true colloidal silver, not nano which I don't trust as it is not natural to take in nano particles that do not otherwise possibly exist in nature. I get the true colloidal silver from Purest Colloids out of New Jersey. For info on colloidal silver look upsilver-colloids.com(https://www.silver-colloids.com/silver-colloids/) for a very comprehensive source about it. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look through all the topics there. It is the best site I have found on this topic. Dr. Nixon recommends colloidal gold but I do not know why or how it might work. I would think the colloidal silver could have a similar mechanism. They also sell colloidal gold at Purest Colloids.
If you use EDTA orally or the cream etc, make sure to replace the minerals like zinc and magnesium. I think you need to increase certain B vitamins as well. Also, I don't take everything every day. I do rest periods of a few days on the chlorine dioxide and M Blue.
Hope this helps a little.
John Caldwell - Jul 21, 2023
John C's Substack
5G = Fifth Generation. Frequency from 6 Ghz up to 100+ Ghz.
5G (router) = 5 Ghz frequency. It is one of 2 frequency bands the router is capable of. This is not the 5 G everyone is concerned about.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023
John C's Substack
Thanks for the clarification. I think it's the 30 and 60Ghz frequencies that concern folks. I will look at my router again since I want to see ecatly how it is named. I did find some info on HowtoGeek site that stated: "A 5G router has a built-in cellular modem that connects to 5G cellular service. It creates a Wi-Fi network in your home or place of business, relying on a 5G signal rather than a wired internet connection. You'll get one if you sign up for 5G home internet.
You can now buy a 5G router, which is different from a 5GHz router or a Wi-Fi 5 router. But while 5G might sound great, it's not necessarily the best idea for your router. Here's what you need to know.
What Is a 5G Router?
A 5G router is a 5G modem and router. In other words, it's a cellular modem that happens to provide Wi-Fi. It's not a standard Wi-Fi router. Think of it like a more powerful mobile hotspot that isn't mobile. You'll plug it in at home and connect it to a cellular carrier like AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon. The router will then broadcast Wi-Fi in your home, and everything on your home Wi-Fi connection will be connecting to the internet through a 5G connection.
You can only use this if you have 5G internet in your area.
Unfortunately, the naming for Wi-Fi and cellular protocols is often similar and confusing. A 5G modem connects via 5G cellular signals; it has nothing to do with Wi-Fi 5 or 5GHz Wi-Fi, which are separate things---although a 5G modem probably supports both.
The first 5G router we heard of was the D-Link 5G NR Enhanced Gateway, announced at CES 2019. In an earlier version of this article we published in 2019, we recommended against buying a 5G router, largely because you likely didn't have 5G in your area yet. 5G is now much more widely available, so the calculus has changed, and you might want a 5G router---but, if you do, you should start by picking a 5G home internet service."
I think my moden/router is a 5Ghz not 5G since I don't have a 5G cell service or internet provider. However, it is still an additional frquency just 1 Ghz short of the 5G bandwidth which may pose additional concerns. In any event, my PC's seem to work just fine without it.
It would be interesting to see tests of live blood analysis done exposing the samples to each of these frequencies and also one done in a farraday cage.
My old cell phone had an app that put out a power eading on standard Wi-Fi signals in microwatts/sq meter. Supposedly anything over 0.00### microwatts/sq meter is not healthy. I walked into the boss's office one day and took a reading close to his moden/router and got a reading of 13500 uW/sq mtr. The highest reading I had ever seen. My old Xfinity router put out around 15-25 uW/sq mtr about 8 feet away. I put a sheet of al foil in front of it and cut that reading in half.
Irrespective of nano interaction with RF/EMF/ simple magnetic fields or even dirty electricity, I try to mitigate exposure as the raditation itself is not good and can interfere with microcurrents in the body at the cellular level such as VGCC's (voltage gated calcium channels). Even Dr. Ana's experiment with very low voltage tests on blood analysis showed adverse reactions.
Sorry for the long winded reply.
John Caldwell - Aug 8, 2023
John C's Substack
Thanks I wasn't aware that 5G wireless internet was a thing until recently. I will stick with cable and connect my devices with ethernet instead of wifi in any case.
Routers are more powerful than in years past. I stayed in a local motel and my cell phone Wifi had max signal from 6 wifi routers and I didn't check the 5G band. I couldn't be comfortable there. I don't anticipate travelling much any more.
Sam - Aug 8, 2023
John C's Substack
Good idea. It was your comment that prompted me to look it up. To be sure you have only ethernet connections, you might want to check to see if you need to enable bridge mode in the router to make sure that even though you're using hardwire that you still don't have Wi-Fi as well. My old Xfinity router was that way.
I wish I could do ethernet but have 4 PC's in the house. That's one reason I cut the power output to 50%. If you can't verify no Wi-Fi, then changing power output to zero might be an alternate solution. When you can't eliminate, you mitigate.
John Caldwell - Aug 17, 2023
John C's Substack
Thanks for the tip about bridge mode- which i don't understand Sam,
I buy my own modems and routers instead of using those from Xfiinity ( which I believe can be disabled ) for the reasons you mentioned. I hope to eventually run my ethernet over existing coax cable with MoCA connections. You might try that. It has good bandwidth also.
Helen P - Jul 21, 2023
Thank you so much for your wonderful response. I really appreciate this.
Sam - Jul 21, 2023
Small correction: I take the EDTA 2 hours away from food and don't take Chlorine dioxide with any antioxidant for several hours.
Stella - Jul 22, 2023
Hello Sam, lots of interesting things there, appreciate hearing about lots of different things to take, I'm trying to figure out what else might work. As I said in my last post above, I like to move cautiously when adding things to help get over this mess. I looked into colloidal silver, not everyone thinks it's a good idea to ingest. I don't know which side is right about that. Here's one video that expresses the negative side views on taking it. Yes, this is from a Dermatologist, but she goes through some cautions:
Adrian - Jul 20, 2023
URGENT CALL TO ACTION...TYRANNY WINS THRU MICROWAVE RADIATION MIND CONTROL CELL TOWER PROLIFERATION...STOP THIS BILL FROM HAPPENING OR WE ARE ALL TOAST. Take Action to Prevent the Next Wireless Invasion – Stop the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023 from Being Enacted • Children's Health Defense
Tiptriptrap - Jul 20, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Yes, Adrian, this is the number one threat to humanity and mother nature. Without strong RF (5G / CellTowers) it is harder to activate their plan. I did read somewhere that self-assembling nanoparticles can be triggered by light also.
Adrian - Jul 20, 2023
This is how TYRANNY WINS 👉HR3557👈 IT MUST BE STOPPED. SHARE WIDELY. This bill is a federal takeover of all cell tower infrastructure, it completely robs the power to stop cell tower harms away from state and local authorities. The feds will ramp up and spread more towers anywhere they choose. We will be cooked from the inside out...A URGENT call to action by everyone, CALL YOUR REPS TO STRONGLY OPPOSE THIS BILLhttps://mailchi.mp/americansforresponsibletech.org/wireless-update-from-art?e=001e05df0a
KG - Jul 20, 2023
I’m wondering if young menstruating women shed more than others especially during their active period?
matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 20, 2023
matt’s microscopy
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matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 20, 2023
matt’s microscopy
i am unvakd and untested and know that i do. as we walk around we shed epithelial cells and these contain cbd's that we breath in. i believe we all are. you only have to look at the % of cbd's in the house dust to see.
KG - Jul 20, 2023
It seems possible that active menstration would shed more due to the heightened blood flow and excessive hormones being excreted, possibly during the ovulation cycle as well...
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