Oct 14, 2023
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In this case study, describe a 58 year old gentleman who came to me with progressive brain fog and chronic fatigue who presented for evaluation of possible nanotechnology contamination of his blood.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Thank you, Ana, for all the valuable information.
Would you be able to check out the bone marrow, too? That might provide sorely-needed details about the spread.
If spectography of MRI slices is not feasible, would it be at least possible to set up a clinical hypothesis that could later on be verified?
Prof. Fred Nazar - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Scientific Progress
Dear Ana, some thoughts:
1. Where does that plastic come from? Is it just microplastics from pollution or maybe they are adding microplastics in food/water on purpose?
For those unaware of the extermination agenda:
2. Engineer Diego Barrientos proved that an unvaxxed person was emitting Bluetooth Low Energy AFTER being swabbed. Same with magnetized people.
This makes sense since many weird elements were found in the swabs including radioactive technetium, para-magnetic microcarbon nanotubes, etc.
Also, the spit test was not invasive, cheaper and more effective, yet not accepted by the colonized countries.
Could you please tell us if your unvaxxed patients were swabbed or had any other needle intervention (dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.)? We need to identify all sources of bio-hacking!
Please warn the world about the global government plans:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
x5716M471CH405x - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
if you watch the dimmind on youtube they talk about spraying the world with nano particles for the greater good and that theres graphine aluminum barium and that everyone inhales enough plastic per year = to a credit card. definately worth the watch the shadow zionist government N.W.O. i believe theyre using H.A.A.R.P. Chemtrails & D.E.W.S. and blaming people and lying saying its global warming. Every man woman & child if you see a globalist you know what to do....
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Hello to the person that posted this notice, and fellow readers: The correct name of the film is "The Dimming" and the presentation was published several years ago. It is well worth watching: >>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
😊 and Graphine is spelled Graphene! 😁 LOL! I hate when people do this so I became my own hater.
And to you Paul, Thanks for the link.👍
x5716M471CH405x - Oct 15, 2023
yes thanks so much degoogled my phone as much as possible type too fast no auto correct & I rarely spell check. yes the dimming is a real eye opener that everyone should watch government law enforcement firefighters forest rangers etc
Chris - Oct 15, 2023
I took some pictures of the sky a couple of days ago in the morning after I got up. They are remarkable. There is a giant halo around the sun. There are chem-trails criss-cross patterns everywhere in front of the sun. I don't see how anyone looking up could mistake that as "normal" or "com-trails." It's totally dystopian artificial sky. And the sun is way too hot; these chemicals have to be doing something to deplete the ozone layer.
x5716M471CH405x - Oct 15, 2023
definatemy watch the dimming on you tube its an eye opener it cannot be denied
x5716M471CH405x - Oct 15, 2023
damn no auto correct lol
Marty - Oct 16, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
"Definatemy" ? you definitely outdid yourself this time :)
x5716M471CH405x - Oct 18, 2023
I'll quit while I'm ahead now lol thank-you
Margie Chism - Oct 14, 2023
Margie Chism
Prof. ■ We both commented at 11 minutes; I will study your links over the next day. Thank you. M
Chris - Oct 15, 2023
I regret getting "swabbed." I only did it to appease my wife. Never again.
Reply (2) - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Has anyone seen the food processing video where they show imitation crab meat is made. It starts out with bags of solid concrete being pulverized.
Chicken nuggets are NOT chicken. Arby's roast beef is a LIQUID before being baked and turning into what is called roast beef. Ever notice all those little holes in the meat? I won't eat any of this crap anymore.
Chris - Oct 15, 2023
I used to love Arby's ... in 1981. I'm guessing it was healthier back then. Bummer.
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
I as well. I ate there until a saw the video from an Arby's cook. Been a yr now. I just can't do it again
Ernie Rockwell - Oct 15, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
No I haven’t but I’d like to as someone who has eaten California roll. Do you have a link? Thanks.
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
I'm sorry, I do not have a link. I watch to many videos everyday to remember what platform.
Ch - Oct 15, 2023
Where do we check it out? Please elaborate as I eat a lot of rice. And I enjoy Indian rice best.
Paul - Oct 14, 2023
Sandy K
"Raman Analysis shows high density polyethylene, dacron, acrylin, cottons and polyesters."
I realize these "general plastics," may be forming, within blood, via shot's adjuvants.
For what it's worth:
About 8 years ago, I had a warm sweatshirt that I wore all the time, especially while working outside, due to its insulative properties.
I then developed respiratory distress when wearing it. Nothing major, but it was progressive, with each subsequent wearing.
The dryer's lint catcher would become filled, with drying this specific garment.
It was composed of 100% synthetic(s). I don't remember exact percentages of probably 3 synthetic components.
I threw it away & symptoms abated immediately.
I read somewhere (perhaps a Consumer Reports article), about particulate matter generated from our synthetic clothing, & that shedding was rather ubiquitous, due to our plastic (whole, or in part blended-constituent) garments.
I may have heard or read, about how chest (pulmonary) radiologists were finding a "generalized increase in a diffuse = [that is, appearance was distributed throughout lung fields] ground glass appearance, in many standard chest radiographs." [And maybe chest CT, as that modality would be even more sensitive].
"Ground glass appearance" is a general [non-specific for etiology] radiographic "phraseology" to describe "a hazy appearance" of lung interstitium.
(If you have a polished piece of glass or crystal bric-a-brac, sometimes the base of it, which sits upon the table, is unpolished. That hazy, less clear appearance, is ground glass).
The lung interstitium are spaces between the air-filled spaces (alveoli), that blood & lymph vessels are situated.
Ground glass appearance often is related to low-grade inflammation, of the interstitium.
So perhaps, some of these components are coming from our clothing.
Sandy K - Oct 14, 2023
Sandy K
Yes, I believe that to be true, Paul. Not to mention the microplastics we eat inadvertently as everything but fresh produce directly from your garden or (maybe) *from the farmer's markets* are covered in plastic or sold in plastic containers....and all of our produce is covered with a 'food grade wax' of animal, vegetable or mineral origin. One of the big mysteries is trying to find out WHICH 'food grade wax' is covering WHICH fruit or vegetable...AND I learned this year that the 'water' that is sprayed on the produce in the grocery stores is not just 'water'...it also contains an undisclosed antibiotic to keep stuff from rotting. The grocery store people in the produce section that I have asked, including Whole Foods, tells me the 'water' comes from 'corporate' and all they do is hook it up to sprayers. They do not know what is actually in it. I wash everything super well in filtered water when I get home...or peel everything...Speaking of which DO NOT EAT Hell Gates' latest killer endeavor called "Apeel"....worse than whatever the 'waxes' are! And organic sure isn't what it used to be, as well. Find your local farms and support them!
Paul - Oct 14, 2023
Sandy K
Sandy K,
Thank You So Much For The Thorough Info.
Yes, I guess, one could say, [they've] thought of everything.
So I guess again, if I gets me some flu, I could go to the open salad bar & fill a plastic cup with some fire water, to the max !
Or, since the water is somewhat aerosolized, I could snort a chunk or two.
Many years ago, when endlessly trying to open something wrapped in plastic, I realized, "My God, plastics have won." And so I have fifty pairs of scissors to defeat [them] or at least open up a bag of pretzels to gnaw on, which now I have just learned, from a white coat, I'm not supposed to be eating because of the flour & salt.
So... there's that.
Anyway, thanx for Your Excellent Info & Input.
Sandy K - Oct 15, 2023
Sandy K
Oh, dear Paul! Your body needs salt! Please visit Dr Mercola's website for good health info! & yes, I have also struggled trying to even get to something that is wrapped tight or a jar of pickles...speaking of which but pickles, olives, etc in glass and read the freaking list of ingredients! Oh my...and BREAD! WTF they are putting in bread now...I make my own with organic flour, etc..."They" have not won yet, although they are trying to do so. WE WIN. GOD WINS.
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
I think they take the basic nutrients out of wheat when bread is made. It is not just a matter of poisoning, but on purpose denying necessay nutrients (vitamins) our body needs.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
Dear Sandy K,
I do eat. Well...
Yesterday, I had a marshmallow sandwich, minus the peanut butter !
Aaannnddd on purified white soft bread, since my choppers have been ground down to nubs, eating raw organic turnips. I'm just kiddin', I put licorice on my sandwich like a black & white cookie. Breakfast of champions I say ! Apologies for the silliness, as the world twizzles out of space. Anyway...
Ya know they say honey bees are disappearin', but I gots to tell ya they have a fondness for my poor pores. It's like I'm ooze somethin'.
Linda - Oct 15, 2023
It may not be bees. I thought I had bee stings or insect bites but it is something else, some kind of painful itching rash that takes a long time to go away. Sometimes Looks like bruising when it is healing.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
Hi Linda,
I am happy to hear that things cleared up.
My crack about the bees, I was just kidding.
Everyone is so helpful & concerned about other's Health, And That Is Wonderful, Considering The DoD BioWeapon Launched Upon US & The World.
I Appreciate All Who Desire A Healthier Future For ManKind !
Blessings !
matt. j.a.o.b - Oct 15, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Paul, the bees being attracted is something others have noticed and believe it comes from exuding a fermented smell to do with the CBD's and tech in us.
Paul - Oct 15, 2023
matt j.a.o.b.,
You mights
Be right !
Good One !
Thanx bro'.
Sandy K - Oct 15, 2023
Sandy K
Margie Chism - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Retreat at home since September 2020 ■ I have not come in contact with hand sanitizer, packaged sandwiches/burgers, and environmental chemical sanitation. My stance was based on how people were behaving, and I rather risk my heart and mind, than to tolerate the abuse that was becoming common in Virginia. Yet, my heart beats, and my mind knows just how terrible this is. Ugly has gotton more ugly, even if it is the same picture taken years ago. Chemtrails are my number one contamination and living within one mile of a county air runway, jet fuel is an unwelcomed aresole. Airports not having 5g within 2.5 miles makes it a conformation why God has kept me at our home we bought as young twenty year olds. Jonathon Otto has a group for October 23, 2023 for about eight days concerning health and synthetic venom, a free download book available now; go to his site if you wish.
I need to see this multifaceted problem in comparison to synthetic venoms. I understand frequencies do cause changes. I realize that when people do not know what to do with waste, they repackage it. We are told repeatedly that plastics are in high levels of the body. Since about five years, I read that plastics are being collected and the citizens are not being told the plastic is not being recycled. That cost are too high to convert it into another product. So, where is it? Did they nano the waste and dust the sky? We know how they manage the Flouride waste pile! And who were the one's in white jackets? The Dential profession. Perhaps the same now. M
Whitelist our email address, by addingjonathan@healthsecret.comto your contacts list. Click here to see instructions on how to whitelist an email address.
Lookout for our email sharing the link to our very first episode which goes LIVE on 23rd October 2023.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
I had a business partner 15 years ago that developed "skin issues" and started making the rounds with quacks, like she always did for herself, family, and pets!
She could kill a dog in just 6 years, and Death by Medicine.
Anyway, that is when I discovered Morgellons which my fiend/partner instantly rejected as a possibility and continued on with fake science exploration...
And, now...I'd really like an answer!
For the last 3 years, I've stopped swimming in pools (since I don't have my own)
I'm not getting into a relationship with someone who's been vaxxed in order to not swap fluids. Is there any point?
As always, I've been proactive about this transmission (shedding is something that old-fashioned vaccines used to do) the whole time - I'm shored up on D3, and taking regular doses of ivermectin paste sublingually, glutathione and more as well.
Chelation with my usual Essiac Tea which is documentable with blood pressure.
Have been an advocate of EDTA since the 80's, and have IV at the top of my Bucket List if the medbeds aren't out before then.
Also looked into the newer less expensive form of EDTA but it seems to involve "hydrogel" and I'm wary of that. I'd welcome any input on either subject. Thanks
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Yep, Activated Charcoal has shown to be an excellent blood detox. I stayed clear of taking ivermectin even though I do have it. I did the Fenbendazole for a time but with everything else I do it's just to expensive. Zeolite food grade micronized powder/ not the liquid. I also do Diatomaceous Earth food grade powder. Both Zeolite and Diatomaceous Earth are negative charged attracting positive charged metals. You also may want to check out Borax. I do one day a week Borax. A pinch in water 3 times a day for 1 day.
Blood flow is also very important as I do L Arginine twice every day and a full aspirin every other day. Plus all my vits and sups. I know I take a lot but I've pretty well gotten a routine down after 3 yrs. Trying to maintain good health and detoxing is together is quite the task. I was definitely hit with the shedding. I don't feel it anymore and do the Nattokinase twice daily cause the docs say Nattokinase degrades the spike. And here is the real wonder, does any of this stuff truly work?? Heck, I don't know. The one thing I did see was the doctor who showed his blood before and after the Activated Charcoal. I had him here on Substack but screwed my account up and lost all my subscriptions. I don't know how to find him again
Dee - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Be careful on supplements. A lot of supplements are made in China. The vitamins from China made supplements tend to be low dose and who knows what fillers are in it.
Bruce Hartnett - Oct 16, 2023 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
For outstanding "Made in America" Supplements, Vitamins & Minerals, go toyoungagain.com! And therein, click onyoungagain.org, where he has numerous articles on health, WEF/OWO/NWO, and Endtimes subjects. The cost of his supplements are NOT outrageous, and he tells "why" he does not sell or produce fictitious supplements & why. He is a multimillionaire, having invented Beta Prostate and sold the Patent years ago!
I & others disagree with some of his Vegan directives for diet & what not to ingest in your body, but his overall Health plan is definitely good, including Fasting for at least one 24 Hr period per week! And stay completly away from Drugs!
Dee - Oct 16, 2023 - Edited
I checked them out. Their company seems great. Would love to try their deodorant. Love how they call out what they think are scams. I think their vitamin d may still be a low useless dose though, but I am not in the medical field. Would love to see them expand to sell toothpaste.
Thanks for letting me know.
Bruce Hartnett - Oct 16, 2023
Bruce Hartnett
Due to the West Nile+ effects, my Nephrologist took me off the Vitamin D, which is one of the Supplements I didn't get from Young Again. With the All Your Vitamins & Better Prostate (one morning the other evening) I get all the Vitamin D my body needs.
I also use some of the Creams & all their products are a Two Month supply. But purchase my Flax Seed Oil, Calcium, C & Magnesium OTC at a much lower cost.
Dee - Oct 16, 2023
I read more of the company's writing. They seem to go by research results. In a normal healthy ethical world that would be great. We should be able to trust the trials that were published on different substances. However we aren't living in an ethical world. I now trust studies that was backed up in real life by certain doctors that have seen the results with their own eyes over and over again. The studies that are published gives me a heads up to it, but I need the kind of doctors that I look up to also to say what is really true or not true. I still like the company. Seems they are really trying to do good in the world.
Chris - Oct 15, 2023
How can we ever know if any of these supplements are too not contaminated?
GraceWithGlory - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Thanks, I"m very happy with my protocol - have been practicing natural health for over 4 decades. Not what I asked.....
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Smiling 😊 Wishing you a wonderful day 🌹
GraceWithGlory - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
IN THE MEANWHILE.....is there any good reason to be trying to avoid communing with the vaxxed, sharing fluids...swimming in pools
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
I believe eating clean fruit, berries and melons to detox. Fasting one day a week. Drink the cleanest water you can find.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Sorry, Dorothy - you've fallen for 'Plan B'
Brought to you by the creators of BigPharma, intended to "keep you coming back" - they promoted 'Diet & Exercise' as a "remedy" and I fell for it too....when it first came out about 50 years ago.
Since then, I've discovered what they're really up to and how "health care" is laden with Secret Ingredients which accomplish the real mission of population control. I've been teaching about all of this for years!
For the BEST water -www.crystalhealingwater.com
Eat what makes you happy, stop using drugs.
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
I agree a lot of our foods are contaminated. I have to.wonder about why so many food processing facilities were destroyed, and Gates and China buying up farm land. Exactly who is putting food on store shelves? What is in the foods? We can't ask our government represenatives to look into this as they are bought out.
Also we can't stop eating. I guess do your best to grow your own food, and be careful what you buy at the food store.
As far as water goes I have researched that years ago, and am happy with my choice. Thanks anyway.
I follow Dr. Robert Morse. I think he is amazing and I have seen him heal a lot of people. He used to be a doctor in an emergency department, but decided to become more of a holistic doctor to really heal people. Look him up Grace at https;//drmorse.tv
GraceWithGlory - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
What do you mean "you agree" when it seems you haven't heard a single thing I've said Dorothy Ann???
I've been practicing and healing for OVER 40 YEARS - and don't "follow" anyone. I'm a teacher.
You've been conned, dearest.
Into OCD, it sure sounds like to me!
Best of luck....
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
Nah, Morse has taught longer than you. But I wish you luck too.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 15, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
From the Responses I'm receiving, it seems I may not have been clear?
I'm asking those "followers" of Dr. Ana who've studied her results at length,
is there any point in trying to lessen the Transmission by avoidance?
Are we all just getting dosed with it, regardless?
I've gone along on the idea that we were getting secondary effects, from atmospheric contact and that direct contact with the vaxxed was worse.
Based on the cursory observation of Dr. Ana's work on all this, over this time -
I suspect that really....it doesn't make any difference. Anyone?
About the EDTA, what I am calling "new form" is the liposomal
As I've researched that, it seems to involve hydrogel. Can anyone confirm this?
And if so, isn't that problematic?
I'd like to know the answer because all things remaining equal, it will be awhile before I can do the IV.
Have considered EDTA suppositories, but heard that they can be harsh on a body? Has anyone any experience with that?
NoMoreAluminum - Oct 17, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Yes! Started feeling terrible when all around me family and friends got vaccinated. Strange chest pain radiating down my arms, chronic fatigue and memory issues. On my search to find how to chelate my Autistic son, I came across EDTA. Then I saw Dr. Anna recommend it too.I heard Dr. Buttar on a podcast talk about it opening calcified arteries and as a homeschooling mom, I needed my health back so I decided to try it. I am 120lbs and ordered the 900mg suppositories and taking them every night. I am on day 3 so far. I am still waiting for the vitamin C and some supplements like magnesium and potassium to arrive in the mail so 2 days with only EDTA Suppositories so far. Yesterday I felt tired but today I feel more energy and chest and arm pain gone. I had insomnia before but I actually slept through the night finally! I felt run down in the afternoon and rested a bit but I am back to feeling great this evening. I am planning to do this treatment for 90days. I am on a keto diet eating 2 meals a day only. I also ordered the Detoxacream with EDTA for my 10 year old daughter since she won’t do suppositories and planning to just put on her one pump on each arm a day since she’s been close physically to vaccinated family when they would hug and kiss her and they’re all sweaty sometimes!. It has 450mg of EDTA and very effective too as I saw in one of Dr. Anna’s interview videos. great alternative if you have concerns or as a start. I will be ordering the 500mg suppositories for my ASD son if all goes well with me after a month and no side effects. I bought mine fromchelationhealthproducts.com. Best price available online. However, I saw thatDetoxacream.com’s suppositories have glutathione in them also. On that website they recommend only a 500mg dose for someone less than 150lbs and use ONLY every other night. From all the research I did, CaNa2EDTA has even greater benefits beyond what Dr. Anna showcases. Great for heart, diabetes and many illnesses. My husband is getting onboard too to do this. His mom had a stroke at 42 year ago so this is good for heart disease prevention also. I just watched on YouTube a cardiologist from Mount Sinai hospital who did a clinical trial on EDTA and he showed how it reversed serious conditions! Also, you can adjust as needed like do every other day or cut the suppository in half if the dose you bought is causing you issues.
curious butterfly - Oct 17, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Hi, I hope you'll comment again on your experience with the cream. I mix 450mg of EDTA powder in my body lotion. I don't know if it absorbs or just stays on the skin's surface and flakes off. Maybe you have to heat it to get it to absorb, I don't know. It reminds me of zinc sunscreen.
NoMoreAluminum - Oct 17, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Oh no! From what I researched, they said to put some on the wrists or top of feet since the skin is thinner. It should absorb quickly so I hope it doesn’t just sit there. I mix my own zinc cream from powder for mosquito bites so I know exactly what you mean. I hope I didn’t waste all that money on the cream. It’s in the mail now, still waiting for it but I will update you on this as soon as we try it!!! The ingredient in the cream is the same as the suppositories, CaNA2EDTA. Not sure if you’re using pure EDTA for your mix and if that makes a difference. I’ll keep you posted.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 18, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Thanks for sharing all that information - I've been advocating EDTA chelation since 1985 when I brought my "older" husband in for it.
Believing, like you....that it was the best form of prevention against cardiac events.
Since that time, I've come to discover that the majority of "cardiac events" are just that 1st pill or 2 of a brand new prescription.
Heart attacks/strokes all drug-induced. Not at all what people think :)
Like Curious Butterfly, I'd love to hear from you after you've had some Experience with your EDTA adventure and can offer Testimony about tolerance and actual Results!
Have you a baseline hair analysis to check your progress?
A before/after would be required if I were doing that....
The very best way to get Magnesium into a body is through epsom salt baths, hottest water possible - 40+ minutes
Don't forget to add D3 to assimilate it. Neither do well in the stomach, most flow through and are wasted if ingesting. I use sublingual for D's and B's - and the Magnesium doesn't make it through either...fyi
GraceWithGlory - Oct 18, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
PS - Based on my longtime experience with EDTA chelation, I recommended it early on in 2021 for my listening audience - after I'd researched the graphene oxide and how it works for the Transmission and worse - the clot shot victims.
Although, I'd suggested it even in the earlier years of my podcast - as its just good for heavy metal removal AND the calcium plaque formed in arteries after unsuspecting people taking "calcium tablets" block their veins/arteries with it.
Anyone here remember "Coral Calcium"??? SCAM.
curious butterfly - Oct 18, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Thank you. Yes, I'm using pure Calcium Disodium EDTA powder from bulksupplements, 500mg per 1/5 tsp. Tonight I tried mixing with jojoba oil and just a little bit of lotion. I can still see the whitish cast, but maybe it absorbs better with oil.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 19, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
PPS - Anytime you want better topical absorption for anything, look to DMSO.
GraceWithGlory - Oct 18, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Still thinking that it will be utilized through skin?
Have you had your hair analysis?
Since it doesn't make it through the stomach, which is why IV is the 'gold standard' and suppositories 2nd choice - I don't expect topical application to be effective. At all.
Michelle - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Dr Ana, THANK YOU‼️ 🙏 for this. “For people with low body weight, or high sensitivity to supplements the topical cream can be an alternative.” I am unvaccinated, don’t have any symptoms, weigh between 95-97lbs, and have been using the cream, wondering if it is enough. I do take some, but NOT ALL of your other recommended supplements (plus some others) and NOT in the HIGH DOSES that you recommend. But maybe 🤔 that’s OK too! (Given my low body weight:) Would love to know‼️But I will keep it up! THANK YOU AGAIN for ALL of YOUR INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT WORK‼️
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Easy and awesome detox is activated Charcoal. I can't remember the doctors name here on Substack who showed his own severely contaminated blood before activated Charcoal and after. It was night and day. I do a Three day cycle of 3 capsules a day 3 times a day every other week
You also may want to check out Diatomaceous Earth. Food grade bag 4lbs is 14$. I have like 20 products I stagger. Nattokinase degrades the spike proteins we are all infected with thanks to shedding vaccinated. The most concerning to me of ALL is the white rubber clots. Nothing will destroy them once they are generated. Scary crap.
Michelle - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
THANK YOU for your detailed reply‼️I assume Diatomaceous Earth is a website. I’ll check it out. I have some activated charcoal. Tried it once. Stomach upset. Maybe 🤔 I should try again. I have Nattokinase took it for awhile. 1 year or more. Concerned about the GMO soy. Tried to get manufacturer to Verify that it was NON GMO. No reply. Never have been able to find it made from verified NON-GMO or organic soy. Recently started taking Serrrapeptase. Yes, I hear you about the white rubbery clots, once they are generated‼️Any further thoughts of yours would be welcome on this‼️ Thanks again‼️
Lindy T - Oct 16, 2023
I found a non-GMO nattokinase 4000 from FU from BRIEOFOOD (GMP too) on Amazon....180 caps not that expensive. I'm taking 2 a day, got an extra bottle while I was at it.
Michelle - Oct 16, 2023
Stephan - Oct 16, 2023
Hey Lindy, you may want to check out Mark C. Substack and go to August 14 and look at his before and after slides of his own blood before and after taking Activated Charcoal. Amazing. I know it's in the drink you take. His slides actually shows how well it cleaned his blood.
Stephan - Oct 16, 2023
Yep, me too. Twice a day on the Nattokinase. I'm impulsive and always purchase 2 or more of almost everything. I don't like running out of anything. 👍
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
Ok, I found the Substack. It's Mark.C / the date for report and slides are Aug 14th on his Substack. 👍
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
The activated Charcoal is also a negative charge. That's what we want. 👍
Lindy T - Oct 16, 2023
I found DIRTY CLEANSE at CVS a year or so ago and am never without it. Just volcanic charcoal, lemon juice, ginger and dandelion in a black and yellow tall 16 oz. bottle....for $16. I take 2 oz. at a time with 6 oz. of water a couple of times a day until empty. It may be too much too much to take all at once. They call it a one day cleanse...I think spread over 3 days is better.
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
You are welcome. Yes, please ask your phn or computer about benefits of Diatomaceous Earth. Not only is it a detox but it kills many parasites. Also is 1/3 the price of Zeolite. Cheapest Zeolite I found and used to purchase is Amazon best seller at 36.70$ for 2lb tub. D.E. I purchase for 11$ to 15$ for 4lbs off eBay. I found 10lb bags now for 21$. Just punch in Diatomaceous Earth for sale. The food grade is NON caking so it mixes well. I only use like 2 oz of water and a heaping table spoon. If you use either Zeolite or D.E. , do NOT use a metal spoon to mix for it will deactivate the negative charge. Plastic 🥄 👍
Tor - Oct 15, 2023
thierry’s Substack
Thanks from France....I read your work for a year and transmit it towards resistant leaders...nobody do that here and we're living the same nightmare....
they are sleeping ...or looking dna plasmids....
Liberty Liz - Oct 14, 2023 - Edited
Liberty Liz
Always a wealth of excellent information. You often mention what you use in your "protocols", but it seems to be more in passing (unless somehow I've missed a detailed, enumerated plan or protocol, that clearly spells out and suggests which supplements to take when/how, esp for those who lack access to IV EDTA chelation services. Do you have such a document that lists supplements, dosages, timing, etc of your recommendations? Or is this info available to obtain via a telehealth or other consultation with you to obtain a specified list of recommended supplements and schedule/protocol/regimen for implementing the use of said supplements. (Noticed that there have been references made to thevuse of topical EDTA and/or an enteric capsule system EDTA, but a definitive protocol was not really spelled out in either case; and the websites that carry these products don't really address other components you often recommend.) Noticed reference was made to coffee enemas, and to chlorine dioxide enemas (no ppm [or schedule] mentioned on chlorine dioxide enema use); but that was listed in the context of what patients have incorporated, and not necessarily your recommendation. With so many options and mentions of supplements and drugs (including Ivermectin), I don't recall seeing an outlined protocol of what to take when, or which options should, or can, be included in a protocol. Please advise, if possible, as to the best source for clarification, including if that would be a telehealth consult, (if that's something you provide). It would be amazing if a whole "kit" or package of ALL the most promising/helpful supplements (with an outline or suggestions for usage) was offered for purchase (like a one-stop, get-it-all package) -- hint, hint -- since we know you're not busy and have all kinds of time. 😉 ((satire)) Seriously, though, if someone has put together a "package" that incorporates the products you're finding helpful, please advise. (You could call it the MicHEALTHcea Protocol. 😁)
Stella - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Yeah but, just like some of our foods, are some/many supplements also now contaminated, too?
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Yep, seen a guy crush his sups and put in water. Took a magnet and pulled graphene to it thru the glass. I actually did the same to mine but found nothing yet I'm sure many are.
Stella - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I checked some of my supplements, found some strange things in a few of them. I used my five filtered reverse osmosis water warmed, just a very small amount of the water in a small dish, put a ‘capsule’ in, and stirred, did not like what I saw in a few of them. I only used my phone camera blown up as I don’t have a microscope. (I also checked the water without anything in it and my water looked fine).
Wrote about it here before. In a Dr. Mercola NAC capsule in the water there were little thin small black ‘strings’ which started joining together. In a Magnesium tablet I saw some bright orange colored circles joined together. Worst that scared me was in a Nattokinaise capsule—I saw little bright lights, in one section was three little bright lights, nearby a very tiny black ‘critter’ looking thing. I looked the next day and the ‘critter’ had those three little lights on its edges and it was swimming a little. I looked the third day and the ‘critter’ was somewhat bigger but without the three lights on it’s edges, was swimming around as if looking for something. I have now switched to taking supplements in gummy form and hoping they’re okay. I do take one in capsule form, Humic and Fulvic acid from Mother Earth Labs, it looked okay the one time I checked one of the capsules.
Sorry if this was a repeat to some as I wrote about it here before. I just want someone, maybe Dr. Ana, to start checking these supplements being recommended. Dr. Ana tells us about unvaxxed patients blood full of same stuff as vaxxed, they get their blood ‘cleaned’ with chelation…then tells us even though they’re taking all these supplements later their blood is just as bad again—so what if it’s being put back into them via those recommended supplements?
curious butterfly - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
You saw the orange circles and bright lights with just a cell phone camera? How many megapixels is the camera?
Stella - Oct 17, 2023 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I don’t know the megapixels, just sharing what I saw. Maybe try it with your own phone camera and see if you can see anything. And the bright lights weren’t moving when I was looking, maybe they were something else not nanobots we see with Dr. Ana’s and others microscopy, I just didn’t like the looks of them. But the strings joining together were there, and the weird little critter thing was there. I don’t trust capsules anymore, or powders. I don’t trust water anymore, I am also now boiling first my really good filtered water as well. I never order water, coffee or tea in restaurants, bring my own.
Hoping and have to believe that something will be found for healing humanity. I’m older so concerned more for my grandchildren. Perhaps some kind of med beds, or Light healing. My religion (alternative) includes Spiritual Exercises (Meditation/Contemplation), and suggests envisioning Orange Light as the healing Light for the physical body, and Blue Light as the healing Light for the Emotional/Mental bodies. Though many avenues of help are needed now.
curious butterfly - Oct 18, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I want these nano critters to go away! It's a Halloween horror show that doesn't end. Something is really wrong with eggs and I've tried several brands. There's specks of blood inside and little hard grains of something growing around it, maybe hydrogel. Not all the eggs have it. If I get one with that stuff I throw it out. Some just have too many specs of blood, some have really cloudy yolks and no blood, but whatever those hard grainy things are, I don't think they should be there. I'd be afraid to examine one of these strange eggs in a microscope.
Kallie Miller - Oct 15, 2023
I second the motion for a clear protocol. Much gratitude for all you do Dr. Anna.
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
When we start getting into dosage amount and exact protocol then one opens up themselves to a lawsuit unfortunately. There is a history of people who didn't have a medical license being sued for giving med advice out. Then of course the good doctors that we want to follow had their license taken away for giving out a protocol.
I would follow FlCCC or research doctors you like with word " protocol" as some good doctors did go out on a limb and get more specific regarding what exactly to do.
curious butterfly - Oct 17, 2023
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
MicHEALTHcea Protocol, Lol funny! And great idea too.
Grant Wickham - Oct 14, 2023
Grant Wickham
Great work Dr Anna, you’re a gem.
Lisa Nash - Oct 15, 2023
Lisa Nash
It looks like the same thing you’re showing in the blood now but this was 15 years ago!
Stephan - Oct 15, 2023
Margie Chism - Oct 15, 2023
Margie Chism
The Vicious Cycle of Plastics In Our Oceans and Our Health ■https://zonia.com/the-vicious-cycle-of-plastics-in-our-oceans-and-our-health
Danuta Hulajko - Oct 16, 2023
I have doing LBM since 2004. Those long structures on the first two images are protoplast. I have been observing it in 2004 (when I started doing LBM). I was taught LBM ( Hemaview) by Metagenics and protoplast apparently mean undigested proteins and toxicity . I treat both: covid vaccinated and unvaccinated patients and do LBM for all of them and I did not find a correlation between vaccination and presence of the protoplast . However sometimes I see something in the blood (of both vaccinated and unvaccinated people) that nobody who does LBM can explain them.
Lisa - Oct 15, 2023
Bless you Dr. Ana for your work. This is so crazy. And a crime against humanity.
Michael B - Oct 15, 2023 - Edited
What I find Interesting
I applaud your work and the detail you put into it.
I would like to respectfully add a fact that has been overlooked.
We are now aware of the masses of microplastics we have added to our environment, but no-one has mentioned the microfibre contamination of our environment from man made FABRICS.
By now the planet is pretty well saturated with all the synthetic fibres produced for FABRICS and other uses.
Nearly all the polymer types you have found I recognise mostly as being used in the past 90 years for industrial and domestic use.
How many billions of tons of this stuff have we dumped into our environment?
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 15, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Logical thought. Though from what I understand, fibers from Morgellons/CDB victims were tested by running them through the FBI fiber analysis database they maintain for forensics which has millions of fabrics and the fibers don't match any known fabric fibers of any kind.
Michael B - Oct 16, 2023
What I find Interesting
So you are relying on FBI data for your conclusion??
This same FBI thats has ............ start list here............
I am only coming from 40 years experience in fabrics and Quality Engineering, so what would I know?
Thank you for your dismissive and data free reply, it has really added some credence to my thoughts.
Pirate Studebaker - Oct 18, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I'm sure your deductions are far superior to the massive unbiased compilation of data of anyone else. I'm really, really sure. So very sure. Sure. Yeah...
Dee - Oct 15, 2023
I got kids that are into 3D printers that are out on the market for a fairly low price. I do think these printers are cool to have around, but while we are talking about inhaling plasics, it seems that could be the reason these things are made for the public to have. No kid is going to think about the smell and what they are inhaling. Not even sure if most parents are educated about it.
Daniel Peck - Oct 15, 2023
PuzzlPEACE Substack
Amazing work Dr Ana! Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you!!!!
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