Hi again, Bee Gee....because I mentioned Healing of the A.G.E.S in my other 'reply', here's a recent link to their monthly masterclass :https://rumble.com/v6c8gyp-a.g.e.s.-master-class-january-2025.html. I haven't watched it yet. My Rumble is not Youtube's speed of light {chuckle} pleasant viewing experience.... hee hee
Quote: Join Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Ed Group, Dr. Henry Ealy, & Dr. Jana Schmidt on Wednesday January 22, 2025 as they share their latest bioweapon research and, more importantly, natural solutions. End quote
Bee, you may want to take a look at citrus modified pectin.
For those who fear EDTA, for various reasons or if their kidneys are too tired for it, this could be an option.
This is a high potassium, high sodium thing though and some people may be sensitive to it, in various ways.
This modified citrus pectin is a great chelator for heavy metals and flushes away tumors too. It comes with a great perk, it doesn’t destabilize the electrolytes.
Dr Isaac Eliaz designed and used this, in the last 20 years, to treat mostly prostate and renal cancers, in the beginnings. The anecdotal data is impressive. Look at Pectasol, citrus modified pectin.
The perfect alternative to EDTA I’ve found is in Dr Ana’s last book, the recommendation for a specific high dose of vitamin C, by IV, repeated periodically. Vol 2, Transhuman.
I have apple pectin, and I had thought about getting some orange so maybe I will, thanks. Malic acid is made from apple peels and can replace EDTA too, but I think it should also be taken with Vitamins C and E. Although there are other natural chelators (vitamin E) and phytochelators, like ALA or NAC or bromelain or curcumin.
Haha, tbh I think people should take All the things I take, I think I have done much more research than most people for longer and more importantly, I would bet money I have actually TAKEN more of the things I recommend take than anyone else so I have actual Experience but meh, to each their own. I keep trying : )
But thats why we take all the things we take during my EDTA fasts, multiple chelators and antioxidants that dont bind with EDTA. Im sure there are probably others I have not found yet, but Im working on combining them in capsules and Im running out of room, even using 000's.
I have a bunch of capsules of mixed Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumins in one pill I made up though. Im still amazed no one combines those in a commercially available pill yet.
Im hoping I can get all or most of my protocol liposomalized into hempseed oil, which would add natural ALA. Then I can use that oil to mix with pectin to make a multi antioxidant-and-chelator gummy that will get better absorbed in the gut.
Thanks though, maybe I will try a mix of pectins.
When you are young and perfectly healthy, everything is easy on the body but there are challenges and sensitivities on people and not too many will follow EDTA chelation forever because of them.
Your pineapple-EDTA fast is great. I did it easily and it cleaned some sludge from my gladbladder ๐ Each one confronted with winters should think to do this fast, at least once.
From all EDTA choices, the plain powdered, ‘classic’ EDTA fits me the best too, even if I am on microsomal thing for not disturbing electrolytes echilibrum.
God bless you, Bee and your Family!
Hi Bee Gee, Last week or so, BrightU. Com replayed the 2024 Healing of the A.G.E.S and cancer with Dr. Group, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr. H Ealy and Dr. Jana Schmidt with special guests such as Dr. Lee Merritt. The live presentations showed for example parasites eating cells. Or how certain cells of the immune system 'eat' bad 'stuff' <---- obviously I'm not a health care practitioner. Anyhow, Dr H (as he likes to be referred) first said this at the beginning of One of his presentations "This is for Educational Purposes Only" on a round of chelation is 14 days ---> Day 1 - EDTA, Day 2 to 5 - DMSA dosage is half your bodyweight, it can sweep what it got out of the cells, Day 6 to 14, need to remineralization . He offers courses Detox 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, and soon 1.04. His school is Energetic Healing. Just to let you know.
Nicotine does not stop you from getting the shedding or dissolve the nanotech but it does make you feel better... because its Nicotine.
Dr Ana and many others have shown this numerous times but for some reason people never get it.
Probably because Brian Ardis keeps saying it, even though he knows better.
Nicotine Does Not Dissolve Nanotechnology.
It does disassociate it on the slide (like Many other liquids do) but it just reassembles.
If you want to deactivate and dissolve it, take EDTA and ascorbic acid, as she has shown many many many times.
Dr. Ardis showed a video of the nanotech dissolving. So who's videos are right? How do we really know if Dr. Ana's videos are accurate or if Dr. Ardis's videos are accurate? We only know what the videos show because of what they tell us that they show. Don't tell me nicotine does not dissolve nanotech if you are not going to provide some proof.
Think what you want, I already Know.
I had read those same studies Before Brian Ardis did, I have my own Breed of Tobacco, and I could talk about it for hours, but I dont especially like Brian Ardis and his half-truth bullshit.
Are you still watching the water? How'd that work out for him? Or his venom half-truths? And none of those 'videos' are His Work, he just relays what other people said so he can weasel out of it if needed. "I didnt say that, They said that!" How noble.
Meh, whatever, like him if you want, I personally cant sit through one interview with him anymore, like with Stew Peters the other day. We had to turn it off, even my wife cant stand listening to his BS and shes pretty good at ignoring things ; )
And Dr Ana has provided all the proof you should need.
She shows it multiple times, vaccine drop, slide, nicotine... Nope, Doesnt get deactivated.
Disassociates and comes back, just like with many many other liquids.
It does make your brain feel better though... because its Nicotine.
You again. I will think what I want. That's the way it should be. And I don't care who you like and who you don't. There isn't a doctor on the internet that doesn't have people that disagrees with them.
Congratulations for being the "All Knowing One."
Why do I have to repeat myself? As I said in my previous comment, how do I know that I can trust Dr. Ana's videos any more than Dr. Ardis's? She can tell us anything that she wants as to what we are looking at and the average person wouldn't know the difference.
I've also heard people question her credibility as well. And it's from people that have been a patient. Why did smokers have more protection against Convid 19 than non-smokers? Nicotine must have been doing something. It's ok, you don't have to answer that.
No one person has all the answers. The bottom line is, you believe who you want to believe and myself and others will believe who we want to believe. I'm done wasting my time on this conversation. The next time I'm looking for an "expert" maybe I will call you.
Gordie, it's been shown that nicotine disassembles them and they then reassemble themselves. So, Ardis the chiropractor is incorrect.
Like I said, try to find his "Ardis Labs" on google earth (source of his products) or just ask him. It's a PO box in Plano, Tx. Maybe it's located in China...
Exactly. Everyone is learning as they go, including the doctors. And no one person has all the answers. We've all been taught to believe that nicotine is bad for us, however it's the added chemicals in tobacco products that are bad, and addictive.
Smokers were less affected by Convid 19. Why was that? Was it the nicotine? I'm not sure that a person has anything to lose by wearing a nicotine patch, so why not? Getting nicotine by smoking is a different story because of the added chemicals.
Although in trace amounts, some vegetables also contain nicotine.
This is important for people to know about. However, I think we have to temper this doom and gloom scenario with a little reality check: Technocrats are prone to a healthy dose of fantasy with these plans, not least of which is the reality check that biological entities simply cannot integrate with machine-made technologies. Our immune systems are designed to reject any and all foreign entities. Even organ transplant patients must take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives. Elon Musk is hiding the fact that in the early trials for the Neuralink brain chip, all of the lab monkeys had to be put down due to horrific suffering. Yes, they want to do all these things. But can they actually do it? I very much doubt it.
You are correct about the technocrats fantasizing about what all they will do to all of us. Also it is true that our bodies mount an immune response to antigenic material with which it comes in contact. HOWEVER, nanotech has changed some of what we know about the human immune response. When, for example, nanolipids are injected into the body, they can and do move anywhere and possibly everywhere. There is nothing stopping them because they are "invisible" to the cell receptors, cell surface membrane, and they can migrate through the cell membrane as if it were not even there. In the case of proteins, antigens, antibodies, etc, size matters because nanolipids are small enough to not be recognized or seen by the imune system. Having said all that, I do agree that they will not manage to kill or maim ALL of us, especially as we awaken, thanks to Dr. Ana and her colleagues who so tirelessly spread the results of their research.
Yes, the "LNP delivery system" was at the heart gf the KOVID KAPER - it allowed for crossing of the blood/brain barrier - and thus the 'injection' of mind control tech which was more consequential for the goal of the jabbalists than the various physical effects which are concentrated upon here and elsewhere ... a kind of 'limit hangout' which keeps people busy fussing over everything except the most important 'alteration' - to their brains.
But the tech has moved on so fast that it's almost embarrassing to read the kind of 'legacy' perspectives as presented here. The 'madmen in lab coats' are working feverishly ALL over the globe. As it turns out, the Koreans have moved into the lead - Scientists develop world’s first magnetic nanoparticle technology to remotely control behavior \https://www.naturalnews.com/2025-01-24-scientists-magnetic-nanoparticle-technology-remotely-control-behavior.html-for now.
A 'non-invasive' magnetic-based tech to alter perception & behavior... meanwhile the western media fake out drones on about stuff that is already superseded... the west is only developing 'social control' tools to enforce what the eastern branch of the madmen are forging ahead with. FULLL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE of both interior and external 'domains'... it's HERE, not coming down the road!
Very true that they use the lipid nanoparticle to bypass our immune defenses, as we now know about the Covid "vaccines." However, the result speaks for itself: millions of people disabled or killed by the Covid injections, in part due to the contamination of the shots with DNA fragments. So once again it's a failure. (Unless the goal was indeed population reduction.) "Fact checkers" claim that foreign DNA won't harm you in minute amounts but this contradicts oncology research which suggests a link to cancer. The "turbo cancer" phenomenon post-Covid would tend to support this link.
Outraged Human presents many different scenarios that thankfully, brings up the "downsides" of these technologies which I rarely see presented.
Cancer "vaccines" and AI?
I think you're absolutely right Sean, but allow me to go a step further.
I've given this some thought recently.
Either the banks want to kill everybody, OR They don't !!!!!
Two totally different naratives.
One Great Reset narative is the Population Bomb Antidote;
the reported planned culling of 9/10 of the world population, allowing for a more managable 500,000 to remain.
The other narrative is all 7 billion get to live/ stay, but are Cyborged,Gender neutered/castrated and part of a new built back better Cyborg World Economy, where mankind is slowly phased out anyway.
Here's what I think is really going on.
The Central Bank Organized Pirate Crime Elites are laughing hysterically at The Ray Kurzweils, and Yuval Harrari's and basically funding their hopeless, doomed technology,using all the hype as cover for what they know is gonna come of it ; Mass Murder, which is what they really want.
The Tech Doesnt Work. Of course it doesnt. Every body involved know this already.
Its not suppose to work. Its just a investor finance scam.
They will NEVER be able to reproduce Gods Handiwork; a human kidney. They barely understand how it does what it does NOW, after 500 years of well funded research. But there will never be a shortage of desperate, wishful thinking, deluded millionares with illusions of immortality. 3d printer MY ASS !!!!!
Based on what I read in Carroll Quigley's massive and essential history, Tragedy & Hope, about the banking cartels, you may be right! Let the Tech Bros sink deeper into the quagmire of their techno fantasies while making billions off it. And because they're sociopaths, the carnage it causes is not their concern.
Yea Sean. The Banks borrowed TRILLIONS from senior pension funds both private and PUBLIC !!!!
Now, They Can't PAY IT BACK !!!!!
So they have to kill the lenders in order to erase the ledger debt.
With Social Security Trust Funds, They have to grab the money first while the recipients and their accounts are still alive, then kill them.
Maybe that is what the State Public Health Quarantine Camps are all about.
Nicholas, thanks for putting this unformed feeling of mine into words. Based on the book of Revelation, the results of their sorceries [ pharmakia ] will be a horror show on a cosmic level. " And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." [ zombies? ] They will 'succeed' somewhat, but will turn loose such monstrosities like we have never imagined.
You're welcome. Before He passed. my Dad made some notations in his Bible.
In Revelation, he wrote next to the passages describing
global apocalyptic "climate change" via FIRE, the following statement:
The Good News; the silver lining to all this, is that all of this has been foretold by Our Creator. Its all in HIS TIMELINE, NOT THEIRS. HIS-TORY from beginning to End.
He sets the terms , from Here to Eternity. The question before us, therefore, is how to be in the world, but not of it. I like the work of Dr.Ana and others who seek to discover truth and solutions for others. Thats me in the world.
The problem I have with Dr. A is that she is teaching the end times lie of human ascension. This is the the false light bringer and the miracles will be used to deceive the elect [ if possible ]. No mention of sin. No mention of Jesus Christ come in the flesh. No mention of the need to enter into His death No mention of the need to saved by His blood shed for us. This is the last days lie that began in the Garden.
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Much of what she teaches is true, which makes it all the more evil.
"Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."
That was a problem for me too, BUT, I figured that if she knew the whole truth it might cripple her efforts. God has a way of getting thing done and as you know, His ways are not our ways.There are many who need to focus without distraction, so, thats my take.
The whole truth will never cripple our efforts. That is in complete contradiction to the Scriptures.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
His ways are not our ways ONLY in an unredeemed, ignorant or apostate condition.
But ye have not so learned Christ;
If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
When Christ was on the cross, fools and mockers said the same thing:
He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him
now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
I think Patrick Wood of Technocracy News tends to agree with you, Sean. He also seems to see through all of the "hype" of these technocrats and questions the "REALNESS" of it.
(note: article is only readable for 3 days)
"The Stargate Is Open: Enter The Sand Gods"
And here is more "realness" from Outraged Human who has the good sense to point out the "disadvantages" of this technology.
"Cancer "vaccines" and AI?"
Gee, I wonder why they created 'vaccines' that shed to people who did not take them?
It was probably just an accident.
Might as well just wait and see what happens.
If more people in Canada stopped getting mad over Trump, and angry about their health freedoms being taken away - they'd be a different country. Hope the beaver bites back the fourth industrial revolution!
The rats in power and the ‘opposition’ side of same uniparty look all terrified and chaotic right now…
People in Canada are fed up and finally! furious enough at all variants of ‘leadership’, so maybe we’ll not have the kind of revolution they’ve planed, after all…
And yes, 51st should be the option, if we’ll be vertebrate enough to get the first and the second Amendment, instead of bowing to pedos! This is no brainer, looking at the disaster of those 338 clowns from Westminster style circus, in Ottawa!
You might like this :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMUsEb8fCICanada is illusion. I received an email from waterworks. com based in Vancouver. They sell reverse osmosis water supplies. Anyhow, Waterworks's email about their hour changes beginning in February. But they also included in their email the must watch! ๐
Rumble doesn't really work for me takes a long time to start and lots of pauses while playing (I don't have 5g internet). However, I read the description notes of your link. 'Canada is an illusion' doesn't have a constitution- all the signed documents that were introduced throughout the decades / centuries are void. Canada has never been its own country/democracy/republic.
These idiots would do well to first explain the reason for the "outbreak" of neurodegenerative diseases several years ago in the province of New Brunswick.
You would think that when the clergy comprehends this -- regardless of denominations --- awareness in congregations would force them to publicly take a stand.
Strange isn't it. Various Country's/ U.S. Congress approved $$$$$ to develop/ implement it for years.... I think these women are onto something ๐คจ
This is an Evil Plot; all involved need be hung until dead and their families need to be hung till everyone is dead. No more future generations for those involved.
Judging by the music there won't be any dancing in the digital utopianna what kind a piannna is that ?
I wish I can afford to be human again soon please dear God my ears hurt from all this harm.
When will the skypainting stop?
Glory to God Almighty praise be
May I add the 22 turning point: Klaus Schwab will go to hell. Deegl List will not be fulfilled. he should build his smart city in hell, together with other mass murderers
So yeah - like when was the public actually honestly informed and subsequently allowed to democratically vote on being significantly altered? Spoiler alert - this was NEVER brought up for a vote by anyone anywhere. Will it be portrayed somewhere down the line as something that occurred when individuals accepted the free marketing donuts or french fries and ignorantly signed on to "voluntary extermination" by "willingly" taking the EUA experimental gene therapy? The mRNA shots supposedly administered for a contrived "deadly" virus that was fraudulently represented through tremendous propaganda campaigns as something that was going to wipe out the species unless everyone got "vaccinated?" Is the fraud that was used to hijack public health also going to be used to hijack what it means to be human? To add insult to injury will it involve using our very own tax dollars to fund such a revolution and take over? This cannot stand. Fraud vitiates everything.
There will be a violent revolution once the people realize they've not only been lied to about the shots, but also irreparably violated with self assembling nano technology. Schwab, Gates, Fauci et al will find no place to hide.
This cross post shows a 6 minute film of the WEF poisoning the planet, something they do daily (see Ana recommendedhttps://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/). You know it is the WEF cult because their meeting at the time of this film was not being poisoned! You will **immediately** see what is going on our skies every day. It's overwhelming in its scope:
Real Fishing Life collects satellite imaging nearly every day. It shows the intense chemtrailing (using aircraft and large tanker ship). Next Gen radars and HAARPs are used in concert to create, amp up, steer weather systems and also dim clouds. These bastards are killing our oceans and fisheries. Trees and plants are beginning to show the accumulating damage from the attacks. In AK enough spruce trees are dying it is being noticed. The electromagnetic pulses from the radar arrays are driving birds away.
Real Fishing Life has watched and tracked the weather all of his working life. The weather is THE factor in fishing and is in all things for life on Earth. Real Fishing Life has over his career also spoken and presented to Congress on behalf of commercial fishermen organizations. What he is seeing is breaking his heart and yours will too, when you see the radars.
Brett Hawes - Jan 25 - Edited
Onward Podcast with Brett Hawes
Glad to see you covering this Ana. Some of us Canadians have been trying to bring awareness to this for a few years now. Truly mind boggling stuff
Reply (1) - Jan 25 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 25
crapshoot farmer
Buy food from Auguson Farms, Emergency Essentials, Healthy Traditions, Ready Wise, etc.
Don't reward this serial spammer.
hope4gaia - Jan 25 - Edited
This is appalling, Ana!
You forgot to put in the link where I can opt out.
Bee Gee - Jan 25 - Edited
Bee Gee
EDTA and ascorbic acid is how you opt out.
Or other antioxidants and chelators taken in conjunction, but I have yet to find any others that work better.
Monique - Jan 25
Seeking Truth
Hi again, Bee Gee....because I mentioned Healing of the A.G.E.S in my other 'reply', here's a recent link to their monthly masterclass :https://rumble.com/v6c8gyp-a.g.e.s.-master-class-january-2025.html. I haven't watched it yet. My Rumble is not Youtube's speed of light {chuckle} pleasant viewing experience.... hee hee
Monique - Jan 25
Seeking Truth
Quote: Join Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Ed Group, Dr. Henry Ealy, & Dr. Jana Schmidt on Wednesday January 22, 2025 as they share their latest bioweapon research and, more importantly, natural solutions. End quote
Seeking Truth - Jan 28
Seeking Truth
what was shared?
Monica Onit - Jan 25
Monica Onit
Bee, you may want to take a look at citrus modified pectin.
For those who fear EDTA, for various reasons or if their kidneys are too tired for it, this could be an option.
This is a high potassium, high sodium thing though and some people may be sensitive to it, in various ways.
This modified citrus pectin is a great chelator for heavy metals and flushes away tumors too. It comes with a great perk, it doesn’t destabilize the electrolytes.
Dr Isaac Eliaz designed and used this, in the last 20 years, to treat mostly prostate and renal cancers, in the beginnings. The anecdotal data is impressive. Look at Pectasol, citrus modified pectin.
The perfect alternative to EDTA I’ve found is in Dr Ana’s last book, the recommendation for a specific high dose of vitamin C, by IV, repeated periodically. Vol 2, Transhuman.
Bee Gee - Jan 26
Bee Gee
I have apple pectin, and I had thought about getting some orange so maybe I will, thanks. Malic acid is made from apple peels and can replace EDTA too, but I think it should also be taken with Vitamins C and E. Although there are other natural chelators (vitamin E) and phytochelators, like ALA or NAC or bromelain or curcumin.
Haha, tbh I think people should take All the things I take, I think I have done much more research than most people for longer and more importantly, I would bet money I have actually TAKEN more of the things I recommend take than anyone else so I have actual Experience but meh, to each their own. I keep trying : )
But thats why we take all the things we take during my EDTA fasts, multiple chelators and antioxidants that dont bind with EDTA. Im sure there are probably others I have not found yet, but Im working on combining them in capsules and Im running out of room, even using 000's.
I have a bunch of capsules of mixed Nattokinase, Bromelain and Curcumins in one pill I made up though. Im still amazed no one combines those in a commercially available pill yet.
Im hoping I can get all or most of my protocol liposomalized into hempseed oil, which would add natural ALA. Then I can use that oil to mix with pectin to make a multi antioxidant-and-chelator gummy that will get better absorbed in the gut.
Thanks though, maybe I will try a mix of pectins.
Monica Onit - Jan 26
Monica Onit
When you are young and perfectly healthy, everything is easy on the body but there are challenges and sensitivities on people and not too many will follow EDTA chelation forever because of them.
Your pineapple-EDTA fast is great. I did it easily and it cleaned some sludge from my gladbladder ๐ Each one confronted with winters should think to do this fast, at least once.
From all EDTA choices, the plain powdered, ‘classic’ EDTA fits me the best too, even if I am on microsomal thing for not disturbing electrolytes echilibrum.
God bless you, Bee and your Family!
Monique - Jan 25
Thanks for sharing!
Monique - Jan 25
Hi Bee Gee, Last week or so, BrightU. Com replayed the 2024 Healing of the A.G.E.S and cancer with Dr. Group, Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr. H Ealy and Dr. Jana Schmidt with special guests such as Dr. Lee Merritt. The live presentations showed for example parasites eating cells. Or how certain cells of the immune system 'eat' bad 'stuff' <---- obviously I'm not a health care practitioner. Anyhow, Dr H (as he likes to be referred) first said this at the beginning of One of his presentations "This is for Educational Purposes Only" on a round of chelation is 14 days ---> Day 1 - EDTA, Day 2 to 5 - DMSA dosage is half your bodyweight, it can sweep what it got out of the cells, Day 6 to 14, need to remineralization . He offers courses Detox 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, and soon 1.04. His school is Energetic Healing. Just to let you know.
240Gordie - Jan 25 - Edited
Bee Gee
Nicotine by a patch also destroys the nano tech according to Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Bee Gee - Jan 26
Bee Gee
Nicotine does not stop you from getting the shedding or dissolve the nanotech but it does make you feel better... because its Nicotine.
Dr Ana and many others have shown this numerous times but for some reason people never get it.
Probably because Brian Ardis keeps saying it, even though he knows better.
Nicotine Does Not Dissolve Nanotechnology.
It does disassociate it on the slide (like Many other liquids do) but it just reassembles.
If you want to deactivate and dissolve it, take EDTA and ascorbic acid, as she has shown many many many times.
240Gordie - Jan 26
Bee Gee
Dr. Ardis showed a video of the nanotech dissolving. So who's videos are right? How do we really know if Dr. Ana's videos are accurate or if Dr. Ardis's videos are accurate? We only know what the videos show because of what they tell us that they show. Don't tell me nicotine does not dissolve nanotech if you are not going to provide some proof.
Bee Gee - Jan 27
Bee Gee
Think what you want, I already Know.
I had read those same studies Before Brian Ardis did, I have my own Breed of Tobacco, and I could talk about it for hours, but I dont especially like Brian Ardis and his half-truth bullshit.
Are you still watching the water? How'd that work out for him? Or his venom half-truths? And none of those 'videos' are His Work, he just relays what other people said so he can weasel out of it if needed. "I didnt say that, They said that!" How noble.
Meh, whatever, like him if you want, I personally cant sit through one interview with him anymore, like with Stew Peters the other day. We had to turn it off, even my wife cant stand listening to his BS and shes pretty good at ignoring things ; )
And Dr Ana has provided all the proof you should need.
She shows it multiple times, vaccine drop, slide, nicotine... Nope, Doesnt get deactivated.
Disassociates and comes back, just like with many many other liquids.
It does make your brain feel better though... because its Nicotine.
240Gordie - Jan 27
You again. I will think what I want. That's the way it should be. And I don't care who you like and who you don't. There isn't a doctor on the internet that doesn't have people that disagrees with them.
Congratulations for being the "All Knowing One."
Why do I have to repeat myself? As I said in my previous comment, how do I know that I can trust Dr. Ana's videos any more than Dr. Ardis's? She can tell us anything that she wants as to what we are looking at and the average person wouldn't know the difference.
I've also heard people question her credibility as well. And it's from people that have been a patient. Why did smokers have more protection against Convid 19 than non-smokers? Nicotine must have been doing something. It's ok, you don't have to answer that.
No one person has all the answers. The bottom line is, you believe who you want to believe and myself and others will believe who we want to believe. I'm done wasting my time on this conversation. The next time I'm looking for an "expert" maybe I will call you.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 25
crapshoot farmer
Gordie, it's been shown that nicotine disassembles them and they then reassemble themselves. So, Ardis the chiropractor is incorrect.
Like I said, try to find his "Ardis Labs" on google earth (source of his products) or just ask him. It's a PO box in Plano, Tx. Maybe it's located in China...
240Gordie - Jan 25
crapshoot farmer
What if a person keeps the patch on all the time. Do they still reassemble? I don't see how they could.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 26
crapshoot farmer
Possibly. We're in uncharted territory. I'll stay with my one cigar a day.
240Gordie - Jan 26
Exactly. Everyone is learning as they go, including the doctors. And no one person has all the answers. We've all been taught to believe that nicotine is bad for us, however it's the added chemicals in tobacco products that are bad, and addictive.
Smokers were less affected by Convid 19. Why was that? Was it the nicotine? I'm not sure that a person has anything to lose by wearing a nicotine patch, so why not? Getting nicotine by smoking is a different story because of the added chemicals.
Although in trace amounts, some vegetables also contain nicotine.
Sean Arthur Joyce - Jan 25 - Edited
Sean’s Newsletter of Arts and N…
This is important for people to know about. However, I think we have to temper this doom and gloom scenario with a little reality check: Technocrats are prone to a healthy dose of fantasy with these plans, not least of which is the reality check that biological entities simply cannot integrate with machine-made technologies. Our immune systems are designed to reject any and all foreign entities. Even organ transplant patients must take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives. Elon Musk is hiding the fact that in the early trials for the Neuralink brain chip, all of the lab monkeys had to be put down due to horrific suffering. Yes, they want to do all these things. But can they actually do it? I very much doubt it.
Linda Tanner - Jan 25 - Edited
Linda Tanner
You are correct about the technocrats fantasizing about what all they will do to all of us. Also it is true that our bodies mount an immune response to antigenic material with which it comes in contact. HOWEVER, nanotech has changed some of what we know about the human immune response. When, for example, nanolipids are injected into the body, they can and do move anywhere and possibly everywhere. There is nothing stopping them because they are "invisible" to the cell receptors, cell surface membrane, and they can migrate through the cell membrane as if it were not even there. In the case of proteins, antigens, antibodies, etc, size matters because nanolipids are small enough to not be recognized or seen by the imune system. Having said all that, I do agree that they will not manage to kill or maim ALL of us, especially as we awaken, thanks to Dr. Ana and her colleagues who so tirelessly spread the results of their research.
the LastManStanding - Jan 25 - Edited
Rusyn’s Substack
Yes, the "LNP delivery system" was at the heart gf the KOVID KAPER - it allowed for crossing of the blood/brain barrier - and thus the 'injection' of mind control tech which was more consequential for the goal of the jabbalists than the various physical effects which are concentrated upon here and elsewhere ... a kind of 'limit hangout' which keeps people busy fussing over everything except the most important 'alteration' - to their brains.
But the tech has moved on so fast that it's almost embarrassing to read the kind of 'legacy' perspectives as presented here. The 'madmen in lab coats' are working feverishly ALL over the globe. As it turns out, the Koreans have moved into the lead - Scientists develop world’s first magnetic nanoparticle technology to remotely control behavior \https://www.naturalnews.com/2025-01-24-scientists-magnetic-nanoparticle-technology-remotely-control-behavior.html-for now.
A 'non-invasive' magnetic-based tech to alter perception & behavior... meanwhile the western media fake out drones on about stuff that is already superseded... the west is only developing 'social control' tools to enforce what the eastern branch of the madmen are forging ahead with. FULLL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE of both interior and external 'domains'... it's HERE, not coming down the road!
Sean Arthur Joyce - Jan 25
Sean’s Newsletter of Arts and N…
Very true that they use the lipid nanoparticle to bypass our immune defenses, as we now know about the Covid "vaccines." However, the result speaks for itself: millions of people disabled or killed by the Covid injections, in part due to the contamination of the shots with DNA fragments. So once again it's a failure. (Unless the goal was indeed population reduction.) "Fact checkers" claim that foreign DNA won't harm you in minute amounts but this contradicts oncology research which suggests a link to cancer. The "turbo cancer" phenomenon post-Covid would tend to support this link.
Kim - Jan 25
Outraged Human presents many different scenarios that thankfully, brings up the "downsides" of these technologies which I rarely see presented.
Cancer "vaccines" and AI?
Nick Arons - Jan 25 - Edited
Sean’s Newsletter of Arts and N…
I think you're absolutely right Sean, but allow me to go a step further.
I've given this some thought recently.
Either the banks want to kill everybody, OR They don't !!!!!
Two totally different naratives.
One Great Reset narative is the Population Bomb Antidote;
the reported planned culling of 9/10 of the world population, allowing for a more managable 500,000 to remain.
The other narrative is all 7 billion get to live/ stay, but are Cyborged,Gender neutered/castrated and part of a new built back better Cyborg World Economy, where mankind is slowly phased out anyway.
Here's what I think is really going on.
The Central Bank Organized Pirate Crime Elites are laughing hysterically at The Ray Kurzweils, and Yuval Harrari's and basically funding their hopeless, doomed technology,using all the hype as cover for what they know is gonna come of it ; Mass Murder, which is what they really want.
The Tech Doesnt Work. Of course it doesnt. Every body involved know this already.
Its not suppose to work. Its just a investor finance scam.
They will NEVER be able to reproduce Gods Handiwork; a human kidney. They barely understand how it does what it does NOW, after 500 years of well funded research. But there will never be a shortage of desperate, wishful thinking, deluded millionares with illusions of immortality. 3d printer MY ASS !!!!!
Sean Arthur Joyce - Jan 25
Sean’s Newsletter of Arts and N…
Based on what I read in Carroll Quigley's massive and essential history, Tragedy & Hope, about the banking cartels, you may be right! Let the Tech Bros sink deeper into the quagmire of their techno fantasies while making billions off it. And because they're sociopaths, the carnage it causes is not their concern.
Nick Arons - Jan 25
Yea Sean. The Banks borrowed TRILLIONS from senior pension funds both private and PUBLIC !!!!
Now, They Can't PAY IT BACK !!!!!
So they have to kill the lenders in order to erase the ledger debt.
With Social Security Trust Funds, They have to grab the money first while the recipients and their accounts are still alive, then kill them.
Maybe that is what the State Public Health Quarantine Camps are all about.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 25 - Edited
Nicholas, thanks for putting this unformed feeling of mine into words. Based on the book of Revelation, the results of their sorceries [ pharmakia ] will be a horror show on a cosmic level. " And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." [ zombies? ] They will 'succeed' somewhat, but will turn loose such monstrosities like we have never imagined.
Nick Arons - Jan 26 - Edited
You're welcome. Before He passed. my Dad made some notations in his Bible.
In Revelation, he wrote next to the passages describing
global apocalyptic "climate change" via FIRE, the following statement:
The Good News; the silver lining to all this, is that all of this has been foretold by Our Creator. Its all in HIS TIMELINE, NOT THEIRS. HIS-TORY from beginning to End.
He sets the terms , from Here to Eternity. The question before us, therefore, is how to be in the world, but not of it. I like the work of Dr.Ana and others who seek to discover truth and solutions for others. Thats me in the world.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 26 - Edited
The problem I have with Dr. A is that she is teaching the end times lie of human ascension. This is the the false light bringer and the miracles will be used to deceive the elect [ if possible ]. No mention of sin. No mention of Jesus Christ come in the flesh. No mention of the need to enter into His death No mention of the need to saved by His blood shed for us. This is the last days lie that began in the Garden.
"And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
Much of what she teaches is true, which makes it all the more evil.
"Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."
Nick Arons - Jan 26
That was a problem for me too, BUT, I figured that if she knew the whole truth it might cripple her efforts. God has a way of getting thing done and as you know, His ways are not our ways.There are many who need to focus without distraction, so, thats my take.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 26
The whole truth will never cripple our efforts. That is in complete contradiction to the Scriptures.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
His ways are not our ways ONLY in an unredeemed, ignorant or apostate condition.
But ye have not so learned Christ;
If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
When Christ was on the cross, fools and mockers said the same thing:
He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him
now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
Kim - Jan 25 - Edited
I think Patrick Wood of Technocracy News tends to agree with you, Sean. He also seems to see through all of the "hype" of these technocrats and questions the "REALNESS" of it.
(note: article is only readable for 3 days)
"The Stargate Is Open: Enter The Sand Gods"
And here is more "realness" from Outraged Human who has the good sense to point out the "disadvantages" of this technology.
"Cancer "vaccines" and AI?"
Bee Gee - Jan 25 - Edited
Bee Gee
Gee, I wonder why they created 'vaccines' that shed to people who did not take them?
It was probably just an accident.
Might as well just wait and see what happens.
Roman S Shapoval - Jan 25
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
If more people in Canada stopped getting mad over Trump, and angry about their health freedoms being taken away - they'd be a different country. Hope the beaver bites back the fourth industrial revolution!
Monica Onit - Jan 25
Monica Onit
The rats in power and the ‘opposition’ side of same uniparty look all terrified and chaotic right now…
People in Canada are fed up and finally! furious enough at all variants of ‘leadership’, so maybe we’ll not have the kind of revolution they’ve planed, after all…
And yes, 51st should be the option, if we’ll be vertebrate enough to get the first and the second Amendment, instead of bowing to pedos! This is no brainer, looking at the disaster of those 338 clowns from Westminster style circus, in Ottawa!
Monique - Jan 25
Sharing and Caring
You might like this :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMUsEb8fCICanada is illusion. I received an email from waterworks. com based in Vancouver. They sell reverse osmosis water supplies. Anyhow, Waterworks's email about their hour changes beginning in February. But they also included in their email the must watch! ๐
Sharing and Caring - Jan 25
Sharing and Caring
America is also an illusion:
Monique - Jan 25
Sharing and Caring
Rumble doesn't really work for me takes a long time to start and lots of pauses while playing (I don't have 5g internet). However, I read the description notes of your link. 'Canada is an illusion' doesn't have a constitution- all the signed documents that were introduced throughout the decades / centuries are void. Canada has never been its own country/democracy/republic.
Sharing and Caring - Jan 25
Sharing and Caring
Sorry to hear that rumble doesn't work for you. I don't have 5g and I use the Brave browser, maybe, brave would help.
RandD - Jan 24
V Z - Jan 24
These idiots would do well to first explain the reason for the "outbreak" of neurodegenerative diseases several years ago in the province of New Brunswick.
RiverCave - Jan 25
You would think that when the clergy comprehends this -- regardless of denominations --- awareness in congregations would force them to publicly take a stand.
Strange isn't it. Various Country's/ U.S. Congress approved $$$$$ to develop/ implement it for years.... I think these women are onto something ๐คจ
TrumpFan - Jan 25
What a sick bunch of evil doers. These lunatics must be stopped.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Jan 25
P.’s Substack
This is an Evil Plot; all involved need be hung until dead and their families need to be hung till everyone is dead. No more future generations for those involved.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 25
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Judging by the music there won't be any dancing in the digital utopianna what kind a piannna is that ?
I wish I can afford to be human again soon please dear God my ears hurt from all this harm.
When will the skypainting stop?
Glory to God Almighty praise be
David Merrill - Jan 30
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Here is a very funny meme, for the weaponized AI, anyway...https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LBEjBRHBEUI2pF4PfIBjdKsroY976kf/view?usp=sharing
michael68 - Jan 29
michael68’s Substack
May I add the 22 turning point: Klaus Schwab will go to hell. Deegl List will not be fulfilled. he should build his smart city in hell, together with other mass murderers
E.T. Anderson - Jan 27
So yeah - like when was the public actually honestly informed and subsequently allowed to democratically vote on being significantly altered? Spoiler alert - this was NEVER brought up for a vote by anyone anywhere. Will it be portrayed somewhere down the line as something that occurred when individuals accepted the free marketing donuts or french fries and ignorantly signed on to "voluntary extermination" by "willingly" taking the EUA experimental gene therapy? The mRNA shots supposedly administered for a contrived "deadly" virus that was fraudulently represented through tremendous propaganda campaigns as something that was going to wipe out the species unless everyone got "vaccinated?" Is the fraud that was used to hijack public health also going to be used to hijack what it means to be human? To add insult to injury will it involve using our very own tax dollars to fund such a revolution and take over? This cannot stand. Fraud vitiates everything.
Ron - Jan 26
There will be a violent revolution once the people realize they've not only been lied to about the shots, but also irreparably violated with self assembling nano technology. Schwab, Gates, Fauci et al will find no place to hide.
Rick Zammuto - Jan 25
Rick Zammuto
This cross post shows a 6 minute film of the WEF poisoning the planet, something they do daily (see Ana recommendedhttps://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/). You know it is the WEF cult because their meeting at the time of this film was not being poisoned! You will **immediately** see what is going on our skies every day. It's overwhelming in its scope:
Real Fishing Life collects satellite imaging nearly every day. It shows the intense chemtrailing (using aircraft and large tanker ship). Next Gen radars and HAARPs are used in concert to create, amp up, steer weather systems and also dim clouds. These bastards are killing our oceans and fisheries. Trees and plants are beginning to show the accumulating damage from the attacks. In AK enough spruce trees are dying it is being noticed. The electromagnetic pulses from the radar arrays are driving birds away.
Real Fishing Life has watched and tracked the weather all of his working life. The weather is THE factor in fishing and is in all things for life on Earth. Real Fishing Life has over his career also spoken and presented to Congress on behalf of commercial fishermen organizations. What he is seeing is breaking his heart and yours will too, when you see the radars.
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