Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 19, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this article, I am correlating the Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy findings with the Blood draw test. Monday live blood analysis of this C19 unvaccinated individual who is on Eliquis for Atrial fibrillation shows high level contamination with many spherical construction sites, hydrogel CDB filaments, rouleaux formation in only one drop of blood. This contamination comes from C19 vaccine shedding, environmental sources like geoengineering and contaminated food supply.
You can see many filaments, large construction site with filament production and blood like sludge.
Red blood cells look spiked, which is a sign of toxicity. Spherical construction site seen.
The patient came for my standard protocol of Chelation, Vitamin C 20000mg and Chelation over 3 days.
On the second day before the Vitamin C IV, I drew blood from the patient and left it sit overnight. One syringe was just blood, the other was blood placed beside a cell phone for most of the day and then put beside a Internet WIFI router.
The blood without treatment was still clotting after the first IV the day before of 1500mg. That is not unusual, because his level of contamination is so high. If I can see this much hydrogel filaments in one drop of blood, how much is there in 6 liters?
We again confirm that the C19 unvaccinated contaminated blood clots just like the C19 vaccinated.
This is the syringe that was kept close to a cell phone and WiFi router
In this video I had placed 450 mg ( not ml) of EDTA into the same blood. This is a smaller dose than I used the other day. No clot formed.
The follow up live blood analysis after 3 days looked much better with much less filaments. The patient had received additional Vitamin C infusion and another EDTA Chelation. One filament was seen on the entire slide, much reduced from above and the red blood cells were looking excellent.
High level of hydrogel/ CDB contamination appears to correlate with the amount of blood clotting forming hydrogel rubbery clots. EMF maybe makes it a little worse but overall the clots appeared very similar. EDTA prevents the clotting, results appear dose dependent and I will start to use smaller and smaller doses to possibly extrapolate how much would be needed for highly contaminated individuals and then for maintenance. Due to the rapidly changing nature of this nanotechnological assault, our strategies have to evolve with the observed changes. This patient had one IV EDTA chelation prior to this blood coagulation testing done. High level of contamination which is now see in most people, require higher doses. This needs to be done very cautiously, as minerals need to be supplemented and renal function monitored for safe administration. Too rapid infusion of a high dose for example can cause tetany, and I have been told by patients that some practitioners recommend daily high dose EDTA rectally or orally. I would not do that, since the risk of adverse effects is much increased. Using a larger liposomal or rectal dose two times, maximum three times a week would be a reasonable target for those with adequate renal function and no G6PD deficiency, which may cause a hemolytic crisis if overdosed.
Future testing on optimal dosing with both before and after blood coagulation testing and live blood analysis will help us answer some of these questions. I wanted to share these preliminary tests as they do confirm that unvaccinated have a serious clotting problem. Blood thinners like Eliquis do not help mitigate the hydrogel production.
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Michael Baird - Jul 19, 2023
Michael Baird
Have you tested any unvaccinated individuals that did not submit to the pcr testing?
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Roman S Shapoval - Jul 19, 2023
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Even low-level magnetic fields can disrupt how our cells divide. Why it's important to power off devices and unplug them when not in use:
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