Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 13, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Initial LBA shows many hydrogel filaments, spherical construction sites building filaments and extreme rouleaux formation
In this post, I would like to present a case of a 25 year old athletic C19 unvaccinated female who’s partner received 2 Pfizer injections. The patient developed fatigue, severe anxiety, new onset migraines and significant heart palpitations that required emergency room visits due to this vaccine shedding. The patient received no help to resolve her problems from her local doctors. Palpitations would occur randomly, day and night, and be very uncomfortable. These symptoms troubled her for many months and started after the partner got vaccinated. She traveled to my clinic, laboratory blood work was completely normal. Live blood analysis (LBA) was highly abnormal with extreme rouleaux formation ( stacking of red blood cells that does not allow the blood cells to give off oxygen) and many hydrogel filaments and self assembly construction sites.
All 4 images show hydrogel construction, rouleaux. Spheres are filled with further micelles that continue to grow filaments
In my clinic, an R3M autonomic nervous system function test was performed. This checks if the toxic contamination has caused nerve damage to the autonomic heart nerve fibers that are in charge of a normal heart rhythm. It also assesses if the contamination has affected heart rate variability, which if abnormal, increases the risk for abnormal heart rhythm and sudden cardiac death. The test showed no underlying abnormality or damage.
Image: No evidence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, circled in red.
Image: Normal Total Power, marker for heart rate variability indicates no underlying autonomic problem contributing to the heart palpitations.
The patient was treated with infusion therapy daily for 3 days. Day 1 1500mg EDTA Chelation with appropriate vitamin support and Glutathione, Day 2 20000mg Vitamin C infusion plus appropriate Vitamins, Day 3 1500mg EDTA Chelation with Glutathione and Alpha Lipoic acid.
Her symptoms resolved on day 1 after the first EDTA Chelation and no abnormal heart sensations were experienced subsequently. Anxiety and headaches were no longer noted.
On day 3 days of treatment her LBA shows resolution of roulaux formation and no hydrogel or nanotechnology construction sites.
As seen in below video, blood flow is restored, and red blood cells appear electrically regenerated.
The patient returned home on an extensive daily maintenance detoxification protocol, including but not limited to high dose Vitamin C 10000mg, Methylene Blue 50mg, EDTA 500mg orally daily, mineral supplementation, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Essential Oils ( Lemon, Cinnamon, Grapefruit 2 drops in a veggie caps to dissolve Polystyrene), activated charcoal 500mg. The partner was also placed on a full detox protocol. IV EDTA Chelations will be continued locally at least monthly.
In the following post I will present another case I saw in the same time frame. Many people have these rapid heart rate symptoms with no relief or answers when they go to the healthcare system or cardiologist. I hope doctors will start looking at the live blood - that is how you can help the patients. When they are this symptomatic, you cannot resolve it with oral detoxification therapy and anti -arrhythmic pharmaceuticals will not solve the problem. People complain that IV EDTA is expensive. Well, everything is relative. The next case presented went to the Emergency Room 3 times - with bills in the tens of thousands of dollars and no answers or relief. I would call that expensive.
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Kelly Holland - Jan 13, 2024
Dr. Ana please can you tell me if oral EDTA will work at all? I don't have the money to be able to go get iv infusions. I am having the same heart issues like speeding up in the middle of the night while I'm asleep. I just had my metal amalgam fillings removed and also had a baby within the past year and I fear that as you have shown most of the medications are tainted. I am unvaccinated tho but I realize this means nothing anymore.
I am curious will oral vitamin c be of any help? I also wanted to know if MMS or chlorine Dioxide can help? I have read all of your work on Substack and I praise you for your dedication and hard work and for being a light to many in this dark time. Thank you so much❤️
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Christine Pincket - Jan 13, 2024
Christine’s Substack
Which is why it’s a hard no for me dating any jabbed guys.
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