I first carried out a study in 2021, analyzing under the microscope water from different origins (bottled, tap, rainwater). Later I was surprised by their resemblance to structures found in vaccines by different authors, so I made a comparative analysis. At first, the water structures seemed to me to be contamination by microplastics. But now I don't know anymore.
Without being able to analyse the filaments, it's impossible. Dr. Cole said, it's contaminants from production. Maybe plastics, dirt, and fibers. Someone who worked in production said there was so much crap in the vaccines from them being rushed through production. As for our blood, the environment is poisoned. Good work though, thanks.
Hello Carol: Yes. The environment IS contaminated. Badly contaminated. As you can see from reader comments, no one wishes to address the actual issues. Mankind has destroyed the entire ecosystem for a few pennies worth of existence.
They look at tiny fragments of destruction, yet never spend a day observing the industrial carnage they bury in vast landfills. They study microbes with electron microscopes, and murder an entire planet out of overt greed. It is disgusting...
The bronze and blue banded "morgellons" fibers are now everywhere. They are killing the insects, infesting the animals which eat the insects, and moving right on up the food chain. Wanna guess who is at the top?
There can be also some natural stuff in it that is not man-made... We need to have the DNA from it and before that we cannot say anything for sure. Anna goes for me to far bc she also do not know what this all is... just saying.
I remember Clifford Carnicom from years ago. He was warning people about Morgellons. Now we know how this all relates to what is happening today. The only way to stop them is to get rid of the cell phone towers and the GWEN towers and the HAARP facilities. How are we going to do that? This reminds me of the movie They Live. Once he destroyed the television tower people could see the evil ones and take them out. More predictive programming. Also The Body Snatchers and Hunger Games are relevant movies. They always tell us what they are going to do. May God help us all by destroying this evil please. It’s probably already too late.
Matthew 19:26
New International Version
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
It’s not too late!
a plate of pure aluminum with a small hole drilled to make like a tiny bowl that is filled with a large drop or a drop of mercury, grows a long fibery looking thing like the clots being found in people. mercury and aluminum was mixed up in "vaccines" for a long tme
I've done already 4 sessions with 2g CaNa2EDTA. Eacht time I feel better mentally afterwards. But I still found one of these graphene oxide ribbons after my 2nd chelation under the dark field microscope (21 days in between chelation and live blood analysis), albeit much less. I reckon that I would have had better results for the live blood analysis immediatley after the 2nd chelation therapy. This constant exposure to these "contatminants" seems to be much worse than expected. So it's true that I need to do chelation more frequently.
I reckon that you live in the wrong state. I used to live in Sydney, NSW and there were bunch of chelation practitioners. Moreover, almost everything is way too expensive in Down Under compared to Europe or Japan.
Can you please disclose if you’re doing the EDTA treatments yourself? In what form are they being administered: IV, oral, cream, or suppositories? Ty 🙏
Celeste Solum has done some fantastic research on syn-bio and how it 'cleaves' to human cells that contaminates the body by the use of nano structures to hold the contaminated injectables, spraying etc in place. Not the kind of microscopic work like Dr. Ana, more into the military research. Rapid accelerated aging results and no medical providers can diagnose the cause.
If vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming the same thing as time goes by because all the toxics being spread around us and all the food contamination and radiation and even intimacy between vaxxed and unvaxxed people are provoking that to occur, then there is no point in avoiding "vaccines" anymore???
What if the solutions that you propose to clean the blood (of vaxxed or unvaxxed people) are not available for the vast majority???
Because, if vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming more and more equal, than to reject the injections means more an ethical act than an objective defense of our health.
Please explain me. Thank you.
I have the same questions as you, concerning the expense of treatments that will not be available to poor or maybe even middle class people, which comprise a large percentage of the world's population.
Even if my blood mixes with shedding people who've been jabbed, the point is that I will not WILLINGLY allow the perpetrators of the crime of the century to penetrate me with their violent weaponry. Same with PCR test; both are violent; a form of rape IMO. Forcing little children, holding them down. It's nightmarish. Think about that. I will not comply with violent crimes against my body and psyche. I will look for ways to try to fight for my own health within my meagre means.
Is there anyway that I could meet with you Dr.Ana!!
I meant where is the real Doctor's at
I'm in Washington DC and I am a victim of illegally injection and been used as some kind of experiment Target.
Please I would travel to you I am.a Mother my son I'm all he has his Dad is deceased please help me.
If understood correctly, then these substances are within the environment and not exclusive to the bio-weapon...
The weapon is worse in promoting these and adding to the system...
They are there due to environmental issues?
Yeah , you might want to Find Dr. Deagle and get his Input on those Morgellons. According to him they are OFF WOLRD lifeforms with the intelligence of ants or bees, dropped from chemtrails since the 90s for depopulation. Probably my guess is they cause cancer. You can find his lectures on bitchute.
My sister had Morghellons at least 30 years ago and didn't get cancer. The fibers made their way out (she did assist in that), left scars, and she's been pretty healthy since. There were several cases at the time in No. Cal and I'd bet they were spraying. They did admit to spraying something experimental in Oakland and S.F. at one point. I asked Senator Feinstein to look into Morghellons and she spoke to the CDC that told her it was a mental condition. Far from it.
Thank you & Clifford for this information. ( he helped me stay calm with morgellons years ago.) {God bless & protect truth tellers fighting for our humanity. In Jesus Holy name, Amen)
i suffer and have been suffering from the effects of this for the last 3 years. i am so tired....iv aged what looks like 15 years in the last 3. i am very uncomfortable. this has caused me to lose everything including my will to live. if i didnt have kids i would not be alive because i wish i was dead. this is the worst hell one could imagine. no one fully believes me. please....if there is anything i can do to improve my quality of life i am begging for any pointers on how to fight this scary monster inside of me. i can b reached by phone 4149404656 or emailjulieraditz@gmail.com
Here these brothers do nothing else. Best to listen from this one from the beginning, so you know where they come fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcMN1m42ybw, but they see it different.
From around 1.30h they present their findings. They help a lot of people through their analysis. Maybe contact them, bc they also are looking for people around the world...
EDTA Chelation can be dangerous due to amalgam in the teeth. A person can get mercury toxicity which can go to vital organs when doing chelation. Andrew Cutler mercury chelation protocol says
one must remove all mercury in the teeth before attempting chelation.
wow. that leaves me out. Poor. Mouth full of mercury and no way to get it removed unless I get al teeth pulled (that would probably kill me). Not that I could afford chelation anyway.
I'm amused by people in the alt media who try to talk down to people as intelligent as this lady is. Just listening to them talk you can see that they are idiots looking for low hanging fruit that they can attack.
Dr. Ana, please provide an article on how we can detox.. where to go, who to see? Chelation? Maybe I missed it, but it would be helpful if the information was all in one place so we can get help. Thank you for all you do!
Brian, her substack today says EDTA chelation clears the toxins. I'd have linked it here but I can't find it. It was lengthy and was in articles within articles. It seems she's one of few doing it and I don't know where she's located. Best wishes.
FJGI - May 8, 2023
I first carried out a study in 2021, analyzing under the microscope water from different origins (bottled, tap, rainwater). Later I was surprised by their resemblance to structures found in vaccines by different authors, so I made a comparative analysis. At first, the water structures seemed to me to be contamination by microplastics. But now I don't know anymore.
Carol_007 - May 15, 2023
Without being able to analyse the filaments, it's impossible. Dr. Cole said, it's contaminants from production. Maybe plastics, dirt, and fibers. Someone who worked in production said there was so much crap in the vaccines from them being rushed through production. As for our blood, the environment is poisoned. Good work though, thanks.
Paul Vonharnish - Jul 14, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Carol: Yes. The environment IS contaminated. Badly contaminated. As you can see from reader comments, no one wishes to address the actual issues. Mankind has destroyed the entire ecosystem for a few pennies worth of existence.
They look at tiny fragments of destruction, yet never spend a day observing the industrial carnage they bury in vast landfills. They study microbes with electron microscopes, and murder an entire planet out of overt greed. It is disgusting...
Terry Adams - Feb 4, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
The bronze and blue banded "morgellons" fibers are now everywhere. They are killing the insects, infesting the animals which eat the insects, and moving right on up the food chain. Wanna guess who is at the top?
Kevin z. - May 19, 2023
There can be also some natural stuff in it that is not man-made... We need to have the DNA from it and before that we cannot say anything for sure. Anna goes for me to far bc she also do not know what this all is... just saying.
Truth Seeker - May 15, 2023
Thank you for your work. 👍😊
rehari - May 8, 2023
thank you
Lucy - May 8, 2023
I remember Clifford Carnicom from years ago. He was warning people about Morgellons. Now we know how this all relates to what is happening today. The only way to stop them is to get rid of the cell phone towers and the GWEN towers and the HAARP facilities. How are we going to do that? This reminds me of the movie They Live. Once he destroyed the television tower people could see the evil ones and take them out. More predictive programming. Also The Body Snatchers and Hunger Games are relevant movies. They always tell us what they are going to do. May God help us all by destroying this evil please. It’s probably already too late.
Philip Edwards - May 8, 2023
Philip Edwards
Matthew 19:26
New International Version
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
It’s not too late!
David - May 8, 2023
a plate of pure aluminum with a small hole drilled to make like a tiny bowl that is filled with a large drop or a drop of mercury, grows a long fibery looking thing like the clots being found in people. mercury and aluminum was mixed up in "vaccines" for a long tme
Okisuke - May 9, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
I've done already 4 sessions with 2g CaNa2EDTA. Eacht time I feel better mentally afterwards. But I still found one of these graphene oxide ribbons after my 2nd chelation under the dark field microscope (21 days in between chelation and live blood analysis), albeit much less. I reckon that I would have had better results for the live blood analysis immediatley after the 2nd chelation therapy. This constant exposure to these "contatminants" seems to be much worse than expected. So it's true that I need to do chelation more frequently.
Truth Seeker - May 15, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
It is my belief that EDTA is not performed here in Austrslia...unfortunately.
Okisuke - May 22, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I reckon that you live in the wrong state. I used to live in Sydney, NSW and there were bunch of chelation practitioners. Moreover, almost everything is way too expensive in Down Under compared to Europe or Japan.
Truth Seeker - May 26, 2023
Yes everything is expensive here.
If it's anywhere in existence in Australia, it'll be in Sydney...😊.
Love Sydney.
Veronica Evans - May 10, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
Can you please disclose if you’re doing the EDTA treatments yourself? In what form are they being administered: IV, oral, cream, or suppositories? Ty 🙏
Okisuke - May 10, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
IV, done by pracititioner, who is affected by vax damage himself. You can see the LBA screenshots before and after chelation in one of my posts.
Veronica Evans - May 10, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Date of post? So your doctor is a certified chelation practitioner? In which state or country?
Okisuke - May 10, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
The post which is on the top.
Kathryn_M - May 8, 2023
Celeste Solum has done some fantastic research on syn-bio and how it 'cleaves' to human cells that contaminates the body by the use of nano structures to hold the contaminated injectables, spraying etc in place. Not the kind of microscopic work like Dr. Ana, more into the military research. Rapid accelerated aging results and no medical providers can diagnose the cause.
Carmen - May 9, 2023 - Edited
El Substack de Carmen
If vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming the same thing as time goes by because all the toxics being spread around us and all the food contamination and radiation and even intimacy between vaxxed and unvaxxed people are provoking that to occur, then there is no point in avoiding "vaccines" anymore???
What if the solutions that you propose to clean the blood (of vaxxed or unvaxxed people) are not available for the vast majority???
Because, if vaxxed and unvaxxed blood are becoming more and more equal, than to reject the injections means more an ethical act than an objective defense of our health.
Please explain me. Thank you.
Beedledee Beedledum - Feb 4, 2024 - Edited
Beedledee Beedledum
I have the same questions as you, concerning the expense of treatments that will not be available to poor or maybe even middle class people, which comprise a large percentage of the world's population.
Even if my blood mixes with shedding people who've been jabbed, the point is that I will not WILLINGLY allow the perpetrators of the crime of the century to penetrate me with their violent weaponry. Same with PCR test; both are violent; a form of rape IMO. Forcing little children, holding them down. It's nightmarish. Think about that. I will not comply with violent crimes against my body and psyche. I will look for ways to try to fight for my own health within my meagre means.
Phillips - May 8, 2023
Is there anyway that I could meet with you Dr.Ana!!
I meant where is the real Doctor's at
I'm in Washington DC and I am a victim of illegally injection and been used as some kind of experiment Target.
Please I would travel to you I am.a Mother my son I'm all he has his Dad is deceased please help me.
Vinnie - May 8, 2023
If understood correctly, then these substances are within the environment and not exclusive to the bio-weapon...
The weapon is worse in promoting these and adding to the system...
They are there due to environmental issues?
Agent Midnight Rider - May 8, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Yeah , you might want to Find Dr. Deagle and get his Input on those Morgellons. According to him they are OFF WOLRD lifeforms with the intelligence of ants or bees, dropped from chemtrails since the 90s for depopulation. Probably my guess is they cause cancer. You can find his lectures on bitchute.
Sandy K - May 8, 2023
Sandy K
This is Dr Bill Deagle, to whom I think Agent Midnight Rider is referring...
Carol_007 - May 15, 2023
My sister had Morghellons at least 30 years ago and didn't get cancer. The fibers made their way out (she did assist in that), left scars, and she's been pretty healthy since. There were several cases at the time in No. Cal and I'd bet they were spraying. They did admit to spraying something experimental in Oakland and S.F. at one point. I asked Senator Feinstein to look into Morghellons and she spoke to the CDC that told her it was a mental condition. Far from it.
Rosalind McGill - May 8, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you & Clifford for this information. ( he helped me stay calm with morgellons years ago.) {God bless & protect truth tellers fighting for our humanity. In Jesus Holy name, Amen)
Eugene - Jul 27, 2023
Eugene’s Substack
Dr. Ana, you have given me alot to think about.
Who is responsible for injecting hydrogel into life forms?
julie bartes - Jun 10, 2023
i suffer and have been suffering from the effects of this for the last 3 years. i am so tired....iv aged what looks like 15 years in the last 3. i am very uncomfortable. this has caused me to lose everything including my will to live. if i didnt have kids i would not be alive because i wish i was dead. this is the worst hell one could imagine. no one fully believes me. please....if there is anything i can do to improve my quality of life i am begging for any pointers on how to fight this scary monster inside of me. i can b reached by phone 4149404656 or emailjulieraditz@gmail.com
Kevin z. - May 19, 2023
Here these brothers do nothing else. Best to listen from this one from the beginning, so you know where they come fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcMN1m42ybw, but they see it different.
From around 1.30h they present their findings. They help a lot of people through their analysis. Maybe contact them, bc they also are looking for people around the world...
mikking53 - May 15, 2023
mikking53’s Substack
EDTA Chelation can be dangerous due to amalgam in the teeth. A person can get mercury toxicity which can go to vital organs when doing chelation. Andrew Cutler mercury chelation protocol says
one must remove all mercury in the teeth before attempting chelation.
Beedledee Beedledum - Feb 4, 2024
Beedledee Beedledum
wow. that leaves me out. Poor. Mouth full of mercury and no way to get it removed unless I get al teeth pulled (that would probably kill me). Not that I could afford chelation anyway.
nobody's - May 9, 2023
I'm amused by people in the alt media who try to talk down to people as intelligent as this lady is. Just listening to them talk you can see that they are idiots looking for low hanging fruit that they can attack.
Carol_007 - May 8, 2023
Dr. Ana, please provide an article on how we can detox.. where to go, who to see? Chelation? Maybe I missed it, but it would be helpful if the information was all in one place so we can get help. Thank you for all you do!
Brian O’Neill - May 9, 2023
Brian’s Substack
Hear hear! I would also like to know what type of treatments we should consider and where we can access such treatments
Carol_007 - May 9, 2023
Brian, her substack today says EDTA chelation clears the toxins. I'd have linked it here but I can't find it. It was lengthy and was in articles within articles. It seems she's one of few doing it and I don't know where she's located. Best wishes.
Brian O’Neill - May 9, 2023
Brian’s Substack
Ok Ty carol
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