Apr 7, 2023

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Image: Moderna C19 shot filament growth Project CUNIT-2-112Y6580


BlazeCloude3 - Apr 7, 2023 - Edited


Doing a fantastic job with both the research and keeping us up to date. Appreciate it greatly.


Iain Harris - Apr 7, 2023

Iain’s Newsletter

I recall DrRyan Cole concluding and indeed all but dismissing these strands as contaminants from the manufacturing process.
Seems they are rather more sinister than suggested.
Nothing now surprises me with these shots but I have no doubt the shot never had anything to do with “disease protection.”
I fear it’s a human extinction level event.


Brent Rice - Jul 13, 2023

Brent Rice

Cole dismissed them without analysis.


Scot Darby - Apr 7, 2023

Bible Commentary by Scot Darby

Here we are on Good Friday, April 7, 2023. Blood is so important to our wellbeing. Without it we would all perish in a physical sense. God allowed the shedding of innocent blood to redeem mankind from their sins. Further we see that His beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased, voluntarily allowed His blood to be shed and His life given up(for a brief period in time), so that we could have life and have it more abundantly! His son’s name is Jesus. Amen.


Dan Preece - Apr 7, 2023

Most lipid nano particles are metallic. Some are super paramagnetic crystals/quantum dots. They all have plethora of magnetic anomalies. graphing oxide seems to be the most popular. there’s 300 different substrates that are approved by the FDA.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 7, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Carnicom gave me peace of mind when my morgellons was terrible and painful. Insurance dictated doctors wanted to give antipsychotic medication. “ delusional parasitosis “. The black spec material, the colored fibers, the clear plastic- sometimes with numbers on them, the fibers would react to breath and touch and cell phone. The lesions are so painful. A few years after suffering a long time, I found an integrative medicine doctor. He did a Metagenics prescription detox and the symptoms improved significantly. I didn’t discuss morgellons with him but I’m pretty sure he is aware of it. It’s not natural and for a while I was afraid I’d go to hell for being transhuman against my will. I still have psoriasis, so I can’t say I’m completely healed- & nobody knows exactly what it is anyway. I take supplements my dr recommend, lots of steady gentle detox support.
I personally believe it’s from the junk in the sky .
(Thankful for my dr help. I have biotoxin mold illness and other issues, some of the things I had been doing on my own,Willy nilly was counter productive. )


Truth Seeker - Apr 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Wishing you continued improvement from this aweful condition. All the best (from Australia). 🫂💕🙏✝️💐


Rosalind McGill - Apr 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill



bornagain - Apr 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

hi, I'm so sorry you suffered so much and I'm glad you are getting better. I'm a firm believer in Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS which is chlorine dioxide and hydrochloric acid. Get the book by Jim Humble, MMS Health Recovery Guide. Praying for you the very best, take good care. hugs, Debbie in S.C. Here is the link to the MMS:


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023

The MMS now comes premixed as CDS. You have to keep it covered tight and refrigerated. You can freeze an extra bottle.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thanks. I haven’t tried this yet.


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023



DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023

I used CDS 3 drops in 4 oz distilled water every hour for 8 hours for 9 days to getvrid of chronic cough after covid and my cough is gone. I also put it down my nostrils and in my neighborhood pot.


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023



Ernie Rockwell - Apr 8, 2023

Ernie Rockwell

Yours is the first account I have read from a Morgellons sufferer - very sorry but I’m glad your situation has improved considerably. I first heard about it in Elana Freeland’s 3rd book in her geoengineering trilogy.
If you don’t mind what is Metagenics? What other detox protocols work? Thanks.


Rosalind McGill - Apr 8, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Metagenics is a company that makes detoxification and supplements. I needed a prescription. I found borax helpful. In my bath& laundry. Some people drink a pinch but I was afraid to, I knew I was very weak from autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness.


Linda Ray - Aug 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

@Rosalind, You do not have to be afraid of Borax. I have drunk 20 Mule Team Borax (Between 1/8 and 1/4 tsp per day dissolved into a liter of R.O. water) for months at a time with no problems at all. It has less toxicity than table salt.
Lots of info onwww.EarthClinic.comabout it.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Thank you. My leaky gut and skin & brain, borax and other helpful remedies often causes a cytokine storm in my body.


Rosalind McGill - Aug 5, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& thanks for the link.


Alina - Apr 7, 2023 - Edited

“Solve et coagula” is proudly inscripted on Baphomet’s both arms! See images…
That’s what happened to humanity’s blood! Goal achieved!
I believe these words refer to DNA and blood respectively.


curt s sanders - Apr 8, 2023

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

Thank you Dr. Ana, Superb work! Looking forward to your next..


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 7, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

Stunning report, as always...thank you for staying so solidly on the battlefield!!!
We are scrambling to detox - for those who can't pull off the IV chelation - does anyone know if we try to detox with high temperature protocols, sauna, steam room, etc., if that will activate the GO? I've been doing my red light therapy lamp, I think that is likely fine? But...Maybe it isn't a good idea to heat your body up with a sauna or steam room? Anyone have any ideas? How are we to know these things? Who would know? Matt Taylor? Callender? Kingston? Dixon? Steele? Klinghardt?
Jernigan? Carnicom? Any guesses? That's all we need is to actually activate and replicate the nanos and payloads ourselves...good grief...
And there is a new treatment called EES - it's a scalar-type light therapy...
Here is the link to the hand-held device: A friend is asking if it would be safe with the nanos?
Some friends are doing EES sessions - a new technology - and places are opening up in major cities...I would love to be able to advise them. It would be a shame to do more harm.
We're in uncharted territory...heat or no heat...?
The answers are out there...challenging to find the affordable ones...someone has the ultimate antidote...so we keep digging and divining the answers?
Godspeed to all.
some amazing vids...


Alina - Apr 7, 2023

Diva Drops

Why don’t you give The Wellness Company a try? Highly recommended in the MedicalFreedom Movement.https://www.twc.health/


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 7, 2023

Diva Drops

What a great suggestion!!!! Will do...thank you so much!


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023

See my post above. I use CDS


Iva - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited


I read about hot baths with sea salt, epsom salts and borax to detox the nanotechnology


bornagain - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

It's great, if you can get the Chlorine and Aluminum out of the water, which your body absorbs, we breath, eat and drink metals all day. My current detox is EDTA infusions and I'm feeling better and better. I learned a good detox bath from Dr. Carrie Madej (https://www.carriemadej.com/_files/ugd/05d5c4_4cf28373e2644cd8a6d99c68bef20800.pdf) where you take the mixture of 1 cup bentonite clay, 1 cup of borax, 1 cup of baking soda, 2 cups Epsom Salt and fill with distilled water. You soak in as hot of water as you can stand for 20 minutes 3x a week. The Hot water may be a hard one if you use the Distilled Water, but the very best to you! Debbie in S.C.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

I really wish I could try the EDTA infusions...it isn't doable where I live and the lowest price I found insists on a heavy metal test before they will even do the IV...the test alone is $570 - I don't think so...not with 13 special needs rescue cats...
But, I'm assuming that high heat does not trigger the GO to assemble/replicate? I've been hesitating doing an infrared sauna blanket that I bought. Cheap but seems great...maybe I'll just try it and if I fry, then I fry...at least my demise will be at my own hand?


Iva - Apr 9, 2023


Why you don’t try natural remedies? I like cinnamon, star anise, fennel seeds, pine needles, curcuma, pomegranate peel, mango peel, orange and lemon peel, licorice, thyme, St John’s Wort, oregano, rosemary, sage


Truth Seeker - Apr 8, 2023

I don't think EDTA is available here in Australia either. There must be other options. Ionising foot spas, some say saunas help. Will try epsom salt baths too. The more we know, the better.
Endless thanks and praises to you Dr. Ana. You are a tireless leader in this battle towards truth.
God bless, protect and love you. xo🙏✝️🫂💕💐


Lizzy B - Apr 18, 2023

Balise’s Newsletter

I would try zeolite or activated carbon. The article seems to suggest high dose
vitamin C. Maybe a 1,000 msg 3 or 4 times a day for a few weeks? These can't hurt.


Unagnu - Jan 24, 2024


Activated charcoal/carbon is supposedly very good from Karl C.'s substack.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 19, 2023

Diva Drops

thx...good suggestions...


Iva - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited


Why you don’t try natural remedies? I like cinnamon, star anise, fennel seeds, pine needles, curcuma, pomegranate peel, mango peel, orange and lemon peel, licorice, thyme, St John’s Wort, oregano, rosemary, sage


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 9, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

THANK YOU...AND I SUBSCRIBED. I am aware of Otto - have seen many of his vids...they are great, but still not onto the nano/payload aspects...even Ardis, who I like too, and I'm aware of the Venom Theory, isn't really addressing the non-vaxxed being contaminated too. The deal is that we are being hit with so many different poisons and there are so many vectors, that it is a real mind field. Add 5G and we really have our work cut out for us dodging it all...overwhelming...


Iva - Apr 9, 2023


You are welcome. I listened to some material from Otto too, there is plenty of advice everywhere. One needs to see what exactly is necessary in the concrete case. I do sea salt baths with essential oils, teas with different dried peels, green tea and herbs, and yogurt with curcuma and spirulina. I have chlorella tablets too. If I avoid the jabbed, I am fine. Otherwise heavy bleeding with large clots.


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Apr 8, 2023

Diva Drops



Kate Kavanagh - Apr 10, 2023

Kate’s Substack

I know of 2 companies who make a nano zeolite mouth spray that detoxifies at a cellular level: TRS by Coseva and Pure Body Extra by Touchstone Essentials. Both detox graphene and other metals and contaminants. Both companies make a fulvic acid product that detoxifies glyphosate.


Adrian Doherty - Apr 8, 2023

Adrian Doherty

What we are trying is EDTA capsules and zeolite powder mixed in water not sure if it will help but have to try something!!


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 7, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

So there's the Phthalates as well as the hydrogels themselves which make the scent that Astrid described smelling some time ago in the vaxxed.
Weird. People have become chemical "products" themselves.
Surprising to hear that Clifford's been finding these filaments for thirty years. And yet, in 2002-2003 young folks in their mid twenties were telling me they'd seen these trails their entire lives. Young folk from southern Oregon, where I know for a fact magnetic vaccines were done, as I know a woman who has a 45yr. old injection site which still holds a magnet to it. And southern Ontario, and southern Ohio. I kid you not. I came to calling it "ground zero".
It would be interesting to learn where he first found these in the blood, and in the air.


Lizzy B - Apr 19, 2023

Balise’s Newsletter

The "chem trail" spraying began around the early 1990s. I have always watched the sky and began to notice the intense spraying. The sky has never been the same. That would mean it's been going on at least 30 years.


Unagnu - Jan 24, 2024


Here in south florida, it has ramped up. Climate change from spraying is definitely happening along with ionizing radiation (HARRP style) to pump up the atmo. You can even see it on the radar returns when they start the ionizing and you can DEFINTELY see the contrails EVERYWHERE EVERY DAY. And we've had cloudy skies now for nearly a month. Nothing like normal weather. And I lived here and visited through 80s to 2000s. This really IS the "biden Dark Winter" ... depend on it.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 19, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Longer. When I did activism in this regard in 2002-2003, I was told by several individuals in their mid twenties that they had seen these all their lives.
These individuals, strangely enough, all came from So. Ohio, So Oregon, and So Ontario.
So I called it "ground zero".
I know a woman who received an injection some 47 years ago in Oregon, that a magnet has stuck to since then. I witnessed this.


Tami - Apr 9, 2023


My brother in law and mother in law in Montana are also magnetic.


Blue Electric Storm - Apr 9, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

since before 2020? or since then?
Dark Journalist's recent two interviews with Dr. Farrell re: the "balloons" had a lot to say about Montana.


Odessa - Apr 9, 2023

Balise’s Newsletter

these are amazing & horrifying analysis results - you & your collaborators have been working hard investigating the mystery of what's in the vile DeathVaxxes & we're all extremely grateful & following every post & interview - I know I am.
The mind boggles at what you've discovered so far as well as the dreadful tally of ppl worldwide that have been irrevocably injured or met their deaths through the administering of said DeathVaxx.
We can see through the research of yourself & others that nefarious entities worldwide have long been engaged in some diabolic effort to pollute & defile the planet, fauna & flora & us - humans, with some hitherto unknown lab engineered filth - Hydrogel, Graphene Oxide, mRNA etc . . . . & now they are admitting to adding it to the food supply though one wonders if it has not already been present for sometime, maybe even years (at least since the C19 narrative was rolled out)
The question that is puzzles me now is that although we know they've added this junk to everything they can think of & it's obviously highly lethal, both in the short & long term - what is this stuff designed to assemble inside ppls bodies??
I've heard it's Nano Circuitry, it's part of the Transhumanisim agenda, it reacts & grows when exposed to electricity (& 5G no doubt) etc but is it just a pile of fast growing junk that clogs your circulation up to the point of death or is it designed to do something else . . . it's said it gives off signals - MAC numbers that show if your vaxxed or not that still broadcast in the corpses buried in graveyards or it receive a 'Death Pulse' emitted from 5G towers to kill us all off instantly.
It's like something out of a horror Sci-Fi film & I feel for all the poor animals they mutilated & tortured to painful death in secret Govt labs to produce this evil crap to unleash on us - I utterly detest Vivisection & this is where that evil leads us all - to even more unspeakable evil & our eventual destruction by demonic psychopaths
God Help Us


Linda Ray - Aug 5, 2023

100% AGREE, Odessa!
God Bless All Good People and Animals.


Odessa - Apr 10, 2023

Balise’s Newsletter

Dr Joseph Mercola's latest email suggests mRNA has been in the US Pork supply since 2018 from a Swine Vaxx called 'Sequivity' produced by Merck & Moderna.
Harrisvaccines created the 1st mRNA Vaxx in 2015 for Bird Flu - Merck Animal Health acquired Harrisvaccines later the same year.
CureVac developed an mRNA based Rabies vaxx in 2016
So Americans have already been eating mRNA infected Pork for 5yrs - it's not just coming from foreign Meat imports.
Dr Joseph Mercola should interview Dr Ana about her research & findings - I really think he would be interested in Light Medicine especially - I have bought the book myself but am waiting for some peaceful time to read it - very much looking forward to it.
Merck funded Moderna's mRNA Vaccine in 2015 to create Sequivity an mRNA particle vaccine for farm animals. We know antibiotics in our meat wreaked havoc on the human immune system, what implications does this have future immune system?
Twitter:https://twitter.com/LivewithAndyYouTube:    / channel   YouTube (Backup):    / @andydybala


Lizzy B - Apr 19, 2023

Balise’s Newsletter

Read that article as well. Does not bode well for us. Know your farmer. Ask what he gives his animals.


Odessa - Apr 19, 2023

I was only eating cheese, no meat since I was a child & had no choice but now I'll be making my own vegan cheese from cashews - I can't believe ppl are allowing this to be done to their food - the apathy is amazing & horrifying, no one seems to care what goes on anymore & now I hear the WEF want to ban all the worlds Rice - to lower carbon emissions & deforest the planet.
We deserve what we get it we dont fight these psychopaths to survive


Unagnu - Jan 24, 2024


I had the full sequence Rabies in 2020. I do not think that it was (human version) mRNA based but still.. I didn't want to get but had to. Rabies is nasty stuff. OTH, all jabs are going to this 'platform of gene therapy' so you have to avoid em if you can. My poor kitties got to jab em every 3. I have one kitten, ready for her 'follow up' and the Shelter is hounding me to do it. I will wait till the last date and then a bit beyond, to help her get her best shot at not being vax injured.


Odessa - Jan 25, 2024

I have never Vaxxed any of my dogs or cats ever & never will & none of them were ever sick or ill all their lives.
It's a scam & money maker for Vets who never used to bully ppl into getting their animals Vaxxed years ago - this gigantic scam about getting yourself, your children, pets etc Vaxxed with Satanic evil is a recent thing - never existed before.
These are just my opinions - I believe in God the protector who never demanded anyone get Vaxxed with crap to obey the NWO.
We must a live our lives as we see fit & so far avoiding their vile 'medicine's, cheap nasty food, eating meat products of any description has served me well.
Everything your reading or hear from this scum is lies - every single word.
The Lord God is the only one who will bring you the truth & these vile ppl who think they run the planet are servants of Satan


Lisa - Apr 8, 2023


Great findings! I was curious why the Norfolk Southern train that derailed in Palestine, Ohio was carrying so much vinyl chloride. The destination for that route was Conway, PA. Because I live 2 hours from there, I checked it out. Near Conway, PA is a Norfolk Southern railyard and just a hop, skip and a jump is a Shell plastics plant (which opened in the last 2 years much to the community's chagrin) and a BASF plant. Both plants on the rail route where tons of vinyl chloride is destined. Is poly vinyl alcohol a derivative of vinyl chloride? I ask because the weather warfare here in PA is like no where I've lived.


Nicola Redner - Apr 8, 2023

Nicola’s Newsletter

Thank you so much for this fantastic work.


Dennis K McGee - Apr 8, 2023 - Edited

Dennis K McGee

Thank you Dr Anna. (I've learned how to pronounce your last name :) )


Blaise - Apr 7, 2023

Att Viska

Thanks, Ana. One question: do you have your work reviewed and/or replicated by other scientists? As Iain Harris below notes, e.g., this could be from the mfr process, for example
Keep up the good work!


DIANE MCKENZIE - Jul 5, 2023

What can be from the manufacturing process? The things she is seeing? I would appreciate some confirmation as well that this is happening. I did have someone I met in a group her husband goes around the country to surgical centers he has a device to close arteries and she sent me pics of the clots he got from one of these surgeries. So that part is real.


John Caleo - Jun 2, 2023

John Caleo: Letter I sent to Naomi Wolf
Naomi, I'm glad to see your growth into Spirituality as in regards to Love. You seem to have broken away the bonds that have held you captive in the past. The devil comes to lie, steal, kill and destroy. Anything thing that embraces any of those things leads you back where you came from. You seem to of had a road to Damascus moment. I wouldn't of said this probably 3 years ago. Everything we were taught from the time we we're born has been a lie from the principalities and powers that rule the world and always have. Where living in the Days of Noah which I'm sure you've notice by changing the DNA and mutating it appears into demons via Transhumanism. It always goes back to the Garden of Eden. God knew you before you were born. People would rather worship the creature instead of the Creator. You might want to check out the first book of Enoch whether or not it was inspired by the Holy Spirit could be argued. There where originally 84 books in the canon until Constantine paganized Christianity. But it gives you a glimpse of the fall of satan, Noah, etc. Check Apocryphal 1970 and search for the The first book of Enoch. Take it with a grain of salt. Except for the part about satan. Keeping the law doesn't cover am evil heart. That's why there no salvation in the law. Legalizing evil won't get religious zealots to heaven. I'm kind of rambling on here. Lol Individuals who God breathe his life into have unfortunately fallen asleep. Unless they wake up from there stuper before they die will be spending life with the biggest loser of all time, forever. The one who is behind every murder, rape, child sacrifice, dubauchery, etc. The 200 watchers in the Book of Enoch, the fallen angels appear to me remind of all the governments who all seem to be walking in lock step to the same fate of the watchers as well as mankind. God Bless. Remenber God is always love no matter what the world around you seems. The Holy Spirit is peace, love and joy and a sound mind anything else is the foolishness. Love to you and your husband. From: John Caleo. If you have any questions please email me. I'll give it my best Spiritual shot and stay steadfast in the Holy Spirit.


Pamela Raditsch - May 18, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Dr. Ana, perhaps you would consider working with this group to bring the geoengineering culprits to justice?
Thanks for all you do!



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