Chemical Analysis Of Multiple Morgellon's…

Oct 21, 2024

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Image: Research paper and Goldenhead Morgellon’s filament advanced nanotechnology


Donna B - Oct 21 - Edited

Donna’s Substack

With so many testing results indicating that unvaxxed have the same blood contaminations as the vaxxed, was it beneficial at all to not get the shot? I’m feeling discouraged.


Stephan - Oct 21


Yes, it is most beneficial! We were not directly injected with a Death sentence Mass MURDERING BIOWEAPON! Detox with Activated CHARCOAL and Borax. The 2 cheapest detoxes I can find. 20$ for a 1.75 lb of AC on eBay. 100% Coconut πŸ₯₯ 1 teaspoon/ plastic spoon πŸ₯„ in 2-3 oz of water, 2 days in a row every other week. Borax, I finger pinch 3 times a day twice a week 3 times a day in a couple oz of water. Plus all your Vits and sups daily.
So yeah, right now we have a chance...until REPLICON gets to USA.
REPLICON first air, human, pet, mosquito cancer causing transfer ever. Mass replicating cancerous??? something ever. Like in hours. Japan just shot πŸ’‰πŸ’‰ up 16 people with it on October 8th. Let's pray it doesn't do what they claim it does. Earth extinction!!??


Joni Tullier - Oct 28

Wow! Where is the sources to this? I would love to read into it. I’ve never heard of this. I cannot wrap my head around all what they’re doing to destroy us.


Catherine - Oct 21 - Edited

Yes it was beneficial Donna, because we brought a light to this horrific murder plot and exposed the fact, that now thanks to the work, we have the knowledge that we are all contaminated and need a solution. We already knew they are poisoning us but now the proof is here. Beware all of you Ozempic users that your stomachs are becoming paralyzed and Thyroid cancer from it is a certainty. Gila Monster Venom, GLP-1, Dr Ardis confirms will paralyze and cause you to keep rotting food in your stomach for days making you feel full but also destroying you. This substance is ONLY legal here in the USA. STOP USING IT. It takes up to 2 years for your stomach to return to a normal function if you live that long.
Because of our resistance to the jab, we opened many eyes to this evil plot. It is my hope that medicine will be scrutinized to no end, that trust in the doctors has come to an end, as they are Pfizer's bitches, pushing drugs. Trained and programmed by Pfizer/CDC/FDA. Its basically illegal to practice natural med in most states. The exposure we helped to create is priceless. They are exposed, the death penalty will be brought against many. Be encouraged that YOU helped in exposing the evil. We all helped to encourage the GOOD GUYS/ to speak up and do these experiments. We brought the GOOD GUYS out of hiding and hopefully to find a cure for what ails us all. To change this entire corrupt system, if we live long enough.
This is the Tranny who is in charge of "World Health". A NON-Medical nobody telling the world what to do.


Grasshopper Kaplan - Oct 21

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

I live in close quarters w my injexted housemate, he three shots of murderna sic. He just told me yesterday he is about to die any day. Which I beg him to stop saying....
But , honestly, he is more and more losing or lost his mind, can't work, and can barely function at all. You don't want what he got....


Catherine - Oct 21

Hawthorn Tea! Several cups a day hot or cold!


Immaculata - Oct 28


Ivermectin // hydroxychloroquine /holy water /blessed salt/Reconciliation/Anointing of the Sick. Get him to a good Catholic priest. They know about the issues. God bless you


Catherine - Oct 21 - Edited

I mentioned that I had a dream and in it GOD told me to tell everyone to drink HAWTHORN TEA. I had never heard of Hawthorn so I knew this dream had meaning. I looked into Hawthorn and discovered that Christ Crown was supposedly made from the Hawthorne Bush and that the Burning Bush in the bible was also a Hawthorn bush. After I looked up Hawthorn I discovered it cures just about everything. The #1 cure for heart issues but it also cures Cancer. God sent me this message to share so start taking Hawthorn in a tea. Buy the leaves from a reputable source as well as any part of the Hawthorne and drink a few cups of hot or cold tea a day, Its also a delicious tea. I made a batch, added honey and drink it cold.


Catherine - Oct 25 - Edited

Someone who saw my original previous post months ago, commented back that his blood pressure returned to normal levels after drinking the tea and he no longer needed his meds.


Kim - Oct 22 - Edited


I believe that even though there are secondary effects such as shedding, geoengineering, etc. we are still much better off than those who actually agreed (consented) to get the jab.
I believe that there is something to be said spiritually about not giving up or giving in to the "pressure," and the product of such acts as these is increased strength (whether you actually "feel" it or not) for the next time they try and poison us. We are going to need that strength!
So, you cannot afford to allow yourself to be discouraged. It is something that you have to consciously (purposefully) fight because naturally, people DO feel discouraged (I mean, how can we not?). But discouragement, like any other debilitating emotion only makes you less able to meet the threat.
The battle is already won as long as you don't give up or give in to the negative emotions. The Powers-That-Be want us broken down, weak, and feeling defeated.
We are not defeated!!
So, try and do everything you can to keep your spirits up. If nothing else, just remember...this too shall pass! We just have to make it through it.


Linda Tanner - Oct 23

Linda Tanner

Remember that the shots began only about 4 years ago, and it's not over yet. There is one difference --that we know of so far--between unjabbed and jabbed, and that is those who were jabbed now are broadcasting MAC addresses (without their knowledge), even after death and in the grave. Plus, a percentage of the unjabbed who underwent the deep nasal sampling for the fake PCR "test" also seem to be emitting a MAC address. These MAC addresses can be accessed if you have Bluetooth and an app for reading and recognizing Bluetooth signals, which is how the addresses are broadcast.
Beneficial to not get the shot? One benefit is that you maintained bodily sovereignty and did not allow a complete stranger to inject unknown and possibly toxic or lethal ingredients directly into your body. Remember not all bioweapons kill instantly.


jsinton - Oct 23


I think the unvaxxed too will emit a MAC address now, will they not? Depending on how contaminated they have become through other means.


Linda Tanner - Oct 24

Linda Tanner

Yes, Dr. Ana has been finding many unjabbed showing the same nano-toxins in blood, and I think also emitting a MAC accress. Seems that living in the same household, or having close contact with, a jabbed individual greatly increases the odds for shedding and whatever else happens to "transfer" stuff to others.


E.C. - Oct 22

Stand tall and proud Donna B! You stood up for freedom.
Wasnt there a recent post somewhere from Steve Kirsch (even one peer-reviewed) showing those who took 'em in the arm will shave years off their life span?


Catherine - Oct 24 - Edited

COPIED: "From the beginning of the “plandemic,” AFLDS warned of the dangers of the COVID-19 injections—especially the mRNA shots pushed on our young people. In October 2020, my team and I authored a white paper on the dangers, and called for an absolute prohibition on giving these shots to children. It is a lie when the “parasitic public health class” says “we didn’t know!”
Now, a recent study of 1.7 million children confirms what we feared: heart damage, specifically myocarditis and pericarditis, has been found ONLY in those children who received COVID-19 mRNA jabs. It is YOUR children who suffer … not theirs.
Not one single “uninjected” child in the study developed these heart issues. "


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 21

Agent’s Substack

What if I told you Morgellons are ALIEN Life Forms with the intelligence of Ants or Bees??? What if Dr. Deagle Told you???....>>>> Courtesy of your boy!!!!.........>>> Agent Midnight Rider


jsinton - Oct 23


I would say your right on target. It's like an ant colony with a gazillion ants, but much more complex. Bots are very "diverse" and perform highly complex tasks. Ants are very crude in comparison methinks.


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 24

Agent’s Substack

If you take a UV light and Go out side at night you can see BILLIONS of them falling from the SKY via Chem Trails at least you use too. 99 percent of humans are infected...... >> >see


jsinton - Oct 24


Thanks for that. I'll give it a try.


Catherine - Oct 21 - Edited


There was a time when Cancer Clusters were reported as anomalies. Today, Pfizer commercials tell us EVERYONE will get Cancer in their lifetime. WHEN did the lightbulb come on for scientist? They betrayed us, as did our government. It's a Good Ol Boys Club of Murderers and the ones who died trying to warn us, trying to save us, murdered by the good ol boys, have been forgotten.


Stephan - Oct 21 - Edited


We all have cancer in our bodies our entire life. That's what out T cells do is correct the defects which create the cancers within. It's when our cells can no longer fight off the cancer causing "Parasites" it spreads and eventually kills. Pretty sure I got that correct or close to it.
As of now we are being attacked at every angle. It gets deep as you probably know. Yes, They really are doing their damnedest to Murder us ALL.
Live with Christ Holy Spirit Within and we already beat these evil villains of satan


Catherine - Oct 21 - Edited


Cancers from overgrowth of yeast. Keep PH in check. Colon Cancer was cured with Baking Soda enemas by Italian Doc for years in Italy, and has since been removed from net. Baking soda sips throughout the day keeps PH normalized. rinse mouth w baking soda/water. tsp baking soda 16oz water douche for yeast infect for 3-5 days. Add to bath water too. great for overall absorption. 1 cup per bath. Go back to the old remedies and tell big Pharma to F Off!


Stephan - Oct 21 - Edited


Another cancer cure that has been hidden Is B17, apricot seeds. Book is called, World without Cancer/ The Story of B17 on Amazon


Catherine - Oct 23 - Edited


I chew 3 seeds every day. For active cancer its 1 seed per 10lbs of weight starting slowly w 1 seed per day. In Mexico intravenous treatment of it is available


Stephan - Oct 23


Smiling 😁 Glad to see someone else / you knows about the benefit! πŸ‘


Stephan - Oct 21


Totally! Dr. Robert Young on Rumble has many videos of the power of Baking soda and body PH balance. Baking soda is also a detoxification as it is a binder which extracts toxins and metals.


Bee Gee - Oct 22

Bee Gee

I would be very cautious listening to Robert Young about Anything but that baking soda will work a LOT better if you converted it to Sodium Citrate and then mix That into water to drink.
There are a lot of recipes to make it on the stove, they use it to make cheese sauces, but its just baking soda and pure citric acid with water. You have to weigh the ingredients with a kitchen scale though, its a strict ratio and you cant eyeball it.
That makes the salt of Vitamin C, which works much Much better for our intended purposes than baking soda, although it does many of the same things, like slight blood alkanization.
But before you buy too far into the whole alkaline diet theory, I would recommend you buy a basic pH tester and use it to track the pH of your urine. And what you will find is that what you what and drink has almost nothing to do with the Ph of your blood and urine, because your body has like 11 ways of buffering Ph.
Eat nothing but 'alkaline' vegetables. No difference. Drink nothing but alkaline beverages. No difference. No matter what you eat or drink, your urine ph is almost exactly the same, since it is so important to life.
Just one of the many Many things Robert Young is umm, misinformed about, we'll say.
Sodium Citrate also dissolves alginate hydrogels, which are part of the nanotech growing in people now, but baking soda does not. I have taken a tablespoon of Sodium Citrtate dissolved into water 4 or 5 times a day before, but I dont remember how many grams that was. It also does not bind with EDTA, so it can be taken along with EDTA and Vitamin C to increase their effectiveness.
Other things that can be taken along with EDTA and Vitamin C to increase the effectiveness include the sodium citrate, ALA, NAC, Bromelain, glutathione, malic acid and Vitamins D and E.


E.C. - Oct 22

One cup baking soda per bath. Didnt know.
Can we also add in magnesium bath salts with the soda?
How many times per week?
Thank you.


Catherine - Oct 23

I dont see why not. Our skin absorbs everything. I do the soda once every two weeks. Im sure if you wanted to do it more, just adjust the soda down.


E.C. - Oct 25

Thank you.


Catherine - Oct 25

1/4 tsp baking soda in glass of water and sip throughout the day


anna burns - Oct 21


Jesus is KING of all kings! Good testimony Stephan.


Stephan - Oct 21


AMEN X 10 sister! πŸ™πŸ’– Jesus is the πŸ—οΈ to God's Kingdom


jsinton - Oct 23


All Hail the King of Kings!


jsinton - Oct 22 - Edited


The huge cancer cluster phenomenon of the 60's and 70's is now suspected of actually being caused by the polio vaccine. Read something yesterday. Another beastvaxx story, apparently.


Catherine - Oct 23 - Edited

GATES and his not so innocent wife have been behind the entire CANCER and everything else that made them money from the drug patents they own and that wE paid the research for. Bayh/Dole act signed by Reagan made them rich and encouraged the plot to make us sicker than ever. Maybe Reagan just didn't know that it would turn us into Guineapigs, but it did just that.
Finally someone holding this PEDO accountable


Valerie Leger - Oct 31

Valerie Leger

They are not forgotten if we remember them in our conversations and tell of the enlightenment they spread and sacrifices they made to help us.
Continue to Speak their Names!


Maureen ODH - Oct 21

Dr Ana… I have followed Coleen Gaynor (South Tacoma Washington) on FB for years documenting her nano filament infections. Coleen’s personal electron microscopy photo gallery is extensive as were her examination posts prior to Covid. As a subject of invasive morgellon infection/invasion (?) it would appear she may be an invaluable contact for you with a more personal accountability of this heinous anti human operation in addition to the MIT and Hildegard Staninger publications. Excellent informative article Dr Ana. Your work is of incalculable value in our unconscionably censored world.


Gayla Hall - Oct 21

Gayla’s Substack

My Daughter took zoelite for a few months she had that PCR test once so she could have her baby in hospital. About six months after test she acted like she was losing her mind. After taking it a few months her mind was back to normal. Now she takes EDTA and vit C and Blue stuff from your hard work and knowledge. No more zoelite after I heard that information after a few months of use.


M Henry - Oct 21 - Edited

M Henry

Dr Ana.......slightly off topic but wondering.
What is your opinion of DMSO ?
Both Dr Mercola and AMD are touting the benefits , of which I read may even regenerate nerve fibers.
We were taught nothing could regenerate nerve fibers but that was decades ago.
Personally, I suffer from horrible neuropathy in my right arm and hand at night, which is the result of the latest Lupus flare which , through the Grace of God, was discovered after almost five decades by the incredible Dr Villa ordering the correct tests from Quest. This after informing many GPs, Dermies and Rheumies that I frequently come down with fevers that end with a " lupus like butterfly rash" over my cheeks.


Psyche - Oct 21 - Edited


Yes Dr Ana Please comment on DMSO … Dr Geoffrey Pain says NO and Dr Walker wrote a book on it years ago and I have been using for years … would you please chime in πŸ€—it is toxic or counter productive in any way we should know about β‰οΈπŸ™„πŸ₯΅πŸ™πŸΌthank you ‼️btw amazing post ‼️πŸ₯°


John Vargo - Oct 22

John Vargo

Dr pain thinks the nanotech is cholesterol so pay no attention to him, either paid off or ignorant,


Carol Guajardo - Oct 21 - Edited

Carol Guajardo

This doctor has several articles on it on Substack, but some are paid ones. You can read only a portion of them. The most recent was is a paid one. This is a different one from their site. A Midwestern Doctor.


anna burns - Oct 21

I'de like to know as well. I use it on my dogs arthritic ankles and it really helps.


E.C. - Oct 22

M Henry

A Midwestern Doctor will help you with DMSO. Lots of info. on it and i do believe it will help you.
Best to you.


M Henry - Oct 22

M Henry

Thanks I read his article and Dr Mercola's before his.
I just saw my own PCP who knows and like Dr Ana . She told me YES try it for your neuropathy from your Lupus !!! The cream is safer to try without being monitored by your GP. some say it burns and or itches. Depending how serious your own skin reaction should dictate it's use.


Sober Christian Gentleman - Oct 21

Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…

What was old is new again. Talking about this the first time around, people just thought we were nuts. Now it is different. More independent scientists, more microscopes, more truth seekers.


Aunt Ohm - Oct 21

Aunt Ohm

"zeolite is similar to a battery ingredients?" Please expand on that statement. All the research I've done doesn't say that....


Christine Dorothy - Oct 21 - Edited

Christine’s Substack

Why are zeolite products not recommended? ‘Masterpeace’ is such a product and it has had excellent results b


Stephan - Oct 21 - Edited


Zeolite has silica which is a non 'caking' agent for mixing. Same as Diatomaceous Earth. On one of the evil 'Patents' of the Bioweapon injections it states silica is a facilitator of nanotechnology assembly. Dr. Ana Mihalcea read this off the patent maybe a month ago.
As for Masterpiece, I hope those results are true, but I watched a video of and actual Zeolite Scientists and he said the liquid Zeolite is basically a waist being there is not nearly enough Zeolite in liquid form do it's function. I stopped the liquid Zeolite back then and got me food grade Micronized Zeolite and did that for a year. Then I found Diatomaceous Earth and it has the same properties but also kills some types of parasites and was cheaper. Then the silica issue came up and now it's game over on that. Now I do Activated CHARCOAL, not capsules but powder. 1.75lbs of coconut activated charcoal on eBay for $20. 1 plastic spoonful in two or three ounces of water 2 days in a row every other week. Watch Karl C. Videos on Substack August 16 of last yr. Live videos of blood draw and scope of before and after AC


jsinton - Oct 23


Silica is what the bots make really hard structures out of. Stuff that EDTA can't dissolve. Silica is just glass, is it not?


GodsChild17 - Oct 23


100% and I’ve spend thousands of hours researching way more deep than anyone here that believes Ana M who is controlled psyop, example she trusts and is working with MIT a KNOWN GOV CONTROLLED PLACE AGAINST US, as well as her promoting synthetic EDTA and vitamin C and Methylene Blue which if anyone did the deep research will clearly see is part of the Rockafeller petro chemicals and then Ana’s book and blue light therapy which literally is the worst thing and part of the activating and control of everyone through OPTOGENETICS! Dr Ariyana Love has some Substack articles showing all about the fact it’s rockafeller petrol chemicals and the article which is extremely long also shows at least 20 peer reviewed published studies showing the fact EDTA etc literally ACTIVATES THE NANOTECHNOLOGY And is literally part of the CRISPR CAS9 gene editing!!!! I have shared this info with all the links several times and I always get attacked hard-core and all I’m doing is trying to help people who are being misled by her and the other ones pushing this information and get a few of working for masterpiece, which is so stupid! Everyone who argues just proves how stupid they are that they can’t even go look at the evidence I provided and see it for themselves! What people don’t understand is how deep this goes with infiltrators on the side of truth who put out tons and tons of truth and IMPORTANT INFO like Anna does, but also mixes in lies and steers people in the wrong direction… so these people look like they are on our side and helping us and they seem genuinely nice, but just as the Bible tells us, Satan was once an angel, and that he comes to us as light deceiving lying tricking fooling the world!!! Hosea 4:6 my people perish for lack of knowledge! People clearly don’t do their own research and just blindly believe the people they have been fooled into trusting! So sad! this one and many more people can find for themselves like I did.. you have to put in the work or perish!!!


Bee Gee - Oct 28

Bee Gee

Both of those people are total idiots, so the fact that you are linking to their articles just shows your complete and utter lack of knowledge.


Alli - Oct 28

Alli’s Substack

I appreciate what you’re saying, but you know you’re fighting an uphill battle. Can’t blame people really, when you’re suffering you want to be able to trust and believe someone and will try anything if it will help. I agree with you, all of them in this crowd are controlled ops, it’s sickening. We’re in a very bad spot, this tech being unleashed on us is proving very hard to eliminate from our systems and whether anyone wants to hear it or not, if you live on this planet then you are becoming more saturated with poisonous nanotechnology every single day.


jsinton - Oct 23


I don't discount what you are saying. I just know if I don't get Dr. Ana's protocol every day I start getting headaches, and when I examine my blood I have relative high bot load.


Bee Gee - Oct 22

Bee Gee

I dont know of anyone who had 'excellent' results with masterfleece.
Its a very very small amount of zeolite (which is composed of silica and aluminum), and 'seawater plasma', which is like unicorn farts.... its not even a real thing.
And there are patents which say zeolite can be used for nanoparticle self-replication, which is why Dr Ana doesnt recommend it.
Look into how they Say they make 'seawater plasma'... Like half of the things Robert Young has ever said, its totally Fake.


Robert Childs - Oct 21

Robert’s Substack

Thank you all very very much. Respect


jsinton - Oct 22


Florescent fibers are like the most visible and easy things to detect for anyone at home. All you need a UV flashlight powerful enough to see the filaments. A 20 watt model for 10 or 20 bucks from Amazon or eBay works just fine.
The first thing you can see is smart dust. It’s all over the place. Look in corners where the dust bunnies and cobwebs live. Multicolored bits of dust. My estimation is this is all smart dust waiting to get ingested. You don’t see it on the ground outside, of note. If there is smart dust present (if water is wet) then of course there is bots present.
Then there is the filaments. They look like hairs or cotton candy. The filaments glow brightly and are easily seen. The appear to like to grow from plastic things like plastic bags, excess car wax on my car, the polymer tire shine on my tires. They LOVE epoxy glue. They intertwine with the fibers in your carpet and sofa. Your carpet is a bot infested nightmare… don’t even look take my word for it.
Fun with filaments: You can play “Chicken” or “Mexican Standoff” with the filaments. They react to your finger! Look out! Don’t let it stick you.
Another cool thing to do with your UV flashlight is check people for “Mask of Horus” or “Eyes of Horus” phenomenon. The heavily beastvaxxed people/victims may emit a glow around the eyes and face…. orange, pink, purple glow., Can’t miss it, especially if person/victim plays with the cell phone a lot and gets all that good radiation. Mask of Horus can be greatly reduced in said person/victim by discontinued cell phone use and other anti-EMF measures. Looks like the bright colors of "Candy Crush" game apps is addicting and keeps person/victim engaged with phone for a 5G Horus tan.
Finally, you can detect “shedding” of beastvaxxed victims by simply examine there bedsheets after they sleep in them. Glows for at least a couple days later.


Joni Tullier - Oct 28


Are they coming and getting in from chemtrails?


jsinton - Oct 28


That's what the doctors are saying.


AncientLoveLover - Oct 22

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

In Doctor Staninger’s book she recommends Willard’s structured water and dry Oxy and these are the ingredients of Willard Water:
CAW Micelle
Sodium meta silicate, sulfated castor oil, calcium chloride, magnesium sulfate.
(The micelle is an extremely small particle that is a very high energy particle with a powerful negative magnetic field. When added to ordinary water, it causes a change in the "ordinary" water molecules that can be likened to the difference between diamonds and graphite - both being made of carbon but with differing molecular structures. Both Willard Water and ordinary water consist of
H2O molecules but the structure makes all the difference.)
Dr. Willard's Water (Clear)
Active Ingredients: Water, CAW micelle, minute amounts of fossilized organics from refined lignite.
Dr. Willard's Water (XXX)
Active ingredients: Water, CAW Micelle, fossilized organics from refined lignite.
Is this something she wants to retract as a suggestion also? I know people including myself who have used it


Riki Tiki Tavi - Oct 21

eScapeGoats & Digital Realities

Does anyone else recall the brief gossip column item re Joni Mitchell dealing with Morgellons?


Paul Vonharnish - Oct 22

Paul Vonharnish

Yup. And she was not the only celebrity to report the Morgellon illness. The disease pretty much ended her career...


Thru The Veil - Oct 21

Thru’s Substack

Yes I do. She even went so far as to say she doesn't fly anymore because of all of the aluminum in the air a cruising altitude. They of course smeared her as "delusional" and shortly thereafter she stopped talking about it publicly.
I also recall her stating that she had, had a stroke as a result of Morgellons and had to drag herself across the floor as a result.


Riki Tiki Tavi - Oct 22

eScapeGoats & Digital Realities

Thanks for this info. I also recall her having suffered from a stroke. The morgellon connection with a stroke truly piques my deeper curiosity!


David Knowles - Oct 21

You doctors and all of you experts are amazing I commend you all I call my self a grunt I disperse your findings confronting the purpatraitors thanks for your detailed indisputable information I call it my ammunition we must stop this genocide wake and except what is happening


Grasshopper Kaplan - Oct 21 - Edited

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

After I came to killafornia thirty one years ago , my skin looks more and more like the photo you post, especially my lower legs, the more I drive the worse it gets, but better when I wear shorts.
I drive all around SF killafornia bay areo.
They skypainting almost every day, which cools the air by like ten or more degrees.
The skypainting makes my skin much worse, when they don't it gets better.
Swim in SF Bay at aquatic Park helps clear it up.
Also a slightly vinegar honey lime drink in hot water boiled helps.
Dr Ana says boil the water before eyou drink any, I agree, and have for years....
Hope we can get them to stop poisoning our asses one day, one glorious day before we all are doomed to despotic despair and destroyed


Aunt Ohm - Oct 21

Aunt Ohm

Silica is in a LOT of foods and products, no?



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