Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 30, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this article, I compare the microscopic analysis of three blood clots obtained from three different C19 vaccinated individuals. Each person had 30ml of blood drawn, which was left standing for 4 hours - during which the clot separated into a red blood layer and into a yellow layer which had a rubbery consistency. Since our Near Infrared Spectroscopy has confirmed chemical frequency signatures within the blood of hydrogel, I call this yellow later the hydrogel layer. We have shown in this short video the consistency:
Two individuals are symptomatic and vaccine injured, one is not having any symptoms. All clots had classic synthetic biology hydrogel filaments that we have seen in the blood as well. There was no significant difference between the three samples found. This is concerning, given that asymptomatic C19 vaccinated individuals may have the same amount of hydrogel in them causing potential abnormal clotting. Please note, as I have said in numerous posts before, hydrogel plastics cannot be dissolved by conventional blood thinners.
The first sample was analyzed and described here ( Johnson & Johnson, Vax injured):
Here are some images of the second sample ( Pfizer, asymptomatic)
On the left you can see the blue background red blood cells with streaks of the rubbery hydrogel and a denser red blood clot. On the right you can see dried aspects of the red blood cell clot. Magnification 100x
On the left you can see a classic hydrogel filament that we see in live blood surrounded by red blood cells. It has the classic hollow internal appearance. This filament was seen in the yellow hydrogel part of the clot. Magnification 100x
The yellow part of the clot looks exactly the same in all individuals. Like sheets of plastic. Magnification 100x.
More views of the hydrogel layer. Left is 200x magnification, right 100x.
The pure red part of the clot consists just of red blood cells.
Third sample. J&J, Vax Injured. Filaments seen within red blood clot area, similar to what we see in live blood
More filaments within red blood cell clot.
On the left is dried blood clot sample made from red blood cells. On the right the yellow hydrogel zone with its classic sheet like appearance.
As a reminder, this is what we are seeing in live blood analysis of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
I call this hydrogel filaments due to our Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis:
Please note that in bioengineering bacteria have long been designed to manufacture plastics. This is in line with Clifford Carnicom’s description of Cross Domain Bacteria, aka Morgellons, a synthetic lifeform that has characteristics of all domains of life, archaea, eucaryotes and bacteria, has a hydrogel ( microplastic) envelope, can produce toxic proteins. Here is a description of bacterial being able to produce plastics: Bioplastics (Note Polyethylene is a component of the Lipid Nanoparticles in Pfizer C19 Vaccine)
Bioplastic , moldable plastic material made up of chemical compounds that are derived from or synthesized by microbes such as bacteria or by genetically modified plants . Unlike traditional plastics, which are derived from petroleum , bioplastics are obtained from renewable resources, and some bioplastics are biodegradable.
Plastics are polymers (aka HYDROGEL) —assemblies of identical chemical subunits, called monomers, that are linked together in the form of a chain. The properties of a plastic, like those of all polymers, are defined by the monomers in the chain and by the number of links and cross-links in its structure. Cross-linking of the monomers increases a polymer’s rigidity and thermal stability. As their name suggests, plastics can readily be molded into various shapes. Plastics such as polystyrene (polymerized styrene, CH 2 =CHC 6 H 5 ), polyethylene (polymerized ethylene, CH 2 =CH 2 ), or polypropylene (polymerized propylene, CH 2 =CHCH 3 ) are molded into a wide variety of everyday and specialized products—for instance, eating utensils, coffee cups, synthetic fabrics, park benches, automobile parts, and surgical implants.
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futurehumanity - May 30, 2023 - Edited
What I ask myself over and over and over and over again.... the "cockroaches" "self chosen and sel named elite" schwab, gates, harari WEF in general etc ARE exposed LIKE US to shedding, so excluding a continuous and time consuming EDTA detox (which I wouldn't think they would be willing to do knowing their sociopathic and arrognat personality it would eel degrading to them to do all this regularly for something shed by people they consider beasts without souls in their evil creed) WHAT are they doing to avoid all this???? What have THEIR SCIENTISTS found (an injection you just have to do once?) to make them avoid the shedding problem???? The million dollar question
REPLY | 33 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
Agent Midnight Rider - May 30, 2023
Agent’s Substack
EMP BLAST to kill the NANO TECH... There is ALWAYS a Antidote for Every Bio Weapon produced in tandem to make sure the people who created do not get infected .. I'm just saying.
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