What I ask myself over and over and over and over again.... the "cockroaches" "self chosen and sel named elite" schwab, gates, harari WEF in general etc ARE exposed LIKE US to shedding, so excluding a continuous and time consuming EDTA detox (which I wouldn't think they would be willing to do knowing their sociopathic and arrognat personality it would eel degrading to them to do all this regularly for something shed by people they consider beasts without souls in their evil creed) WHAT are they doing to avoid all this???? What have THEIR SCIENTISTS found (an injection you just have to do once?) to make them avoid the shedding problem???? The million dollar question
They are doing nothing because they want to be transhuman, part synthetic biology part human. They despise what humans are. They see their immortality in the fusion of technology with humans. They believe in cloning. The military according to Celeste Solum who was at the army meeting on transhumanism confirmed they want no natural humans by 2025. Additionally, 6G shreds DNA. Natural humans cannot survive 6 G frequencies, only Cyborgs.
In this video:
at 1:14:50 (the question starts at about 1:14:30) he talks about the fact that because these bots in the body can be reprogrammed, there is a danger of cyber attack and CREATING ZOMBIES - when the device inside can malfunction!
They talk about it as if it's not humans, but whatever - yes, yes, of course, someone can attack and reprogram (these devices) - the guy who is the father of these technologies says it's very likely! And he says it very lightly, well, yes, it's very likely to happen! These people are just plain murderers!
Mark Steele in the UK knows all about the topic of the video too. I have actually witnessed two different people in different situations right in front of me being manipulated via their brain and the jab contents. It is obvious when one has the background information to assess what is taking place via their verbal communication. Dr Rauni Kildre yt videos explain much for those wanting to learn. She spoke at a conference in Belgium in October 2015 I think it was. About targeting of population. Her lens of her glasses she was wearing was shattered while she was talking on stage. By February 2016 she was dead.
True true and true however i dont believe these elites want to die or take a chance of dying from a clot so they must have a way of reducing the risk of blood clots and other heart related issues
They must be doing something since this hydrogel clots and kills....yes they want to be transhuman, but on their own terms without risking their lives in the process
nwo bloodlines dont take jabs, never have, + stay away from and have homes away from [well published] EMR Antennae Technology. Nano Technology a binary weapon, the nano requires EMR frequency, EMR alone a poison but with injected nano creating fully formed Biosensors / FETs Field Effect Transcievers, require way less frequency power from the wireless Smart Grid. 1p36 chemical lobotomy and other Mind Kontrol frequency induced effects are probables to disable resistence.
Charles M Lieber highly likely knows the antidote as does Robert Langer.
ooops typo > FETs Field Effect Transistors
What do FET Field Effect Transistor, Biosensors [self-assemble injectables] clearly look like?
Nanotech in the shots? - 29Jan22 - New Zealand -
2017 - Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain ---->https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28533392
CHARLES M LIEBER - NANOSCALE SENSORS - Aug 5, 2009 - President and Fellows of Harvard College - FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
Charles Lieber Sentencing Set For January 2023 - 20Sep22 -
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
DERRICK ROSSI - The chip is said to be able to deploy an experimental new vaccine, developed jointly by Moderna and U.S government, that could change human DNA. The 'CHIP' ABD THE VACCINE BUILT ON A BREAKTHROUGH MADE BY then-Harvard University professor and eventual Moderna co-founder Derek Rossi in 2010.
Great report worthy watch
The Elephants in the Room - EMF and Graphene! >
- 2h 17m 35s - 31May23 - DrRobertYoung
imo we are talking CRYSTALLINE manipulation, Watson & Crick TOY LEGO model of DNA after stealing Rosalind Franklins work a fraud? All in universe are FIELDS not partcles, fields create particles.
But still, how are thwy going to dodge the injuries due to this shortsightedness in their srupid transhumanistic cock-up if we see these microdots and morgellons in all blood by now, be it due to shedding from the vaccinated or cropspraying, or chemtrails or a combination of it all..
covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com try the second treatment first, it's weird but if what you have is biological you will feel a huge difference, I did when i got shedded on by a quadruple vaccinated and ivermectin did nothing for my fluey heavy symptoms. did the 1st treatment, nothing, did the 2nd all issues disappeared. Since then 4 friends with long covid did it and it cleared them of all symptoms too in an hour,2 active covid friends just gave them reprieve for a couple of hours, didn't cure them though
i just got informed of a usa supreme court, that the reason why the weapon equipped American people just watch , and watch instead of fighting back against the world killers is , that they re all a) shotted or b) shedded - both result in getting less brain over the time if not detoxed regularly. But as you heard it looks like that this month usa is going to die. Biden announced the F 16 nuclear bombs against russia, and the Russian answer is, that usa is going to immediately be bombed away. Its just total shame, that over a billion weapon equipped Americans just chill or watch and better go to the next mc Donalds or whatever then ending the pentagon/great reset people. Also the 5G etc. is super advanced in USA , so that combining that with toxic stuff like fluoride and shots and chemtrails - its just nearly impossible to stay healthy. I think in total sum , the chronic destruction since baby birth with shots , sick food, etc. works pretty good to get the people braindead and just have some billion zombies just watching with their down syndrome, p36 deletation syndrome or other side effect (but especially those people with no side effects , that just watch this and think that they re healthy). Watching the people since over 3 years makes me pretty sure , that they will watch the planet dying like in a movie , because it s just more relaxed , then using brain power , soul, and brave actions + active self war defence against the upcoming who forced shots worldwide. Jut in total sum: Too many unbrave people, that were condemned since the birth (sainted with shots against every possible "disease" that the satanic families have invented since over 100 years
*p36 deletation syndrome. Is that Right Dr. Ana : This side effect of the shots means, the chromosomes and dna is going to be eaten , like a pacman that absorbs the holy dna from inside ?^^
This finding confirms my theory that the other variable besides concentrations to cause lethal events, is the DNA signal online with 5G, to setup the hydrogel as a toxin. Some patents described by dr. kingston confirm this operation. But the people of God must be confident, cause even in the book of Daniel in the bible, he says that iron won' t have a lasting mixing with clay
It's not like they're all "in the know" about this, some get the memo, some don't. I think even the cockroaches are already affected by this pervasive synthetic biology (there's also those who'll die alone in their bunker, like Bill and Klaus). I think whatever they throw at us, there are solutions to cleanse the body. Avoiding all EMF, protecting the vascular system, taking god-given antioxidants and detoxing regularly help tremendously. Gotta find a balance cause getting obsessed by the shedding will drive you mad.
Great questiion. I read on a substack yesterday Sirry I dud not record the name but you can find probably, that Russian scientists created a Probiotic so powerful thatvthe peoplr le using it lived to over 100 easily and were never affected by any environmental toxins including, astonishingly, fallout etc from Chernobyl...Americans brought the probiotic back to USA apparently but, of course, that Gov (and other crown related ones) do not
help the people, they kill them...So maybe this wonder medicine has been hidden from the public or reformulated to harm not help.
Have you seen this claim?
"Doctor David E. Martin recently appeared before the EU Parliament and presented an exact and exhaustively researched timeline demonstrating the development of the bioengineered and weaponized coronavirus beginning in 1965 with parent patents in Europe, the transfer to the University of North Carolina, and it's eventual release in Wuhan, China.
There is no doubt that the coronavirus featured as the cause of the 2019 Pandemic was purposefully constructed in a laboratory environment as a bioweapon that, once injected, would kill the one receiving it, but not be able to transfer to others like a true infectious agent."
Quoted from:
What do you make of that related to the claims of "shedding"?
I "make" that I experienced them first hand, no idea whether organic or inorganic, but I was out for two days. Since then I always use a mask around people. check out vaxx shedding on telegram, tens of thousands of experiences of shedding
You Got sick... How do you prove that its shedding? What if its being around the 5G transmitters that are now everywhere and in higher density on roadways? I got sick too, didn't think it was shedding that caused it. Coronavirus is the virus associated with the symptoms of the common cold which is also similar to upper respiratory infections. Unless one went and had lab work done to find out what infected self, its unknown the cause. Don't get me wrong, believe what you want. I try to be objective as it reduces the fear and panic response.
Beyond that we can just agree to disagree.
These are the facts: when I got sick it was the first time I had lowered the mask ever around people. I felt safe for i was in the woods in open air with someone who I found out later had had 4 jabs instead of none as she had told me....since then and before then I went on a long trip, been with tons of people around always masked, both in the woods and in cities and never ever got a bad reaction. So not 5G related although there are side effects to that too. And also, what I used that worked to clear the issues had little to do with spike proteins, since the ivermectin did squat....but a psycho immunological treatment that also targets amoebas, bacterias and prions did work covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com the second treatment, the first did nothing in this case for me the second cleared all issues instantly for me and then long covid for 4 friends. didn't work for acute covid gave my friend just 2 hours respite
Curious. Given what you described it does seem like the friend in the woods somehow gave it to you. I take it there was no touching, just being next to each other hiking along or some such?
I've never put on a Mask, to me it was a dumb idea from the get go since the effects of co2 reinhalation are much more devastating than just breathing the open air. Nevermind the reduction in actual O2 making it into ones lungs. Maybe the masks somehow reduce the metal particulates in the air now so that while you were wearing it, you had less exposure to all the stuff floating in the air that IS big enough to be filtered by a facemask. I'm not sure what Mesh the chemtrail metals are, but theres tons of aluminum/barium/strontium in the atmosphere courtesy of chemtrails which I think were partially about blocking out satellite to ground views but also to make the atmosphere more conductive so that less energy is needed to setup and perturb an emf field. The particulates would be present everywhere since thats been ongoing since the late 70s, so woods no woods, city center, whatever. I don't tend to take pills for colds, tho sometimes I take a decongestant. About the only pills I take are infrequently advil and occasionally aspirin. Not on any other medications.
Thanks for sharing the facts. Hopefully the psycho immunological treatment works for the next time you get a cold. (I wish people would just call it what it is instead of Covid, the continued use of the new name obfuscates both the technical viral name of coronavirus and the fact that its symptoms are those associated with the common cold.) The ones who've gotten the jabs now have Covid, which is not related to the Cold. Since the jabbed seem to be seeing hydrogel thickening in their arteries, it seems like something is being added to they who were "primed" with the injections, over time, so that just continued breathing is maybe increasing the particulate metal load that thickens the plasma into the gel and eventually it stops flowing...
Stay Safe! Disobey Unaccountable Authorities!
again They must be doing something since this hydrogel clots and kills....yes they want to be transhuman, but on their own terms without risking their lives in the process
One doesn't deploy medical counter measures without having the antidote known.
Course if it doesn't actually Shed, they just don't get injected. If its 5G directed inducing the clotting action in the ones carrying smart phones who've been vocal about the unaccountability and criminality of seated authorities, the act of moving around town carrying that phone lets the 5g beam forming track and train on oneself. I wonder if RF has been shown to Clot blood? Or perhaps just RF's affect on inducing Fatigue in oneself brings ones systems to a state of Easily being infected by whatever ones already carrying thats been held in check by ones immune system...
EMP BLAST to kill the NANO TECH... There is ALWAYS a Antidote for Every Bio Weapon produced in tandem to make sure the people who created do not get infected .. I'm just saying.
Hello Agent Midnight Rider: Perhaps you should consider the consequential effects of EMP pulse on biological cells within range of the "blast"... Biological cells react to electromagnetic pulses as low as 4 nano-volts, and begin mutation sequences at approximately 25 nano-volts.
More technology to solve the problem of too much technology, seems pretty counter-intuitive...
I have considered that, I have researched over 100 different Detox methods, since my family and my two oldest children are vaccinated. The EMP solution is based of APPLIED research and execution. Seehttps://www.holistichealthonline.info/covid-vax-genocide/
Dear Dr. Ana. I appreciate your incredible work for all of humanity to find the answers to this travesty. I posted this link here before, and was hoping you might address whether magnets help in your opinion.
After I went to the dentist and got a needle injection in my gum, a short while later I had symptoms I’d not had before—nightly a scary crawling feeling on different parts of my body, and very extreme Insomnia. I then happened across that link about Morgellons, and bought and used magnets, and magnet bracelets, and the awful crawling sensations and insomnia stopped. Recently I was on a several hour car trip with my daughter and her nine year old who are both vaxxed, then afterward again felt the crawling sensation, used the magnets and magnet bracelets again, and it went away very soon. My question: Do you think magnets help in your opinion? They seemed to help me.
Did you know if your in an accident and need a blood transfusion, hospitals get paid to pump you full of mRNA poisoned blood? Wanna lower your risk of cancer or death? Sign up (even if your vaxxed), find a compatible unvaxxed blood donor and be prepared.UnjectedBlood.com.
As stated in this and previous articles, these "clots" are self assembling bio-plastics - and are not bacteria perse. The ghouls designing these types of "life" forms are insane and dangerous. They need to be stuffed into isolated rubber rooms and taught basket weaving... Here's an example of their "work". >
Coding for hydrogel organization through signal guided self-assembly
From the journal: Soft Matter
Issue 3, 2014
“Complex structured soft matter may have important applications in the field of tissue engineering and biomedicine. However, the discovery of facile methods to exquisitely manipulate the structure of soft matter remains a challenge. In this report, a multilayer hydrogel is fabricated from the stimuli-responsive amino polysaccharide chitosan by using spatially localized and temporally controlled sequences of electrical signals. By programming the imposed cathodic input signals, chitosan hydrogels with varying layer number and thickness can be fabricated. The inputs of electrical signals induce the formation of hydrogel layers while short interruptions create interfaces between each layer. The thickness of each layer is controlled by the charge transfer (Q = ∫idt) during the individual deposition step and the number of multilayers is controlled by the number of interruptions. Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) reveal organized fibrous structures within each layer that are demarcated by compact orthogonal interlayer structures. This work demonstrates for the first time that an imposed sequence of electrical inputs can trigger the self-assembly of multilayered hydrogels and thus suggests the broader potential for creating an electrical “code” to generate complex structures in soft matter.”
Corresponding authors
Kun Yan, Fuyuan Ding, Hongbing Deng, Yumin Du, Xiao-Wen Shi
School of Resource and Environmental Science
Hubei Biomass-Resource Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology
Key Laboratory, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
William E. Bentley
Gregory F. Payne
Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD 20742, USA
Note the date of the Abstract. They have names, faces, and addresses. Any questions?
Please give this some considered time. We are all in this together and we know they want us to fight and be distracted. THIS HAS MERIT.
The whole tobacco scam is blown out of the water by Japan. The incidence of lung cancer in this smoking community is very low. Their cigarettes do not have additives by law. In other countries there are up to 500 additives allowed , all have been tested for carcinogens BUT not tested burnt! The history of tobacco as a HEALTH product, especially an antiparasitic one, is very long and was well documented but try and find it now .
Could the reason that NO other researchers will check out what Ardis is sharing be the same as a horse being afraid of an electric fence, or is it snobbery?
I very much appreciate all the unpaid, extremely criticised, and by default dangerous work many are doing.
PREMIERE: Watch The Water 2: Closing Chapter
Thank you Sarah, we just finished watching the link you gave and it was so good - very helpful info! Do you have any links to info on tobacco as a health product for years, before the cigarette industry tainted it?
I'm planning to try organic tobacco foot soaks for long covid symptoms I'm still dealing with after 1.5 years post covid.
You can buy nicotine patches and they say they are not addictive, but they may have nasties in them. Watch again and take down the list of treatments, most of them are on the World Council for Health Detox site too. So I see they are on the same tracks . All good people , just not helping each other yet, I suppose the kind of person who will stand with their convictions is a maverick and not good at following others anyway.
There is a site called the Way Back Machine ,try that for more information.. Otherwise, dig.
Look for recipes for nicotine worm drenches, history of Nicotine , tobacco. Good luck Bea.
It's another window on this deliberate "mirror speak" that they have created a no-go zone well in ad- vance and ref -use to allow the investigations into it. Check out Japan too.
Ivermectin, and the artemesia plant are both antiparasitic too. And looking here it can even help anorexia.https://draxe.com/nutrition/wormwood/
Parrots can get depressed, refuse to eat, and pull out their feathers and then can commit suicide, all due to a parasite, so I did wonder about people.
Some vaccinated appear normal; time is a factor. Ana, your point is that if all have the nanos, they make the hydrogel; nanos are dropped also by chemtrails. And you've not sorted a solution for hydrogel.
I think I have the frame. If so, everyone is in deep crap with possible exception of the very few that seem to deal with the hydragel. If we have a small population may have the key, of part of the key.
yeah, initially people obviously are worried abouth the death of the body. But this is only disguising a worse death and is the death of the soul. The soul has infinite value, God planned a soul to be eternal, but this Mark of the beast(luciferase) is separating or killing the soul from the body. So at the end people could have their bodies still existing and walking on earth but they are already dead...is a multidimensional deception!
Scout-- just to reply to your posit regarding non-injected who still end up getting infected with the frankenano and get biohacked with the hydrogelmeshes tech-- This happened to me in Dec 2022. And so far, as you articulated in your comment-- so far, my body is "dealing with it" to a good enough extent that I'm still fully functional-- in terms of overall body functionality and brain power, etc., So far, I would describe the experience as: It's literally like the scenario of when Peter Parker gets mutanted into SpiderMan or how Jeff Goldblum phase by phase gets mutanted into a hybrid Fly-Man-- physiologically-speaking. You are getting transformed into a mutant, essentially. And through that process, some peoples' bodies can overall keep normal functions down / going. Even while these "mutation-processes" are manifesting in the biohacked / hybridizing body. So yes, one of the cabal's experimental objectives is not just homicide / not just depop kill-off. But another facet of this experiment for them, is to see how successfully the dystopian intrabody nanonetwork / Internet of Bodies new bio-commerce, bio-surveillance, bio-remote-control grid system, that they want to switch over-to, system-wise, how successfully that deployment / experiment can/will go , can pan-out, can be successfully realized and implemented. (Alison mcDowell's videos accurately describe that whole intrabodynanonetwork-tokenization and biosurveillance bio remote control-new system, that they want to switch over to.)
Ok. So everyone has the fibers, NOT everyone (the non vax) have the 'hydrogel' ... as that had to be injected. The rest of the contamination is able to pass from one person to another excepting the hydro gels? Oh, and EDTA IV is suppose to help? That's what I'm getting out of all of this... and keep your prophylaxes up and running ...
Hello, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD;
Thank you for doing & openly sharing such unique results of your research. Provided I understand correctly the hydrogel polymers mainly circulate/reside in our circulatory (blood) system. I want to mention the work of one Israel medical doctor who treated his drug addict patients using (relatively cheap) kidney dialysis machine. He come up with the new filter to clarify their blood from drug metabolites. After 3 days of treatment, 92% never wanted to use again. Maybe you should look at this direction. Best.
Here is a link to the only public video in existence of the Mysterious Clot Creature moving inside the leg of a 17-year-old vaccinated child.https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaUimages courtesy of Paul Middleton is a vascular imaging expert from Perth, Australia. He specializes in identifying vascular clots and other inclusions
oh, and did you see the reports of vaxed about shape shifter symptoms?, in tiktok there is a user @realshapeshift talking of extra limbs, and snake eyes after the vax.
AgentMidnightRider-- Its interesting, because, the latest xenobot-technology that's in the Covid-era franken-nano, one of it's prime genetic cell biology, aside from frog cells, is taken from planaria flatworms. And it's interesting (if that vid clip is legit genuine content) that that organism in the vid clip has a planaria flatworm-type appearance to it.
Wow. More and more evidence of vaccine injuries are coming forward in the public domain. It is time for more honesty from officials. The products are not safe and effective. The public need to become more informed of how their current and future health conditions could be related to the vaccine. First and foremost, people need stand up and put their foot down. We are no longer playing your games.
This is planned Genocide not an accident. Henry Kissinger in thr 50s saying 'Useess Eaters' ie 99% of humans need to be got rid of. Kissi ger the mentor of Klaus Schwab who openly says exactly the same in his book and at Davos rvery yrar where hundreds if the worlds richest and most powerful meet to discuss Depopulation methods, Legalisation of Paedoophilia et c What they want becomes what world leaders force on tbeir people eg sexualisation of children, destruction of their homones and genitalia under the bannner of 'Trans Rights'. All for Depopulation and Sadistic pleasure for the Psychopaths. All are complicit so dont look to the law or Government for justice. Only the people can orivide that with possibly some honest professionals, carefully chosen.
Thank-you,Noren. I have been doing my best to keep informed. I know that there are many strange things going on. I am continuing to read and learn about how corporations, governments, and NGOs are continually working against the people to take away their health, rights, and material possessions.
Right! Now, look into those leading these organizations. They all have one thing in common. You're getting there. I've been at this research for well over a decade now. You will find a common denominator. I don't know the TOS agreement for Substack so I don't want to get banned for saying who they are. If I mention them on YouTube, IG, Twitter, FB, or any other major social media, I get shadow banned or the boot. You will find others calling them out over on Bitchute on many videos. Once you understand who they are, it really makes sense. That's if you have a good handle on history. They even mention in their own 1925 Encyclopedia Vol. 5 page 41 and Biblica Enc., Vol.2, Col 1187. If I gave you a list of quotes, you would be disgusted. This is a literal war that's been going on for thousands of years. One side knows who they are and why they are at war while the other side has slowly been figuring it out over the past 100 years. Now, they're really figuring it out and this is why you will see them being protected by the government like Biden did this past weekend. They're panicking. It's the same thing they did in Russia around the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, you will see them behind every single war since the French Revolution.
Thank-you for the information. It is appreciated. I am beginning to get the picture. At the end of the day, it is the people and institutions holding and controlling the money. I have do some research.
UK Royals importantly evil worldwide.Still use America to loot and kill millions fpr profit. Linked to Rothschilds etc Charles runs the WEF ( worlds richest and most powerful) with Schwab ie Depopulation of 99%, etc. All openly announced with their now super brazen attitude. Schwab noasts they own many governments; UK, France, Germany, Canada, NZ etc
There is a lot if information to try to keep up with of course and the subject matter makes researching more difficult it serms. This substack excellent of course
2012 - Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. Video(1 minute)
2022 - We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion. (2minutes) - Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome
No, neither does zeolite or any other molecule that is used in the vax injury protocols. I hope people will demand wide scale research into what helps this. Not by phony people who falsely say that we see cholesterol and salt, but by people who are seriously invested in saving humanity.
1) NAC is demonstrably ineffective in tackling the filaments as well?
2) While EDTA appears to eradicate filaments in your extracted blood analyses, can you also see EDTA tackling filaments in vitro?
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
It's in your Soda drink!
And even in your liquid soap!
It's an artificial chelating agent used to treat heavy metal toxicity.
It binds to positively charged particles and prevents them from settling and that's why it may be in your liquid soap.
I don't know the chemical properties of these filaments. The only thing I can say is that if they're positively charged, they can be removed by EDTA (which has 4 negative charges).
The question is can EDTA drops get past the PH in the stomach and bile? If not, I don't think it will work. Maybe Dr. Ana can shed some light on this. Perhaps this is why she is stating IV EDTA.
As it stands now, there is no way out of this mess.
Incineration is the only way plastics are currently been disposed of.
If magically a new systemic enzyme is found that can digest polymers in the body, humanity will be saved.
I say magically because the government that has the manpower and resources doesn't care about your health, the Big Pharma's role now is to produce harmaceuticals, 96% of MDs have followed the global predators since 2020 like sheep without questioning their motives.
The remaining ~2-4% of scientists who can help have no research funding, live on a shoestring and have been excommunicated!
Does that sound familiar? The end of a new Roman empire!
Hello LynnK: I've been active on numerous anti-EMF web sites over the years, as well as many "health" related sites such as this one. Your question is fair, but should be: How do we DISSOLVE the thousands of moronic bastards who tinker with life as if they own it?
no, there are natural powerful materials tested with success by some of us in the diet. Now, I am developing bioelectric devices that could protect continuously without depending on diet ingredients, it could be used on the body and without need of batteries, using the electric power of the body.
I would be curious to know if the unvaccinated people who are also having blood clots had PCR tests. Several sources have found graphene oxide and nano particles on the swabs of these test kits. Maybe it’s not “shedding” , could it be the unvaccinated have been vaccinated by the PCR tests? Would love Dr. Ana to test unvaccinated people who have never had a Covid PCR test.
futurehumanity - May 30, 2023 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
What I ask myself over and over and over and over again.... the "cockroaches" "self chosen and sel named elite" schwab, gates, harari WEF in general etc ARE exposed LIKE US to shedding, so excluding a continuous and time consuming EDTA detox (which I wouldn't think they would be willing to do knowing their sociopathic and arrognat personality it would eel degrading to them to do all this regularly for something shed by people they consider beasts without souls in their evil creed) WHAT are they doing to avoid all this???? What have THEIR SCIENTISTS found (an injection you just have to do once?) to make them avoid the shedding problem???? The million dollar question
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 30, 2023 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
They are doing nothing because they want to be transhuman, part synthetic biology part human. They despise what humans are. They see their immortality in the fusion of technology with humans. They believe in cloning. The military according to Celeste Solum who was at the army meeting on transhumanism confirmed they want no natural humans by 2025. Additionally, 6G shreds DNA. Natural humans cannot survive 6 G frequencies, only Cyborgs.
bio terry - May 31, 2023
Makes one wonder where the background material of the startrek cyborg movie scripts comes from..
OUTRAGED HUMAN - May 31, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Dr. Ana, here are another interesting videos to listen / watch
OUTRAGED HUMAN - May 31, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
In this video:
at 1:14:50 (the question starts at about 1:14:30) he talks about the fact that because these bots in the body can be reprogrammed, there is a danger of cyber attack and CREATING ZOMBIES - when the device inside can malfunction!
They talk about it as if it's not humans, but whatever - yes, yes, of course, someone can attack and reprogram (these devices) - the guy who is the father of these technologies says it's very likely! And he says it very lightly, well, yes, it's very likely to happen! These people are just plain murderers!
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 31, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Thank you... I will look at the video... He is quite an interesting source of information
sunshine - Jun 16, 2023
Mark Steele in the UK knows all about the topic of the video too. I have actually witnessed two different people in different situations right in front of me being manipulated via their brain and the jab contents. It is obvious when one has the background information to assess what is taking place via their verbal communication. Dr Rauni Kildre yt videos explain much for those wanting to learn. She spoke at a conference in Belgium in October 2015 I think it was. About targeting of population. Her lens of her glasses she was wearing was shattered while she was talking on stage. By February 2016 she was dead.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - May 31, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
In my opinion - THIS IS IT - but of course there are others on the "countermeasures/pandemics/vaccination" side.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 1, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Outragedhuman-- thank you for those vid links! Appreciated.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Jun 1, 2023
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Here are some links to his works, but there are MANY more....
http://web.archive.org/web/20200605012726/http://bwn.ece.gatech.edu/papers/2015/j3.pdfTHE INTERNET OF BIO-NANOTHINGS
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
True true and true however i dont believe these elites want to die or take a chance of dying from a clot so they must have a way of reducing the risk of blood clots and other heart related issues
futurehumanity - May 31, 2023
They must be doing something since this hydrogel clots and kills....yes they want to be transhuman, but on their own terms without risking their lives in the process
Frank - Jun 1, 2023
nwo bloodlines dont take jabs, never have, + stay away from and have homes away from [well published] EMR Antennae Technology. Nano Technology a binary weapon, the nano requires EMR frequency, EMR alone a poison but with injected nano creating fully formed Biosensors / FETs Field Effect Transcievers, require way less frequency power from the wireless Smart Grid. 1p36 chemical lobotomy and other Mind Kontrol frequency induced effects are probables to disable resistence.
Charles M Lieber highly likely knows the antidote as does Robert Langer.
Frank - Jun 1, 2023
ooops typo > FETs Field Effect Transistors
What do FET Field Effect Transistor, Biosensors [self-assemble injectables] clearly look like?
Nanotech in the shots? - 29Jan22 - New Zealand -
2017 - Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain ---->https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28533392
CHARLES M LIEBER - NANOSCALE SENSORS - Aug 5, 2009 - President and Fellows of Harvard College - FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
Charles Lieber Sentencing Set For January 2023 - 20Sep22 -
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
DERRICK ROSSI - The chip is said to be able to deploy an experimental new vaccine, developed jointly by Moderna and U.S government, that could change human DNA. The 'CHIP' ABD THE VACCINE BUILT ON A BREAKTHROUGH MADE BY then-Harvard University professor and eventual Moderna co-founder Derek Rossi in 2010.
Great report worthy watch
The Elephants in the Room - EMF and Graphene! >
- 2h 17m 35s - 31May23 - DrRobertYoung
imo we are talking CRYSTALLINE manipulation, Watson & Crick TOY LEGO model of DNA after stealing Rosalind Franklins work a fraud? All in universe are FIELDS not partcles, fields create particles.
bio terry - Jul 26, 2023
But still, how are thwy going to dodge the injuries due to this shortsightedness in their srupid transhumanistic cock-up if we see these microdots and morgellons in all blood by now, be it due to shedding from the vaccinated or cropspraying, or chemtrails or a combination of it all..
futurehumanity - Jul 20, 2023 - Edited
covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com try the second treatment first, it's weird but if what you have is biological you will feel a huge difference, I did when i got shedded on by a quadruple vaccinated and ivermectin did nothing for my fluey heavy symptoms. did the 1st treatment, nothing, did the 2nd all issues disappeared. Since then 4 friends with long covid did it and it cleared them of all symptoms too in an hour,2 active covid friends just gave them reprieve for a couple of hours, didn't cure them though
Ray - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited
i just got informed of a usa supreme court, that the reason why the weapon equipped American people just watch , and watch instead of fighting back against the world killers is , that they re all a) shotted or b) shedded - both result in getting less brain over the time if not detoxed regularly. But as you heard it looks like that this month usa is going to die. Biden announced the F 16 nuclear bombs against russia, and the Russian answer is, that usa is going to immediately be bombed away. Its just total shame, that over a billion weapon equipped Americans just chill or watch and better go to the next mc Donalds or whatever then ending the pentagon/great reset people. Also the 5G etc. is super advanced in USA , so that combining that with toxic stuff like fluoride and shots and chemtrails - its just nearly impossible to stay healthy. I think in total sum , the chronic destruction since baby birth with shots , sick food, etc. works pretty good to get the people braindead and just have some billion zombies just watching with their down syndrome, p36 deletation syndrome or other side effect (but especially those people with no side effects , that just watch this and think that they re healthy). Watching the people since over 3 years makes me pretty sure , that they will watch the planet dying like in a movie , because it s just more relaxed , then using brain power , soul, and brave actions + active self war defence against the upcoming who forced shots worldwide. Jut in total sum: Too many unbrave people, that were condemned since the birth (sainted with shots against every possible "disease" that the satanic families have invented since over 100 years
Ray - Jun 1, 2023
*p36 deletation syndrome. Is that Right Dr. Ana : This side effect of the shots means, the chromosomes and dna is going to be eaten , like a pacman that absorbs the holy dna from inside ?^^
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 1, 2023
solutions - May 30, 2023
solutions’s Substack
This finding confirms my theory that the other variable besides concentrations to cause lethal events, is the DNA signal online with 5G, to setup the hydrogel as a toxin. Some patents described by dr. kingston confirm this operation. But the people of God must be confident, cause even in the book of Daniel in the bible, he says that iron won' t have a lasting mixing with clay
Marty - Jun 1, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
It's not like they're all "in the know" about this, some get the memo, some don't. I think even the cockroaches are already affected by this pervasive synthetic biology (there's also those who'll die alone in their bunker, like Bill and Klaus). I think whatever they throw at us, there are solutions to cleanse the body. Avoiding all EMF, protecting the vascular system, taking god-given antioxidants and detoxing regularly help tremendously. Gotta find a balance cause getting obsessed by the shedding will drive you mad.
Noren O Drisc - May 30, 2023
Great questiion. I read on a substack yesterday Sirry I dud not record the name but you can find probably, that Russian scientists created a Probiotic so powerful thatvthe peoplr le using it lived to over 100 easily and were never affected by any environmental toxins including, astonishingly, fallout etc from Chernobyl...Americans brought the probiotic back to USA apparently but, of course, that Gov (and other crown related ones) do not
help the people, they kill them...So maybe this wonder medicine has been hidden from the public or reformulated to harm not help.
Noren O Drisc - May 30, 2023
Or maybe it exists still
Nobody - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited
Seeds of the Void
Have you seen this claim?
"Doctor David E. Martin recently appeared before the EU Parliament and presented an exact and exhaustively researched timeline demonstrating the development of the bioengineered and weaponized coronavirus beginning in 1965 with parent patents in Europe, the transfer to the University of North Carolina, and it's eventual release in Wuhan, China.
There is no doubt that the coronavirus featured as the cause of the 2019 Pandemic was purposefully constructed in a laboratory environment as a bioweapon that, once injected, would kill the one receiving it, but not be able to transfer to others like a true infectious agent."
Quoted from:
What do you make of that related to the claims of "shedding"?
futurehumanity - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited
Seeds of the Void
I "make" that I experienced them first hand, no idea whether organic or inorganic, but I was out for two days. Since then I always use a mask around people. check out vaxx shedding on telegram, tens of thousands of experiences of shedding
Nobody - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Seeds of the Void
You Got sick... How do you prove that its shedding? What if its being around the 5G transmitters that are now everywhere and in higher density on roadways? I got sick too, didn't think it was shedding that caused it. Coronavirus is the virus associated with the symptoms of the common cold which is also similar to upper respiratory infections. Unless one went and had lab work done to find out what infected self, its unknown the cause. Don't get me wrong, believe what you want. I try to be objective as it reduces the fear and panic response.
Beyond that we can just agree to disagree.
futurehumanity - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Seeds of the Void
These are the facts: when I got sick it was the first time I had lowered the mask ever around people. I felt safe for i was in the woods in open air with someone who I found out later had had 4 jabs instead of none as she had told me....since then and before then I went on a long trip, been with tons of people around always masked, both in the woods and in cities and never ever got a bad reaction. So not 5G related although there are side effects to that too. And also, what I used that worked to clear the issues had little to do with spike proteins, since the ivermectin did squat....but a psycho immunological treatment that also targets amoebas, bacterias and prions did work covidspiketreatment dot weebly dot com the second treatment, the first did nothing in this case for me the second cleared all issues instantly for me and then long covid for 4 friends. didn't work for acute covid gave my friend just 2 hours respite
Nobody - Jun 5, 2023 - Edited
Seeds of the Void
Curious. Given what you described it does seem like the friend in the woods somehow gave it to you. I take it there was no touching, just being next to each other hiking along or some such?
I've never put on a Mask, to me it was a dumb idea from the get go since the effects of co2 reinhalation are much more devastating than just breathing the open air. Nevermind the reduction in actual O2 making it into ones lungs. Maybe the masks somehow reduce the metal particulates in the air now so that while you were wearing it, you had less exposure to all the stuff floating in the air that IS big enough to be filtered by a facemask. I'm not sure what Mesh the chemtrail metals are, but theres tons of aluminum/barium/strontium in the atmosphere courtesy of chemtrails which I think were partially about blocking out satellite to ground views but also to make the atmosphere more conductive so that less energy is needed to setup and perturb an emf field. The particulates would be present everywhere since thats been ongoing since the late 70s, so woods no woods, city center, whatever. I don't tend to take pills for colds, tho sometimes I take a decongestant. About the only pills I take are infrequently advil and occasionally aspirin. Not on any other medications.
Thanks for sharing the facts. Hopefully the psycho immunological treatment works for the next time you get a cold. (I wish people would just call it what it is instead of Covid, the continued use of the new name obfuscates both the technical viral name of coronavirus and the fact that its symptoms are those associated with the common cold.) The ones who've gotten the jabs now have Covid, which is not related to the Cold. Since the jabbed seem to be seeing hydrogel thickening in their arteries, it seems like something is being added to they who were "primed" with the injections, over time, so that just continued breathing is maybe increasing the particulate metal load that thickens the plasma into the gel and eventually it stops flowing...
Stay Safe! Disobey Unaccountable Authorities!
futurehumanity - Jun 2, 2023
ffp2 and ffp2 masks only by the way not the surgical nothingness
bio terry - May 31, 2023
Seeds of the Void
Nothing has been done to avoid this, it was done deliberately to be abke to transhumanized the global population.
futurehumanity - May 31, 2023
Seeds of the Void
again They must be doing something since this hydrogel clots and kills....yes they want to be transhuman, but on their own terms without risking their lives in the process
Nobody - Jun 2, 2023
Seeds of the Void
Comment removed.
Nobody - Jun 2, 2023
Seeds of the Void
One doesn't deploy medical counter measures without having the antidote known.
Course if it doesn't actually Shed, they just don't get injected. If its 5G directed inducing the clotting action in the ones carrying smart phones who've been vocal about the unaccountability and criminality of seated authorities, the act of moving around town carrying that phone lets the 5g beam forming track and train on oneself. I wonder if RF has been shown to Clot blood? Or perhaps just RF's affect on inducing Fatigue in oneself brings ones systems to a state of Easily being infected by whatever ones already carrying thats been held in check by ones immune system...
Lisa@eatrealfood - Jul 12, 2023
How are their results being tracked and analyzed. Do the injections have internal trackers?
Agent Midnight Rider - May 30, 2023
Agent’s Substack
EMP BLAST to kill the NANO TECH... There is ALWAYS a Antidote for Every Bio Weapon produced in tandem to make sure the people who created do not get infected .. I'm just saying.
Paul Vonharnish - May 31, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Agent Midnight Rider: Perhaps you should consider the consequential effects of EMP pulse on biological cells within range of the "blast"... Biological cells react to electromagnetic pulses as low as 4 nano-volts, and begin mutation sequences at approximately 25 nano-volts.
More technology to solve the problem of too much technology, seems pretty counter-intuitive...
Agent Midnight Rider - May 31, 2023
Agent’s Substack
I have considered that, I have researched over 100 different Detox methods, since my family and my two oldest children are vaccinated. The EMP solution is based of APPLIED research and execution. Seehttps://www.holistichealthonline.info/covid-vax-genocide/
Stella - May 30, 2023
Dear Dr. Ana. I appreciate your incredible work for all of humanity to find the answers to this travesty. I posted this link here before, and was hoping you might address whether magnets help in your opinion.
After I went to the dentist and got a needle injection in my gum, a short while later I had symptoms I’d not had before—nightly a scary crawling feeling on different parts of my body, and very extreme Insomnia. I then happened across that link about Morgellons, and bought and used magnets, and magnet bracelets, and the awful crawling sensations and insomnia stopped. Recently I was on a several hour car trip with my daughter and her nine year old who are both vaxxed, then afterward again felt the crawling sensation, used the magnets and magnet bracelets again, and it went away very soon. My question: Do you think magnets help in your opinion? They seemed to help me.
Mike Gollins, PE - May 30, 2023
American Homesteader
Did you know if your in an accident and need a blood transfusion, hospitals get paid to pump you full of mRNA poisoned blood? Wanna lower your risk of cancer or death? Sign up (even if your vaxxed), find a compatible unvaxxed blood donor and be prepared.UnjectedBlood.com.
AmericanVeteran - May 31, 2023
American Homesteader
sadly, I think all of us are filled with mRNA even if we dont want to be.
Paul Vonharnish - May 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
As stated in this and previous articles, these "clots" are self assembling bio-plastics - and are not bacteria perse. The ghouls designing these types of "life" forms are insane and dangerous. They need to be stuffed into isolated rubber rooms and taught basket weaving... Here's an example of their "work". >
Coding for hydrogel organization through signal guided self-assembly
From the journal: Soft Matter
Issue 3, 2014
“Complex structured soft matter may have important applications in the field of tissue engineering and biomedicine. However, the discovery of facile methods to exquisitely manipulate the structure of soft matter remains a challenge. In this report, a multilayer hydrogel is fabricated from the stimuli-responsive amino polysaccharide chitosan by using spatially localized and temporally controlled sequences of electrical signals. By programming the imposed cathodic input signals, chitosan hydrogels with varying layer number and thickness can be fabricated. The inputs of electrical signals induce the formation of hydrogel layers while short interruptions create interfaces between each layer. The thickness of each layer is controlled by the charge transfer (Q = ∫idt) during the individual deposition step and the number of multilayers is controlled by the number of interruptions. Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) reveal organized fibrous structures within each layer that are demarcated by compact orthogonal interlayer structures. This work demonstrates for the first time that an imposed sequence of electrical inputs can trigger the self-assembly of multilayered hydrogels and thus suggests the broader potential for creating an electrical “code” to generate complex structures in soft matter.”
Corresponding authors
Kun Yan, Fuyuan Ding, Hongbing Deng, Yumin Du, Xiao-Wen Shi
School of Resource and Environmental Science
Hubei Biomass-Resource Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology
Key Laboratory, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
William E. Bentley
Gregory F. Payne
Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD 20742, USA
Note the date of the Abstract. They have names, faces, and addresses. Any questions?
Sarah - May 30, 2023
Please give this some considered time. We are all in this together and we know they want us to fight and be distracted. THIS HAS MERIT.
The whole tobacco scam is blown out of the water by Japan. The incidence of lung cancer in this smoking community is very low. Their cigarettes do not have additives by law. In other countries there are up to 500 additives allowed , all have been tested for carcinogens BUT not tested burnt! The history of tobacco as a HEALTH product, especially an antiparasitic one, is very long and was well documented but try and find it now .
Could the reason that NO other researchers will check out what Ardis is sharing be the same as a horse being afraid of an electric fence, or is it snobbery?
I very much appreciate all the unpaid, extremely criticised, and by default dangerous work many are doing.
PREMIERE: Watch The Water 2: Closing Chapter
BAB - May 31, 2023
Thank you Sarah, we just finished watching the link you gave and it was so good - very helpful info! Do you have any links to info on tobacco as a health product for years, before the cigarette industry tainted it?
I'm planning to try organic tobacco foot soaks for long covid symptoms I'm still dealing with after 1.5 years post covid.
Sarah - Jun 1, 2023
You can buy nicotine patches and they say they are not addictive, but they may have nasties in them. Watch again and take down the list of treatments, most of them are on the World Council for Health Detox site too. So I see they are on the same tracks . All good people , just not helping each other yet, I suppose the kind of person who will stand with their convictions is a maverick and not good at following others anyway.
There is a site called the Way Back Machine ,try that for more information.. Otherwise, dig.
Look for recipes for nicotine worm drenches, history of Nicotine , tobacco. Good luck Bea.
It's another window on this deliberate "mirror speak" that they have created a no-go zone well in ad- vance and ref -use to allow the investigations into it. Check out Japan too.
Ivermectin, and the artemesia plant are both antiparasitic too. And looking here it can even help anorexia.https://draxe.com/nutrition/wormwood/
Parrots can get depressed, refuse to eat, and pull out their feathers and then can commit suicide, all due to a parasite, so I did wonder about people.
scout - May 30, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
Some vaccinated appear normal; time is a factor. Ana, your point is that if all have the nanos, they make the hydrogel; nanos are dropped also by chemtrails. And you've not sorted a solution for hydrogel.
I think I have the frame. If so, everyone is in deep crap with possible exception of the very few that seem to deal with the hydragel. If we have a small population may have the key, of part of the key.
solutions - May 31, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
yeah, initially people obviously are worried abouth the death of the body. But this is only disguising a worse death and is the death of the soul. The soul has infinite value, God planned a soul to be eternal, but this Mark of the beast(luciferase) is separating or killing the soul from the body. So at the end people could have their bodies still existing and walking on earth but they are already dead...is a multidimensional deception!
Unagnu - May 31, 2023
For they shall seek death and shall not find it... (their suffering will be intense, they will long for death, but find it not..)
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 1, 2023
Scout-- just to reply to your posit regarding non-injected who still end up getting infected with the frankenano and get biohacked with the hydrogelmeshes tech-- This happened to me in Dec 2022. And so far, as you articulated in your comment-- so far, my body is "dealing with it" to a good enough extent that I'm still fully functional-- in terms of overall body functionality and brain power, etc., So far, I would describe the experience as: It's literally like the scenario of when Peter Parker gets mutanted into SpiderMan or how Jeff Goldblum phase by phase gets mutanted into a hybrid Fly-Man-- physiologically-speaking. You are getting transformed into a mutant, essentially. And through that process, some peoples' bodies can overall keep normal functions down / going. Even while these "mutation-processes" are manifesting in the biohacked / hybridizing body. So yes, one of the cabal's experimental objectives is not just homicide / not just depop kill-off. But another facet of this experiment for them, is to see how successfully the dystopian intrabody nanonetwork / Internet of Bodies new bio-commerce, bio-surveillance, bio-remote-control grid system, that they want to switch over-to, system-wise, how successfully that deployment / experiment can/will go , can pan-out, can be successfully realized and implemented. (Alison mcDowell's videos accurately describe that whole intrabodynanonetwork-tokenization and biosurveillance bio remote control-new system, that they want to switch over to.)
Unagnu - May 31, 2023
Ok. So everyone has the fibers, NOT everyone (the non vax) have the 'hydrogel' ... as that had to be injected. The rest of the contamination is able to pass from one person to another excepting the hydro gels? Oh, and EDTA IV is suppose to help? That's what I'm getting out of all of this... and keep your prophylaxes up and running ...
Leon - May 30, 2023
Hello, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD;
Thank you for doing & openly sharing such unique results of your research. Provided I understand correctly the hydrogel polymers mainly circulate/reside in our circulatory (blood) system. I want to mention the work of one Israel medical doctor who treated his drug addict patients using (relatively cheap) kidney dialysis machine. He come up with the new filter to clarify their blood from drug metabolites. After 3 days of treatment, 92% never wanted to use again. Maybe you should look at this direction. Best.
Agent Midnight Rider - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Here is a link to the only public video in existence of the Mysterious Clot Creature moving inside the leg of a 17-year-old vaccinated child.https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dr0ZcAeEfaUimages courtesy of Paul Middleton is a vascular imaging expert from Perth, Australia. He specializes in identifying vascular clots and other inclusions
solutions - May 31, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
oh, and did you see the reports of vaxed about shape shifter symptoms?, in tiktok there is a user @realshapeshift talking of extra limbs, and snake eyes after the vax.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited
AgentMidnightRider-- Its interesting, because, the latest xenobot-technology that's in the Covid-era franken-nano, one of it's prime genetic cell biology, aside from frog cells, is taken from planaria flatworms. And it's interesting (if that vid clip is legit genuine content) that that organism in the vid clip has a planaria flatworm-type appearance to it.
Noren O Drisc - May 30, 2023
These photos of blood are superb. Thankyou
Ana Mihalcea .
Lisa Novakowski - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
Wow. More and more evidence of vaccine injuries are coming forward in the public domain. It is time for more honesty from officials. The products are not safe and effective. The public need to become more informed of how their current and future health conditions could be related to the vaccine. First and foremost, people need stand up and put their foot down. We are no longer playing your games.
Noren O Drisc - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
This is planned Genocide not an accident. Henry Kissinger in thr 50s saying 'Useess Eaters' ie 99% of humans need to be got rid of. Kissi ger the mentor of Klaus Schwab who openly says exactly the same in his book and at Davos rvery yrar where hundreds if the worlds richest and most powerful meet to discuss Depopulation methods, Legalisation of Paedoophilia et c What they want becomes what world leaders force on tbeir people eg sexualisation of children, destruction of their homones and genitalia under the bannner of 'Trans Rights'. All for Depopulation and Sadistic pleasure for the Psychopaths. All are complicit so dont look to the law or Government for justice. Only the people can orivide that with possibly some honest professionals, carefully chosen.
Lisa Novakowski - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
Thank-you,Noren. I have been doing my best to keep informed. I know that there are many strange things going on. I am continuing to read and learn about how corporations, governments, and NGOs are continually working against the people to take away their health, rights, and material possessions.
TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
Right! Now, look into those leading these organizations. They all have one thing in common. You're getting there. I've been at this research for well over a decade now. You will find a common denominator. I don't know the TOS agreement for Substack so I don't want to get banned for saying who they are. If I mention them on YouTube, IG, Twitter, FB, or any other major social media, I get shadow banned or the boot. You will find others calling them out over on Bitchute on many videos. Once you understand who they are, it really makes sense. That's if you have a good handle on history. They even mention in their own 1925 Encyclopedia Vol. 5 page 41 and Biblica Enc., Vol.2, Col 1187. If I gave you a list of quotes, you would be disgusted. This is a literal war that's been going on for thousands of years. One side knows who they are and why they are at war while the other side has slowly been figuring it out over the past 100 years. Now, they're really figuring it out and this is why you will see them being protected by the government like Biden did this past weekend. They're panicking. It's the same thing they did in Russia around the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. In fact, you will see them behind every single war since the French Revolution.
Lisa Novakowski - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Lisa’s Substack
Thank-you for the information. It is appreciated. I am beginning to get the picture. At the end of the day, it is the people and institutions holding and controlling the money. I have do some research.
Lisa Novakowski - May 30, 2023
Lisa’s Substack
A particular family name is dominate in what I am looking at, while other family names and organizations are coming up.
TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023
Pay close attention to the surname. Research the surnames.
Noren O Drisc - May 31, 2023
UK Royals importantly evil worldwide.Still use America to loot and kill millions fpr profit. Linked to Rothschilds etc Charles runs the WEF ( worlds richest and most powerful) with Schwab ie Depopulation of 99%, etc. All openly announced with their now super brazen attitude. Schwab noasts they own many governments; UK, France, Germany, Canada, NZ etc
Noren O Drisc - May 31, 2023
To take their lives
Noren O Drisc - May 31, 2023
There is a lot if information to try to keep up with of course and the subject matter makes researching more difficult it serms. This substack excellent of course
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
2012 - Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. Video(1 minute)
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
“If we are doing a real good job vaccinating children, we can reduce the world population by 10% to 15%” – Kill Gates Video.
Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation.
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
2015 - "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
2022 - We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion. (2minutes) - Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome
Noren O Drisc - May 30, 2023
Milliions are dying so not all can protest. Currently more imof us than them but they plan to change that so people left are very essy to control
I am not your Other - May 31, 2023
More honesty? Never was any.
LynnK - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Can DMSO dissolve hydrogels?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 30, 2023 - Edited
No, neither does zeolite or any other molecule that is used in the vax injury protocols. I hope people will demand wide scale research into what helps this. Not by phony people who falsely say that we see cholesterol and salt, but by people who are seriously invested in saving humanity.
Noam - May 30, 2023 - Edited
1) NAC is demonstrably ineffective in tackling the filaments as well?
2) While EDTA appears to eradicate filaments in your extracted blood analyses, can you also see EDTA tackling filaments in vitro?
Cathy Suter - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
What is EDTA?
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
It's in your Soda drink!
And even in your liquid soap!
It's an artificial chelating agent used to treat heavy metal toxicity.
It binds to positively charged particles and prevents them from settling and that's why it may be in your liquid soap.
Cathy Suter - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
Thanks! So is EDTA a potential therapy for ridding the body of filaments?
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
I don't know the chemical properties of these filaments. The only thing I can say is that if they're positively charged, they can be removed by EDTA (which has 4 negative charges).
TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
TimeIsNear - May 30, 2023
The question is can EDTA drops get past the PH in the stomach and bile? If not, I don't think it will work. Maybe Dr. Ana can shed some light on this. Perhaps this is why she is stating IV EDTA.
May 30, 2023
Comment removed.
futurehumanity - May 31, 2023
what's the compostition and especially the molecular weight of this hydrogel? Knowing this info exactly could help dissolve it
Nostradamus X - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
As it stands now, there is no way out of this mess.
Incineration is the only way plastics are currently been disposed of.
If magically a new systemic enzyme is found that can digest polymers in the body, humanity will be saved.
I say magically because the government that has the manpower and resources doesn't care about your health, the Big Pharma's role now is to produce harmaceuticals, 96% of MDs have followed the global predators since 2020 like sheep without questioning their motives.
The remaining ~2-4% of scientists who can help have no research funding, live on a shoestring and have been excommunicated!
Does that sound familiar? The end of a new Roman empire!
Paul Vonharnish - May 31, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello LynnK: I've been active on numerous anti-EMF web sites over the years, as well as many "health" related sites such as this one. Your question is fair, but should be: How do we DISSOLVE the thousands of moronic bastards who tinker with life as if they own it?
scout - May 30, 2023
my first thought. Then I thought of calcium hypocloric acid
FJGI - May 30, 2023
Thank you Ana for your research. I will take a slower look at it.
Duchess - May 30, 2023
Very Scary...is EDTA? the only way?
solutions - May 31, 2023
solutions’s Substack
no, there are natural powerful materials tested with success by some of us in the diet. Now, I am developing bioelectric devices that could protect continuously without depending on diet ingredients, it could be used on the body and without need of batteries, using the electric power of the body.
Kim Thulin - Jun 2, 2023
Kim’s Substack
I would be curious to know if the unvaccinated people who are also having blood clots had PCR tests. Several sources have found graphene oxide and nano particles on the swabs of these test kits. Maybe it’s not “shedding” , could it be the unvaccinated have been vaccinated by the PCR tests? Would love Dr. Ana to test unvaccinated people who have never had a Covid PCR test.
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