Dr. Ana please can you tell me if oral EDTA will work at all? I don't have the money to be able to go get iv infusions. I am having the same heart issues like speeding up in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. I just had my metal amalgam fillings removed and also had a baby within the past year and I fear that as you have shown most of the medications are tainted. I am unvaccinated tho but I realize this means nothing anymore.
I am curious will oral vitamin c be of any help? I also wanted to know if MMS or chlorine Dioxide can help? I have read all of your work on Substack and I praise you for your dedication and hard work and for being a light to many in this dark time. Thank you so much❤️
Don't know where you reside; but I had the same questions when I came here and found a Doctor in our location capable of providing the treatments Dr. Ana outlines here as well as a Lab updating their testing capabilities by purchasing the equipment Dr. Ana resourced for us.
For us, we also built and ended up purchasing 'Scalar/Tesla Wave Generators' to counter the Frequencies in our locale which is different for all contingent upon the towers and other Energy Generators in your location. Shop for a Doctor in your own location willing to deal with this issue since most are clueless to treat those experiencing what you are. For our family, it was necessary to first get the I.V. Chelation Protocol with Vit. C and Minerals, ALA...And, we've only taken Oral EDTA since. We'll know in a few weeks of what's more or less effective.
Further, there is another outlet in Substack "Karl" who is experimenting with Sodium Citrate taken Orally, 1000 mg BID with food, claiming it's been effective. Here is a link:
From this link you may access other Posts. Hope this helps. OH...By the way; be certain you're taking Magnesium for the issues with the Sinus Rythme for your heart. I experienced that problem years ago...Since 2007 when the Establishment Sleezies began to place this Transhumanistic Poisons into the atmosphere. Went to the hospital several times and they wished to place me on the Pharma Poisons. They were not successful therapeutics. MAGNESIUM KICKED THE PROBLEM and never had it since even with all the current variables causing cardiac-related problems for so many.
I take oral Quicksilver Scientific liposimal EDTA/w R-lipoic acid, with Aurora Nutrascience 3,000 mg Liposimal vitamin C, High Quality sourced Shilajit humic and fulvic acid, 1,000 mg, N-Acetyl-L-Cystine from Pure Encapsulations. Along with Multi Mineral complex and Zinc. Even though this protocol isn't the highest doses, or IV, it still has made a huge difference for me as long as I take it regularly.
Thank you so much for responding. Do you mind telling me which magnesium you used. There are a few different ones and I believe I already have magnesium citrate by the brand NOW. Also I have been reading a little bit into the scalar wave and so I am interested if it was expensive to create? I'm just not in a position to be able to afford much RN so if there is an affordable way to protect myself and my family I would love to know what I need to do.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.
I use Magnesium called 'Magtein' which is easier to absorb as the amino acid L-Threonate is necessary for the receptors to take it in. It's more expensive than other Magnesium products. You can take less.
As for the Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator...We're in the middle of this Grand Experiment within the family where each family/child and the animals on the farm are on slightly different regimens. We will be testing our blood in two weeks since my buddies at the Lab have been booked solid and they wish to go on Vaca. My Vet is a personal friend and we're dealing with the animals with different regimens as well.
Dr. Ana hypothesizes the technology feeds upon all sources of energy including the Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator used to nullify the EMF Radiation in any given area. The Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator we originally began with was a very simple one I found on YouTube. It's very simple and inexpensive. I have few mechanical skills; but even I could construct this. It's not very powerful; but it seemed to help when I placed it on my Night Stand next to the bed and observed the pets sleeping with me to be more energetic and lively after sleeping with it. We will learn if this is effective or worsens the situation or if there's no change.
Here's the Link:
Whatever you do...If you determine to take any kind of EDTA Chelation or Sodium Citrate...USE MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS as they bind minerals and leach the body of them.
I highly suggest you take some time to go back through Dr. Ana's Substack to read more thoroughly as she had skeins of information about options to care for yourself and your family. She's highly effective and a Dr...Credible, while I am NOT as I'm not a Doctor of Medicine.
Have no idea about those having Mercury fillings being treated with Disodium Calcium EDTA. Am NOT a physician and have no ability to advise anybody medically. Can direct to others directing me to seek information from my own Physicians in my area; many of whom now are learning about Transhumanism and the Advanced Technologies now being forced onto the population of the world.
Allopathic Doctors are very averse to learning anything new in my personal experience while Homepathic Doctors and DO's seem more open. Also, it's important for Lab Tech's, Cytotechs, Phlebotimists or other Scientists to be updated upon the actual advances uniting biology and machines now influencing the health of our society.
I've taken actual Hardcopies of Substacks and Research found Online and in the Library and Books to my Physicians and Labs. Whatever you do...Choose your Doctors wisely and then follow their Treatment Plans for your best health.
Go to Dr. Ana's Picture found in the beginning of the Substack Post for today and the whole Account's Postings will be available to you. It will require some searching; but her past postings do document all the advise and information she's given. It will be found a within the most recent year or earlier...It's been quite some time since she's advised about the Treatment she's following for herself and others.
I use magnesium (Mg) malate (or citrate), both inexpensive. (The oxide – most common – is essentially water-insoluble.) I started taking Mg after my ‘15 heart attack, 2 stents, 2y, and angina. The angina proved the Drs didn’t fix the plaque problem – too much calcium (Ca) vs Mg. [See Magnesium Intake Is Inversely Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification / The Framingham Heart Studyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2013.10.006] Most people are at least slightly deficient of Mg and there is no standard test for sufficiency. Just take extra Mg and reduce it slightly at a loose stool. Can't OD on Mg.
I also take 12 mg/d (80 x RDA) of SSKI (Lugol’s iodine – 4 drops in water, tonic or juice), and 6 Brazil nuts for the Selenium to balance the iodine. Most people are also deficient in iodine – b/c of soils deficiency, and increased use of other halogens (chlorine, bromine that bind more strongly) in food and water, and the RDA was set far too low for the whole body’s need.
I get some supplements individually (like iodine) to bypass FDA RDA limits.
You may wish to research I.V. EDTA Therapy to remove the plaques in your cardiovascular system...Seeming to cause so many problems. Doctors have known about this substance and uses since WWII and refuse to document any kind of Testing Results; however when they develop Cardiovascular issues...THAT IS THEIR CHOSEN THERAPY.
For Post-Menopausal women...It is a definite kick to metabolism when taken orally or transdermally 6 days on and one off accompanied with Chelated Minerals as EDTA Binds Minerals and leaches them from the system. There is probably a Doctor in your area proficient with EDTA Chelation Therapy.
I noticed how my body just began to hum along as though in the 30's again...Eye Sight even better. Totally eradicated all issues with digestion and sluggishness making activities less pleasing. Might wish to look into it. Can't say enough about all the positive results it's provided as well and cleansing the blood of the tech impurities.
Healthy Origins
Chelated Multi Mineral - Chelated Trace Minerals Supplement with Selenium, Iodine, Magnesium & More
There are many brands and I usually purchase on Ebay. This was located in Amazon as it popped-up and they're generally sold commonly among any retailer. It's not difficult to find them.
You're right about magnesium. [See Magnesium Intake Is Inversely Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification / The Framingham Heart Studyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2013.10.006] Most people are at least slightly deficient of Mg and there is no standard test for sufficiency. Just take extra Mg and reduce it slightly at a loose stool. Can't OD on Mg.
Other things that help are Terral Croft's borax/nano silver protocol(blocks nanites from replicating), baking soda/borax detox baths, food grade diatomaceous earth(removes nanites/chemtrail materials), humic/fulvic acid supplements such as shilijat(removes heavy metals).
Liposomal(oral) EDTA works, I use it monthly. I use the quicksilver Scientific brand, 1 tsp twice daily on an empty stomach for 3 days. You hold it under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallow it.
Kelly, They now have "IV Bars"/ Spas throughout the United States, which often offer Vitamin C, EDTA, Glutathione, and several other Beauty & Wellness IVs, administered & supervised by registered or licensed Nurses!!.. I've seen them flourishing in Virginia, California, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina, in the small to medium-sized, most trendy cities. It's a major Beauty & Fitness trend, along with Saunas, massage, cold therapies, etc., etc.-- all of which are so wonderful!!-
I have to see a doctor due to pre-existing medical conditions, but if you don't have any unusual allergic or medical issues, you could go for these?!.. Some offer Packages/ Combos. for Wellness that are only a few hundred dollars??.. Much less than baby expenses, that's for sure!-
And it's SOOO worth it, for the Baby's sake, as well!!- (It Pays Dividends!)-
Please carry on a Healthy Human Race-- Thanks!!- :)
You are right, I have been frequenting a few places in VA for my girlfriend with cancer and we have both taken C and ALA so far. I don't have any health issues, but figured I do have some garbage in me due to all the rampant pollution everywhere. Some of these IVs are walk-in, but others are medical IVs and require initial bloodwork. I highly recommend IVs for everyone, especially if it's run by integrative health professionals and has a doctor on site for consultation.
Please be mindful to NOT undergo any detoxification while breastfeeding (or pregnant). What can you do: increase minerals, specifically by getting a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis done and supplementing exactly what you need. Minerals are needed to detoxify. Get your lymph moving through exercises and 1-2 bowel movements a day and further steps for pregnant and breastfeeding women can be found on my website here:https://consciouspreconception.com/detox-pregnant-breastfeeding/
I hope you find the answers you are looking for. I can recommend a little booklet by Dr. Hal A. Huggins called "Detoxification." I have it in my hand right now and I see all the parts that could apply to you, especially since the booklet is the follow up detox for amalgam removal.
Maybe you watched Dr. Ana's video the other day where she was talking with Dr. Thomas A. Levy.
She gives the name of her clinic at the end.
About Vitamin C: Dr. Levy recommends 2000 sodium ascorbate a day for everyone. (Sodium ascorbate is a form of vitamin C ) He wants people to be working up to 6, 7, 8 grams a day.
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
This is the cheapest liposimal EDTA/w Alpha lipoic acid. I have used this myself, I think it's pretty good. But now, I use "MedFive" brand EDTA enteric pills recommended by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. But it is kind of pricey at almost $100.00, but it is stronger than the liqid EDTA.
O.K.? -Kasey
OBSERVATION: Most of the time Dr. A post about EDTA she mentions EDTA IV! After which, she will post her MED FIVE link. Why post the link without elaborating will it work? How do we know if those pictures legit? How do we know if is Dr. Ana? Could be A.I.? IMJS!
I think you guys are missing the point -- the individual above took no injections, she was exposed to shedding. This thing is designed to jump from person to person. There are no purebloods.
Thanks for this example of your good cure! Only I wonder how EDTA would translate in European terminology? I also just loved the maria zeee show with you and Karen together explaining the complexities....
Thanks for that detailed case history.
This type of analysis and treatment, hopefully, are soon to become commonplace.....good job.
I bought some Blue recently, uninjected, but have had some symptoms. Too soon to evaluate but I feel like my old self....watch out world...haha.
Yes, I caught some kind of covid from exposure to visiting family members this Fall (despite their vaccinations). I got over the basic infection, but still felt like I was dragging and not normal. I was already pre-scheduled for an EDTA IV and a Glutathione Push from my Drs. to deal with chemical / heavy metal exposures from earlier in the year after record Bad Air Quality and major reactive airway respiratory symptoms (horrifying!). And I've had to take EDTA, Vit. C., & Glutathione IVs and pills before, periodically, for many years, due to bad reactions. Well, I took that stuff, as per usual, and within a week or so, I went from feeling yucky tired to feeling like Myself again!!- as if I am Truly in control of My Own Body again, as it has been Designed to Work!!.. My Heart feels very happy as well!! Plus, I have no more post-covid minimal inflammation symptoms in my ears, cardiovascular, or minor brain/headache, etc. And my Lungs are now very, very happy, which was the original, core objective!!..
(I recently had to change my lifestyle & location just to Breathe right!!)- Thank You for the data!-
What about the un-injected, can they also spread the nano stuff after they have been contaminated via the shedding effect? And where does the nano stuff actually go during/after the treatment?
Yes that's an excellent question and I'd like to know the same. I was caring for a relative that had been triple vaxxed and the next day I would wake up feeling like I'd been hit with a Mac truck. I can't believe this is something we even have to worry about. It's like a bad sci-fi movie only it's our our current reality 😭
The strangest thing is, that our rotten governments, at least here in Germoney, had the shedding effect in their sick "pandemic" law texts, but most people, me incl., didn't know about the nano stuff in the vials at the time.
Something private:
Shortly after I returned home in 2021 after visiting relatives, I had a nosebleed that wasn't severe, but didn't stop for minutes. I only had a nosebleed once or twice as a child.
About six months later, two of my relatives explained that they had 6 months before secretly gotten "vaccinated" to keep their jobs, even though I had strongly advised them, knowing what was happening, not to get tested or vaccinated under any circumstances and not to wear masks.
The two of them, including my mother, have now had extensive dental treatment, and I have the impression that all three of them have deteriorated extremely in health since then, but especially my mother.
I had repeatedly and urgently advised them not to accept the usual anesthetics or painkillers injected under any circumstances, but rather to ask the doctor about nano tech-free alternatives, which they didn't want to do because they were afraid of being drawn into pointless discussions with one possible treatment stop as a result.
So far, every time I've been with the two or three of them, I haven't felt well afterwards, and I've felt tired, listless, loss of appetite and somehow sick for days on several occasions afterwards.
I myself was at the dentist at the end of 2019 and had a total health breakdown the evening after I was first given an anesthetic injection and then had X-rays taken. I absolutely couldn't explain that breakdown at the time. I had no sleep for 120 hours straight, combined with a slight fever and the constant feeling of dying if I didn't breathe very quickly and very deeply. Sleep was impossible.
Today I can only explain this collapse in connection with the nano tech stuff in the injections and the subsequent X-ray procedure, as well as the fact that at the time a huge 5G transmission tower was going into operation 150 meters from my apartment at the time.
Nano was around but no c10 vax (some flu vax might have contained the same or similar nanotech, though). Nanotech containing swabs in PCR tests were not yet deployed in 2029.
Dig into symptoms of EMF and telecom particularly close to antenna towers, the frequency does not necessarily matter as much as proximity and intensity/frequency of signal other than natural freq. and intensity.
Dr. Stefan Lanka said in one of his videos that the nano stuff seems to be in all "standard" vaccinations since at least 10 years.
I'm not vaccinated, but what he didn't say was, that the stuff is probably also in all injectables since 10 years and perhaps longer, and food, water etc. It's in chemtrails, it may be anywhere.
I distill my tap water. I sometimes think that they do it in tap water too, when I think about that stuff that remains in the bucket after distilling is finished.
How you can get a clean EDTA-Chelation IV Treatment when everything is contamineted ecspecally the medication you get intravenoes??? Even some practisoner just order the edta where they order their other medication and never knew if they are clean.Becsuse not in all countrys like USA the doctors or practisoner know about nanotechnology in thevials.Sohow I can get a clean product without contaminetion???
If many doctors started using live blood analysis it would blow their whole medical system right out of the water... the controllers know this and that is why it's currently not done.
would like to know if this is a long term solution as well.
one thing is solving the immediate problem related to the quax, another is whether you can stop the infected body cells from reinfectinng new cells when they die?
got force vaxd once early last year. seems like when the cells in my arm die off naturally (4 months living time for muscle cells) they reinfect new ones.
have been on enhanced NAC which seem to be really good in terms of clearing the blood color (dark mahogani to normal crimson) and now testing methylane blue.
have ordered EDTA as well. which i will test after.
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
Kelly Holland - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Dr. Ana please can you tell me if oral EDTA will work at all? I don't have the money to be able to go get iv infusions. I am having the same heart issues like speeding up in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. I just had my metal amalgam fillings removed and also had a baby within the past year and I fear that as you have shown most of the medications are tainted. I am unvaccinated tho but I realize this means nothing anymore.
I am curious will oral vitamin c be of any help? I also wanted to know if MMS or chlorine Dioxide can help? I have read all of your work on Substack and I praise you for your dedication and hard work and for being a light to many in this dark time. Thank you so much❤️
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 13, 2024
Don't know where you reside; but I had the same questions when I came here and found a Doctor in our location capable of providing the treatments Dr. Ana outlines here as well as a Lab updating their testing capabilities by purchasing the equipment Dr. Ana resourced for us.
For us, we also built and ended up purchasing 'Scalar/Tesla Wave Generators' to counter the Frequencies in our locale which is different for all contingent upon the towers and other Energy Generators in your location. Shop for a Doctor in your own location willing to deal with this issue since most are clueless to treat those experiencing what you are. For our family, it was necessary to first get the I.V. Chelation Protocol with Vit. C and Minerals, ALA...And, we've only taken Oral EDTA since. We'll know in a few weeks of what's more or less effective.
Further, there is another outlet in Substack "Karl" who is experimenting with Sodium Citrate taken Orally, 1000 mg BID with food, claiming it's been effective. Here is a link:
From this link you may access other Posts. Hope this helps. OH...By the way; be certain you're taking Magnesium for the issues with the Sinus Rythme for your heart. I experienced that problem years ago...Since 2007 when the Establishment Sleezies began to place this Transhumanistic Poisons into the atmosphere. Went to the hospital several times and they wished to place me on the Pharma Poisons. They were not successful therapeutics. MAGNESIUM KICKED THE PROBLEM and never had it since even with all the current variables causing cardiac-related problems for so many.
kasey77312 - Jan 14, 2024
I take oral Quicksilver Scientific liposimal EDTA/w R-lipoic acid, with Aurora Nutrascience 3,000 mg Liposimal vitamin C, High Quality sourced Shilajit humic and fulvic acid, 1,000 mg, N-Acetyl-L-Cystine from Pure Encapsulations. Along with Multi Mineral complex and Zinc. Even though this protocol isn't the highest doses, or IV, it still has made a huge difference for me as long as I take it regularly.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 14, 2024
Thank-you for filling-out the complete regimen. Just gave her info on Magnesium since that's all she asked for; but your answer is far more accurate.
Kelly Holland - Feb 1, 2024
Yes thank you
Kelly Holland - Jan 13, 2024
Thank you so much for responding. Do you mind telling me which magnesium you used. There are a few different ones and I believe I already have magnesium citrate by the brand NOW. Also I have been reading a little bit into the scalar wave and so I am interested if it was expensive to create? I'm just not in a position to be able to afford much RN so if there is an affordable way to protect myself and my family I would love to know what I need to do.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 13, 2024
I use Magnesium called 'Magtein' which is easier to absorb as the amino acid L-Threonate is necessary for the receptors to take it in. It's more expensive than other Magnesium products. You can take less.
As for the Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator...We're in the middle of this Grand Experiment within the family where each family/child and the animals on the farm are on slightly different regimens. We will be testing our blood in two weeks since my buddies at the Lab have been booked solid and they wish to go on Vaca. My Vet is a personal friend and we're dealing with the animals with different regimens as well.
Dr. Ana hypothesizes the technology feeds upon all sources of energy including the Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator used to nullify the EMF Radiation in any given area. The Scalar/Tesla Wave Generator we originally began with was a very simple one I found on YouTube. It's very simple and inexpensive. I have few mechanical skills; but even I could construct this. It's not very powerful; but it seemed to help when I placed it on my Night Stand next to the bed and observed the pets sleeping with me to be more energetic and lively after sleeping with it. We will learn if this is effective or worsens the situation or if there's no change.
Here's the Link:
Whatever you do...If you determine to take any kind of EDTA Chelation or Sodium Citrate...USE MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS as they bind minerals and leach the body of them.
I highly suggest you take some time to go back through Dr. Ana's Substack to read more thoroughly as she had skeins of information about options to care for yourself and your family. She's highly effective and a Dr...Credible, while I am NOT as I'm not a Doctor of Medicine.
Ann - Apr 4
Ann’s Substack
I read that it is not good to start chealation if one has mercury fillings
BlazeCloude3 - Apr 4
Have no idea about those having Mercury fillings being treated with Disodium Calcium EDTA. Am NOT a physician and have no ability to advise anybody medically. Can direct to others directing me to seek information from my own Physicians in my area; many of whom now are learning about Transhumanism and the Advanced Technologies now being forced onto the population of the world.
Allopathic Doctors are very averse to learning anything new in my personal experience while Homepathic Doctors and DO's seem more open. Also, it's important for Lab Tech's, Cytotechs, Phlebotimists or other Scientists to be updated upon the actual advances uniting biology and machines now influencing the health of our society.
I've taken actual Hardcopies of Substacks and Research found Online and in the Library and Books to my Physicians and Labs. Whatever you do...Choose your Doctors wisely and then follow their Treatment Plans for your best health.
Ann - Apr 4
Ann’s Substack
pls where do i find the added inform ation u mentioned above from dr anna
BlazeCloude3 - Apr 4
Go to Dr. Ana's Picture found in the beginning of the Substack Post for today and the whole Account's Postings will be available to you. It will require some searching; but her past postings do document all the advise and information she's given. It will be found a within the most recent year or earlier...It's been quite some time since she's advised about the Treatment she's following for herself and others.
Ann - Jan 14, 2024
Ann’s Substack
thank you but pls what are mineral suppliments
Kurt King - Jan 15, 2024
I use magnesium (Mg) malate (or citrate), both inexpensive. (The oxide – most common – is essentially water-insoluble.) I started taking Mg after my ‘15 heart attack, 2 stents, 2y, and angina. The angina proved the Drs didn’t fix the plaque problem – too much calcium (Ca) vs Mg. [See Magnesium Intake Is Inversely Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification / The Framingham Heart Studyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2013.10.006] Most people are at least slightly deficient of Mg and there is no standard test for sufficiency. Just take extra Mg and reduce it slightly at a loose stool. Can't OD on Mg.
I also take 12 mg/d (80 x RDA) of SSKI (Lugol’s iodine – 4 drops in water, tonic or juice), and 6 Brazil nuts for the Selenium to balance the iodine. Most people are also deficient in iodine – b/c of soils deficiency, and increased use of other halogens (chlorine, bromine that bind more strongly) in food and water, and the RDA was set far too low for the whole body’s need.
I get some supplements individually (like iodine) to bypass FDA RDA limits.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 15, 2024
You may wish to research I.V. EDTA Therapy to remove the plaques in your cardiovascular system...Seeming to cause so many problems. Doctors have known about this substance and uses since WWII and refuse to document any kind of Testing Results; however when they develop Cardiovascular issues...THAT IS THEIR CHOSEN THERAPY.
For Post-Menopausal women...It is a definite kick to metabolism when taken orally or transdermally 6 days on and one off accompanied with Chelated Minerals as EDTA Binds Minerals and leaches them from the system. There is probably a Doctor in your area proficient with EDTA Chelation Therapy.
I noticed how my body just began to hum along as though in the 30's again...Eye Sight even better. Totally eradicated all issues with digestion and sluggishness making activities less pleasing. Might wish to look into it. Can't say enough about all the positive results it's provided as well and cleansing the blood of the tech impurities.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 14, 2024
Healthy Origins
Chelated Multi Mineral - Chelated Trace Minerals Supplement with Selenium, Iodine, Magnesium & More
There are many brands and I usually purchase on Ebay. This was located in Amazon as it popped-up and they're generally sold commonly among any retailer. It's not difficult to find them.
Kurt King - Jan 15, 2024
You're right about magnesium. [See Magnesium Intake Is Inversely Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification / The Framingham Heart Studyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2013.10.006] Most people are at least slightly deficient of Mg and there is no standard test for sufficiency. Just take extra Mg and reduce it slightly at a loose stool. Can't OD on Mg.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 15, 2024
Bingo...You're right on target with what you're saying. Odd, how the Doctors didn't say a word about Mg isn't it? WHAT A SIMPLE SOLUTION.
kim - Jan 13, 2024
Watch this...https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr
Alouicious Jackson - Jan 14, 2024
Other things that help are Terral Croft's borax/nano silver protocol(blocks nanites from replicating), baking soda/borax detox baths, food grade diatomaceous earth(removes nanites/chemtrail materials), humic/fulvic acid supplements such as shilijat(removes heavy metals).
Alouicious Jackson - Jan 14, 2024
Liposomal(oral) EDTA works, I use it monthly. I use the quicksilver Scientific brand, 1 tsp twice daily on an empty stomach for 3 days. You hold it under the tongue for 30 seconds then swallow it.
Alouicious Jackson - Mar 13
For anyone reading this, sodium citrate also works.
Sassafras - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Sun Drink Shadows
Kelly, They now have "IV Bars"/ Spas throughout the United States, which often offer Vitamin C, EDTA, Glutathione, and several other Beauty & Wellness IVs, administered & supervised by registered or licensed Nurses!!.. I've seen them flourishing in Virginia, California, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina, in the small to medium-sized, most trendy cities. It's a major Beauty & Fitness trend, along with Saunas, massage, cold therapies, etc., etc.-- all of which are so wonderful!!-
I have to see a doctor due to pre-existing medical conditions, but if you don't have any unusual allergic or medical issues, you could go for these?!.. Some offer Packages/ Combos. for Wellness that are only a few hundred dollars??.. Much less than baby expenses, that's for sure!-
And it's SOOO worth it, for the Baby's sake, as well!!- (It Pays Dividends!)-
Please carry on a Healthy Human Race-- Thanks!!- :)
Mark Luersen - Jan 14, 2024
Sun Drink Shadows
You are right, I have been frequenting a few places in VA for my girlfriend with cancer and we have both taken C and ALA so far. I don't have any health issues, but figured I do have some garbage in me due to all the rampant pollution everywhere. Some of these IVs are walk-in, but others are medical IVs and require initial bloodwork. I highly recommend IVs for everyone, especially if it's run by integrative health professionals and has a doctor on site for consultation.
Anne Lane - Jan 14, 2024
Please be mindful to NOT undergo any detoxification while breastfeeding (or pregnant). What can you do: increase minerals, specifically by getting a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis done and supplementing exactly what you need. Minerals are needed to detoxify. Get your lymph moving through exercises and 1-2 bowel movements a day and further steps for pregnant and breastfeeding women can be found on my website here:https://consciouspreconception.com/detox-pregnant-breastfeeding/
Kathy M. - Jan 13, 2024
Kathy M.
I hope you find the answers you are looking for. I can recommend a little booklet by Dr. Hal A. Huggins called "Detoxification." I have it in my hand right now and I see all the parts that could apply to you, especially since the booklet is the follow up detox for amalgam removal.
Maybe you watched Dr. Ana's video the other day where she was talking with Dr. Thomas A. Levy.
She gives the name of her clinic at the end.
About Vitamin C: Dr. Levy recommends 2000 sodium ascorbate a day for everyone. (Sodium ascorbate is a form of vitamin C ) He wants people to be working up to 6, 7, 8 grams a day.
kasey77312 - Jan 14, 2024
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
kasey77312 - Jan 14, 2024
No, my protocol is not IV Chelation, But it is High quality Liposimal EDTA and it still helped as I took it "regularly over time". Not too expensive.
Chris - Jan 18, 2024
please may you link me to your Shilajit, this is something i keep meaning to buy, i am in Canada.
kasey77312 - Jan 19, 2024
Dear Chris, I'm having trouble getting into my accont on substack.
Reguarding Shilajit.
The best Shilajit for a budget is, "Pure Himalayan",https://www.purehimalayanshilajit.com/?ref=1155
Best Quality is, "Pure Black"https://shop.purblack.com/products/purblack-live-resin-in-biophotonic-jar?afmc=5w&utm_campaign=5w&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate
Best Quality is, Authentic Shilajit,https://lotusbloomingherbs.com/products/authentic-shilajit?aff=200
Many Shilajits are not created equal. These are the real deal. I hope this helps you.
G Casey
Aminata - Mar 24
Hallo kasey77312 can I ask where you order liposomale edta what is not so ecxpensive?Thanks
kasey77312 - Mar 25
This is the cheapest liposimal EDTA/w Alpha lipoic acid. I have used this myself, I think it's pretty good. But now, I use "MedFive" brand EDTA enteric pills recommended by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. But it is kind of pricey at almost $100.00, but it is stronger than the liqid EDTA.
O.K.? -Kasey
Chris - Jan 18, 2024
Have you tested to see if is cleared the blood?
Aminata - Apr 1
Thanks kasey for all your Tips and recomandations.God bless you.
Aminata - Mar 26
Thanks kasey77312
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 14, 2024
Agent’s Substack
The ONLY thing that works is HER SPECIFIC PATENTED PROTOCOL that's ONLY available through her office you, see????....Q-
Smurf - Jan 14, 2024
OBSERVATION: Most of the time Dr. A post about EDTA she mentions EDTA IV! After which, she will post her MED FIVE link. Why post the link without elaborating will it work? How do we know if those pictures legit? How do we know if is Dr. Ana? Could be A.I.? IMJS!
Rosalind McGill - Jan 13, 2024
Rosalind McGill
Did you check the link at the bottom? May be an alternative.
Jane Apostolos - Jan 13, 2024
Jane Apostolos
There’s always the placebo effect… believe it to see it .. blessings 🙏
Christine Pincket - Jan 13, 2024
Christine’s Substack
Which is why it’s a hard no for me dating any jabbed guys.
Nostradamus X - Jan 13, 2024
Nostradamus X
Here you go!
EAMBDGC - Jan 14, 2024
David - Jan 14, 2024
I think you guys are missing the point -- the individual above took no injections, she was exposed to shedding. This thing is designed to jump from person to person. There are no purebloods.
Justificus - Jan 14, 2024
LOL, you may need special sunglasses like in the movie "They Live" to be able to spot them
David - Jan 14, 2024
You joke, but they are now working on light emissions and filters above 800nm to detect quantum dots.
Anita Söderman - Jan 13, 2024
Anita’s Substack
Thanks for this example of your good cure! Only I wonder how EDTA would translate in European terminology? I also just loved the maria zeee show with you and Karen together explaining the complexities....
TheFrontPorchMedia - Jan 13, 2024
Thanks for that detailed case history.
This type of analysis and treatment, hopefully, are soon to become commonplace.....good job.
I bought some Blue recently, uninjected, but have had some symptoms. Too soon to evaluate but I feel like my old self....watch out world...haha.
Sassafras - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Yes, I caught some kind of covid from exposure to visiting family members this Fall (despite their vaccinations). I got over the basic infection, but still felt like I was dragging and not normal. I was already pre-scheduled for an EDTA IV and a Glutathione Push from my Drs. to deal with chemical / heavy metal exposures from earlier in the year after record Bad Air Quality and major reactive airway respiratory symptoms (horrifying!). And I've had to take EDTA, Vit. C., & Glutathione IVs and pills before, periodically, for many years, due to bad reactions. Well, I took that stuff, as per usual, and within a week or so, I went from feeling yucky tired to feeling like Myself again!!- as if I am Truly in control of My Own Body again, as it has been Designed to Work!!.. My Heart feels very happy as well!! Plus, I have no more post-covid minimal inflammation symptoms in my ears, cardiovascular, or minor brain/headache, etc. And my Lungs are now very, very happy, which was the original, core objective!!..
(I recently had to change my lifestyle & location just to Breathe right!!)- Thank You for the data!-
Piotr Bein - Jan 14, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I can feel your joy thru your post.I am happy, for you. Sassa. Also happy for Dr. Ana's patient.
Sassafras - Jan 14, 2024
Thanks- I also wanted to confirm benefits for others, on many levels!..
Marianne Agnello - Jan 13, 2024
Marianne Agnello
Well done keep up the good work
Trent Strader - Jan 13, 2024
What Doctors perform this therapy in Indianapolis Indiana?
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
What about the un-injected, can they also spread the nano stuff after they have been contaminated via the shedding effect? And where does the nano stuff actually go during/after the treatment?
Kelly Holland - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Yes that's an excellent question and I'd like to know the same. I was caring for a relative that had been triple vaxxed and the next day I would wake up feeling like I'd been hit with a Mac truck. I can't believe this is something we even have to worry about. It's like a bad sci-fi movie only it's our our current reality 😭
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 13, 2024
The strangest thing is, that our rotten governments, at least here in Germoney, had the shedding effect in their sick "pandemic" law texts, but most people, me incl., didn't know about the nano stuff in the vials at the time.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
"hit with a Mac truck" LOL
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 13, 2024
Something private:
Shortly after I returned home in 2021 after visiting relatives, I had a nosebleed that wasn't severe, but didn't stop for minutes. I only had a nosebleed once or twice as a child.
About six months later, two of my relatives explained that they had 6 months before secretly gotten "vaccinated" to keep their jobs, even though I had strongly advised them, knowing what was happening, not to get tested or vaccinated under any circumstances and not to wear masks.
The two of them, including my mother, have now had extensive dental treatment, and I have the impression that all three of them have deteriorated extremely in health since then, but especially my mother.
I had repeatedly and urgently advised them not to accept the usual anesthetics or painkillers injected under any circumstances, but rather to ask the doctor about nano tech-free alternatives, which they didn't want to do because they were afraid of being drawn into pointless discussions with one possible treatment stop as a result.
So far, every time I've been with the two or three of them, I haven't felt well afterwards, and I've felt tired, listless, loss of appetite and somehow sick for days on several occasions afterwards.
I myself was at the dentist at the end of 2019 and had a total health breakdown the evening after I was first given an anesthetic injection and then had X-rays taken. I absolutely couldn't explain that breakdown at the time. I had no sleep for 120 hours straight, combined with a slight fever and the constant feeling of dying if I didn't breathe very quickly and very deeply. Sleep was impossible.
Today I can only explain this collapse in connection with the nano tech stuff in the injections and the subsequent X-ray procedure, as well as the fact that at the time a huge 5G transmission tower was going into operation 150 meters from my apartment at the time.
Piotr Bein - Jan 14, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Nano was around but no c10 vax (some flu vax might have contained the same or similar nanotech, though). Nanotech containing swabs in PCR tests were not yet deployed in 2029.
Dig into symptoms of EMF and telecom particularly close to antenna towers, the frequency does not necessarily matter as much as proximity and intensity/frequency of signal other than natural freq. and intensity.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jan 14, 2024
Dr. Stefan Lanka said in one of his videos that the nano stuff seems to be in all "standard" vaccinations since at least 10 years.
I'm not vaccinated, but what he didn't say was, that the stuff is probably also in all injectables since 10 years and perhaps longer, and food, water etc. It's in chemtrails, it may be anywhere.
I distill my tap water. I sometimes think that they do it in tap water too, when I think about that stuff that remains in the bucket after distilling is finished.
Piotr Bein - Jan 15, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Karl C (or David Nixon?) found nanotech in tapwater recently.
Aminata Diouf - Apr 25
Aminata Diouf
How you can get a clean EDTA-Chelation IV Treatment when everything is contamineted ecspecally the medication you get intravenoes??? Even some practisoner just order the edta where they order their other medication and never knew if they are clean.Becsuse not in all countrys like USA the doctors or practisoner know about nanotechnology in thevials.Sohow I can get a clean product without contaminetion???
Arrow - Jan 23, 2024
Arrow’s Newsletter
If many doctors started using live blood analysis it would blow their whole medical system right out of the water... the controllers know this and that is why it's currently not done.
Laura - Jan 21, 2024
Modern Healthcare
The luciferase hydrogels synthetic cells are multidimensional quasicrystals, research CERN & Obama’s Brain Initiative with Dr Sylvester James Jr
Curtis Loew - Jan 15, 2024
Curtis Loew
Dr. Ana, What about using food grade diatomaceous earth to pull heavy metals?
:martin: - Jan 15, 2024
would like to know if this is a long term solution as well.
one thing is solving the immediate problem related to the quax, another is whether you can stop the infected body cells from reinfectinng new cells when they die?
got force vaxd once early last year. seems like when the cells in my arm die off naturally (4 months living time for muscle cells) they reinfect new ones.
have been on enhanced NAC which seem to be really good in terms of clearing the blood color (dark mahogani to normal crimson) and now testing methylane blue.
have ordered EDTA as well. which i will test after.
kasey77312 - Jan 14, 2024
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
kasey77312 - Jan 14, 2024
I use "Quicksilver Scientific" Professional liposomal EDTA with R-lipoic acid, 1 4oz bottle, 28 day supply
for $62.00 each. Also, I take Auroroa Nutrasciece mega liposimal Vitamin C 3,000 Mg., which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe. High quality "Shilajit" fuvic and Humic acid from a good source. Although my doses are not as high as Dr. Ana, the protocol I take, over time, has really cleared up my brain fog, circulation, made me feel much improved. So I think even though you don't have the finances to get the highest doses, As long as you take this protocol that I just given you, it will help immensely, especially if you take it regularly. Just remember to take a good quality multi- mineral supplement, especially with zinc for the EDTA administration.
Ann - Jan 14, 2024
Ann’s Substack
how do i get appoiontment wth ana
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