Case Study: C19 Unvaccinated Individual Shedding Nanotechnology And Synthetic Biology - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis And Stool Sample. Nanotechnology Shedding Was Documented In Scientific Paper 2010

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this case study, describe a 58 year old gentleman who came to me with progressive brain fog and chronic fatigue who presented for evaluation of possible nanotechnology contamination of his blood. He had been on an extensive supplement regimen with little improvement. His blood looked contaminated with many hydrogel filaments, hydrogel construction sites, rouleaux formation and oxidative stress.

The patient also had been doing coffee enemas - which were symptomatically helpful to him - and was seeing filaments being excreted. This is a photograph of one the filaments:

This is the Darkfield microscopic evaluation:

Improvement of live blood after three days of treatment. First two days the patient manifested a lot of detoxification symptoms, but third day symptoms improved. Treatment included EDTA IV Chelation on first and third day, Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Anti Aging Peptides, high dose Vitamin C infusion on second day, Plaquex ( patented form of Phosphatylcholine) and more. Below is the follow up live blood analysis:

Here is a video microscopy after 3 days:


I have not been analyzing stool samples previously although many patients have seen hydrogel like strings in their stool. I have seen many images of these rubbery clots that look just like the deceased clots that Richard Hirschman has shown us. If enemas are done for example with Chlorine Dioxide or Coffee, some people have enormous excretion of rubbery like material. I hear this from many of my patients. Morgellon’s sufferers also have shown the massive amounts of hydrogel that they eliminate in that way if they do enemas or colon cleanses.

Some of the ingestion of the nanotechnology is through the gastrointestinal tract - through contaminated food - and detoxification clearly is effective in eliminating some of the hydrogel structures and some people do have symptomatic improvement doing so.

In the paper called Smart Dust: Defending the Land, Air, and Sea and its Global Environmental Impact through Depopulation Wars” by Hildegard Staninger, PhD, a toxicologic investigation was done by filaments that were shedding from an individual as black specks with a clear plastic margin around the specimen. The individual had been exposed to multiple vaccines. The colors are white, blue and red. Raman Analysis shows high density polyethylene, dacron, acrylin, cottons and polyesters. We certainly see correlations here, since the C19 nanotechnology platform ( lipid nanoparticles) is polyethylene glycol. We found Near Infrared Spectroscopy signatures of Polyenes, which is the chemical class polyethylene glycol belongs to, in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood and the rubbery clots from deceased vaxxed individuals, as well as clots from vaccine injured and unvaccinated individuals. Polyethylene, from which hydrogels can be made as well as the subsequent electronic devices, shows up everywhere as a common substance. This shedding of nanotechnology from a vaccinated individual was published in 2010 - the paper is available in the book Global Brain Chip and Mesogens, Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories by Hildegard Staninger, PhD.

You can find more information about the book here:

GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

When the blood is cultured, the same network of filaments grow.

Extensive (CDB) Hydrogel Filament Growth In C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Cultures After One Week of Incubation - A Comparison by Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom

We also know that the filaments contain many metals as was shown by Clifford Carnicom’s environmental filament analysis:

I recommend the Med five system in addition to other supplements I have mentioned many times to remove the metals that contribute to building the technology and help clear the blood:

Medfive EDTA system

For people with low body weight, or high sensitivity to supplements the topical cream can be an alternative.

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Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 14, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you, Ana, for all the valuable information.
Would you be able to check out the bone marrow, too? That might provide sorely-needed details about the spread.
If spectography of MRI slices is not feasible, would it be at least possible to set up a clinical hypothesis that could later on be verified?

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Prof. Fred Nazar - Oct 14, 2023

Scientific Progress

Dear Ana, some thoughts:
1. Where does that plastic come from? Is it just microplastics from pollution or maybe they are adding microplastics in food/water on purpose?
For those unaware of the extermination agenda:
2. Engineer Diego Barrientos proved that an unvaxxed person was emitting Bluetooth Low Energy AFTER being swabbed. Same with magnetized people.
This makes sense since many weird elements were found in the swabs including radioactive technetium, para-magnetic microcarbon nanotubes, etc.
Also, the spit test was not invasive, cheaper and more effective, yet not accepted by the colonized countries.
Could you please tell us if your unvaxxed patients were swabbed or had any other needle intervention (dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.)? We need to identify all sources of bio-hacking!
Please warn the world about the global government plans:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

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