C19 Uninjected Individuals Expelling…

May 31, 2024

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After I had posted the articles about fluorescent filaments coming out of the C19 injected and the orange tatoo on the skin, some of my C19 uninjected patients who had been exposed to shedding as well as environmental sources like breathing the air contaminated by geoengineering - were investigating their skin.


EK MtnTime - May 31

EK MtnTime

Is there any hope left for us? Death jab or no death jab, it appears the geo-engineering is the thing we cannot escape. They spray that graphene oxide poison nearly daily where I live. It’s criss-cross low, altitude strings and then it spreads until the sun disappears.
In my state we are conservative everywhere except for a couple big cities which are totally libtard whack-jobs and they make the state blue. I think they are hitting hard the states and counties where conservatives live. But the wind carries it elsewhere…so no one is actually spared.


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - May 31

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Yes Don't loose Hope
YHWH made a safety mechanism You can read about it here in an article from Michael Levin..
"What determines large-scale anatomy? DNA does not directly specify geometrical arrangements of tissues and organs, and a process of encoding and decoding for morphogenesis is required. Moreover, many species can regenerate and remodel their structure despite drastic injury. The ability to obtain the correct target morphology from a diversity of initial conditions reveals that the morphogenetic code implements a rich system of pattern-homeostatic processes. Here, we describe an important mechanism by which cellular networks implement pattern regulation and plasticity: bioelectricity. All cells, not only nerves and muscles, produce and sense electrical signals; in vivo, these processes form bioelectric circuits that harness individual cell behaviors toward specific anatomical endpoints. We review emerging progress in reading and re-writing anatomical information encoded in bioelectrical states, and discuss the approaches to this problem from the perspectives of information theory, dynamical systems, and computational neuroscience. Cracking the bioelectric code will enable much-improved control over biological patterning, advancing basic evolutionary developmental biology as well as enabling numerous applications in regenerative medicine and synthetic bioengineering."
Source :
Research the biofield... it is an electromagnetic field modulated through You''re thoughts
Sabrina Wallace teaches classes on Psienergy channel on Odysee How to ...
But You can officialy read about the biofield on internet ...
For example here...
Or Here
And it is being affected by Youre belief and faith :) not religion...
1 Corinthians 3:16 We are the temple of the holy spirit...
Make You're temple with great WALL do not enter doubt and as above so below will happend...
As in macro so in micro :)


Sarah - Jun 1


Bless your heart! Thank you for your words!! ♡♡♡♡


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Jun 1

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

May YHWH protect You.
As in Macro so in Micro dear Sarah.


Carol M - Jun 13

You are an answer to prayer today, thank you so much for posting this. I marvel at the miracle of YHVH helping me find your comment today of all days, here of all places. I needed to hear this today!!! Our country has only 5 million people and is not weathly. I have been praying, what on earth do I tell my low income and disabled families who are searching for something affordable to remedy all the cellular poisons they never asked for!? Thank you dear brother.


tessa coltman-connorton. - Jun 4

Bless you for this information. ( from U.K.)


Flea Mason - Jun 4

Flea’s Substack

You sure it isn't yhwh doing this to us


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Jun 4

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Yes i am sure.
Isaiah 47:12-15
In Septuagint translation You have it prophecied that
Babylon will use
Enchantment - ἐπαοιδαῖς-Epaidais
Poisoning - φαρμακεία - Pharmakeia
Divination/future telling/ - αστρολόγοι/Astrologia-future telling from the stars..
τοῦ οὐρανοῦ οἱ ὁρῶντες τοὺς ἀστέρας ἀναγγειλάτωσάν
This is all in fact their all sins they did against humanity...
All of the above was condemned in the scriptures, and it will not save Babylon...
Just read their cooperation with the CERN in Switzerland when it comes to Digital Twin and (future telling) by predictive "medicine"
And This CERN
This is exactly what has been forbidden in the scriptures...
mentioned in deuteronomy ch 18.
Of course not the english translation but the root words standing for such things like enchantment, sorcery or divination...
They first enchanted people into believing that there is a great plague...
Then they poisoned them
And thow they will use divination through particle accelerators as I mentioned the 2 articles above... everything exactly as Isaiah predicted and everything exactly as YHWH forbidded in deuteronomy 18 chapter.


Reply (1) - Jun 1

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Comment removed.


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Jun 1

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

I know Marry and this is how it got in the bodies of unvaccinated people in the first place...
I can only Trust YHWH and pray, can not do anything more...
Sometimes I don't eat at all, cause I feel I can't eat a specific food...
But I believe that my cells know what they are doing.
If I die I die if not I will not God will Decide..
What else can I say. everything is polluted beyond belief.


dyr - May 31

matt’s microscopy

As for graphene-based compounds or just graphene, might this have been added to automotive fuels? I have noticed an inexplicable improvement in gas mileage the past few years on our quite old pickup. This would be an effective way, would it not, to disperse below the weather, as it were, perhaps building blocks for what is intended to intrude into bodies. Now if true, that would give a different twist to the fact that much covi-dissidence was put out by folks referable to at times as 'gasoline libertarians' .....Left, right, in-between, matters little when the main game is hegemony preservation, as hegemon tries to segue from gasoline & related dollar basis, to a pharma-CBDC basis. (This I think has been prepared right from the early 70s, politically "conservatives" and "liberals" useful to hegemon by turns.)


matt. j.a.o.b - May 31

matt’s microscopy

Its easy to find the patents for graphene in auto engine oils.


dyr - May 31

But re dispersal in air...might in actual fuel it not serve kind of as lead did once? I dunno. But of late our 20-plus yr old vehicle gets avg close .5km more per litre, unless other formulated elements account for that.


Chris Gfeller - Jun 1

He brags years ago in this video that they can aerosol spray nano materials...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N02SK9yd60s


Sarah - Jun 1


Maybe catch Sabrina Wallace on Odysee....she is a bit rough around the edges but she know the digi side of this sick satanic playbook, running circles around me. Tune your biofield to limit the nano dust hacks!
Much love to you all!!


Mrnobody - Jun 1


Paulette has cleaned up her unjabbed blood


Mark Luersen - Jun 1

Sun Drink Shadows

Rife and spooky devices has popped up in my radar several times for me (last 20 years?). It always looked voodoo to me, but then again, with everything going on past few years, I am starting to believe in this voodoo magic. I read several of Paulette's posts and will now finally get the remote device she recommended.


rachel - May 31


Okay, so detox the best you can. I use earthworks Diatomaceous Earth, Powdered Zeolite from overseas in a whire container, organic Natto, D3/k2, NAC, mesosilver liquid, and you can also try chlorine dioxide. Organic wheatgrass juice. Far-infrared heat is great, I use and sell the Amethyst Biomats. Water fasting at a clinic is a good idea. Exercise, yoga, and meditation also helps. We are being assaulted with tons of nasty stuff, but detox to help your body and mind. At least you are listening to the truth, many have strange symptoms and are completely unaware of what has been going on. Sky spray mixes with those humans who were jabbed in many ways.
Dr. Mihalcea, please look into what nasties are within our tap water...thank you.
Have a great day.


Natalia Killjoy - Jun 2

What brand of Zeolite do you use?
A random question… I see you use silver from the company “meso” (forgot the full name), there’s another company that’s similar that’s name “medi” (I use their “medigold”). Have you tried any of their liquids? The first bottle of gold I bought from them was incredible and the next 2 I don’t think I had any effect. Also, medi is made nearby some NASA facility and was founded be a former NASA employee, it has a strange history which is posted on their website. I think their products are legit and nothing to fret about but was wondering what you think if you’ve ever dig into that brand? Thanks


tessa coltman-connorton. - Jun 4

Yes, here in the U.K we have the sky covered almost every day... you can't escape the shite.. I knew this was a scam and would never have those poisonous jabs but had to have 2 PCR tests to go for an operation in hospital... I am worried sick with all this evil. ( I have developed the most dreadful sinus problem since) I don't ant to die just yet and NOT at their filthy hands,


Marcie - May 31 - Edited

There were many people with filaments/fibers coming out of their skin way before the Covid shots. Those in the Morgellons community have been quite aware of this, as they not only checked their own skin, under a microscope, but the skin of individuals that were supposedly “healthy.”Whatever is going on with these filaments, it’s been here for a much longer period of time but has gone undocumented, except for those that were actively looking at the skin of others.


JulesUSA - Jun 1 - Edited

Components have been released through chemtrails per Terral on the Dana Ashlie channel YT, He stated this years ago. The components that form the morgellons. The video is called "What they don't want you to know". My computer started beeping after I wrote this!


Marcie - Jun 13

Yes, many in the Morgellons community believe it is caused by the chemtrails.


Mary Cox - May 31

Recall Gene Decode saying he had morgellons and fluorescent strings seen with black light while he soaked in Dr Bonners(sp) peppermint soap and alfalfa (in a sock so don’t clog drain) that helped get rid of them.
He’s in Rumble now.
Heard this a few years ago on possibly babe videos of Bitchute.


Natalia Killjoy - Jun 2

Alfalfa is incredible for Morgellons I’ve heard!


Mary Cox - Jun 1

babe should read BANNED. lol


Jessica - May 31 - Edited


So now what?


Skupe - May 31 - Edited


Is there anything that can be done about this besides a total blood transfusion??


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Oops... Blood is not screened for nanoparticles or artificial life forms... I already rejected ALL blood products a year ago, when I nearly died:


tessa coltman-connorton. - Jun 4 - Edited


That's contaminated now and who will have clean blood after this shite . !!! bastards.


Skupe - Jun 4 - Edited


Now there's another article with more disturbing blood issues for the unvaccinated:https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/further-darkfield-microscopy-on-fluorescent?publication_id=956088&post_id=145277533&isFreemail=true&r=6gwmn&triedRedirect=true


tessa coltman-connorton. - Jun 6 - Edited


Yes I watch them all on here... we tried to be safe now we find they have been making sure we get the shite in our clean systems too... I am sick to death of trying to eat healthy food now what with the spraying and medaling with what we eat. They are now selling pet food here that is insects only.. WTF. and the school children in Wales are now given burgers etc., made from insects and they say the children love them !


Skupe - Jun 6


I think we all are. I'm still not going to take any more shots.


tessa coltman-connorton. - Jun 6

Awww you had the poison... Noooo... I saw right through their scams and lies. They want us all dead. I hope you will be Ok as I lost one brother-in-law, one sister and another brother-in-law is not able to even walk.... he had clots to his brain that were removed then one week later a massive stroke... he is in a wheelchair all because of those shots.


Karl Elshoff - May 31

Karl Elshoff

I recall Dr. Ana Mihalcea recommending EDTA Cream and chelation therapy. I am sure there are other recommendations out there.


Skupe - Jun 4


I also heard of this product It's a whole system:medfive.com


Kris - May 31

Karl Elshoff

How many of those people had other jabs like the flu shot though? Probably all of them?


Karl Elshoff - May 31

Karl Elshoff

Sexual intercourse with a vaxxed person has to be another vector. Embalmers and anyone exposed to vaxxed blood will also be at risk.


Jessica - May 31

Zero… one jab in college years prior. My case started after contracting Lyme somehow. Maybe a co infection.


Lisa Rene - May 31

Lisa Rene

I believe they tainted my weekly humira injections.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

As Ana and others previously noted, nanoparticle poisoning and 5G or comparable technologies were more than enough to cause identical symptoms and making anyone susceptible to being tracked or targeted:
Until now, I have identified 13 major causes that can also interact with each other:
Last year, I was close to dying (I am not targeted any more than anyone else), and analyzing the details led me to the conclusion that I am already partly synthetic, although I've never even worn a muzzle, got "tested," or accepted ANY injections, including dental anesthetics. Did I nearly die or am already partly dead?


Wolf-Steppen - May 31 - Edited


Hey (is NOT for horses) Brother, me thinks you're much too close to a 5G transmission source. And, if you were already physically dead, you likely wouldn't be fighting back any more, nor still be expressing human conscience and compassion, and would only be doing the will of the Satanic. So, with God through Jesus the Messiah, all truly righteous things are possible/probable.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Actually, according to the national 5G coverage, I am about 500 yards away from the closest.
On the other hand, the latest Wi-Fi routers can turn the electric grid into the neighborhood into a giant antenna:
Your last sentence is the only important thing, but let me correct it: that way, the most unlikely things become the most likely. Last time I checked, my life could have ended up in a dead end 22 times, and I managed to stay productive or, at least, to stay alive only as a result of long sequences of the most unlikely events. :)
When I fully realized what was going on in March, 2022, I made peace with my Maker, and two months later, I started my stack. :)


Wolf-Steppen - May 31 - Edited


Five hundreds yards IS quite a distance, but it might be pointing right in your direction.
Yeah, RADAR antennae beaming highly-concentrated high frequency, microwave radiation at us 24-7-365, interfering with every bodily system, especially the immune system. I remember being warned by an electronics technician when I was a kid, to not be in front of radar when they're operating, but now we're all in front of it all the time.
It hit me about six months earlier, in October of '21 (perhaps when 5G was rolled out where I am?). I had absolutely no "covid" symptoms (major coughing and trouble breathing), but I felt like I had one of the worst "flues" I ever had, for a couple of weeks.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Of course, the exposure is a lot more complex that just 5G:
Many 5G installers ended up on worker's comp in the UK...


Wolf-Steppen - May 31


Doesn't surprise me at all.


Wolf-Steppen - May 31 - Edited


P.S.---And of course then there was the shedding effecting me too (or the only or primary cause?). Now, I'm a recluse and have as little contact with people as possible; and, thus, I hardly ever get really ill anymore; but, when I feel something starting to come on, I megadose with Ester-C (3,000 mgs) and garlic capsules, etc., and that usually nips it in the bud. I only hope the Ester-C isn't adulterated.
Do you have ALL power turned off around you where and when you sleep? I started doing so relatively recently; and, even if I don't notice it, it's got to be helping (like a lot of supplements). According to experts, you have to have the AC (alternating current) completely turned off as well, and have your bed two feet from the wall if you live in an apartment (to be that far from the neighbor's AC that you can't shut off), because 60 cycle AC (what's running all around our living spaces) interferes with our bodily systems as well. Our bodies run on DC (direct current, not alternating), so the AC interferes with the DC in our bodies operating properly.


Michael M. Jones - May 31

Michael’s Substack

You are still here, you have unfinished lessons to learn/teach the eathbound


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Eager to learn and hope to be helpful.


jacquelyn sauriol - May 31

John C's Substack

I can tell you the very night when I was transfected from ex being jabbed....they were not my ex at that point....but now they are.


JulesUSA - Jun 1

What do you mean?


John Caldwell - May 31

John C's Substack

wow thats extreme


Rob - May 31


Again no mention of the fact that this is random when you take all into consideration. Why some do this and most seemingly do not


Kris - May 31 - Edited

Did any of the participants have sex with someone who was jabbed? And if so how long after they were jabbed did they have sex with them? And how many jabs did they have?


Lisa Rene - May 31

Lisa Rene

This is all so horrifying. Some of us fought them off, risked everything, lost everything to reject that bioweapon and we've been poisoned anyway. I believe they tainted my humira injections with it.


Paul Vonharnish - May 31 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

I confess, it's all my fault. I started referring to "normal" persons as "plastic people" back in the early 1970's. Little did I know the Universe would fill my order within less than 40 years... Sorry...


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

That's would be funny, were it not tragically true these days. I have arrived at the conclusion that in spite of never receiving ANY injections, I am already undoubtedly partly synthetic:


JulesUSA - Jun 1 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

I am just curious, are you from Australia? Thank you for your story.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jun 1 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Could be, but no, for better or worse, I am American. In 1977, I was seriously considering moving to Oz, and it would have been a riot for decades, but after what happened during the plandemic, I don't think I would have made it all the way through alive. I have my limits:
My introduction actually shows that I live in rural Kentucky, but in the last 45 years, I lived in several places around the Globe, and also lived in several states in the US.


Paul Vonharnish - May 31

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. I contracted Morgellon illness in 2012. After several weeks of research, I concluded the disease was related to a modified Bacillus thuringiensis, compliments of Monsanto Inc. This bacillus has been openly geo-released into the atmosphere for decades.
Morgellon syndrome - The Microbial World: Bacillus thuringiensis >>> Produced by Jim Deacon >>> Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, The University of Edinburgh
Other bacilli are being released via geoengineering *tonnage* every day of the week.


Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - May 31

Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka

BTI is dropped in the marshes nearby to control mosquitoes, very effectively.
Not seeing any impact on birds butterflies or bugs in my half acre perennial garden, where could I learn more about it transmitting to me / us and in what other ways is it being inserted into products in the atmosphere? Thanks


Paul Vonharnish - May 31

Paul Vonharnish

More agricultural insanity from persons who believe dumping poison on farmlands isn't the same as poisoning the land… >>>https://www.revealnews.org/article/bees-face-yet-another-lethal-threat-in-dicamba-a-drift-prone-pesticide/
I have hundreds of such links to research regarding the poisoning of farm lands and ultimately the entire web of life. Please wake up.


Bee Gee - May 31 - Edited

Bee Gee

These synthetic fibers are everywhere now, just walk around your house at night with a blacklight and look closely at the walls, baseboards and floor. Or shine the blacklight on your cat after it goes running around outside for a while.
I think the vaxxed are producing these endogenously and may shedding them as well.
These synthetic biology fibers have always been out there but the sheer volume took a huge leap after the fake vaxxes rolled out and IMO they are the reason these fibers are found everywhere on earth now. They are producing them in their own body.


Cos - May 31

Have to agree, it is highly likely, and most would not even be aware of it. Factories!


dyr - May 31 - Edited

Before I understood through self-experimentation corroborated months later by findings of antenna-like structures by independent researchers, for about 1 year somewhat painful symptoms could be evoked in proximity for too long to our wood fire as well as too long in strong sunshine. The symptom, similar to the clot/throbs i get from exposure to carriers primary (vaxees) and secondary (much exposure to primaries), would be felt in the body part closest to the source.
I have been told that q dots or similar can possibly operate in the terahz range. So infrared not only types of UV might evoke certain effects. It is very important to find out the range of e-exposures that activate, and activate just what.
An early clot-throb experience I had in 2020 was in the arm closest to the driver's side window as I drove into a medium sized town's downtown where likely latest e-infrastructure had been deployed. Never happened prior trips pre-March 2020. My 1st verification through self-experimentation re these symptoms came also in the forearm as I held something close to a multiply-shot-up acquaintance (biologist for specimen ID was the pretext) "carrier". From mid-March 2020 not only "5G" infrastructure must have been activated widely in our general region, but at least at select indoor locations I suspect dispersal of airborne contents akin to what is "shed" off carriers.
Air "fresheners" in commercial use I wonder if these are suspect. Thus our own bodies became laden to an extent, resonating in some way at "appropriate" exposures. But these have been as said intense sun and quite hot wood fire as well.


BENOUFIR Ziyad - May 31

Funny from the WHO/NWO mafia who brags about their depopulation agenda, still could not see that their agendas leave traces and evidences, it is very obvious & scandalous


Gaius Agricola - May 31

This is silly....


Catheryn - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Has anyone been able to find something that stops the itching?


Tena - May 31

Edta cream and detox baths daily.


BENOUFIR Ziyad - May 31

Please any links to edta cream & detox bath I can buy?


Jessica - May 31

Borax baths. You can sprinkle a little borax in your water and drink it. You can buy food grade borax on Amazon. It’s a more soluble form of boron. It doesn’t burn your eyes. Dilute it.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

I have a subscriber who managed to get rid of it after years of suffering. Search for "morgellons" under "Archive" on my page, and look for "Susan" among comments. Not sure after which article she tells her story, but here is one important article:


Catheryn - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you Ray. I sent a "reply" to Susan in the comments under the article you linked. It's good to be introduced to your Substack. Be well ~


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - May 31

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you, Catheryn. I hope, this will work, but even in a worst-case scenario (if it was not Susan who shared the story), going through the comments after the articles that come up for a search for "morgellons" in my "Archive," the comment must be there somewhere. Sorry, after 865 articles in two years, I am losing track of a number of things, and only remember my most important posts, so even I have to use the search function under "Archive."



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