Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 24, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Canada's biodigital convergence
Dr. Geanina Hagima brought my attention to this document which outlines the technocratic transhumanist future of Canada - that is being implemented globally. According to Klaus Schwabs book “The 4th Industrial Revolution”, the year 2025 is the tipping point. He predicted that these game changing technologies would break into the public domain and change society and humanity forever. 21 tipping points are discussed, here are some examples. What sensors are they talking about when they discuss 1 Trillion sensors connected to the internet? What proportion of them are the nano and microsensors floating in human blood? In 2025 this will be achieved:
The first implantable mobile phone available commercially
10% of people wearing clothes will be connected to the internet
90% of people with regular access to the internet.
90% of people are using smartphones ( a super computer in your pocket)
1 trillion sensors connected to the internet
50% of internet traffice delivered to homes for appliances and devices ( not for entertainment or devices)
The first city with more that 50000 inhabitants and no traffic lights.
The first robotic pharmacist in the USA
The first government to replace its census with big-data sources
10% of global gross domestic product stored on blockchain technology.
The first transplant of a 3 D printed liver.
Designer Beings: The fist human whose genome was directly and deliberately edited is born
In 2015 Klaus Schwab announced that this 4th Industrial Revolution would change what it is to be human:
Lets continue with the Canadian biodigital convergence plans that actualize Schwab’s plans in Canada - as well as the world:
We have reached the tipping point in 2025 not just for the 4th Industrial Revolution but for the new species - Homo borgensis - the Transhuman. 2/3 of the world population received the AI controlled self assembly nanotechnology via the COVID19 bioweapon, the rest through shedding and geoengineering operations. The blood of all of humanity is contaminated. Read carefully the satanic technocratic literature. This is happening under peoples nose, in their bodies right now, while the mainstream scientists and media are denying self assembly nanotechnology as a threat.
Read in these books about the evidence of biodigital convergence in the blood, detoxification strategies of how to remain human - and share it far and wide with your politician and elected officials.
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Brett Hawes - Jan 25
Onward Podcast with Brett Hawes
Glad to see you covering this Ana. Some of us Canadians have been trying to bring awareness to this for a few years now. Truly mind boggling stuff
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hope4gaia - Jan 25
This is appalling, Ana!
You forgot to put in the link where I can opt out.
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